Always find you [Part 4] ft Wendy - Final

Book of Visual Couple
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“We get married. It is 2 years now” Wendy stated then she show the gold ring on her ring finger and Irene also have matching pair

Irene is zoning out for few minutes then she gasped loudly. Her eyes turn round and almost jump out due to shock “WHAT?”

Their eyes locked with each other. Wendy try to find any reaction through Irene wide eyes but all she can see is shock

“I am your wife. Your legal wife” Wendy state again

“Seungwan, you’re not fooling around, right?” Irene voice is shaking. All she can think now is Seulgi, her girlfriend

“I’m serious. I can show you and tell you anything you want to know when we go home. Right now you have to rest. You just gain your memory, it’s not good for your health if you burden your mind with such things” Wendy speak gently

“My mind burdened already” Irene said blankly

“Don’t worry, I will let you know the truth. There are lots of things that we need to talk about so now is not the right time. You rest first, okay?”



Next day, Irene discharge from hospital. Wendy bring her back to their apartment. Since previous day, Wendy notice that Irene not talking a lot, treat her nonchalantly and space out a lot. She understand that maybe Irene still absorb the new things that happen in her life since she is ‘away’ for years

“Welcome home” Wendy open the door for them then close it again after both of them step inside

“This is our home?” Irene scans the whole place

“Yes” they sit at living room

“How long since we stay here?”

“2 months already”

Irene frown “Where are we before this?”

“We’re at United States. Your parent brings you there after your accident. I work there when mom told me that you admit at hospital so it leads to our meeting. After few months, we move to Canada because I got my job there”

“That’s mean I was transferred to overseas after the accident?”

“Yes, after like few days you admit here mom and dad decide to transfer you to US to get better treatment which you really got and you recover in no time from physical pain except your amnesia. Your parent left you to me most of the time and I gladly take care of you since the day you wake up until today”

Irene slowly nodding her head “How did we get married?”

Wendy sighs “Long story short, on the day you wake up I told you who I am to you and our past relationship. I not expect it will go another way but it led us to get close to each other. You’re clingy as before. Maybe that habit never leave you even your memory gone” both of them chuckle “When you discharge, you insist to stay with me because you don’t want to be alone so I gladly accept you. We share good and bad times together, just both of us. I work from home at first 2 month after you discharge because your headache may attack you anytime but after that things get better so I go to work as usual”

“Is that how we fall in love?”

“Yeah, we do couple things. Well, you know I don’t need to elaborate that part” Wendy said awkwardly

“Of course you shouldn’t talk about it” Irene slightly blushing

“One day you confess that you love me. I do love you but I don’t know you will feel the same. I really not expect you will love me that much. After dating for few months, we decide to get married. Frankly speaking, you’re the best wife for me. Your short of memory doesn’t mean your character also vanished. You’re too good to be true. Sometimes I can’t believe that you’re my wife. I asked myself, what I had done to get you as my wife”

Irene smile hearing Wendy praising her “Do you aware that…I have girlfriend?”

“Yes, I do. Your parent told me but that don’t mention her name. They just told me that they don’t like her”

Irene can’t help but sighs “Do they force you to take care of me?”

“They don’t but when we inform them that you will move in with me, they look very happy. They are the happiest when they know we will marry each other”

“Do you have the picture of our wedding or perhaps videos?”

“Yes, you want to watch it?”


“Wait a minute” Wendy runs to the bedroom to get the photobook and USB drive where she keeps the wedding videos. After few minutes, she comes back holding thick book “Here is our wedding photobook”

Irene accept the book nervously and she start flip open it. The photos are taken at the church and the reception venue. Both of them look breathtakingly beautiful in their wedding outfit. While she focus on the book, Wendy sit back beside her

“You look gorgeous in your wedding dress” Wendy smile

“You also amazing in that suit” Irene reply “Why do you wear suit instead of dress?”

Wendy chuckle “It’s you who come with idea to make me wearing suit. First I decide to wear dress but you disagree at the very moment. You want to feel like the wedding of opposite ”

“I’m so persistent, huh” Irene cackle as she look at next page and the others

“Yes” they laughed “Here, our wedding video and some of our videos together” Wendy play the video on TV and they watching it. Irene awe seeing their wedding ceremony and she can’t believe that she is married with the different person that she supposed to marry. Out of sudden, she sobs “Hey, why are you crying?”

