
Under the Peach Tree

A/N: Please, excuse any mistakes. 




Baekhyun attaches the arrow in his hand to the string of the bow on his other hand and pulls on the string before releasing the pointed weapon. The arrow flies forward and strikes the wooden target board.

"Bullseye!" A guard shouts waving a flag. 

"Very well done, brother." Jongin compliments. "You have improved immensely."

Baekhyun smirks. "I am now as skilled as you are, hyungnim. Wouldn't you agree?"

Jongin returns the smirk. "Now, now, I feel compelled to advise the Crown Prince to refrain from making such bold claims."

Baekhyun chuckles. "Tell me, hyungnim, how long 'till I meet my nephew or niece?"

Jongin aims his bow and arrow at the target ahead. "Gunbuin1 is due in three months." He answers before shooting.


"I am anticipating your offspring's arrival with much avidity. I look forward to becoming an uncle." 

"Might I remind Your Highness, this isn't the first time you will become an uncle."

"Allow me to correct myself. What I meant to say was that I look forward to being an uncle to your soon-to-be-born child."

"Are you now?"

"I'm sure you are entirely aware of how I hold you in higher regard compared to our other siblings." Baekhyun states with no hint of bashfulness in his delivery.

Jongin snorts. "I hope for your own sake, and mine, you do not admit to such a thing in the presence of our other siblings."

"Of course not. What sort of a king will I be in the future if I cannot maintain proper diplomacy?" Baekhyun shoots his arrow with a cheeky quirk of his lips.


"Good. While you may be spared of any blatant scorn from our siblings due to your position as the crown prince, I fear I may not be afforded the same grace." Jongin states playfully before shooting his own arrow.


Baekhyun chuckles. "I must say, it is rather pleasant to have you here with me to practice archery. I feel grateful."

"The pleasure is all mine, Choha."

Baekhyun gazes at the horizon before him. "I remember when I had been but a mere adolescent, you would constantly humble me with your superior skills in archery. Yet, I had always deeply cherished our shared time, here, in the range, since the time we were allowed to spend together was quite sparse." He shares fondly. "Now it seems, that time has shrunk even more. Things have altered so much." 

Jongin notices the tinge of sadness in Baekhyun's voice. "Such is life, dear brother. It is ever-evolving. What was before, is not anymore; and what is now, may not be after. Take it from me, someone whose experience in life surpasses yours by six years."

Baekhyun nods.

"Oh, what do we have here?"

Both Baekhyun and Jongin turn in the direction from which came the high-pitched voice to find the Crown Princess some distance away wearing a bright expression.

"Sejabin-mama." Jongin greets her and bows.

Mura returns the bow before approaching the two men. "How have you been, Gun2-mama?"

"Quite well, thank you for asking."

"And, Gunbuin? Is she well?"

"Her condition is improving steadily. Thank you for your concern."

"Oh, that is splendid news." Mura's eyes flit to the Crown Prince. "I see you were practicing archery. Well, do not stop on my account. I hope you do not mind me as a spectator." 

"Of course not." Jongin smiles politely. "Choha, I believe it to be your turn."

"Ah, yes." Baekhyun reaches for an arrow and slots it on the nocking point and takes his stance to shoot the arrow. However, he is suddenly overcome with this unexpected nervousness brought on by the presence of his consort. Baekhyun is no novice when it comes to archery, and is extremely confident in his ability, which is why he is irked by this sudden fear of missing his target. He does not wish to humiliate himself in front of his consort. 

Wait a minute, why should it matter if he misses? Why should it be humiliating just because the Crown Princess is present? Baekhyun does not care for her good opinion, nor does he particularly care for her praise--- he convinces himself. Besides, he shouldn't worry about missing, anyway, because simply put... he won't. He releases the arrow and... he misses. 

Baekhyun's jaw tightens with equal amounts of displeasure and disappointment. 

"Choha, have another go." Jongin prompts him.

"Yes, I shall." Baekhyun's ought to strike the bullseye this time around. Feeling determined and the weight of what feels like the heavy keen eyes of his consort on him, Baekhyun shoots again, and again, he misses.

Baekhyun drops his head defeatedly, and grunts lowly.

"Do not be agitated, brother. Happens to the best of us." Jongin consoles. 

Despite convincing himself otherwise, Baekhyun is humiliated, and his humiliation is further compounded by the following words of the Crown Princess.

"Precisely, Choha. You must keep trying until you succeed. And, you were so close on both attempts. I am certain you are on your path to becoming a competent archer."

"I am a competent archer!" Baekhyun cries irritably causing the Crown Princess to flinch. Baekhyun quickly gains back his composure. "I urge you to take a closer notice of my target, and you may view it as a testament to my competency." He gestures at his target board where clusters of arrows can be seen deposited on the bullseye from his previous shots, as a subtle, yet at the same time, not so subtle boast. "My previous two attempts were purely a case of misfortune."

