Chapter 35

Sweep Me off My Feet
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“What do they do for a living again?” My mom asks from our old corolla driver’s seat.


It took us a long time to finally get in the car and drive off to my much dreaded reunion at the Kang’s household, from waiting for my mom to wake up from her very late sleep, me finally deciding on what to wear, to my mom managing to get our old car to start, it took us an embarrassing amount of time to get going.


“They are both lawyers.” I reply in almost a whisper with my sight dead set on the road.


I’ve never been so nervous about meeting anyone like I am today, it’s not my fault the thought of meeting Seulgi’s apparently strict mom scares me.


My mom is a very different type of mother, she has always been my friend as much as she has been a parent, ever since I was little we’ve both being equals in a sense, a team, we depend on each other so much, I’m very aware our relationship is pretty different than what other parents have with their children.


Like the type of relationship Seulgi has with hers.


“Sounds boring, no offense to your girlfriend but when I went to watch her games they also look, you know, boring.” My mom says next sighing very dramatically, I glance at the woman that is smiling playfully and scoff inwardly agreeing with her. “You think we’d get along?”


“I don’t know, they’re very...grown up” I try to explain their aura the best way I can.


“I’m also a grown up!” The woman scoffs seemingly offended by my choice of words.


“I will accept that when I no longer have to pick up your socks around the house, and when you start cleaning the mess you leave in the kitchen every time you cook something for us.” I hear Yeri laugh from the backseat while our mom pouts childishly not making her case any better.


Seulgi had it so much easier with this woman, it’s not fair.


“Whatever, are they the type to talk about taxes and politics? I can’t handle that” she says grimacing at my direction for a brief second.


“I don’t know, but if they do, you’ll handle it today” I hide my plea with a commanding attitude, but she sees right through me and only rolls her eyes in reply to my request.


“Don’t worry, sweetie, I’m not going to embarrass you” she sings in a sarcastic and high pitched tone of voice.


“Mom, please don’t” I say genuinely worried she might have taken offense of my comment. “I want things to go well today, that’s all, please, don’t take it the wrong way.”


“Oh, I know, no offense taken” she says with an amused tone of voice while she taps on the steering wheel at the beat of the music blasting inside the car. “You’re nervous, I get it.”


“Yeah, sorry.”


“That’s why you decided to dress up like you’re going to church” my mom says glancing at my outfit for a fast and hot second.


“What do you mean?” I look down at my long sleeved navy blue dress. “Is there something wrong with my outfit?” My voice raises in a slight panic without me being able to control it as I caress the light blue pattern figures adorning the garment.


I thought it was nice and modest.


Seulgi likes it too, which is why I chose it in the first place.


Did I make a mistake?


“Honey, I’m joking! Relax, will you?” The woman next to me says containing her laughter. “You look very cute, ok? It was a nice choice.” I look at the woman searching for any hint of sarcasm in her attitude but she seems to be saying the truth.


“Ok, ok” I say breathing in deeply to calm myself down, even if she’s lying there’s no turning back now, we’re almost there.


I’m overthinking things already.


“Rene!” Yeri suddenly exclaims sticking her head between the front seats. “Is it true Seulgi has her own basketball court?” She asks as we enter the suburbs where the Kang house is located.


“Oh, wow, this is a nice neighborhood, isn’t it?” The woman comments in complete awe.


Can’t blame her.


When I first met Seulgi I was expecting her to have a house like Wendy’s, it was easy to let yourself believe it with all the rumors going around about the girl. Of everything I’ve heard before, her being dirty rich wasn’t so far fetched.


At least, it was more believable than that thing she heard once about her parents paying for all her trophies and medals, completely dismissing all the hard work the girl puts on the sport, day and night, without a rest.


I was so surprised to find out her place is nothing but a nice family home, no pool, no extravagant minimalistic decoration like at Wendy’s but a warm home filled with childhood pictures and a nice fireplace.


