
Under the Peach Tree


Baekhyun enters the palace training field, accompanied by his personal guard, Chaewoon, to practice his swordsmanship. There, he notices Chanyeol standing guard on the sideline.

“I see you’ve been assigned to guard the training field today,” Baekhyun says as he approaches his cousin-in-law/royal guard. 

Chanyeol offers his bow. “At your service, Choha.”

“I should hope you’re finding your position here in the palace agreeable.”

“This humble servant could not have been more content.”

Baekhyun gives the guard a nod and a smile before striding towards the middle of the field, where he and Chaewoon pick up wooden swords and begin their practice sparring.

In the midst of the Crown Prince’s training, Mura appears on the sidelines of the field. 

“Oh, Chanyeol oraboni!” Mura runs to her cousin as soon as she notices him. 

Chanyeol bows to his royal cousin. “Mama, what brings you here?”

“I had learned that the Crown Prince had been practicing his swordsmanship here and I was feeling terribly bored. Hence, I had decided to come and witness Choha’s skills in combat for a bit of entertainment.”

The two cousins watch, as the Crown Prince— though quite capable with the bladed weapon— seems to slightly struggle against the more superior skills of his personal guard. 

Baekhyun huffs as they cease their training. “You have made me look quite inept, yet again, Chaewoon,” Baekhyun says not all too seriously.

“You underestimate yourself, Choha,” Chaewoon says. “You have improved immensely. It is only a matter of time before you’re able to best me.”

Baekhyun lightly chuckles. “At present, it feels like all but a dream.”


Baekhyun looks ahead to see the Crown Princess making her way toward him. “Sejabin, fancy seeing you here.”

“I come bearing a proposition— no, a challenge, in fact,” Mura says.

Baekhyun frowns. “A challenge?”

Mura nods.“I challenge you to duel.”

It takes Baekhyun a bit for it to sink in what the Crown Princesses had just suggested. He laughs. “What a preposterous idea.”

Mura grimaces. “And, why is it preposterous? I believe I have made many mentions of my impressive swordsmanship to you.”

“Indeed you have, however, it isn’t proper for a gentleman such as myself to duel with a respectable lady. I do not wish to bring forth any harm upon you.”

Mura giggles and obtains one of the wooden swords from the stand. “Harm me? These are merely practice swords— made of wood. I think I should make it out alive perfectly fine.”

“I’m not suggesting you may suffer a fatal wound; however, what if I were to, driven by my competitiveness, inflict minor injuries upon you?”

“Unlikely. Regardless, I do not mind a few bruises here and there, for I have endured many in the past.”

“And they shall remain just that— things of the past..”

Choha, do you perhaps doubt my prowess?”

“Not at all. I’m sure your swordsmanship is noteworthy… for a woman that is.”

Mura scoffs. “So, you believe I cannot best a man?”

“I’m sure with your skills you may have no problem besting a man who has never wielded a sword in his life.”

Mura huffs out an incredulous chuckle. “Ya, Chanyeol oraboni,” she calls his cousin.

Chanyeol rushes to his cousin’s side. “Yes, Mama?”

“Please, take the liberty to enlighten the Crown Prince of my skills.”

Chanyeol hesitates. “Permission to speak, Choha?”

“Granted.” Baekhyun allows.

“It is, of course, Your Highness’ prerogative whether you wish to accept the Crown Princess’ challenge or not. But since I’ve been specifically asked by her to inform you of it, I can confirm with confidence that she is indeed quite competent; even against the most capable swordsmen.”

“I do understand but—”

“Allow me to prove it.” Mura expertly twirls the wooden sword in her possession with one hand. She then spins around once while lifting the hand that holds the sword over her head and twirling it in tandem with her rotating body before completing the spin by grasping at the hilt of the sword with both hands and cutting the air before herself with the wooden blade in a diagonal motion. She performs the move in a swift and effortless fashion as a small yet showy display of her skills.

“Impressive,” Baekhyun admits.

“That had only been a morsel. Spar with me and you shall discover an entire spread of impressive things. Unless you are petrified of losing to a woman before your subordinates.”

Baekhyun scoffs. “What nonsense. Why should I be petrified? I have no reason to believe I cannot defeat you in a duel.”

“Then you shall have no reason to decline.” Mura pauses for a moment. “Come now, spar with me.”