"Ah, yes, yes, now I see. How neglectful of me. Please, forgive me for my uncalled misjudgment of your mastery." Mura bows apologetically.

Baekhyun clears his throat. "It is quite all right."

"Mama..." Jongin addresses the Crown Princess. "Do you know your way with a bow and an arrow?"

"Sort of," Mura replies. 

"Then would you like to shoot?"

Mura's eyes brighten. "May I?"

"If Choha approves." Jongin turns to Baekhyun expectantly.

"Don't mind me," Baekhyun says. 

"All yours." Jongin offers his bow to the Crown Princess.

Mura enthusiastically takes it from the other's hand. She then grabs an arrow, places it along the bow, and aims it before shooting it.


"Wow, very impressive, Mama." Jongin praises. "Your form is noteworthy, as well."

Mura beams. "You think so? Oh, thank you!" Although the Crown Princess favors swordsmanship, she is also a decent archer, in her own right. "My cousin, Chanyeol, is a skilled archer. I had learned from him."

"You have learned well." Jongin states.

Mura is so glad and relieved that Prince Jongin has no recollection of their brief encounter that had occurred all those nights ago. Otherwise, she doubts he would have shown her any civility after how she had spoken about the royal family with such deride. Mura dislikes conflict, and she always desires to get on with anyone she meets. Not to mention, she evaded a possible punishment as a result of the prince's lapse of memory. "May I go again?" She asks.

"Please, do." Jongin encourages. 

Mura shoots again, and again, strikes the bullseye.

"Truly impressive." Jongin applauds. "Don't you agree, Choha?"

"Hmm," Baekhyun replies with a lukewarm hum. Although, he doesn't outwardly express it to the full degree, the Crown Prince is, indeed, immensely impressed with his consort's skills. 

"Gun-mama, I believe it is now your turn." Mura hands over the bow back to the prince. 

Jongin slips into form with his bow and arrow. After assessing his target with expert eyes, he releases the weapon. With great precision, the arrow cuts through one of the other arrows lodged in the target, right in the middle, splitting it in half before it pierces the target board.


"Wow, how did you---?" Mura is awed by the other's skills. "That was absolutely splendid! You are impressively gifted, Gun-mama." Mura begins to applaud with wonderment.

Baekhyun's upper lip twitches with contempt. He watches his consort rain his brother with exaggerated praises. Deep in his core, something unpleasant and entirely ugly begins to simmer. Baekhyun scoffs in his mind. There is nothing special about piercing an arrow with another arrow. Any skilled archer could do it. 

Therefore, to prove he, too, can, Baekhyun picks up an arrow and takes his stance. He assesses his target carefully before releasing his arrow, confident it will do what he intends for it to do. However, it seems his bad fortune has been conspiring against him as the arrow misses the target board entirely and falls pathetically to the ground.

Slapped with an embarrassment of the utmost kind, Baekhyun's apprehensive gaze shifts towards his brother and consort, who upon meeting his eyes quickly look away, pretending they had not just witnessed the Crown Prince bungle his shot. That further aggravates Baekhyun's mortification.

"Well, I believe this is enough archery for one day," Baekhyun spoke in a demoralized tone. "Hyungnim, let us proceed to the east pavilion. I have arranged for us to enjoy some food and drinks there." Baekhyun says and proceeds to walk away, not even waiting for his brother. 

"That was rather abrupt." Jongin remarks, perplexed. "Regardless, it had been a pleasure, Mama." He bows to the Crown Princess.

"Likewise." Mura returns the bow.

"I hope that you find the palace tolerable enough to not make any more attempts at soliciting new means of escaping the capital." Jongin provides a charming smile---one that is close-lipped yet wide, and eyes full of mirth and mischief... and all-knowing. "Goodbye." He chirps and walks away.

Leaving behind a stunned Mura with her eyes threatening to bulge out of her poor sockets. She turns around and only sees Prince Jongin's back, as he walks further and further away from her before disappearing from her sight, altogether.

Alas! Don't tell me he remembers...


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After his time with the Crown Prince, Jongin makes a stop at the King's office to pay his respects. He performs a deep bow in front of the King before sitting down.

"How have you been, my son." The King inquires. 

"With your grace, I have been well, abamama3."

"I have not seen you since the Crown Prince's wedding. I have been seeing less and less of you. Your siblings make a point to pay visits on a weekly basis."

"Forgive me if I have rendered you to feel neglected, abamama. However, you very well know my reasonings behind not frequenting the palace. You very well know the sentiments of the court officials in regard to me. I do not wish to provide them with the fuel that they may later use to ignite the fire with which they intend to burn me."

The King sighs. "Yes, I understand. At least, try to visit your mother more often. She misses you dearly." 

"As you wish, abamama."

