I'm yours

Book of Visual Couple
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Irene locking her shop after her staff going home. She run a coffee shop and it close on 8 PM. After done locking the door, she turned right and saw the owner of stir fried pork restaurant busy mopping the floor. She greet him as usual

“Ahjussi, not go home yet?” she asked in friendly manner

“Not yet, we will go home after done cleaning. You’re going now?” the middle-aged man asked back

“Yes ahjussi” Irene nodded her head “Say goodnight to ahjumma and unnie”

“Okay, will tell them later. Drive safely”

“Okay uncle”

On her way to her car that parked in front of her shop, she saw unfamiliar car parked just few meters away from hers. That surely not belongs to her neighbor because they park their car at the back of their shop. Usually the parking lot is clear at night because almost all shops at their block will close except for convenient store that open 24 hours. That store also at the other end of their block and the parking is empty when she takes a look from her shop. Why would the car owner will park their car that far when there is vacant parking lot in front of that store.

The ahjussi voice startling her and bring her back from her zoning out “Irene-ssi, what’s wrong?”

“Err…ahjussi, whose car is that? Usually this area is empty at this hour” Irene frowning

“If I’m not mistaken that car owner is last customer of my restaurant. She just left about 30 minutes ago. I don’t know why she is still here” the man also wondering why that car not leaving yet

“Is she look suspicious or something?” Irene getting worry if that person spying on their shops

“I don’t think so. She is so nice and friendly. Her face looked innocent”

“Ayy ahjussi, sometimes face can deceive us”

“Hmm, she eats at my restaurant not only tonight but since 2 nights ago if I’m not mistaken and she always the last customer. This is first time she stays after eating”

Irene think for solution and she getting curious. Why on earth that girl staying outside without purpose?

“Shall I check on her?” Irene looking at her neighbor

“Is it okay? What if she is dangerous?”

“I want to know why she is here. Either she dangerous or not, we have to know it. She won’t hangs out here for no reason”

“You’re right, do you want company?”

“You better stay here just in case she is dangerous. I will send you a signal. If I give OK sign, that’s mean she is safe. If I send an X, you call police quickly” Irene makes a plan with the ahjussi

“Okay but make sure you be careful”

“Okay ahjussi”

Irene walk to her car to drop her stuff then she nervously walk to the target. She knocks the car window slowly but not getting any responds. Then she looking at ahjussi again, he asks her to try again and she do it. This time she saw a movement like someone wake up startling. Window slowly rolled down revealing the owner rubbing her eyes and yawning hard

“Yes ma’am~” the bear-like girl asked groggily while lean her head at the head rest. Her eyes still half-close

“May I know what are you doing here?”

“I borrow parking lot to sleep”

“Why do you sleep here?”

“I don’t have home”

“Aigooo, it’s late already. Go find hotel and sleep. It’s dangerous here. This place is empty already” Irene told the girl

“You have CCTV don’t you?”

Irene rolled her eyes “We do have it here but CCTV will not jump down to help you if someone come and rob you or murder you”

“Then bring me to your place. I really don’t know where to go. If I leave this place, I will still sleep in the car. I want to save the gas” the girl pointed at gas meter of her car that is still half filled

Irene puzzled “What if you are dangerous and you will kill me? This might be your trick. When we arrive at your house, your people will come and rob me”

“Aishhh” the girl get something from her bag “Here, take my wallet”

“Why?” Irene getting confuse

“Here I have my ID, money and cards. You can keep it for now. This is as guarantee that I don’t have bad intention to you. If I harm you then you can make police report. Bring all documents to police station so they can arrest me quickly”

Irene hesitates to take the wallet but the girl grabs her hand and put it on her palm. Then she opens the wallet to check the content. She have plenty of cash, credit and debit cards, ID, license and same as other female wallet, she also have some receipts. She read the girl ID and her name is Kang Seulgi

“Kang Seulgi?”

