Contract Dating

Book of Visual Couple
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"Ms. Bae, your new bodyguard is here" Wendy, the secretary of Bae Juhyun or Irene come to the President Office follow by a tall man in black suit

"Good morning Ms. President, I'm Kang Seulgi. Your new bodyguard, ready to serve you" the guy introduce himself to his future boss

"Good morning Mr. Kang, welcome to RV Group" Irene offer handshake and Seulgi gladly accept "From now on, you're under RV Safety Department"

"Ok ma'am"

"Wendy, you can take your leave now" Irene said to her secretary


After Wendy leave, Irene sit on her place while Seulgi take a sit on the chair across to the boss

"Since you're my bodyguard, I want you to follow me anywhere I go either it's about work or personal unless I tell you that I will go alone"

"Okay ma'am"

"You'll do your work along with my secretary, Wendy and company driver, Kwon Yuri. I asked Wendy to prepare your table outside of my office so you will sit there while waiting for me"

"Okay" Seulgi nods his head


Irene visit her family mansion after her father call her to talk about something important

"Hi appa" Irene hugging her dad tightly

"Hi my dear, it's been a while since you visit me" Mr. Bae said

"I'm busy at company appa, that's why I can't come often. If you miss me, we can meet at company"

Mr. Bae chuckle "Aigooo, appa busy with business trips nowadays so appa leave the company to you. After this appa will travel to Europe for weeks then maybe stay in California for a month or two to monitor your brother. You know he just take over that branch so he need lot of help"

Irene pouted "Appa, don't busy yourself with work. You should take a rest now"

"Appa still wants to travel around. Besides, if appa stays at home doing nothing, it is so boring. You know appa can't sit without doing anything, right?"

"Ask oppa to get married so that he can give you grandchild then you can play around with them" Irene teasing her dad

"Aigoo, your brother is still new in business so he has to focus. I kept asking him to pursue his study in business back then but he never listened and wanted to study music instead. That's why I don't trust him to lead the company. He is your junior in working even he's older"

"I still feel bad at oppa because I take his position"

Mr. Bae ruffled Irene's hair "It's okay, appa talked about it with him before and he understood. He also trusts you to be a leader. You're capable in everything"

"Thanks appa"

"Appa called you to come here because appa want to discuss something personal" Mr. Bae back to the real topic that he want to talk with his daughter

"Okay, what is it?"

"Appa want you to get married" Mr. Bae stated

"What?!" Irene practically yell

"I know you're shocked but I really want you to have someone to take care of you. I not getting young and your oppa not always here to protect you from any danger out there and listen to all your problems"

"Appa, how can I get married? I don't even have boyfriend"

"Appa not asking you to marry now but find someone who is reliable and can protect you in any situation. You're my only daughter so I want the best for you and your happiness is my priority"

"Appa, this is the hardest request you ever asked me" Irene sighs

"I know and I really want to see you walk down the aisle before I die"

Irene's eyes widened "Appa, don't say that thing. You're still young and healthy"

"We don't know when death will hit us"

"Appa please"

"Promise me that after this you'll bring your boyfriend to meet with me. I want a good man and not one who is crazy for money or your property. Find a decent man who is good enough for you. The one with a stable career and respectful towards everyone around him" Irene not answering her father "You already work so hard to make our company soaring upwards and you always make me proud with various achievements every year since you lead the company. Now is the time to focus on your personal life. You need someone to be with you in every ups and downs of your life. Maybe not now but soon enough you will understand what I mean. I experienced this a lot after your umma left us 3 years ago and my life is really empty. I don't want you to go through this situation this early that's why I want you to have your partner even you're busy with your job" Mr. Bae voice shaken as he finish talking

Irene also sobs when she hears her father confess "Sorry appa because I make you sad but give me time to do this. I can't choose randomly since I will gamble with my future"

"Whenever I think the time is right, I will call you to bring your boyfriend to see me. You know what I mean by anytime, right?" Mr. Bae looking at his daughter

"Yes appa" Irene sighs heavily

"Good" Mr. Bae pats Irene shoulder "I don't mean to trouble you but I do this for your own sake"

"I understand appa" Irene smiles at her father. She is well-known as an obedient daughter and her father loves her so much since she's the only daughter in their family.