“I just too emotional watch that video. I still can’t believe that I’m married. We looked like a loving and happiest couple” Irene wipe her tears with tissue

“Indeed, we are” Wendy said “We’re very happy but you’re happiest on that day. I never see that smiles on you ever since we’re kid”

“Are you happy with me?” Irene looking at her wife

“I’m very happy” Wendy smile lovingly

Irene hugging Wendy out of sudden make Wendy startled “Thank you for taking care of me. I owe you a lot”

“You don’t have to thank me. Seeing you healthy and happy is good enough for me” Wendy rubbed Irene back and they stay in each other embrace for a while


Irene sits on the bed while thinking about something. Most of it is about her lover, Kang Seulgi. She wants to find her baby bear but she doesn’t know if Seulgi still stay at the same apartment or not. She missed Seulgi so much and she hope she is doing fine after they separate.

“Baby, what are you thinking?” Wendy sits on the bed beside her wife after come from toilet

“Nothing” Irene run her fingers through her hair

“There must be something in your mind. You space out since God know when. You should share with me. Don’t bottle it up”

Irene stared at the white wall of their bedroom “I think about my girlfriend”

Wendy looked at her wife calmly “Why?”

“I know I not suppose to think about her but you know, things are too rough between me and her”

The genius she is, Wendy can guess Irene thought in an instant “Do you want to see her?”

“Is it right thing to do?” Irene asked slowly

“What make you think like that?”

“I am your wife now so it feels wrong if I see someone else. Besides, I don’t know where she is now”

“You can just ask, you know” Wendy chuckle

“What?” Irene confused

“You should ask my permission if you want to see her”

“I don’t know where she is so what point of asking permission” Irene sighs

“Baby” Wendy grab Irene forearm


They looking at each other “Your girlfriend…her name is…” Wendy paused while Irene waiting for her to continue “Kang Seulgi, isn’t it?”

Irene jaw dropped as she not expects Wendy will know her girlfriend name “Wh…what? How do you know?”

“Answer me first. She is Kang Seulgi, right?”

“Yes, it’s her. How did you know her? You said mom and dad not telling you much about her”

“She is my colleague” Wendy stated

Irene getting shocked “Seriously?”

“Yes, we work together. We moved from Canada because I accepted to work at their studio. She is dance coach, sub-vocal coach and camera director of Summer Studio”

“Aigooo, this is too good to be true”

“If you want prove, I can show you the picture of both of us” Wendy grabbed her phone from bedside table and scroll through her gallery “Here is it”

Irene teary seeing Seulgi picture “She grow up well”

“Yes, she has good look” Wendy sincerely praising “Do you perhaps close to Lee Sunmi, Kim Yerim and Park Sooyoung too?”

“You also know them?” Irene eyes turn wide again

“Yes, I work at their studio” Wendy once again showing their group picture to Irene

“I know them. They are my best friend” Irene said sadly

“They look clueless when you all meet for the first time. I guess they don’t recognize you or they pretend to” Wendy tapping her chin

“Do they know my English name?”

“Yup, they call you with Irene. You introduce yourself with that name since your parent decided to call you Irene since you wake up. Maybe they don’t want to remind you about your Korean name”

“I guess so. They know me as Joohyun, not Irene”


“Did they meet me again after the first meeting?”

“Yes, on the day you admit at hospital, we had lunch together at our house. We invite them here to get to know each other. That night you told me that a girl that always appeared in your dream is Seulgi. You asked what Seulgi is to you but you passed out before I answer it”

“I really don’t know how to react right now. Either I should happy or sad, I really don’t know. I can’t be too happy when I finally know about Seulgi because I am your wife but I shouldn’t be sad either. Frankly speaking, I stuck between my current status and my hanging relationship. I always want to meet Seulgi since the moment I open my eyes. However, I am your wife that I should respect you too” Irene confesses her feeling. She decides to unveil what’s inside her heart as she doesn’t want to keep it for too long. She know Wendy is good listener and she always listen to her back then. She hope Wendy still the same too

Wendy grab Irene hand and squeeze it softly “Can you be honest to me?”

