Chapter 25

Sweep Me off My Feet
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I wait for Seulgi in front of the school’s lab with my back resting against the door, there's no need for me to sneak through the hallways since Seulgi is trusted again by the coach and he wouldn't have a problem with me taking her for five minutes, but I thought doing it this way was better than just bargain inside the gym and calling her over in front of everybody, in short, I chose to go for the Seulgi way of doing things.


I spot Seulgi coming my way wearing her team’s sweatpants and a little bit too big sweater, black and orange, of course. She also has her hair in a bun like she does for every game but despite my love for her cute ears I still feel a little disappointed she isn’t wearing her tight shorts, but I’m not going to say that out loud. She grins happily from afar when she notices me and jogs hurriedly.


“Hey, hottie.” She says immediately invading my space. “You look nice.” She must be referring to my hair and makeup, I put a little extra effort today expecting this reaction from her, I even put on red lipstick knowing how much she likes it. She unlocks the door behind me without me noticing and puts an arm around my waist to stop me from falling.


“The janitor gave you the keys again?” I ask as she walks us inside the lab and closes the door.


“I got copies of all the keys.” She explains nonchalantly, she would, but I guess it would come in hand if someone tries to lock her up again like Wendy told me someone did when she was just a kid. “Why did you call me over?”


“Oh.” I try to find something clever to say. “Um, I wanted to see you.” But I’m not very clever.


“Wanted to check up on me?” She grins and pecks my lips crooking my glasses, she giggles and fix them for me. “I’m ok, babe, just a little nervous.”


“You are?” I ask tilting my head, she nods and put her arms around me in a loose hug. “What can I do to make it better?” She looks to the side pretending to be thinking hard, then she looks at me breaking out in a grin.


“Hm, a kiss?” She suggests lifting her brows.


“Predictable.” I smile at her as I stand on my toes to reach her lips and give her a quick peck. “That’s all you'll get.”


“Aw, why.” Seulgi whines trying to close the gap again.


“Because!” I say pushing her lightly away. “It took me a long time to get my makeup done to let it get ruined so fast.”


“But that’s the fun thing about red lipstick!” Seulgi whines while doing tiny jumps. “It gets all over the place.” She shakes her head from side to side and closes her eyes to emphasize her point, I giggle at her behavior and reward her with another small peck staining her with a little bit of red.


“You’re in a good mood.” I comment hooking my hands behind her neck after wiping the lipstick off her lips.


“Well, yeah, you’re here.” She grins happily. “I wasn’t expecting to see you before the game.” She kisses my cheek lingering to breathe into my skin. “But you always know what I need.”


“And what is that?” I ask while enjoying feeling her warmth, she pulls back looking into my eyes and tucks my hair behind my ear.


“You.” Such a short and simple answer, a predictable answer too, and still it makes my breathing cut short and my stomach feels those butterflies that seem to only appear when Seulgi is around. It's not the words that affect me but the look in her eyes, when she has this serious expression on her, it’s like she’s making sure I know she means it, that’s not just words but feelings.


“I have-” I clear my throat and fix my glasses after hearing my own voice sounding so off. “I have something to show you.” I hurry to say slightly pushing her away feeling getting overwhelmed under her stare.


“What is it?” She asks curious, she steps back giving me room to breathe and looks at me expectantly, how can she change moods so fast? I’m still hanging from a thin thread of sanity to not latch onto her, eat my words and ruin all my makeup.


“Um.” She lifts her brows. “Ah, yeah.” I clear my throat again. “It’s really silly, but I know you’ll enjoy it and since you won’t get to see it from the court I thought I should come here and show you myself.” I turn around, take the snapback she got me for the first game and put it on. “To be honest with you I feel stupid doing this but whatever.” I mumble while I my sweater. “Ta da!” I turn around again and show her my outfit, as expected she breaks out in a happy grin and cheers under her breath, she’s so silly to get excited about something as stupid.


“You’re wearing my jersey!” She states the obvious. “You look great.” She laughs. “Great.” She repeats coming closer to me and putting her hands on my hips. “You’re wearing it for the game?” I nod and she jumps happily in place making me giggle. “But you better not wear a sweater and cover my name.”


