Chapter 34

Sweep Me off My Feet
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We find ourselves sharing the lunch break together for the first time since we started dating, which we never did before because we were afraid of becoming that couple that can’t be away from each other and pushes their friends away.


We didn’t decide this ourselves, apparently, it was Wendy who requested Seulgi to call us for lunch, because, according to her, she needs to see Joy, of course. My girlfriend told me this in secret, the new couple is still too shy to admit they want to spend more time together.


As if they weren’t heavily making out the night before.


So we all came to the rooftop to get some privacy, or to be more precise, to give the new couple a nice place to catch up with each other, there’s no way we’d get this feeling with their friends or even just us at the cafeteria with all the eyes on us.


They are friendly with each other although still a bit awkward, personally, I find it endearing. After hearing Joy gush about the girl all Sunday night and this morning I can’t help but see them with different eyes, almost like I’m watching my own children fall in love.


“Are you serious?” The shocked Joy says laughing away. “What did he say? Did you got in trouble?”


“Surprisingly I didn’t!” Wendy replies just as shocked. “He just pulled me aside and told me.” She clears “Next time be more careful or your mom might find out.” She imitates her father's voice “I’ll leave some beers for you next time.”


We’re all sitting on the floor eating our food and chatting like normal, it feels nice, I don’t even mind the cold.


It feels nice to have another couple with us.


“Oh, wow.” I also laugh hearing the anecdote “Sounds like your dad.” I tell to Seulgi who hums.


“It’s because he knows Wendy had a girl over.” Seulgi explains making both girls blush “He’s been pestering her to get a girlfriend already and stop playing video games.” She has to pick up on her friend, there can never be a moment of peace with these two.


The girls both look away from each other turning shy.


Again, like they weren’t all over each other while watching that movie...


“Oh my God.” Wendy says visibly embarrassed rather than upset, Joy also opens to say something but instead just blushes and turns her body away from us. “Shut up will you?”


“Hey, I’m just kidding.” Seulgi says between chuckles, shaking my head I raise my body on the balls of my feet to reach the girl’s ear and give her a heads up.


“Don’t be mean, they haven’t said the world girlfriend yet.” I whisper in her ear, Seulgi hums understanding the situation and her mistake dropping the teasing.


Joy and Wendy both look at each other still blushing and smile at the other in a shy manner.


It’s kind of endearing really.


It pisses off Seulgi so much though.


“At what time is your practice again?” Joy asks the smaller girl while putting her hair behind her ear.


“It’s in the afternoon… Why…” Wendy clears and subconsciously scratches the back of her head while her eyes glisten with hope and excitement.


“Just curious.” Joy then says pressing her lips together.


“Maybe we can do something after school?” The girl adds with a trembling and nervous grin.


“Yeah… That sounds nice.”


Then they both look down shyly.


It’s so adorable.


“Oh dear lord.” Seulgi doesn't agree with me huffing annoyed, I have to gently elbow her ribs and glare at her direction as a warning to not interrupt the cute couple.


“Don’t be mean.”


“They are so slow.” She whispers back.


“Yeah well, not everyone is like you.”


“Well, maybe they should be.” She says exasperatedly. “Would save us all some time.”


“Honey, enough.” I kiss her cheek to calm her down.


“It’s just so dum-”


But Seulgi’s patience is saved by the bell.


“Come on, lovebirds, time to go.” Seulgi sighs relieved putting an arm around me leading the way. “I’m sorry but they piss me off so much.” I giggle at her complain “You’re joining us after school? Please say yes, I can’t handle them all by myself.”


“Oh so we’re going too?” I ask estranged.


“Wendy begged me this morning to join them if Joy said yes.” Seulgi explains sighing again “Please come with me? I don’t want to be the third wheel.”


“Sure but only for a few.” I reply knowing well I shouldn’t but not wanting to let my best friend down. “What’s the plan?”


“Look” Seulgi mumbles in my ear when we’re turning down the next set of stairs. “They’re holding hands.” She whispers.


“What?” I discreetly look behind us and sport the couple shyly linking pinkies as they talk about stuff. “They’re so freaking cute.” I whine.


