Doctor Kang (Part 2)

Book of Visual Couple
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After a month done with therapy, finally Wendy reveals her relationship to her members. As expected, the girls shocked by the news but they accept it happily. All of them happy for Wendy and Taeyeon

Meanwhile, no one knows their beloved leader have problem with Dr. Kang. After short encounter at hospital before, both of them never talk again even when Seulgi come to their dorm to check Wendy. Seulgi only talk with the other girls except her. She tries to forget the doctor and just give up on her but it make her think of Seulgi more than before

“Seulgi-ah, I miss you” she whispers in the air while staring out of the window in her room. It is rain heavily outside that make her feel lonely

Sometimes, she envy at Wendy happiness since she date Taeyeon and she know if she not disappointing Seulgi before, she will be happy like Wendy too. She decide to text the bear again because both of them stop contact each other or to be exact, Seulgi never reply her text after their encounter before

‘Hi Seul’ – Irene

No reply from Seulgi and she thought maybe Seulgi is busy at hospital. After waiting around 15 minutes, she decided to sleep and hope that when she wakes up, she will get the reply.

When she wake up from her sleep, Irene check her phone immediately and she smile when she got reply from Seulgi

‘Hi, who is this?’ – Seulgi

‘This is Irene’ – Irene

It sad because she know Seulgi remove her from her contact list that’s why the doctor doesn’t recognize her number

‘What do you want?’ – Seulgi

‘I want to say hello’ – Irene

‘Okay’ – Seulgi

‘Are you busy now?’ – Irene

‘I just finish meeting with my patient’ – Seulgi

‘Can we meet tonight?’ – Irene

‘You don’t care about your fans and dispatch now?’ – Seulgi

‘I will arrange it so no one will see’ – Irene

‘I not in mood to go out’ – Seulgi

‘Please, it won’t take long. I want to talk to you’ – Irene

‘Okay, text me the address’ – Seulgi

‘Okay’ – Irene

Irene text Seulgi the address where she want to meet her and Seulgi said she will go soon as she finishes working. Irene prepare herself to go out so she take bath early

“Unnie, where are you going?” Joy and Yeri looking at Irene who ready to go out

“I go out to meet my friend so don’t wait for me for dinner” Irene said

“Okay take care, unnie”

“Okay, bye girls” Irene put on her sandal

Irene ride cab to the park where she want to meet the doctor and she asked the driver to drop her at the parking lot. No one recognize her because she wears hoodie, cap and mask. When she saw Seulgi car, she walk quickly and knock the window. She opens the door after Seulgi unlock it

“Sorry I’m late” Irene said after takeoff her mask

“It’s okay” Seulgi answer shortly “Why you want to see me?” she asked without looking at Irene

“I want to apologize for what happen months ago”

Seulgi sighs “It’s okay; I forgive you long time ago. I’m not a type who hold grudge because I don’t want to think about it anymore”

“I still feel bad towards you and disappoint you a lot” Irene said

“I’m over it now and I just focus on my life. I never think twice before I develop feeling to you and now I realize my mistake. I’m sorry for that”

“Seulgi, this is not your fault” Irene practically shook her head

“I know I don’t deserve you and we’re not even in same level. Who I am to think that I can have a goddess like you” Seulgi chuckle bitterly

Irene looking at Seulgi sadly and she noticed disappointment in Seulgi voice. Even she looked calm but deep inside, Seulgi hurt so much “So you give up on us?”

“Yes, I give up the night that you tell me that there is no way for us to be together. Maybe Wendy and Taeyeon unnie can be happy with their relationship but not us. I convince myself that I will find my happiness somewhere in future” the bear rubbed her face

Irene stare outside silently and she’s on verge of crying. She know she will hear that from Seulgi and she’s ready but now it hard for her to accept

“I’m sorry Seul” Irene voice shaken and Seulgi notice it

“It’s okay”

“Can we try again?” Irene asked after calm down

“I don’t think I can this time. I don’t want to disappoint anymore”

“I promise that we will make it work this time” Irene hold Seulgi forearm

Seulgi chuckled “You just say it now but have you think twice? What about your fans? Will they agree? Your carrier”

“I will not repeat the same mistake again”

“This time I don’t want myself to fall again at the wrong place. You don’t know how hurt is it, Juhyun-ah. Try imagining last time when we almost become a couple until you drop the bomb right on my face. I’m disappointed and hurt at the same time. You never apologize after that and never call me again until the day we meet at hospital. I don’t want it happen again. You gave me hope but you break my heart after that”

