Chapter 30

Sweep Me off My Feet
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It has been drizzling since I started my routine but I’m certain the reason I’m soaked is sweat and not the rain, clothes are sticking to my body making everything even more uncomfortable while my feet feel heavier with every step they take, I sigh when the sight of my house around the corner meets my eyes, but I’m not relieved yet, my body is so tired it seems to be miles away still. “Come on.” I tell to myself while picking up the pace to end this even faster.


One more step.


You’re almost there.


Don’t give up.


I sprint towards the figure of a man wearing pjs sitting on the sidewalk while grunting in discomfort and collapse right in front of him completely exhausted, I wasn’t expecting him to be awake so early on his free day. “You’re slow today.” He says clicking his tongue. “But it’s raining so you’re forgiven.” Lying on my back I turn my head to look at him while I let the rain cool my body.


“Running while it’s raining isn’t easy.” I manage to say while gasping for some much needed air but trying to tone it down so he can’t see how much this little jog affected me. “What are you doing up?”


“Watching over you obviously.” He says adjusting his umbrella to cover me from the rain. “This is how people get sick, champ.” I close my eyes trying to catch my breath and feel my strong fast heartbeat ringing on my ears, my body is boiling hot, the hood over my head is keeping the heat on my face making it unbearably uncomfortable, my legs are completely dead and my feet hurt, feeling the discomfort all over my body I get reminded of why I hate jogging outside, this was a bad idea. “Seulgi, what are you doing?” He pats my chest in a not so gentle manner to catch my attention.


“Homework.” I explain to him while slowly sitting up and hugging my legs. The coach says my endurance seems to still be on the low side.” He presses his lips together and nods, he knows this already, it is written on my drawing board already along with the other weaknesses he manages to spot during my games.  


“Yeah, you are definitely getting gassed out pretty fast.” He agrees not sounding very pleased I haven’t fixed it yet and offers me a hand to help me stand up along with him. “But what does it have to do with running under the rainy?” He chuckles putting an arm around my shoulders not minding how damp I am. “Are you trying to make yourself sick? That’s only going to hold you back further.”


“It’s not that, I can’t waste any day because…” I grimace bracing myself for his reaction, I was so busy with the date’s planning I completely forgot to tell him about it. “The coach said he’s going to get some people to watch me on the next friendly match.” I feel him tightening his hold on me, he also squeezes my shoulder by reflex. “Kind of like a second chance he said, and since I’ve been getting good publicity again there are some schools interested.”


“That’s great, champ!” The excitement is very noticable. “You’ll do great! Have you told your mom? She’s going to be so excited about this.” Dad rants as he leads us inside the house still hugging me tightly and not really letting me answer any of his questions. “People from which schools?”


“I haven’t asked and does it really matter?” Beggars can’t be choosers is what I would like to say but he wouldn’t like it. “He made me promise I’m going to push myself a little harder for this game… Just in case.”


“You should’ve told me, I can call a personal trainer to help you out.” He finally lets go of me. “You know coach wouldn’t tell you this if it wasn’t a big team, we can talk about this later ok?” I nod not really agreeing with what he’s offering, this is why I didn’t want to tell him, he always makes a big deal about anything related to the sport. “Now go shower, I want us all to have breakfast together so we can break the news to your mom.”


“Mom is here?” I ask surprised.


“Yeah she got here last night, now, go shower please.” He pushes me towards the staircase.


“Alright, alright, I’m going.”


As soon as I step into my room I take off my soaked hoodie throwing it to the corner and proceed to take a seat on the desk chair to catch my breath in peace, I rest my arms on my legs making drops of sweat mixed with the rain fall on me as I let myself breathe heavily and relax for one moment before I have to go down and meet the folks.


Lifting my head up I’m welcomed by the sight of my messy room and I feel very glad Irene isn’t the type to drop by unannounced, there are some empty cans of soda on the desk next to empty bags of chips and candy, the floor is worse, filled with clothes and crumpled papers, and of course there’s the messy untouched bed to my side. I sigh disappointed taking a hold of a can and throwing it to the trash can next to the door. “Three points.” I smile at the perfect shot, and proceed to do the same with the rest.


Effective cleaning.


Irene’s room is so clean and proper in comparison to mine, always smelling sweet giving you this cozy homely feeling, while mine is decorated with the team’s logo everywhere, from the bed sheets to the black and orange bear’s flag hanging on the wall and the mess on every corner.


