
Under the Peach Tree

Mura, followed by her retinue, walks in the direction of the Grand Queen Dowager’s quarters to perform the daily morning greeting when she happens upon the King and his retinue appearing from the opposite direction.

Both parties come to a halt as they face each other. 

Chonha.” Mura grins before offering a bow.

Sejabin,” the King acknowledges her reticently. 

Mura holds her grin. She starts to ask him how he has been doing. “Have you—”

“Well then,” the King cuts in. “have a pleasant day.”

Mura’s grin dwindles. “Y-yes, likewise.” She then bows again as her husband and his retinue walk past her and her train of attendants. 

Mura couldn’t help but notice the King’s withdrawn demeanor just then. He did not seem like his usual affable self who always greeted Mura with a warm smile. She attributes this deviation to the King possibly experiencing an unpleasant morning. Nevertheless, Mura can’t deny her disappointment in the lack of enthusiasm displayed by her husband, given that they have not seen each other in over a week. 

But then Mura reminds herself that the King is still grieving his father’s recent passing, thus it is unfair to expect him to be in high spirits at all times. Hence Mura subsides her disappointment and resumes her walk toward the Grand Queen Dowager’s residence. 



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A few days later.


Mama!” Janshil bursts into the Crown Princess’ chamber gleefully

“What is it?” Mura regards her maid’s excitement quizically. 

“The King has sent word that he intends to come by the East Palace for a visit in the afternoon.”

Mura’s face brightens. “Truly?”

Janshil nods avidly.

Mura grins. Her face radiates with sheer joy at the thought of spending time with the King after the time apart. “Inform the kitchen to prepare refreshments for the King’s visit.”

“As you wish, Mama.” Janshil then gives her mistress a look. 

“What?” Mura asks. 

“Will you confess to the King?”

“About what?”

Janshil huffs an exasperated breath. “About your feelings for him, what else?”

“Oh.” Mura blushes at the reminder. “No, I will not.”

“Why not? Do not tell me you have gone back in denial.”

“I have not,” Mura assures. “I’m just… I’m afraid. Must I divulge to him my feelings? What if they are not reciprocated? It may forever ruin the current state of our relationship. And why ruin a good thing?”

”Do you truly believe after all the King has done that he does not harbor the same romantic affections as you?” 

“If he did, he would have expressed them to me by now, do you not think?” 

Janshil sighs. “Very well, then why not ask him about his intentions first? Depending on his answer, you may or may not choose to reveal your own.”

“But what if he were to deny any such feelings? It should be most disheartening to hear. Living in blissful ignorance should be easier in comparison. Besides, the lack of a confession does not denote a lack of devotion. I can continue to devote to and adore the King in silence just as ardently.”

“Or you could take a chance, receive a favorable response, and reap the benefits of a loving marriage. Imagine how marvelous it would feel to share the adoration and devotion with the one you love. Not in silence, but openly and freely.”

A brief silence follows before Janshil speaks again. 

“A greater risk often yields a bigger reward. Come now, Mama, pray, take a chance!”

Mura purses her lips and ruminates for a moment. “Perhaps I should wait until the mourning period has come to an end. It might not be proper to make love confessions at such a time. It should also allow me to get more familiar with my own feelings. After all, it has merely been days since I’ve come to fully realize them. It still feels strange to think that I am… in love.” She bashfully giggles into her palm.

“The mourning period does not end for another four months. If you wait a long period, I fear you will conjure up various excuses to not proceed with it. The time is now, Mama!”

Mura tsks. “Ya, why are you so invested in this matter?”

“Because I love to see two souls in love unite. What could be more beautiful to witness than that?” Janshil flashes the widest grin.

“The King and I are not characters from one of those romance novels you like to relish in.”

“Precisely! Hence I am even more invested. When should I ever get another opportunity to witness two lovers be in love together?”

Mura snorts and shakes her head.

“Well then, will you do it?” Janshil asks. 