Irene calls Wendy to come to her office early in the morning to talk about the topic that has been bothering her since a few days ago. Wendy is Irene best friend since high school and now she is her secretary

"Yah, what's wrong with you these days?" Wendy noticed that Irene looked drained and gloomy lately

"Appa bring up the topic that makes me stop breathing when I visit him last week" Irene sighs heavily

"He found a stepmom for you?" Wendy guessing

"No, it has nothing to do with him"

"What is it then?"

Irene fake sobs "He wants me to get married"

Wendy gasped loudly "What?"

Irene told Wendy the whole story and it lift up the burdened on her shoulder

"Aigoo, what to do now?" Wendy asked

"I don't know. Do you know someone who is also single and matches with me?"

"You know I also have small circle of friends like you"

"What about your boyfriend?"

"That blonde American boyfriend of mine has quite a wide circle but do you accept someone who is into club and social butterfly?" Wendy said "You know Steph is DJ so his friends are more from his field"

"I don't think it match with my liking"

"That's why I am not suggesting Stephan's friends in the first place" the secretary said "What about Soojung and her boyfriend or Sooyoung and her soccer star boyfriend?"

"Soojung is the same as you and me. Taeyeon oppa I think more into a businessman or someone workaholic like him. Sooyoung and Yoong oppa, their friends are people from well-known background" Irene pout

"Aigoo, this person is so picky" Wendy glared at her best friend

"I want someone who looked cool, comfortable, not the famous one and someone who always available for me"

"You also quite famous now"

"That's why I don't want a famous partner. Famous person tend to be really busy person and limited time to spend with their loves one so if I meet someone busy like me, we rarely have time for each other" Irene reasoning

"So the point here is you want someone from regular background so that he always there for you whenever you need him and have plenty time for you even you're busy"

"Yes, you got it right this time" Irene snapped her finger

"Do you think you can find that type of man in this limited time?" Wendy hesitant

"Yes, that's why I need your help and I know we can find it. If not accurate, at least similar with the type that I want" Irene said confidently

"I will try to find a way but I not promise how long it will take" said Wendy

"Suit yourself, just don't take too much time. Appa said anytime and you know him anytime. It could be tonight, tomorrow or next year"

"Okay boss, I know and I will try my best to help you"

"Thank you so much"

"No problem"


Seulgi and Wendy waiting for Irene who have meeting with her old friends, since it's not important, she asked her secretary to wait outside

"Mr. Kang, how long since you started your career as a bodyguard?" Wendy asked casually

"I start soon as I graduated from my university few years back then"

"So you used to high-profile people?"

"Yes, I used to work with politicians, businessmen and Ms. Bae is the first businesswoman that I "

"You work under contract, right?"

Seulgi nods his head "Yeah, the contract will be 2 or 3 years then we have to change place with the other"

Wendy is really into the conversation that she is interested to know more about Seulgi "It must be fun, right? Because you can change place and meet lot of people but the job is remain the same"

"It's fun yet tough, especially when the person you take care of faces a lot of threats. That's really dangerous, you know my job is sacrifice myself for people safety so I must aware of everything around me to make sure that person is safe and sound"

"Do you ever get involved in any dangerous incidents or fights?"

"I used to face some situations that required me to use my strength but not really serious. I also used to injured a lot"

"You must be good fighter" Wendy praising

"Just an amateur fighter, not the best one" both of them laughed happily

"I want to learn martial art too"

"Well, I encourage you to learn it for your own safety. I support your decision"

"I will talk about this with my boyfriend and tag him along" Wendy said enthusiastically

"I can bring you to the place where I learn so if your boyfriend agrees, we can go together"

"Thanks Mr. Kang" Wendy said happily

"Just call me Seulgi. It feels comfortable to hear"

"Okay, I will just call you by your name since we're same age"

"Okay, no problem"


Irene and Wendy have lunch at the restaurant

"Did you find any idea for your mission to get a couple?" Wendy suddenly asked

"Not yet, I still block" Irene shook her head "How about you?"

