Chapter 26

Sweep Me off My Feet
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Seulgi was cute all night on the phone until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore, she was fighting the sleepiness as well but she refused to hang up, she was in a state of complete exhaustion paired up with the energy of a toddler who refuses to go to sleep. We talked a lot about the game and how many mistakes she made, named game plays and movements, using terminology I don’t understand at all. I could only pretend I did.


It was odd, but she sounded very upbeat and happy with everything, I didn't have the heart to tell her I couldn't follow anything she was saying.


Unfortunately, at this very moment as she’s saying something about the end of the game and what the coach told her, the words sound so distant and hard to make sense. “It’s weird, right?” My eyes are having a hard time trying to keep open. “Babe?” The response that comes out of my mouth sounds more like a groan than anything else. “You sleepy?” Her soft and delicate laugh brings me back to her, kind of.


“Yeah.” Even if I wanted to lie to her the big yawn coming out along with my answer would have betrayed me.


“Oh, you’re really gone, huh? Fine, I’ll set you free.” She mocks me. “Goodnight, babe.” She says. “See you later.”


“Goodnight.” I manage to say.


“Thank you so much.”


What feels like five minutes later loud music disrupts my sleep, I groan against my pillow annoyed recognizing my phone’s ringtone, being too sleepy to make any sort of effort to shut that thing off I turn my body away from the sound and sigh in relief when the ringing finally stops, but before my body can even relax the loud music starts again.


I search for my phone around the bed moving as little as possible, once I turn this thing off I can go back to sleep, but before I do it I look at the screen squinting my eyes really hard to see who exactly is interrupting my sweet sleep. “Seulgi.” I read out loud, a quick check shows me I’ve been sleeping for some hours. “Why is she calling me at this hour?” I cancel my plan of going right back to sleep and wait and see if she tries it one more time. “If it’s important she’ll call again.” I think while holding the phone close to my face waiting.


Soon enough, she tries again, I stare at the phone for a moment before answering. “Uh, hi, babe. Did I wake you up?” I hear her say unsure on the other side as if waking me up wasn’t part of her plan.


“Kind of, yeah.” I reply in a mutter, my voice filled with sleep. “Is something wrong?”


“Why you ask that?”


“Because it's four in the morning?” I ask back after checking the time again a little confused and still not awake enough to think very well.


“Is it really?”


“Yes it is.” I rub my eyes again and sigh. “Seulgi…is there something wrong?” I ask again knowing the girl on the other side of the line very well.


Seulgi sighs very audibly on the other side. “I do have a little, tiny problem.” She confesses.


“What is it, honey?” The pet name rolls off my tongue with ease, must be the sleep.


“Ah, well you see, I'm kind of cold.” There it goes my worry. “I could really use your help.”


“So, you're calling me at four in the morning to tell me you're cold?” I recap for her more confused than anything else, letting my annoyance show through my voice. “Really?” She’s cute and all but some boundaries are needed.


“Yes, because I’m cold.” She repeats ignoring my rare outburst. “I could use some help right now.”


The vagueness of her statement makes my imagination run free trying to figure out what she means, an image in particular from a past conversation sticks to my brain more than the other possibilities. “S-Seulgi.” I stutter while my fingers play with the sheets still covering my body. “Y-you know I-I can't do that over...over the phone.” I stumble over my words feeling my body on the verge of shutting down.


“What? What do you mean...oh” Her tone makes it evidently we weren’t talking about the same thing, I turn on my stomach and pray for the bed to swallow me whole, this is so embarrassing. “No,” Her tone is as high as a whistle. “That's not it, you got it wrong! Ok...well...I'm not so cold anymore that's for sure.” She chuckles awkwardly. “Uh...ok...forget it, can you please...just go over to your window?”


“My window?” I repeat.


“Yes please.”


“Why would I- Don’t tell me you’re outside?!” I hurry to turn on the lamp beside my bed, put my glasses on and run to the window.


“Ok, I won't.” The image of a Seulgi crouching down on my garden flashing me a smile welcomes me. “Hi, babe.” She trembles and hugs her legs burying her face down, the poor thing is freezing.