Regardless, compared to our own home and neighborhood, the Kang’s live in a nice place, the kind of neighborhood you dream about when you picture yourself having a family in the future, to say, my mom’s vocal admiration for the place is completely justified.


We slowly drive alongside the perfectly green gardens and houses, we are getting close to our destination and my heart seems to have noticed as well picking up its pace the closer we get to the house.


“Rene” Yeri carefully pulls at my sleeve “Is it true? Can I go see it?”


“What?” I ask confused momentarily taking a break from my worries “What’s true?”


“That she has her own court to practice.”


“Oh...yeah” I say smiling a little “It’s probably not as big as you think, it’s big enough for her to practice by herself after class.” I explain to my excited sister, her eyes shine hearing all about it probably picturing a whole proper basketball court in the backyard, lights included. “You have to ask Seulgi to show you, ok?”


“Ok!” She replies sitting back with a big smile on her face.


“A basketball court at her own place, huh?” my mom repeats with amusement in her voice.


“It’s just a hoop by the side of the house” I explain to the woman. “And some gym equipment, her dad got it for her.”


“He really wants her to make it.”


“Oh, yeah” I say looking at the silhouette of the Kang household appearing on the corner. “Really badly.”


“No pressure” she says with sarcasm.


“No pressure” I chuckle agreeing with her.


Seulgi, who I was texting about our arrival before, is sitting on the stairs leading to her door waiting for us, it was my plea to her, I wanted to have a few seconds with her before everything begins. I find her small frame making a big contrast against her home’s brick colored walls quite adorable, one of the rare times Seulgi appears small in my eyes.


The girl stands up dusting off her, skin-tight, black skinny jeans and fixing her plain white t-shirt when she spots our car. It’s amazing how good she can look wearing such a simple outfit, to be honest, she barely has to make any effort when she has such an amazing figure and such a perfect and beautiful face-


Ok maybe I’m getting carried away.


She looks so good, I can’t help it.


My girlfriend, who’s awful at hiding her emotions, fidgets in her spot deciding if she should come to us or stay where she is, she decides to stay standing there waiting for us to approach her wearing a beaming smile.


A smile so warm and bright it blinds me, making my nervousness momentarily go away.


A reminder of how much she has pushed for this meeting, wanting to make us completely official, she had said once.


Being always impatient she ends up jogging towards us when we are a few steps away from her, and without caring about our little audience, she sneaks her hands on my waist and plants a sweet and loving kiss to my lips, I can taste the excitement and happiness on her.


I wonder if she can taste the anxiousness on me.


“Hi, I’m glad you all made it, thank you for coming” she says to my mom smiling so brightly it makes her eyes disappear, why does she have to be so cute sometimes? Really unfair. “Hey, champ!” she greets my little sister ruffling her hair “Are you hungry? We have plenty of snacks inside” she offers to her making the girl all excited again.


"She always is, like you" I reply for her and Seulgi grins proudly like she does whenever I mention Yeri is just like her.


"You look very nice." Seulgi compliments me scanning my outfit with her wandering eyes.


"Really?" I reply shyly. "Mom said I look like I'm going to church" I say glaring at the woman causing her to chuckle.


"It was a joke" she excuses herself. "Between you and me, she's so nervous and cranky she's been driving me insane" she spills everything to Seulgi.


"Mom, please!" Seulgi just grins and doesn't comment on it, which I’m very grateful for.


"I like it" she shrugs. "Shows off your y ankles" she winks playfully making my mom laugh.


Always ganging up on me...


“Come on, let’s go!” Little Yeri says already taking the lead to the door ready to look for the promised food.

“I need to talk to Irene first for a minute” she informs my mom who takes the hint and brings Yeri with her to the door.

Seulgi then pulls me to the side away from their eyes, hidden behind the bushes adorning the garden.

“What is it?” I ask her while my head goes to the worse place.

Did her mom change her mind about us being here?

