Chapter 23

Sweep Me off My Feet
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“How’s everything with Seulgi?” Mom asks as we both wash the dishes left by dinner we had minutes ago, home cooked, unfortunately for Yeri, me….and my mom. On the other hand Seulgi was delighted, it’s like she has no functional taste buds, my mom loves it, even if she rather have take out food than her own cooking, she stuffed her as much as she could and even gave her some to take home with her.


“Um, fine?” I reply while scrubbing the dishes, Seulgi insisted on washing the dishes herself to show her gratitude but I refused and sent her home knowing she needs the rest after the day she had. Since we had our honest talk days ago she’s a little more willing to share her day with me and what’s bothering her, in a very vague way still trying to sound like everything is ok, but still more than what I got before.


“She wasn’t as lively as I’m used to tonight.” She’s probably referring to the lack of reaction from the girl to her constant teasing.


“She’s tired.” I excuse for my really busy girlfriend. “With the finals approaching and all that.”


“Understandable, being her right now must be awful, I don’t know how she does it.”


“What do you mean?” I ask furrowing my brows.


“She’s the face of the team, everybody in town has ridiculously high expectations for her and forget she’s human, it’s a lot for a young girl to handle.” My mom shakes her head. “If something goes wrong, it’s her fault.”


“That’s true.” I say looking at the plate in my hands, I didn’t even thought about that, she’s being pressured from all sides but she still only seems to care about this next game and nothing else, thankfully. I don’t know, actually knowing all of this makes me realize she’s doing great, if I were her I’d have gone crazy already.


“How about you two? Is everything alright?” Mom does her usual check up on us. “I hope you’re not giving the poor girl a hard time.” I smile hearing her concern for the girl.


“I’m not.” I giggle. “And we’re doing good.” I add briefly.


“I thought so, you two do seem to be a lot closer lately.” I blush and begin to scrub the dishes again to distract myself.


“We do?” I mumble not taking my eyes off the sink.


“Yes, honestly, it’s getting really hard to be around you two, I don’t really mind but you need to tone it down in front of Yeri, ok?” My mom complains not sounding mad at all about it.


“I’m sorry, we will.” I reply ashamed, I didn’t even noticed we were acting different in front of them, I know I feel a different but I didn’t know I was acting on it.


“Maybe you should tell her to stop picking you up so early.” I snap my head at her direction. “She looks like she could use every minute of extra sleep as possible." She explain smiling at my quick reaction. “A couple of weeks without being attached to the hip is not going to kill anyone.”


“That’s...out of my control really…like tonight, she wasn’t supposed to be here but I couldn’t stop her.” I dry my hands already done with the task, I agree with the woman but Seulgi’s too stubborn. I already told her to stop waking up so early everyday, to just do it when we need to do something important but she still appeared at my front door the very next day grinning like an idiot, an adorable idiot.


“And I bet you tried really hard to stop her.” My mom teases me while putting everything away and giggling at my blushing face, she’s got a point there too, it’s not like I get mad at her when she ignores my pleas, in fact I’m always delighted to see her at my door. “Honestly I’m so happy you’re acting your age for once.” She says with her head inside the cabinet. “Ever since you were a little kid you’ve been in charge around here, always helping me and your sister, you were like a mini adult, always so serious about everything.” She closes the cabinet and smiles at me fondly. “I want you to know you’re allowed to be reckless sometimes, it’s ok, just don’t overdo it.”


“Um, I’ll keep it in mind.” I chuckle touched and a little confused by her speech, it’s not like it bothers me to help after all she does, trivial things like going to Yeri’s school meetings or going to pay the bills is the least I can do.“Now I know I can go wild without any consequences, but what should I do first? Alcohol? Drugs?” I joke pretending to be thinking really hard, mom walks right in front of me and puts her hands on my shoulders.


“I know I don’t have to worry about you overdoing it really, you’re such a smart girl.” She smiles warmly. “And I trust you.”


“Thank you, mom.” I say more seriously. “That means a lot.” She cups my cheeks and kisses my forehead in the motherly way she always does.


“I love you."


“I love you too.” I grin as she wraps her arms around me in a tight hug. “What’s with you tonight?” I giggle hugging her just as tight.


“I was watching you with Seulgi tonight and I got all emotional.” She rubs my back and sighs dramatically. “I’m just being a mom I guess.” She pulls back and cups my cheeks squishing them while she smiles at me.


“But why?” I manage to say while trying to get out of her hold laughing.


“I don’t know, I guess it hit me you’re growing…up.” She trails off mid sentence and furrows her brows, she moves my face from side to side inspecting something. “Exhibit A.” She mutters, my eyes widen knowing she just spotted one of Seulgi’s love bites. “I swear If you tell me you fell on your neck...” I pull back and put a hand over my neck.


“I...didn’t fell on my neck..?” I say unsure not knowing what else to say as a blush spreads all over my face, dammit Seulgi, I told you to stop doing that. Mom snorts and shakes her head and continues to observe me.


“Do...we need to have the talk again?” She carefully says looking me up and down.


“God, no!” I immediately reply backing up a little more.


“Are you sure? Because it’s been a while and it looks like you might need it.”