Wendy put her spoon on the plate as she finish eating "I have one good candidate but I not sure if you agree"

Irene was excited to know "Who is that?"

"He is someone I know and personally, I like how he expressed himself. He's quite friendly, comfortable to talk with and humble. Have a good look and stable carrier too so I guess your father will like him" Wendy said proudly

"Who is that guy?"

"Mr. Kang, your one and only bodyguard" Wendy said with wide smile

Irene's eyes turned round "You seriously want me to date him?"

"Yes, I told you that I like his personality. I am comfortable working with him so I guess you feel the same too. He's protective like an older brother, supportive and a good listener too. I used to tell him what I was interested in doing and he supported me and also gave me a lot of courage. I also share a lot of things with him, more like I told him what I feel and my hard times. He listened well to my stories and gave advice. He's really mature" Wendy singing praising Seulgi

"Seem like you like him a lot"

"I like him for you. After all investigation I did, he's close to the criteria that you want"

"I will think about it" Irene sighs



Irene on the phone with her father

"Hello dear, how are you?" – Mr. Bae

"Hello appa, I'm fine. How are you?" – Irene

"I'm fine too. Have you eaten your dinner?" – Mr. Bae

"Yes dad, I'm eat already" – Irene

"Good, about the things that we talked about before. Have you found someone already?" – Mr. Bae

"Not yet appa, I still searching" – Irene

"Aigoo, almost a month already but still no news from you" – Mr. Bae

"Sorry appa" – Irene

"It's okay sweetie. Tomorrow appa will depart to Europe and return 3 weeks later so on that period, appa expect good news from you" – Mr. Bae

"Okay appa" - Irene

"Take care of yourself. Don't overwork and don't skip meal" – Mr. Bae

"Okay appa, you also take care. I miss you" – Irene

"I miss you too dear. Goodnight" – Mr. Bae

"Goodnight appa" – Irene


Irene drove her car to the VIP parking lot and she saw Wendy and Seulgi at the main entrance waiting for her. Both of them talk with each other casually like best friend

"Good morning Miss. Bae" both of them bow politely soon as Irene comes out of her car

"Good morning both of you" Irene reply with smile

The president rides the elevator to her office followed by her secretary and her bodyguard. Irene walks straight to her room while Wendy and Seulgi sit in their respective places. After get her notebook, Wendy go inside to meet her boss

"Hi, how are you today?" Wendy asked

"I'm good, just little bit tired" Irene said

"You looked not in the mood today. Are you okay?" Wendy is sharp to notice Irene expression

"Appa asked me again about the topics when he called few nights ago"

"I guess he said something that makes you stress that's why you looked stressful"

Irene nods her head "You're right"

"What did he say?"

"He wants me to bring my boyfriend to meet him when he returns from Europe 3 weeks from now"

"Aigooo" Wendy shakes her head "What to do now?"

"I don't know. I can't even think about that. This is the toughest request from appa since I born" Irene sighs

Wendy is thinking for a while "If we don't have any other way to settle this, we don't have a choice but ask Mr. Kang if he wants to date you. He is single now, don't worry"

"I don't know what to do anymore"

"I will help you to handle this if you agree. It's not that I keep suggesting him to you but he is the only closest one that I can find now. I don't know any other suitable guy for you"

Irene closed her eyes and massaged her temple "Tell him that I want to see him 1 hour from now and cancel my entire meeting today. I can't do my work in this state"

"If you do not agree, don't force yourself. I will find another way to help you" Wendy feels sorry at her friend

"It's okay; I will talk to him first"

"Okay then. I leave you here now to take rest"

"Alright, thanks for your concerned"

"No problem" Wendy said then she take a leave

Wendy walk to Yuri table "Seulgi"

Seulgi turns his head to Wendy "Yes sis" he flash charming smile

"Ms. Bae wants to see you one hour from now"

"Alright, noted"

1 hour later, Seilgi go to Irene office as she command

"Have a sit" Irene invite Seulgi to sit on the couch

"Okay" Seulgi sits across to his boss

"I want to ask a favor from you. This is personal and it's really important to me" Irene said straight forward

"If I can help, I will do" said Seulgi

"I want you to be my boyfriend" Irene stated firmly

Seulgi was taken aback by what Irene just said "Are you serious, Ms. Bae?"