“You’re really nervous, huh?” she asks as she takes a hold of my cold hands.

“Kind of” I feel relieved she just wants to give me a pep talk and not whatever I was thinking. “A lot” I admit.

“Does it make it better if I say I’m really happy you are all here?” she grins happily.


“Maybe” I can’t help but to smile back, Seulgi’s feelings at the moment are very obvious, just by looking at her eyes and listening to her voice, this really means a lot to her.


“Nice” she says pleased.

“But I’m still nervous” I admit grimacing causing the girl holding my hands so lovingly to chuckle.

“I figured” she then sighs dejected. “What if you have something…” She frees one of her hands and sticks it in her black jacket’s pocket instead. “Something you can stare at, whenever you’re nervous, and remember that I love you.”

“What are you ranting about?” I mumble watching her take out a small box from her pocket and giving it to me, I gently grab the little blue box with curiosity and open it up.


“It’s not something nice like the necklace you gave me” she explains. “I picked it up because I thought it was pretty” she then rubs the back of her neck embarrassed, “I couldn’t give it to you that day because your gift had let me speechless, what it meant, I know this is not much in comparison.”

“Seulgi, just shush” I say taking the bracelet from the box and telling her to put it on for me. “I love it” I say looking at the little heart hanging from it, “thank you.”


“You do?” she exclaims happily.

“It matches with my outfit today too” I continue praising her choice of jewelry genuinely happy she thought of me and got this detail for me. “I’m never going to take it off” I can see the happiness spill from her eyes at my words, she’s so silly, why wouldn't I love something she got for me?

“I love you” she mumbles quickly stealing a kiss from me.

“I love you too, silly.”


“Still nervous?”


“I feel a little bit better now.”


Seulgi’s eyes meet mine and without saying anything she takes a hold of my hand squeezing it lightly and lovingly in the process, without saying anything her eyes tell me it’s ok, let’s go, trust me, all at the same time and I let her guide me without any protest while she talks to my mom about...about something.


My mind is somewhere else, inside that house, I keep thinking on the words I’ve rehearsed so many times, what I’m going to say when I see her parents and how I’m supposed to act so they can’t see the nervous wreck I am.


Like Seulgi I want this to go well, I want them to like me and I want my girlfriend to be happy, this is something I can do for her, for once, I can be the one doing things to make her happy and not the other way around.


I end up putting my free hand on her sleeve hugging her closer to me in hopes some of her calmness can stick to my consciousness.


We’re all led inside the Kang household and we’re instantly welcomed by some music blasting from somewhere, the backyard I assume, I tense my hold on the girl’s arm as we step further into the place.


“Welcome to our home” Seulgi politely says to my mom. “Everyone is at the back but if you want I can give you a small tour” she offers to the woman as she looks around the house.


“It’s ok, you have a lovely home, Seulgi” she says smiling to the girl and putting a hand on her shoulder, giving it an affectionate squeeze, my girlfriend smiles happily at her and continues to guide us to where the music is coming from. “Who else is here?”


“People from work and some friends” Seulgi says shrugging, in the meantime, I press my face against her shoulder to catch a whiff of her scent, that always manages me to feel secure and protected. “I don’t know them that well” she explains not sounding very excited about the company joining us today, “and they’re pretty boring adults.”


“I’m a boring adult.”


“No, you aren’t” Seulgi scoffs and then chuckles in disbelief. “You’re the coolest adult I know, miss Bae, you never preach me about anything.”


“Well, thank you, sweetie.” My mom replies obviously pleased by the compliment.

She’s so easy to please.


We reach the Kang’s beautiful backyard, the grass is vivid green like out of a real estate magazine. As Seulgi says, there are other people here all seated on the tables her parents put out for the occasion, there’s also a table under the wooden roof connected right next to the unused outdoor grill, seems like her parents decided to buy everything instead of cooking it themselves.