“Let me heal you” Irene pleads

“I’m sorry” Seulgi shake her head “Let me drive you home. I’m tired” she said. Both of them just silent all the way to Irene dorm, Seulgi pull off at the basement parking to make sure Irene go out safely

Before she go out, Irene speak again “You maybe give up on us but I’m not. One fine day, I will show you how much you mean to me” Seulgi wait until Irene get inside the elevator before she leaved the place


Irene keep texting Seulgi almost every day even she know sometimes it make the doctor annoying but she doesn’t care. It takes long time for her to really make sure her feeling and she loves the doctor. All she wants is Seulgi stay with her in any circumstance

Typical evening when Irene lounge at living room with Yeri and Joy while Wendy sleeping in her rooms, their schedule end early so that they can rest at home

“Unnie, do you have schedule tomorrow?” Joy ask

“Yes, I will film for talk show tomorrow”

“Aigoo, I’m alone tomorrow” Joy whine while disturbing Yeri watching TV

Yeri shoved potato chips into Joy mouth “Wendy unnie and I is free tomorrow so we will stay here with you”

“Wendy unnie will go out tomorrow”

“No, she said Tae unnie is abroad this week so she will stay at home”

Joy face turn bright “Then I will spend time with both of you tomorrow”

Irene busy with her phone and ignoring whatever the younger girls talk about, she’s in her own world until her stomach suddenly aching “Aigoo, my stomach suddenly hurt” she said and run to the toilet

Joy turn to her side and saw Irene phone on the table. It was turn on because of the incoming text. She accidentally read the text from Seulgi

“Kim Yerim” Joy grabbed Yeri wrist and pulled her to read the text

“Kang Seulgi?” Yeri questioning

“No other Seulgi that we know beside Dr. Kang Seulgi” Joy cover

Feeling curious, both of them read the text again to make sure it was from Seulgi then press the power button again so that it will turn off

“Do you think unnie have something with Dr. Kang?” Joy asked in low voice

“I can’t say it no because you see the text earlier, right?” said Yeri

“It’s like Seulgi unnie and Irene unnie talk about something important”

“Hmmm” both of them looking at each other then shrugged their shoulder


Joy, Wendy and Yeri have lunch together at home while Irene still out for filming. Joy decide to tell Wendy about what she and Yeri saw yesterday

“Unnie, yesterday me and Yeri saw something strange”

“What is it?” Wendy curious “Don’t tell me you and Yeri saw something weird on internet like last time”

Joy giggle “No, this is for real. We read Irene unnie text yesterday”

“What wrong with her text?” Wendy frown

“It was text from Seulgi unnie” Yeri said

The older girl looked at them “What they talk about?” Wendy asked

“I don’t know the rest since we just read the latest one. I don’t want to scroll just in case unnie return from toilet”

“What did you read then?”Wendy getting impatient

“First unnie send ‘sorry dear’ with kissing emoji then follow by heart emoji. After that, Seulgi unnie reply ‘okay’ only”

“Are they arguing about something or do you see unnie reaction before she leave to toilet? Usually unnie will frown if she argues with someone”

“No, I talk with Yeri while unnie busy with her phone. After she leave, I turn around and at the same time the text appear”

“You and Yeri always lucky” Wendy laughed “Is it really Kang Seulgi that we know?”

“I’m 100% sure that is was Dr. Kang. You have her number, right?” Yeri said

“Yes” Wendy nodded

“The profile picture is she wears black T-shirt and shade inside the car”

“Yes, that is her!” Wendy confirmed it

“Aigooo, they are so sweet” Joy and Yeri fangirl mode on

“Taeyeon unnie never told you anything about them?” Joy asked Wendy

“No, Taeyeon said Seulgi never date anyone after breakup with Jessica unnie few years ago. That’s all she tell me and I guess she also don’t know about this because Seulgi is good at keeping secret”

“Seulgi unnie used to be Dr. Jung girlfriend?” Yeri asked

“Yes, they are in relationship in their early years at that hospital but sadly it not work for them so they decide to be a friend after a year dating. Jessica unnie still care about her but in friendly way. Besides, Jessica unnie also engaged to her childhood friend” Joy and Yeri listened attentively

