Can you hear me? [Part 2]

Book of Visual Couple
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Flashback 3 years ago


“Yes dad” Irene looking at her father then to her mom. Somehow, her parents look so serious like they have something urgent want to tell her

“Actually, our visit to Korea this time not only for business but we have something to talk with you” Mr. Bae stated

“What is it?”

Mr. Bae signal his wife to continue “Honey, we want you to marry our friend’s son”

“No!” Irene yell “Mom, dad, both of you know that I have boyfriend. Why do you marry me off with someone that I don’t know?”

“Listen honey, we know that you are dating but your future fiancé is a good man. We really want you to marry with him. You are our only daughter, we want the best for you” Mr. Bae said softly

“I don’t want. He is good or not, I will not agree! I want to marry my current boyfriend” Irene tears falling down but she’s not bother to wipe it

“Are you sure that your current boyfriend will treat you nicely and make you happy? Can you guarantee that? What if he not serious with you and left you alone one day?” Irene’s father voice turn serious

Irene crying while hugging cushion. She don’t care bawling in front of her parents. She just wanted to pour out her emotion and load that suddenly burdened her mind. She can’t think straight right now. If they are not her parent, she already throw them out of her apartment

Mrs. Bae sit beside her daughter and hugging her side “Hyun…please accept this marriage, okay? Everything already planned well. We only need to tell you about this. Engagement party will be next weekend. He accept you open heartedly. He also promised to your dad that he will take care of you. He will be the best husband for you, trust me”

“Mom…I don’t want…I want my boyfriend…why you and dad doing this to me?” Irene said under her sob

“We want our baby daughter to live happily with a good man. We want you to marry someone that we can trust to take care of you. This weekend you will go back with us to New York. You will not stay here anymore. Next week he will arrive with his parents then both of you can get to know each other”

Irene not giving any respond to her mother statement. There are lot of things in her mind. Most of it is her boyfriend. She don’t know how to tell him about her arranged marriage with a guy that she never meet. He will be devastated, she know it. Her boyfriend love her so much and same goes to her. They already plan to meet with their parents but things not going well. She know she can’t against her parents

Mrs. Bae looking at her daughter sadly. The girl walk slowly to her room leaving her and her husband “Honey, are we making right decision?” she asking her husband

“Don’t worry, she will be fine. Seungwan is nice person. Joohyun will slowly accept him. It might be hard for her now but after together for months or years, she will see him as her husband. Seungwan promised to make her happy. I trust him. Joohyun will be fine” Mr. Bae sound confident with his choice for his daughter


A day before depart to New York with her parents, Irene decide to meet with her boyfriend and end their relationship. It is too hard for her to choose this because she love both side. She squeezed between her parents and her boyfriend. In the end, she choose her parent. This is the hardest decision that she ever make in her life

She sit on the bench waiting for her boyfriend to arrive. They meet at the park where they first date. Irene want their last meeting at the place where they meet each other 2 years go and at the same spot. This place have lot of memories of both of them together. Irene want to bury everything here. One day if she come back to this country, she will surely visit this park.

“Hi baby” a very familiar voice startled her

“Hi Seul” Irene giving weak smile to her beloved boyfriend or to be exact her soon-to-be ex-boyfriend, Kang Seulgi

Seulgi noticed Irene face not cheerful as usual “Hyun, you look unhappy. What’s wrong? Are you period?”

