
Under the Peach Tree

A/N: Please, excuse any mistakes.




As soon as Baekhyun returns to his quarters following the dismissal of the morning assembly, he happens to enter into a state of commotion. 




Concerned calls addressing the Crown Princess fill his ears upon setting foot in the courtyard, while the said princess' retinue appears to be in disarray.

"What seems to be the matter?" Baekhyun bellows, deep and authoritative.

Having made aware of the Crown Prince's presence, the Crown Princess' servants-in-waiting all turn silent in unison and promptly bow to the Prince. 

"Have you all turned mute, suddenly? Answer me!" Baekhyun demands.

Madam Choi hesitates to answer. "The Crah--crah..."

"Speak up! I do not have all day."

"Ch-choha..." Madam Choi hesitates some more, but finally answers. "The Crown Princess has... has... gone missing."

Baekhyun's countenance morphs into a puzzled frown. "Whatever do you mean by it?"

"The Crown Princess isn't in her quarters, and there is no sign of her within the east palace."

"Have you checked outside of it?"

"No-not yet."

"Should you wait for an invitation then?"

"Apologies, Choha. We shall go look promptly."

Baekhyun's consciousness is taken over by anger, as well as, deep concern. Has the Crown Princess, perhaps, attempted to sneak out of the palace, and had successfully done so this time around? She is getting bolder, Baekhyun thinks---- to be doing such a thing in broad daylight. He sighs with frustration. 

"Wait!" He stops the Crown Princess' retinue. "Let us not cause a ruckus, as yet. I do not wish for this to reach the queen's court, at present. Be discreet with your search. If you fail to find her in the next hour or so, come and report to me, I will personally see to the matter. Understood?"

"Yes, Choha." The attendants say in unison.

 "Now, go."

The attendants to the Crown Princess scurry away in search of their mistress. 

Baekhyun turns to face his own retinue. "Go, assist them with the search." He orders. 

"But, Choha, we are to not leave you unattended." Samnom points out. 

"It is all right. Chaewoon shall stay with me. Now, do as I say." Baekhyun says with finality. 

Samnom reluctantly accepts the order. "As you wish, Choha." He bows before leading the other attendants into the search. 

"Choha, do you suppose not informing the palace guards is wise?" The bodyguard asks.

"Truth be told, I, myself, am not certain if the decision is the correct one or not. However, if the queen's court finds out, the Crown Princess may be faced with a dire situation. I'm hoping should she be found quickly without causing alarm, we can bury the matter amongst ourselves and prevent a likely harsh fate for the Crown Princess." Baekhyun shares. "Chaewoon, you must do something for me. I require you to investigate if any young ladies were seen leaving the palace and if their departure has been accounted for."

"Do you believe the Crown Princess has ventured outside the palace?" 


"Very well."

"Be sure to not arouse any suspicion."

"Yes, Choha." Chaewoon bows before running off to do his assigned task.

Meanwhile, Baekhyun runs off to inspect the walls closest to his and his consort's residence, which separate the palace from the outside world. The same walls he had found the Crown Princess attempting to climb over that one night. Who knows, he might even catch her in the act, again. He earnestly hopes, even if that is the Crown Princess' intention, that she hasn't or doesn't succeed in her scheme. 

Fortunately, or unfortunately, Baekhyun finds no evidence of someone having climbed or attempted to climb the walls. There was no ladder detected like the last time. Perhaps, the Crown Princess had exited over a different wall or has taken additional precaution this time around. Baekhyun deduces she could have had an accomplice this time. Attempting to sneak out of the palace in daylight is a great risk. An accomplice should make the objective more attainable. Could it be one of Crown Princess' own attendants? Perhaps a maid?

Baekhyun's temper turns more severe. If an accomplice is involved, he shall personally see to it that they pay for it with their life. But, what may happen to the Crown Princess if she had truly snuck out of the palace? Baekhyun does not even wish to torture himself with the prospect.

While traversing through the garden, Baekhyun comes upon the unusually large peach tree, standing wide and tall, in all its glory. He recalls the occurrence from several days ago when he had caught the Crown Princess from falling to the ground. She had seemed so cheerful then. Baekhyun had assumed she was growing accustomed to the court life. Perhaps, it was all a facade. Perhaps, inwardly, she had been deeply unhappy, which has driven her to seek some solace outside the palace. 

