Chapter 20

Sweep Me off My Feet
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I can actually feel how my heartbeat is increasingly going faster by the second as I wave goodbye to Yeri, this is it, I take a hold of my own hand lowering to my chest feeling anxious already. “Well she’s gone now.” I say out loud watching the now empty street. Entering the strangely quiet house isn't helping my current state, I take a deep breath and take out my phone to check the time, Seulgi is still at her practice judging by the digits displayed on the screen, I stare at the picture of us and involuntarily bite my lower lip.


Seulgi, that idiot, she has being over excited these past few days, she tries to hide it but her big grin gives it away every time, that and her increasing public displays of affection every morning, even Joy had to complain out loud about it developing a new habit of pulling harshly at Seulgi’s cute peeking ears until she let's me go yelping in pain. I don't approve of it but it is quite effective I must admit.


I, on the other hand, have been feeling rather anxious through the whole week, not because I'm having doubts about my decision, I don't know what kind of witchcraft she used on me but I'm pretty sure I want to do this with her, there's no doubt in my mind about it, I wouldn't have said anything to her if I wasn't sure, my nervousness comes from another place really.


“Ah.” I yelp surprised by the sound of my ringing cellphone, a picture of a winking Seulgi appears on the screen along with the words. “Your amazing girlfriend.” I shake my head chuckling, she made this the other day and I still haven’t changed it yet finding her cockiness cute, I must be crazy.


“Hey babe.” I hear Seulgi on the other side sounding a little out of breath, weekend extra practices are just cruel in my opinion, she should be resting, not dying. “I just got out of practice.”


“How did it went, amazing girlfriend?” I ask pressing my back against the door, she sounds cheerful despite the obvious exhaustion, dummy.


“Glad to know you finally accepted it.” She replies between chuckles. “Um, I’m pretty sure the coach want us dead, I don’t know how Wendy is still walking.” She’s always vague when talking about it, maybe it’s because she knows I won’t understand if she gets technical with me, the line goes quiet after that and I hear her clearing , good to know I’m not the only one feeling anxious. “Is it safe to go to your place now?” She mumbles as if afraid of saying it out loud, I nod feeling shy and immediately scold myself inwardly catching on my own stupidity.


“Yeah...uh, Yeri already left.” I mutter while I cover my now warm face with a hand, I hear lockers closing and people chatting on the other line, she probably called me as soon as the practice ended. The thought of the still sweaty and over excited Seulgi makes me smile, why is she like this?


“Ah, alright, but I need to stop by my place first, is that ok?” She mutters, I hear the voices getting louder in the background. “Wait for me babe, I’ll be quick.” She says in a hurry trying to avoid her teammates from hearing our conversation, I sigh pocketing my phone and head to my bedroom.


Once inside I check myself on the mirror, I run a hand through my hair and take off my glasses, the plan is to act casual, like this hasn’t been on my mind since the proposal came out of my own mouth. A simple pink sweater and jean shorts is what I decided to wear, shorts because I’m following Joy’s past advice and the sweater is cute and hides the fact I spent all of my allowance on a underwear for today. “Can’t believe you did that.” I say to my blurry reflection. “Who knew you would end up like this.”


I end up lazing around on the living room's couch waiting for her to arrive, I wonder if it’s going to be awkward when she gets here, I mean, one thing is to let it happen casually and another is to put a date on it. But it did gave me time to prepare myself which is nice, and with the house all alone we have privacy and time to not rush things which is also pretty nice, I would hate for her to leave...right afterwards.


The time seems to pass very slowly, the living room's clock ticking sound is all I can hear even though I have the tv on and the volume is very high, I keep glancing at it wondering what’s taking her so long, why did she had to go back to her place? She told me this morning she had everything with her already, she must have forgotten something, she’s a little clumsy after all, always forgetting everything that doesn't have to do with basketball or something embarrassing I said to her in the past, she’s good at remembering those things.


My heart jumps out of my chest hearing the familiar sound of her car’s engine, I quickly sit up and fix my hair, I wait for her to ring the doorbell before slowly going to the entrance. I take a deep breath and wait a couple of seconds before opening the door for her, Immediately I smile meeting Seulgi’s eyes and the glint in them, she has her hair down and an oversized black and white striped sweater that makes her look ten times more adorable than she normally is. She smiles back at me and I can see her cheeks turning a little bit pink, mine probably look the same.


“I took longer than expected, sorry babe.” She looks me up and down and I catch her lingering on my legs, success. “You look very nice as always.” She grins while I look down at the floor not able to hold eye contact with her.


