Unwanted husband [Part 1]

Book of Visual Couple
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Irene read the paper on her hand lazily. It is a payment list that her husband needs for his college. Her husband, Kang Seulgi, came to her office to ask for money from her. It is not that expensive and she can afford it. Money is not a problem to her but her resentment to Seulgi makes her don’t want to care a bit about him.

“Irene, please I need money for that. Payment due is tomorrow” Seulgi begging for nth time already

“I gave you money already. Just use it to pay for this” Irene answered coldly

“It's not enough Rene. If I use that money to pay for this, I will don’t have pocket money for a month”

“Do you think I’m producing money here?” Irene tossed the paper to her table “If you don’t want to use your money then you don’t have to pay for this project. Leave now. I have lot of work to do”

Seulgi grabs the paper then leaves the office. He slammed the door hard not caring if the staff heard him. At the hallway, he bumps into Solar. She is Irene best friend and Vice CEO of her company

“Seul, what with that face? Irene scolded you again?” Solar asking softly. She know well about the hateful relationship between Irene and Seulgi

Seulgi sighs heavily “Yeah, as usual. She will never treat me properly like you did”

Solar shakes her head slowly “What is it this time?” Seulgi give the paper to Solar and she read it “Let’s talk in my office”

Seulgi follows Solar to her office. Both of them sit on the couch “So you need money for your project?”

“Yes noona and it is due tomorrow. I told Irene about this since last week but she’s not giving a response. That’s why I come here today. However, she asked me to use my pocket money to pay for it”

“Aigoo, Irene really” Solar groan “Give me your bank account number. I will transfer money to you later”

“Noona, it’s okay. You don’t have to give money to me” Seulgi said awkwardly

Solar giving Seulgi stern looks showing that she does not accept rejection “Then how will you pay for your project? You will just let it fail? Seul, this project is very important for you to get good results in the final exam. Just give me your account number”

“Okay noona. I will send it to you later but please let me pay for it when I have money, okay?”

“Alright but now focus on your study first. Get good results then work hard and pay my money. You don’t have to rush. I’m not going anywhere though” Solar said softly

“Thank you very much noona. I already think that I will exclude from that project if I don’t meet you”

“I will help as much as I can. Besides, you’re not a stranger. You are Byul best friend and I will feel bad if I can’t help you with something that I can do”

“Byul hyung is very lucky having someone like you” Seulgi giggle

“I met him because of you too. If you don't marry Irene, I will never meet Moonbyul” said Solar “Hey, do you have class today?”

“No more, I only have 1 class before I come here. After this will do group assignment with my friend”

“Alright, good luck for study. If you need help, just come to me or Byul. We will help you. Don’t think a lot about your wife okay? One day she will realize what she do is wrong and she is sinful wife for treating you like trash”

Seulgi nods his head “Okay noona, I will study hard and get a good job. I’m tired of living in hell every day. I do not really think about her though. Sometime I noticed that she deliberately provoking me like yesterday, throwing leftover dinner even she know that I haven’t eat anything yet”

Solar shakes her head in disbelief “What did you eat last night?”

“I have food stocks in my room just in case she does such things to me. Since the second time she did that to me, I prepared my food secretly in my room. Every month I will restock instant foods or if I do assignments at Seungwan place, I will eat with him before I go home. Since he know that Irene not saving food for me, he always asked me to eat before leave his place”

“Aigoo, Irene is so mean. She was a good person before. I don’t know why she changed to evil. If I never see she’s treating you like that, I will not believe it. She not hesitate to treat you badly in front of us”

“Maybe I do something wrong to her” Seulgi shrugs his shoulder

Solar folded her arms on the table “Why don't you file a divorce? It has been 2 years since you married and she never changed a bit. I mean she does not agree to marry you but as times goes by, at least she treats you like a husband not a stranger. Her attitude getting worse each days”

“I used to ask her about divorce but she scolded me instead. She said I am ungrateful person”

“Irene is hard-headed, ego and selfish. I don’t understand her”

“Me too” Seulgi rubbed his face “Noona, I got to go now. I will send the number to you later. Say hi to Byul hyung”

“Okay, I will tell him later. Remember, if you need help don’t hesitate to come to us. We will help you”