Mura gives the maid a tentative look. “Should I really?”

“Of course! Without a question!”

A small and shy smile appears on Mura’s lips. “Very well… here’s to taking a chance!”

Janshil squeals and claps avidly. Mura laughs at her maid’s reaction while her heart drums against her chest at the prospect of love confessions.



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Mura waits in her chamber patiently for the King’s arrival. She keeps exchanging glances with Janshil, who stands to the side beside Madam Choi. 

“His Majesty, the King, arrives!” comes a thundering announcement.

Mura promptly stands up and takes a deep breath. The door to her chamber opens and the King steps in. 

Chonha.” Mura offers her bow. 

Sejabin,” the King greets.

Mura straightens herself and grins at the other. “Please, have a seat.” She relinquishes her seat to the King, as is custom to do for someone of superior rank. 

The King assumes the seat while Mura sits on a floor cushion across from him. 

“Choi Sanggung,” Mura addresses her lady-in-waiting. “Inform the kitchen to send in the refreshments.”

“No need,” the King says. “I won’t stay for long.”

“Oh, very well,” Mura says.

The King turns his attention to Madam Choi and Janshil. “You two may leave.”

The two attendants bow before treading backward. Janshil and Mura share a final glance where the former gives the latter a look of encouragement before turning and exiting the chamber. 

Mura then turns her attention back to the King and smiles. “I am delighted you were able to make time for a visit. It has been a while since we have been at each other’s company.”

“Yes,” The King says, expressionless.

“How have you been?”


“I hope you are allowing yourself leisure.”

“I am managing.”

Mura senses a similar taciturn demeanor from the King from days ago. She questions if she should initiate the talk. Then thinks this is as good of a time as any since the King does not intend upon staying for long. Her stomach tightens with knots. “Chon—”

“There is a reason for my visit,” the King says.

“Oh. What is it, Chonha?”

The King appears as if he’s trying to avoid eye contact. “I have come to inform you that after much consideration I have reached a decision to depose you from the position of Crown Princess Consort and send you away from the royal palace.”

It is as though a bolt of lightning has struck Mura. “I beg your pardon?” She murmurs.

“Let us face it, you are not suited for the royal court. I am not fully confident in your ability to properly fulfill the duties of a queen. Thus it is only fair I absolve you of such obligations now that I have the authority to do so.”

Mura lowers her gaze and swallows the stiffness in . “Is this what Your Majesty truly wishes?”

“Yes. I believe it best if you leave the royal court and return to your life as an ordinary noblewoman.”

Mura’s heart shatters into pieces, the sound of which echoes in her mind painfully, but she remains stoic. “Then I shall oblige your wish.” 

She then lifts her gaze to find the King staring at her. While his expression remains unmoving, his eyes… his naturally downturned eyes appear to swim with a hint of sorrow. Or maybe it’s merely Mura’s imagination.

They silently gaze at each other for a moment before the King looks away and clears his throat. “Fret not, you shall be deposed with honor, however, we must remain wedded as a divorce would be greatly looked down upon and it may place you in an unfavorable position in society.”

“Whatever Your Majesty thinks best,” Mura responds in a monotone.

“Do you wish to add anything further?” Baekhyun asks.

“No.” Again, Mura can't tell if it's merely her imagination or if that is disappointment cast upon the King's expression.

“Then I will proceed with the decree of your deposition. I shall take my leave now.” The King gets up. Mura mimics him. “I truly believe this is for the best,” the King repeats.

Mura thinks the King does not sound particularly confident in his own claim. “And I trust Your Majesty’s judgment wholly," she states. 

The King nods before leaving the room. 

Mura, unable to remain on her feet, sits back down; her head spins as if the axis of her vision has been skewed.

Janshil enters the chamber immediately after the King leaves. “Mama, what happened? Did you have the talk?” She questions eagerly.