“Be honest about what?”

“About your feeling to me and Seulgi”

“What if the truth will hurt you?”

Wendy shakes her head “I will be more hurt if I get false hope”

“If you say so” Irene nods her head “You may ask now”

“Do you still love Seulgi?”

“Yes, I still do and it will never change” Irene answers confidently

“I amaze that your relationship are stronger even received objection from your family”

Irene unconsciously smiles “Do you believe that we have our destined soulmate?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t find one and I guess we’re not” both of them chuckle “But if I see the prove, I will believe it”

“Me and Seulgi are soulmate” Irene stated

“Really?” Wendy looking at Irene in disbelieved

“You used to see my body, right?” Irene asked awkwardly

“Yes…I do” Wendy blushing as she imagine Irene body

“Yah, don’t think of something ert right now!” Irene hit Wendy shoulder playfully

“Okay, I’m sorry. Please continue” Wendy cackle

“Seulgi and I have half-heart mark on our back. Mine is at left side while Seulgi’s is right. If we sit stick with each other, it will form whole heart shape”

Wendy gasped “I thought it just some kind of birthmark. I don’t know it have couple”

“We also don’t have idea until our first time together. It is the visible evidence of soulmate really exist”

“By any chance, do you have invisible too?”

“Yup, it is our heartbeat. For example, if we fight and ignore each other for long time, our heart will beating like crazy when we meet or simply beating faster if we longing for each other” Irene touching her chest “We figure it out after our first fight and Seulgi almost passed out because of that while mine feel like my heart almost burst from my chest”

“Is it happening often?”

“No, it just happens if we miss each other so much. Even we deny that we need or miss each other, our heart will tell opposite”

Suddenly, Wendy remember something “Oh, when we first arrive at airport you told me your heart beating faster than normal. Then when I introduce you to them, it happened again. Last one is before you passed out few days ago. I’m very amazed right now, you know. It sound like fairy tale but it’s the truth”

“That’s why I don’t want to hide it from you. Even if you don’t ask about it, I will tell you. I know it will hurt you but what can I do. We’re gifted with that bond. I can feel what Seulgi feel and so does her. I don’t want to hurt you too. You’re an amazing friend and good wife, I know it. I don’t know what will happen to me if you don’t take care of me but Wannie, we’re not made for each other” Irene sadly looking into Wendy eyes but her wife looked calm and reply with warm smile

“I know Rene; I know our marriage won’t last long. I take the risk when you decide to marry me because that time you don’t remember Seulgi. You’re fragile and easily hurt. I can’t let you down so I agree to marry you. You may not remember it but I used to promise you that I will protect you until the day I can’t do anymore. I always remind you that when your mood swing. I guess it’s about time for that promise to end. I can’t be selfish even I want to keep you forever”

“I feel bad towards you. What if mom and dad not agree then them angry at you?”

“Don’t worry, I prepared already. You deserve to be happy and they can’t control you. You’re big girl now so you can make your own choice about life. They don’t have right to decide your life. They don’t even care about you after you discharge. Your parents put you overall to me while they busy with their business. I don’t mean to make them look bad to you but you should know how much they abandon you. I’m grateful that you choose to stay with me instead of stay with them. If not, you will be alone and maybe stay at hospital most of the time because no one take care of you. They do have maids and butler but you need family to support you” said Wendy. She pissed off whenever she remembered how Mr. Bae and Mrs. Bae leave Irene under her care even Irene need them the most. All they care is their business over their sole child.

“My parents only care about their money. It will make them happy instead of me. They just focus on choosing my partner. I grow up with our maids until I meet Seulgi for the first time and she shower me with love that I never feel before. She know me more than my own parents”

“Don’t worry; I will make sure they wouldn’t stop you. I have rights on you even if you’re not my wife anymore. I had custody on you so they can’t do anything to you even they are your parent” Wendy smirk

Irene shocked slightly “How so?”