“Go to the front door.” I quickly hang up and make my way out of my room, being extra careful to not make any noise, I cringe hearing the wood beneath my feet making a creaking sound with every step I take. I sigh in relief when I reach the living room, from there the way to poor freezing Seulgi is easy.


“Ah, thank you, thank you, it's so cold out there.” With her hoodie pulled all the way to her head and tied up just leaving her nose and eyes free she looks like she’s here to rob my house. “Sorry to-”


“Let's talk upstairs.” I whisper putting a finger over my lips, she nods understanding and quickly takes off her shoes, the funny alien looking Seulgi rushes upstairs ahead of me rubbing her arms. “Seulgi, honey, what are you doing here at this hour?” I ask closing the door behind me.


“Can’t I visit my own girlfriend?” Seulgi says in a casual manner taking a seat on my bed. “Ah, is still warm.” The cold girl puts the blanket on her shoulders.


“Seulgi…” I cross my arms and lean on the door.


“Hm?” I give her a look. “Ok, fine.” She sighs, Seulgi looks around the room looking for the words to say. “The truth is… I don’t know.” She looks with the same confused expression that I must have.


“You don’t know?” I repeat taking a seat next to her.


“One moment I was frustrated I couldn’t go to sleep and the next thing I know I was trying to climb up your window.” Her furrowed brows match her explanation. “Which is actually very difficult I may add.”


“Honey.” She smiles at the pet name. “Is there something wrong?” The tone of the question makes it obvious I’m worried about her.


“No, nothing’s wrong.” She gives my hand a reassuring peck. “Everything is great.” She whispers. “Everything is great.” She repeats letting her back fall on the bed.


“Are you sure?” I lie on my side and poke her shoulder. “Honey.” She smiles again and turns her head to look at me.


“Yeah, I’m pretty sure.”


“Ok.” Seulgi is being weird tonight but she looks at peace and that makes my worry fly away for now.


“Sorry for waking you up.” She says facing me.


“It’s ok.”


“It’s worth it, you look cute in your pajamas.” She grabs the hem of my tank top. “With your hair all messed up.” I try to fix it making her giggle. “No, leave it like that, I mean it.” She grabs my hand in hers and stares at me with her love filled eyes, those eyes that never fails to make everything around us turn into a blur. “Your sleepy face.” She kisses my nose with her cold lips making my whole body tremble. “Ticklish?” I nod as she pecks my lips. “Sorry.”




“Why are you wearing your glasses? You’re going to break them.” She takes them off for me and puts them away. “That’s better.”


“Seulgi.” I put a hand on her cheek to get her attention. “Why are you here?” I whisper.


“You don’t want me here? Because I can leave and-” She goes into a rant trying to get up.


“Stop it.” I push her down back to the bed. “I’m being serious here.” I encourage her to talk caressing her arm, she obviously has something on her mind, that’s obvious, Seulgi is an open book, she wears her heart on...her face and why else would she show up here like this at this hour.


“Alright, got it.” She sighs. “But if we’re going to talk I need you to do me a favor.” I nod and watch her move her torso closer to me, Seulgi makes a pause maybe thinking on what to say. “Can you wear something thicker?” I look at her confused. “It’s getting really hard to look at you in the eyes.” She whisper, I look down at my clothes and see just how exposed I am at the moment.


“Seulgi!” She laughs putting a finger on her lips reminding me to keep the volume down. “Why are you like this.” I shove her blushing and jump to the closet to put something on, I can hear her giggling behind me while I rummage through my clothes, I settle for a hoodie and close the cl

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1051 streak #1
Rereading!🥹 hope youre doing well author!
Chapter 44: Still waiting for your update, i hope you're doing well..
okay54321 #3
Hope all is well🥹
Andeulea_rv25 #4
Have read this a lot of times!!! Please come back soon authornim def need an upd i miss u and the stoorryy 😭
Chapter 39: This is my comfort story, I love it so much, please come back soon I miss you 😢
Chapter 44: i miss you author :'((
Kylie_123 #7
Chapter 1: Hi author! How are you?
Happy new year mate! I hope you’re doing well!
MichTae_ #9
Chapter 10: sana ol crush back