"Yes, I'm serious. I want you to be my temporary boyfriend. Wendy will prepare our contract and you'll get a generous amount of allowance too" Seulgi not giving any response to Irene "You don't have to worry, no one will know about this. Only you, me and Wendy"

"This is hard" Seulgi mumbled

"No feeling involved in this, you must act like my boyfriend in front of my friends and my family. When we are here, you do your duty as usual. You only be my boyfriend in certain situation only"

"Hmmm" Seulgi sighs

"Do you agree?" Irene stare at Seulgi "I really need your help now"

Seulgi looking at the boss and sighs "Okay, I agree"

"Thanks Mr. Kang"

"You're welcome"

"I will ask Wendy to bring the agreement so that you can read and sign it"

"How long do I have to do it?"

"6 months"


Wendy comes to the office after Irene calls her. She bring a file that contained the agreement for the contract dating then she leave again

"Here is the contract, you may read it first" said Irene and she hand the file to Seulgi

Seulgi read the document attentively "I will start by tomorrow?"


Seulgi put the file on the table "Okay, I agree with this"

"Okay, we will sign it now" Irene said then she sign the agreement follow by Seulgi

"You said I will start tomorrow but tomorrow is Saturday and we're not working"

"We'll go out tomorrow. You will fetch me at my apartment then we go out for our first date"


"Remember to act like you're my real boyfriend and no feeling involve"

"I'm professional so you don't have to worry" Seulgi smile



Seulgi goes to Irene's apartment to pick her up as the President told him. As he expected, the girl stayed at a luxury apartment complex with tight security. Luckily Irene informed the security guard beforehand so he don't have trouble to enter the area

"Where are we going?" Seulgi asked while driving

"Somewhere that calm and relaxing"

"I know a café where we can enjoy the ocean view. That place is calm and not crowded. Do you want to go?"

"Sure, let go"


As Seulgi described, the place is really go for relaxing and Irene enjoy the view

"Finally I found a good place for relaxing" Irene said while sipped her drink

"I always come here to calm my mind whenever I have hard times" said Seulgi

"Tell me more about you" Irene said

Seulgi chuckled, "There is nothing fun about me. My whole day is spent with work, gym and home. I actually don't know what to tell you"

"You said sometimes you come here to relax"

"It was when I really needed time for myself and during my long holiday while waiting for my next posting. When I start working, my life will go back to circle"

"Just tell anything, I don't mind"

"You ask me question that you want to know"

"Okay" Irene tapped her chin "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Yes, I have"

"Really?" Irene shocked

"Yes, you're my girlfriend, isn't it?"

Both of them laughed "You're right"

"It's fine, you are not used to it yet. What else do you want to know?"

"How many siblings do you have?"

"I have an older brother. He stayed at France with my parent"

"So you're alone here?"


Irene asked the next question "If you're free, do you prefer to stay at home or go out?"

"Actually I rarely have free time. As I told you, my life is filled with work. I will go out with my friends when I'm off-day or long holiday. We will hangout at café or drink at bars to catch up. I'm not really social and not someone who stays at home doing nothing. I make it balance so that I know what happen around me"

"I am curious about this thing, what is your ideal type?" Irene curiously asked

Seulgi laughs lightly "I am not really picky. I just want someone who loves me for who I am. Most important is respect people around her, understand my carrier and not wild"

"You don't care about looks?"

"As long as not really ugly is good enough" they laugh again "Beauty can fade but good-manner stay"

"I agree" Irene nods her head

"Now it's my turn to ask about you" Seulgi grin

"Sure, go ahead"

"What is your favorite thing to do when you're free?" Seulgi first question

"Same as you, my life is filled with work so when I'm free I will stay at home. I just go out to meet my friends or visit my appa at the mansion. I rarely go to place like this"

"What if you need to relax?"

