Chapter 38

Sweep Me off My Feet
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The sight of Seulgi seated down hugging her torso in pain is upsetting to say the least, it doesn’t help she keeps complaining about wanting to go home through grunts and pained groans. Despite the pain she’s in she keeps trying to convince us she’s fine and only needs some rest and sleep.




As if I would let her go back home like this.


She’s lucky we were all together when this happened, I have no doubt in my mind she would have indeed gone back home and lied down in bed thinking it would pass just like that, without telling me or her parents she was feeling poorly.


I’m having a hard time figuring out if she’s really strong, stubborn or just plain dumb.


“Ugh, how long are we going to be here?” she complains again bouncing her legs up and down. “If I was dying they wouldn’t keep me waiting” she groans ducking her head down once again as what I can only assume is another wave of pain hitting her by surprise. “Means I’m ok” she struggles to say making me roll my eyes.


It hasn’t been that long.


We just got here.


I hug the girl feeling my heart fumble inside like a piece of paper hearing her pained breathing not really understanding how she can have the energy to act so tough when she's obviously unwell.


“As long as we need to, honey” I softly say to the stubborn girl as I rub her back hoping it can help to calm down her pain even though I now it won’t, I also kiss her exposed neck feeling the clammy skin on my lips making me start to feel unreasonably impatient. “Mom told us to wait here” I say to the girl once again looking up at Joy with worried eyes.


Seulgi’s complaints come from the pain she’s in but things are going really fast.


As soon as we arrived she was taken on a wheelchair, which she hated, to get checked by the doctor who was really nice and patient with her.


They even said they’ll get her a room to wait despite the hospital being busy today.


The perks of having the head nurse as a mom.


Still, even though I know this is going as fast as it can, even though I know how the hospital works, being a small one, what is a priority and what isn’t, how busy doctors are, how privileged Seulgi is being treated right now. Despite all this, the irrational and very worried part of me can’t help but feel relentless also wondering why it’s taking “so long” for the doctor to come back.


It’s kind of funny, really, or it would be if I wasn’t so worried for my girlfriend.


Seeing her hair becoming a mess I put her long mane into a ponytail and start blowing air into her skin, I even pull her shirt away to give her some comfort with the small airstream hitting her skin.


"When this is over we'll go to your place and lie in bed doing nothing" I whisper to her as a yet another wave of pain hits the girl. "Just hang a little bit longer, ok?" the girl groans louder. "I love you very much, baby.”


I look at Joy filled with worry and frustration also wondering where the hell is the doctor, getting really close to throwing my rationality out the window here.


“Hey” Wendy’s soft voice greet us from the end of the hallway, she offers Joy a small smile before giving her attention to her best friend, she seats by her side lowering her head to the girl’s level softly whispering things my ears can’t pick up.


I straighten myself up to give them some privacy.


When we told her we were taking the sick girl to the hospital Wendy got so worried we were scared she was going to crash her own car, it didn’t help Seulgi’s pained groans could be heard through the device.


“I just want to go home” Seulgi whines to her like a little kid would when they want something from their parents. "I want to go home and lie on my bed with Irene" I smile despite my worries.


“Why are you being cute all of the sudden, stop it, it’s creepy” Wendy affectionately puts an arm around her resting her chin on the girl. “What’s wrong with her?” she mouths my way with a pout, I only shake my head as a reply. “Is it bad?” she insists.


“We’re waiting for the doctor to comeback,” Joy replies for me “we don’t know anything.”


“I see” she sighs not pleased with the answer she got. “Once the doctor comes back we’ll ask if we can take you home” she says in a very soft tone I haven’t heard before, “but we won’t move until we know you’re perfectly fine, hell, I’ll drive you home myself, I can take everyone else home too so don’t worry about that either” she hugs Seulgi who nods welcoming the gesture moving slightly closer to the girl. “I know what you're thinking, and no, you’re not being a nuisance, ok?”


I’m used to seeing them bickering and teasing each other, so the loving gesture between the two takes me by surprise, but is welcomed. Out of everyone standing here right now for the pained girl, Wendy is the one that knows her the longest and without a doubt understands her the most.


“Ok” Seulgi nods again.


I sigh through my nose both sad and amused that even in a situation like this Seulgi is worried about being a bother...even though she’s in great pain.


I look over at Joy and we share a small smile thankful of being able to witness this intimate moment between the two best friends.