“No” Irene said quietly. She slowly looking at Seulgi with teary eyes “Seul…let’s break up”

“Heyyyyy, this is not funny. Don’t joke around with this topic”

“I’m not joking. I’m serious. We will break up”

“Hyun, why? Don’t you say you love me and you will wait for me?” Seulgi puzzle

“I’m sorry because I have to break my promise. I will go back to my family tomorrow. Please don’t contact me anymore. We are over. Find a new girlfriend and be happy”

Irene saw Seulgi eyes teary. She saw clearly his tears threatened to fall down anytime. Seulgi look weak and down right now. It is because of her. She feel guilty for hurting him but she can’t back off

“Please don’t leave me, Hyun” Seulgi pleading while holding Irene hand tightly

“I’m sorry Seul. I have to go now. Goodbye my love” Irene kiss Seulgi hand before she pull her hand and run away leaving Seulgi alone crying on the bench. Currently she really hate herself for making Seulgi cry

Rain start to pour down and everyone run to find shelter. Different with Seulgi, he just stay on the bench crying his heart out. His body shivering because of heavy rain but he don’t care. His heart is broken badly and current weather make him sadder. Now his lover is gone. Nothing hurt more than dump by someone that we love so much

“Hey young man!” Seulgi feel someone calling and tapping his shoulder. He is too weak to look up to see that person. He don’t feel raindrops on his body because that person cover him with umbrella

“Hey, please find place to hide. It rain heavily now. It dangerous out here” that person said again but Seulgi not giving respond. He hear that voice clearly but he’s unable to move. His entire body feel numb due to coldness

Worry seeing Seulgi unresponsive, that person pull him on his shoulder. His lips is pale and he passed out in that stranger arm

“Oh ”

That person quickly looking for someone to help her bringing Seulgi to her car. Fortunately she saw police car patrolling around that area and she stop them

“Yes ma’am?” the officer open a bit of the window because of heavy rain

“Sir, my friend passed out at the bench. Can you help me to carry him to my car?”

“Sure ma’am”

2 officers come out after park their car. Both of them wearing raincoat and run to the bench when the woman are waiting

“That is my car” she led the office to her car

“Ma’am, is he okay? Why don’t call ambulance and bring him to hospital? He is pale” one of the officers asking

“I will bring him to hospital if his condition get worse later”


They reach the car and the officers put unconscious Seulgi at backseat

“Thanks for helping me sir”

“Our pleasure ma’am, drive carefully” after exchange bow, they leave the park


Seulgi open his eyes slowly and he noticed that he is not at the park anymore. He also not in his room. The place so unfamiliar. Besides that, he also noticed that he wear bathrobe and still have boxer on.

“Where is this place?” he mumble

When he try to sit up, his head throbbing making him groan. He lie down again and massage his forehead. Door open from outside startling him. Since the room is dim, he can’t recognize that person but he sure that is woman figure. However, that is not Irene because Irene is smaller than this one

“Hey, you awake?” the woman asked

“Yes, just wake up” Seulgi answer faintly

“Can I turn on the light?”


In no time, the room brighten. Now he can see the woman face. She look gorgeous, tall and y, have plump lips, captivating eyes and can seduce anyone with her stare. Seulgi never see this person around

“Who are you and where I am right now?” Seulgi asking after sit on the bed lean his back at headboard

That woman sit on the bed edge smiling at Seulgi “I am Lee Sunmi. You are at my apartment right now. You passed out when I found you earlier under heavy rain”

“Thank you”

“What is your name?”

“I am Kang Seulgi” both of them shake hand “Sunmi-ssi, where is my clothes?”

Sunmi cackle “I washed it. I’m sorry for being rude. I mean I take off your clothes without your consent but if I’m not doing that, you will catch cold. I’m sorry, okay?”

“Don’t be sorry, it’s me who should apologize for troubling you. We are strangers but you still kindly helping me”

Sunmi nods her head “I hope you don’t mind wearing bathrobe. Emm…if you not comfortable in damp boxer you can take it off. I worry if you think I’m going too far if I remove your boxer”

Seulgi laugh lightly “I might think you me”

“You can put it in laundry basket later”


“I cooked porridge for you. Do you want to eat it here or outside?”

“Outside is better. I’m not comfortable eating in bedroom”


Seulgi try to stand up but he still slightly dizzy. He can’t walk straight. Seeing him still have trouble walking, Sunmi support him by wrapping his arm on her shoulder then she hold him on his waist

“You okay? Can you stand up?”