“I know something is not right between all of you so I talk with my sister since she is a lawyer. She helped me to get the custody and your parents gladly sign it. They don’t have doubt on me. I am your caretaker now. The legal one” Wendy wiggle her eyebrows

“Oh Seungwan, you’re such a good person. I’m so lucky having you by my side” Irene hugging Wendy sideway

“Anything for you bae” Wendy kiss Irene on top of her head

“Is that mean you will let me go soon?” Irene asked while still resting her head on Wendy shoulder

“Depend on the situation. I need to make sure my successor will take good care of you. If I doubt her, you will still tied with me” Wendy chuckle

“You still the strict one” Irene pinch Wendy forearm

“Of course, I want things to go perfectly”

“Alright, alright” they giggle around “After we divorce, what you will do?”

“I will live my life as usual. Focus as musician. I want to learn composing and mixing music from Sooyoung and Yerim”

“I know that but I mean your love life. You shouldn’t be single forever. You should have someone to take care of you”

“Ayyy, I not a type who will easily get someone to be my lover” Wendy groan

“Grown up Son Seungwan”

“Let see how it will go. Now we will focus on you and Seulgi also my carrier”

“Aigooo, suit yourself” Irene rolled her eyes while Wendy laugh at her

“When do you want to tell them about your condition?”

Irene rubbing her chin “Hold on for a while. I want to see how their life goes. Let pretend that I still loss memory. I will let you know when we will expose it to them”

“Okay, I will play along. It will be fun I guess” Wendy laugh evilly

“Can you bring me along to studio tomorrow?”

“Of course, the studio always opens for you. You’re the special visitor”

“I know it” Irene laughing happily


“Aigooo, I’m nervous” Irene said soon as they arrived at the studio

“It’s you who want to pretend so you must act well. You quite bad in acting, you know”

“Look who is talking. We both are bad, don’t forget it”

Their laugher filled the car “Alright, let see who will be the best actress. The one who fail will treat dinner tonight”

“It’s not fair!” Irene whine

“This is competition. We are not family” Wendy imitating a famous rapper

“Just plays along even you’re shock with the story line. I told you that I can’t guarantee when I will announce my return. May it is today or not, just do your part well” said Irene

“Okay ma’am” Wendy salute


“Let’s get inside”

They enter the studio and greeted by Yerim who just come out of the kitchen with a mug on her hand

“Hi unnie, good morning” Yerim greet cheerfully as usual

“Aigooo Yerimie, good morning” Wendy greet back

“Good morning” Irene pats Yerim head

“I don’t know we have visitor. Unnie, do you want some drink?” Yerim asking Irene

“No, it’s fine. We had breakfast at home. I still full”

“Okay if you say so. If you want anything to drink or eat, just grab it. Make yourself at home”

“Sure thing”

“Yerim, where are the others?” Wendy wondering when she noticed the other girls is not around

“Everyone is at the studio upstairs. Seulgi unnie want to try the song that she composed few days ago. Sooyoung unnie just finish arrange the music yesterday so she will sing today”

Irene and Wendy are looking at each other “I don’t know that Seulgi writing new song. Is it for idol?”

“You’re not around for few days that why she not inform you. That song is for her other half and will not release to anyone except us. Irene unnie is lucky today because she can hear it together”

“Today is my lucky day” Irene smile brightly as she can’t wait to see her baby bear

“You’re right, let’s go to studio” they go upstairs together

“Omo, we have guest!” Sunmi beckon Irene to sit on the couch beside her

“Hello guys” Irene flashing wide smile

“Hello, welcome back to the studio” Joy said

“Thank you”

“How have you been?” Sunmi asking

“I’m good. Just not feel well but I’m very healthy now”

“That’s good then. No wonder Wendy is absent for few days”

“Yeah, I need to take care of her” Wendy said while draped her arm on Irene shoulder “Where is Seulgi?”

“There” Sunmi pointed at the recording room corner. Seulgi is focus on a sheet that she hold and she don’t noticed the couple “She practicing her self-composed song”

“What is the title?” asked Wendy

“The title is Always” Yerim answered

“Is she a singer?” Irene start acting perfectly while Wendy try not to smile

Sunmi and the maknaes flinch a bit but calm down soon after “No, she is one of the vocal coaches here. She compose that song for her love one”

“Oh, who is that lucky girl?”