“I should really clean if I’m serious about making her come here when she’s Yeri free.” I think while looking at the mess. ”We could use some privacy.” An excited grin forms on my face remembering Irene’s antics on that stormy day.


“Clearly she wants it too.” I say while stretching my arms upwards, the thought of it turns my mood around fast, I should really clean if I’m serious about making her come here when she’s Yeri free. Suddenly I don’t feel as tired.


I stand up from the chair feeling calmer and see the drawing I’ve been working on resting on the desk covered by all of my notebooks, I pull it out and smile at Irene’s silhouette plastered on the paper, it’s from a picture I took while she was napping tiredly, the shape of her waist curve plastered on the paper makes me uncounciously bite my lips, I’ve been working on this so hard and still it’s not finished for the day I need it. “Such a shame.” I mutter putting the notebooks right on top of it again and go grab my towel, maybe it’s for the best, this seems like too much, even for me.


Twenty minutes later I’m finally ready to have breakfast following the very rare smell of homemade food, I smile seeing my mom seated on the dining table working on her laptop, she’s been working really hard these past months and we rarely have time to sit and eat together.


“Good morning, mom.” I chirp surprising the woman. “I didn’t know you were coming home yesterday, I’d have waited for you.” I say to her pouting my apology making her smile.


“Good morning, pumpkin, it was kind of last minute.” She explains while closing her laptop. “The case is doing so well I didn’t have to stay as much as planned.” I nod taking a seat across her on the table.


“Well, I’m glad.” I grin genuinely happy about having her here today. “What are you making us, dad?” I turn to the man busy with the stove, he throws me a quick glare and hums disappointed.


“I had big plans…” He says walking to the table and pouring scrambled eggs on my mom’s plate. “Maybe something traditional for your mom and I.” He pours her some coffee as well. “Some special pancakes for you because I thought you deserved it.” He puts the jar down and playfully hits the back of my head with a kitchen towel catching me off guard. “But someone here doesn’t like to do groceries!” I grin bashfully at him and shrug.


“I don’t cook.” I say serving some eggs for myself. “I wouldn't even know what to buy, you get it, right mom?” She nods understanding, of course she does, the woman doesn’t know how to cook either.


“If you think about it she’s being responsible.” She defends me. “She could burn the house down, Darling.” I can’t even pretend to be offended by that, it is the truth, but Wendy’s house was the one that almost got burned down last time I tried learning how to cook something.


“How can you screw up pancakes?!” Wendy had screamed while we watched the pan get on fire in front of us, luckily her mom was there to save us, she made me promise I wouldn’t ever try again without supervision.


That was the end of project pancake and my wish to surprise Irene with a homemade breakfast on our first proper night together.


Maybe I should take a class.


“Don’t defend your precious baby.” He hits me with the towel again making us both laugh. “I sent you a shopping list yesterday!”


“Did you really?” I take out my phone and look for his messages not believing a word he just said but it’s there, a big shopping list and a cute message saying he’s looking forward for us having breakfast together as a family. “Oops?” He’s not really mad, he can’t be, we never have breakfast together, this isn’t some normal thing for us.


“Sorry pumpkin, seems like you lost the case.” She says taking a bite of her eggs, dad eyes twinkle with a joke obviously ready to be said.


I brace myself for whatever it is.


“The jury, find the defendant, Kang Seulgi, to be guilty of the charge of disappointing her own father.” I roll my eyes at dad using his judge voice for this.


“You’re really lame you know that?” He ignores me and goes over to my mom to kiss her cheek lovingly making all the women on the table smile happily, when he turns to look at me I pretend to be disgusted by it though. “Not in front of the food please.”


When was the last time we had such a blissful breakfast together like this I wonder, lame jokes, no rushing, no one looking disappointed and lots of talking. I can’t lie and say we have the perfect dynamics, they spend so much time working we rarely get to eat homemade meals or even sit all together like we’re doing right now, but when we do I appreciate it so much.


“We have some good news, don’t we champ?” He finally takes a seat after putting the rest of the things on the table. “Very good news.” He holds her hand grinning very widely. “Tell us, champ.”


The thing they appreciate the most is school accomplishments.


