Chapter 33

Sweep Me off My Feet
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Joy and I sit on the bar watching the two basketball players show off their alcohol mixing skills, Seulgi reads the instructions from her phone to a very focused Wendy, who listens very carefully wanting the drinks to come out perfectly.


I button up the jacket covering me feeling the cold in my bones, now that the excitement has passed and my heart stopped racing so much, the weather starts to bother me again and it doesn’t help me and Seulgi are soaking wet, I can see her shiver from time to time as well.


We truly are impulsive idiots.


“Come on, Wendy, just finish the damn drinks so we can go back in the water, I’m freezing!” Seulgi complains seeing her friend dropping the alcohol very carefully in one of the plastic cups she and Joy got during their little trip.


They soon start to bicker…again, and I take this opportunity to lean on Joy’s ear, she’s been all smiles since they came back but I haven’t been able to ask her about it.


“Something happened?” I whisper softly in her ear, she looks at me puzzled until I discreetly point at our bartender for the night, Joy smiles coyly looking at her finger playing on top of the marble surface.


“We’re just talking.” She says with a small shrug.


“Is that really all?” I’m not buying it. “You’ve been smiling a lot, missy.”


“Not true!” Joy covers her lips hiding her, apparently permanent, chaste smile. I squint my eyes at her waiting for the inevitable spill of information. “Ok, fine.” She sighs and checks the still distracted girl.


“I knew it, what happened?” I ask sticking my hands inside the jacket’s pockets, I glance towards Seulgi who’s taking a sip of one of the drinks, she grimaces and gives her best friend a thumbs up of approval.


“I think, well, I’m not sure, but I think we almost kissed back at the supermarket, but someone showed up and she chickened out.” Joy says rapidly in one breath seeing the girls walking closer carrying the drinks.


Seulgi kisses my cheek lovingly putting the plastic cup on my hand while I process the information my best friend just gave me, my eyes widen searching for Joy’s but the girl is busy avoiding me and giving her attention to the girl causing all of her smiles.


“You’re freezing.” My girlfriend comments when she meets the touch of my hands. “You should’ve gone back in the water.” I turn to see her and meet a worried and scolding frown.


“But I wanted to see your magnificent bartender skills.” I joke repeating the title she had given herself before starting to prepare the drinks, all she contributed to the process was reading the recipes out of the internet and stressing Wendy with her bossy personality.


I look down at the clear liquid in my cup with curiosity, before I can try it out Seulgi takes my hand guiding me back to the jacuzzi, get in, is what her eyes say. I handle her back my cup complying to her demand, I remove my jacket and throw it at a safe distance.


“Come with me.” I say to her dipping my feet back into the water, I sigh pleased feeling the warmth, I should’ve waited at the pool.


The girls join us by bringing a couple of pool chairs from the other side of the pool, then Wendy makes sure to turn up the music’s volume making the bass resound in the whole area.


“How’s the drink? Want it sweeter?” Wendy asks being the good host, I bring the cup to my lips taking only a small sip, I grimace at the taste much to everyone’s amusement but it isn’t so bad, the tequila Seulgi gave me was much worse than this.


“It’s ok.” I say with one eye still closed trying to get rid of the taste.


“It’s a...wait…” Seulgi says from my side as she picks up her phone. “It’s a daiquiri.” She reads the words out loud. “Thought you might like this one.” She grins.


It hasn’t been even twenty minutes from when we got interrupted before, I still have some alcohol in my system, I’m bothered, and Seulgi’s stupid grin, while she wears that stupid bathing suit, isn’t making things any better.


“I don’t understand how your parents are not going to notice all the missing alcohol.” Joy, who’s seated close to her crush, says in a doubtful tone of voice.


“Uh, well…” Wendy says staring at her cup. “There’s plenty of bottles back there, if we switch it up and not repeat from the same bottle they won’t notice.” She lifts her head up to smile at the girl when she finishes her explanation, Joy smiles shyly back and buries her face in the drink, because that’s smooth and casual, sure.




I hope Seulgi and I aren’t like this.


I’m cringing.


“Are you sure you like your drink?” Seulgi says catching my attention, to answer her I take a gulp of the drink. “It gets easier, right?” She says chuckling seeing me struggle less this time around.


“I guess so.”


