Chapter 21

Sweep Me off My Feet
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“Good morning, gorgeous.” Seulgi appears at my front door earlier than usual just like she promised last night over the phone, I hug her right away clinging to her neck as if I haven’t seen her for weeks.


“Good morning.” I say against her bright yellow sweater. “You’re here early.” I pull away just enough to see her face but I feel too shy to maintain eye contact so I return to my previous spot hiding my red cheeks.


“Told you.” She tightens her hold on me. “Missed me?” She teases me and gives me a kiss on the top of my head, I nod against her and feel her chuckle. “Really?” She asks pulling back and pressing our foreheads together, I try to avoid eye contact and pull away from the embrace but her hold around my waist prevents me from moving.


“Yeah.” I admit looking to the side while biting my lip, I really did, the second she stepped out of the house I felt lonely, I really didn't want her to leave me. Seulgi, pleased with my answer, attacks my cheek with little pecks, I squirm giggling trying to get away from her attack.


“I missed you too.” She says stopping her antics. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you all day.” Her sweet words makes me even shyer and I suddenly find her sweater very interesting, she cups my face with one hand gently caressing my cheek and gives me a short sweet kiss on my lips. “Good morning.” She repeats, I keep my eyes closed for a second feeling myself melt in the embrace. “We forgot to do that yesterday, didn’t we?” She fixes my glasses smiling brightly while I grip at her hoodie feeling my knees go weak.


“Seulgi.” She immediately lets me go when we hear my mom’s voice interrupting our little moment. “To what do we owe this honor?” My mom says as she enters the kitchen leaving us alone again.


Seulgi’s body language completely changes even after we’re left alone, she’s been avoiding my mother since the day of the party when she made me stay with her instead of bringing me home like she was supposed to do. “M-morning Ms. Bae.” She manages to say after clearing and taking a step back.


The little interruption gives me a moment to collect myself and take a deep breath, it's conflicting, I feel the necessity to hide away still not quite ready to face her after our night together but I also feel the need to cling onto her and not let her go for the rest of the day. Like I said, conflicting.


She follows my mom to the kitchen taking small steps, she’s too polite to keep on avoiding her, she stands aside playing with her hands looking for what so say, some magic words that’d make my mom forget about the little mishap most likely. “I haven’t seen you around lately.” My mother makes it easier for her. “Been busy?”


“Yeah, actually.” Seulgi nods, that’s only half the truth. “Too many practices and all that…”


“You look like you’ve been working hard.” My mom comments eyeing the girl. “You're looking skinnier.” She points at my girlfriend’s cheeks, Seulgi looks down at herself and then at me looking for confirmation.


“Told you.” I say agreeing with my mom, with the way she eats at home I’m surprised she’s getting skinnier, she eats so much junk food and whatever doesn’t require cooking or work.


“It’s always like that during the tournaments.” She explains dismissively. “With all the extra running and stuff.” My mom hums unconvinced still eying her. “I always bulk up when the season ends.” She quickly adds looking at us both. “Really.” I’ll make sure she does.


“If you say so.” My mom says letting go of the subject. “Say..will you be joining us for breakfast? You better say yes.” My mom jokingly threatens her, Seulgi grins and nods again happy to see she isn’t going to get killed or whatever was on her mind, I told her she didn’t have to worry about it, I had covered for the both of us but she wasn’t too convinced with my words. “I’ll call you both when everything is ready.”


We sit on the living room with Seulgi close to me holding my hand playing with my fingers and me resting my head on her shoulder watching our entwined hands, if she were to suggest me right now to ditch classes I might agree to it, having to get up from this couch and part ways for the rest of the day isn’t something I want do today, I want to stay close to her.


Seulgi sighs sinking even more in her seat. “Yeri isn’t up yet?” She yawns mid sentence closing her eyes.


“No, she likes to wait until the last second.”


“That’s how I like to do it.” She chuckles, she let’s go of my hand and surround my shoulders with her arm instead, she accommodates herself on the couch to make me cuddle her more comfortably, I don’t object to it, instead I bury my face on her sweater and securely hug her waist while she plays with my hair, not even being in an open space like this seems to stop my clinginess today.


I thought things would be awkward and maybe a little uncomfortable but I was wrong, this feels very natural and nice. Well, I’m not going to lie to myself, I still feel pretty embarrassed because...she saw me...bare… but having her here next to me feels reassuring, it happened and she’s still here by my side.


“We should ditch school today.” She murmurs after kissing the top of my head, I smile inwardly and look up at her, I tap her cheek with my fingers and reach for her lips placing a soft kiss on them, if I speak up I might agree with her and she’s too important to miss school at the moment. “No kissing, your mom might walk in.” She says not really following her own advice continuing reciprocating the kiss.


“Irene, go wake up your sister.” We separate startled hearing my mom’s voice, we both laugh afterwards and she gives me a peck before I get up with reluctance and do what my mom just told me to do.




We end up arriving to school earlier than usual to have some alone time, time spent with Seulgi’s lips firmly attached to mine in the cramped space of her car, the closeness is a little overwhelming. As usual, I flinch and gasp every time I feel her fingertips under my clothes tracing my skin, as usual, but today everything feels ten times more intense than usual.


Seulgi’s lips feel hot against mine, so does her tongue, all of her does actually. I can feel little drops of sweat forming on the back of her neck where my hands are hooked, I can understand now how being in a relationship can make you slip off the rails, as her offer of skipping classes becomes even more tempting as the seconds passes by.