“Alright.” I say gulping down my orange juice to build some suspension while my mom looks at me expectantly. “I’ve heard from the coach there’s going to be recruiters on the next friendly match.” Their eyes light up in less than a second after my announcement.


“Do you know which team?” She asks very excitedly.


“Does it really matter?” I’m lucky enough to have a second chance, I don’t care what team is interested really, but if I say that out loud they are going to preach about picking the right one and all that nonsense. “We’ll find out soon anyway.”


“I don’t agree with that but I’m proud of you no matter what.” I can tell she means it, there’s nothing more she wants from me but to go to college and that plan completely shattered last year much to her disdain, of course she’s thrilled.


“It does matter, Seulgi, what team you pick is going to affect your future as an athlete, it has to be the right one, are you sure you don’t know-” There’s no reason for me to pay attention to his words, I’ve heard this same speech since I was a child, while my mom is really pushing for me to be a lawyer just like them, my dad wants me to do the impossible and become the very famous basketball athlete like he couldn’t be.


Speaking of things I want, not that anyone has asked me about it, my phone rings with the distinctive tone I gave to my girlfriend giving me a break from this torturous subject, without hesitating I open her message and smile reading her usual morning text.


Good morning to my amazing girlfriend.


Amazing girlfriend, I chuckle, that’s right, I can’t believe she hasn’t changed my contact name yet.


When I told her about the recruiters she was so ecstatic about it, assaulting my lips and jumping up and down, I think she was happier than I was, before I shared the news with her I wasn’t thinking too much of it, I thought hey they could still say no so why get excited? but my girlfriend managed to hype me up so much it felt like I had a scholarship on my hands already.


“I told you all of your hard work would pay off, honey.” She had said between kisses and wearing the biggest smile on her face. “You’re so amazing.” Her words mean the most to me out of everyone else, she was truly happy because this makes me happy, because she’s the one who saw me struggling the most, no other reason.


She’s the amazing one.


Good morning, beautiful.


I type back to my lazy girl, if there something she’s good at, besides getting under my skin, is sleeping until she has no other choice to wake up thanks to the very energetic Yeri.


She absolutely loves sleeping.




“How are things with your girlfriend?” Mom ask interrupting my dad’s rant with a knowing look while she sips on her coffee.


Am I really that obvious? The question does catch me off guard, they rarely take any interested in my personal life, normally I have to be the one pushing to talk about my girlfriend to them whenever I have the chance.


They don’t take the subject too seriously.


Not as serious I want them to be anyway..


“Everything’s great, she’s great.” I rush to say. “We’re actually going on a special date tonight.”


“What’s so special about it?” Dad ask amused.


“My girlfriend.” I say suppressing a laugh making him scoffs very audibly while rolling his eyes at me, mom on the other hand, doesn’t appreciate my joke as much. “But...I didn’t know you two would be here today.” I say grimacing bracing myself for another potential talk. “I’m sorry but I can’t cancel my date.” There’s not a lot of opportunities for us to be together like this lately, it does make me feel kind of guilty, but I won’t cancel my date.


Today is an important day.


I’m going to tell her I love her.






No, for long as I don’t chicken out again of course.


“Who taught you to be so cheesy?” He says visibly disgusted. “Anyway, it’s ok, maybe we should go on a date too, my beautiful lady.” Dad says kissing her hand. “It’s been a while since I have pampered you like you deserve.” I roll my eyes at his shameless act.


“I’d love to.” She grins charmed by her husband’s words, I look at the sight fondly until they break their short timed hold on each other.


“So… no one is mad?” I ask just to be cautious.


“Why would we be mad? You didn’t know things would go like this, we really don’t see a problem here, besides, we like Irene, don’t we, love?” Mom shows him a small playful scowl, despite everything, she has warmed up to her, a lot, she likes to deny it to have the upper hand with me but she doesn’t scoff or roll her eyes when I name her anymore.


Hard to argue with my resent academic changes and performance on the basketball court.


“Yes, yes, we like Irene.” She admits mumbling her words.


“Wait until you meet her, you’re going to love her.” I say grinning genuinely happy about this normal nonconfrontational conversation about my girlfriend. “Speaking of meeting her…”


“Here we go.” Dad chuckles as he stands up to clear the table for us, this isn’t the first time I’m asking for them to do this but today I have something under my sleeve.


“I know you’re both busy right now but I really want us all to have dinner or something together, please? Mom, Irene is really important to me and I want my family to have a nice relationship with her.. Just as I’m lucky to have a nice relationship with hers.”