“Alright noona, see you next time”


Solar looking at Seulgi with sad eyes. He is a nice person but sadly he married an evil woman. She meets Seulgi during his and Irene's wedding then they become closer after she dates his best friend, Moonbyul a few months later. She knows Irene and Seulgi's marriage was arranged by their parents. Seulgi, an obedient child, accepts the marriage open-heartedly while Irene opposes it. She accepts after her father treats her that she will be disqualified to be CEO of their company if she does not marry Seulgi. In conclusion, she agreed to marry Kang Seulgi just for the CEO position. Seulgi knows about that but he never says anything. He just let Irene do whatever she wanted. Irene never hesitated to humiliate Seulgi in front of her friends and she also used to scold him in front of her staff. Sometimes Solar doesn't understand what Irene thinks in her mind. She is smart in every aspect but when come to her marriage, she is the most stupid person


Seulgi plops himself on the couch at his friend's apartment. He came to Seungwan place to do their group assignment together. Seungwan bring a can of cola for Seulgi

“Do you get the money already?” Seungwan sit on the armchair


“You must go through a lot of arguments before you finally get the money, don’t you?”

Seulgi take a sip of cold cola before answer Seungwan question “I argue with her but it’s not her who give me money”

“Then who?”

“Solar noona”

“Oh, seriously?”

“Yes, I bump into her in the hallway after meeting Irene. I don’t have an idea to make an excuse so I'm just being honest to her. In the end, she offered to help me. Seriously, if I don’t meet ear earlier I will repeat this semester”

Seungwan pats Seulgi head “Don’t worry, I already talked to Eunji just in case Irene doesn't give you money. She is ready to help you to pay for it”

“Hm, you're all really nice people. I’m grateful meeting you, Eunji noona, Solar noona and Byul hyung” Seulgi said with tears

“Aishh, don’t be emotional. You are like a brother to me. I will do my best to help you. No way will I let you repeat semester just because of financial problem”

“Thank you Seungwanie” Seulgi blink his eyes making cute face

“Don’t do that face. You’re not cute” Seungwan glare at Seulgi

Seulgi laughing as he successfully teases Seungwan “Hey, when Kai, Suho, Sehun and Chanyeol will arrive?”

“Sehun said they are on the way. Suho want to buy food for us first so he will be a bit late”

“Alright” they watching TV while waiting for their group member to arrive


Solar and Irene on their way back to the office after visiting their project site. Irene stare blankly at the road and not saying anything since they come back

“Rene, are you okay?”

“I’m okay” Irene answer shortly

“You looked moody since morning. Is there something wrong?”

Irene her hair back and straighten her sit “Seulgi asked for money yesterday for his project”

Solar takes a glance at Irene then focuses back on the road “Do you give him the money?”

“No, I asked him to pay with his pocket money”

“I don’t think it's enough for him. If he uses pocket money to pay then what he will use to buy food or his daily needs. This month just started and it's too early to finish the money. I don’t think you will give him pocket money twice a month, don’t you?” Solar scoff

“I give him pocket money that enough for a month”

“Are you going to transfer money to him later?”

“No, if he not ask again I will not give him”

Solar rolled her eyes and thought ‘Of course your husband not ask again. I already gave him, stupid’

“Why don't you ask him to ask his parents for money?” Solar asking

Irene scowl “They are worse than me. They gave all rights to Seulgi to me after we married. They don’t care whatever he does. I am the rightful guardian of Kang Seulgi. It looked like they threw him out of the family. I guess Seulgi is a bad child that his parents also don’t want him in their family. If he is good child, his parents will treasure him like they do to his sister”

Solar sighs heavily “Rene, don’t say that. You are his wife, that's why you have full authority over him. You know parents shouldn’t interfere too much in their children marriage life”

“If you’re in my shoes you will understand the situation” Irene said nonchalantly

“Whatever Rene, I’m tired of advising you to appreciate your marriage. You’re too old to get too much advice from others. I just don’t want you to value him if he is not yours anymore. Marriage is not a joke, Rene. Don’t take it for granted. Every person has their own limit. Knowing you, I know you are easily jealous when your property looks better on the other hand. I am not hoping for something bad for your marriage. I just hope you can fix it before it's too late. Don’t let that day come and you will regret everything. Regret never comes first. Remember Rene, there are a lot of girls queueing up to get and give Seulgi attention but he ignores them because he knows his status. Don’t let him forget that he has a wife. He needs your attention, love and affection too” Solar never gets tired to advise Irene to save her marriage. Both of them are her friends and she doesn't want their marriage to end that quickly.