What if she had left for good? Had run away? The very idea sends a wave of discomfort to Baekhyun's spirit. As though her permanent absence may cause him to miss her. She wouldn't do something so grave, would she? Surely, she must have thought of her family, and the dreadful consequences they may face as a result of her running away from the palace, as it will be considered treason.

Overcome with mental exhaustion, Baekhyun decides to take momentary refuge under the aforementioned peach tree. The one-hour mark is due for completion soon. If in the next several minutes, he does not receive the desired news, he will be compelled to report the Crown Princess' absence to the queen's court. Baekhyun closes his eyes and leans against the tree trunk. He basks in the calm before the storm, while still desperately praying for a miracle.

As the Crown Prince sits under the shade of the peach tree branches, something, suddenly, and roughly, falls on his head. It's a peach. Baekhyun vexingly rubs the portion of his head where the fruit had come in contact with. It did not hurt, per say, just slight discomfort. Then another one falls on his head, and before he could react he hears a playful giggle emitting from above, triggering Baekhyun to look up. Lo and behold, who does he see but his missing consort sporting a playful smile, as she gazes down upon him.

"Choha, what brings you to my humble domain?" Mura asks, all smiles, seemingly unbothered. 

Now, one may assume Baekhyun to, first, lose his temper; second--- proceed to chastise his consort relentlessly; third--- interrogate her about her whereabouts; last--- ask her, what-in-the-name-of-all-that-is-sacred is she doing in a tree? 

But one would be wrong because the first emotion that occurs to Baekhyun is joy... joy of discovering that his consort hasn't run away. That she is right there in flesh and within his plane of sight. 

However, once he has, eventually, gathered all his faculties, Baekhyun begins to berate the Crown Princess. "Sejabin!" He roars. "Have you a clue as to the sheer amount of distress you have stirred up this afternoon? Where have you been?"

"I've been right here."

"All this time?"


"Care to explain as to why you've been sitting idly in a tree without the knowledge of your retinue? They have been running around panic-stricken, including myself, unable to locate you."

Mura lowers her gaze guiltily. "Is that so? My apologies."

"I do not require an apology, at present. I require an explanation."

"Well... what had happened was..." And thus, Mura embarks on a long tirade. "Choi Sanggung had been forcing me to read the guidebook for women... again! I had already read it in its entirety during my time in the detached palace. However, she insisted on I read it again because, apparently, I am not yet what an ideal Choson woman ought to be. That is all fine and dandy, but the guidebook is, at best, excruciatingly uninteresting, and at worst, completely offensive to the entire female species. It is truly such a torture to get through. In protest, thus, I had chosen to sequester myself. Although, I must add, I had only intended to remain in hiding for no more than thirty minutes; forty-five, at most. However, it is quite tranquil up here, which had a soporific effect on me and before I had known, I had drifted off to sleep. I was awoken only recently by your footsteps. So, that is the entire tale."

All that did is leave Baekhyun with even more questions. The main one being, how does one fall asleep, while sitting on a tree branch. Come to think of it, the Crown Princess could have easily fallen down in her sleep and caused serious injuries to herself.

"Sejabin, how could you be so reckless?"

"I'll admit, I am sometimes guilty of performing irrational acts in a fit of high emotions. Junmyeon oraboni had warned me that I may, one day, face dire consequences as a result of such actions." Mura laments.

"Whatever, please get down."

"Will I be punished?"

"You have caused a great deal of disturbance, of course, you must bear some punishment. Now, get down."



Mura shakes her head.

"Sejabin, I am in no spirit to humor you, descend from the tree, at once!." Baekhyun feels like a parent admonishing his child.

Mura shakes her head again. "If I come down, you will punish me."

Baekhyun stands incredulous. He's been married off to a child, it seems.

"Sejabin, I shall be rendered to use force upon you if you continually refuse to make your descent from the tree." The Crown Prince threatens.

Mura's expression contorts, as though she is about to cry.

Sensing the impending sob, Baekhyun becomes even more agitated. "No. No, Sejabin, do not cry."

Mura does not heed her husband's words as her face twists further. 

"I command you to not cry." Baekhyun states in an authoritative tone. 

But, it falls on deaf ears as Mura begins to weep. 

"Sejabin..." If there's one thing Baekhyun has come to learn recently, it is that he dislikes the sight of his consort shedding tears. "Very well, you will not be punished. So please, cease your tears."

Mura stops her sobbing. "Truly?"