“Ok, yes that’s pretty cute” Seulgi admits grinning proudly. “We’re going to a coffee place, you know, it’s quieter and has a better mood” she says hinting at the couple behind us. “We would sneak out early and let them be, they need real alone time to figure things out.”


“I like your plan” I admit probably for the first time since we know each other. “They do need a little push.”


“Tell me about it, I don’t know why Wendy can’t just say it to her? I told her to just come clean but she’s such a coward.”


“Come on, don’t be so hard on her, not everyone is bold like you.” I tell to the impatient girl. “If our relationship depended on me asking you out maybe we would not be together right now.” She chuckles knowing it’s true.


“Ok, yes, I just want them together for real already but I can wait.”


“Good girl.” I say hugging her waist.


“Am I a puppy now?” She says weirded out by my praise.


“Yes, yes you are.”


“How am I a-”


“Seulgi!” The girl is called as soon as we step on the main floor, it’s some of her teammates who are used to having the girl for themselves during this hour.


“What’s going on?” My girlfriend tightens her hold on me and walks over to her friends.


“Oh, damn, since when Wendy has a girlfriend?” Sana, who I recognize from the games says spotting the couple behind us. “You’re Irene’s friend right? I’m Sana.” The girl introduces herself with a charming smile.


“Back off.” Wendy growls, I giggle knowing already about the team’s dynamics and their never ending teasing nature.


“What are you going to do, shorty.” Sana challenges her I’m guessing to embarrass her in front of her future girlfriend.


“Enough of that.” Seulgi warns her before it can escalate knowing well the last thing Wendy needs right now is to be teased about her crush, she needs her little confidence to stay intact. “Come on, let’s get the ladies to their classroom” she instructs shortly.


They all follow the order like pets.




And weird.


I hug Seulgi feeling a little awkward, I haven’t really hung out with the girls outside of the court and even then is mostly me observing their weird goofy dynamics, I don’t really know what to say or expect, they do seem to be ok with me which is nice.


“I thought you were going to play with us today.” Lisa, another of her teammates, says walking next to me.


How do not feel weird with all of these eyes on them? The question lingers in my brain catching the people in the hallway glancing at us with curious and amazed eyes.


I must blend in well wearing Seulgi’s varsity jacket.


“I wanted to spend time with the girlfriend” she replies kissing my hair. “And honestly, even if I wanted to, I have this horrible headache” she complains while groaning, “it doesn’t go away.”


We arrive to our classroom way too fast for my liking, with the girls teasing Seulgi for wanting to spend time with me.


“You didn’t tell me you had a headache.” I say worried and pouting at her, I have to refrain myself from rolling my eyes listening to Sana call us adorable in a sarcastic tone.


“Yeah, it hurts here” she touches the sore spot “and I can’t make it go away.” She pouts wanting to be babied by me not caring her friends are watching us closely.


“Um, baby” I mumble blushing bright red “that isn’t that kind of headache.”


“What do you mean?” Seulgi tilts her head to the side.


“You-” I look at the girls watching us attentively. “ night you got hurt, remember?” She furrows her brows confused and I just raise my eyebrows at her urging her to remember the incident without me having to reveal more. “In the kitchen?” I give her another clue.


“Oh” Seulgi’s eyes widen as the incident replays in her mind “oh” she repeats louder this time with a bashful grin and an uncharacteristic blush covering her cheeks. “Right, I remember now.” She mumbles looking to the side scrunching her nose up clearly embarrassed for some reason.


“You two were together saturday night?!” Lisa whistles teasing the both of us. “Nice going, captain.” I blush at the suggestive tone.


“Oh, what happened saturday night?” Sana asks with knowing smile. “Didn’t know you liked it rough.”


“I swear to God-” Seulgi starts but gets cut off.


“We were at my place.” Wendy tries to save her best friend.


“And you didn’t invite us?”


“It-it was just the four of us.” Wendy excuses herself and I notice she hasn't let go of Joy’s pinky this entire time.


“Ah, I see how it is.” Sana grins big looking at their entwined fingers making the girl realize she said way too much.