“Seulgi...” She says very seriously.


“No, listen, I’ve been good, my grades are up, I might even get another scholarship soon! Just like you want! I’ve been working really hard and it’s all because of Irene, she’s really important to me, I love-” It comes out as very casual but my eyes instantly drop down to the table after seeing her brows shot up surprised and hearing my dad drop the dishes on the sink.


I guess I haven’t said that out loud to anyone like this before.


Not counting all the times I’ve said it in front of the mirror for practice of course.


“Yes, that’s true, this girl has been a good influence on you, I don’t know how she does it can’t be denied.” Dad says directly to the woman seated across me and then goes back to his task. “That girl is a catch.” He turns around to show me a discreet thumbs up.


“Yeah, that’s right.” I mumble moving past the embarrassment of almost telling my parents I’m in love with my girlfriend and go back to giving my mom my best puppy eyes. “Mom..this is really important for me, can we, please? I really want you to really meet her.” She stares at me completely silent resting her chin on her hands.


“Ok.” She smiles. “You’re right, you deserve it.”


“Wait… Seriously?!” The genuine shock makes me stand up from my chair and run to hug her very tightly. “Thank you, thank you.” I repeat over and over again as I give her cheek little kisses, she accepts my gratitude putting her hands in top of my arms and laughing wholeheartedly. “You’re the best.”


“Yes, seriously.” She kisses my cheek back. “I’m really interested in meeting this girl that seems to be such a good influence on you.” She explains as I let go of our embrace and take a seat next to her.


“I’m eager to meet her too.” My dad says from the sink. “I’d like to ask her what exactly does she sees in you because let’s face it, she’s way too good for you.” He takes a shot at me and we both laugh about it, mom on the other hand, doesn’t appreciate it and glare at his back.


He isn’t wrong.


“When?” I ask excited.


Irene has been cooking this idea in her mind that my family hates her, truly ridiculous, unreasonable, completely impossible, there’s no way someone could hate this girl, if anything, if someone were to be hated in this relationship, it should be me but thankfully for us her mom is a really cool woman.


Ok, yes, my mom was a little bit hard on her at first but it was only because she’s not fond of me getting together with any girl but I can’t blame her after how I acted before, she was, or is, so disappointed for it, she was only afraid I was going to continue down this road with Irene but then things started to change, the turning point for my mom was for sure when she got called by the school to tell her how my grades had come up so fast and steady, she asked me about it and I said it was all thanks to my girlfriend.


“Let’s see.” She checks her calendar deep in thought making me even more anxious, I feel my dad putting his hands on my shoulders, he winks at me when I look up at him grinning happily, he has liked Irene since the very beginning, even before their awkward meeting, He knew I was getting motivated to do things again and when he saw her he put two and two together.


I think he was thrilled I was taking the games seriously again, nothing to do with her being a catch.


“Oh, I know!” My dad suddenly says while patting my shoulders repeatedly. “We were planning on throwing a barbecue when your mom’s case is over, you could bring your girl.” He leans on my ear. “Between us two, your mom here really wants to talk to her parents so invite them over too.” He says loud enough for all of us to listen.


“Well, you spend so much time at that house I’ve been wondering what kind of family they are.” Mom explains herself ignoring my frown, I don’t like this comment of hers but I can’t fight her about it, not today, so I brush it off as excitement overflows me. “It’s settled then, I’ll give a date as soon and we have one.”


“You’re going to love them, I promise, now if you excuse me.” Not being really satisfied with the breakfast we just had I go to take a bowl and a box of cereal back to the table. “What? I’m an athlete, I eat a lot.” I justify myself against their disapproval looks.


“Tell me about her parents.” Dad requests from his seat across mine. “You think Mr. Bae and I might have something in common?” He grins obviously talking about sports, that’s how he bonds with his friends the best.


“There’ Mr. Bae.” I explain not really comfortable talking about a subject that clearly bothers my girlfriend so much. “Her mom is really cool though, you’ll like her.” I smile fondly at the thought of the very hardworking woman. “Yeri too, she’s a nice kid.”


“Oh, what happened? Divorce?” Mom ask interested in the dad subject.


“I...don't know.” I frown. “Irene gets really weird if I even try to bring him” I try to not pry too much about it, if Irene doesn’t want to talk about it I’m not going to force it, we can act like he doesn’t exist if it makes her feel better.