“I’m fine…just need support”

“Alright, we will walk slowly”


Journey to dining table feel too long for Seulgi. He finally sit on the chair and waiting for Sunmi to get his food. Sunmi put a bowl of porridge and a glass of warm water in front of Seulgi. She also bring painkiller for him

“Eat it first then you can take painkiller”

“Okay” Seulgi slowly eating the hot porridge “You’re not eating?”

“I did. It past dinner time already” Sunmi pointed at the wall clock that showing 10:15 PM “Look like you will sleep here tonight”

“I also not plan to go home”

“Why? Fight with your mother?”

“No, my family at Seoul. I’m alone here at Daegu. I can’t go back in this bathrobe. People will think I’m crazy wearing bathrobe and walk around” both of them cackle

“I hope you don’t mind sharing room. My apartment only have one bedroom” Sunmi stated

Seulgi stop eating and looking at Sunmi “I can sleep on the couch”

“You not feeling well. I will not allow you to sleep outside”

“What if I can’t control myself? I’m not wearing boxer. You might see something tomorrow morning”

Sunmi giggle “I saw it already. You quite big, huh?”

Seulgi choke his porridge and Sunmi quickly give water to him “What do you mean? You see my ?” his jaw dropping

“Yes, I saw it when I take off your pant. Do you always have when you cold?”

“Sometimes” Seulgi face turn red in embarrassment then he continue eating the remaining porridge

“Don’t shy, it’s normal though”

“You not feel awkward?”

“At first but when I remember you unconscious, I just cool” Sunmi wink

“Do you touch it?”

“I’m not going that far. Even it can make me but I will not touch without permission. It consider as harassment”

Seulgi cackle “Am I make you ?”

It Sunmi turn blushing because of Seulgi question “Y-yes” she admit

“Do you touch yourself?”

“No, just take cold shower” Sunmi said “Done talking about ert question. Eat that painkiller before I wash dishes”

“Okay” Seulgi finish his porridge and take the medicine “Where is my phone?”

“On the table at living room. I charged it earlier because battery is low. Your phone is wet, luckily it still active”

“Okay, I go to living room”

“Can you walk?”

“Yes, I feel better than earlier”

After make sure Seulgi really fine, Sunmi bring the bowl and glass to the kitchen

Seulgi checking his phone and find out missed calls from his twin brother. He also got few text from his asking to call back. He disappointed because there is no text or call from Irene. Look like Irene really serious breaking up with him. He sit on the couch and dialing his brother number

Sunmi come back after done cleaning. She sit beside Seulgi. That guy still speaking with someone on the phone and the conversation sound very serious. Seulgi also frowning every now and then. After hang up, Seulgi put his phone back on the table follow by heavy sigh

“What’s wrong?” Sunmi asking

“My brother…he said he will engage next week. He invite me to his engagement party at New York” Seulgi talk while staring at ceiling

“Aren’t you supposed to be happy with this news? What with frown and sigh?”

“I’m not in mood to attend any party. My mind is in a mess now”

“You seem like having big problem”

“I just broke up with my girlfriend”

“That’s mean when I found you at the park, you just dump by her?”

“Yes, I cried under heavy rain. I’m weak, right?” Seulgi chuckle bitterly

Sunmi pats Seulgi shoulder softly “It okay if we cry when we have lot of things in our mind but not often. Crying doesn’t mean you weak. You’re strong though”

Seulgi look at Sunmi and smile “What make you think that I’m strong?”

Sunmi traced her finger on Seulgi face “I just feel like you are strong and you can forget her”

“I hope I can”

“Believe in yourself”

Seulgi change their topic as he don’t want to talk about himself anymore “Are you alone here?”

“Yes, my parents at Seoul. I come here to work but until end of this year. After end my contract with current company, I will move back to my family and looking for job there”

“No wonder you not look like Daegu citizen. You don’t have Daegu accent”

Sunmi laughing “I’m originally Seoul citizen”

“You don’t mind having me here?”