“You must have been trailing behind us” Joy takes a seat next to her girlfriend.


“I turned around as soon as you told me” she explains letting go of Seulgi. “Did you call her parents?” she gives me a questioning look.


“My mom did” she nods, “they said they are coming but they’re far” Seulgi groans displeased by this.


"I'm sorry honey but we had to, imagine if we didn’t tell your mom" I comfort her resuming my previous position hugging the girl. “I wouldn’t be welcomed in your house anymore” I joke kissing the girl’s nape.


"I love you very much too" Seulgi whispers after a while shifting her body to rest her face on my lap holding onto my thighs.


My mother soon comes back, for Seulgi’s displeasure, with Yeri on tow holding a wheelchair to take the girl to a private room like she promised.


“I’m guessing you’re Wendy?” the newcomer shyly nods. “Hm, I see” Wendy gets the up and down scan by my mother making her turn to me with questioning eyes.


“My mom” I explain to the girl.


“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you Mrs Bae” she quickly says watching the woman kneel in front of the pained girl. “I have heard a lot about you from everyone.”


“Is she always this formal?” my mom asks Joy making her laugh and Wendy get shy. “You don’t have to be, I don’t bite” Wendy nods flashing an embarrassed smile.


“Is Seulgi ok?” Wendy asks in a worried tone.


“She will be” the woman shortly replies. “Hi sweetie, how are you holding up?” She doesn’t wait for an answer petting her head lovingly “I’m going to take you to the doctor now, ok? Can you get in the chair for me?”


“No need for that, Mrs Bae, I can walk” Seulgi weekly says already moving to stand up.


“Come on, hop on” my mother insists.


“It’s ok, I don’t need a chair” she grimaces looking at it.


“Seulgi” mom say more dryly.


“I don’t think it’-” Seulgi groans in pain while trying to get up making the nurse roll her eyes.


“Seulgi, hop on the chair, please” my mom, using an extremely sweet yet authoritative tone, makes the girl shut up in an instant and get back to her seat.


I make sure to make a mental note on how to handle the girl in future scenarios watching Seulgi act like a berated puppy slowly standing up with the help of Wendy and taking her seat on the chair as instructed, without saying anything else, just muttering a small and very uncharacteristically submissive I’m sorry Mrs. Bae much to everyone’s amusement.


We move through the hallways of the always clean and bright white building away from the noise to a much quieter floor, following the woman with the white uniform making small talk with us.


“Wow, your mom is like really…. young” Wendy carefully says watching the woman walk inside the room Seulgi is in closing the door behind her as we stay outside to give them some privacy.


The girl had insisted for me to stay with her inside but my mother figured there’s more chances of her being honest and quitting the tough act if I stayed outside with the rest.


And I agreed.


Now I regret my decision.


“You can say she’s hot, I won’t be mad” Joy chuckles holding onto Yeri’s hand while I roll my eyes. “It’s a fact, your mom is hot, deal with it” she shrugs ignoring my death stare.


“I’ve been dealing with it since I was born” I say looking at Seulgi’s room wondering what’s happening inside, what’s she’s saying, what she’s feeling.


I bet my mom is teasing her right now to make her feel better.


Making one joke or two about her acting tough but being very delicate inside, the woman says that a lot about her after all, and it’s true.


I sigh.


“Well... yeah, sorry Irene... and, you look just like her?” Wendy rubs the back of her head embarrassed; I show her an incredulous stare which she replies flashing a smile before turning towards the very amused Joy. “You’re hotter though” she grins at her girlfriend who scoffs a laugh while Yeri glares at the girl without really saying anything. “You’re cute too” she offers to the small girl rubbing the top of her head much to her displeasure.


“You’re ugly” Yeri replies deadpan making Joy burst out laughing.


I take my eyes off the door surprised.


“Yeri!” I scold the kid as a laugh erupt from my throat without being able to hold it back. “Don’t be rude” I say slightly chuckling at Wendy’s surprised expression.


“You can’t please everyone you know?” Joy chuckles grabbing the girl’s hand while Wendy slowly blinks with her brows slightly raised.


“I can try” she chuckles shaking her head.


Wendy’s smile flatters after the short distraction is over matching my sour mood, Joy stares at the girl with worry, she then proceeds to invade the girl’s space standing right in front of her making the tiny basketball player look up to reach her eyes.