“A touchy subject I see, we’ll make sure to not bring it up during our meeting.” My mom says very understandingly looking a little bit sad.


“Thank you.”


“Well, she’ll tell you when she’s ready.” She advises me and I nod in agreement, I do wonder about the man whereabouts everytime Irene needs my help because she gets so busy or needs to be driven somewhere, I can’t lie, but I can wait. “Change of subject?” She offers noticing the mood turning sour. “What are you two doing tonight?”


“Oh yeah.” I grin going back to being excited again thinking about our plans. “I’m taking her out for dinner to a nice place and a walk around town maybe.” I say not getting too deep into my plans, they don’t need to know why tonight is such an important date and I doubt they care.


“You got money?” Dad ask squinting his eyes at me. “You know what? Wait here.” He stands up and leaves the room, mom and I look at each other questioningly waiting for the man to get back, and he does minutes later holding a card between his fingers. “Let her order whatever she wants.” He handles me his credit card.


“Why? Wait no, don’t question it, Seulgi.” I say to myself accepting the card and pocket it right away before he or mom has a chance to take it back. “Thank you.” I say happy to finally have it back, he had taken it from me after I bought some, admittedly, expensive shoes without his permission.


“You earned it.” He shrugs. “Wait… No, Irene did, she earned a nice date.”




“How can you so much at a game you play every day?” I ask Wendy with my eyes glued on the screen watching her get killed once again. “Don’t you get tired of losing?”


“Wow, yes, three victories out of ten games, when are you going pro again?”


After my parents decided to have a date day I decided to give them some privacy and ended up at Wendy’s place to pass the time until I can go pick Irene up, she bribed me talking about being responsible athletes and practice our shots but we ended up going straight to playing video games instead.


“Don’t get pretentious, I’m only letting you win today.”




Might have been my idea, her playroom is just too awesome, the huge TV screen, the stupidly comfortable couch, the air conditioner, everything about it is a dream, I probably spend more time here than I do at my own house, but that’s not hard.


That’s one reason, the other being I have a date, I don’t want to show up at Irene’s doorsteps being all sweaty and disgusting, not with all the effort it took to make me look as good as I do today. “Did you do Monday's homework already?” I ask after she blows my character up with a grenade.


“Nah, I’m waiting for panic mode to kick in.”


“What would you do if I told you I brought you the notes to copy it.” I grin catching her off guard and shooting her character.


“Did you really?” She asks pushing my leg with her foot. “Or was it a trick?”




“Damn, Irene turning you into a good student is the best thing that has happened to me this year.” She jokes. “Thank you.”


“She didn’t check it so...beware.” I warn her.


“I take my chances, you’re better than me at math anyways.” She says as she kills my character once again.


“For crying out loud Wendy, let me live.” I huff annoyed. “Let’s play another game already.”


“You’re such a sore loser.” Wendy laughs at my outburst. “You really can’t handle at something, huh?”


“I don’t at it!” I say putting the controller away feeling myself getting upset. “Whatever let’s just play something else.” I can hear Wendy giggling behind me as I look for another game, if she keeps winning she’s going to keep on mocking me, I can’t let her have so much power! “This one is new.” I comment taking out a street racing game out of the shelf.


“Yeah dad got it for me.” I nod in acknowledgment and pop the game inside the console.


“Did you play it already?” I turn to my best friend melted on the couch, the contrast between the two of us today is quite funny, while she’s wearing the most comfortable joggers and a grey sweater, while I’m completely dressed up, from my makeup to my whole outfit. Today I made an extra effort for Irene, wearing her favorite burgundy button down shirt paired up with a pair of black skinny jeans and my favorite and very new white sneakers is as nice  as my teenage self, with a closet only filled with sporty clothes, could come up with, I compensated with my well done makeup and my hair perfectly done in a messy bun, even Wendy had to comment on it when she saw me.


“I haven’t.”


“Perfect.” I grin and take my seat next to her once again. “Now this is a fair battle.”


“You’re going to at it just like you at every video game in existence.” She scoffs annoyed, she’s aware she’s better than me at almost every single one and enjoys mocking me with it like if it was her hobby.