“Why would I mind? This is my apartment”

“What if your boyfriend come? He will think you cheating”

Sunmi cackle suddenly “I’m single. I broke up with him last month after I caught him cheating. Since that moment, I don’t want to fall in love again”

“Sorry to hear that but we are in same boat even I don’t know why my ex-girlfriend want break up”

“It’s okay, just let go what not supposed to be yours. The more you think about it, your mind will get messier. Start new life”

“Thanks for advice, Sunmi-ssi”

Sunmi groan “Just call me Sunmi”

“How old are you?”


“I am a year younger so I call you noona”

“You can call me your girlfriend” Sunmi wink

“Aigooo” Seulgi laughing

Suddenly… “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” Sunmi shout loudly when the whole place turn dark because electricity is out due to thunderstorm. She jump on Seulgi and cling on him tightly

“Hey…don’t shout. My hear hurt” Seulgi complain while holding shivering Sunmi

“I’m scare~”

“I’m here, nothing to scare” Seulgi pats Sunmi back softly “Can you get off me? I want to get my phone for flashlight”



Seulgi struggle to move and reach the table with his hand. He found his phone then turn on flashlight that lighten the place. He gulp when he discover that Sunmi is straddling him. They are in dangerous position. He wearing nothing under bathrobe while Sunmi only wearing loose shirt. There is no sign that Sunmi will let him go. He hope his buddy not activate in this situation. He don’t want Sunmi to think that he taking advantage. This kind of position make him very sensitive. Usually he and Irene will end up having or just quickie when Irene sit on him like this. He mentally apologize to Sunmi if he can’t control his hormone later

“Hey” Seulgi tapping Sunmi back “Don’t scare anymore. We have flashlight now”

“Emm” Sunmi hummed and loosen her arms on Seulgi neck

“Do you have torchlight or candle?”

“In my bedroom”

“I will get it. You stay here, okay?”

“No” Sunmi shake her head that make her whole body shake together

Seulgi only can pray so light will turn on quickly but he know it will take few hours to back again

“I will go for a minute”

“We go together. Carry me”

“Okay” Seulgi give in

Now Sunmi clinging on him like a koala. Seulgi walk slowly to make sure they reach the bedroom safely. He noticed that his bathrobe tie loosen. The knot barely tied. Sunmi really giving him hard time and hard on. When they enter the room, he put Sunmi on the bed and search for torchlight. He also found candle on bedside table and light it up. Now both of them can see each other. Seulgi tighten his bathrobe again while Sunmi sit calmly on her bed and lean against headboard

“You okay now?” Seulgi checking Sunmi

“Yes, I’m good. Sorry for troubling you” said Sunmi the she pat empty side of her bed inviting Seulgi to sit

“Do you always like this when blackout?”

“Yes, I hate blackout since I was kid”



“Em?” Seulgi turn his face to the girl beside him

Sunmi lean closer “I feel…something poking me when you walk us here earlier”

Seulgi quickly cover his crotch because he already turn on since Sunmi sitting on him “Oh…that…” he stutter due to embarrassment

Sunmi laughing seductively then scoot closer to Seulgi “Need help?” she whisper

“Eh?” Seulgi face heated

“Need help for this?” Sunmi hand move dangerously to his crotch

“We shouldn’t do this. You don’t have to. I can take cold shower”

Sunmi not listening and untie the bathrobe “Seriously, don’t want?”

“You will be in danger. I can’t control myself if I start” Seulgi getting when Sunmi rubbing his chest and play with his

“You really don’t want?”


“Okay” Sunmi pull her hand. She climb down the bed and suddenly take off her clothes leaving her only and bra

“What are you doing?” Seulgi frown

“I prefer sleep in bra and so hope you don’t mind” Sunmi climb on the bed and lie down back facing Seulgi. She pull the blanket to cover herself until her neck

Seulgi also follow suit. He know Sunmi frustrated. He rolled close to her and wrap his muscular arm on Sunmi waist then rub her tummy

“Can I request something?” he asked


“From now on…don’t wear bra and ” he kissed Sunmy nape


“You look better in and I don’t need to take it off when I want to you” Seulgi cackle

Sunmi turn around with sheepish smile and circle her arms around Seulgi neck “Give up already?”