“Can we get a pic?” Seulgi asks taking a hold of her phone again. “Before we get too drunk and it gets too dark.” She chuckles as she hugs me by the waist and pecks my lips, she pulls back pleased and checks her phone. “Nice, can I post this?” She asks mumbling immersed into the device.


“Sure.” I can’t hold back my smile, she can be so cute sometimes.


“Cool, let’s take another one.” She says hugging me again bringing the camera to our faces.


“Well isn’t that cute?” Wendy comments after the third picture, I turn my attention to our small audience and spot their exaggerated annoyed faces, it’s a good confirmation we do also make other people cringe with our antics.


“Want to see them?” She asks to ignore and piss off Wendy.


“Glasses.” I say pointing at my bare face to her.


“Is your sight that bad?” Wendy asks me tilting her head to the side.


“You’d be surprised ” Joy answers standing up from the chair to pick up my glasses off the floor and giving them to the girl.


“Woah.” Wendy explains in shock when the frames are secured on her face. “No wonder you’re dating this one, you can’t even see her ugly mutt face without this.” She takes a shot at her friend while she removes my glasses. “I bet that makes things easier in the bedroom too.” Joy laughs at her joke while I suddenly feel a rush of shyness at the mention of .


I chug half of the drink to chase the feeling away.


“Are you implying I have a great personality? Thanks, mate, I’ll take the compliment.” The victorious grin falls off Wendy’s face. “For the record, it doesn’t cause us any trouble in the bedroom, we’re more than alright in that department, isn’t that right, babe?”


“Right.” I reply agreeing with her without even thinking.


“No need to rub it in.” Wendy says rolling her eyes as I turn to Seulgi surprised with myself by my own openness, she’s grinning pleased at me and when she meets my eyes she gives my cheek a long lingering kiss.


I can feel my body relaxing again second by second, sip by sip, until my cup gets emptied with one last gulp, I can’t even taste the bitterness anymore, the drink tastes sweet, and I admit, enjoyable.


Not caring about interrupting Seulgi’s banter with her best friend, I move to sit on her legs and I snuggle up to her burying my face on her neck and looping my arms around her, my body feels really warm but so does hers, I bite her earlobe playfully making her stumble her words for a brief moment and go silent.


“Now that this is done, I’m getting you refills.” Wendy says claiming her victory over Seulgi’s silence.


“You ok?” My girlfriend whispers in my ear, I nod my head looking up to her face, she hums as she takes some hairs out of my face. “Good.” She presses her lips against mine for a brief kiss, but still long enough for me to taste the alcohol lingering in her tongue “Joy, why don’t you join us here?” Joy looks up from her phone giving Seulgi a questioning look. “It’s too cold up there, get in the water.”


“Sure but…” Joy smiles at the girl standing up from her chair walking closer to the edge of the pool. “Not this side.” Joy removes her shirt and shorts off her body revealing her slender figure and porcelain white skin, hugged by a very flattering red bikini, without any hint of insecurity or even a touch of shyness.


She walks confidently to the other side of the swimming pool and from my line of vision I can spot the not so subtle Wendy stopping all her movements to stare at the attractive girl, it makes me want to walk up to her and close , the sight is comical to say the least.


I hear Seulgi hum under her breath, I turn my attention to her and see her wandering eyes following Joy’s movements making a certain feeling flush through my veins, without helping myself I bite into her earlobe pretty harshly as soon as she finishes the sentence, Seulgi is caught by surprise and yelps but doesn’t push me away.


“Babe, what the hell!?” She says surprised by my sudden actions. “Babe!” I let go of her poor ear pouting at the girl that is rubbing her sore spot. “What was that for?” She asks completely confused.


“Stop staring at her.” I pout making her furrowed her brows, it takes her more seconds than it should understand the meaning in my words, she widens her eyes and smiles bashfully knowing she got caught.


“I wasn’t.” She tries to deny it, I turn to my side. “Oh, come, babe, give me a kiss.”


“No.” I whine but she keeps insisting until our lips connect, I keep complaining against her lips but make no effort to keep her at bay, instead, I hold her face keeping locked tight against mine.


“Can you two stop being that couple for one moment and act like good friends?” Wendy complains making us detach from each other. “Please, at least pretend for a second, geez.” We both get embarrassed with the call out knowing we’ve been making them uncomfortable with our public displays of affection.