"How am I to believe you? What if you are to retract your decision once I get down?"

"You have my word."

Mura goes silent momentarily, as she ponders over the Crown Prince's promise. "I shall only believe you if you come up here and sit with me for a moment."

Baekhyun frowns. "Pardon?"

"If you sit with me on this branch and share a drink with me, only then I shall believe your promise."

"You wish for me to climb up there?"

Mura nods. 

"I'm afraid I must decline your request."

"Then I refuse to descend from this tree," Mura states petulantly. 

Baekhyun sighs out of frustration. "Very well." He relents. If he must appease his consort, appease he shall. He proceeds to leave when Mura stops him. 

"Where are you going?"

"You mentioned you wish to drink with me. I should go and fetch some wine for us to share. I shall also use this time to inform your retinue that you've been found."

"No need." Mura dismisses before reaching behind her dangui, pulling out a white porcelain rice wine bottle and waving it.

Unbelievable, Baekhyun shakes his head. He carefully scales the peach tree and perches himself on the branch next to his consort. 

Mura greets the Crown Prince with a sparkly, toothy smile. "It is quite lovely up here, is it not?"

Baekhyun observes the surrounding. He does not see the appeal.  "You can't see a thing. The views are obstructed by the branches."

"Precisely. Makes for an ideal hiding place." Mura lets out a suppressed giggle. She then hands the Crown Prince the wine bottle. 

Baekhyun tilts the bottle over his mouth, but not a drop comes out of it. He shakes the bottle. "Sejabin, I believe it is empty."

"Really?" Mura is surprised by the claim. She snatches the bottle and inverts it to find the Crown Prince is right. "Have I drunk all of it?" 

Baekhyun thinks that explains much of his consort's current behavior. "I suppose it is time for us to return to our quarters."

"No, let us stay a while. It is so tranquil here."

"The servants ought to be looking for us, we must return."

"Forget the servants. Do you not grow tired from constantly being watched?"

Baekhyun contemplates. It can become tiring to be watched like a hawk, at all times. "But, that is the way of the palace."

"You ought to become a little audacious, Choha. Take upon breaking the rules every now and then, hm?"

"I am the Crown Prince of this nation, I am not afforded the privilege of breaking rules."

"Such a deprived life." Mura murmurs, which is followed by prolonged silence.

Neither uttering a single word; although not entirely uncomfortable. Baekhyun is about to suggest their return again, when Mura speaks up. 

"When we were mere younglings, my cousins and I would climb trees often and play around." Mura recollects fondly. "They were such happy times."

"Cousins?" Baekhyun asks. 

Mura nods. "Hmm. We all grew up together with varying differences in ages."

"Sounds like you were close."

"We still are! They're my best friends!" Mura proclaims with glee. "Although, at times, they tended to act like protective brothers. But, they were all I had in terms of friendship."

"And, they're all men?" Baekhyun queries.

"Mhmm." Mura nods.

That explains his consort's tomboy-ish disposition, Baekhyun infers.

"There's the oldest, Kim Minseok." Mura begins. "Thirty years of age and the only offspring of my mother's eldest brother. He's a hedonist by profession; spending his large fortune recklessly, having inherited my uncle's entire estate after his untimely passing three years ago. He may be the oldest among us, however, his conduct and boyish countenance do not reflect it, at all. In that aspect, people claim I take after him. Although, some of the things he partakes in...good heavens, I may never dare get involved with. However, Minseok oraboni will voluntarily sacrifice it all for the ones he truly cares about. Even if it happens to be his own life."

Baekhyun nods. "I see."

"Then there are the brothers, Kim Junmyeon and Kim Jongdae. Twenty-eight and twenty-four, respectively."

It seems the Crown Princess has decided to speak about each of her said cousins. Baekhyun regards it totally unnecessary for he has no desire to learn about them. "Sejabin, You do not need to share---"

"They're the sons of my mother's second brother," Mura speaks over her husband; too invested in what she's saying to pay attention to the other's words. 

Baekhyun decides to allow her to continue, as he finds he doesn't have the heart to stop her. 