We’ve always been the bickering type of friends, ever since we were children, no one ever dared to defy me like Wendy still does, she doesn’t take any of my crap lightly and is never afraid to speak her mind to me, this is why from all the people I have around she’s my closest and most important friend of all, we’re equals in every sense, as friends and in the basketball court.


“You drive in this game just like you drive your ugly truck.” I take a cheap shot at her when she speeds her car in front of mine very smoothly. “Dammit.” I mutter under my breath making the girl beside me chuckle.


“How can someone with such a piece of junk be insulting my beautiful car?” She fires back knowing exactly how to press my buttons.


“Piece of junk? My camaro? It’s a ing classic!” I scoff offended. “And at least I don’t look like a hobbit using my car.” She punches my arm in retaliation, yeah that was a cheap shot I admit, but her little antics costs her the first place. “Aha!”


“Your girlfriend likes my car.” She mumbles absorbed on the screen.


“Are you trying to piss me off for real?” I ask with annoyance very evident in my voice.


“She says she likes my car better than yours to be more accurate, ah yes!” Wendy celebrates her victory humming a happy tune rubbing it on my face while I’m left thinking why the hell does my girlfriend like her stupid Tacoma better than my ride. “Come on captain, choose another one so I can beat you at that one too.” She says grinning very smugly ticking me off even more.


“No, you’re right, you’re better than me.” I smile to the confused girl as I put my controller to the side and lean back on the couch comfortably. “Must be all the free time you have to mastering it while I’m either training or having amazing with my hot girlfriend.”  I grimace playfully and add. “Oops, sorry, I know you don’t have a girlfriend.” I finish and incline my head to the side pouting sadly.


“You really want to go there?!” Wendy raises her voice.


“No snarky comeback this time, huh?”


“You’re such a sore loser.” She says once again while shaking her head disappointed. “Your insults don’t change the fact you lost to me, again.” She goes back to her usual demeanor. “Want to play another round?”


“No, this game is stupid.” I mumble as I take my phone out of my pocket to check on my girlfriend, Irene hasn’t texted me the whole day, weird, pouting I decide to type another one hoping this time she’s going to answer me, maybe she’s just busy, she did said she was on Yeri duty today. “If it was your car against mine you wouldn’t have a chance.” I state as a fact.


“You mean the piece of junk that leaves you stranded at least three times a month?” She snorts amused. “Fine let’s go right now.” She jumps of the couch and fixes her long loose hair with her hands. “Or are you too chicken?”


“Hey, I challenged you first.” I glare at the girl imitating her movements flinching when my feet press on the ground.


Oh I hate jogging.


We get out of the room and walk through the hallways of Wendy’s huge house playfully edging each other on, I take sure steps to the door more than ready for this challenge, there’s no way she can beat me when it comes to real life games, but Wendy takes a turn and we end up in her kitchen. “Let’s have a drink first.” She offers opening the fridge and taking two cans of soda from it. “Here.” She handles it to me.


“Thanks.” I mumble.


“It’s drizzling still, we can’t compete like this.” Wendy comments absentmindedly while looking out the kitchen’s window. “Your is safe.” I scoff and chug the contents of the cold can. “Want something to eat?”


“No, I ate before coming here but thanks.” I excuse myself carefully, whenever I come here Wendy makes me eat a ton of normal food as she calls it, she really hates my bad eating habits. “I’m taking Irene to this nice restaurant, it would be bad if I spoil my appetite.” I add when she throws a glare at my direction.


“Ah, right, you got a date today.” She looks at me up and down as she drinks from her can. “What are you two doing, did you end up booking that room you wanted?”


“Oh no.” I grim bashfully. “It’s not that kind of date, that’s a plan for another time, today is an especial day, I can’t ruin it by know.”


“I know alright.”


“Shut up.”


“Make sure to make her eat a lot.” She says shaking her head. “Or did Irene stopped her ridiculous diet already?” I almost spit out my drink hearing this new information.


“Diet? What diet?” I demand. “Irene is on a diet?”


“Oh, you didn’t know…” She says grimacing hard. “Don’t tell Irene I rat her out please.”


“What is this diet nonsense, Wendy?” I insist raising my voice. “Why does my girlfriend think she needs to be on a diet?”


“The word diet is starting to lose its meaning.” Wendy tries to joke but my glare makes her gulp looking a little scared. “She thinks she would look better with some weight off.”


“Why?” I demand gripping at my can.