“Naughty” Seulgi bite Sunmi lips “Promise that you will not wearing undergarment when I’m around”

“Your wish is my command” Sunmi capture Seulgi lips and kiss passionately. They proceed with their first


A week later, Seulgi come again to Sunmi apartment. Coincidently Sunmi just done taking bath when Seulgi arrive. She just wrapped in towel

“Wow” Seulgi smirk when Sunmi welcome him to her place

“Aren’t you suppose to go to your brother engagement party?” asked Sunmi while walk back to living room

“I still not in mood for party. I told them that I have to go to company event” Seulgi sit on the chair

“Such a waste that you not meet with your sister-in-law”

“I don’t care. It not me who will marry her though” Seulgi snort

“You not going anywhere this weekend?”

“I do” Seulgi smile “We will go somewhere and have fun where we can enjoy ourselves freely”


“You will see later. You can moan my name as loud as you can at open place because no one will see us”

“You work hard to find that place, huh?” Sunmi laugh

“To give special treat for myself while my family enjoy themselves”


“Come here” Seulgi give signal with his finger. He pull Sunmi to his laps and remove the towel “I told you don’t wear anything when I’m around”

“Do you want somebody else see me ?” Sunmi rolled her eyes when Seulgi kissing her

“Of course no” Seulgi leaving mark on Sunmi chest “I miss your body even we not see each other just a week”

“You always get picture and videos, not enough?”

“Nothing better than seeing it for real. Now let have some fun before we go”

That is how their life started. Both of them promised to become friend with benefit and not string attach. Seulgi thankful that he meet Sunmi and she’s indirectly distract him from Irene. However, when he back to his apartment he will missed Irene again. Memories of them together still fresh on his mind. He can see Irene in every corner of his apartment. He still smell her perfume on his pillow and bed. It’s really hard for him to move on. After thinking carefully, he also wanted to move back to his family to Seoul same as Sunmi. He want to get rid of their memory and start new life. Still 2 more months until he leave this place. He will spend more of his time with Sunmi so he will not thinking of Irene every now and then. He just go home to sleep and wash up but sometimes he sleep at Sunmi place.

Flashback end


[Seulgi phone call with Sunmi]

Seulgi: Noona~

Sunmi: Yes Kang, need help?

Seulgi: Are you busy today?

Sunmi: No

Seulgi: Can you accompany me to boutique?

Sunmi: What will you do there?

Seulgi: Today Seungwan and Irene will meet with Ms. Jung for their wedding outfit. I don’t want to be third wheel and it will feel awkward too

Sunmi: Where is Yerim?

Seulgi: She don’t want to go with us. Please, noona

Sunmi: I’m lazy to go out today

Seulgi: Noona~

Sunmi: I don’t want to go anywhere

Seulgi: Hm…it’s okay if you don’t want

He press red button immediately and throw his phone to his bed. Today feel like hell for him. He asked Yerim to go along but his sister keep making excuse so he give up. Then Sunmi also same as Yerim. He asked Seungwan and Irene to go without him but his mother keep insisting him to accompany the couple

Someone knocking the door then he give permission to enter. Seungwan open the door from outside already wearing his casual outfit, ready to go out

“Seul, are you ready?” asked Seungwan

“I almost done” Seulgi answer dryly while pretend that he is busy fixing his shirt

“We wait downstairs”

“Okay, I will be there in few minutes”

“Alright” Seungwan shut the door again

After composing himself and make sure is he handsome enough, he walk out of his room. His family gathered at living room