“Sana, shut up.” Wendy threatens causing the girl to laugh while Joy blushes by her side.


“Oh” Lisa suddenly exclaims putting an arm around Sana and making her stare at the captain. “That explains the stupid turtleneck” she pretends to whisper in the girl's ear.


Seulgi immediately brings her hands to her neck.


“Ah, you’re right!” Sana hums staring at the startled girl leaving the very relieved Wendy alone “such a bold choice of outfit, captain” she grins, pointing at the girl’s clothes. I’m guessing Seulgi had no choice but to wear a black turtleneck under her jean jacket to cover up my artwork from the night before, it didn’t even click before to me why she was wearing it until this very second.


I hug the girl hiding my face on her body feeling embarrassed by the ongoing teasing.


“Huh, it’s called fashion?” Seulgi defends herself while she hugs me protectively and my mind wonders about the rest of the marks being covered by her clothes “not that you’d know anything about it.”


“Sure, whatever you say, captain” Lisa says chuckling “it’s always the quiet ones isn’t it?” She says next staring at me making me blush even harder as if that was possible.


“I’m going in” I say against her sweater “or you’re going to be late.”


“Um, sure” Seulgi says calming down “I’ll see you after classes then?” She asks hopefully.


“Yes, of course” she gives me a quick peck making the girls start making teasing noises in the background.


“ off.” Seulgi swears.


“Don’t swear.”


“Sorry.” She says with an apologetic look that makes her teammates erupt in laughter “shut up, or I’m sending you both to the bench for the rest of the season.” That does it.


I spot my best friend and her crush talking sweetly to the side while Seulgi takes all of the heat from her friends, they smile at each other shyly and finally let go of each other.


“Come on” Joy says grabbing my hand wearing the happiest smile I’ve ever seen on her.


“Bye girls” the players say as they assault Seulgi trying to pull down her turtleneck and reveal what was supposed to be our little secret.


“Get off you bastards!”


Joy and I leave the chaos behind and sit on our respective desks next to each other just in time, we grin at each other now finding the whole episode funny.


“What exactly happened in the kitchen?” Joy asks after the teacher tell us we can work in pairs for the day.


Lucky us, we haven't really being able to talk things out yet.


“Um well…” I stop doing my work feeling my toes curl remembering the moment “we were making out in the kitchen.”


“Big surprise” she giggles and I follow suit.


“Whatever,” i say embarrassed “we were, uh, you know…” I impatiently tap the notebook I'm working on with my pencil “and when we were very close to... move things further a pan fell on her head.” I cover my mouth to laugh as i finish the sentence finding it as funny as i did yesterday.


“Were you really about to do it in the kitchen?” Joy asks surprised. “I really don't know you, huh?”


“I was really drunk, ok?” I defend myself completely embarrassed by her teasing judgemental tone of voice. “It really got to me” i groan “it was like i wasn't myself.”


“Maybe it is your true self.” She comments softly “the side of you that acts without overthinking everything.”I groan rejecting this theory with all of my body.


“This side caused a big fight so I don't want it.” I say pouting.


Despite how well things worked out in the end I can't help but still feel a little guilty for making Seulgi think she wasn't doing enough for us.


I still can't shake the sad eyes out of my brain.


“What was the fight about anyway? You never told me” the girl ask with her curiousity being peaked by my words.


I open my mouth to tell but I find myself too ashamed of the truth and instead just show her a chaste smile and a small shake of the head.


“We are good now, that's all that matters” i hum. “Seulgi really is amazing.” I let out, i blush after realizing i said this out loud and quickly change the subject to something that has been eating me alive since we got to school. “But what about you and Wendy?”


“What about us?”


“You were holding hands.” I comment.


“Yeah.” She smiles shyly while looking down at the desk. “She also kissed me this morning when we met at the parking lot, just a little peck but still a kiss” she grins.


“Still a kiss” i grin back “you two are still kinda awkward with each other though.” I point out after watching them talk during the whole lunch break.


“I know,” she whines “she's so shy I hate her.” She rest her forehead on the desk huffing frustrated.


“But you like it” i giggling watching her lovesick antics.


