Chapter 41

Sweep Me off My Feet
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The initial recovery went by fast, at least it did for me, the whole ordeal was more enjoyable than I want to admit out loud. Being at her place helping around and connecting with her parents was quite the experience, Seulgi has a whole different opinion on it though, I’ve never heard her so excited about going to school before, she couldn’t hide it when we were talking on the phone last night.


How bored she was not being able to move.


How much she misses Wendy and the rest of the team and friends.


How excited she is about us seeing each other outside of her home.


But not excited enough to not take the extra days off the doctor gave her but told she could attend school if she liked, of course she took all the days off she was given while at the same time complaining about how bored to death she was.


Still, she made plans for us right away, for when she decided to return, didn’t say what though, she said we would go with the flow, no big plans.


I gasped in shock hearing her say that but she didn’t think it was as funny as I did “I can be spontaneous, you know? No need to act all shocked” she had said through the speakers as if she really had any ground to stand on and make an argument.


I pull out a random hoodie from my closet and put it on knowing it’s almost time for the girl to arrive, then I check my reflection in the mirror adjusting my glasses “this will have to do” I think still too sleepy to care about my appearance and the obvious strands of hair sticking out of my ponytail.


It’s Seulgi’s fault for making me wake up earlier than usual, she knows how much of a failure I am in the mornings.


“Rene, come have breakfast with us” Yeri’s voice greets me from the table downstairs. My mom and her are sitting together enjoying their food, I smile at the sight.


No matter the time she has to wake up, if she knows there’s a chance for her to have breakfast with mom, she makes sure to do it, when she has to go to school with me though? Nothing can wake her up in time.


“Good morning to you too” I take a seat on the table with them, “my stomach is still closed at this hour but I’ll take some juice if you don’t mind” I smile once again watching my little sister pouring the contents into a glass for me.


“Have plans today?” My mom asks while watching the hour “Seulgi is going to pick you up, no?”


“Yes and yes” I reply while sipping at my juice, “we’re going to hang out for a bit after class, or so she says.”


“She must be excited to be out again” the woman smiles, “she’s too hyper to be bed ridden.”


“That she is” I sigh, “yet she wouldn’t mind taking the rest of this week off too, she misses the people but she doesn’t actually misses school” I yawn still feeling very sleepy.


“I was still expecting her to be more… you know… down, because of her break since you said she wasn’t taking it very well” my mom comments with curiosity. “I wasn’t expecting any kind of excitement.”


“She’s still down, she lets it out sometimes mid sentences, but she’s excited to be finally out of the house and having some freedom back, now we just need to try keeping her excitement levels up there somehow.”


“Tell her to install your new TV lying on your bedroom floor” the woman jokes sipping at her coffee. “That should keep her occupied” I roll my eyes thinking back to the big screen in the middle of my bedroom… just… there.


“It’s not my fault I don’t have where to put it” I sigh, “if she had given me a heads up I would’ve figured out something first, and I wouldn’t have knocked my shin against it while going to pee in the middle of the night for sure” I hear my mom snicker.


“She’s sweet” my mom defends her.


“I know, she’s very sweet” I agree not actually being mad with the girl or her intentions. “Lots of sweets still cause diabetes though” I act annoyed making the woman roll her eyes. “What are your plans for the day?”


“I have to go to the hospital in the afternoon, maybe at six? And I’ll be back… late today.”


“Thought you had the day off today?” I pout and my brows furrow not being a fan of my mom taking extra shifts late at night. The woman sensing my discomfort sighs. “You put it on the board last week” I complain worrying for my mother pointing at the little board glued to the fridge's door.


“It’s ok, sweetie, I’m feeling alright, and besides” she tilts her head towards Yeri’s direction, “we could use some extra shifts this month.”


I sigh through my nose defeated.




Yeri’s birthday.


“Fine, so that means I’m picking you up at your friend's tonight, right?” I turn to Yeri who’s busy putting more food on mom’s plate.


“If mom can’t, yeah” she says sighing. “But don’t do it too early, you always do it when the fun is starting unlike mom” she complains furrowing her brows making the rest of us chuckle.


“Alright, since your birthday is coming up soon, I’ll let you call me and say when.” I offer grinning feeling a bit relieved my time with Seulgi is not going to be cut short today.


“Really?” she exclaims with hopeful eyes.


“Yes, you're getting big enough, I’m sure you can be responsible and call me at a reasonable hour, right?”


“Yes, I can do that, trust me” she grins happily.






I stand up stretching my arms over my head feeling a tad more awake, then I catch a glimpse of my reflection on the window, the hairs sticking out of my supposed ponytail makes me chuckle.