“So,” Joy brushes some hairs off Wendy’s face catching the girl off guard, then Joy gives me a teasing look, a heads up, I recognize the twinkle in her eyes very well by now “you think Irene is hot?” she raises her brows at the smaller girl acting very serious and hurt.


“Wha-” it works, the girl gets distracted again as what I recognize as terror fills the girl’s already widened eyes. “That's not what I said” she denies it wholeheartedly “at all!”


Joy glances at me for a quick second.


“So you think I’m ugly?” I doubled down with a pout.


“Hey, wait a minute, Irene” she begs to me.


“Do you?” Joy presses.


“No” Wendy scoff.


“So which one is it?” Joy squints.


Wendy opens to say something but opts to think her answer thoroughly instead, she then faces me rolling her eyes annoyed at the gang up on her.


“Irene, respectfully, you’re a very attractive girl” she says slowly. “Respectfully” she repeats making Joy and I laugh.


“Thank you, Wendy” I pat her back. “Wait until I tell Seulgi.”


“Wait no! She’s crazy” we laugh looking at each other then our eyes sadly stare at the closed door not too far away from us.


“Come on, relax, we’re only teasing you” Joy assures to her girlfriend looking around the hallway, once she sees there’s no one around she quickly pecks the girls lips.


“I know” she takes a hold of her hand squeezing it lightly in a loving manner.


“Teasing aside, you’re allowed to find people hot, you know? You have eyes” she says “ long as it stays like that of course... just looking” this makes the frowny girl smile a little bit. “You happen to find my friend hot and I think yours is too” her smile drops again. “Hey, I’m just joking” Joy grabs the girl’s arm but she steps away not having it.


“You just lost that right, stay away” she threatens playfully.


Their dynamic is somehow different from Seulgi and I, while my girlfriend craves affection and physical touch at any given time, they seem to find comfort in playing around and messing with each other.


It’s really cute.


If I tried to joke about finding other people attractive with Seulgi the girl would only pout and demand me to say she’s the most attractive of them all, and so would I to be fair.








“By the way, why does your mom know my name?” she changes the subject ignoring her girlfriend’s attempt of a cute pout and trying to reach for her grasp, I lean against the wall with my arms crossed glancing at Joy.


“We have talked about you” I shrug.


“Oh, is that so? Good things I hope?” she grins obviously happy hearing the fact.


“Only sometimes” Joy interjects a bit embarrassed making the girl’s grin brighter.


“I didn’t know you talk to people about me” Joy scoffs but is unable to fight back her fondness for the shorter girl.


Watching my friends be in their little bubble makes my lips tug upwards without being able to fight it.


They match each other so well it’s crazy.


If Seulgi was here right now she would be so annoyed already.


With that in mind my eyes travel back to Seulgi’s room wondering what she’s being told, I bite my lip worried, if my mom guess is right, the stubborn girl is not going to be happy about it.


Time seems to pass the slower when you’re worried about your loved ones.


A friendly hand on my shoulder keeps my thoughts in check, my eyes meet Wendy’s, the girl kindly squishes my shoulder sporting a gentle smile, she turns to the other side pointing at them with a thumb.


“I’m going to get us all something to drink and was wondering what you’d like” her hand drops off my shoulder to her hair bringing her bangs back uncovering her face while she glances at Seulgi’s room door, her smile wavering and lingering enough to show she too is worried about her friend.


Of course Wendy would be the kind to act like she's not as worried as she is in front of others.


Seulgi and her are two peas in a pod.


“Water would be fine” I smile at her returning the favor.


“You got it” she grins in away apparently all basketball players do at our school, effortlessly charming. “Yeri, come with me” she tells to the little girl who looks at her weirdly. “Come on, I’ll get you anything you want” Yeri glances at me for approval, once she gets a nod from me she hesitantly takes the girl’s hand walking away with her.


“She’s not going to give up until Yeri likes her” I catch Joy smiling fondly at the two girls walking away.


“I’m sure she’ll win her over, my sister is easy to please” I sigh checking the time on my phone. “You know, Wendy looks cute with her bangs off her face” I tease my friend.


“I told her that already,” she smiles at me “she’s now in the process of growing out her hair” she says pleased with herself.


“Whipped” I scoff.


“Of course” she says in a matter-of-fact way, the girl then flips her long hair to the side to emphasize her point, her cocky attitude makes me giggle, to think they have only started dating and Wendy is already like this.


The door finally opens and we see my mom slowly walking towards us closing the door behind her, she stands in front of us with her phone up in her ear telling us to wait with a quick hand sign and an encouraging smile on her lips.


