
Under the Peach Tree

Baekhyun inhales a good amount of air in the hopes of soothing his anxious heart, breathing in the richly herbal scent of the burning incense that permeates the King’s bedchamber. His hands tremble restlessly at his sides and his ears ring with the despaired weeps of the Queen and Queen Dowager. 

The three present in the chamber watch as the royal physician and his assistants attend to the King, who lies unconsciously on his sickbed.

“Forgive me, but the King’s pulse appears to be quite weak,” the physician informs.

“Will he regain his health?” the Queen inquires.

“I’m afraid it is difficult to appraise at present, Mama."

“I don’t understand,” Baekhyun speaks. “Why should he take ill in this manner so suddenly?”

“Precisely,” the Queen Dowager agrees. “What sort of illness should cause the King to lose his consciousness so abruptly?”

The physician remains silent, appearing tensed by the question. 

“Answer me!” Queen Dowager demands.

“The King has been ill for a while,” the Queen speaks instead. 

Baekhyun and the dowager regard her with surprise. 

“Tell them. You have my permission,” the Queen tells the physician. 

“Yes, Mama.” the physician obeys. “For the past two years the King has been ailed with a heart condition,” he informs the Queen Dowager and the Crown Prince. “We have attempted various methods to treat it but they have all proven futile. Alas, His Majesty’s heart has been weakening more and more with time.” The physician then crouches on the floor in a deep bow. “Please, punish this incompetent servant for failing to maintain His Majesty’s health.”

Chungjon, how could you conceal such a significant matter regarding the King’s health?” Queen Dowager interrogates her daughter-in-law.

“It was the strict order of the King.”

“But I am his mother!” The dowager cries before rushing next to her unconscious son. “Chusang,” she wails. “Chusang, how could you not tell your own mother of your suffering? Please, Chusang, regain your health. You must obey your mother and regain your health.” 

The Queen joins her mother-in-law by her husband's side and cries with her. 

“Fret not, he will certainly recover,” Baekhyun tries to console his sorrowful mother and grandmother. “I have no doubt.” His voice quivers, a sob threatening to slip out.

Unable to withstand being present in the woeful atmosphere any longer, Baekhyun egresses the King’s chamber. Upon exiting the King’s quarters, he finds the Crown Princess standing in the courtyard. She gives Baekhyun a sympathetic look as they share a prolonged gaze. Baekhyun wishes to run to his consort and hold her in a tight embrace; to be surrounded by her comforting warmth. But he questions if he has earned the right to do such a thing. So instead, Baekhyun breaks the eye contact and leaves the premises with his retinue following behind. 



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The next day.


“Still no word as to what may happen to me?” Jongdae asks his royal cousin before he bites into the seaweed riceball his cousin had just handed him.

“Given the King’s current condition, the court is more concerned with his recovery, as it should be. I’m afraid you must endure it here in the court prison a bit longer,” Mura explains.

Jongdae sighs before continuing to eat. “I understand. Is His Majesty’s condition severe?”

“He keeps slipping in and out of consciousness. According to the physician, the prospect of his recovery is uncertain, but I have faith the King will recover.”

“Heaven forbid he doesn’t, the Crown Prince will then assume the throne, which means you will become queen—”

“Shh! You cannot utter such cursed words, Jongdae-ah! The King is still breathing and with heaven’s grace he shall recuperate. We do not even dare to think otherwise.”

“I’m simply stating a probable outcome. The point I was trying to make is that if you were to become queen sooner rather than later, would you be prepared to take upon the role?”

Mura, even for a moment, had not considered the possibility of the King passing from his current ailment. She cannot bring herself to entertain the thought. Thus the prospect of becoming queen in the near future has not crossed her mind, at all. However, now that her cousin mentions it, Mura is compelled to consider the worst coming to pass. Would she be prepared to assume the mantle of the queen in the near future?

The answer is likely no, but no matter when it happens— whether it would be soon or years from now— Mura doubts she would ever be prepared for the role.



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Baekhyun sits by the King’s lying body as he watches his father’s visage while he is taken by the deepest of slumber. The King’s countenance appears frail. The toll of the battle his body is waging against his ailment is etched clearly across his face. 

Baekhyun’s image of his father has always been that of strength, vitality, and supremacy; hence to see him in this withered state utterly crushes Baekhyun’s soul. 

The King then suddenly rouses from his sleep.

Abamama.” Baekhyun leans toward his father.

Seja…” the King utters in a weak voice as he looks at his son with half-lidded eyes.

Abamama, how do you feel? Do you need anything?”

The King gently shakes his head before signaling his son to give him his hand, which the other obliges.

The King squeezes his son’s hand. “Baekhyun-ah… my son…”

Baekhyun swallows the stiffness in his throat. “Yes, abamama.”

