31st break up

Book of Visual Couple
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A/N This is my 31st story of Seulrene so I name it as 31st break up 😁

“ANSWER ME, KANG SEULGI!” Irene voice roared loudly in her room

They are having big fight because of Irene jealousy. Seulgi is talking to Sunmi on the phone discussing about their variety show that they currently filmed together. Meanwhile, Irene doesn’t like Sunmi ever since she filmed Secret Unnie with Seulgi. She is really jealous whenever Seulgi interact with Sunmi in music show, variety show, awards or in their social media. She also not afraid shows her dislike towards Sunmi. Not only Lee Sunmi but other girls or boys who try to flirt with her bear, Irene not hesitates to shoot piercing glare to them.

“What do you want me to say? Admit that I’m cheating with Sunmi unnie or say that I like her?” Seulgi voice remain calm because she don’t want their members to hear their argument even in fact the girls clearly hear Irene shouting. Her voice is very loud for a small woman


“DON’T DARE ACCUSING HER LIKE THAT. SHE IS NOT AS BAD AS YOU THINK” Seulgi fire back. She doesn’t care if the members hear. It’s not a rare thing though. They used to hear that a lot and even witness both of them bickering

“You’re on her side now, huh?” Irene scoff “Now go to her. I don’t want to see you here. We break up! Bring your stuff out of my room!”

Seulgi dashed out of Irene room and go to her room. She walk passed by the members who looking at her worriedly

“I heard
break up” Joy said quietly

“Dorm will be haunted place again” Yeri sigh

“Girls, your parent are divorce. Who will you two go with?” Wendy looking at the younger members

Yeri link her arms with Wendy “I will go with you”

“Me too” Joy engulf Wendy and Yeri to group hug

Suddenly, Irene bedroom door open startling everyone at living room. They quickly break their group hug then waiting for Irene to come out. However, they only saw clothes, pineapple plushie, pillows and sketchbook flew out of the door before loud bang echo the whole dorm signaling the door close again. All of the stuffs are belong to Seulgi.

“What the
” their jaws dropping seeing the mess outside of Irene room

“Shall I say this is the worst fight in history?” Yeri remarks

“Luckily their promotion was end few months ago or else, it will fail miserably” Joy said

Both of them looking at Wendy who sit silently between both of them “Unnie, what shall we do now?”

“Calm down first kids, don’t bring up this topic in front of Irene unnie or she will blow you two up. I will talk with Seulgi but now let her rest first. There will be a turning event where we will have chance to hear from unnie”


Wendy gets up and collects Seulgi stuff from the floor. The maknae are also helping her. They fold the clothes neatly and put it on coffee table


During dinner, all of them are eating in silent. Seulgi still not come out of her room. Wendy looking at Yeri and Joy then they exchange glance. Then the main vocalist clearing

“Unnie, do you want to eat more? You just eat a little” Wendy asked carefully

“No, I’m not hungry. Just eat your food then clean the table. I don’t want to see anything left here” Irene answer with flat tone

“Okay unnie” Wendy continue eating

After finish her foods, Irene return to her room. The girls start gossiping soon as the door shut loudly

“Her mood totally ruin” Joy said

“This really the worst fight of the decade” Yeri said “Unnie, clean the table without left anything
is that means throw the leftover? What about Seulgi unnie? She haven’t eat yet”

“Is she that angry at Seulgi unnie that she doesn’t want to give her any food? Seulgi unnie will starve” Joy shivering in fear

“Relax; no one will die as long as I am here. I save some food for Seulgi. It is in the fridge. I feel like something going to happen so I keep some for her. Seulgi will not die starving, don’t worry” Wendy assures the girls

“Thank God”

Wendy heats the food for Seulgi while the maknae clean dishes and Joy clear the table. There is really nothing left like Irene command. After done heating the food, Wendy put it inside the Tupperware and brings to Seulgi room

She knocked the door while calling Seulgi name softly “Seul, open the door. It’s me”

She heard the door unlock then Seulgi open it. Wendy walked inside following the bear. Her hair looked messy showing that she just gets up from her bed

“I bring food for you. You not joining us dinner earlier” Wendy put the Tupperware on the table

Seulgi snort “She doesn’t even want me to eat the foods. Why would I join the dinner?”

Wendy frown “Wait
you hear it?”

“Yeah, I want to join you all but I heard that she want you to clear the table. It obvious that she don’t want me to eat”

“Now I bring food for you so eat it. You haven’t eaten anything since lunch” Wendy drags Seulgi up from her bed and pushed her to sit on the chair. After make sure Seulgi start eating, she sit on the bed edge

“Your belongings are on the table. You want me to get it?”

“Yeah, thanks in advance”

The main vocalist go to living room then few minutes later, she come back with the stuff “Where I put this?”

“On the bed, I will arrange them later”


After couple of minutes, Seulgi finished the whole food as she is really hungry “Thanks for the food”

“No problem” said Wendy “What happen this time?”

“As usual, we break up for 31st time now” Seulgi answered

Wendy eyes turns wide “31st? You count it?”