“Flattery already, huh?” I mutter feeling awfully shy. “You don’t look bad yourself.” I whisper reaching for her sweater but she steps back before I can grab it making me furrow my brows.


“Not only I brought sweet words with me.” She takes a single rose she was hiding from me behind her back. “I got you this as well.” She grins as my eyes widen in surprise thanks to the small gesture. “Are you ready to go?” She asks leaning in to place a small innocent peck on my lips, I look at her quizzically for a moment when she pulls back but she ignores me taking a hold of my free hand and pulling me outside before I can question her.


“We're going somewhere?” I ask a little confused, I don’t remember us planning anything, she turns her whole body just to grin at my direction as a response. “Where are we going?”


“We're going somewhere.” She sounds very excited about it. “You can’t ask where or what...or anything about it really.” She squeezes my hand and quickens her pace.


“Why not?” I ask now curious about the whole ordeal.


“Because...” She sings opening the car’s door for me. “It’s a surprise.” I get inside the car squinting my eyes at her, she closes the door and dashes to the other side but stops halfway in a halt huffing, she returns to my side and lightly knocks at the window. “Actually.” She mumbles looking down. “It’s going to be a little bit of a long drive.” She says running a hand through her hair. “And I kinda need to go to the bathroom first.” She grimaces cutely.


“Really?” I giggle seeing her shifting her weight from foot to foot.


“I kind of rushed here without making any stops so...” She says still doing her cute little jumps.


“But you went back to your place.” I say making her suffer a little bit more


“Give me your keys please.” I get rewarded with a cute pout and her cute whining, I roll my eyes and give her my keys, she takes them in a flash and dashes to the house as fast as she can, when she reaches my place she struggles to open the door making me laugh.


“Dummy.” I mutter feeling strangely relaxed now, I wasn’t expecting a date, it’s a pleasant surprise, with us putting a date on the event I wasn’t expecting romance, but this is Seulgi we’re talking about, I should’ve known.


Seulgi runs out of the house moments later, she suddenly halts her steps and I can see her what I’m guessing cursing under her breath before returning back to the house to lock the door, I giggle watching her run towards the car again this time without stopping, she quickly enters the vehicle and flashes me a grin. "We’re ready to go.”


“Where are we going again?” I try to catch her off guard as she removes her sweater and throws it to the back seat revealing my favorite button up shirt of hers underneath, this dummy, it works, she looks really nice with it like always.


“No uh, no questions.” She mumbles as she starts the car and we make our way to wherever we’re going.


“Can I know what we’re going to do then?” I ask instead feeling all the anxiousness I had this morning turn into excitement.


“Um, I guess.” She mutters. “Uh, we’re going to have lunch...more like dinner judging by the time?”


“So we’re going to a restaurant.”


“Hey! No guessing either.” She scolds me while I giggle. “And no, we’re not going to a restaurant.”


“So, we’re going to eat but not in a restaurant.” I mutter thinking about what she has under her sleeve.


“Stop thinking.” Seulgi complains by my side. “You’re pretty smart, you’re going to ruin the surprise if you keep doing it.” I giggle hearing the whine in her voice. “Here, listen to some music and stop trying to ruin my plans.”


“Alright, alright, I won’t ask or think anything else.” I say pinching her cheek. “I’ll be quiet.”


“You can talk.” She mutters. “But don’t ask about the surprise.”


“Can I ask you about your day.”


“Yes, that’s allowed.” She nods cutely making me bite down a smile.


“Ok, how was your day?”


“Tiresome.” She says in a soft tone of voice too concerned on looking out at the road. “I… I managed though... On the bright side I had a lot of fun preparing this surprise.” I place my hand on top of hers caressing her with my thumb. “How about yours, babe?”


“Hm, nothing much, I had to take Yeri to her practice and then wait for her friend to pick her up.” I say still caressing her cheek and smiling when she leans into the touch. “And that’s pretty much it.”


“Um.” She hums while scrunching her nose when I her earlobe.


“Are you worried about the finals?” I ask quietly knowing she’s been feeling the pressure lately, she doesn’t talk about it but I know she is.


“Well, it is the finals, babe.” She takes a hold of my hand and gives it a little kiss. “But let’s not talk about that now, right now we only have to think about our date.” She grins meeting my eyes for a short and quick second.


“I should’ve known you had something under your sleeve.” I say accepting the change of subject, I won’t pressure her and she’s right, today is not a day to talk about stressful stuff. “You and your weird plans, should I be scared?”