Sunmi biting her lips while looking at Joy and Yerim “They are not together now”

“Are they breaking up?”

“Not really, how I should tell you?” Sunmi scratching her temple “To make it simple, for some reason they are separate now”

“Oh, poor thing” Irene look at Seulgi sadly. She wants to run to her bear and hug her tightly but she still need to act for a while but she won’t keep it too long. She tired separating from her other half

Seulgi signaling that she is ready to sing. She also noticed that Wendy and Irene are there. She is waving her hands to greet them and the couple wave back. Both beaming happily especially Irene

Joy put on her headphone and started the music. It is slow and sound a bit sad. Seulgi is really into the music and her expression showing her current emotion. She avoid eye contact with Irene while singing that song as she don’t want to crack her voice because of crying

Seulgi start singing emotionally with her beautiful voice that really suit the song

When your eyes that softly shined like the morning star

Touches my heart

Do you know that I’ve been taking?

One step toward you?


Like a poem, I talk about you

Like a long song, I only call out to you

I dream the same dream every day

A dream where I’m warmly holding you

We’re a bit far apart today

But let me send my heart with the blowing wind

My love, don’t be sad

I will promise you

An endless and eternal time


So you can come even when it’s dark at night

I’ll turn on the moonlight in the night sky

In case you ever get lost

Sometimes, I go out to get you


We’re a bit far apart today

But let me send my heart with the blowing wind

My love, don’t be sad

Our story

Is endless and beautiful

I can understand everything

I can wait

Because I believe in you, who came through fate


I don’t ever want to cry again

I won’t be shaken

Until I reach you


A thousand suns and endless days

Even if they pass by, my heart can’t change

My love, don’t be sad

I will promise you

An endless and eternal time


The song end successfully. Surprisingly Yerim and Sunmi crying hard after hear the entire song. Wendy looked sad while Irene eyes b in tears. She knows Seulgi write that song for her. Seulgi telling the world that she will wait for her even they are far apart from each other. She is not musician but she understands the message that Seulgi send through the song. She got everything that Seulgi want to tell

Seulgi come from the recording room and surprised seeing her friends crying like someone is dying

“Yah, what’s wrong with both of you? Why are you crying? Is someone dying?” Seulgi asking

“Yah, it’s your fault!” Sunmi throw the tissue pack to Seulgi

“Why is it my fault? I just finish singing” Seulgi shrugging her shoulder

“That song is so sad”

“You’re killing us with that song” said Yerim after recover from sobbing

“I love that song” Irene suddenly said

Seulgi startled “Thank you Irene”

“You’re very good at composing. Why you don’t try composing a song or two?” Wendy asked

“Yerim not allow me to do so” Seulgi joking around

“Unnie, I never stop you to write song. It’s you who don’t want to show your talent” Yerim retort

“People know lot of my talent already. It’s tired when we becomes a person with lot of talents. Let it be hidden from the world”

“This bear” Yerim glare at her unnie

“Unnie, I’m impress that you’re not crying when you sing earlier. I personally teary because of the lyric” Joy commented

Seulgi sighs “I cried a lot when I wrote it so my tears dried now. I don’t have tears anymore I guess”

“It’s not funny” Sunmi rolled her eyes

“You shouldn’t cry too much. It’s not good for your health” Irene said worriedly

“My life is in a mess so I wanted to let it out a bit. That’s the only way that helping me to lift up the burden on my shoulder. If I chose to drink or partying, that person will get mad but I wouldn’t cry for now. Don’t worry” Seulgi smile gently


“Seul, are you going to concert venue today?” Sunmi checking the calendar

“Yes, I will leave in 1 hour and I will not return to studio after that. We make last preparation for the concert so it will be long day”

“Don’t skip your meal”

“Okay unnie”

After 1 hour, Seulgi leave the studio to the venue where Twice will hold their concert. The other members just stay at the studio to do some work. Irene and Wendy currently at the kitchen since Irene want to drink water

“Seungwan, I want to tell the girls now” Irene stated in low voice

“Are you sure? What about Seulgi?”

