Kang family: Teache Bae, Mommy Hyun

Book of Visual Couple
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A/N This is for readers who request for Kang family. Enjoy reading!

With love, HTJ

Little Yerim skip to her classroom follow by her aunty who have to walk faster to catch her

“Kang Yerim, walk slowly please”

“Aunty Wan, you should walk faster. I want you to meet teacher Bae” Yerim stop for a while

“Teacher Bae is not going anywhere. She is in your class”

“Come on aunty Wan” Yerim pulling Seungwan hand as they continue walking at the hallway

“Teacher Bae, good morning!” Yerim greet her teacher cheerfully

“Good morning Kang Yerim” Bae Joohyun pats Yerim head as she smile to the little girl

“Teacher Bae, this is my aunty. Her name is Seungwan” Yerim hold her aunty pinky finger

“Hello teacher Bae, nice to meet you. I am Son Seungwan. I am Yerim’s aunty”

“Nice to meet you too Seungwan-ssi, I am Bae Joohyun”

“How was Yerim in school Ms. Bae? Is she naughty or create too much trouble? You know she is hyper kid so she is very active sometimes”

Joohyun chuckle “She is good kid and very smart. Yerim also active but she’s not really naughty, just a bit bubbly. Don’t worry, she is well behave”

“She really bubbly, I admit it” Seungwan looking at Yerim who watching them silently with cheeky grin “Why are you grinning little girl?”



“Teacher Bae is pretty, isn’t it?” Yerim said bluntly shocking the two elder

“Ahh yes” Seungwan cackle

“She is too straightforward” Joohyun said shyly

“Yerim is so innocent like her daddy. She just say anything that come across her mind. I’m sorry if she irritating you” Seungwan bow her head

“It’s okay Seungwan-ssi, Yerim always said that to me”

Seungwan practically shocked “Seriously, teacher?”

“Yes, almost every day and she is close to me the most. I bet she like me so much” the teacher looking at Yerim warmly

“Aigooo Kang Yerim, you’re unbelievable”

“It’s cute though” Joohyun giggles

“I guess so” Seungwan nods lightly “Thanks for spoiling her. She also talked a lot about you”

“No problem Seungwan-ssi”

“Teacher, I have to go now”


“Yerimie, you go to your seat. Aunty wants to go home. I will see you again later, alright?”

“Aunty Sooyoung will come with you later?” Yerim asked

“Maybe, if she is not busy”

“Can I eat pizza today?”

“No” Seungwan shake her head make Yerim pouting immediately

“I ate broccoli and carrot yesterday aunty. I should eat pizza today”

Seungwan give in and sighs “Okay but tomorrow is veggies day”

“Okay aunty!” Yerim circle her tiny arms around Seungwan neck and shower her face with wet kisses

“Good girl, behave well and don’t troubling Teacher Bae, you got it?” Seungwan kiss Yerim cheek

“Yes” Yerim smile cheekily “Aunty, can Taecher Bae join us later?”

Seungwan and Joohyun looking at each other “I guess you should ask your teacher. Aunty don’t have a problem with that”

Yerim look up to Joohyun “Teacher Bae, can you eat pizza with me later?”

“Sure thing” Joohyun pinch Yerim cheek lightly

“Okay Teacher Bae”

“So I will see you two again later” said Seungwan

“Alright” said the teacher

“Yerimie, go to your seat now”

“Okay aunty”

Seungwan bid goodbye to the teacher before she leave the pre-school


Joohyun, Seungwan and Yerim arrive at the café from the school. Yerim hold hand with Joohyun as they walk inside the café and she non-stop babbling random topic. Seungwan can’t help but letting the little girl doing whatever she wanted but she feel bad at the teacher even Joohyun said it is fine. Joohyun treating Yerim warmly and spoiling her like the little girl is her own child

“Kang Yerim, welcome back!”

“Aunty Sooyoung!” Yerim waving her hands and pulling Joohyun to her aunty

The aunty crouch in front of Yerim “Baby, is this your new friend?”

“No, this is Teacher Bae. She is my teacher” Yerim said

“Why don’t you introduce her to aunty?”