“It’s not anything big really, I wanted to do something special today but I’m not good at romantic stuff, still, I tried my best. Keep your expectations low though.” She rambles keeping her eyes on the road.


“Yeah I know, I’ve read your letters.” I joke making her laugh. “Thank you.” I whisper. “For always trying.” She glances towards me with her warmth filled eyes, I have to look away outside the window to avoid tackling her in a hug and causing an accident, instead I fill my vision with the sunny sky and the familiar road, there it is again, this overwhelming feeling it’s been invading me lately.


“You love my letters, don’t deny it.”


“I kind of do- wait.” I stop mid sentence furrowing my eyebrows looking at the familiar path. “I know where we’re going.”


“Shoot.” I hear Seulgi say with an amused tone. “I should’ve blindfolded you.” She playfully hits the steering wheel, she looks at me a couple of times before sighing dejected. “I thought it would be nice to go to the place where we had our first date.” She explains with a little smile playing on her lips. “You know, make that spot our secret spot or whatever you wanna call it, special place maybe?”


“You’re better at this romance thing than you think.” I admit feeling warmth spread from my chest, again, with me putting a date and everything I didn’t expect to get this kind of treatment.


“That gives me confidence.” Seulgi beams happily.


“You really need more confidence? Thought you were full of it already.” I as I lean to place a lingering peck on her cheek to show my appreciation.


“Oh hush.” I give her another kiss to her cheek “Stop that.” She giggles. “Or we’re going to crash.” I comply to her request with a lot of effort but not before taking her hand in mine again.


“When we came here the first time you were actually looking for another place, right?”


“That’s right.” Seulgi nods. “But this spot is actually a lot nicer, the other one was a lot crampier, which admittedly was the reason why I was looking for it in the first place.” She giggles.


“Of course it was.” I say amused shaking my head. “Why on earth did I went on a date with you that day?”


“Um, because I caught you out off guard?” She finally stops the car, she flashes me a grin and reaches towards the backseat.


“You did caught me off guard.” I admit remembering that moment in the locker rooms.


“That was the idea and it worked.” She says reemerging from the backseat. “Alright, now I need you to do me a favor and close your eyes.”




“Play along with me, please?” She pleads whining.


“Just because you said please.” I joke, putting my hands over my eyes. “Before we went out you said we were going to have dinner?” I ask curious about her plans.


“Stop thinking!” I hear her say besides me. “Let this be a surprise.”


“Alright, alright. I’m sorry.” I laugh picturing very vividly the pout that I’m sure is playing on her lips.


“Good girl.” I hear her opening the door and then I hear the back door opening. “I know you know what I’m up to already.” She says from the backseat. “But do me another favor and pretend you don’t.” She closes the door again. “Keep your eyes closed, babe.”


“I won’t look.” I say smiling. “And I have no idea of what you’re up to, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


“Sure you don’t.” I can hear the sarcasm in her voice. “Ok, I’ll be right back, gorgeous, no peaking.”


“No peeking.” I stay truth to my word covering my eyes with my hands while listening to the music playing inside the car to avoid the urge to take a peek at her, no matter how much I try I can’t fight the grin adorning my face. “Yah, Seulgi, you’re taking too long.” I say out loud hoping it reaches her ears, a couple of minutes later I hear her steps making her way back to me.


“Everything is ready.” She opens the door for me like always. “Keep your eyes closed, please.” She stretches the last part with a cute whine, when I step out of the car, she covers my eyes with her hands and proceed to lead the way making sure I don’t fall. “In hindsight, I shouldn’t have made a big deal out of all of this.” She says right next to my ear. “Now I feel silly.”


“Seulgi.” Now it's my turn to whine, I take the hands covering my eyes in mine and pull them down.


“There you go.” She says as the sight of the perfectly put picnic setting that welcomes my eyes, there’s a variety of things on top of the purple picnic blanket resting on the grass, from sweets, to drinks, to food. “Told you to keep your expectations low.” She says after a moment of silence, I turn around and tackle her in a hug.


“Shut up.” I command while cupping her face lovingly. “I love it.” She rests her forehead against mine smiling with pride. “I have a question though.”


“I didn’t cook if that’s what you wanted to ask, I wouldn’t do that to us.” She surrounds my waist with her arms.  “But I did choose every single thing with a lot and attention.” I shake my head and kiss her lips.