“Yes, it’s me” Seulgi smiling from ear to ear showing her cute eye-smile. She suddenly remembers something and takes back her wallet from Irene. She takes out her driving license then gives back the wallet to Irene “My driving license…I can’t afford to pay for compound”

“Can I really trust you?” Irene still hesitate to believe Seulgi

“Oh man…what else I can do to prove myself to you?” Seulgi sighs, suddenly she snap her fingers. She grab her phone and give to Irene “Keep my phone so you can make sure that I will not calling anyone. I only have 1 phone, believe me”

“Hmm” Irene sighs while looking at wallet and phone on her hand

“What else, ma’am? If you want more guarantees, I can give you my folder that has my birth certificate, passport and education certificates”

Finally Irene gives in as she saw Seulgi try hard to gain her trust “Okay, I believe you but make sure you not deceive me”

“You can stab me if I’m lying”

“Okay, follow my car” Irene command

“Okay, thank you ma’am” Seulgi answer happily

Irene walk back to the ahjussi and told him about her conversation with Seulgi. He also has hesitation but still try to think positive. He keeps reminding Irene to be careful since she will bring stranger to her house. Irene thanks him for his concern then excuse herself to go home. Seulgi following Irene car to her house

Soon as they arrive at home, interrogation session start right away. Irene as a kind person still makes juice for her guest and herself. Both of them sit at living room

“Thank you ma’am for believing me and allow me to stay here” said Seulgi after take a sip of orange juice

“You’re welcome. Now tell me why do you sleep inside your car?”

Seulgi take deep breath and exhale a bit loud “I run away from home”

“Why? Fight with your parents?”

“No, I fight with my dad. He keeps forcing me to work at his company but I not interested in his business. We argue and I run way 2 days ago. He freezes my bank accounts and blocks me from hotels. I don’t have choice but sleep in my car” Seulgi said sadly

Irene stares at Seulgi with sympathy. From her expression, she knows her guest is telling the truth “What about your mother? She will worry about you. You shouldn’t run away like that. Every problem has solution”

“Mom and dad were divorced since I am 13th. I stay with dad while unnie go with my mom. Unnie is the one who should take over the business but since I stay with dad so I am the rightful heiress now. Dad raised me alone since then. He never gets married or hangouts with other woman. He just focused on me and his business after our family broken. I spend most of the time with our maid. We only see each other on weekend and at night. Even he is busy with company, he always find a time to talk to me. He always remind me that I am only family he have after my mom leaving. Dad is very upset when I told him that I want to work other job. He wanted me to work with him but I against the idea. I want to live independently. Our relationship cracked since last year. I feel guilty but I don’t want to give up on my dream. I don’t want to do something that I’m not interested at. I know I’m not a good daughter but believe me, I’m not a bad person” Seulgi plead with her eyes

“I’m sorry to hear that. I’m sorry for judging you” Irene feel guilty

“It’s okay, you take me here is good enough. I’m grateful that I meet a kind person like you”

“From now on, you can stay with me. Make yourself at home” said Irene

“Are you alone here?”

“Yes, my family is at Daegu”

Seulgi scratch her nape “Sorry to say this but I can’t cook. You know what I mean, right?” she feel embarrassed

Irene chuckle seeing Seulgi face slightly red as she confessed her weakness “Don’t worry, it not unusual things. You have maids so that’s mean you wouldn’t do things on your own. I don’t mind that. I can cook for you”

“Thank you” Seulgi sighs softly “I can help with cleaning but cooking. Dad always thinks that I am still little kid so he told our maid not to allow me cooking. I secretly learn to cook ramyeon from my maid and it take a lot of convincing before maid teach me cooking. I seriously a spoil brat because of my dad”

“At least you have effort to learn” said Irene

“Can you teach me cooking so I can survive if I live alone?”

“Of course, I don’t have problem with that”

“Thank you” Seulgi face look happy “I will find a job quickly and rent house so I won’t troubling you. I hope you don’t mind if I stay here like a week”

“Don’t worry, take your time”

“Okay” Seulgi remember something “By the way, what is your name?”