“Shall we go now?” Seulgi asking

“Yes” said Seungwan

“Seul, drive carefully” Mrs. Kang said softly

“Okay mom” Seulgi give a peck on his mother cheek

“Oppa, buy chicken for me later” said Yerim

“No!” Seulgi stuck his tongue out

“Seungwan oppa~” Yeri whine while looking at Seungwan after Seulgi rejecting him

“Also no” Seungwan do the same face expression with Seulgi

“I hate both of you!” Yerim sulking

“Aigooo my princess, don’t make that face. You are ugly” Mr. Kang patting Yerim head “We will buy chicken for you later”

“Okay dad!” Yerim hugging her father. She mocking her brothers after that

“At least dad don’t call us ugly” said Seungwan then he and Seulgi run out of the house while Irene follow them

“OPPA!” Yerim shout loudly

Before they leave the house, Seulgi received text from Sunmi saying that she will join him. He smile after reading the text. His action caught by Irene who sit at the back behind Seungwan. She conclude that there is something that make Seulgi smile happily like that. She just sigh inaudibly and jealous because she is not the reason behind that smile. She missed seeing Seulgi beaming sweetly to her. Just watching that smile from afar hurting her so much. If only she not choosing her parents before, they maybe happily married now and this year should be their 5th anniversary. The day Seulgi propose her to be his girlfriend always the best day in her life. She never forget that day and still celebrate it every year. She will buy their favorite cake and will spend her time alone at the park remembering beautiful moments with Seulgi

Without Irene realize, now they arrived somewhere and when she looked up it is not the boutique that they will go but apartment complex. Few minutes later, she saw Sunmi walk towards their can. Seulgi get out to open the door for Sunmi. Sunmi really treated like a princess. Irene also think of possibility of Sunmi and Seulgi already have if Seulgi still have same attitude. One thing that she noticed at Seulgi and Seungwan is both of them have same desire. Both are ert and touchy especially when they are alone

“Hi noona” Seungwan greeting Sunmi soon as that woman enter the car

“Hi Seungwan” said Sunmi “Hi Rene”

“Hi, long time no see” Irene still smiling so that no one know that she not happy when Sunmi joining them. She already plan to talk with Seulgi while waiting for Seungwan but seem like her plan ruin. Seungwan don’t have problem if she talk with Seulgi but no way Sunmi will leave them alone

“Yea, I quite busy these days so I can’t visit. Busy with work and busy with Seulgi. This bear need lot of attention these days. He quite whiny” Sunmi said innocently. Just want to make Irene jealous. She know Irene not comfortable seeing her clingy to Seulgi. She noticed it but never tell anyone.

“Don’t lie” Seulgi answer from the front. He glare at Sunmi through rearview mirror

“Honey, don’t interrupt girls talk. You just talk with Seungwan” Sunmi playfully complaining

“You two quarrel cutely more than me and Irene” Seungwan teasing his brother

“We’re romantic, right?” Sunmi cackle

“Very much”

Seulgi rolled his eyes “I’m so done with both of you”

Sunmi and Seungwan laughing lightly. Irene just smile because of that joke. Then she continue talking with Sunmi. That girl surprisingly talkative and friendly like they know each other for years

They arrived at the boutique and Seulgi led them in. That is one of famous clothing brand from Korea and Irene surprise when she know the boutique owner is Seulgi acquaintance. He easily make appointment with the designer without waiting for days or weeks

“Good morning, I come here to meet with Ms. Jessica Jung” Seulgi said to one of the staffs

“Okay, she is in her office. I will call her. You all can wait at the table”

“Thank you ma’am”

The staff go to office to call their boss. Someone approaching them and calling Seulgi name

“Kang Seulgi”

The said guy looked up follow by big smile “Aigooo Jung Soojung…my girlfriend…my baby boo” he hugging Soojung very tight

“Hey stupid…I can’t breathe” Soojung struggle to release herself from Seulgi embrace “Sunmi unnie, help me” she whine

“Kang Seulgi, behave” Sunmi pull Seulgi shirt “What if Soojung fainted?”