"I just sleep" Irene said with giggle

"No fun" Seulgi joking around

"I have a small circle of friends so we just go out when everyone has time. Everyone is busy with carrier so time to meet is limited"

"Wendy is your best friend, right?"

"Yes, since she works with me. She's close to me the most and listens to my problems"

"Aigooo, you should hangouts more with your friends"

"As I said, they are busy with their work and so does me"

Irene nods his head "So, for this 6 months I want you to experience everything that you never feel before"

Irene frowned "What do you mean?"

"I want you to explore the things that you never do before in this 6 months with me so that it'll be the best memory after we end one day"

"That's mean we will spend free times together"

"Yes, less working and more exploring something new. Arrange your schedule properly so that you have time for yourself and for your career. Bring yourself out of the box"

"What about you?"

"Of course I will accompany you. I'm your boyfriend so we will spend more time together on weekends with a lot of activities. 6 months is actually short is you fill it properly"

"Okay then" Irene smiles widely and she can't wait to do something that she has never experienced before. First day spent with Seulgi, Irene acknowledges what Wendy describes about him.


Irene texting Seulgi in the afternoon

"Seul, are you busy this evening?" – Irene

"No, why?" – Seulgi

"I want to have dinner with my friend and I want to tag you along. They excited to meet my boyfriend" – Irene

"Okay, no problem. Just text me the place and time" – Seulgi

"Okay oppa, see you tonight" – Irene

"Alright" – Seulgi

That night, Irene met with her friends at usual place. Wendy also come along since they are best buddy

"Unnie, where is your boyfriend?"

"He's on the way"

"Soojung can't wait to see your tall, handsome and bear-like boyfriend" Wendy teasing Irene

"The description is power" Krystal said

"There he is" Irene pointed at Seulgi who just enter the café and walk towards their table

"Hi" Seulgi greet them

"Hi" Irene and Wendy waving

"Unnie, this is your boyfriend?" Krystal asked excitedly

"Yes" Irene smile proudly

Krystal and Seulgi looking at each other then they laughed "Yah, I don't expect it will be you"

"I also don't expect it will be me" Seulgi reply

"Both of you know each other?" Irene curious

"I meet him few times at the gym where Taeyeon oppa training that's why I know him"

"The world is so small" said Wendy

"I'm Taeyeon hyung trainer at the gym" said Seulgi and take seat beside Irene

"You should train him harder from now on. He gain weight after return from England" Krystal complain about her boyfriend

"I don't know you close with Taeyeon oppa" Irene said

"You don't have idea how close I am with him" Seulgi said jokingly

"You know him since university, right?" said Krystal

"Yes, we joined the basketball team. That's where we are close to each other and friends until now. I'm his trainer at gym and sometimes go out together for drink"

"Oh I see"

"Is he coming tonight?"

"Yes, he's on the way" said Krystal

Taeyeon arrived when they busy talk about random topic

"Sorry, I'm late" Taeyeon said

"It's okay" said Krystal

Suddenly Taeyeon noticed Seulgi sit beside Irene "Oh my God, dude"

"Hello" Seulgi waved playfully

"Juhyun, is this your boyfriend?" Taeyeon looked happy

"Yes oppa, he is my boyfriend" Irene said proudly

"Finally he gives up the title

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Title changed!

Former title: Red Velvet (Seulrene) Story Collection

New title: Book of Visual Couple

With love, Mulgokizary


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Marcsansummer #1
wait for an update🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
update please author nim!
Chapter 126: awwe marupok irene for the win!!🥰🥰
Taitai84 1225 streak #4
Chapter 126: Refreshing for cold Irene to be the one doing the courting
254 streak #5
Chapter 126: Aaaww sweet chapter. I really enjoy a fluffy Seulrene. Thank you author! 🧡
Chapter 126: so cute!
reveluv316 805 streak #7
thanks for the new chapter
Chapter 125: 🩷💛
254 streak #9
Chapter 125: I love it when Irene is clingy to her bear! Lovely story. Thank you author 🧡
Taitai84 1225 streak #10
Chapter 125: Irene sending gifts because she don’t dare to confess directly is so cute