“Don’t worry, one day unnie will tell us what happen between them” said Joy

“You’re right”


Irene keeps sneezing all the way back from their agency. Her members worried about her condition

“Unnie, are you fever?” Wendy asked worriedly

“No, just flu” Irene said then sneezes loudly

“Are you sure? Your face looked red” Joy palmed Irene forehead “Yah, you’re fever”

“Aigooo, you should eat meds later” said Yeri

When they arrive at dorm, Irene eat meds and rest in her room

“Unnie is sleeping now?” Yeri asked

“Yes” Wendy sit beside Yeri and scrolling through her phone

Meanwhile at hospital, Seulgi and Taeyeon have lunch together in Taeyeon office

“Seul, my house will settle by next week so I will move out soon” Taeyeon said

“Aigooo, I will be lonely after that” Seulgi pout

“You can always visit me if you feel alone. I reserve one room for you” Taeyeon giggles

“Don’t forget the old house if you have the new one”

“Don’t worry, I will visit you too”

“Wendy will stay with you if the house is ready?”

“Practically because she has to stick with her members too due to their schedule so that it’ll not troubling her manager to go here and there. If she’s off day, she will back to the house”

“You guys like a married couple now” Seulgi comments

Taeyeon chuckle “It still too early to get married. I can settle down any time but I don’t think Wendy can make it due to her carrier”

“It’s okay, she is worth to wait”

“Yeah, I let she do anything she aim for then we will think about build the family”

“Wendy is lucky to have you”

“You also lucky for having me as your best friend” Taeyeon laughed

“I and Wendy are the luckiest person alive”

Taeyeon phone ringing on the table and she answer it

“Hello babe” – Taeyeon

“Hello, how are you doing today?” – Wendy

“I’m good today” – Taeyeon

“Have you eaten your lunch?” – Wendy

“I still eat with Taetae now. Are you still at agency?” – Taeyeon

“No, I’m at dorm now. We wrap up early today” – Wendy

“Okay, take a rest at home” – Taeyeon

“Alright babe” – Wendy

“Where are the others?” – Taeyeon

“Yeri play video games, Joy sleep on the couch. Juhyun unnie sleep in her room, she’s not feeling well today. She flu and fever” – Wendy

“Aigooo, did you give her meds?” – Taeyeon

“Yes that’s why she sleep now” – Wendy

“Okay” – Taeyeon

“Finish your food now babe, text me when you finish eating” – Wendy

“Okay, bye babe. Love you” – Taeyeon

“Love you too” – Wendy

“Such a sweet couple” Seulgi teasing her friend

“I missed her already” Taeyeon giggle

“Aigoo, looked like I need to pursue my study and learn how to cure love sick” both of them laughed

“Quit teasing me” Taeyeon said

“How are them now? It’s been a while since I meet all of them”

“Everyone is good, just Irene is fever now”



Irene phone buzzing under her pillow and she answer it lazily without checking the caller ID


“I’m at basement parking. Come down now” Irene recognize the caller voice immediately

“Okay, give me 5 minutes”


Irene changed her clothes then go to the toilet to wash her face. After the she go out of her room

“Unnie, where are you going?” Wendy ask when she saw Irene rushed out of her room and wearing mask

“I go down for a while” said Irene

“Aigooo, unnie often going out now” said Joy

Irene arrived at basement and spotted Seulgi car. She immediately jogged to the parking

“Sorry, I’m late”

“It’s okay, I heard you’re fever. Is it true?” Seulgi asked

“Yeah, I got fever since last night and got flu this morning” Irene said

“Did you take meds?”

“Yes, this afternoon Wendy gives me her meds”

“You don’t have your own stock?”

“I run out of stock and forgot to buy the new one”

“Aigooo” Seulgi drive her car out of the parking lot

“Where are we going?” Irene wondering

“Buy your meds of course. I’m not taking you out in this state”

“Okay” Irene rubbed her arms due to cold and she forgot to bring her jacket

“Are you cold?”