Baekhyun looks at the Crown Princess intently. She’s goading him and it’s working. “Very well. Since you insist upon it so ardently.”

Mura flashes a victorious smile, and Chanyeol retreats to his post. The Crown Prince doesn’t know what’s coming to him, he thinks.

Baekhyun picks up his practice sword from the ground. 

With a few steps of distance in between, they get in their stances by facing each other squarely while holding the sword vertically with both hands corresponding to their upper bodies. 

They stare at each other in anticipation. While Baekhyun appears solemn, the corner of Mura’s lips is quirked up in a smirk. 

As soon as a guard yells ‘begin’ Mura charges at Baekhyun with a vertical attack straight across. Baekhyun is taken aback by the other’s impressive strength but he manages to block the attack. However, the success proves short-lived as Mura is quick to push down on Baekhyun’s sword with her own in order to create an opening for an attack before skillfully whirling her sword away from his to make the said attack. No longer having Mura pushing on his sword, Baekhyun tries to recover quickly so he can block the incoming blow, but Mura is quicker as before Baekhyun can do anything, her sword lands only about an inch away from his neck, giving her the victory. 

Baekhyun looks at Mura with a stunned expression. He hadn’t expected defeat so quickly. Well, he hadn’t expected defeat, at all.

Mura displays a boastful smile. “This had been too easy. I know you can do better, Choha.”

Baekhyun takes a few steps back and takes his stance for another round. Mura does the same. 

The guard yells for them to begin and again, it is Mura, who advances towards Baekhyun with an attack. Baekhyun blocks it. He then blocks the following one and the one after that, as he does the subsequent ones. Mura keeps advancing forward with attacks and Baekhyun keeps responding by retreating and blocking her cuts.

Mura, frustrated, ceases her attacks. “You are playing purely defensively. This is no fun, Choha.”

Baekhyun simply feels badly about the idea of showing any sort of aggression toward Mura. “All right, all right.”

This time, Baekhyun makes an effort to be more offensive but hardly. During a particular exchange, his attempt at a strike is thwarted by Mura as she manages to parry his efforts and seals a victory for herself by tapping the tip of the sword against Baekhyun’s head. 

“Ow,” Baekhyun utters from the slight pain the contact causes. 

Mura giggles. “You are still holding back. I can sense it.”

“You are asking for my very best, is that it?” Baekhyun sounds vexed, not appreciating being the subject of the Crown Princess’ mockery.

“Of course. That is precisely what I’ve been asking for all along.”

“Fine, then that is what you shall get.”

They begin another round and this time Baekhyun truly does take it more seriously, as this time it is he who charges toward Mura with an offensive cut. She manages to shield the attack but with much effort before she is met with another incoming strike that she barely achieves to block. Mura tries to retreat to allow herself some time to recover, however, Baekhyun does not afford her the reprieve as he delivers yet another offensive move by lunging forward and ing the tip of the sword ahead and successfully jabbing Mura’s abdomen with it. 

A victory for Baekhyun. 

Baekhyun straightens himself and gives a smug smile while expertly twirling his sword with one hand.

Mura gives her own little pleased smile. “Now, this is more like it.”

Baekhyun his head with interest. The other, it seems, truly loves good a challenge. 

“How about one more round? The first one to disarm the other shall be declared the victor of this challenge.” Mura suggests.

Baekhyun raises an eyebrow. Disarming someone is quite a difficult thing to achieve. “All right, it is a deal.”

“Splendid!” Mura gets in her stance. “I wish all the luck to you, Choha. You will need it.”

Baekhyun smirks. “I’m afraid it is you who shall be in most need of luck.”

“We shall see.”

“Indeed, we shall.”

Mura charges at Baekhyun with all her might and the other evades the assail by moving out of the way in the nick of time. This causes Mura’s momentum to falter as her body dives forward at nothing thereby almost tripping and subsequently falling. But she manages to prevent the fall by using the sword as a crutch and leaning her upper body on it.

With her rear now facing Baekhyun, some irrational part of his brain provokes him to tap the Crown Princess’ buttock with his sword; which he does, and regrets the action immediately after.

Mura’s eyes grow comically large in shock; so do the spectators’. She turns around to face the man who dared to do something so improper. In the presence of others, no less. 