Seulgi nodding her head and say “8 years dating and breakup 31 times. Can anyone surpass that record?”

“I never hear such record exist”

“Well, we invent it”

“What lead to that break up?”

“Her unstoppable jealousy and possessiveness, nothing really new in her”

Wendy shakes her head slowly “Who is it this time?”

“Sunmi unnie”

“Again?” Wendy asked in disbelieve “For the record, this is 5th times you two break up because of Sunmi unnie. Why you don’t take action regarding this?”

“Taking action by putting my friendship with Sunmi unnie in the line?” both of them silent “I’m not that childish to cut my friendship just because she is jealous. Sunmi unnie is just my friend. She knows we’re dating. We never cross the line but Irene always make fuss of it. She keep accusing me cheat with Sunmi unnie. Why would she think like that? Did she catch us kissing, holding each other or having ?”

“Try to talk slowly with her. I think she will understand” Wendy squeeze Seulgi shoulder softly

“Every time we argue, I explain things but she still repeats the same mistake. She don’t want to understand because blinded by jealousy”

Wendy admits that one is true. Irene is kind of stubborn when it comes to something that unpleased her. Even if they explained lot of times, she will still with her own thoughts

what will you do now?”

“Nothing to do anymore, we break up so it’s over”

“Last time you two break up, dorm and car feel like haunted place”

Seulgi chuckle “I will make sure you all will stay here peacefully”

“I hope so”

Since that day, Seulgi only return to their dorm to sleep. She will leave their dorm early and return late at night. She means her words to Wendy that she will make sure the members will stay at dorm peacefully. No one know where Seulgi going because she not answering them when they asked her whereabouts. During off-day, she also not stays at dorm as usual.

As for Irene, she still treat her members like usual. She not throws fit to them. They have nothing to do with her problem with Seulgi so she doesn’t want to affect the other girls. She be professional enough when come to other members

Irene come from her room and sit on the couch with the others. Seulgi still as usual, not available in the house even the time is late

“Girls, we have meeting with managers tomorrow after lunch” she announce

“Is it about new schedule?” asked Wendy

“I think so. Oppa not tell more about it”

“Okay unnie”

Joy and Yeri go to bed early due to tiredness after their personal schedule. Irene and Wendy still lounge at living room watching drama. It is 11 PM but Seulgi still not come back. Wendy is getting worry. She tried to text her friend but no reply. Out of the blue, front door unlocked by someone. They know that is Seulgi. Irene act like nothing happen while Wendy turn around looking at the door.

Seulgi take off her shoes while lean against the wall. After that she walk inside and having hard time walking because her sight blurry. She keep stumble. Seeing Seulgi having hard time walking, Wendy immediately helping her

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Wendy asked while holding Seulgi waist

fine” said the girl

Wendy smell scent of alcohol from her best friend “Are you drinking?”


“Aigooo, let me walk you to your room”

“No need
I can walk myself” Seulgi hiccup

“No way, I won’t let you injured yourself. We have schedule tomorrow. Come on” both of them walk to Seulgi room

From the couch, Irene listen and watching her members with piercing glare. She wondering where Seulgi drinking until she wasted badly. Seulgi know herself have low alcohol tolerance but she’s still drink a lot. Thinking of that make Irene upset more than she already did.

Other side of her is jealous seeing Wendy handling Seulgi with care and tenderness. Wendy very caring towards their members including herself but when Wendy taking care of Seulgi like that, it not pleased her. It’s only her who can be sweet and caring to Seulgi but they break up now so she can say nothing about it.

Her thought was disturbed when Wendy come to living room to get her phone “Are you going to sleep?” she asked

“No unnie, I need to take care of Seulgi first. She is smell like alcohol so I have to change her clothes”

Imagining Wendy seeing Seulgi , Irene unconsciously screamed “NO!”

“Why?” Wendy looking at their leader confusedly “Are you offer to do it?”

“No way” Irene quickly deny

“So got to go now unnie, goodnight” Wendy run back to Seulgi room and shut the door

“” Irene curse. She turned off the TV and go to her room


Seulgi wake up with her head throbbing as hell. Last thing she remembered is Wendy bring her to bed then she passed out. She noticed that her clothes was changed from what she wear yesterday

“Oh, Seungwan change my clothes?” she asked no one in particular

She gets up from her bed and head to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. After that she go to the kitchen. Her members are having breakfast when she comes. Everyone eyes are on her include Irene but she ignore the leader

“Good morning unnie” Joy and Yeri said

“Morning kids” Seulgi tapped Wendy shoulder then signaled her to change seat. Wendy immediately move to Seulgi’s chair beside Irene

“Are you okay this morning? You drunk badly last night” Wendy questioned

“I’m fine, no dizzier”

“Okay, what do you want to drink?”

“Hot chocolate will do”

“Okay” after scoop fried rice to Seulgi plate, Wendy proceed to make drink that Seulgi wanted

Joy speaks after munching her food “Unnie, who drink with you last night?”

“Some of my friends from high school”

“They drive you here?”