“It is time, my boy. It is time for you to replace me.”

“No, do not say so, abamama. You shall recover soon. It is only a matter of time until you return to your duties.”

The King shakes his head. “No, Baekhyun-ah, I’m afraid I no longer have the strength to go on. Forgive me, my boy, for placing the responsibility on you so abruptly, but I believe you are ready. You are ready, Baekhyun-ah, to become king.”

Baekhyun’s lips tremble as tears trickle down his cheeks. “No.”

“You are my pride, son. What an absolute joy it has been to see you grow into the man you are now. You’ve made your mother and me very proud. Very very proud, my dear boy. I have no reservations that you will lead our nation brilliantly. Become the great king you are meant to be.”

Baekhyun only quietly sobs.

“And take good care of the family. They will all be under your care. Promise me you will look after them. Promise me.”

Baekhyun nods. “I promise, abamama. I promise to honor you in all manners.”

“Good. I have faith in you, my child. I have all the faith in you.” The King begins to shed tears of his own. “I love you, my son.”

Baekhyun’s crying intensifies upon hearing those words. “I love you, abamama.”

The King musters a feeble smile. “I shall sleep now. I’m afraid I feel quite fatigued.”

“Yes, abamama. Please, rest. Do not worry about a thing. I shall handle everything.”

“Thank you, Baekhyun-ah.” With that, the King slowly slips back into slumber.



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Feeling quite restless and unable to sleep, Mura decides to get up and open one of the windows. Perhaps some refreshing air would do her good. It is then she notices the Crown Prince’s bedchamber is still brightly lit. It seems he is still awake. 

Mura presses her lips together in thought before leaving her chamber. Her night shift maids proceed to follow her.

“No need,” Mura tells her maids. “I’m only making a visit to the Crown Prince's quarters.” She then heads out. 

“Announce my presence,” Mura tells the Crown Prince’s eunuch once she arrives in front of the said prince’s door. 

Choha, the Crown Princess seeks your permission to enter.”

“Let her in.”

The maids then open the door and Mura enters the chamber before offering a bow. 

“You’re still awake?” Baekhyun asks.

“So are you.”

Baekhyun sighs. “I’m afraid I cannot sleep, thus I’ve been keeping myself occupied with a book.” He points at the open book on the small table in front of him. 

“Oh, am I interrupting then?”

“No, not at all. But I am wondering what brings you here so late at night.”

“I thought in case you had trouble sleeping you would enjoy some company as you see I, too, couldn’t sleep.”

Baekhyun gives his consort an appreciative smile. “Of course. Come, have a seat.” He then shuts the book in front of him as his consort takes a seat across from him. 

Mura notices the trouble and fatigue that mars her husband’s visage. It is evident he is grappling with his father’s ongoing illness. 

“I went to see the King today,” Mura says.

"I see."

“We exchanged a few words. I believe it to be a good sign of his recovery. Fret not, Choha, I am confident the King will regain his health.”

“I pray that you are correct. But…” Baekhyun chokes on a sob. “But what if you aren’t? What if he were to truly leave us? I’m not prepared, Buin. I’m not prepared to part with my father. I cannot bring myself to bid him farewell if it comes to it."

Mura pushes aside the small table that separates her from the Crown Prince and swiftly takes him into her arms. 

Within the comfort of the other’s embrace, Baekhyun allows himself to let go and weep freely, burrowing his face into the other’s shoulders while wrapping his arms around the other as if he were holding on to his dear life. 

Mura cannot help but spill a few tears of her own, but she tries to be strong for she must be the support that her husband desperately needs at present. She allows her husband to cry to his heart’s content and when his sobs simmer down to mere snivels Mura speaks, “Choha, you must rest. You should get some sleep.”

Baekhyun separates himself from his consort. “Yes, perhaps I should.”

“Allow me.” Mura proceeds to remove the other’s silk night robe.

“Will you stay until I fall asleep?”

“Of course, Choha.”

Baekhyun then lies down and Mura places the cover over him. She then beckons a maid and orders her to extinguish the candles with the exception of one. 

“May I have your hand, Buin?” Baekhyun requests.

Mura gladly offers her hand which Baekhyun clasps onto. 

“Now, close your eyes,” Mura instructs her husband.

Baekhyun complies. “Buin?”

“Yes, Choha.”

“Do you remember singing me to sleep once?”

“I do.”

“Would you kindly do it again now?”

“Yes, if that is what you wish.”

Mura then croons a lullaby that her mother used to sing to her in her childhood. Once the song reaches its conclusion, she sings it again. She repeats and sings until she is certain the Crown Prince has fallen into a deep sleep. 

Though the Crown Prince sleeps, he still appears troubled. Mura gently grazes a finger over the wrinkle formed between the prince’s eyebrows. The action manages to smooth out the crease, making the Crown Prince appear much more tranquil. 