Seulgi lazily walks into the house. He just returned from college after basketball training. He saw a familiar girl at living room then they grin at each other

“Seulgi oppa!” the girl run to him and hug him tightly

“Aigoo baby Yerim. When do you arrive?” Seulgi patting Yeri head

Bae Yeri is Irene's younger sister and is still in high school. She will stay with them if her parents are on a business trip. She has been very close to Seulgi since Seulgi married her sister. Both of them are like siblings. When he is free, Seulgi often visits Yeri at her school and brings her out to amusement parks or just hangouts at their favorite chicken restaurant. Yeri is a cheerful girl making Seulgi happy just seeing her smile. She is totally opposite from her annoying and scary older sister. Yeri and Seulgi share the same hobby that make both of them easily blend with each other

“I arrived this evening oppa. Unnie pick me up” Yeri cling to Seulgi arm as they walk to the couch

“How long will you stay?”

“5 days. Our school organizes camping for seniors and teachers give us a holiday for 3 days. Appa and umma travelled so I came here. I will go home on Sunday because they will arrive Sunday morning”

Seulgi nods his head “Okay, enjoy your holiday. Do you have dinner already?”

“Yes, we ate before coming home. What about you?”

“I also already eating”

Yeri looks to the stair before speaking again “What about you and unnie? Is she still like before?” she lowered her voice for that question

Seulgi nods his head “Nothing change”

“I feel bad for you oppa” Yeri pouting

“It’s okay. Don’t mind us. Just focus on your study, get good results then join us at university. You want to take the same course as mine, don’t you?” Seulgi quickly change the topic

“Yes oppa” Yeri nods her head excitedly

“Good girl, oppa will support your dream”

“Thank you oppa” Yeri squeal

“Oppa will go upstairs to wash up. You stay here watching TV, alright?” Seulgi pinch Yeri cheek

“Can I borrow your PS4?”

“Sure, I put it inside the drawer” Seulgi pointed at the drawer at the cabinet

“Yay, thank you oppa” Yeri quickly set up the game console while Seulgi leaving to his room


Seulgi bumps into Irene when he is on his way to his room. Irene just comes out from her bedroom looking at Seulgi annoyingly. Seulgi just walk passed by her like she is invisible

“Where are you from?” Irene voice halting Seulgi move then he turn around

“You asked me?” Seulgi pointed at himself

“Yes, who else?”

Seulgi chuckle “Wow, something new. You never asked that question. Why so sudden?” he walk to Irene and hold her head then checking here and there

“Yah, what are you doing?” Irene slapped Seulgi arm

“I just make sure you don't bump your head somewhere. You never asked about me before this. You really aren't hurting yourself, aren't you?” Seulgi tries to check Irene again. Even though he doesn't like her attitude, sometimes he loves fooling around just to see Irene's annoying face. She is still his wife after all

“I don’t hurt anywhere!” Irene yell

“Okay Ms. Glacier” Seulgi holding his laugh “I just arrived from college. Basketball training as usual” Seulgi takes a few steps back then takes off his shirt. He throw it to Irene and the fabric land right on her face “Wash it”

“KANG SEULGI” Irene screams angrily while removing the smelly shirt from her face “I hate you!”