“Yes, it's so cute, ugh” she groans “i hate her so much, that stupid idiot.” She keeps on complaining “it’s like we didn't make out the whole night.”


“You two were very drunk too” i conclude resting my chin on my hand, “temporary braveness.”


“Right... Can we get drunk again before going out today?” She jokes making both of us quietly laugh. “You’re coming too, right? Please say yes.”


“Yes,” i say amused “but I can't hang around for too long.”


“Oh come on, why not?” She whines like a little kid. “I know your mom has a day off, please, why aren't you gonna stay with us today? Don't be a bad friend.”


“Because,” i lean closer to her ear “i’m on my period, I'm in pain and uncomfortable.” Joy pouts dejected knowing she can't fight this. “I'm still going to hang around for a bit so don't pout at me.”


“That .”


“I’m actually glad it came today.” I admit. “Better know...the weekend.” I whisper the last part really quietly afraid other students could hear and figure out about my nightly adventures with Seulgi.


“I’m sorry but I don’t think that’d stop Seulgi.” Joy says snickering at my shocked open mouth expression.




Thanks to all the gossiping between us, Joy and I are unable to finish the work on time like we’re use to, instead we find ourselves hurrying to answer all the questions while all of our classmates take their leave.


Luckily for us, being good students gives us a little slack with the professor, he gives us ten more minutes to finish our assignment


“They’re here.” Joy whispers to me as we rush on writing all of our answers before our time runs out.


I look up to the door and spot both Wendy and Seulgi spying on us from the small glass window on the door, Seulgi waves at me but I return to my paper not having the time to get distracted.


“I’m done!” Joy says excited jumping off her chair to deliver the teacher her work, I groan under my breath seeing I still have a couple of questions left on mine. “See you outside” she offers me an encouraging gesture slightly raising her fist and leaves me alone.


My hand works so fast the quality of my handwriting starts to get compromised, but it’s worth it, as the teacher takes his steps closer to my desk I manage to write the last few words left.


“I’m sorry.” I hurry to say handling him my work “it won’t happen again.” I say with guilt in my voice.


“I know,” he shows me a caring toothy grin “you’re my best student after all.”


“Thank you.” I reply looking down at my hands.


The girls politely greet the teacher as he goes out the door while I store my belonging in my backpack. I stand up, grab my things and head out the door to greet the smirking Seulgi that is leaning against the door waiting for me.


“Don’t forget your jacket” she says stopping me in my tracks pointing at the garment resting on the back of the chair.


I turn on my feet in a hurry and I jog back to my desk, as I grab the black varsity jacket I feel a pair of familiar hands sneaking around my waist and a hot blow of air on my ear that sends shivers down my body.


“You’re lucky I’m always checking your ,” Seulgi whispers softly. “You got yourself into an….eh...accident?” She says very carefully.


The heat Seulgi’s closeness brought to my body it’s quickly replaced by cold, hearing the word accident in this context is one of the most feared things for every girl, I grip the jacket thinking of what to do.


“Cover yourself and let’s get out of here.” Seulgi says softly putting a gentle hand on my shoulder, I nod obediently feeling an encouraging squeeze, feeling too embarrassed to even try to speak up I use  the jacket to cover the back of my jeans.


With her arm securely placed around my shoulders we get out of the classroom, I avoid Wendy and Joy, who were standing right outside talking very close to each other, questioning eyes and dash to the bathroom with short but fast steps making Seulgi struggle to keep up with me.


The jacket it’s too big and thick to do the job comfortably, I must l

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1051 streak #1
Rereading!🥹 hope youre doing well author!
Chapter 44: Still waiting for your update, i hope you're doing well..
okay54321 #3
Hope all is well🥹
Andeulea_rv25 #4
Have read this a lot of times!!! Please come back soon authornim def need an upd i miss u and the stoorryy 😭
Chapter 39: This is my comfort story, I love it so much, please come back soon I miss you 😢
Chapter 44: i miss you author :'((
Kylie_123 #7
Chapter 1: Hi author! How are you?
Happy new year mate! I hope you’re doing well!
MichTae_ #9
Chapter 10: sana ol crush back