“You can have anything you want” Seulgi says to Yeri showing her the table “nothing is off limits, well, maybe the hot sauce” She chuckles as she messes the little girl’s hair once again. “I’m going to look for my parents, stay here, I’ll introduce you to the rest later” the sentence tenses me up in an instant as Seulgi slips away from my hold “Make yourselves comfortable” she flashes me a happy grin before skipping away leaving us alone.


“I didn’t know Seulgi lived like this” my mom comments taking a seat on the free patio chair under the wooden roof “Remind me to buy some fake plants so Seulgi feels more at home” she jokes pulling off one of the flowers from the row displayed along the rail.


“Mom, please” I say tense as a rock “Behave.” The woman laughs while crossing her legs in front of her.


“You should tell that to your sister” she says pointing at the little girl putting way too much food on her plate “Yeri, baby, stop acting like we don't feed you at home, come sit next to me.”


“Seulgi said I could have anything I wanted” Yeri says obediently sitting next to the woman “We can share.”


“Thank you” my mom then shifts her attention to me again “So Yeri doesn't get scolded by you? It's only me on the receiving end?”


“You’re acting like you could get murdered today, relax” she says dismissing my worried with a shake of the head.


“What if something goes wrong?” I ask with my eyes set on Seulgi’s parents talking with their friends.


“Yeah, what if it something goes wrong?” She asks back while raising her brows at me challenging my paranoid attitude.


I want to tell her I'm like this because I love Seulgi and this is important to her, I want to tell her things can't go wrong because I want to see her happy.


But instead, I press my lips together knowing better that, such things, are best left unsaid to my mom's ears.


“What do you think it’s going to happen?” she continues “Seulgi is going to break up with you? Impossible, there are more chances of her showing up at our doorsteps saying she left her house and she's moving in with us.”


“She wouldn't do-” my words fall short picturing the scene so well it seems real “That does sound like her” I admit.


“But tell you what, if they say something bad about you, I’ll fight them” she jokes putting her fist up like a boxer “No one talks badly about my daughter.”


“You’re so lame” I reply rolling my eyes but can’t fight the involuntary smile stretching the corners of my mouth.


The distraction makes me miss Seulgi already halfway here with her parents on tow.


“Oh, shoot” I mutter fixing up my dress.


“Relax” my mom repeats “You look like guilty, like you committed a crime, it’s not a good look, baby.”


As if on cue I meet her dad’s eyes who smiles at me from afar showing his teeth in a friendly gesture, it puts me at ease for a second, remembering our awkward interactions in the past assures me at least one half of the Kangs likes me already.

I look down at the bracelet on my wrist and take a deep breath.

This is about Seulgi, not about my silly feelings.

I can do this.


“So glad you all made it” Seulgi's father steps up first shaking my mother's hand, he smiles politely making the wrinkles next to the eyes show up when these turn into moon creases.


Our interactions have been short, some I don't want to remember and have locked up tight somewhere in the depths of my brain, but for the most part, he has always shown himself to be friendly and nice to me.


“If you didn't, Seulgi might have started a war” Mrs. Kang follows stretching her hand out to the woman while also showing a very polite but more reserved smile.


The contrast between the two women is very noticeable, while my mother is wearing a simple long sleeved shirt, blue jeans and some sneakers, Mrs. Kang is dressed in a long cream colored maxi dress with flower patterns, impeccable makeup and a perfect ponytail that shows off the nice gold earrings adorning her ears.




The three of them standing together like this, Seulgi the rebellious teen and stylish, with her white shirt, jacket and black skinny jeans, Mr. Kang with the navy blue polo shirt, the khaki pants, his old school lenses and his wife looking beautiful and impeccable... They make quite the perfect picture.


“I would hate to be the cause of that” my mother replies back as the Kangs offer their hands for me to shake as well.


“She was really eager to make this happen, even when she knew we were too busy she would ask us for it, every time she saw a chance she would go for it” he says shaking my hand, I hear my mom politely giggle using her hospital laugh while Seulgi complains, then Mr Kang says something else but I'm unable to hear it.