“No, that't not it.” I let go of her and turn my attention to the picnic setting in front of me. “When did you find the time to do this?” I ask amazed, I know she’s been very busy, we barely have time to see each other with all the training she does at school and by herself.


“I managed.” She shrugs. “ you like it?”


“I love it.” I reply honestly. “Thank you.” She grins even bigger hearing my answer, she takes my hand in hers and guides me to the picnic setting.


“Sit, sit.” She excitedly says pulling me down to the purple fabric, I comply to her demand making myself comfortable. “Want a drink?” She pours some juice in a couple of glasses and handles me one.


“Thank you.” I observe her while she rummages through all she bought, Seulgi sure knows how to make a girl feel special.


“On today’s menu we have kimbap.” She says showing me the box. “Store bought.” She chuckles showing me the store’s brand on the box. “Um, we also have tea and salad.” She rambles showing me everything. “Oh, for dessert we have something special.” She grins. “We have chocolate cake.” She lifts a cardboard box. “And carrot cake.”


“Really?” I giggle shaking my head.


“I passed by the shop after practice and couldn’t resist.” She explains while putting down the sweet treats. “I had to wait awhile for them to bake some more since they ran out of it when I got there.” That explains why she took so long to get to my place, this dummy.


“I really hated you that day you know?” I say remembering her attitude at the shop, the annoying smirk, the sleazy comments, her little lie to make me feel bad for her,. How we're on a date right now is beyond me. “You were such an annoying douche.” I but show her a warm smile, she knows I don’t mean it, the glint in her eyes tells me she knows.


“But that was after Wendy showed up, before that you were kind of falling for it don’t deny it.” She playfully winks at me.


“No, I wasn't!” I defend myself while she giggles and prepares a plate for the both of us. “I wasn’t.” I repeat feeling her teasing eyes on me.


“You so were, I had you since day one.” She says taking a kimbap roll and offering it to me. “Say ah.” I comply but not before throwing her a playful glare. “Don’t look at me like that.” She says taking a roll for herself. “Let’s not forget who kissed who first.” She finishes while she chews her food with a cocky attitude.


“...” I open my mouth to say something back but there’s nothing I can say to defend myself, it is true, I almost kissed her earlier that day too when we were hiding in that classroom. I take another roll and playfully shove it in to stop her giggling. “You were the one who had all those desperate plans and were constantly begging me.”


“I admit it.” She shrugs. “I mean, it worked, you kissed me first remember?” She teases me again, she leans in and pecks my lips lovingly. “Like this.” She kisses me sweetly placing a hand on my cheek. “Or was it more aggressive?” She jokes while she caresses my cheek.


“Stop that.” I whine caressing her collar, she kisses me again amused by my embarrassment, she’s right, it worked, if it weren’t for her insistence we wouldn’t be here right now and I wouldn’t find this attitude of hers attractive like I do know.


We keep eating without saying much after that, it feels nice here without the possibility of someone interrupting us, aside from the occasional car passing by, we’re alone here. It’s probably the first proper date we had in a couple of months since she has being so busy, I smile to myself and feel warmth spread through my chest thinking on how sweet she is preparing all of this even though she’s very busy with everything else in her life.


“We have a little more than a couple of months together which is like two years in teenage time.” She jokes while putting away the empty plates aside. “Any regrets?”


“Nah.” I shake my head while I slide a little bit closer to her bumping our shoulders together.


“So I’m not an annoying douche anymore?”


“Just annoying.” She pouts. “And you are a little bit pretentious and cocky but I should apologize for thinking you were a douche, you were never one.”


“That’s right! Never judge a book by its cover.” She teases me. “I hope you learned your lesson, Bae Irene.”


“I did.” I kiss her cheek, I look over the horizon and see the sun setting already, it feels like we’ve been here for a second but looking down to our now empty plates I know better. “I like it here, it’s pretty.” I say to her without taking my eyes off the orange sky. “Thank you for the surprise, my amaz

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1051 streak #1
Rereading!🥹 hope youre doing well author!
Chapter 44: Still waiting for your update, i hope you're doing well..
okay54321 #3
Hope all is well🥹
Andeulea_rv25 #4
Have read this a lot of times!!! Please come back soon authornim def need an upd i miss u and the stoorryy 😭
Chapter 39: This is my comfort story, I love it so much, please come back soon I miss you 😢
Chapter 44: i miss you author :'((
Kylie_123 #7
Chapter 1: Hi author! How are you?
Happy new year mate! I hope you’re doing well!
MichTae_ #9
Chapter 10: sana ol crush back