“What if it’s cold?” I ask as she takes the sweater off me, she looks at me and shakes her head. “No?” She shakes her head again. “So I should freeze?” I joke.


“It’s never cold inside the gym.” She dismisses my worries, she then grabs my hand, steps back and makes me twirl on my feet. “You should wear this every day.” She says looking very pleased, from the look on her face I can surely say this plan was a total success.


“Every day?” I grin.




“Even for sleeping?”




“Going out?”


“Especially if you’re going out.”


“I should never take it off.” She nods “What’s with you with this jersey, no, with making me wear your stuff in general.” I ask amused.


“What’s so weird about it?” She pouts putting her hands on my hips again.


“It’s not, but your insistence is.”


“Why?” She grabs my hands and takes a few steps back. “I just want people to know, even if they see you in a grocery store or walking down the street from far away.” She squints her eyes and tilts her head acting her words. “I want them to know.”


“Know what?” I smile at her lame acting.


“That you’re mine.” I groan and latch onto her body hugging her by the waist making Seulgi laugh. “I don’t know what’s so bad about that.”


“You just want to ruin my lipstick.” I complain.


“I do.” I feel her nod. “I really do.”


“Sweet talker.” I reward her with another small peck and put a hand on her lips when she goes for more making her groan. “For good luck.” I say pulling back from our embrace. “Win the game and you’ll get to ruin it as much as you want.” I get a hold of all my stuff and go to the door.


“That’s so unfair.” She complains not moving from her spot.


“Good luck, baby.” I say exiting the classroom.


“I’m going to win, you know?” I hear her say, voice filled with determination.


“I’m counting on it.”


This plan was definitely a success.




The gym is packed tonight, no surprise there, tonight’s game is supposed to be a classic match I’ve learned, there are even supporters from the other team seated on the other side of the court, they traveled hours to see this game, sports people are insanely committed.


My usual spot is empty despite the big crowd. “That’s because Seulgi’s parents always seat there to see her.” Joy explains to me as we make our way to our spot. “And now they leave more room for the girlfriend too.”


“That’s nice, I guess.” I mumble, I rather not sit next to her parents but what can I do really. “Hey Joy, last time they played, how it went?”


“Seulgi won.” Yeri, who’s holding Joy’s hand, says proudly.


“It was on another town so I didn’t get to see it.” Joy says taking her seat.


“I heard it on the radio.” Yeri says to me. “Seulgi did a miracle shot at the last second, like the movies.” She says excited imitating the shot. “The commenter was so angry about it, it was funny.”


“Why do you ask?” Joy says patting Yeri’s head finding her ranting cute.


“I’m curious about all the noise.”


“The teams have been rivals for as long as I can remember.” Joy explains. “Don’t know why but it’s how it is.”


“Doesn’t Seulgi’s team always win? That’s hardly a rivalry.”


“You said it yourself, Seulgi’s team always wins, before that, it was more even. I even think this other team has more trophies than ours in the high school division.” That explains the need for this Amber girl to cheat in order to win, must be frustrating, not that it excuses being a horrible human being.


“Yeah they have five more than us.” Yeri says holding her hand up.


“Oh.” I really don’t know anything about what my girlfriend does, I should educate myself on the matter. “So all this hype is because Seulgi is keeping the big trophy here.” I nod understanding. “What would happen to her if she loses, though?” I say scrunching my nose.


“That’s impossible.” Yeri furrows her brows. “Seulgi never loses.”


“You hear her.” Joy grins. “It’s an impossible scenario.”


“Irene!” An excited man calls my name. “Always a pleasure to see you.” Mr Kang, Seulgi’s

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1051 streak #1
Rereading!🥹 hope youre doing well author!
Chapter 44: Still waiting for your update, i hope you're doing well..
okay54321 #3
Hope all is well🥹
Andeulea_rv25 #4
Have read this a lot of times!!! Please come back soon authornim def need an upd i miss u and the stoorryy 😭
Chapter 39: This is my comfort story, I love it so much, please come back soon I miss you 😢
Chapter 44: i miss you author :'((
Kylie_123 #7
Chapter 1: Hi author! How are you?
Happy new year mate! I hope you’re doing well!
MichTae_ #9
Chapter 10: sana ol crush back