“Um well… You’re not going to like this.”


“Wendy, why?” She sighs dejected and shows me a pained expression.


“Because she thinks she has to be a skinny as Krystal?” She says very cautiously bracing herself for my reaction and with good reason, there’s no way I can take this information lightly. “She probably got over it already, you’re always taking her to eat fast food, no?” This does calm me down a bit but the root of the problem is still very present.


“She doesn’t need to look like anyone else, why does she think this?” I say confused. “She’s the hottest girl I’ve ever seen!” Since when has she been thinking like this I wonder? How didn’t I notice my girlfriend being insecure over my ex?


Haven’t I told her how much I love everything about her already?


She shouldn’t be comparing herself to her, there’s no competition in my eyes.


Irene is so much better in every single aspect.


“She’s very nice to look at.” I shot her another glare. “You, I mean, for you to look at.”


“I don’t like this, Wendy, I have to talk about this with her.” The thought of her comparing herself to this girl is...infuriating. I don’t want her thinking that’s what I like, Irene’s heavenly shaped body is one of the things I love the most about her, and that paired up with her angelic face? Such a killer combo.


If she loses weight her legs could disappear, her whole...


“She could lose her very perfect !”


“Ok, I don’t know how to respond to that.”


“She can’t lose her ! I refuse! I love it too much.”




“I refuse to let that happen!”


“And how do you plan to do that? You can’t tell her you know why she did it.. Or is doing it, it’s going to make her more insecure.”


“That’s true…” I say falling silent deep in thought. “I’ll have to show her then.” I grin looking over at Wendy mischievously. “I’ll show her just how much I love her body.”


“Ugh, please, spare me the details.”


“Are you sure? You could learn a thing or two.” She sighs again this time completely over the subject.


“Please don’t bring this up tonight during the date? You might ruin it.”


“I won’t let anything ruin our night, don’t worry.”


“Anyways...what's so special about tonight? I ask already dreading the answer.” She narrates her inner thoughts sighing dramatically ready to end this awkward subject.


Ah that’s right.


Wendy doesn’t know about my problem saying I love you to Irene, I kept it hidden out of embarrassment, I consider telling my best friend about it while sipping my drink, her big eyes look expectant at me waiting for an answer and it makes me smile inwardly, it might seem like such a stupid problem to bring up to me but I could use an external opinion and Wendy would never make fun of something troubling me.


This is the time to share.


“’s the thing.” I put the can on the counter and face Wendy with a serious expression but soon my words left me stray.


“The thing…” She pushes after only meeting my silence, this is harder to admit than I thought, I huff and look to the side finding it easier to do it without looking at her.


“I need a pep talk.” I confess. “I have this problem you see...I’m supposed to say something important to Irene tonight but...honestly? I’m having a lot of trouble with it.”


“Alright…” She exhales. “Come on, you can tell me.”


“...I’m planning on telling Irene I lo- love her.” I manage to say in one breath, my best friend presses her lips together keeping silent not showing any hint of shock or surprise. “So…” I push awkwardly begging her for an answer.


“That’s it?” Wendy ask a little confused.


“What do you mean?”


“Being completely honest here, I thought you two were there already, seems pretty obvious to me.” She says laughing softly. “This is surprising, never thought you’d be the type to get scared of something like this.” She adds in a serious tone. “What’s exactly your problem?” She crosses her arms on her chest showing interest in the subject.


“Every time I try the words get stuck in my throat, and believe me I’ve tried hard.” My mind goes back to all the failed attempts, the last time I got close to say it seemed like such a perfect moment to do so, the mood was set up, the courage was there, she was looking into my eyes in awe thanks to my little gesture with the medal, it was truly perfect, a moment none of us would ever forget, she could easily tell our children about it.

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1051 streak #1
Rereading!🥹 hope youre doing well author!
Chapter 44: Still waiting for your update, i hope you're doing well..
okay54321 #3
Hope all is well🥹
Andeulea_rv25 #4
Have read this a lot of times!!! Please come back soon authornim def need an upd i miss u and the stoorryy 😭
Chapter 39: This is my comfort story, I love it so much, please come back soon I miss you 😢
Chapter 44: i miss you author :'((
Kylie_123 #7
Chapter 1: Hi author! How are you?
Happy new year mate! I hope you’re doing well!
MichTae_ #9
Chapter 10: sana ol crush back