She takes a hold of my waist and tries to pull me closer but it's hard to do so in here, she voices her frustration grunting against the kiss, she tries again this time leaning her body against mine, she yelps in pain and quickly pulls back grimacing and rubbing her thigh. As usual, she forgot she drives a stick and hurt herself again with the swift gear. “Dammit.” She curses under her breath still rubbing the sore spot, a familiar scene. “I should’ve bought an automatic.”


I giggle watching her antics, she doesn’t find it as amusing as I do though. “But driving a stick is so much ier.” I joke repeating what she said to me once while I brush away some strands of hair stuck on her face, she catches my hand before I can retreat it and gives it a little kiss.


“That’s a well known fact, honey.” She entwines our hands together pursing her lips out, now all calmed down I can feel how high is the AC on, I can also hear the totally inappropriate song playing on the radio. I look over at Seulgi who’s still with her lips pursed out and looking at our entwined hands.


“Are we meeting today after class or?” I ask softly to her watching how she plays with my fingers, I hear her complaining groaning as an answer. “Busy?” She pouts and nods sadly.


“Packed.” She sighs resting her head against the seat. “Hey, babe.” She calls for me. “Let’s ditch classes.”


“Seulgi, no.” I playfully scold her knowing she’s just joking.


“Why are you never on board with my plans?” She whines. “You know what? I don’t need your permission, I can kidnap you.” She let’s go of my hand and starts the car’s engine.


“Yah, Seulgi.” I say pulling her by the arm giggling.


“Fine.” She sulks backing up the car back to its spot. “You’re not fun.”


“Is that so?”




“Maybe I should leave then.” I open the car’s door and pretend to move out of the vehicle.


“Wait, no.” She says reaching to pull me back in the car. “I still have some time left.” She begs closing the door still holding my arm with her other hand. “If you’re not letting me skip classes you need to make it up to me.” She says in a matter-of-fact kind of way.


“That...makes no sense.” I laugh biting my lip while she kisses my cheek repeatedly. “It’s not even my fault...Seulgi...that tickles.” I say between laughs trying to push her away, she nuzzles her nose against my ear knowing it’s a sensitive spot of mine while her fingers tickle my sides. “Baby, stop it.” She kisses my cheek lovingly one last time and pulls away wearing a playful smirk on her lips.


“That’s new.” She lifts her brows amused while I tilt my head questioningly. “You just called me baby.” She teases me poking my sides one more time, I widen my eyes in surprise making her smirk grow wider.


“D-did I?” I didn’t even noticed, obviously she did.


“You did.” She sings enjoying the sight of my blushing cheeks. “You totally did.” I lower my gaze not able to maintain eye contact with her, I feel her lips on my cheek again giving me several kisses


“No, I didn’t.” I mutter still looking at my lap, I feel her laugh against my cheek before she pulls back from me again.


“Yeah you did.” She counters back amused. “Hey.” She softly calls for my attention. “I like it.” She grins happily making her eyes disappear


“Dummy.” I smile back, whatever makes her happy is fine I guess, even if it makes me want to bury myself in sand.


“Ah, and we're back to that one.” She sighs taking a hold of my hand. “It's time.” She shows me the hour pouting, I nod in agreement putting on my glasses and taking some time to fix my now disheveled hair. “You might need to drag me there.” She says not moving from her seat, I smile and give her lips and quick peck.


“Come on.” I get out of the car and wait for her to do the same, she follows my lead with reluctant steps and groaning all the way.


“Did you brought an umbrella with you?” She asks me looking up at the sky.


“I didn't.” The thought of bringing an umbrella with me was the last thing on my mind this morning.



“Take mine.” She jogs back to the car and takes her umbrella from it and handles it to me. “Here, I don't want you catching any colds, especially now that I can't take care of you.” She says furrowing her brows concerned.


“Dummy.” I hug her and kiss her cheek feeling extremely grateful for her small gesture.


“I like baby better.” She surrounds me with her arms. “Say it again, please?” We hear the sound of the school's bell ringing, I try to get out of the hold freaking out but she keeps me secure in her arms.


“Seulgi, we need to go.” I plead.


“No, I want to hear it again.” She playfully whines hugging me tighter taking a chance to get what she wants.


“Seulgi, seriously.” I plead again trying to pull away.


“Who’s that? I don’t know any Seulgi.” I giggle despite my urgency while still trying to push her away.




“No, no, that's not it.” She laughs. “Come on, we're going to be really late.” She uses a soft tone and loosens her hold on me. “Please, babe?” I take a deep breath and look up to her stupid smiling face, gosh, she’s loving this isn’t she?


“Can we get to classes?” I take another breath, it’s silly, I don’t know why this is making me feel so shy, specially since this is nothing compared to... last saturday. “” I don’t know how it’s possible but she smiles even harder, she immediately kisses me deeply taking me by surprise, her lips don’t taste like her lipstick anymore but then again neither do mine. I put my hands on her shoulders forgetting all about our responsibilities getting lost in the kiss, now it

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1051 streak #1
Rereading!🥹 hope youre doing well author!
Chapter 44: Still waiting for your update, i hope you're doing well..
okay54321 #3
Hope all is well🥹
Andeulea_rv25 #4
Have read this a lot of times!!! Please come back soon authornim def need an upd i miss u and the stoorryy 😭
Chapter 39: This is my comfort story, I love it so much, please come back soon I miss you 😢
Chapter 44: i miss you author :'((
Kylie_123 #7
Chapter 1: Hi author! How are you?
Happy new year mate! I hope you’re doing well!
MichTae_ #9
Chapter 10: sana ol crush back