Choha!” Mura admonishes, looking positively offended. 

Baekhyun’s expression appears mortified. “My sincerest apologies, Sejabin. I do not know what came over.”

Mura grunts before swinging her sword at the man. 

Baekhyun blocks it. “I truly am sorry. Please, forgive my insolence.”

Mura doesn’t verbally respond, only shows her tongue mockingly before launching a series of attacks. 

Baekhyun evades and blocks each of them successfully. At one point, Mura attempts at knocking him down by striking his feet but thanks to his impressive reflex Baekhyun manages to avoid it by jumping up.

He then counter-attacks with his own moves, and just as he did earlier, Mura, too, evades and blocks his advances. 

The people present there, watch from the sidelines with great amusement, as their Crown Prince and the Crown Princess engage in this competitive back and forth dance. The clashing sound of wood on wood coming in contact echoes across the training field while their feet create rustling sounds as they sweep over the ground.

Chanyeol silently cheers for his cousin’s triumph.

During a certain move made by Baekhyun, Mura manages to trap the blade of his sword under her arm; much to the other’s dismay. With the blade being secured there, Mura’s plan is to grab Baekhyun’s wrist, place it against the edge of the blade of her own sword and bend the wrist over it; which should cause Baekhyun to experience intense pain there, driving him to release his sword, thereby disarming him. 

And, Baekhyun is all too aware of what is about to happen here. Hence, he tries his best to resist Mura’s grasp, but it proves futile. Mura succeeds in getting a hold of Baekhyun’s hand. She smirks at her husband— her opponent— triumphantly, almost tasting the victory while Baekhyun prepares himself for the defeat. However, the small celebration proves to be premature for Mura. In order to bend Baekhyun’s hand at an appropriate angle, Mura needs to shift her position. So, just as she is about to move, she trips on her skirt and takes a nosedive. And, as she descends onto the ground her grip on the hilt of her sword loosens and the sword slips out of her grasp. 

Mama!” Shouts the Crown Princess’ attendants. While others utter 'oohs' and ‘ohs’ upon witnessing the Crown Princess’ fall. 

In order to maintain professionality, Chanyeol keeps his expression solemn. However, on the inside, his disappointment is immense. His cousin had been so close to a victory.

Mura lifts her head, with a twisted expression on her face, and she smacks the ground with her fist. Her eyes then survey the spectators. While her own attendants stare at her with worried and sympathetic expressions, the attendants of the Crown Prince are seemingly celebrating their master’s victory quietly among themselves. 

Mura then sees a pair of feet settle next to her. She peers up to see the Crown Prince standing over her with a helping hand extended down at her.  

“Are you hurt, Sejabin?” Despite showing concern, there is a soft smirk being displayed on the Crown Prince’s lips. 

Mura puffs her cheeks and gets up on her own; disregarding the Crown Prince’s hand. Her clothes are now sullied with the training field grime; some of which has also smeared on her cheek and hair which came in contact with the ground; along with both of her hands. She picks up her sword and faces the Crown Prince. 

“It isn’t over. We shall go again.”

Baekhyun knits his eyebrows. “But we agreed upon it being the final deciding round.”

“Only if one of us disarmed the other. As far as I’m concerned I tripped and the sword slipped out of my hand. It is not the same.”

Baekhyun snickers. “The sword fell from your grasp, which means you were disarmed. So, as far as I’m concerned,” he repeats the other’s words, “the victory is indisputably mine.”

“But Your Highness did not, personally, disarm me.” Mura challenges. 

Baekhyun over his upper teeth. “Chaewoon!”

The prince’s personal guard comes running to his master’s side. “Yes, Choha.”

“You have served in the military, thus, would you consider your knowledge of duels to be an expert one?” Baekhyun asks his personal guard. 

“I shall humbly answer with a yes to your question, Choha.” The guard answers.

“Then based on your expert knowledge, would you say there is such a law in duels that prevents one from claiming victory if one had not personally been responsible for disarming one’s opponent despite the opponent being disarmed by way of their own error?”

Chaewoon's gaze flits up to the Crown Princess before dropping. “To my knowledge, there is no such law. Even if the disarmament occurred by way of the opponent’s own errors, one may claim victory, all the same.”