Mura remains quiet; her eyes locked on the silver pair of garakji with carved-out peach blossoms on her forefinger. She wants to laugh at how, for a brief period of time, she allowed herself into thinking that the rings, gifted by the King, were  possibly a representation of the love he harbored for her.

Janshil’s expression drops. “Mama? Are you all right? What happened?” 

Mura’s eyes remain fixated on the rings as the sobs building in her chest gradually come out as snivels. Before long, tears flood her eyes before streaming down her cheeks.



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It appears that bad tidings come in several waves. Merely two days after finding out about her deposition, Mura gets news that Jongdae’s father, Mura’s maternal uncle, has disowned Jongdae once he returned home from imprisonment. It was said Mura’s uncle suffered great shame due to his son’s transgression. Jongdae had already been increasingly falling out of his father’s favor, and his most recent misdoings had proved to be the last straw for the senior Kim. 

Meanwhile, Mura’s deposition has been officially issued and today is the day she must leave the palace forever. 

All of her court dresses, ornaments, and any belongings that signified her status as a Crown Princess and by extension a member of the royal family have been seized, leaving Mura with very few things to take with her.

She begins her farewell rounds as she first stops by the quarters of the Grand Queen Dowager, who bids Mura farewell in rather high spirits. Mura then goes to see Queen Dowager, who appears to be quite saddened by her departure. She and Mura shed tears as they say their goodbyes. As Mura egresses the Queen Dowager’s quarters, she finds Princess Hwa-In in the courtyard. They exchange a few words before parting. 

Finally, Mura makes her way to the royal office to bid the King farewell. The toughest and most heart-wrenching farewell of them all. 

Mama, please, wait here while I inform His Majesty of your presence,” the King’s eunuch, Bu Samnom, tells Mura before going inside the office.

Mura stands in the royal office courtyard and waits for the eunuch’s return, which does not take long. 

“Apologies, Mama, but the King is preoccupied with an important meeting. He cannot see you. He sends his regrets.” Samnom offers a small bow in apology. 

Mura didn’t think her dejection could fall any deeper. “Such a pity.” She then presents Samnom with a small, empty smile. “But I understand. Well, I shall take my leave then. Be well, Bu Naegwan.”

“You as well, Mama,” Samnom speaks remorsefully. The eunuch is saddened to see the now-deposed Crown Princess leave. 

“Continue to serve His Majesty with loyalty and diligence.”

“Yes, Mama.” Samnom bows. 

In order to pay her parting respects to the King, Mura faces the royal office building and proceeds to perform the female form of a deep bow by raising and folding her hands on top of each other, keeping them parallel to her face, before kneeling down and lowering her upper body, then standing up again and bowing ninety degrees. She then leaves.

Once in her chamber, Mura composes a letter, folds the piece of paper, and places it in an envelope before handing it to a court maid. “Relay this to the King.”

“Yes, Mama.” The maid bows. 

Mura then gets up and leaves the chamber that she will return to never again. When she steps on the porch of the crown princess’ quarters, she finds her attendants with their hands and knees on the ground, bowing to her, to show their final respects.

Madam Choi then approaches the former Crown Princess, dispirited. “Mama, the palanquin awaits.”

Mura walks down the steps and begins her way to the East Palace gates, escorted by Madam Choi. She stops to take in the East Palace, once her home, one final time before resuming her walk. Janshil joins her, carrying a wrapping cloth full of her belongings. 

The court maid has grown so attached to her mistress that once she learned of the other's deposition, she begged her to send in an appeal on her behalf to terminate her royal servitude so she may leave with her. 

Even though Janshil had very little hope that the appeal would be accepted as the termination of royal servitude is unheard of under such a circumstance, she still wished to try her fortune because of her fondness and loyalty toward her mistress. 

Touched by the maid’s devotion to her, Mura obliged and formally sent in the appeal, and much to the delight of both her and Janshil the appeal was accepted by the King without any resistance. As of today, Janshil no longer remains bound to the royal court and thus is free to leave with the deposed Crown Princess, whom she will continue to serve as a lady's maid.