“Yes” Wendy put a glass of hot chocolate in front of Seulgi “Thanks”

“You’re welcome” Wendy pats Seulgi back softly “Eat your food”

“Okay” Seulgi nodding her head

Yeri remembered something then she look at Seulgi “Unnie, I want to tag you on Instagram yesterday but I don’t find your account. Don’t tell me you block me?”

Seulgi chuckle “I shut down my account” her statement make everyone looking at her immediately. From her peripheral vision, she also noticed Irene looking at her


“I’m tired with false accusation that was thrown towards me so I delete my account. It’s better if I back to old time. Nothing really burdened me. I will just check our group Instagram” Seulgi smirk, she know Irene was hit by her words judging from her reaction getting dark

Irene quickly finished her breakfast then cleans the dishes. She goes to her room after that

“Unnie, is it because of her?” Joy lowering her voice when she asked

“Literally” Seulgi said “I’m look like a ert to her whenever I comments or DM my friends on Instagram. People will curious if I suddenly unfollow her so I decide to delete the account to avoid suspicion. If they asked why I’m leaving Instagram, I will just tell them it for personal reason. I can’t get rid of friends who make her jealous so I remove social media”

“We’re very sorry for you unnie. We really can’t help you”

“It’s okay Joy, you all shouldn’t involve in this matter. You know how fierce she can be if someone interfere in her personal. It’s enough that she hates me, not you guys”

The girls looking at Seulgi with sympathy “Unnie, do you tell Sunmi unnie about this?” Yeri asked

“Yeah, I told her at night when I remove my account. She noticed that I’m not available on Insta anymore so she called me. I told her everything about it”

“How she react?” Wendy asked

“She is cool. This is not first time anyway. She just told me to calm down and continue my life like nothing happen. She give me moral support when she know I am down”

“Sunmi unnie is nice but sadly Irene unnie don’t see it” said Yeri

“Hope someday she will realize that she made mistake and make things right with you” Joy said

Seulgi sighs “I’m not promise anything this time. It’s too hard for me”

“Are you give in?” asked Wendy

“I think so”

“Whatever it is, we pray for the best for both of you. If there is no way for you two to get back again, please have a good relationship as friend. Don’t hate each other. Remember that our group is on the line. We can’t lose any of our members” Wendy said

“Okay” Seulgi smile to the girls


At meeting room

“Girls, I call you all for meeting today to inform you about upcoming show at Busan Festival next week on Wednesday” their managers said

“What song we will sing this time?” Irene asking

“Psycho, bad boy and red flavor”

“Just 3? Usually we will sing 4 songs” said Yeri

The managers chuckle “Of course there will be one more. It’s none other than Monster”

Irene startled with the mention of her song with Seulgi. Meanwhile, Seulgi still cool since she already expect Monster will chosen for every events since then

The leader suddenly rise up her hand “Yes Irene”

“Oppa, can we not perform Monster? My back hurts so I don’t think I can bend back”

Her members know it just her excuse because she avoid perform with Seulgi but their managers are clueless

“Okay, if that so
we change to Umpah umpah”

“Alright” Irene smile happily

Wendy rise up her hands the ask “Oppa, who else will attend the concert?”

“Blackpink, Twice, NCT, Sunmi, Somi, Mamamoo, Apink, GOT7, SEVENTEEN and IZ*ONE”

“Look like Seulgi unnie fangirls will gather at the same place” Yeri whisper gain nudge from Seulgi and Wendy

“You all may start practice your dance and vocal today. We have a week until the performance. Practice diligently as usual, good luck”

“Okay oppa!” after bow to their managers, the girls leave to their practice room


Seulgi prepare herself for her night out as usual. She walked out of her room then bump into Yeri who sit at living room with Irene and Joy

“Unnie, where are you going?” Yeri asking

“I go out with Byul unnie” said Seulgi while folding her sleeve

Suddenly Irene speaks “Make sure you come back before 10” her voice is cold

Seulgi smirk in return, she looking at Wendy who just comes out from her room “Seungwan, I not come back tonight. I don’t think I will return before curfew”

Wendy who knows nothing about the conversation earli

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Title changed!

Former title: Red Velvet (Seulrene) Story Collection

New title: Book of Visual Couple

With love, Mulgokizary


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Marcsansummer #1
wait for an updateđŸ„č
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
update please author nim!
Chapter 126: awwe marupok irene for the win!!đŸ„°đŸ„°
Taitai84 1232 streak #4
Chapter 126: Refreshing for cold Irene to be the one doing the courting
261 streak #5
Chapter 126: Aaaww sweet chapter. I really enjoy a fluffy Seulrene. Thank you author! 🧡
Chapter 126: so cute!
reveluv316 812 streak #7
thanks for the new chapter
Chapter 125: đŸ©·đŸ’›
261 streak #9
Chapter 125: I love it when Irene is clingy to her bear! Lovely story. Thank you author 🧡
Taitai84 1232 streak #10
Chapter 125: Irene sending gifts because she don’t dare to confess directly is so cute