Unwanted wife [Sequel]

Book of Visual Couple
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A/N Friendly reminder, prepare tissue first 😊

Seoul Medical Centre

Seulgi sit anxiously in front of labor room. Currently her wife is inside the room fighting to deliver their first child. She is worry about Irene condition because nurse come out an hour ago telling her that Irene is weak. She keep praying so that her wife and daughter will be safe

“Seulgi!” she heard her mother voice and she turn to the end of hallway. Her parents run towards her follow the twin and their parents. Eunji, Sooyoung, Yeri and Chorong also arrive at the same time

“Umma” Seulgi hugging her mother and Mrs. Son “Mom”

“Dear, how is Irene?” Mrs. Son asked

“She is still inside, mom. It has been an hour but still no news about her”

“Why do you not go inside with her?” said Mrs. Kang

“I’m not allow to go in”

“Unnie, they also not telling you about her condition? I mean her current condition” Yeri asked

“They did” Seulgi looking at them sadly “She is weak now”


Labor room door open distracting them and a female doctor come out “Family of Mrs. Kang Joohyun”

“Me” Seulgi react quickly

“You’re her wife?”

“Yes doctor, how is my wife?”

“Ma’am, I’m sorry to inform you this but currently Mrs. Kang is very weak. The baby have to deliver very quickly but she’s unable to push out due to her weak state. The last choice now is through caesarean section”

Everyone gasped as they received the information “Doctor, just do anything to save my wife and my baby, please” Seulgi eyes b in tears

“Okay Mrs. Kang, we will try out best” the doctor said then she return to labor room

Seulgi collapse on the bench and crying. She afraid if something wrong happen to Irene. From the start, Irene pregnancy worrying her a lot. She don’t want to make Irene pregnant but Irene keep insisting and said she will be okay

“Unnie, you have to be strong. They will be okay” Yeri hugging her crying cousin

[Flashback to the day they found Irene pregnant]

“Congratulations Mrs. Kang, you’re pregnant!” Dr. Kwon announce the result of checkup happily

“Really?” the couple shocked

“Yes, your result is positive”

“Omo, thank you doctor!” Irene crying happy tears while hugging Seulgi

“Congratulations honey” Seulgi kissing Irene forehead

“Congrats to you too” said Irene

Dr. Kwon smile witnessing the couple sweetness “Mrs. Kang, take care of your pregnancy. You might encounter morning sickness but it is normal”

“Okay doctor”

“Eat healthy meal, don’t tiring or stressing yourself and rest a lot, I will see you on check-up next month”

“Okay doctor and thank again”

“You’re welcome”

They leave the office with happy smile. Irene cling on Seulgi arm when they walk to their car

“Finally, we will have baby!” Irene cheerfully said

“Yeah, hard work paid off” Seulgi giggle

“Do you want girl or boy for our first baby?”

Seulgi tapping her chin “I don’t mind girl or boy but I hope they will take after my look”

Irene pinch Seulgi arm “It’s not fair. I carry them for 9 months but they will look like you”

“Aren’t they will be combination of me and you?”

“Hmm, you look more like appa than umma so it possible if our baby will more like one of us” Irene said childishly

“Appa gene is stronger that umma” Seulgi cackle

“Honey, when we will announce the good news?” asked Irene

“What about tonight? We call everyone to gather at mansion for dinner then we announce it”

“Good idea” Irene agree “Let go to supermarket to shop groceries then we go to our apartment to pack our stuff before go back to mansion”

“Umma won’t let you do chores if she know you’re pregnant”

“Well, I am her beloved daughter-in-law” Irene wiggle her eyebrows


Same as other pregnant women, Irene also suffer morning sickness but hers not really bad. She also craving lot of things and gain weight. Mrs. Kang and Mrs. Son always make sure that Irene get healthy diet for herself and baby. She still go to office as usual but less going out like before. Seulgi always remind her not to do lot of works and make herself tired. She must drink milk and eat her meal on time. Seulgi told Eunji to add schedule for Irene meal and drink milk because she know her wife can be careless sometimes. So far, nothing bad happen to pregnant Irene.

However, things start to turn bad on 6th months. One day, Irene got hospitalized because she suddenly passed out. Luckily both of them are at home that time so Seulgi rushed her wife to hospital in no time. Seulgi keep herself calm to make sure both of them arrive safely

“Doctor, what happen to my wife?” Seulgi asking Dr. Kwon done checking Irene condition

“Mrs. Kang, your wife condition suddenly dropping but not at worrying state. The baby also in good condition”

“Then what make her suddenly collapse?”