“My name is Bae Joohyun or Irene”

“So…which one to call…Irene or Joohyun”

“Anything, I don’t mind”

“I will call you Joohyun then”

“Okay, suit yourself”

Seulgi tapping her chin “I guess you are older than me so…unnie?”

“No, just call Joohyun. Don’t need to be formal” said Irene


Irene looking at wall clock and the time is almost 9:30 “Seulgi, I will show your room. Let go upstairs”


Both of them go upstairs and Irene open the door to the room in front of her bedroom

“This is your room. You can bring your stuff here”


“Since this room not attach to bathroom, you will use bathroom at the end of hallway. I will prepare soap and shampoo for you”

“Thanks for complete hospitality” Seulgi said jokingly make both of them giggle

“Alright, I want to wash up then get something to eat. Are you hungry?”

“No, I eat at restaurant next to your shop earlier. I can accompany you eating; maybe get something warm to drink”

“Okay then, go get your stuff and wash up”


Irene goes to her bedroom while Seulgi go downstairs since her bags still at the couch. She is very thankful that she meet a person as kind as Irene. She totally scared if she meets the wrong person and they rob or murder her. Thankful God send an angelic woman to save her. She will do her best not to troubling Irene when she stay with her. She will behave as well as she can. If Irene throws her out, she has nowhere to go. She doesn’t want to sleep at the car again.


Next morning, both of them breakfast together before Irene off to work. She not leaving early since her café will open on 9 AM. She takes time to cook for both of them. Usually she will make simple breakfast but since she have guest, she cook more. Irene happy seeing Seulgi enjoy her food. The girl eat well and also a big eater. For a slim figure, she eat more than expected

“What are you going to do today?” Irene start their conversation after finish her food

“I will look around for job vacancy”

“What is actually your dream job?” Irene curiously asking

After take a sip of her tea, Seulgi speak “I am a fitness freak so I want a job that related to gym. My father business is not about fitness that’s why I don’t have interest”

“Oh, it telling why your body not get fat even you eat a lot” finally the puzzled solve

“Yeah, I do eat a lot but I will get rid of calories after that. However, it has been few days since I hit the gym” Seulgi pouting slightly

“Poor thing” Irene shook her head and smile shortly “By the way, I hope you find a job quickly. I don’t mean to shoo you away but that is your dream so…all the best”

“Thank you” Seulgi answer follow by big smile “Can you give back my wallet and phone?”

Irene knocked her head lightly when she realized that she still keep Seulgi phone and wallet “I will get it now” she run to her room. Few minutes later, she come back with the stuff “Here is your belongings and this is spare key”

“Okay” Then Irene also give cash to Seulgi “What is this for?” she puzzle

“Money for you” Irene said innocently

“Joohyun, it’s okay. I have my money here” Seulgi feel awkward

“It is for you. Save your money and use this one. I saw your car need gas so fill it. You can use balance to eat or buy anything you need”

Seulgi feel like she troubling Irene too much “You…really don’t have to. I don’t want to trouble you”

“No, you are not troubling me. I sincerely help you. Don’t feel bad, okay?” Irene looking at Seulgi softly

“O-okay…thank you”

“If you need something, just tell me anytime, okay?” Seulgi nods her head

“I will clean dishes. You can get ready to work” said Seulgi after recover from embarrassment

“You can clean dishes?”

“Yes, I can do that”

“Alright then, thank Seulgi”

“No problem”

Irene ruffled Seulgi hair softly before she leave to her room. Seulgi send her off with her eyes until Irene vanish from her sight

“Now I believe that angel really exist” Seulgi mumble while staring at the money in her hand


Irene arrives at coffee shop 30 minutes before the shop open. Since they done with cleaning, her staff are eating their breakfast. She greeted by her staffs who sit at table near the counter. After talk with them, she walk to other female staff who also her best friends Wendy, Joy and Yeri.