“Where are you going?” my mother asks me, curious seeing me walking away from the table.


“I’m going to go change again,” I say yawning. “I can’t go on a date looking like this” I point out my disheveled hair.


“Alright, comeback to have breakfast, you can’t leave without eating.” 

Seulgi arrived not much after announcing her presence by honking the horn a couple of very short times, knowing the girl arrived woke me up right away. I bid my goodbyes, take the captain’s jacket and head to the car with hurried steps, in a way that would make an outsider think I wasn’t with the girl through her two weeks of recovery.


Like usual, the girl steps out of the car and opens the door for me but not before greeting me with a kiss and breathy good morning right afterwards.


“You’re wearing a new perfume?” I ask burying my face on her neck catching more of the scent coming from her. “Is very sweet” I press my nose against her neck involuntarily making her shiver from my touch.


“Babe...” she complains laughing “your nose is tickling me, come on.”

“Wait, I want to know what it is” I grab a fistful of her hoodie to refrain her from escaping.


“Let's leave your driveway first, your mom is watching us” I let the girl go and set my sight to the house’s window glaring at the woman spying on us.


“Fine” I sigh while Seulgi awkwardly waves back at my mom.


Once the girl is back in the driver's seat she reaches out for the front compartment and takes out a red spray bottle from it, she holds it close to her face to show me.


The words Red Apple Candy flashing in gold letters.


I take the bottle from her chuckling and instinctively bring it to my nose while the girl watches waiting for me to say something.


“I like it” she grins.


“I know” she takes the bottle from my hands. “The other day you said you liked the shampoo I used, remember? So I got this even though it’s different, that one was green apple this one is sweet… not that I knew that before it arrived” she explains shaking the bottle. “But it's nice, right? Even though it’s not the same.”


“Yes, it is nice” I grin watching the pretty girl be pleased with herself. “Sweet suits you well.”


“Good” she takes the cap from the bottle, closes her eyes and sprays it on herself a couple of times, she then looks at me wiggling her eyebrows. “It’s my gift to you” she jokes putting the perfume back in the front compartment.


“Dumb” I laugh pressing my lips to her cheek while the girl starts the car making it roam loudly like always. “Don’t forget to fasten your seat belt.” 


“The seat belt bothers my scar” she says in the most soft baby voice flashing me a pout. “I’ll be careful without it, promise.”




“Let me show you” the girl shows me exactly how the fabric, without a doubt, touches the skin exactly where her scar is, making it hard to do a compelling argument of why she has to wear it anyway. “I don’t know how to explain it, but the sensation makes me uncomfortable, maybe it is still a bit tender? I don’t know, I’m no doctor.”


“Yeah maybe, so you drove here without it? That’s not smart” I hum. 


“I know you’re a bit uptight with it and the whole safety rules thing but trust me, it is really bothersome, I wouldn't risk upsetting you if it wasn’t, you know?”


“What if…” I trail off and slip my arm between the fabric and the tender spot resting my hand on her thigh “is it better like this?” Seulgi shifts her body to test my little solution, she then looking pleased enough shows me a thumbs up.


“Although that’s a weird solution, it is helping a lot” she states looking a bit puzzled. “Hopefully, no one will think anything weird of it if they see us.”

“Why would they?” I look confused down at my arm under the seat belt and then back to the grinning girl.


“Well, problem fixed, let’s go” the girl says ignoring me and putting the radio on blast, driving away like half the neighborhood isn’t still asleep. 


Seulgi parked the car away from the other students, people who also got here early and are already congregated at the school's grounds minding their own business. The girl chose a spot close to the gym’s back door, because no one really prefers to park in this area and do all the extra walking after, but that wasn’t really part of our concerns, we’re glad people are that lazy around here.


The girl has a very flashy, easily identifiable car, one that matches her flashy status, one little peak at it and she would be flooded with love from her friends and other students, who would be welcoming her back with open arms, and most likely lots of questions about the past two weeks.


I blame Seulgi's constant social media updates about how bored she was, there’s probably not a person left in town that doesn't know the girl had a surgery.


So, admittedly as per my request, we stay away from the rest so we can… catch up, as Seulgi likes to call it.


In our private spot, away from any curious eyes, the girl is eager as ever while my demeanor is gentle and calm, still a little too careful to not hurt her. While her lips travel down my neck to cover any exposed skin my clothes grant her, I keep a hand on her waist to keep her from doing anything that can cause her any kind of discomfort.