“Sure but can you compliment Joy since I’m not allowed?” Wendy glares at Seulgi intensively and with no hint of amusement by her comment, I don’t find it that amusing either and I slightly push her way making the idiot giggle.


“If you want your drinks come look for them at the normal people side of the pool.” The girl mumbles putting the cups and some bottles of hard liquor on Joy’s side. “You look good.” She smiles shyly at the girl who blushes looking down.


“You know I can’t swim.” Seulgi says whining like a baby.


“That’s a personal problem, isn’t it?” Wendy says still sore.


“You’re so mean to me sometimes I question our friendship.”


“Well, you know what? Same here!”


“That side is not that deep, right?” Joy asks to Wendy who just nods at her handling her drink successfully stopping what was going to be another bickering between the two jocks. “Then let’s go there so Seulgi can join us.” She grins already swimming to said side.


“Um, yeah, sure.” Wendy says watching her leave with a smile already back in a good mood.


Our host makes Seulgi get out of the water and help her change the setting to the other side, bringing the bottles, alcohol, and speakers to where Joy and I are waiting already inside the water just like they wanted us to.


It’s already the afternoon and the temperature keeps dropping making the water feels extra nice and the alcohol extra helpful, we keep drinking and talking about everything, teachers, friends, people we don’t like.


It’s a very nice enjoyable time.


That’s until Wendy decides she’s too bored of just talking.


“We should play a drinking game.” Wendy states after refilling her drink.


“Go on.” Joy encourages her with her cheeks already flushed from the alcohol in her system.


Not that I’m any better.


I’m definitely more relaxed, I can feel it all over my body, I’m open to talk about the things they want to talk about without feeling shy or embarrassed. I also feel heavy but light at the same time, like I’m floating in the water even though my feet are well put on the ground.


But the most obvious tell is how much I’m laughing with every stupid joke Wendy and Seulgi come up with.


“I know.” The girl says with her eyes twinkling in excitement. “Chicken fight.” Seulgi who’s busy changing the music track laughs out loud in a mocking way.


“How’s chicken fight a drinking game?” Seulgi says while shaking her head, the girl that came up with the bright idea ponders with her brows knitted together trying to come up with anything that could save her from her best friend’s teasing.


“The loser couple has to drink?” Joy suggest to the tipsy Wendy who grins showing her teeth obviously happy to be saved.


“The loser couple has to drink!” She repeats to Seulgi like she just came up with the idea. “You’re so clever.” She then compliments her savior making her shyly look to the side.


“Can’t argue with that.” Seulgi snorts. “Alright, I’m pairing up with Irene.” She says taking the half emptied cup from my hands and putting it away.


“Why can’t Irene be on my team?” Wendy looks at Joy and shrugs obviously joking with the girl.


“Because you can’t.” Seulgi states with a cocky and chaste smile already getting behind me and putting her hands on my waist. “You won’t let me carry you and Joy is too tall.” She explains further in a very amused and teasing tone.


Wendy widens her eyes and glances and the obviously taller girl realizing what her best friend is hinting at.


“That’s right, I’m taller.” Joy laughs, her eyes disappearing in the act while Wendy looks conflicted between embarrassment and fond for the girl’s happy expression. “I’ll carry you.”


“No way! I can handle you, I’m pretty strong!”


“That’s not how it works!”


“Are you sure you don’t want to pair up with Joy?” I joke showing Seulgi a playful scowl, she scoffs rolling her eyes at me and squeezing my waist, slightly digging her nails on my skin.


“Wendy just get on her shoulders so we can play your stupid game.” Seulgi says pushing me to a deeper area of the pool. “Ready?” She asks kissing my nape making my skin tingle.


We easily get into our position with me sitting on her shoulders, her hands are securely put on my thighs keeping me in place as she walks slowly testing our balance, I put my hands on the top of her head to keep myself from falling and watch the other couple still arguing about who’s going to be on top.


“You know…” Seulgi says stopping my fit of laughter watching ur friends bicker using the stupidest arguments like, my house my rules and don’t you want to see life from up here for once? content they are getting along so well. “When I was picturing your legs on me today this isn’t what came to mind.” The comment earns her some scolding, I push her head to get it inside the water but she resists causing us to lose our balance and tip over into the water.