“And, there it is.” Baekhyun shrugs. “Might I add, in true combat, a mishap like the one you just experienced would have cost you your life. Semantics would not have saved you. I suggest you accept your defeat with dignity, Sejabin.”

However, Mura refuses to do so. “I was at a disadvantage. I should very much like to see how well you fare in a duel whilst wearing a chima1.” 

Baekhyun sighs. “Who would’ve thought you were such a sore loser. Perhaps, in the future, we may spar again, and perhaps, you shall fare better then.” He turns to leave but turns back again to face the Crown Princess for some final words. “And, and for your own sake, I suggest you be dressed in appropriate clothing before you decide to challenge me to a duel.” Baekhyun gives a patronizing smile before proceeding to walk away.

“Ya! Hwanjong, you coward!” Mura screams behind him petulantly.

Baekhyun stops in his path.

All present at the premises audibly gasp in unison. 

Madam Choi's hand flies to her chest as though she's experiencing a .

Chanyeol closes his eyes in recoil. 

Hwanjong is the Crown Prince’s regnal name. By palace laws, no one, with the exception of the prince’s superiors— the King, the Queen, and Queen Dowager— is allowed to call him by his name. 

As the Crown Princess, Mura ranks below the Crown Prince, hence by calling him by his name, she has committed a transgression. Especially, in the manner in which she committed it makes the situation even more inappropriate. 

Baekhyun turns to face the Crown Princess. “Sejabin!” He bellows. “How insolent! Where are your manners?”

“Where are my manners? The same place where yours went when you shamelessly chose to strike my bottom with your sword.” Mura retorts. 

Chanyeol cringes further at his cousin’s behavior.

A flush creeps across Baekhyun’s cheeks. He looks to study the murmuring spectators and everyone immediately goes silent and drops their head upon noticing the Crown Prince’s eyes on them. The prince then stalks towards his consort. “I do not think a friendly duel loss is grounds for disrespecting the Crown Prince of this nation and I most certainly do not appreciate it. I believe it is in your best interest to quietly retreat back to the east palace at once before antagonizing me any further that may result in my taking disciplinary actions against you.” He says in a quiet but authoritative voice.

Mura lets out a grunt before chucking the sword to the ground and storming out of the field with her retinue scurrying behind her. 

Chanyeol sees the Crown Prince sighing while staring at the ground. The latter then looks in his direction and their eyes meet.

The guard immediately lowers his gaze in fear. 

That does not prevent Baekhyun from approaching him. “Has she always been this bitter over a loss?”

Chanyeol keeps his gaze lowered. “I– I’m afraid so, Choha.” He then, surprisingly, hears the other laugh softly. Chanyeol looks up at him and sees a small smile on his lips.

“Your cousin is quite the specimen,” Baekhyun comments and chuckles again before walking away. 

Chanyeol is surprised by the Crown Prince’s reaction. He expected the other to be stewing in anger, but he appeared totally unbothered. Chanyeol isn’t sure what to make of it. He just prays his cousin will not be subjected to any punishment.


 ╚══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╝


Baekhyun hasn’t seen the Crown Princess in two days. It seems the latter has been taking measures to avoid crossing paths with him. Baekhyun thinks the Crown Princess is being unnecessarily stubborn over the loss of a petty spar. 

The Crown Prince, himself, isn’t angry with the other. Disappointed? Perhaps. But not angry. Frankly, he wasn’t too concerned about the Crown Princess calling him by his name. Even her calling him a coward, surprisingly, had very little effect on him. One may say many things one doesn’t necessarily mean in the throes of ire; however unjustified it may be. Although, Baekhyun has wondered how unaffected he would’ve been had it been someone other than the Crown Princess, and that in itself raises several other questions that he isn’t quite ready to delve into because they stir up many complicated emotions within him.

Baekhyun only wishes that the Crown Princess hadn’t behaved the way she did in the presence of others. Had she done it in private, Baekhyun would not have even chastised her. He would’ve simply some more. However, treating him rudely in front of his subordinates isn’t something he should tolerate, and he should have punished his consort for it, but he didn’t. Again, Baekhyun does not wish to delve into the ‘why not’ of it. 

He returns to the east palace earlier than usual after the daily assembly ends; choosing to forgo his early afternoon walk since he hasn’t been in the mood. There, in the courtyard of their residence, he finds the Crown Princess making her way out of the premise. 