“She’s ok, we already gave her something for the pain and she’s as stubborn as ever” I smile hearing that. “Yes, but we wouldn’t do anything until you arrive, Mrs. Kang, don’t worry” we hear my mom say in a professional tone, “you have my word, Seulgi is very important to me as well, we’ll be waiting for you and your husband to arrive.”


“How is she?” I ask as soon as the woman hangs up the phone.


“Oh she’s alright” she smiles with a calm aura, it’s a bit reassuring and I let myself get covered in it, “asking why aren’t you all there with her.”


“That’s good” I nod feeling a bit relieved, if it was bad, she would act as worried as me, she loves the girl too much. “Can we go in now?” I plead wanting to see the girl and comfort her as much as possible.


“She’s going to be taken to get some tests done first” she says making me pout, she smiles and pats my understanding how I feel. “Where’s this Wendy girl? I want to ” the woman suddenly says as she scans the place looking for the small basketball player, obviously trying to distract us from the main issue.


“She’s with Yeri buying us some drinks” Joy happily grins at the woman.


“The famous Wendy” my mom sings giving the girl all of her attention. “Isn’t she pretty, Irene?”


“She’s very pretty” I smile.


“She is” Joy looks at the floor playing with her hair.


“Pocket sized.”


“Don’t tell her that” Joy begs with a coy smile, “she really hates it.”


“Unless you’re the one saying it” I correct her making her blush.


“Oh is that so? Fully noted” the woman in white winks. “Hm your dreamy girl with the nicest smile and legs” she hums amused.


“Please Mrs Bae don’t tell her I said that” Joy whines biting her lip and crossing her arms embarrassed making my mom laugh wholeheartedly.


“Don’t worry, that’s between us girls, right? My lips are sealed” she looks at me.


“Whatever you tell us stays between us” I inform her with a smirk, “it’s a bae household secret.”


“Thank goodness.”


“But Joy, sweetie, I’d like to get to know her better, you should bring her home one of these days” she suggests. “I get you think she’s so dreamy and all you want but I’d like to make sure she’s the right girl for you.”


The woman grabs Joy’s face in a motherly way, watching the scene brings me back to the first time we told my mom about having crushes and all of those embarrassing things, how supportive the woman has being with Joy knowing she can’t really share this kind of thing at her house with her more traditional parents.


Back then, between milk, cookies and gossip the idea of both us dating seemed so far fetched.


I laugh inwardly at the thought.


That is, until I notice something.


And I get offended.


“Wait a minute” I raise my voice catching their attention, “what do you mean with making sure she’s the right girl for you?” I scoff. “Where was all this energy when Seulgi started pursuing me?” I hear Joy burst into a laughing fit as my mom rolls her eyes at me.


“Sweetie you’re ruining the moment.”


"Yeah, don't be jealous."


I ignore them both.


"You were practically throwing me into her arms from day one!" the woman rolls her eyes in a dramatic manner just like a teenager would.


"I didn't hear any complaints" she says, "not back then, especially not now" I open my mouth to voice a retort but the woman had successful left me without any argument. "I know Seulgi, I don't know this Wendy girl" she points a Joy who's watching us intently with eyes full of enjoyment. "Her father will kill me when he eventually finds out if she's not someone…appropriate."


"Oh, my father won't find out" Joy confidently says but my mom only laughs in return.


"He will, because you’ll tell him yourself... eventually” Joy scoffs at the suggestion. “Please, I know we joke a lot about it but he’s not that bad!” the woman says in defense of her friend and fellow parent. “Wendy just... needs to be good...” she ends up saying after seeing Joy’s incredulous look.


“Why is it taking so long?” I ask out loud staring at Seulgi’s door room.


“Sweetie she’s ok, trust me” she put her hand on top of my head. “You more than anyone should know how things work around here.”


“It’s different when I’m the one waiting” I mumble looking at the floor.


“I’m guessing you’re going to stay here all day” my mom says in a worried tone.


“Of course,” I state the obvious furrowing my brows “as long as I have to” the woman hisses under her breath wearing an apologetic smile.


“What about Yeri?”


“Oh, right” I bite my lip looking at Seulgi’s room door, I hear my mom sigh dejected then I feel her pinch my cheek.


“She can go home with me,” Joy offers nonchalantly “we were supposed to have a playdate today anyways” I jump clinging to Joy’s neck smiling brightly at my mom.