Once the four of us are in position, thanks to Wendy finally accepting to sit on her partner’s shoulders, we finally begin the game.


It’s not difficult to see who has the upper hand in this situation, with the afternoon sun hitting Wendy’s back, her well trained body comes to shine, she’s definitely much stronger than I am, she has the same defined arms Seulgi has for all the physical training they do, her black bikini also reveals a very firm abdomen and on top of that she overpower us thanks to Joy’s height.


To no one’s surprise, Seulgi and I are the first ones to lose, just with a small mush Wendy manages to catch me off guard and stumble into the water.


“Yes!” Our rivals cheer in excitement while I still try to process everything. “Now you have to drink.” Joy says obviously proud, we walk to our makeshift drinking station observing all the bottles in front of us.


“What are we supposed to drink?” I ask to no one in particular.


“A shot! Take your pick.” Seulgi glares at Wendy at takes a green bottle from the bunch serving us a little bit in a couple of empty cups.


“Don’t think, just drink.” Seulgi says being the first to swallow the cup’s contents and making a pained face right after.


The game continues like this, we win some, we lose some.


We definitely lose more.


Until it gets to a point, the cold from being on top of Seulgi, the alcohol, and being constantly thrown into the water gets to be too much for my poor body and I have to beg Seulgi to make it stop using some puppy eyes after we take yet another loser's shot.


“Ok, can we play something calmer now?” Seulgi pleads affected by my pout. “Like I don't know… Truth or dare?” I look at the girl very grateful.


“I don’t have the energy to do any dares.” Joy says resting her arms on the pool’s edge.


It’s night time now, I don’t know exactly what time it is but the sky has been dark for some time now.


I’m not the only one affected by the alcohol, it’s very obvious and visible we’re all at least tipsy, Joy, being as experienced as me with this, keeps resting her back on the pool's edge with her eyes closed, Wendy keeps mispronouncing words, and then there’s Seulgi, who acts like nothing but can’t hide her clumsy steps every time we have to go over the alcohol area.


“Fine, truth or drink then?” She suggests. “But no more hard shots, please.” She adds while cupping my face with a grimace expression. “My baby here can’t handle her alcohol.” She says out of genuine concern, but, despite the fog in my brain and the sea-sickness type of feeling from being thrown in the water several times, the implications offends me for some unknown reason.


“I can handle my drink.” I say frowning with my arms crossed like a child who was told they can’t stay up late.


They are all as affected as me but I’m the only treated like a baby.


It’s not fair.


I can do it too.


“Alright then.” Seulgi accepts my whining as a green light to keep going. “Who’s starting?” She asks as she hugs me tightly from behind and resting her back on the wall. “Wendy you start.” She slurs planting a kiss on my cheek.


“Are you ok with that?” Wendy asks Joy with the same worrying tone. “We’ve drunk a lot already.” The girl is tipsy enough to make her slur her words dragging the r’s and having trouble finding the right words to say.


“Yeah, I’m ok with it, but can we get out of the water, please?” Joy says probably feeling the same way I am.


We aren’t exactly the drinking type of girls.


She just acts like she is.


“Oh, of course.” Wendy replies with a serious expression and I have the impression Seulgi and I just disappeared from her world.


Our kind host helps Joy get out of the pool and helps her find her towel and her clothes, they get dressed and proceed to get inside the house talking about things that can’t reach our ears.


While completely ignoring us.


We are taken to what my girlfriend and her partner in crime like call the playroom on the second floor. It’s dark inside, with a big tv, a high tech computer, a big black couch and a shelf filled with all kinds of games.


We all sit on the carpeted floor facing each other with the bottles and cups in the middle of our circle, I sit close to Seulgi resting my head on her shoulder and grabbing her hand while the other two are also close to each other bumping arms.


“Have some water.” Seulgi instructs me giving me a bottle she had fetched for me while we all changed our clothes.


“Should we spin the bottle to take turns?” Joy suggests, Wendy accepts taking a hold of one and spinning it on the floor until it stops pointing at Seulgi making the girl grin mischievously.


“No dares!” Seulgi urges to say, the girl rolls her eyes and thinks hard for a moment before her victorious grin comes back to her face.


“What were you telling me about Irene this morning?” I furrow my brows at the question and straight myself up to see Seulgi’s face, she’s glaring at the girl with her cheeks fully flushed red.