“Morning girls”

“Good morning unnie”

Irene sits between Yeri and Wendy “What do you guys eat?”

“We eat fried noodle that Kyungsoo oppa cooked” Yeri said “We left some for you at the kitchen”

“No, I full already”

“It’s rare that you eat a lot at home. Usually you only eat bread” Joy commented

“Is you mother coming?” Wendy asking

Irene shakes her head “I have guest that’s why I cook a lot today”

“Who? We don’t see anyone coming yesterday”

“None of us know her. I found her at parking lot at the front last night and I take her home”

“Unnie!” the girls looking at her sharply


“You bring strangers to you house. It not safe unnie” Yeri retort

“You are too kind to everyone even to someone you barely know” Joy added

Her friends reaction makes Irene cackle “She is not dangerous. Don’t worry. She comes from good background”

Wendy still not convince by Irene reasoning “If she is from good background then why she is homeless? What if she is criminal on the run or a spy to trap you then will rob you? Be careful with stranger unnie”

“Believe me, everything will be okay. She is nice girl, same age with Wendy and look like a bear. She have problem with her family now and she nowhere to go. I don’t want her to sleep in her car because it is dangerous plus she is a girl. Lot of things can happen to her especially at night. She really needs help so I took her in. She even gives her wallet and phone as guarantee that she will not hurting me”

The girls calm down and feel relieve. It not easy for Irene to trust stranger so they count on her

“Okay unnie but you have to be careful. Don’t careless” said Joy

“Alright, thanks for concern” Irene smiled to her friends “I will introduce her to all of you. You all will like her for sure”

“We look forward to meet her too”

Alarm on Wendy phone distracting them then she turn it off “Guys I have to check my pastries. Yeri, help me clean”

“Okay unnie”

Wendy run back to the kitchen while the others start cleaning the table “Get ready to work” said Irene to her staff

“Okay boss” everyone answer energetically


Irene arrived at home early than usual because she doesn’t want Seulgi to starving waiting for her. Besides, she also worries because Seulgi not answering her calls since afternoon so she leaved the café to Wendy. Seulgi is at home but Irene wondering why Seulgi not turn on the light. She walked inside after light turn on and saw Seulgi lying on her stomach on the couch

“Sleeping, no wonder not answering her phone” Irene mumbled

She doesn’t want to disturb Seulgi sleeping so she go straight to her room to wash up. After refreshing she returned to living room and Seulgi still in same position. This time she decide to wake her up

“Seulgi” she tapping Seulgi arm “Seulgi, wake up. I’m home”

Seulgi move a bit and change position. She lies on her side facing Irene. The house owner can’t help but chuckle quietly seeing Seulgi cuteness

“Sleepyhead” she attempt to wake Seulgi again by shaking her body “Hey Seulgi, wake up already”

Finally she succeed making Seulgi open her eyes “Joohyun?”

“Yes, wake up. It’s late already”

Seulgi lazily sit up and stretch her body “When do you arrive?”

“About an hour ago”

“Really? Why I don’t know?”

“You’re sleeping so tight that you don’t hear me wake you up” Irene giggle

“Sorry” Seulgi scratching her neck

“So…how was your day?”

Seulgi slump her shoulder and lean against the couch “Seem like I will be a beggar after this”

Irene gasped in shock “Why do you say so?”

“My dad banned me from applying job at every place that he knows I will go. After freezing my bank account, now he does this to me. I’m literally a beggar now. I don’t have money and I can’t apply job” Seulgi voice sound so sad

Irene looked at Seulgi sympathetically. She sits beside Seulgi and pulled her to hug “Don’t sad, I always here to help you as much as I can”

At first Seulgi freeze when Irene hugging her without warning but she calm down after few minutes. Irene embrace feel warm and safe. She returns the hug slowly

“Thank you for appear during my hardest time. We don’t know each other but you still treat me kindly. I don’t know what will happen to me if I don’t meet you” Seulgi softly prop her chin on top of Irene head