Despite my carefulness, the scent of her perfume mixed with the scent of the leather seats reminding me of previous escapades inside this same vehicle, the slow tempo music coming out of the speakers she carefully chose, Seulgi’s wandering hands caressing my body and her eager lips currently attached to my earlobe, causes my brain to fog and cloud my judgment, reminding me that unlike the people around us think, me and Seulgi are really not that different in a way.


I try to get my head out of the gutter by pushing the girl slightly off me so she isn’t all over  me, well as much as she can in the front seat of a car, I take my hand of her waist and place on her chest, before I can push her the girl takes my hand and seals our lips together instead, making my little plan useless as well as my brain.


Hands tangle her hair welcoming the advances and her tongue, while her hand rests under my clothes on the lower back, caressing the skin with her thumb and the other hand travels up and down my outer thigh. Seulgi groans trying to get our bodies to touch more and failing thanks to the car stick and some of her belongings in the middle of us.


I can’t help but laugh against her lips.


“Hey, is not funny” Seulgi complains, pressing our foreheads together breathing heavily giving us some time to get some clarity.


“We need to slow down” I point out while taking the messy hair off her face.


“I know” she sighs, “your mom is going to be home today, right?”


“Yeah, sorry” even with my glasses off I can make out Seulgi rolling her eyes frustrated, I give the girl a quick peck to erase the expression. “Are you even clear to do anything?” I say touching her waist, Seulgi looks down at the spot pursing her lips.


“I can be careful.”


“Ah, really.”


“Nurse Bae gave me the clear, remember” she shrugs, “as long as we’re careful” I take a moment to fix her messy hair and take the lipstick off her face.


“Regardless it can’t happen today” she pouts, “there’s always tomorrow, honey.”


“Yeah, tomorrow” she smiles, “and the day after too, and the day after that one as well” she kisses me deeply once again.


The school's emergency door opening out of nowhere makes us finally detach from each other, then we see a teacher come out to look at us in disapproval, not like the man can do anything else as we’re technically outside of school and school hours.


Still, avoiding any type of problem, Seulgi quickly starts the car and drives away from him.


“I guess I’ll see you after class, babe” the girl says once we’re parked once again, this time in front of the building.


“Wait” I reach for her basketball jacket now on the car's floor, “do me a favor and wear this today?” Seulgi takes the garment smiling while I put my glasses back on.


“I’ll buy you a bottle of my perfume so you don’t have to do this” she says taking her jean jacket off and trading it for the flashy jacket I just gave her.


“It's not the same” I complain as she hands me the discarded jacket and I bring it to my nose to make a point. “I don’t want it to smell just like perfume, I want it to smell like you.”


“Alright, alright” she pecks me “whatever the lady wants.”


When the bell rings, Joy and I grab our things and make our way out of the classroom, walking through the hallways both of us looking forward to meeting with our respective girlfriends, same scenario, different realities.


While Seulgi and I are going to spend most of our day together, they only have an hour or two to be with each other before it’s time for Joy to be at home. I’m pretty sure that’s how it normally works when you're not a daughter of a single mom who’s really relaxed about rules, relationships and even . Instead you get curfews and constant phone calls.


“You know, you could tell your family you’re going to my place” I offer after hearing her complain about her short time with her girlfriend.


“I would, but Wendy’s mom wants her at home early today for something.” 


“I see” I hum “your girl is surprisingly not as free as I thought she was.”


“Yeah, she complains about my dad but her parents aren’t any better” Joy scoffs.


“It’s easy for her to go out and do things, though, unlike you” I point out, making her groan.


“Yeah, yeah” she sighs “you’re going out with Seulgi today right?” I nod. “You don’t know how lucky you are, you can do whatever you want.”


“Oh trust me, I know” I grin spotting Seulgi already waiting for me at the front gate alongside Wendy.


“If you get home early, call me, there’s something I want to talk to you about” Joy hurries her steps to catch up with her girlfriend leaving me behind.


“Oh?” my brows lift surprised “What about?” 

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1051 streak #1
Rereading!🥹 hope youre doing well author!
Chapter 44: Still waiting for your update, i hope you're doing well..
okay54321 #3
Hope all is well🥹
Andeulea_rv25 #4
Have read this a lot of times!!! Please come back soon authornim def need an upd i miss u and the stoorryy 😭
Chapter 39: This is my comfort story, I love it so much, please come back soon I miss you 😢
Chapter 44: i miss you author :'((
Kylie_123 #7
Chapter 1: Hi author! How are you?
Happy new year mate! I hope you’re doing well!
MichTae_ #9
Chapter 10: sana ol crush back