“What is it?” I ask but Seulgi refuses to answer pressing her lips together while she prepares her shot adding a bit of soda to the mix.


“My turn.” Seulgi says now spinning the bottle and to her delight it lands back on Wendy. “Aha!!” She claps her hands together rubbing them excitedly. “Wendy! Do you perhaps have a crush on someone?” She asks in a fake innocent and obnoxious tone raising her voice enough to make the question be heard loud and clear.


Joy looks at the girl with excitement and twinkling eyes but just like Seulgi she takes the shot instead of answering while throwing daggers with her eyes towards her best friend’s direction.


The questions after that are pretty tame.


“What’s your least favorite thing about Wendy?” Joy asks Seulgi.


“How she’s so against me all the time, she’s never up for any of my plans and it’s so annoying.” Seulgi says scoffing.


“That’s because your ideas are stupid.”


“You’re stupid.” Seulgi spins the bottle. “Ok, babe.” It lands on me. “What did you really thought about me when we first met?” I’m glad I don’t have to drink anything this round.


“I thought you were, a player, cocky and obnoxious.” I reply honestly making Wendy chuckle. “A bit stalkerish too.”


“Yeah, you hated me, I felt it.” Seulgi shrugs.


The alcohol inside my body is starting to hit me bad, my words slurs more and more and my brain is completely fogged, if I tried to stand up right now I’d for sure fall back down, my head is spinning and despite having my glasses back on I have a hard time seeing the girls laughing and drinking.


I can’t focus anymore.


I start to calm down and tell the truth to avoid more shots.


“Why did your last relationship end?” Wendy asks me.


At least it’s an easy one.


No drinking.


“Um, it just wasn’t so nice?” I smile raising my shoulders.


“What do you mean?” Seulgi frowns, she has never been one to ask me about exes because, in her words, she can’t handle thinking about me even holding hands with someone else.


“I went out with her because she was nice but I never felt anything for her in that way.” I explain while pushing back my glasses.


“Cool.” Seulgi seems satisfied with my answer as she spins the bottle for me.


After more shots are drunk it starts shifting into a more racy territory until we ran out about stuff to ask and Joy herself decides to look for a list out of the internet.


“Ok, Joy, tell me your biggest turn on and off.” Seulgi reads the question slowly having trouble with it after many shots, Joy ponders for a moment and reaches out for the cup bringing it to her lips but grimaces after taking a whiff of it.


“Alright.” She puts the cup down. “I hate when the person uses too much tongue?” She says embarrassed while Wendy to her side seems to be absorbing the information showing the most concentrated face expression I’ve seen on her. “And I like to be kissed here.” She points to a spot behind her ear. “Ok, next.” The bottle lands on me.




“Irene...” Joy scrolls down her lits trying to find a question entertaining enough for her. “Aha! Have you ever begged Seulgi to do you?” She says throwing her head back and laughing when she’s done.


I look down at the alcohol with a pained face, then back to the pair in front of me that are looking me with bright amused expressions, the drinks doesn’t seem so bad, I can handle it, I take yet another gulp of the drink and let myself rest on Seulgi’s shoulders.


“I’ll take that as a yes.” Joy says satisfied.


“Oh come on, tell them.” My girlfriend also grins satisfied.




“She does it a-” I cover with one hand and spin the bottle with the other.




“Hmpf.” She mumbles against it, I don’t let her free until the bottle stops pointing at her.


“Seulgi, what do you dislike the most about me?” I smirk reading the question.


“You’re bossy.” She doesn’t even pretend to think about her answer.


“Hey!” I push her making her giggle.


“Babe, you’re pretty bossy.” She repeats lifting her brows. “I like it in the bedroom.” She whispers blowing hot breath in my ear and giving me a sloppy kiss behind it. “My friend, my friend.” Seulgi teases the girl in front of her while I laugh embarrassed at her little comment. “Tell us, would you kiss anyone in this room? Who?” I reach for Seulgi’s jawline and trail kisses towards her ear making the girl shiver and tighten her hold on my hand.


“Yes.” Wendy says without hesitation. “And you’re only allowed one question per round you cheater.”


“...Whatever.” Seulgi manages to say in half a moan thanks to my tongue’s ministration on her earlobe. “Babe.” She mumbles pleading me to stop.