“I don’t like you too” Seulgi run leaving before Irene kill him

Irene stomps her feet to the laundry room then throws the shirt into the laundry basket. Then she go to living room joining her sister

“What with that face unnie?” Yeri paused her game when Irene come with frowning face

“That stupid Kang is so annoying”

“Stupid Kang is still your husband”

“He is not my husband” Irene said the usual answer

“Then who he is? Your sugar baby?” Yeri laughed heartily. Irene's mood is getting ruined because of her sister but Yeri enjoys provoking her “Unnie, why don't you want to open your heart for Seulgi oppa? He is a nice guy. Don’t you see he treats us nicely? Isn’t it enough to melt your heart? What else must he do to make you accept him as your husband? You’re not getting young unnie. Your beauty will fade but Seulgi oppa charm can attract any woman regardless of age. His look is not bad. He is handsome enough to stand beside you. Which part of him doesn’t meet your requirement?” the younger Bae flooding her unnie with lot of questions

“You talk like you’re experienced the same situation” Irene said nonchalantly

“I never experienced it and I hope I will not face the same situation. I know you and he were forced to get married but that doesn’t mean you resent him like that. You should respect him as your husband”

“He should against the arrangement but he stupidly agree”

“Then why not yourself? If only he fights, it is still useless. Do you perhaps do this because you don’t want me to be the CEO of Bae Corporation?” Yeri smirk. Her question made Irene flinch and her eyes turned wide “I know unnie. You have something behind your sleeve. I overheard your talk with appa. Appa threatens you that he will pass the company to me if you are still against him, right? You don’t want it to happen because it only humiliates you as the first child of Bae. Sadly unnie, I never have intention to handle the company. I want to enjoy my life working at low pressure place”

Yeri continued after drinking watermelon juice from her glass “You can stop torturing Seulgi oppa now since you already know that you don’t have a competitor for the CEO position. No one will take it from you. Set him free. He suffered enough because of you just in case you don’t know. I will talk to appa regarding this matter so he is not taking away what you have. You just do your part after that. Seulgi oppa is very nice to me and I don’t want him to hurt anymore especially the one that is hurting him is my sister. I respect him the same as I respect you. He deserves a woman that appreciates him and treats him like a husband should. You have 2 choices now. You set him free or you change and be a good wife. I am much younger than you but I’m not stupid to understand what happen around me. Don’t take my word for granted”

Few minutes later, Seulgi came from upstairs wearing jogger pants and black T-shirt. He earned Yeri attention but Irene

“Oppa, where are you going?” Yeri quickly asking

“Hangouts with Seungwan and Eunji noona. You want to join? We will eat chicken”

Yeri face turn bright “Yes, I want”

“Change your clothes. I will wait outside”

“Okay oppa” Yeri turn off the game console then run to her room

“Bye snow mountain” Seulgi teasing Irene before he leave the living room

“Idiot” said Irene after she lived alone at the couch


Seulgi ran to his car since he was already late for his basketball training. Before he enter his car, Irene calling him

“Kang Seulgi!” Irene show up at the door

“What?” Seulgi asking lazily

“Drive me to the office. My car broken” Irene stated

“Yah, I have basketball training this morning. Ask Solar noona to pick you up”

“I said drive me to the office!” Irene yell early in the morning

“No!” Seulgi retort with the same tone

Irene take out her phone “I will call your mother and tell her that you abandon me”

Seulgi punch his car angrily “Get inside!” he glare at his wife “Stupid short woman” he mumble

“What do you say?” Irene give Seulgi death glare

“Just go in already!”

Irene smirks then she goes to the passenger seat. Both of them left the house. Seulgi speeds up so that they arrive at Irene's office quickly. The office direction is opposite to his college. Traffic also is not helping since it is time for everyone to start their activities. Usually it only take 30 minutes to Irene office but now they took 40 minutes

After dropping Irene at the entrance, Seulgi sped up to his college. He was still stuck in a traffic jam. He knows he will receive punishment from their coach since the coach is a punctual person and discipline is his priority. Whoever come late without acceptable reason will get punishment Seulgi already 30 minutes late

When he arrives at the basketball court, his team members already start training. His coach looking at him sternly

“Why are you late?” Coach Lee asking with his strict voice

“Sorry coach…I stuck on traffic jam” Seulgi bow his head as apologize

“You know we have important training this morning. You supposed to leave house early”

“I’m sorry again coach. I will make sure it not happen again”

“Warming up and run 20 rounds at soccer field” the coach stated

Seulgi practically gasped when the coach stated his punishment. The weather is a bit hot outside and he has to run 20 rounds. Since he doesn't have a choice, he leaves the court and goes to the field. After warming up, he started running. 20 rounds is not a problem to him since he is an athletic person but he has to run alone and is it not fun. His mood is also not really good because of Irene. Luckily he already had breakfast this morning. At least he can avoid unwanted accident

“This is because of that stupid short woman” he mumble while running

After running 3 rounds, someone tapped his shoulder. Seulgi turn around and find out Seungwan run behind him

“Yah, what are you doing here? Didn't you train with the boys earlier?” Seulgi questioned while continuing running. Seungwan also running beside him

“I come to accompany you”

“Ayy, you don’t have to. How do you make it here? Do you punch Mr. Lee?”