When it was the turn for Seulgi's mom to greet me she took me by surprise putting both of her hands on mine, the unexpected contact with the woman made my stomach make a flip and my breathing halt.


“You remember Irene, right, mom?” Seulgi interrupts to break the ice I suppose.


“Yes, of course, but it's been a minute since the last time we saw each other” she says in that sophisticated, soft yet stern voice of hers. “It was at one of my daughter’s games, wasn’t it?”


“Ye-yes” I barely whisper back to the woman.


“Oh, mom, dad, this is Yeri” Seulgi says pushing my little sister to them “She’s Irene’s little sister, she plays basketball too!” She gushes, her dad reacts with the same excitement to this fact while the woman in front of me smiles to little Yeri with fond in her eyes.


“Hope you’re teaching her some tricks, champ!”

“Of course I am” Seulgi scoffs at her father.


“You have very beautiful daughters, Mrs. Bae” Seulgi’s dad says with his hand on top of Yeri’s head. “Just like her mother” he adds as Seulgi stands next to me putting her arm around my waist.


“Thank you” my mom says with an uncharacteristic stiff tone, normally she would flip her hair with a hang and say I know.


Guess I’m not the only one somewhat nervous, huh?


“Your husband is a very lucky man” Mr Kang says smiling very charmingly, exactly the same way Seulgi does, showing his pearly white teeth and with his eyes turning into half-moon crescents.


The comment catches me off guard making my breathing abruptly cut short, I look away from his sincere smile not wanting to be the one replying to his well-meaning compliment.


“Dad!” Seulgi harshly whispers, like we can’t hear her, while her hand clutches my waist.


“Dad is not with us anymore” Yeri says very casually, reciting the words my mom taught her long ago, as she looks up to the man that still has his hand on top of her head.


Mr. Kang’s smile strains into an awkward gesture internally scolding himself as he removes his hand from the little girl.


“Unfortunately he passed a long time ago” my mom smiles the man for reassurance “It’s just the three of us” she puts a hand on my shoulder. Mr. Kang sets his eyes on me for a brief moment but I'm still too stunned by his comment to do the polite thing and maybe smile to him as my mom did, he ends up looking away embarrassed.


Seulgi’s dad expression makes me pity the man, his face not only screams I’m sorry but his daughter who’s still holding me very protectively looks ready to kill him while his wife stands very awkwardly to his side.


“It’s ok, don’t feel so guilty” my mom chuckles “Why don’t we move past this awkward moment with a drink?” she offers making him visibly relax in an instant.


“Of course!” He agrees, leading the way into the backyard to where the rest of the guests are as soon as he finishes his sentence, more than ready to move on from the situation he created.


I take Seulgi’s hand on my waist ready to follow the adults but Seulgi doesn’t move when I gently pull her forward, I turn back and spot Seulgi sporting the most guilty look, puppy eyes included.


“Come on” I say pulling her arm towards me.


“I’m sorry about that” she says scrunching up her nose looking like she wants to say more.


“It’s ok” I say in a sincere tone, then after a moment of silence "I never told you." I say looking down, I see Seulgi's legs moving forward stopping right in front of me, she then puts her hand on my cheek making me face her.


"Don't mind it" her voice is soft and understanding and it's very soothing, she leans forward and presses her lips on my forehead clearing my mind and making the black cloud forming on my head go away, she then kisses my lips lingering enough to make me want her to not pull away, but she does, showing a very kind yet reassuring chaste smile.


When we catch up with the rest they are already seated on a table surrounded by strangers, my mom catches my eyes and immediately sends me a silent plea of help, Seulgi pulls a chair for me right beside the woman and we join what it seems to be the most boring conversation that could happen at a party.


No wonder my mom was crying for help.


"What are they talking about?" I whisper in her ear as a try to follow whatever the stranger in front of us is saying.