Dr. Kwon telling Seulgi about Irene condition and what make her collapse. Seulgi stare at her wife sadly. Irene face obviously weak and tired

“Doctor, is it because of her previous sickness?”

“It is one of the aftermath of her sickness”

“She told me the treatment is success. Why it still affecting her health?” Seulgi puzzle

“The treatment really success but her womb might be still in weak state. If the treatment fail, she won’t get pregnant because that time when I check her
her womb is in very bad condition. Mrs. Kang is very lucky because she have chance to recover. Out of 10 patients who also in similar sickness as her, 8 of them meet the failure”

Seulgi heave heavy sighs “Doctor, are you sure they will make it?”

“Yes ma’am, I’m sure she will be fine. She is strong woman”

“Okay doctor”

“Make sure she still keep healthy diet. I’m impress with her monthly health result, she really follow dietary that was required for pregnant mother”

“My mom and mother-in-law always make sure she eat healthy food that’s why she is in good track”

“That’s good” Dr. Kwon said “One more thing to take seriously from now on, don’t let her do lot of works especially in office. I know Mrs. Kang is busy person so I encourage her to involve herself less in office work. Bed rest is highly recommended for now until she back to good state. If she collapse again, I can’t guarantee the baby safety. To make sure her and baby in a good health as usual, please let her rest at home”

“Okay doctor, I will make sure she not doing lot of activities that can make her weak”

“Good, so I have to go now. Don’t worry, she is sleeping now and will wake up anytime”

“Alright, thanks doctor”

“You’re welcome”

Seulgi sit on the chair beside the bed. She hold Irene hand and caressed it softly

“Honey, I’m sorry. Because of me, you have to endure so much pain and because of me you risk your life just to give me a child. If I’m not a jerk before, you don’t have to go through all this. You will be normal like the other pregnant mom happily waiting for their baby to born. This is my fault honey” Seulgi sobbing softly while resting her forehead on their hands. After few minutes crying, she lift up her head and wipe her tears “I can’t cry, I have to be strong for my wife and my baby”

Then she stand up and kiss Irene’s belly “Baby, mommy is sick now so you don’t be naughty, okay? Be good to mommy so she can be healthy as usual. Mama always here for you and mommy. Mama love both of you” she plant soft kiss on the belly again


Irene wake up from her sleep and wondering where she is right now. After few minutes, she realize she is in hospital room

“Kang Seulgi!” she exclaimed suddenly

Seulgi who is talking with her mother on the phone quickly hang up and run to her wife “Honey, you’re awake? Do you hurt?”

Irene hold on Seulgi hand tightly “I’m okay
what happen to me? Is our baby okay?”

“Yes honey, our baby is healthy” Irene feel relieve after that “You suddenly passed out at home then I drive you here. Doctor said your condition suddenly dropping but not very bad. This is aftermath of your previous sickness. You can’t do lot of things that can make you tired or stress because it will make you collapse again. For now, both you and baby are safe” Seulgi decide not to talk more about what Dr. Kwon told her because she don’t want Irene to think a lot about it. She will just inform their parents so they keep their eyes on Irene

“Thanks God” Irene shut her eyes for few second while caressing her tummy. She can feel slight movement of her baby when she caressing it

“Honey, do you want to drink water?”

“Yes, I’m a bit thirsty”

“Okay” Seulgi get a glass of water for Irene, then she help her wife to sit carefully

“Thanks baby” Irene give back the glass to Seulgi

“Umma will come later with your food then you can eat”

“Okay” Irene stare at her wife “Baby, I want hug”

Seulgi sit on the bed edge then engulf Irene to her embrace “Whatever happen, I will always be there for you and our child. I will be strong for both of you” she kiss Irene scalp

“Thank you my love, you’re the best wife for me” Irene tighten her hug on Seulgi

After discharge from hospital, both of them stay at Kang mansion so that Mrs. Kang can take care of Irene closely when Seulgi is working. Mrs. Kang insist them to stay at the mansion until Irene deliver their baby because if something happen to Irene when Seulgi is not around, Mrs. Kang can take her to hospital quickly. Mr. Kang also assign a driver from RV to standby at their house in case emergency happen.