“I want to make out.” I slur the words to her with much difficulty, the last shot must have gotten to me good, my words and actions are now out of my control, my hands move by themselves under Seulgi’s shirt resting on her tight abdomen making the girl jump.


“Um.” She clears to call for the couple’s attention as she removes her hands off me. “W-we’re going to get some wa-water.” Seulgi says already standing up stumbling along the way. “Woah.” She explains briefly closing her eyes. “Let’s all….take a break, yes.” Her eyes meet mine showing excitement, the girls don’t seem to have heard us but my girlfriend doesn’t repeat herself and instead drags both of us out of the room.


I have to keep a hand pressed against the wall as we walk through the hallways, I’ve seen to have lost any sense of coordination, I have to rely on my girlfriend which is a bad idea considering her own state.


Between stumble, giggles and hot kisses we get inside the kitchen and I wonder for a brief moment if we’re really here for water but Seulgi quickly erases that thought from my brain joining our lips together in a hash and desperate kiss.


She smells like alcohol and sweat, I notice, I can taste it on her tongue as well making me drunker and growing even more desperate, I pull her closer by the collar as her hands find their way to my bottom, we stumble backwards hitting the counter and Seulgi decides to sloppily lift me up throwing everything on it down to the floor and sitting me on top of it.


Seulgi’s lips waste no time already trailing kisses to my cleavage but soon she drunkenly groans frustrated when she can’t reach my neck, the counter put me way too high for her, I laugh at her frustrations but she doesn’t take it kindly, instead, she takes me off it, I wrap my legs around her waist as she walks us backwards hitting my back against the fridge.


“Ow!” Seulgi suddenly exclaims in pain and then immediately dropping my legs, there’s not enough time for me to reach and gain some balance so I end up falling down hitting my on the hard floor, I flinch in pain confused by what just happened and as I rub my pained area I look for the culprit of my hurting.


I’m met with a Seulgi crouching on the floor with her hands and arms covering her head, not too far away from her there’s a pan on the floor, she looks at me with misty eyes whining about the pain and I have to reach out to her holding her against my chest rubbing her injured head.


“The world is against me.” She complains making me laugh really hard at the absurdity of everything, she joins me not too long after and we stay like that on the floor hearing each other's fast beating hearts. “You’re drunk.” She says suddenly breaking the silence and pressing her forehead on mine, like she’s better herself.


“I” I confess still not entirely feeling like myself.


But rather feeling


And my vision completely useless, more than usual.


Seulgi helps me stand up and it’s kind enough to look for some water, despite her sore head and drunkenness she still manages to take care of me.


“Please have some, um, w-water, and let’s chill with the drinks, ok?” She says sweetly kissing my forehead.


“I want to sit down.” I admit now feeling the drunkness hit me in a different way, I rest my weight on Seulgi almost causing us to trip over but she manages to keep us in place.


“Ugh.” She exclaims hugging me tight in place. “Ok, let’s sit you down.”


We go back to the playroom walking slowly and with Seulgi holding me closely by the waist, when we open the door we are greeted by the sight of out two best friends making out on the couch, before I can see any more of it Seulgi quickly closes the door shut.


“Um, let’s go somewhere else?”


I can only recall the sight of Wendy on top of my friend fervently kissing her.


I don’t want to even think of the hand placement, better for my sanity.


Seulgi brings me to the living room's couch softly putting me on it, despite all my complaining, whining and kissing she doesn’t join me saying she was going to clean the mess in the kitchen before the other two find out, I have no other choice but accept it and watch her walk away before giving my spiraling vision a break and closing them shut until she comes back to me.

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1051 streak #1
Rereading!🥹 hope youre doing well author!
Chapter 44: Still waiting for your update, i hope you're doing well..
okay54321 #3
Hope all is well🥹
Andeulea_rv25 #4
Have read this a lot of times!!! Please come back soon authornim def need an upd i miss u and the stoorryy 😭
Chapter 39: This is my comfort story, I love it so much, please come back soon I miss you 😢
Chapter 44: i miss you author :'((
Kylie_123 #7
Chapter 1: Hi author! How are you?
Happy new year mate! I hope you’re doing well!
MichTae_ #9
Chapter 10: sana ol crush back