"Stock exchange."


According to Seulgi, the man in front of us is called Mr. Kim, he's a good friend of her parents and has been working with Mrs. Kang for as long as the girl can remember, also, according to her, he's uptight and, whenever he's around, always asks her about what she wants for the future.


She doesn't seem very fond of him.


Actually, she doesn't seem very fond of any of the people on this barbecue her parents are hosting.


"Stock exchange?"


"Yes, stock exchange."


We continue to silently listen to the conversation until they quiet down, then Mrs. Kang who had the same absent expression we had during the whole ordeal delicately clears catching our attention


"Want more to drink?" she asks my mother with a chaste polite smile.


Somehow this woman manages to make any gesture look so sophisticated.


"No, we're good" my mom replies holding onto her almost empty glass of tea


"Seulgi told me you’re a nurse?"


"She's not a nurse, she's the head nurse" Seulgi brings up like she's a parent bragging about her own kid's merits


"Yes, like Seulgi said, I'm the head nurse at the hospital" my mom explains repeating the girl's words "Part-time nurse, part-time mom" she jokes bringing the remaining tea in her glass to her lips.


"Must be hard raising two girls and be a nurse, but you excel at both I’ve heard" Mrs. Kang says looking at me. "Irene here has a scholarship, isn't that right? Seulgi told us about it."


"Oh, she did?" I reply looking at the girl smiling amusedly besides me.


"Whenever she has the chance, she talks about you" Mr. Kang makes himself part of the conversation to tease his daughter "I feel like I know you very well already."


"Yes, my daughter here is very smart" my mom then says very proudly "she surprises me every day."


"Mom, please don't oversell me" I whisper in her ear feeling a little bit embarrassed


"Well, she surprises me too, she managed to put Seulgi back on track" Mr. Choi, who's seated next to Seulgi's mom says after hearing her comment. "Very impressive considering this is Seulgi we're talking about, I was so surprised when I heard she was playing again" he finishes with a chuckle like he has the right to talk about that of Seulgi.


"Actually, I barely assist Seulgi nowadays, she doesn't need my help as much anymore" I say somehow feeling the need to praise seulgi, I don't like this narrative implying I fixed her. "She did all the work herself, because she wanted to-"


"You don't have to play nice, we all know Seulgi" he doubles down along with more chuckling.


"Actually, you're right, I do know Seulgi, she's one of the most hardworking people I know, she has been studying and training more than people can understand, but because of one mistake she already corrected herself for, people judge and define her as someone who can't do things right, and it's not fair-"


My words get stuck on my throat when I feel my mom kick me under the table really hard. Only after she discreetly whispered in my ear to chill is that I realize what I just said to Seulgi's mom friend, a friend who's hiding behind his drink looking both offended and embarrassed.


I spot Mrs. Kang looking at me with her brows slightly raised, I wonder if she's thinking of kicking me out of the gathering already, but I couldn't let this man keep talking about this about Seulgi.


She has worked hard.


But doesn't mean I should've said it out loud.


"So Irene, tell me" Mr Kang says after clearing his throat breaking the undeniable awkward silence my words created around the table "if you barely help my daughter these days, why is Seulgi always saying she's going to your house to study?" This make erupt a laughing fit from the people on the table and soon my words get forgotten as a new change of subject starts.


"Well, s-she still he-helps me sometimes" Seulgi says and then clears while i look away to the perfectly green grass the Kangs own, wouldn't it be nice if the ground opened up and swallowed me whole?


"I'm only teasing" her dad says after his chuckling subsides. "I trust you with Irene, after all, thanks to her help you're having a chance to get a scholarship very soon" he grins happily taking a sip of his beer "You deserve to have some fun, champ" he winks, and suddenly, the grass seems very interesting again


"I need some air" Seulgi whispers in my ear and without waiting for my answer she excuses us both from the table, I try to scan her face to see if she's mad but I can't see anything out of the ordinary.