“I will deal with her later. Now I want to tell the girls first. I had enough already”

“Alright, suit yourself. I will held your back” Wendy pump fist after that

“Thank Seungwan. Remember that you need to be happy even we almost reach our finish line”

“Don’t worry about me, having successful carrier also my happiness”

“You need to think about yourself too”

“I know, thanks for concern”

“You better do” Irene said firmly

“Yes boss”

They return to the studio after Irene composed herself to announce about herself. Both of them ready with their explanation to the girls in case they asked lot of things

“Girls, we have something to tell all of you” Wendy said

“Is it good news?” Yerim face brightened


“Are you two having a baby?” Joy questioning cheerfully

“No, not that one but this is happy news for sure” said Wendy

“Why don’t wait for Seulgi?” Sunmi asked

“She can hear this later but you all will go first”

“Alright, tell us quickly. We’re very curious now”

Irene hold out her hand “Give me your hands” she said

The girls are looking at her curiously “Our hands?”

“Yes, come one” they do as Irene requested. They put their hands together on Irene palm “Do you all miss me?”

They stare at Irene blankly “Pardon” Joy frown

“Do you all missed Joohyun unnie?” Irene asked again and this time with smile

Yerim is the first one to catch Irene message “Are…are you Joohyun unnie?” she stutter mess

“Yes baby, unnie is back” Irene announce

They burst into tears and quickly hugging Irene. Once again the studio filled with cry. Wendy watches the scene tearfully. It is sad reunion between Irene and her friends. They are very happy to have her back

“Unnie, you’re not joking around now, right? You’re come back for real” Joy cupping Irene cheeks

Irene wiping her tears “I remember you all for real. I remember everything”

“So you know the message from Seulgi song earlier?” Sunmi asked

“Yep, I know. I feel sorry to her but I can’t just come and tell her like it is something simple. I have lot of thing to talk to her. I decide to announce it to all of you first so I don’t need to talk with everyone at the same time”

“We understand unnie. We’re happy that you come back healthy” said Sunmi

“Thank Sunmi-ah. Thank you for taking care of Seulgi while I am away. I’m grateful that she have all of you when she face hard time”

“We’re always there for her unnie. It is so hard for us seeing her down but she is strong woman. She never stops searching for you whenever she have chance but failed. When we go vacation overseas, she will use that chance to roam everywhere she can with hope she will see you” said Joy

“I’m very sorry for her. I can see how broken she is when she sing the first song before and the latest one this morning. She used to tell me about her relationship but I really don’t have idea that person is Irene” said Wendy

“We also don’t know that Irene unnie is Joohyun unnie. When we first met, we really clueless because unnie change a lot but Seulgi know immediately” Yerim said

“She saw Irene here that day?”

“Yes unnie, just before you two left she saw Joohyun unnie then she passed out after that. She convinced us that she just saw Joohyun unnie with you. She is really confident that she finally found you. When we visit your apartment, we confirmed it. We see every detail that Seulgi unnie told us about how to recognize Joohyun unnie. Seulgi unnie is really something. She can recognize unnie in no time” Joy said in amazement

“That soulmate thing really work” Wendy looking at Irene

“Told you” Irene smile sideway

“Unnie, when you will let her know?” asked Sunmi

“I will find the right time soon”

“If you need help, we will always on service” Yerim wink

“Thanks guys” Irene face look so happy that moment

“Guys, let have lunch together.

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Title changed!

Former title: Red Velvet (Seulrene) Story Collection

New title: Book of Visual Couple

With love, Mulgokizary


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Marcsansummer #1
wait for an update🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
update please author nim!
Chapter 126: awwe marupok irene for the win!!🥰🥰
Taitai84 1232 streak #4
Chapter 126: Refreshing for cold Irene to be the one doing the courting
261 streak #5
Chapter 126: Aaaww sweet chapter. I really enjoy a fluffy Seulrene. Thank you author! 🧡
Chapter 126: so cute!
reveluv316 812 streak #7
thanks for the new chapter
Chapter 125: 🩷💛
261 streak #9
Chapter 125: I love it when Irene is clingy to her bear! Lovely story. Thank you author 🧡
Taitai84 1232 streak #10
Chapter 125: Irene sending gifts because she don’t dare to confess directly is so cute