“Wear my jacket” Seulgi pointed at her jacket that hangs at the passenger seat


They pull off in front of the pharmacy “You wait here for a while”


Seulgi go to the pharmacy quickly and few minutes later she comes with plastic bag filled with meds

“This is your meds”

“Thanks” Irene peek inside “You bought a lot”

“So that you always have stock, we don’t know when the sickness hit us so we must prepare”


Seulgi drive back to the dorm and both silent for the whole ride. Irene closes her eyes and lean comfortably on the seat

“We arrive” Seulgi said and Irene open her eyes “Don’t forget to eat meds and sleep early”


“If it still bad, you go to hospital tomorrow”

“I don’t want to go to hospital” Irene pouted

“Then it’ll get worse then now”


“Go upstairs now and rest”

“Okay, thanks for this”


Irene totally forgot that she still wearing Seulgi jacket. When she arrived at the dorm, everyone looking at her like she commits crime

“Unnie, where are you from?” Yeri asked

“I from pharmacy buy meds” Irene show the plastic bag

“Okay, who go with you?”

“I ride cab” the members just nodded their head while Irene excuses herself to go to her room

“As far as I remember, she just goes out without that jacket” Wendy recall back before Irene leave the dorm

“Unnie also don’t have that kind of jacket” Yeri added

“Seungwan unnie, I accompany you for therapy before and Seulgi unnie wear the same jacket” Joy said

“Could it be Seulgi unnie who meet her down there?” Yeri speak in low voice

“I guess so because when I told Taeyeon that Juhyun unnie is sick both of them have their lunch together and now Taeyeon said Seulgi just arrived at their apartment” Wendy said

“I think that belong to Seulgi unnie” said Joy


Red velvet members on their way back to their dorm since their schedule end early. Everyone talked about their filming season for variety show and they have so much fun

“Girls, we arrived” their manager said

“Thanks oppa, see you tomorrow” they said

“Alright, remember to get ready early tomorrow”

“Okay, bye oppa” they get their belonging and shut the door

“I hope we will get some good news tomorrow” Joy said excitedly

“Maybe it has something to do with holiday” said Wendy

Suddenly Yeri stop without warning and they bump into each other

“Kim Yerim” the older girls groan

“Sorry unnie” Yeri grin innocently

“Yah, why do you suddenly stop?” Irene asked

“That car looked familiar” Yeri pointed at the car at the parking lot few meters from them

“Isn’t that Seulgi’s car?” Wendy guessed randomly

Irene sighs “That’s her”

“What is she doing here?”

“She comes to get her belonging” said Irene. She holding Seulgi jacket on her left arm “I talk to her first, you all wait here” the girls just watching their leader walk away and of course their curiosity level getting high

Irene walk to the car then she knocked the window. Seulgi rolled it down “Aigooo, why took so long?” she complain

“You know the traffic is bad this time that’s why we arrive late”

“Hmm, okay”

“This is your jacket. Thanks for lending it to me” Irene gives the jacket back to the owner

“No problem”

“You’re not working today?” Irene wondering because Seulgi can come that early

“I work but not at my office. I back from meeting so I come here but after this I will go to office”


“Got to go now, bye”


Seulgi leave the place while Irene walk back to her members. Everyone looking at her emotionlessly

“What’s with that face?” Irene asked the girls

“You owe us lot of explanation unnie” said Joy

Irene sighs heavily “Okay, we go up first then we talk”

All of them settle at living room and Irene decided to open up about her and Seulgi. Her friends should know what happen to her and she know it was her fault because keep secret from her members

“Actually, Kang Seulgi and I contact with each other during the time when Wendy hospitalized. We talk everyday and getting close but we never go out. She like me and same goes to me but suddenly it scared me a lot. I keep thinking about lot of thing that can break us apart so I told her she can date anyone but not me. She willing to wait but I told her that I can’t make it”

Groan can be heard from the girls as Irene finish explain her situation “What happen after that?” Wendy curious to know what happen next

“She hurt and disappointed then we stop contact each other. She deleted my number. I try to text her few weeks ago then we meet after that. She told me that she give up on us and wants to find her happiness somewhere else. Since our first meeting until today, she still cold to me”

“The story make us curious yet frustrating” Joy comment

“So the person who goes out with you these days is no other but Seulgi unnie?” Yeri asked

“Yes, when I sick few days ago she called me to go down and buy meds for me. I never go out with other people besides you guys and her”

“So, what are you guys now? You said she still treat you coldly” Wendy asked

Irene shook her head slowly “I also don’t understand. She treat me cold but she care and never ignore my calls and texts except when she’s busy. When I call, she talk to me coldly and same things when we meet”

“Did you two start again to work things out?” Wendy stares at Irene

“I want but she said she give up”

“She knows that you want to try again?”

