Chapter 1

Sweep Me off My Feet
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The morning started like it usually does, I fought with my little sister to wake her up and get her ready for school in time, we shared breakfast like we do every morning and I finally took her to school where I stood watching her until she was safely inside the building.


After that, I continued my journey to my high school where I was greeted by my best friend Joy, who eagerly asked me to let her copy my homework and like usual, I was unable to refuse so we both ran to classes when the school bell rang.


We had math classes.




Free period.


All in all a normal day.


Oh, how I wish it stayed like that.


In the last period, however, things took an unexpected turn in my boring school life. We were getting ready for the class to finish when the secretary's voice filled the small room bringing all the attention on me, oh I hate being the focus of attention.


“Miss Bae, Irene please report to the principal's office,


Miss Bae, Irene please report to the principal's office”


Being a good student with no record of getting into trouble, the woman's voice caused quite the outrage in the classroom, I could hear all of them whispering as I passed right by them while Joy questioned me with her eyes telling me she'll wait for me just as confused as everybody else, just like me.


Does it have to do with my scholarship? It can't be, I still have the best grades in all the school and I don't think I'm in any kind of trouble since I just come here to study and leave right after the bell rings.


Today being the exception, of course.


I tap the armrest of the office chair nervously waiting for the old man to show up, the thought of being in trouble invades all my senses, I hope it isn't about my scholarship. I need it.


I look around the dark office and it's countless basketball items in it, you can't be the principal of this high school if you aren't on board with all the sports activities we do here, it's why we're known, thanks to our one and only super ace.


The girl in the big picture is on his shelf, which is odd and creepy for him to have. Whatever.


“Miss Bae, thank you for waiting.” The principal makes his appearance, he shakes my hand politely and takes his seat in front of me “You must be wondering why you were called here.” I nod nervously gripping at the armrest. “Nothing bad I can assure you that.” He smiles caressing his mustache.


I exhale relieved. “What do you need me for, sir?” I smile finally relaxed again fixing my glasses.


“We are in a little bit of a pickle, Miss Bae. And we're hoping you can help us.” He rummages his desk looking for something,


“Of course sir, just tell me what I need to do.”


“Ah, here it is!” He raises a piece of paper and handles it to me, it's a report card, with terrible, awful grades. I read the name and almost laugh out loud, of course, it's hers, jocks are the worse because they just care about playing around. “As you know, the basketball tournament is going to start very soon and other schools are trying to get rid of our ace...” Actually, I didn't know, I don't care about sports.


He shows me her picture while looking at it like a proud father, is he aware of how disturbing his admiration for the girl is? What do I know, I seem to be the only one who's indifferent towards her.


“Players are obligated to pass every subject in order to play and as you can see there.” He points at the piece of paper in my hands with a sad look “She's not doing very well.” You can say terrible, horrible, or awful rather than not very well.


I know where this is going and I don't like it “Can't you just do it illegally?” Isn't that how it works normally? That's why she's always playing in the parking lot instead of class, or so I've heard. “Just write another report card with better scores.”


“Normally we would do that.” He nods agreeing with me, he has no shame I have to refrain from scoffing. “But unfortunately from here onwards we're going to have a supervisor to make sure we aren't cheating the team's grades.” Sweet justice.




“Yeah but only one has that problem.” He points at the paper in my hands again. “The others are doing ok.”


“Why are you telling me this?” I know already but I need him to say it so I can refuse and leave.


“I don't think I need to tell you how important the sports program is for all of us.” Oh please don't start numbering the advantages, please we all know them. “Thanks to it we have more budget for the art's program, the maintenance of the installments, we have a good scholarship program as I'm sure you're aware.” He says the last one slowly and I'm starting to think this isn't something I can refuse.


“Yes, sir. Of course, I'm aware.” I interrupt him before he starts drifting into details and our school history.


“Then you know how important it is to us that she does well in school from now on.”


“Of course.” This isn't good at all.


“Then it's settled.” He smiles standing up. “You're going to tutor her until the school year ends.” He grabs another piece of paper. “Here, have the schedule, you'll start tomorrow.”


“Wait.” I look at the schedule. “I'm busy, I can't spend all my afternoons with her.” I say raising my voice unintentionally.


“Miss Bae, it appears I didn't make myself clear.” He says still smiling accompanying me to the door. “This isn't a request.” He opens the door and pushes me slightly. “The school thanks you for your dedication and spirit, I'm sure you'll work hard to keep the scholarship program alive.”


“Of course, sir.” I mutter dejectedly going over to Joy, who's still waiting for me curious about what happened inside that office.


Joy waits patiently until we're out of the school building to bombard me with questions, she grabs me by the arm and drags me to the parking lot. “What did he tell you?” She starts. “What did Mr mustache want?”




“Did you seriously burn down the science lab? Is that why class got canceled yesterday?” I look at her raising an eyebrow. “It's what people are saying.” She shrugs.


“I didn't burn down the science lab.” I roll my eyes. “Mr. Choi wants me to tutor Kang Seulgi for the rest of the year.” I prepare my ears for the outburst.


“Are you serious?” She exclaims excitedly, I show her the schedule so she can get the details. “Oh my god, you're going to spend every afternoon with her?” She says amazed putting the piece of paper against her chest sighing dramatically. “How lucky.”




Kang Seulgi, the town's hero, single handedly put us on the map with her amazing basketball skills since she was in freaking middle school, our team is now one of the best in the country putting the focus on our little town.


Which meant sponsors.




That and all the things the principal said back in his office.


I might not like it but she's also very important for my own future, the school was more than happy to use the money for the sports program only but Seulgi's mother insisted, demanded and even threatened the school of not letting her play anymore if they didn't use the money for other things as well, apparently she's an academic who find studies very important, how ironic considering her daughter scores.


I do not like her daughter even one bit, it's not like she's bad or anything, surprisingly she's very nice and friendly, considering people worship her she's not as much of a douche as one would think, still I don't like her, maybe is the way she walks like she owns the world or the confident smile adorning her face or the way everything just gets handed to her because she knows how to dribble a freaking ball.


Or maybe I'm just bitter because she's currently making life very difficult for me.

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1051 streak #1
Rereading!🥹 hope youre doing well author!
Chapter 44: Still waiting for your update, i hope you're doing well..
okay54321 #3
Hope all is well🥹
Andeulea_rv25 #4
Have read this a lot of times!!! Please come back soon authornim def need an upd i miss u and the stoorryy 😭
Chapter 39: This is my comfort story, I love it so much, please come back soon I miss you 😢
Chapter 44: i miss you author :'((
Kylie_123 #7
Chapter 1: Hi author! How are you?
Happy new year mate! I hope you’re doing well!
MichTae_ #9
Chapter 10: sana ol crush back