Seulgi not allow Irene to go to office for a while. Irene works will handle by Chorong since she is her assistant. For now, Irene only focus on her recovery and resting at home

[End of flashback]

After 2 hours of waiting, finally Dr. Kwon come out of labor room. Everyone quickly approach her

“Doctor, how is my wife and baby?” Seulgi asked

“Your baby delivered safely. Congratulations Mrs. Kang, you got baby girl”

“Aigoooo, thanks doctor” all of them smiling happily

” Dr. Kwon paused make everyone looking at her and practically froze “Her mother still unconscious. We will brought her to ICU to monitor her until she is stable then will transfer her to private room”

Smile fade from Seulgi lips soon as she hear about her wife. She completely lost word and knee shaking

“Doctor, when she will wake up?” Seungwan ask

“Maybe a week or two. It depend on her body. If her body not rejecting medicine then she will wake up faster. We will try our best to treat her so that she can wake up quickly. She is strong, believe me. She fight to deliver normal until she really can’t push her baby out”

“Aside from her previous pain, is there any other pain that occur?” said Naeun

“No, only her previous pain that make her like that so in the meantime she can’t move a lot, carrying heavy loads and doing lot of works. She may look healthy but her inner side take too long to recover. It can bleeding without us knowing. If we careless then it is the most dangerous especially to herself. Please take this matter seriously”

“Okay doctor, thanks for advice” said Seulgi

“You’re welcome” Dr. Kwon smile “Nurse will bring your baby to nursery then you all can visit her. As for the mother in ICU, only one person can enter”

“Alright doctor”

“Nurse, when my daughter will discharge?” Seulgi asking one of the nurse in nursery

“Dr. Hwang said your baby is healthy so she will discharge by tomorrow in the afternoon”

“Thanks nurse” Seulgi bow her head politely

After that she walk inside to visit her baby daughter

Meanwhile, the girls adoring the baby girl since Seulgi told them to go inside before her

“Omo, she is very adorable!” Yeri squeal while poking the baby chubby cheeks

“Is she take after Seulgi or Irene?” Chorong asking

“Except her eyes, the other features are Seulgi’s” said Naeun while adoring her niece

Seungwan giggle while watching the baby moving in her pink cocoon “Oh this tiny little human is so cute” she coo “Hi little Wendy”

The other girls startled. They looking at Seungwan confusedly “Seungwan, who is Wendy?” Eunji squint her eyes

“Her name, she haven’t have name yet so she is Wendy” Seungwan explain with confident smile

“I disagree” said Naeun

Seungwan pout “Why?”

“Marcella suit her. That name is cute for a baby girl” Naeun reasoning

“No way” Seungwan rolled her eyes

“I not agree with both names” said Yeri “We should name her Katy”

“Why we should name her Katy?” asked Sooyoung

“Katy Kang sound better and that name is gorgeous” Yeri flip her hair

“Isn’t it too old?”

” Yeri glare at Sooyoung

The taller girl smirk “If you want to choose name, find a refreshing name”

“Any suggestion and explanation to support your opinion?”

“Joy, that name is simple and refreshing. Look at her feature, she will be cheerful girl in future” Sooyoung explained

Chorong tapping her chin “Hmm, since her mother is Bae Joohyun and she will be strict, Joy is not suitable. She will live with a strict mother. I’m sure baby and Seulgi will whip for Irene”

“I agree with you unnie” Seungwan put her arm on Chorong shoulder

“Since we can imagine a bit of her future life, very simple and modern name is the best” Chorong continue since no one argue “I think
Lea is the best”

The younger girls rolled their eyes in unison “Ewww”

“Hey, isn’t it good for her?” Chorong giggle seeing the girl’s reaction

“Old school” Naeun commented

Eunji shake her head “Girls, why would we argue about someone’s baby name? We don’t know if her mother will agree with our suggestion. Maybe they already have their choice”

“You’re right” they murmured

“What do you guys think they will name their kid?” Yeri looking at her unnies

“I’m sure they will choose Korean name for her” said Chorong

“I also think the same unnie” said Sooyoung

Eunji smirk “If they choose Korean name, Eunji is a good name”

“It is your name” Wendy retort

“Why would she take after you?” Chorong added

she will look gorgeous and smart like me” Eunji shrugs her shoulder

“No such thing”

Little did they know, Seulgi listen to their childish banters. She silently chuckle hearing the arguments for her daughter name. After make sure the argument end, she approach them “Ehemm” she clear to get their attention


“I heard commotion here, what’s wrong?”