“Yes, I told her before but she not don’t care”

“Aigooo” the girls sigh as they think it was too complicated


After the meeting, all of them back to their practice room with happy face

“Thank God that our company give us long holiday so we can rest more” Yeri rolling on the floor

“Anyone have plan for this long holiday?” Irene looking at her members

“Don’t have any plan yet” Joy and Yeri shrugged their shoulder

“Taeyeon wants to introduce me to her friends so I guess that is the plan. She also invites all of you if you all want to join” Wendy said

“Wow, that’s cool. Where she will bring you?” Joy smile widely

“I not sure but that is private place that was owned by one of her friends and they always spend their holiday there. Since all of them also have long holiday so everyone decide to meet”

“Unnie, what do you think? Can we join them?” Joy and Yeri looking at Irene since they need her approval

“If that place is safe, we can go” Irene said

“Okay, I will confirm again with her later then I will tell all of you” Wendy said excitedly and she’s happy because her friend also come along


Wendy run out of her room and join the others at living room

“What’s wrong with you?” Irene frown

“Taeyeon said the place is safe from whatever threats than can harm us and also no media know about it”

“Really?” the girls face glowing

“Yes and are you all on for this getaway?”

“Yes!” they said excitedly

“Okay! Tomorrow we will go to my house to sleep over and next day we will depart” said Wendy

“Aigooo, we can’t wait to see your house” said Irene

“That was Taeyeon house but she often said it was my house too so I used to call it my house now” Wendy said awkwardly

“So sweet” they teased Wendy


“Welcome to my house!” Wendy welcoming her members happily

“Aigoo, so beautiful and cozy” they said

“Unnie, lot of purple stuff here” Yeri exclaimed as she tapped Irene arms. Irene like pink color the most

“Taeyeon obsessed to purple more than you unnie did” said Wendy

“Purple looked cute” Yeri squeal

“Where is Taeyeon unnie?” Irene asked when she don’t see the house owner around

“She still working today”


“Come I show you your room” Wendy lead the upstairs “We have 3 empty rooms here but one was taken by Seulgi”

“Seulgi stay here with Taeyeon unnie?” Irene puzzled

“No, she stayed at her apartment but Taeyeon reserve one room for her in case she sleeps here. She often sleepover because sometimes they are needs to do works together. She also leaved some of her stuff inside”


Taeyeon arrive at home and she’s happy seeing the girls there “Hello everyone!”

“Hello unnie”

“Sorry because I not at home when you guys arrived”

“It okay unnie, we understand you’re busy”

“Okay” then Taeyeon turned to her girlfriend and peck her cheek “You cooked for our guest already?”

“Not yet”

“Seulgi will sleepover but she will come a bit late” Irene practically shocked since she not expect Seulgi will stay there too

“Okay, I will cook more”

“Alright, I go upstairs and you girls make yourself at home. Eat or cook anything you want”

“Okay unnie”

After dinner, they gather at living room while talk about random topics. Car engine sound can be heard and they know it was Seulgi. Wendy opens the door for her

“Hellooooooooooo” Seulgi greet playfully

“Hellooooo” they greet back except Irene

“You’re not from home, right?” Taeyeon asked when she saw Seulgi come with sleeveless shirt and short pant

“Yes, I hit the gym before come here” the bear smile goofily

“What about your clothes?”

“I packed them last night and put them inside my car”


“Wendy, come here” Seulgi said and Wendy walk closer to her “Pass this message to your girlfriend” she sa

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Title changed!

Former title: Red Velvet (Seulrene) Story Collection

New title: Book of Visual Couple

With love, Mulgokizary


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Marcsansummer #1
wait for an update🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
update please author nim!
Chapter 126: awwe marupok irene for the win!!🥰🥰
Taitai84 1232 streak #4
Chapter 126: Refreshing for cold Irene to be the one doing the courting
261 streak #5
Chapter 126: Aaaww sweet chapter. I really enjoy a fluffy Seulrene. Thank you author! 🧡
Chapter 126: so cute!
reveluv316 812 streak #7
thanks for the new chapter
Chapter 125: 🩷💛
261 streak #9
Chapter 125: I love it when Irene is clingy to her bear! Lovely story. Thank you author 🧡
Taitai84 1232 streak #10
Chapter 125: Irene sending gifts because she don’t dare to confess directly is so cute