"Junmyeon oraboni is the very essence that unites us all. A man of great wisdom, he is the arbitrator of our group and has the propensity to treat us as his children." Mura lets out a quiet chuckle. "On the other side, we have the younger, Jongdae." Mura mentions the name with little enthusiasm. "Everything his older brother excels in, he, unfashionably, fails at. He is quite vexing and unnecessarily brash. But,  there are some attractive qualities to him." Mura ponders. "Now that I think of it, I cannot find many good words to describe him with, therefore I shall move on to Kyungsoo."  Mura continues. "Doh Kyungsoo, also twenty-four, is---how shall I put it?-- the proudest. He's the smartest and he, much to our dismay, knows it. He's the son of my mother's eldest sister. His face is always buried in a book. He wishes to become a royal scholar. He's the most observant and when he is not busy with his studies, he has a rather nasty habit of getting into verbal spars with Jongdae. Kyungsoo-ah acts indifferent, but he adores us all deeply."

"They all sound lovely, with the exception of...Jongdae."

Mura giggles. "I am not finished yet. We then have little Sehun-ah. Well, he's not so little anymore since he towers over all of us, along with Chanyeol oraboni. Oh Sehun, son of my mother's other sister, is actually your age--- twenty years old. I partially raised him. Ever since he was a toddler, he had clung to me like a monkey, which was very much considered an honor because he was simply so very precious. The boy, still to this day, reveres me and I love.... loved to dote on him." Of course, since she has left her old life behind, she hasn't quite had the opportunity to dote on her younger cousin. "His unaffable countenance contradicts his true nature, for Sehunnie is the kindest and the most sensitive. He is empathetic to a fault and too naive. Characteristics, which the others claim, he inherited from me. They ridiculed me for it, but I say it is better to be naive than cunning. Won't you agree, Choha?" 

Baekhyun thinks before answering. "I believe a healthy balance of both is vital to life."

Mura pouts, "You sound like Chanyeol oraboni."

"Is that another one of your cousins?"

"Yes! I was just about to bring him up." Mura turns excited again. "Park Chanyeol, twenty-five years old. He is the son of one of my father's brothers--- the only one in our collective to come from my father's side. If I were to assign a single word to describe Chanyeol oraboni it would be---solemn. We grew up under the same roof, yet his disposition is a complete contradiction to mine. He speaks very little, and when he does, he keeps it concise. He is shy and totally uncomfortable in the presence of new company."

"He sounds a great deal like me." Baekhyun mutters.

"Pardon?" Mura voices. 

"Did you just mention he lived with you?"

Mura nods. "Chanyeol Orabni was an illegitimate son of my uncle with his lowborn concubine, who had, unfortunately, died during childbirth. My uncle had been married at the time, and even though, his wife did not have to bear the responsibility of raising Oraboni, she grew to detest his existence, thus leading to his mistreatment. Noticing, how over the years, my mother had been struggling to bear children and when she finally had, it was a daughter." Mura points to herself. "And not a son---which would have been more ideal for my father needed a male heir to leave his estate to once he passed--- my uncle had suggested my parents adopt his illegitimate child. That way, my parents would have a male heir and his son would escape his wife's abuse. And thus, at the age of ten, when I had been nine, Chanyeol oraboni came to live with us. And thus, we grew up as siblings rather than cousins. But, I suppose, Chanyeol oraboni is a bit of everything to me. He's my brother, my cousin, my friend, my guardian angel." Mura sighs with dejection. "Ah, I miss him. I miss them all."

Baekhyun sympathizes with his consort.

"Anyway. What about yourself, Choha? Tell me about your friends. You must have many."

Baekhyun shakes his head. "I do not have any." There is a faint hint of melancholy in his tone.

"That can't be true. Surely, there are people desperately seeking your friendship."

"I wouldn't know."

"What about when you were younger?"

"I have never had any friends."

Mura is shocked. "What about Prince Jongin? Is he not a friend to you?"

"He's my brother, but I do not believe our relationship can be regarded as friendship."

"No friends? You've grown up all alone."

"I wasn't alone. I had my people-in-waiting."

"You may not have been alone, but you must have been lonely?"

Baekhyun turns silent. He thinks back to all the times he was told to maintain a distance from his siblings for the sake of his own safety, in case, any of his greedy or conspiring brothers attempt to harm him. And, when he was allowed to socialize with his siblings, it had been done under the watchful eyes of his attendants, and such gatherings were extremely seldom, and not enough to form any kind of close kinship, as was intended for him. Even when he had sought some sort of propinquity with his personal eunuchs, it could never overcome the master-servant dynamic. So yes, perhaps, there were times where Baekhyun had felt lonely, but that was when he had been younger. He is now an adult, the crown prince, and far too occupied with more important matters.