Jongin's mother is one of the two concubines that the King possesses in his very small harem. It is common practice for the men of Choson royalty and nobility to possess concubines. Especially in the case of the king, it is highly encouraged to take upon multiple concubines in order to facilitate the birth of as many potential heirs to the throne as possible. 

Even though, the concubines can be considered consorts to the king, only the queen is acknowledged to be the legitimate wife; and although, the king's children with his concubines are granted the title of prince and princesses, they are still considered illegitimate and their ranks in the court are inferior to those of the king's children with the queen. 

So, that is Jongin's distinction--- an illegitimate son of a royal concubine and a second-ranked prince. 

After a brief engagement with the King, Jongin walks in the direction of the palace gates with the intent of leaving when out of nowhere, a palace maid appears before him.

Janshil bows. "If you will kindly oblige, the Crown Princess wishes to have a private audience with you."

Jongin's lips tug upward into a smirk. He has the perfect intuition as to what this audience may entail. "Lead the way." He follows the maid to the east palace, where the residence of the Crown Prince and his consort are situated. 

"Mama, Prince Jongin has been summoned," Janshil announces to her mistress in front of the closed door of her chamber. 

"Let him in." 

Jongin hears the high-pitched voice. The door slides open and he sees the standing figure of the Crown Princess. He sets foot inside her chamber and bows. 

Mura bows back. "Thank you so very much for obliging my sudden request. Please, do sit down."

Jongin sits on the floor cushion, and he is followed by the Crown Princess, who sits across from him.

A maid comes in and serves them tea before leaving the two royals alone in the chamber. 

"To what do I owe this pleasure, Mama?"

Mura isn't certain how to initiate this talk. She taps her index finger nervously on the teacup which she holds at present. "What..." She purses her lips. "What you said about me soliciting means for an escape... what did you mean by it?"

"What I meant by it? Precisely what I said. I hope you do not intend on making an escape and that you find the palace tolerable."

"But, why would you say a thing that is so bizarre in nature?"

Jongin displays a puzzled countenance. "Is it not what you had attempted to do when you had asked me to aid you in escaping your then-impending wedding?"

Mura panics. "So, you do remember me from that night?"

"Of course, I do. It is not every day that a stranger on the streets asks me to help them escape."

"But, on our wedding day, you told the Crown Prince that we have never crossed paths."

"Should I have rather told the truth then? Of how you snuck out of the detached palace, drank alone at a tavern until late hours, and had attempted to solicit me in order to escape the royal wedding?"

"No," Mura says, barely audible. 

"Although, the guilt of the lie has been troubling my mind, lately. I hate to keep such a vital piece of information from the queen's court. I suppose it's time I, finally, report it to the Queen."

Upon hearing it, Mura immediately goes on her hands and knees, head lowered to the floor. "I beg of you, Gun-mama. I beg of you to not reveal it to the Queen. I apologize for my transgression, I had been a fool. I had allowed irrationalities to conquer my emotions that night. However, I have since learned from that experience, hence I implore you to, please, allow me some grace for I shall never dare to even think of escaping, let alone attempting at it." Mura grovels as her eyes begin to moisten. She can only imagine the sort of punishment that they may befall on her if they were to find out the truth. 

As the Crown Princess remains in her crouching position, on the brink of tears, Jongin stares at her with amusement, as he suppresses a cackle. He has no intention of revealing to the royal court about the Crown Princess' deeds. He never had. He simply wished to witness how the Crown Princess would react to his perceived threat, and he admits the Crown Princess is giving him quite a display. Jongin hears faint sounds of sobbing, and he feels slightly remorseful for teasing the Crown Princess. 

Jongin hums. "Since you appear to be truly repentant, I shall disregard this offense for I am of the firm belief that we all deserve a second chance."

Mura raises her head, her small eyes b with tears. Now Jongin truly feels remorseful. But, those eyes also convey relief. 

"Really? Do you mean it?" Mura queries.

"Indeed. I shall not utter but a single word about that night to the Queen or anyone else, for that matter." Jongin assures her. 

Mura lowers her head again in a bow. "Thank you! Thank you oh so much! You are just as kind of a man as I remember. I am forever indebted to you."

"Generosity is a virtue I have always strived to achieve." Jongin boasts.

"You excel in it." Mura declares.

"Please, I urge you to cease those tears." Jongin requests.

Mura wipes at her wet lids before flashing her brightest smile. Truly relieved and grateful.

Jongin smiles back, but his smile is more restrained, before picking up his teacup and pressing it against his lips. 

Something tells him the warmth he feels in his chest isn't induced by the warmth of the tea.


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1. Gunbuin: Wife of Gun. Title given to wives of illegitimate sons of the Kings, or other types of princes.

2. Gun: Royal Prince. Title given to illegitimate sons of the King with his concubines, or any other princes who are not the king's offspring.

3. Abamama: A term used to address the King by his children.



A/N: Someone, please help our poor Baekhyunie. He is all over the place when Mura's around. 














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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.