“Now you don’t worry anymore, okay? I can support you until things turn better. I believe your problem will meet the solution soon. Stay here with me and make yourself at home. You are not a trouble to me” said Irene while softly patting Seulgi back

Seulgi embrace on Irene smile figure getting tighter and Irene not resist it “Thank you”

After few minutes, they finally releasing each other “Cheer up, okay?” Irene cupped Seulgi cheek

“Okay” the bear smile

“Now let’s go out to eat. You need something to ease you stress. You know…your face look down now” Irene said

“Alright, are we eating chicken?” Seulgi practically smile when she realize they are holding hands

Irene quickly shakes her head “I can’t eat chicken. We will eat meat”

“Can I have soju too?”

“Sure but not a lot. I’m not good at handling drunken people”

“Alright, just a bottle or two”

“Good, let change clothes”

“Emm…can you release my hand first?” Seulgi question make Irene jump in surprise and remove her hand from Seulgi’s. Her face turned red in embarrassment

“S-sorry” Irene feels so shy that she wanted to bury herself. Seulgi might think that she is ert for holding her hand as she pleased

Seulgi cackle while poking Irene cheek “No worry, you can hold my hand anytime you want. I don’t mind”

Irene quickly leaving without answering the bear but not before she hit Seulgi arm for teasing her. Seulgi laughing before she also go to her room to change her clothes


Seulgi arrive in front of Irene shop and she quickly run inside. She go directly to the counter and greeted by Joy who duty as cashier for the day

“Good morning ma’am, may I take your order please?” Joy asked politely added by her beautiful smile

“Err…good morning; I want to meet with Ms. Bae” Seulgi speak while tapping her fingers on the countertop

Joy looking at Seulgi and frown “Why do you want to meet her?” at the same time Yeri, Kibum and Kyungsoo also work near the counter. They looking at Seulgi weirdly

“Something urgent ma’am, call her now, please”

“Our boss is busy”

Seulgi groan “Aigooo, just tell her Kang Seulgi want to see her” she looking at Joy sharply make the cashier slightly shiver in fear

Joy quickly runs to Irene and Wendy who busy clean the table after done making pastries. Both girls curious seeing Joy come to them like emergency happen


“Yes, what happen to you? Someone chasing you?” asked Irene

“There…Kang Seulgi wants to see you” Joy catching her breath

“Kang Seulgi?” Irene shock “What is she doing here?”

“I don’t know. She said something urgent and looked serious”

“Okay” Irene take off her apron then she jog to the front. Joy and Wendy also following her

Seulgi lean at the counter while busy with her phone. She look up when she hear someone coming towards her

“Seulgi, what are you doing here? Are you hungry?” Irene stares at Seulgi with worry expression

“Joohyun, I want to talk to you”

“Why you don’t call my phone?”

“You are not answering me. I called like hundred times already”

Irene looking for her phone in her pocket but empty “Oh, I left my phone in my bag. I’m sorry”

“Can we please talk now?”

“Okay…okay, let’s go to my office” Irene grabs Seulgi hand and pull her inside

The staff start gathering at the counter soon as their boss disappear

“Hey, that is the girl that unnie took to her house!” Yeri exclaimed

“She looked cool” said Wendy

“She is hot when she upset earlier” Joy added

Kibum interrupt their gossip “Look like you all fangirling over Irene friend” he teasing the girls


In Irene office

“Seulgi, now tell me what’s wrong? Don’t make me curious” Irene speaks soon as they sit on the couch

“Look…I called my mother earlier. I told her my situation. She wants to transfer money to me but my accounts are inactive. If you don’t mind, can she transfer to your bank account?”

“Sure, no problem” Irene agrees without question “I have one account that I rarely use but still active. Your mom can transfer to that account”

“Thank you Hyun” Seulgi said happily “Can you give me the number now?”