“Mom, please, I remember everything, don’t worry.” I still remember the tragic day, my mom being a nurse didn’t even tried to be gentle about it she was very...straightforward...explicit...too much… I even promised to give Yeri the talk myself when it's needed to spare her the horror of living that.


“Don’t be embarrassed.” She tries to reason with me with no hint of being joking around on her face, that’s the worse, when she enters her mom slash nurse zone. “At your age it’s totally normal to feel know...urges...with hormones all over the place.”


“I-It really isn’t n-necessary.” It’s a little too late for that anyway, not that I can say it out loud.


“Remember, you don’t have to act on it if you don’t feel ready, I’m sure she’d understand.” Really, really, unnecessary. “Or...if you feel like you’re ready…” She says sounding as casual as always. “That’s ok too.”


“Mom..please.” I beg covering my burning face with my hands.


“Sweetie, there’s no need to be embarrassed with me, I was young too you know? I understand.” She pays the I’m not only your mom but I’m also your friend card, but nope, I’m not having any of it


“Don’t put that on my mind.” I say grimacing making her roll her eyes.


“Do you have any doubts about the, you know...” She puts an arm around me and squeezes me lovingly. “The physical act itself…” She starts animatedly while my mortified soul leaves my body.


“YERI, PLEASE, COME HANG OUT WITH YOUR BIG SIS.” I scream while quickly making my way out of the kitchen and my mom’s motherly talk.




We sit on the floor near the classroom where Seulgi is taking her exam, Joy is to my right playing with her phone without a care while Wendy and I anxiously wait for the girl to come out of the classroom with good, or terrible, news. I’m always nervous when she’s taking a test, even when I know she’s totally prepared for it, but I don’t have any comforting words for Wendy as I too lack faith in my girlfriend's current situation.


She didn’t even read the damn book she had to read in order to pass this test, I told her everything about it, multiple times, but she always fell asleep in the middle of it as if I was relating some bedtime story. And when she wasn’t sleeping she eagerly...and successfully...found...ways to distract me and stop the story telling.


“She sure is taking her sweet time.” Wendy mutters by my side. “She’s going to fail, isn’t she?”


“Maybe.” I say just as filled with insecurity as her.


“But how?” She keeps pouring her frustrations on me. “The book wasn’t even hard to read or anything…”


“You know she’s not in the right mindset to study lately.” I whisper to her. “She’s...doing her best.” I excuse, granted, her best is not even the required bare minimum but still...she’s trying.


“Oh, now you care about keeping secrets?” She whispers back glancing towards the unpreoccupied Joy.


“I’m sorry, Wendy.” I say scrunching my nose, I don’t mean it, I’m glad I could talk about it with Seulgi, be part of this process of hers and being able to help her as much as I can, I’m glad I got to know this side of hers.


“And here I thought we were friends.” She bumps into me sighing. “Now I have to even things out and tell her a secret of yours, oh, that’s right, you told me you’re on a diet.”


“You wouldn’t.” I say half worried she’s really going to do it and half relieved Wendy isn’t really mad at me


“It’s for the sake of our new friendship really.” She says nonchalantly. “A fresh start.”


“Wendy...please don’t.” I beg.


“You should tell her so she stops her stupidity.” Joy says joining the conversation. “Before she disappears.”


“Yea, why are you on a diet anyways, you are like really...ho-pretty.” Wendy carefully chooses her words and clears when she finishes. “Don’t tell Seulgi I said that, for real this time.” She scrunches her nose while Joy laughs by my side shaking her head.


“I have my reasons.” I defend myself.


“Stupid reasons.” Joys scoffs. “She feels insecure because Seulgi is a super athlete who dates cheerleaders.” Joy says to Wendy in a mocking tone. “And she’s a nerd.”


“Joy! Why are you like this?!”


“Maybe you’ll listen to her.”


“Is that really it?” Wendy chuckles. “For real?”


“...No?” I say embarrassed while Wendy wholeheartedly laughs placing her head on top of her knees.


“That’s so stupid.” She says between laughs. “No offence.”


“That’s what I told her.” Joy sighs. “But she doesn’t listen to me.”


“Let me tell you about the first time Seulgi met you.” Wendy says stretching her legs still chuckling. “She went to my place right after that grinning like a dumb idiot and started spouting about how she got this super hot should see her, she’s so hot.” She mocks imitating Seulgi’s voice making us laugh. “...She said other stuff too but I don’t need to go into details, you’ve read her letters.” I have, I've also heard the commentary live.


“I’ve seen

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1051 streak #1
Rereading!🥹 hope youre doing well author!
Chapter 44: Still waiting for your update, i hope you're doing well..
okay54321 #3
Hope all is well🥹
Andeulea_rv25 #4
Have read this a lot of times!!! Please come back soon authornim def need an upd i miss u and the stoorryy 😭
Chapter 39: This is my comfort story, I love it so much, please come back soon I miss you 😢
Chapter 44: i miss you author :'((
Kylie_123 #7
Chapter 1: Hi author! How are you?
Happy new year mate! I hope you’re doing well!
MichTae_ #9
Chapter 10: sana ol crush back