“Problem solved” I chirp.


“Right” she gives us both a look “I guess...thank you, Joy” the woman sighs. “Well, I have work to do so unfortunately I can't stay with Seulgi, but I'm sending someone, who I think is the best for her, to cover for me ok?" I nod " I'll be back later to check on her, and you know, tease your girlfriend" she says winking at Joy. "Darling, if I'm not around call me when you're ready to take Yeri to your place."


"Sure thing, Mrs Bae."


The woman then gives me a tight secure and comforting hug.


“I don’t like hospitals when I’m on the other side of the story” I tell her in her ear letting myself use her warm loving comfort as a blanket “I hate it.”


“I know, I understand, I don’t like it either but Seulgi is alright, I promise you there’s nothing to be worried about today” I nod against her neck and let the woman go do her job, the tiny knot on my throat remembering old memories disappearing along with her arms.


We watch my mother leave resuming our waiting in silence with myself feeling a tiny bit better about the situation, she’s right, Seulgi is alright, if my mom says it then it’s true.


Nothing to worry about.




Then Joy gets a call on her phone.


"Wendy is lost" she laughs.







When we get back to Seulgi’s we find the door opened, we dare to take a pick inside the room and we see the girl seated on the edge of the hospital bed already with a better semblance talking very amicably to a blonde-haired nurse.


I exhale relieved with a smile immediately appearing on my lips.


Yeri rushed through the door to give the girl who’s in a much higher place in a difficult position, an uncomfortable yet sweet hug.


“Hi, honey” I dare to announce my presence in the room “how are you feeling?”


“I’m feeling a lot better, pain free” Seulgi smiles from her hospital bed still hugging the girl. “Got some tests done and now I’m waiting for the doc to come back.”


“Ok, that’s good” I smile back feeling relieved.


“I don’t know why I need to wait if I’m already feeling better though?” she complains confused. I bite down a smile hearing the nurse obviously done with the girl’s attitude sign in frustration. “Why can’t we go home and watch movies and resume our date?”


“Irene, please tell your girlfriend she can’t leave” the nurse tending Seulgi besides her bed turns around rubbing the spot between her brows “or we’ll have to chain her down.”


“Byul?” I tentatively ask staring at the young woman.


“Hi” she grins “long time no see. Hi Joy, I haven’t seen you in a long time either” the young woman says flipping her long blonde hair to the side watching the tall girl trailing behind me.


We both fully enter the room and give the woman a warm tight hug grinning from ear to ear, when we end our respective embraces Byul messes my hair up as if I was a little kid making me look down at the ground blushing.


“It feels like every time we see each other you two look more mature” she lets out a long dramatic sigh. “It seems it was just yesterday when I had to tie your shoes, now I’m here treating your girlfriend, what a turn of events” I giggle looking at Seulgi who’s listening to us attentively. “I wonder if your girlfriend wasn’t feeling poorly I’d see you at all” she point out as I walk to Seulgi’s side knowing she’s feeling left out too embarrassed to say anything. “You too Joy, I haven’t seen you in the longest time.”


“Yeah, but my mother doesn’t work at the hospital like Irene’s” Joy makes the young woman laugh “I have an excuse.”


“That you do” the woman giggles. “How are you Yeri, aren’t you going to hug me too?” the girl detaches herself from Seulgi and goes to the woman “want to go play?” she asks her warmly


Detaching my eyes from the scene I focus on Seulgi.


Meeting my eyes the girl extends her hand at me calling me over, I walk to the bed and let myself be pulled by her, meeting my eyes she smiles at me showing me the pain has really gone down, thankfully, I brush some hair strands off her face relieved to see her so relaxed once again.


Seeing her all well and smiling takes a weight off me.


Maybe I was worrying too much.


I peck her lips not caring about the people inside the room watching us.


“Don’t do that” I swat away the hand she’s using to play with the drip attached to her arm scowling at her with my eyes while she happily grins back and makes me hug her burying her face on my chest.


At least we know the pain killers are working well.


“Irene” I look up at the nurse staring kindly at us, the way a mother would look at her child finally growing up, not that she’s old enough to be my mom. “You know there can only be two people inside at once” she looks around at the group.


The room is really crowded, I see taking a peek around, but even after hearing Byul’s warning none of us move.


“Ah, right” I say looking at the ground “I’m sorry.”