“Just call ambulance to bring her to hospital and give injection” Seulgi innocent answer make him get smack from Soojung

“What bring you here? I don’t remember you booking new suit” said Soojung

“I bring my brother and his fiancé to meet your sister”

“Ohh” Soojung smile to Seungwan and Irene

“This is my twin brother, Kang Seungwan and his…fiancé, Irene” Seulgi looking at the couple “This is Jung Soojung. My best friend and sister of Jessica Jung”

“Hi” Soojung shake hand with the couple

The designer come with file on her hand. She greeted them warmly and very happy meeting with Seulgi. Look like both of them are close with each other. After talk for a while, Seulgi and Sunmi leaving the boutique. They wait at the café next door

“You okay?” Sunmi asking after order their drink

“I’m fine”

“You don’t look fine. What bothering you?” Sunmi said seriously

“I don’t know but it hurt badly” Seulgi pointed at his chest

“Bear for a while, okay? You will slowly accept the fact. After this discussion, you will not involve any more in their wedding”

Seulgi rolled his eyes “Seungwan already booked me to be his best man and don’t want me to skip because I not attend their engagement before”

“What to do, right? Your brother don’t know your history with Irene. Of course he hurt because you are not there to celebrate his big day”

“I still trying to find excuse to escape that wedding. I’m happy that Seungwan getting married but that fact that he will marry Irene that make me devastated” Seulgi massage his temple

“I understand and I don’t know what to do to help you”

Seungwan and Irene join them after done meeting with designer

“How is it?” Seulgi asking

“Everything going well. Her dress and my suit schedule to ready few days before wedding day. Seul, you not purchase new suit? Usually you well get brand new suit for every event” Seungwan looking at his twin

Seulgi sipped his drink then looking at Sunmi. She nods her head slightly “I will but maybe from other designer”

“Black suit, okay?” Seungwan looked excited

“Of course” Seulgi smile shortly

“Sunmi, can you be my bridesmaid with Yerim and Sooyoung?” Irene asking Sunmi

“I would like too” Sunmi giggle while glance at Seulgi

“Thank you~”

Seulgi mind actively processing how he will escape from that wedding. He will do everything so that he don’t need to attend that event. He don’t mind if his mother scold him for abandoning family event. His heart hurt badly but no one can heal it


Seungwan visited by his girlfriend, Jung Eunji. It’s rare that Eunji come to his office because they don’t want anyone to catch their secret relationship

“Hi love” Seungwan hugging Eunji then kissing her forehead

“Hi, how are you today?” Eunji caressing Seungwan face lovingly

“I’m not fine” Seungwan pouting

“What’s wrong? Not feeling well?”

“I miss you and our baby” Seungwan caressed Eunji tummy softly

“We missed you too, papa” Eunji kiss Seungwan pouting lips

“Do you go for checkup today?”

“Yes, I just back from clinic and visit you. I suddenly miss you”

“I’m sorry because I can’t accompany you. I have meeting this morning”

“It’s okay, I understand. You will visit me this eve

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Title changed!

Former title: Red Velvet (Seulrene) Story Collection

New title: Book of Visual Couple

With love, Mulgokizary


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Marcsansummer #1
wait for an update🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
update please author nim!
Chapter 126: awwe marupok irene for the win!!🥰🥰
Taitai84 1225 streak #4
Chapter 126: Refreshing for cold Irene to be the one doing the courting
254 streak #5
Chapter 126: Aaaww sweet chapter. I really enjoy a fluffy Seulrene. Thank you author! 🧡
Chapter 126: so cute!
reveluv316 805 streak #7
thanks for the new chapter
Chapter 125: 🩷💛
254 streak #9
Chapter 125: I love it when Irene is clingy to her bear! Lovely story. Thank you author 🧡
Taitai84 1225 streak #10
Chapter 125: Irene sending gifts because she don’t dare to confess directly is so cute