“Sure” Yerim smile happily “Teacher Bae, this is aunty Sooyoung”

Joohyun bow her head politely “I am Bae Joohyun. Nice to meet you”

“Nice to meet you too teacher, I am Park Sooyoung”

“Let have a sit” said Seungwan after the short introduction

They sit at the table at the corner of the shop near the entrance to the kitchen. Sooyoung and Seungwan sit beside each other while Yerim and Joohyun sit in front of them

“Aunty, where is my pizza?”

“Today is veggies day, isn’t it?” Sooyoung teasing the kid as she enSooyoung seeing her cute pouting face

“No, I want to eat pizza. Aunty Wan said I can eat pizza” Yerim said firmly

“What if daddy not allows you to eat pizza?”

“He will. Daddy will allow me. I eat vegetable yesterday” Yerim pouting and she on verge of crying

“Sooyoung, stop teasing the kid” Seungwan hit Sooyoung forearm while the taller girl cackles “Yerimie, aunty Sooyoung is just teasing you. She order the pizza already”

“Teacher Bae, aunty Sooyoung tease me” tears form in Yerim eyes as she looking at Joohyun

“Baby, don’t cry. Your aunty just play around” Joohyun cooed as she cradle Yerim who climb on her laps

“I want to eat pizza” Yerim grip Joohyun blouse tightly

“Your pizza is on the way. You don’t cry, alright?” Yerim nods her head

“Teacher, is she always like this at school?” Sooyoung asked curiously

“Not really but when she upset she tend to be clingy” Joohyun chuckle

“It’s rare that she fond to someone besides us. She not really good with stranger”


“Yes, we a bit shocked seeing her fond to you but it’s good though” said Seungwan

“May I know where her parents are?” Joohyun asked

“Her dad is out of town for few days so she stayed with me and Sooyoung”


Yerim sit again on the chair and watching video on Sooyoung phone as Sooyoung apologize for teasing her earlier

“Kang Yerim” they turn their head to the voice and Yerim immediately smile seeing her dad

“Daddy!” Yerim throw her arms as she want her dad to hold her

“My baby, how are you?” the father and daughter kissing each other face

“I’m fine daddy”

“Are you a good girl when daddy is away?”

“Yes, I behave well”

“Good girl. Look what daddy got for you”

Yerim looking at her dad hands and she squeal “Pizza!”

“Daddy bought your favorite pizza”

“Thanks daddy”

“Give me a kiss” Yerim kiss her dad on cheek

“Yerimie, don’t forget to introduce your teacher to your dad” said Sooyoung

Yerim tug her dad arm “Daddy, this is Teacher Bae” she look at Joohyun after that “Teacher Bae, this is my daddy, Kang Seulgi”

“Hi Ms. Bae, nice to meet you” Seulgi shake hand with the teacher

“Nice to meet you too Mr. Kang” Joohyun smile sweetly

“Thanks for deal with my kid naughtiness and her antics. I’m sorry if sometimes she bothering you” said Seulgi after he sit beside Yerim

“She is good kid Mr. Kang and not really troubling me. She is smart and listens well too”

“Good to hear that” Seulgi kiss Yeri head

“Seul, you and Joohyun stay here for a while. We go inside to get our food” Seungwan said

“Sure thing”

“Are them the owner of this café?” Joohyun questioning after Sooyoung and Seungwan leave the table

“Yes, this café own by Seungwan while Sooyoung is co-owner. They run this café for 3 years or so”

“Oh I see”

“It’s good that they have their own business so that they can look after Yerim when I’m not around. Usually they will pick her up from school if I can’t make it. My work need me to travel frequently and sometimes a bit busy so both of them will take care of Yerim. They are practically her nanny”

“Are they your sister?”

“They are my close friends and we are like sibling since we know each other for years”


Yerim tapped Joohyun hand and she look at her “Yes baby?”

“Teacher Bae, you should eat some” Yeri hold the pizza to Joohyun

Joohyun takes a bit “Thanks Yerimie”

“Is it taste good?”

“Yes” they giggle happily

“Yerimie, you should take new slice for your teacher not giving her the one that you bite already” Seulgi said embarrassingly

“It’s fine Mr. Kang, I don’t mind that” Joohyun quickly said

“Okay then” Seulgi watching Yerim feeding her teacher happily and he unknowingly smile at the sight


“Kids, do you know what day is today?” Joohyun asking her students with cheerful tone

“Today is Thursday” the kids answer innocently

Joohyun burst out laugh after hearing the answer “Kiddo today is mother day. Do you wish to your mommy already?”