Deciding that it is time for her to retire to her own chamber, Mura tries to withdraw the hand that is still in her husband’s possession, but he seems to be clasping it tightly. Not having the heart to force her hand away from the other’s grip, Mura decides to remain there for a short while longer. 



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Baekhyun wakes up to the sleeping face of his consort. The morning light seeping through the window panels casts a golden warmth over her serene expression. He sits up, careful not to wake the Crown Princess. Her head rests on the mattress but her body lies folded on the hard wooden floor. This does not look comfortable at all. Baekhyun chides his consort mentally for not returning to the comfort of her own bed. He didn’t ask her to spend the entire night in his chamber. Especially, not in such a state. 

Baekhyun removes himself from the mattress and replaces the now vacant space with the sleeping body of his consort. She stirs from the disturbance and dazedly opens her eyes, but not fully awake.

“It’s all right, go back to sleep,” Baekhyun whispers.

Mura shuts her eyes again and mumbles incoherently before slipping right back to sleep.

Baekhyun lowers his head and places it next to the other’s head. He longingly watches his beloved’s face— it resembles that of an innocent child when she sleeps. 

A sense of mild irritation sprouts within Baekhyun. His consort sleeps so peacefully, so blissfully ignorant of his feelings and desires for her which torments him daily. When he sleeps, he only dreams of her. And when he’s awake, he restlessly yearns for her. How cruel and unfair.

“Please, love me back,” Baekhyun murmurs pitifully; so desperate for the other’s affection. 

He eventually parts with his sleeping wife with great difficulty. If he could, he would stay beside her, quietly watching her until she roused. But alas, he has other priorities.

He quietly opens his chamber door and is immediately greeted by his attendants with bows. Just as quietly, he slides the door shut behind him. “The Crown Princess is in there, do not wake her yet. Let her sleep a bit longer.”

“As you wish, Choha,” replies the prince’s lady-in-waiting. 

Baekhyun and his attendants take their business to a seperate chamber where he gets ready for his day. 



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Mura wakes up to the reverberating sound of a gong. She sits up while rubbing her sleep-laden eyes. The sound of the gong keeps repeating accompanied by an announcement that Mura isn’t able to hear clearly; her mind is still clouded with sleep. 

The door to the chamber slides open harshly and Madam Choi rushes in, appearing rather distraught.

“Choi Sanggung?” Mura regards her lady-in-waiting with confusion.

The gong keeps ringing in the background. 

“The King…” Madam Choi utters. “Mama, the King.” She then begins to sob.

Just then Mura hears the announcement; loud and clear. Her eyes grow wide with horror. She frantically gets up and runs out of the chamber.

Mama, wait!” Madam Choi cries after her as she and the Crown Princess’ other attendants chase after their mistress. 

Mura practically sprints in the direction of the King’s quarters still in her sleepwear, her hair loose and disheveled. The sound of gongs blares ominously throughout the royal palace coupled with the dreaded announcement. 

When she reaches the courtyard of the King’s residence, she finds rows of court officials and other court staff members kneeling while facing the King’s quarters as they weep. 

Then Mura sees the Crown Prince trudging out of the King’s quarters before stopping on the porch, facing the mass before him. 

Even from a distance, Mura can witness the devastation borne by the Crown Prince— a man stricken with grief. Mura’s heart wrings at the sight and the instinct to comfort and console the grieving man kindles immediately in response. She steps forth with the intent to approach her husband but her action is immediately halted by a resounding voice. 

“All present, prepare to acknowledge your new king!” Shouts the Royal Secretariat. 

At once, those kneeling stand up.

The Royal Secretriate then faces the now former Crown Prince to make the proclamation. “From henceforth, we, your humble subjects and servants pledge our unwavering loyalty to you and vow to serve you with diligence and honor. Hail to His Majesty, King Hwanjong!” He roars.

“Hail to King Hwanjong!” The court officials echo in harmony.

Mura watches all drop to their knees before the new king and lower their heads to the ground in deep bows. Her gaze then points toward her husband who remains standing on the porch with slumped shoulders. Again, her instinct implores her to go to him and embrace him.


Mura turns around to find all her attendants on the ground, bowing in the direction of the King’s quarters. 

Mama, you must pay your respects to the new King,” Madam Choi instructs. 

It seems Mura must suppress her instinct for now no matter how much she wishes to be by her husband's side. She heeds her lady-in-waiting and drops to the ground in a bow as the others.

Meanwhile, Baekhyun sheds what feels as though an unending amount of tears as a son who has just lost his father, while overlooking the mass of people bowing before him as the sovereign of Choson.



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A/N: Welp, the king is dead. Poor Baekhyunee :'( But he's now king. There are changes coming...

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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.