“We talked about name that we should give your baby” said Sooyoung

“Oh” Seulgi giggle. She lean down and kiss her daughter forehead “Hello baby tiger. This is mama Kang Seulgi” the baby girl moving again after Seulgi kissing her then Seulgi carefully lift her up to her arms

Her friends shock seeing Seulgi carrying her daughter without difficulty. Usually, Seulgi is very slow and nervous when doing something that she never do. Right now she looked like she used to carry a baby

“Unnie, you don’t feel nervous or something? I mean this is your first time holding a baby” Yeri said

“No, I learn how to hold a baby so I get used to it now”

“When do you learn?”

“Remember my best friend, Jung Soojung?”

“Yes” everyone answer together

“Her sister Jessica just gave birth few months ago so Joohyun and I visit them. I told her about my worry and nervous because I know nothing about baby so she teach me a lot. She asked me to carry her baby. First time I do it, I really nervous to death. Joohyun laughing a lot when she saw me sweating bucket but after few times we visit them and I try my best so this is the result. I can hold my baby without shaking” Seulgi said proudly

“That’s good for you. At least you can hold her for Irene. You know she can’t hold baby a lot after the surgery” said Eunji

“Yeah, I get ready for that kind of situation too. Luckily Jessica unnie willing to teach me about how to handle kids in this age. Umma and mom also teach us a lot but learn through action is far better”


“Seul, do you have name for her already?” Wendy questioned out of a sudden

“Baby tiger” Seulgi grin

“What?!” the girls unconsciously yell

“Girls, you will scare my baby” Seulgi tapping her daughter softly when the baby whimper

“Sorry” they apology quickly

Yeri speak in low voice “Unnie, why baby tiger? She is girl, I mean”

“I am bear so she is tiger. Isn’t it great combination?” Seulgi wiggle her eyebrows

“Then what is Irene unnie?” asked Naeun

“Lioness” Seulgi cackle. She put the baby back on the small bed

The girls laughing “If Irene know you call her lioness she will throw tantrum” Chorong said

“Then keep it secret” Seulgi grinning “We already have name for her” suddenly Seulgi open her arms widely “Introduce
Kang Seulhyun. Daughter of Kang Seulgi and Kang Joohyun. The successor of RV International” her friend act like they cheering but still make sure not making any sound to disturb the baby

“Oh, cute name” Eunji the first one to comment

“Her mommy choose it for her. If boy we will name him Kang Seunggi. Since she is girl so Kang Seulhyun”

“Both are nice name” Sooyoung remarks

“When she can go home?” Naeun questioned

“Tomorrow so you and Seungwan please stay at our mansion, helping umma to look after her until her mommy can go home. I informed umma already” Seulgi looking at the twin

“Sure thing, we will bring our stuff tomorrow”

“Mom also will visit her every day to assist umma when both of you working”

“Okay” the twin nods their head, understand

Seulgi looking at their secretaries and assistant “For office work, both secretaries will replace us and report to Chorong. From now, Chorong will lead RV while we’re away”

“Okay boss” all of them salute


“Unnie, what about me? No vacancy for me?” Yeri whine bring laughter to older girls

“Of course I have task for you. You come every day and bring foods for me. Replace me to accompany Joohyun for a while when I am away because I need to go home to check Seulhyun. You also restock Seulhyun needs if they run out of

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Title changed!

Former title: Red Velvet (Seulrene) Story Collection

New title: Book of Visual Couple

With love, Mulgokizary


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Marcsansummer #1
wait for an updateđŸ„č
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
update please author nim!
Chapter 126: awwe marupok irene for the win!!đŸ„°đŸ„°
Taitai84 1232 streak #4
Chapter 126: Refreshing for cold Irene to be the one doing the courting
261 streak #5
Chapter 126: Aaaww sweet chapter. I really enjoy a fluffy Seulrene. Thank you author! 🧡
Chapter 126: so cute!
reveluv316 812 streak #7
thanks for the new chapter
Chapter 125: đŸ©·đŸ’›
261 streak #9
Chapter 125: I love it when Irene is clingy to her bear! Lovely story. Thank you author 🧡
Taitai84 1232 streak #10
Chapter 125: Irene sending gifts because she don’t dare to confess directly is so cute