"Seulgi..." I call her but she just smiles sweetly at me.


"Yeri" she calls my little sister, who has been wandering around the backyard with the freedom only a child could have "You wanted to see the gym?" Seulgi grins.


I see Seulgi taking hold of Yeri's hand and slowly walking away, I debate between following them or giving Seulgi some space, after all, she didn't tell me to join her, maybe she needs some time alone? Yeah, maybe.


I turn my attention to the adults on the table, but I'm not really interested in whatever they’re talking, instead, I observe Seulgi's parents amicably talking to everyone while I wonder, with my chin resting on my hand, why they couldn't say what I said to that man.


Don't talk about my daughter that way would've been enough.


"I'm going to see what they’re doing" I whisper to my mom who's, surprisingly, taking part of the conversation despite all her complaining before about them being boring adults, the woman gives me an encouraging smile and nod so I take my leave from the table.


Seulgi's small gym, as I call it, is located at the side of the house, a space that most likely was originally built to have a nice garden or something of that like, the floor is made out of blue painted concrete, a small square with a hoop at one of the ends and some weights and other workout equipment on the side, it’s not as big as Yeri was probably imagining it but she sure seems to be enjoying herself a lot.


Being a child is so freeing, I kind of miss it.


"For a moment I thought you weren't going to join us" Seulgi says with a grin when she spots me "That maybe you actually found them interesting" she says meaning to the lovely guests her parents brought.


I smile back but as much as I want to go over to Seulgi's side and hug her,  I choose to sit on the ground by the sidelines, being careful with my dress, to watch them both interact instead, I don't want to be the villain ruining this precious moment for Yeri.


"Don't put your feet so close together, keep your right elbow tucked in" Seulgi instructs her "Now, this ball is a bit too big for you but I want you to throw it as hard as you can."


Yeri throws the ball following Seulgi's orders, but just like my girlfriend said, it's too heavy for her, the ball barely goes up before it hits the ground and rolls to the side.


"I told you it’s too heavy" Seulgi chuckles at the little girl's frustration "You need strong arms for that one" Seulgi playfully makes a pose showing off her arms successfully making her laugh. "Come on, pick it up again, let's try something different."


"How do I get strong?" The little asks with hopeful eyes, I have to cover my mouth to not let out a giggle.


"Um, you have to practice, eat well and...not stay up all night?" Seulgi says glancing at me looking for my approval. "Yeah, that's how you do it" she grins after she gets my encouraging nod, Yeri handles her the ball and then proceeds to stare at Seulgi in complete awe when the girl skillfully dribbles the ball and makes a perfect shot from afar.


“How you do that?” Yeri cheers running for the ball “It’s so tall!” She says looking up at the hoop with the ball tightly pressed against her chest “I want to do that.”


“Ok, come here” Seulgi kneels down in front of her and lifts her up to put my sister on her shoulders. “Oh, you’re heavy” she complains struggling to stand up and walking closer to the basketball hoop “Now make the shot” the little girl follows her instructions hitting the metal ring and making the ball fly off somewhere.


“Did you see that? I almost made it!”  she cheers making Seulgi struggle with her hold.


“Alright, alright, chill” Seulgi pleads to the girl then puts her down and sees her runs off to fetch the ball, like a puppy.


They're both puppies.


“Yes, I did see, g

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1051 streak #1
Rereading!🥹 hope youre doing well author!
Chapter 44: Still waiting for your update, i hope you're doing well..
okay54321 #3
Hope all is well🥹
Andeulea_rv25 #4
Have read this a lot of times!!! Please come back soon authornim def need an upd i miss u and the stoorryy 😭
Chapter 39: This is my comfort story, I love it so much, please come back soon I miss you 😢
Chapter 44: i miss you author :'((
Kylie_123 #7
Chapter 1: Hi author! How are you?
Happy new year mate! I hope you’re doing well!
MichTae_ #9
Chapter 10: sana ol crush back