The King had initially offered Mura her own house to reside in after her deposition with a slew of servants tending to her every need, but Mura declined as she opted to return to her natal home. 

Mura, Janshil, and Madam Choi reach the East Palace gates, where a palanquin and its bearers have been waiting. 

Mura turns to Madam Choi with a sad smile. “This is farewell.”

Madam Choi bursts into tears. “Mama…”

“Why do you cry Choi Sanggung? You should be relieved, you are at last rid of this troublemaker.” Mura jokes.

Mama, please, do not say so,” Madam Choi speaks through her sobs. Janshil isn’t the only one to grow fond of the former Crown Princess after serving her for all this time. Though the matron court lady had been tough on the other at times, in her heart, she deeply cared for the mischievous Crown Princess.

Mura gives her a sorrowful smile. “I cannot thank you enough for all you’ve done for me, Choi Sanggung. Without your sage guidance, I would have fared a lot worse than I had in the palace.” Mura chuckles softly. “You reminded me so much of my mother that your presence allowed me to miss her less. Forgive me for all the trouble I’ve caused you. I had not been a good mistress.”

Hearing those touching words from the other, Madam Choi’s crying intensifies. “It had been a pleasure and honor to serve you, Mama. I am grateful to have served a warm and kind-hearted mistress as you."

Mura takes the court lady’s hands and squeezes them. “I’m pleased you think so.”

“Janshil-ah, serve her ladyship well,” Madam Choi orders the maid. 

“Yes, Mamanim.” Janshil bows to her former superior. 

Mura releases the court lady’s hands. “Goodbye, Choi Sanggung.” She then crawls inside the awaiting palanquin. She and Madam Choi share a final parting glance before the latter lowers the collapsible wooden cover of the littler. 

Mura gently sways side to side as the litter lifts off the ground and sets in motion. 

It was a humid summer day when Mura had first entered the royal palace at the age of twenty-four, utterly downhearted, for she knew her life was not to be the same. Now, a year later at twenty-five, on a similar summer's day, Mura leaves the royal palace; downhearted yet again, for this time she knows her heart won’t remain the same.



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Baekhyun sits in the royal office, blankly staring at its emptiness, listening to its eerie silence, and allowing himself to be consumed by a vortex of despair that swallows him little by little, painfully dragging him in with each swallow. He has surrendered. He has lost. In more ways than one. He felt so defeated, so weakened that he could not even muster the strength to say goodbye to Mura. It would have been an impossible task. He has already gone against the grain, against his instincts... his will. He had depleted himself to be able to send away the woman of his fervid love. Completely siphoned, there was nothing left within himself to draw the strength to say goodbye to her; to watch her walk away from him never to return. His already flimsy resolve would have surely crumbled and he feared he would have ended up begging her to stay instead. 

The door to the office opens and Samnom enters. The young eunuch approaches his master and presents him with an ecru-colored envelope. “This came from the East Palace.”

Baekhyun takes the envelope from his eunuch’s hands. “Has…” He swallows. “Has she left?”

“Yes, Chonha.”

Heavy. Everything feels heavy and it crushes Baekhyun; smothers him. “You may leave.” He tells Samnom. 

Once the eunuch leaves, Baekhyun pulls the folded piece of paper out of the envelope and opens it. 



Baekhyun’s hands tremble and the letter slips from his fingers. He inhales shakily which is then followed by an onslaught of tears. A pained wail escapes from deep within his throat, followed by another, and another. Baekhyun cries, loud and unbridled. He plummets through the vortex of despair with no respite and no end in sight— just a whirling bottomless void. 

Buin,” Baekhyun whispers. “Mura… my Mura.” He weeps and weeps. He aches. He mourns.

Baekhyun has loved and he has lost... all too soon.




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A/N: I'm so sorry! Please don't hate me :(



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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.