“Okay” Irene took her phone from her bag and opens the apps to access to her bank account “Here you go”

“Alright” Seulgi make phone call to her mother “Hello mommy…my friend said I can borrow her account so you can transfer it…I will text you the account number…okay mommy, I will behave. I miss you mommy…love you too, bye mom” she proceed to text her mother after that

Irene feels sorry when she hears Seulgi speak with her mom softly. Seulgi must be missing her mother badly. She is wondering how Seulgi go through her life without her mother beside her. It must be very painful for her

“You’re always keep-in-touch with your mom?” Irene questioning after Seulgi return her phone

“Yeah, we always contact each other. I also visit them during school holiday when I still study. Now that I grow up, I will go whenever I have chance” Seulgi smiling slightly. It obvious that she missing her mother right now

“You must be miss her a lot” Irene squeeze Seulgi shoulder softly

Seulgi weakly nods her head “So much that it’s hurting me. I grow envying my friends with their mom while I only have dad. At least dad still allow me to meet her and spend time together when she come here”

“Where is she right now?”

“She is at California”

“Is she married?”

“Yes, she married a Korean-American man. He is nice person and treats me well when I visit them. Unnie also said that he treat her like her own daughter. He is spoiling me a lot when we meet each other. Sadly they don’t have children”

“Glad that all of you still keep good relationship” Irene ruffled Seulgi hair softly “Do you eat lunch already or you want to eat anything? I will get it for you”

“Special menu in your shop…I saw lot of delicious pastries on display earlier”

“What flavor do you want?”

“Just get random flavor. I’m not picky”

“Alright, drink?”

“Bubble milk tea classic” Seulgi stated excitedly

“Okay, your order will serve in few minutes” Irene playfully said then she skip to outside

Few minutes later, she comes back with tray that have 3 different flavors of pastries and a cup of bubble milk tea that Seulgi wanted

“Here you food” Irene put the tray on the table

“Thanks, it looked delicious. Do you make it?” Seulgi drink her tea to quench her thirst

“I’m just occasionally helping my patissier. They do most of the work. I just supervise the operation” Irene chuckle

Seulgi grin “Well, you are boss so it make a sense” she teasing Irene “Hyun, mom said 10% of money that she transfer will be given to you”

Irene mouth agape “Why?”

“Because you help me a lot so take it as her gratitude. Mom not accept rejection so you have to accept it”

“Okay and say thanks to your mom”

“Will tell her later” said Seulgi “Open your mouth”


“To eat this of course” Seulgi bring the food closer to Irene

“I get it for you so you eat it, not me”

“Come on, eat with me. I feel awkward eating alone” Seulgi grasp Irene wrist and pull her closer. Irene takes a bit then Seulgi smile happily “There you go” she then take a bit of the pastry “It taste good”

“Thank you; if you want more I will get it for you”

“No, this is enough. I’m not really hungry” Seulgi resist

“Seul, my staffs want me to introduce you to them so I hope you don’t mind”

“Of course I don’t mind, I want to know them too”

“We will meet them after you eat, okay?” Seulgi nods while eating her food

Everyone gather at the counter since that time no customer coming. Irene wants to introduce Seulgi to her staff as everyone wished. She don’t know why her staff very excited to see Seulgi but she happy so that Seulgi can make friend and distract her from her current problem

“Everyone, I would like to introduce my housemate. Her name is Kang Seulgi” the bear bow her head after Irene speak “Seulgi, these are my staffs. This is Joy Park, Kim Yeri and Im Nayeon, the cashier. Patissier are Wendy Son, Mina and Park Jihyo, our barista Lee Taemin, Momo and Kim Jongin. Last one is waiting staff, Kim Kibum, Kim Dahyun and Do Kyungsoo. Patissier and barista are fixed but cashier and waiting staff will take turn depend on situation”

“Nice to meet you all” Seulgi shake hand with the staff

“Nice to meet you too Ms. Kang” they said

“Just call me Seulgi”