“I wished to my umma this morning” a little girl named Nayeon answer the teacher

“Good, anyone else said that to umma?”

“Me!” a little boy with nametag Oh Sehun rise up his hand

“Okay, good boy” Joohyun receiving lot of answers from the students but she don’t notice certain someone just watching her friends silently

“Today teacher have a special task for you. I want you all make a card for your mother and give it to her at home later. Make the beautiful card so that your mom will be happy seeing it and write some wish too. You can do it for your mother, right?”

“Yes teacher” the kids answer excitedly

“Good, now take out your drawing pad and follow what I show you later”

“Okay teacher”

The kids start doing their task following the example that their teacher give. Everyone watch attentively when their teacher explained what they should do to make beautiful card for their mom. After that, they start work on their own and the class surprisingly silent as the kids is busy with their artwork

After settle her work on the table, Joohyun walked around to check the kids and she happy seeing how they show their enthusiasm in making something for their beloved mother. She stop at one table after another until she stop at Yerim’s. The little girl still don’t show any progress and just sit there silently staring at while pad. Her hand doodling a little poop on the edge of the paper

“Yerimie, why did you not start yet?” Joohyun asked softly

Yerim shook her head weakly “I don’t know how to do it teacher”

Joohyun chuckle “Let me show you again, okay?” she walk to the table with Yerim follow behind her. She sit the girl on the chair and she start explain again “Do you get it now?”

“No” Yerim look weird somehow

“Why?” Joohyun curious seeing Yerim suddenly not showing any emotion to their task because she is fast learner among her classmate and her always come with good result when they do artwork

“I don’t have mommy” Yerim confess

Joohyun taken aback by the sudden confession “Yerimie, you’re not joking, isn’t it?”

The 5 years old girl looking at the teacher and her eyes flash nothing but honesty “I never see mommy. I only have daddy, aunty Wan and aunty Sooyoung”

“How…how can?” Joohyun cover as she try to absorb the recent information “Do your dad ever tell you about your mom?”



“Teacher Bae, what should I do? I want to make card too but I don’t have mommy” Yerim playing with her fingers

Joohyun tapping her temple softly “You really want to make it for mommy or you can just make for your aunty or your daddy?”

“My friends make for their mom, I want one too” Yerim puff her cheeks

The teacher sighs then she smile while patting Yerim head “Imagine me as your mommy and you make one wonderful card for me. I know you can do it”

Yerim smile brightly “I will give card to you?”

“Yes, you can wish to me too” both of them smile at each other

“Can I wish now?”

“Sure” Joohyun nods her head and smile goofily

Yerim carefully get down the chair and hug the teacher waist “Happy mother day, mommy Bae”

Joohyun feel giddy hearing the endearment and excited at the same time “Thank you baby” she kiss Yerim head

“I love you mommy Bae”

“I love you too” Joohyun Yerim hair softly

Yerim stand properly and look at the teacher who is her mother temporarily “Can I kiss you?”

“Sure” Joohyun bent down and Yerim kiss her cheek

“Can I call you mommy Bae?” Yerim asked hesitantly

“Emm, mommy Hyun is better but if we’re at school you must call me Teacher Bae, as usual, alright? Mommy Hyun only when we’re alone and outside of school”

“Okay mommy Hyun!” Yerim exclaimed

“There, my baby girl” Joohyun kiss Yerim forehead “Now go and make card for mommy. Tomorrow you can give it to mommy Hyun”

“Okay mommy Hyun, I will make pretty card just like you”

“Mommy expect a surprise”


“Go now kiddo” Yerim return to her sit and start drawing like her friends did. Joohyun just watching her with warm smiles “Mommy Hyun, sound good” the teacher chuckle and she get back to her work


“Baby, what are you doing?”

Seulgi sit on the couch after washing dishes while his daughter busy coloring and drawing something. He assumed that is her homework since the little girl always do her homework after dinner.

“I make card” Yerim answered without looking at her dad

“Is it your homework?”

“Yes daddy”

“Do you need help?”


Since he doesn’t want to bother his daughter, Seulgi is just watching TV silently and slow down the volume so it not bothering Yerim. While he focus on watching the news, Seulgi feel Yerim tapping his thigh and he look at her

“Daddy looks!” Yerim cheerfully showing the card that she made to her dad

“Wow, you make card for mother day?”