"Do you wish to be my friend, Choha?"

Baekhyun's thoughts are brought back by his consort's question. "Pardon?"

"You do not have friends and, sadly, I do not, as well. Not in the palace, at least. Hence, I think we should become friends. What do you say?"

"You and I... friends?"

Mura nods. "I shall be a great friend to you. You shall have no regrets, I promise." Mura offers her pinky finger.

Baekhyun takes some moments before intertwining Mura's pinky with his own as an acceptance of her proposal.

Mura smiles, wide and dazzling. Baekhyun simply gazes at her, unsure of how to react. Should he smile back? Right then, they hear the calls of the servants. 



Baekhyun becomes alarmed. "We must get down, promptly!"

The two carefully descend from the tree and advance towards to their quarters. On their way, they meet the back of Samnom, a few distance away, calling for the Crown Prince. 


Mura places an index finger over her lips in order to signal the Crown Prince to remain silent. Baekhyun is puzzled as to why, but complies, nevertheless. Mura quietly tiptoes forward until she is right behind Samnom. 

"Guess who?" Mura suddenly barks into the eunuch's ears.

A frightful scream escapes Samnom's mouth. His legs shake before they give out and he drops to the ground. "Mama!" He exclaims upon noticing the Crown Princess, standing over him.

Mura guffaws at the eunuch's reaction. Baekhyun comes and stands next to her. 

"Choha!" Samnom cries.

Mura, still finding the entire matter absolutely hilarious, as she continues to belly laugh and ends up releasing a loud, vibrating snort in between her laugh. Baekhyun can't help but smile in mirth. The Crown Princess truly seems to be reveling at the expense of his personal eunuch, who is now back on his feet. 

"Choha, where have you been? We were growing concern."

"Let us return to our quarters, Bu Samnom." Baekhyun prompts. 

Samnom nods and follows his master and his consort, whose laugh has dimmed down to a chuckle.

As soon as they reach their courtyard, Madam Choi advances towards the Crown Princess, upon detecting her. The lady-in-waiting proceeds to admonish her mistress. Mura stands there with a petulant frown and takes it all. 

"Sejabin." Baekhyun interrupts Madam Choi, causing her to step aside. "Before we part, I wish to notify you that I shall have someone from my office arrange permits for your cousins to enter the palace so they may come and visit you whenever they please."

"Really? You will do that?"

"Yes. I had sensed how much you adore and miss them when you spoke of them. It is only fair that they should be allowed to visit you."

Mura bows in perpendicular with sheer joy. "Thank you! Thank you, Choha! Your grace is boundless!"

Baekhyun offers a suppressed smile. "Have a love day. And, please, refrain from any trouble."

"I shall be on my best behavior, I promise."

Baekhyun nods before walking towards his quarters. What is the matter with him? He should have punished her for her reckless deed, instead, he rewarded her. How is he supposed to run a nation in the future with such a soft heart? But, he had made a promise to his consort, and he isn't about to retract from it. 

Yes, the afternoon had started rather inconveniently, but all's well that ends well. At least, Baekhyun has now made a new friend. His very first one. 




A/N: Man, this chapter turned out to be much longer than I had expected, but it is what it is. Expect future chapters to be on the lengthy side, otherwise, it'll take forever to finish because there's SO MUCH to cover. This also wasn't my favorite chapter, but it served its purpose, I think. Idk, what did you guys think?

Aww, Baekhyun and Mura have now become friends. Are you looking forward to seeing it progress? And, another win for Mura. She can now have her cousins come and visit her :D

Also, I wanna take this opportunity to thank the people who are subscribing to this story and enjoying it. This story may not offer anything new or different, but it is kind of cathartic for me to write and share it with you all because this story has been gnawing at me since 2019. I was honestly worried that this fic wouldn't attract  ANY readers when I had started posting it and even told myself that I will discontinue it if no one shows interest. And, as expected, it hasn't amassed a sizeable following and it won't. But, I am truly grateful for the handful of people who are liking it. And, SPECIAL thanks to those who comment on every/most of my updates. It means a lot when I see you guys' comments, as it makes my day and motivates me to keep going. 

Finally, I wish you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! If you're celebrating, I hope you receive cool presents and get to eat all the yummy food. At the same time, be mindful of omicron. 

Take care, I'll catch you on the next one. Peace!



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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.