“No such things. I told him that I want to accompany you running. I know you don’t like running alone. It's not fun, right?” Seungwan cackle

“I can’t believe that he easily let you out”

“Actually not only me but everyone come here too” Seungwan pointed at their back

Seulgi turned around and gasped seeing his teammates running not far from them “Yah!”

“Hi Seulgi” the boys waving playfully

“Why is everyone coming here? Do you all tie him at the post?”

“We bow to him so he will let us run with you” said Suho

“Aigoo, you all don’t have to trouble yourself, you know” Seulgi feel bad for s

“It’s not a big deal. We will not let our captain run alone. Besides, it has been a while since we run long distance” Kai chirped

“You know what? Mr. Lee sulking because everyone is siding with you. He said he will not watch us train today. We will train without him so we can train casually” said Key

“Alright, thank you for accompanying me. Let’s continue running then we can go back to the court”



Seulgi and Seungwan hangouts after their class ends. It still early so they don’t want to go home yet

“Seul, I think I want to find part-time job” Seungwan stated all of sudden

“Why? Short of money?”

“A little bit and I don’t want to depend on Eunji even if she never complains about it. I just feel bad when she support me financially” Seungwan sighs heavily

“Do you find any place to work?”

Seungwan shake his head “No, I just think about it lately”

“Will Eunji noona agree if you work part-time?”

“She is easy to deal with”

Seulgi slowly nods his head “I want to join you too”

“Now I ask you, will your wife allow you to work part-time? You know she cares so much about her reputation. I don’t think she will happy if someone know husband of CEO Bae Irene working part-time”

“I don’t need to tell her. She has nothing to do with me” Seulgi said coldly “Just inform me when you already find a job vacancy. I need money too”

In the end, Seungwan agree to let Seulgi join him “Okay, I will ask Eunji, maybe she know any job vacancy”

“Alright, I will wait for your call”



[Phone call]

“Seul, Eunji said she found a job vacancy for us!” – Seungwan

“Where?” – Seulgi

“At BnN Bistro. You know the bistro beside Seoul Megamall. It is owned by Eunji friend” – Seungwan

“Wow, when we can start?” – Seulgi

“Tomorrow she will bring us to meet her friend then we will decide when we can start. That bistro only opens at 3 PM until 11 PM. It is open every day except Thursday. Wage per hour is also decent enough. It can help to support our pocket money. They not accept part-time worker but since Eunji convince her friends then we accepted” – Seungwan

“I am interested already. We will go after class or what?” – Seulgi

“Since we only have morning class tomorrow, we will meet in the evening. Eunji is also working so we can’t go early. You come to my apartment first then we go together” – Seungwan

“Okay then, see you tomorrow. Goodnight” – Seulgi

“Goodnight Seul” – Seung Wan


At 11:45 PM at Seulrene house, Irene goes to the kitchen to get something to drink before going to sleep. She

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Title changed!

Former title: Red Velvet (Seulrene) Story Collection

New title: Book of Visual Couple

With love, Mulgokizary


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Marcsansummer #1
wait for an update🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
update please author nim!
Chapter 126: awwe marupok irene for the win!!🥰🥰
Taitai84 1233 streak #4
Chapter 126: Refreshing for cold Irene to be the one doing the courting
261 streak #5
Chapter 126: Aaaww sweet chapter. I really enjoy a fluffy Seulrene. Thank you author! 🧡
Chapter 126: so cute!
reveluv316 812 streak #7
thanks for the new chapter
Chapter 125: 🩷💛
261 streak #9
Chapter 125: I love it when Irene is clingy to her bear! Lovely story. Thank you author 🧡
Taitai84 1233 streak #10
Chapter 125: Irene sending gifts because she don’t dare to confess directly is so cute