“Yes daddy” Yerim give the card to her dad then she climb on his laps

“Whom will you give this? Aunty Seungwan or Aunty Sooyoung” Seulgi cradle his daughter

“I will give it to mommy Hyun”

“Mommy Hyun?” Seulgi frown

“Mommy Hyun is Teacher Bae. She said I can give it to her since I told her I don’t have mommy. She allow me to call her mommy Hyun if we’re alone or outside of school”

Seulgi zoning out while listening to his daughter “She really say that to you?”

“Yes daddy, she wants me to give this card to her tomorrow. I wished happy mother day to her too. I kissed her cheek, hug and tell her that I love her” Yerim said happily

“Do you really love her?”

“Yes” Yerim nods her head

“She also loves you?”

“Yes dad, she said she love me too”

“That’s good then” Seulgi kiss Yerim nose tip


“Yes baby?”

“Am I really don’t have mommy?” the little girl look really curious that her eyebrows knitted

“Yes baby, you only have daddy”

“My friends have mommies and they talk a lot about their mom” Yerim pouting

“Baby” Seulgi cupped Yerim face “One day daddy will tell you why you don’t have mommy. Right now you won’t understand if daddy explains to you. Daddy promise daddy will tell you, alright?”

“Okay daddy, pinky promise” Yerim hold out her pinky finger and Seulgi link it with his finger

“Pinky promise” Seulgi kiss Yerim cheek

“Daddy, can mommy Hyun be my mommy? I like her. She is very beautiful and nice” Yerim suddenly said

Seulgi gasped after hear his daughter not-so-called request “Aren’t you call her mommy already?”

“I mean mommy like my friends have. They sleep together, cooking, shopping, singing, eating and doing lot of things together”

Seulgi understand what his daughter wants but it seems like something quite impossible. He admits that he also interested at the teacher when first time he saw her when he register Yerim to pre-school few months ago. However, he doesn’t know anything more about the teacher. He really shock seeing Joohyun hanging out with his daughter and his friends at the café last week. Seeing Joohyun treated Yerim like her own daughter make his heart flutter. Yerim never been that close to anyone except Seungwan and Sooyoung but Joohyun is so different to the little girl. She always talks about her teacher and their time together. It looked like Yerim really fond to the teacher. He don’t want to expect anything or put high hope because he don’t know Joohyun background but part of him hope that someday he hope that he will have chance with the teacher. It’s not only for him but his daughter happiness. He put Yerim first out of everything in his life so if it makes her happy, he will do his best to keep it.

“Daddy?” Yerim pinch her dad cheek

“Ugh, yes baby”

“You’re not answering me. Are you okay? If you don’t want mommy Hyun to be my mom, it’s okay” Yerim suddenly sound dejected

Seulgi bring Yerim to his hug “Baby, it’s not what you think. Daddy don’t mind if you want her to be your mommy but if only she also want the same”

“Are you sure daddy? I will be fine if you don’t want”

“Daddy is sure. Daddy wants you to be happy. If you want her then it’s her”

“Okay daddy” Yerim circle her arms around her dad neck to hug him “I love you daddy”

“I love you too baby” Seulgi rubbed Yerim back softly “Sweetie, it’s time to sleep. You should sleep now”

“Daddy, can I sleep with you tonight?”

“Sure, let’s go upstairs”

“Daddy carry me”

“Aigooo, you’re big girl now honey. Daddy is old and unable to carry you” Seulgi chuckle<

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Title changed!

Former title: Red Velvet (Seulrene) Story Collection

New title: Book of Visual Couple

With love, Mulgokizary


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Marcsansummer #1
wait for an update🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
update please author nim!
Chapter 126: awwe marupok irene for the win!!🥰🥰
Taitai84 1233 streak #4
Chapter 126: Refreshing for cold Irene to be the one doing the courting
261 streak #5
Chapter 126: Aaaww sweet chapter. I really enjoy a fluffy Seulrene. Thank you author! 🧡
Chapter 126: so cute!
reveluv316 812 streak #7
thanks for the new chapter
Chapter 125: 🩷💛
261 streak #9
Chapter 125: I love it when Irene is clingy to her bear! Lovely story. Thank you author 🧡
Taitai84 1233 streak #10
Chapter 125: Irene sending gifts because she don’t dare to confess directly is so cute