Irene looking at Wendy who stand in front of her “Wendy, I will go out with Seulgi so please take care of our shop”

“Sure thing, I will take it from here” Wendy wink and playfully salute

“I guess I will see you all around. We have something urgent to take care of” Seulgi said

“No worry Seulgi-ssi, you can come anytime. Our boss surely happy having you here” Joy joking

Seulgi glance at Irene then she smile “By the way, pastries that I ate earlier are very delicious”

“Thank you very much!” Wendy and Mina high five with each other

“Keep it up!” Seulgi pump her fist

“Okay!” Wendy send flirty wink to Seulgi

Seulgi wink back at Wendy “We have to go now. I will return your boss again later”

“You can keep her, we don’t mind” said Yeri

“Yah!” Irene whine

“Unnie, don’t be emotional. Why do you so whiny today?” Dahyun and Yeri smirk evilly

“Something wrong?” Seulgi asking Irene

“Nothing, don’t mind that Satan kids. Let’s go” Irene pull Seulgi by her arm

Seulgi wave to the staffs while beam brightly “Bye!”


Seulgi walk leisurely at the sidewalk after buying snacks at convenient store. She holding a plastic bag filled with 2 cans of Pringles and a can of Cola. She also humming her favorite song

Suddenly she stop walking when she noticed a white furry creature balled few meter away from her

“Omo, what is that?” she whisper

She walk closer to take better look of that thing. When she finally recognize it, her eyes turn wide and gasped loud

“A puppy!” she squeal while crouch beside the cute puppy “Omo baby, what are you doing here? It’s hot out here. Where is your owner?” she looked around with hope she will find the owner of the little cute puppy

“Hmm, seem like you are alone. Let me accompany you until your owner come to pick you up” she patting the puppy head softly

10 minutes later, Seulgi feel bored and her face look grumpy. The puppy still at the same position while staring cutely at human bear

“Are you boring? I’m getting bored now. I want to go home now. Do you want to go with me?” Seulgi sighs heavily “But that is not my house”

She decided to bring the puppy closer. When she tries to pick it up, the puppy suddenly whining like it is hurting “Oh my God, do you hurt? Am I hurting you?” she feels sorry but try again to pick the puppy “Where do you hurt?” then she poke everywhere on the puppy body until she poking it leg. The puppy is whining again loudly “Oh, your leg injured. I will treat you, okay? But we have to go home. I will call Joohyun to ask for permission”

Seulgi quickly calling Irene “Hello Joohyun!”


Irene have meeting with Wendy, Yeri and Joy after checking new arrival stock. When they in the middle of discussing, Irene phone ringing

“Aigooo, who is this?” Irene nagging while fished her phone out of her pocket

“Maybe our stockiest” Wendy guessing randomly

Irene answer the phone without looking at the caller name. She turn on the loudspeaker and put it on the table

“Hello Hyun!” Seulgi voice echo cheerfully make everyone startled. Irene hurriedly checking the caller and that is Seulgi calling her

“Hello Seulgi, what’s up?”

“Hyun, I found an injured puppy at the street when I walk back from convenient store

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Title changed!

Former title: Red Velvet (Seulrene) Story Collection

New title: Book of Visual Couple

With love, Mulgokizary


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Marcsansummer #1
wait for an update🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
update please author nim!
Chapter 126: awwe marupok irene for the win!!🥰🥰
Taitai84 1225 streak #4
Chapter 126: Refreshing for cold Irene to be the one doing the courting
254 streak #5
Chapter 126: Aaaww sweet chapter. I really enjoy a fluffy Seulrene. Thank you author! 🧡
Chapter 126: so cute!
reveluv316 805 streak #7
thanks for the new chapter
Chapter 125: 🩷💛
254 streak #9
Chapter 125: I love it when Irene is clingy to her bear! Lovely story. Thank you author 🧡
Taitai84 1225 streak #10
Chapter 125: Irene sending gifts because she don’t dare to confess directly is so cute