“It’s ok, glad to see she’s very loved, I’m going to give you all ten minutes” she lifts a finger up “but when I comeback I want only two of you inside, ok?” she shows us a toothy grin. “If anyone asks, you haven’t seen me, I don’t want to get scolded.”


“Thank you” Wendy says as we watch the young nurse walk out of the room with her hands inside her pockets.


“Ten minutes” she repeats as she’s about to exit the room leaving the door slowly close behind her “Yeri do you want to come?”


“Later” the little girl says looking down embarrassed holding something in her hands then looking up at Seulgi’s direction.


“Ok, baby, you know where to find me, right?”




Once we’re alone, Wendy walks to Seulgi’s side across me, the girl then puts her hand on her best friends’ shoulders without saying anything, she seems to be as relieved as I am to find Seulgi in a better condition already.


Wendy really loves Seulgi, even if she won’t admit it.


“You two seem close to that nurse” it’s the first thing Seulgi says to us out loud with curiosity. “Who is she?”


“You could say that,” Joy hums “she used to babysit us, well, more Irene than me” she explains making Seulgi smile.


“That’s cute” Seulgi grins at me “she seems cool.”


“Oh she is, we used to be so in love with her as children” she giggles while I blush embarrassed. “We used to fight for her attention, remember?”


“Yeah, yeah” I reply blushing deeper under Seulgi’s amused eyes.


“Your childhood crush?” Seulgi teases me poking my ribs. “It’s ok, I think I had a crush on my primary school teacher,” she giggles “used to pick up flowers to give to her during recess.”


“That’s adorable” I comment smiling.


“Oh, I know what teacher you’re talking about,” Wendy laughs “every kid had a crush on her.”


“Oh no, this is different, Irene still gets nervous around her to this day” Joy teases me making me blush once again.


“Joy don’t even…” I warn her mumbling my words.


“Whenever she comes visit her mom she would stare at her from afar, but never actually say hi” she giggles.


Hearing Joy’s revelation I take a peek at Seulgi and find her smile gone and being replaced by an almost unnoticeable scowl.


“That was before” I say, fighting to both suppress my laugh and hide my reddened face, her expression is something else, the way her eyes slightly squint and her lips purse at my words, she would get jealous at something like this. “Joy is making it seem like I still do that,” I roll my eyes “it was a childhood crush, honest” I assure her. “I’m too busy with you to come hang here” I remind her whispering it in her ear, this does seem to work... I think... pretty sure I saw her lips slightly, very slightly curl upwards, but it went away as fast as it came.


I widen my eyes at Joy but she already lit up the fire, she doesn’t even understand me, instead she shows me a questioning look.


Again, we have a different dynamic with different results.


Theory confirmed.


Wendy does understand but she only laughs under her breath while she stares at Seulgi’s sour expression, she does seem to relax a bit after my explanation.


“Seulgi” Yeri, who’s being standing closely the whole time, uses the sudden awkward silence as a cue, she slowly comes close to us and offers the girl a chocolate candy bar. “Are you still sick?” she asks with worried eyes making the girl chuckle and dissolve her sour expression.


“I was feeling a bit bad but I’m so much better already, did I scare you?” the little girl nods while pouting. “I’m really sorry” she takes the candy bar from her hands and pinches her cheek affectionally “you don’t need to be worried anymore, ok?” Yeri nods once again this time with her lips curling slightly upwards. “That’s my girl.”


“I told you Seulgi is tough” Wendy cockily says to the small girl. “Didn’t I?”


“Yeah you did” Yeri grins back. “Eat soup, mom always makes me eat it after I throw up” the girl says furrowing her brows all serious, like a tiny adult.


“I’ll keep it in mind” Seulgi giggles.


“Do you want to be a nurse like your mom when you grow up?” Wendy asks the girl crooking her head to the

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1051 streak #1
Rereading!🥹 hope youre doing well author!
Chapter 44: Still waiting for your update, i hope you're doing well..
okay54321 #3
Hope all is well🥹
Andeulea_rv25 #4
Have read this a lot of times!!! Please come back soon authornim def need an upd i miss u and the stoorryy 😭
Chapter 39: This is my comfort story, I love it so much, please come back soon I miss you 😢
Chapter 44: i miss you author :'((
Kylie_123 #7
Chapter 1: Hi author! How are you?
Happy new year mate! I hope you’re doing well!
MichTae_ #9
Chapter 10: sana ol crush back