Upon seeing the Crown Prince, Mura freezes. She hadn’t expected an encounter with him, as she has been timing her outings from her quarters in order to avoid such encounters with the said prince. Usually, he returns to his quarters a bit later in the afternoon. 

Mura bows in respect, nonetheless, before resuming to make her way out of there. 

“Are you still cross with me?” Baekhyun asks as the Crown Princess is about to pass him by. 

Mura stops. “Yes,” is all she says before carrying on. 

Baekhyun decides to follow her. “Won’t you agree you’re being far too stubborn about this entire matter?”

Mura keeps a solemn expression. “You view it as stubbornness while I view it as adhering to my conviction.”

“And, that would be?”

“That I deserved a re-duel.”

Baekhyun can’t help but laugh wryly. “I won that duel fair and square.”

“If your objective is to smear your undeserved victory all over my pride and boast about your deficient swordsmanship then I suggest you stop following me and go about our day separately.”

Baekhyun his head. “I wouldn’t quite call it undeserved. You being unable to maintain your balance during a spar says more so of your own deficiencies in swordsmanship than mine.” He teases. 

Mura halts to glare at the Crown Prince. 

Baekhyun stifles a laugh. “Very well, moving forward, I shall cease all mentions of my obvious victory over you. Now, can we return to speaking terms?”

“No,” Mura replies curtly before proceeding to walk again.

However, Baekhyun blocks her path. “Come now, Sejabin, this is no way to treat a friend, now is it?”

“What friend?” Mura says, stone-faced.

Baekhyun makes an offended expression. “Ouch.”

“Please, step away.”

“What if I don’t?” 

“I shall be compelled to do something that Your Highness will surely consider impudent.”

Baekhyun quirks an eyebrow. “Is that so? Then I shall dare you to do so if you have the gall that is— wait, what are you— ouch!”

The attendants of both royals gasp at what they just witnessed.

“Did- did you just bite me?!” Baekhyun says rubbing his arm, horrified.

Mura straightens herself. “I believe that is precisely what I just did.” She says with a straight face. 

“Are you a feral mongrel? What is the matter with you?”

“You challenged me, Choha, and you should know by now that I do not shy away from a challenge.” Mura gives a snide smile.

Behind her, Madam Choi is on the brink of collapsing. It seems her mistress has very little regard for her nerves, along with proper royal conduct.

Sejabin, do you have no fear of me?” Baekhyun asks.

Mura raises her chin. “No, I do not.”

Baekhyun huffs out an incredulous laugh. “Unbelievable.” He laughs again. “You– how dare– how can you–” He stalls, unable to finish his thought before beginning to laugh again, which is all he can do because it seems even the Crown Princess has become privy to the truth; which is that Baekhyun is too pathetic to actually punish her for her wrongdoings.

His laughter grows louder and louder until he’s laughing hysterically at himself. 

While the Crown Prince laughs maniacally, Mura stands there as the very definition of composure, though she doesn’t understand what’s so humorous about the situation. 

She doesn’t understand the strange confusing feelings the Crown Prince has been grappling with in regard to her, as of late. But it isn’t her fault. She can’t possibly understand what she doesn’t know.

Baekhyun, eventually, finds it in himself to stop laughing at his pathetic self. Staring at the ground, he nods at nothing or no one in particular before proceeding to walk away with no further words and a defeated demeanor. 

Looking at the Crown Prince’s gait, Mura begins to feel slightly sorry. Perhaps, she’s been needlessly unkind. 


Baekhyun turns around. 

“If you promise to not bring up the duel, as you have mentioned earlier, you may accompany me on my stroll.” Mura offers. 

“That’s quite all right. You may carry on without me. I wish to rest in my bed-chamber for a bit,” Baekhyun says before resuming to head towards his quarters. He has many thoughts swirling in his head at the moment. He’d rather be alone with those thoughts.


 ╚══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╝





1. Chima: Skirt part of women's hanbok. 



A/N: I'm back after a short hiatus! We finally got to see Mura in action with the sword! Our girl is the sorest of sore losers. Hehe. And, poor Baek is going through some stuff. The man is having difficulties admitting to himself that he has strong strong romantic feelings for Mura. When will he come to his senses?

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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.