
Under the Peach Tree


As Mura makes her way to the Inner Court with her retinue, it begins to snow lightly. She stops in her path and extends a palm, allowing the delicate frost flakes to fall and subsequently melt against the warmth of her skin. 

Her expression turns slightly worried. “Pray the snow doesn’t impede Choha’s journey.” She mutters to herself. 

“Is something the matter, Mama?” Madam Choi asks her mistress from behind.

Mura retreats her hand. “No, it is nothing.” She picks up her steps again. 

Following her entrance inside the King’s quarters, Mura stops in front of the King’s bed-chamber. “Announce my presence.” She tells one of the King’s personal eunuchs. 

The eunuch bows to her before making the announcement. “Chonha, the Crown Princess wishes for an audience with you.” 

“Let her in.” Comes the authoritative voice of the King from inside the chamber.

The King’s maids then open the sliding doors to the chamber to allow the Crown Princess’ entrance. 

Mura, with her gaze lowered, enters the chamber. “Chonha,” she greets before offering a bow to the King. She then finally raises her gaze, upon which she catches Prince Jongin standing to the side. “Oh, Gun-mama?”

Sejabin-mama.” Jongin bows to the Crown Princess.

Mura returns the bow. “My sincerest apologies for the interruption. I hadn’t known the King had company. I shall return at a later time.”

The Crown Princess is about to offer her farewell bow when the King speaks, “no, no, you need not leave, Sejabin. Come, have a seat.”

Mura glances at the Royal Prince. 

Jongin offers a polite smile. “Please, do not feel as though you are imposing upon us, Mama. I had simply come by to pay a visit to His Majesty since he has been in ill health.” He then turns to the King. “With Your Majesty’s permission, perhaps I should take my leave now.”

“Neither of you are required to leave. You shall both remain and offer this ailing king some much-needed company.” The King orders. 

Both the Crown Princess and the Royal Prince comply and obediently take their seats next to each other across from the King. 

Chonha, how do you feel today?” Mura asks the King. 

The King offers a smile.“I feel nearly recuperated.”

“That is great progress. Actually, I have come bearing something that may assist in Your Majesty’s full recovery.”

“Is that so? What is it?”

“It is a medicinal wine prepared by my mother upon my request. You may even call it a miracle elixir.”

“A miracle elixir, you say?”

“Yes, Chonha! In my family home, we would drink this every time we fell ill. It would make us better in a matter of days, no matter the illness.”

“Is that so?” The King raises his eyebrows, impressed by the claims. “Then I shall have some, at once. Bring me a bowl and summon the food taster.” He orders his lady-in-waiting. 

Moments later, the King’s food-tasting maid enters the chamber, carrying a small table with two bowls perched on it. She then sets the table in front of the King and sits by him. Madam Choi hands the taster a porcelain bottle containing the aforementioned medicinal wine. 

The taster pours a little bit of the wine into one of the bowls before drinking from it. Immediately, the revolting taste of the wine nearly makes her retch, but she suppresses the urge to do so as it wouldn’t be proper etiquette. She keeps her expression as solemn as possible and waits to see if the wine is safe for the King to consume. Once the wine is deemed safe, the taster then pours the wine into the other bowl for the King to drink from. 

When the King brings the bowl up to his lips, the putrid smell that the liquid emits instantly assaults his sense of smell, making him crinkle his nose. 

“Does it taste as unpleasant as it smells?” The King asks his daughter-in-law. 

Mura giggles. “I’m afraid so, Chonha.”

The food-tasting maid silently agrees. 

“What is in this miracle elixir?” The King asks. 

“Rice wine and fermented feces.” Mura answers matter of factly. 

The King immediately stills.

“It’s the feces that do the miracle,” Mura adds. “And, not just any feces, it must be the feces of a child.”

The food taster’s stomach churns upon hearing the ingredients and she involuntarily lets out a retching sound. The King’s lady-in-waiting scolds her for acting so insolently and tells her to leave the chamber. The maid is more than happy to oblige. She offers her apology to the King before hurrying out of the chamber. 

The King gently sets down the bowl on the table. He has experience with consuming questionable things in his lifetime for the sake of them containing medicinal properties, however, he refuses to consume feces of all things. 

“I have almost forgotten, I have been instructed by the physician to not consume any potation on an empty stomach.” He lies in order to not offend his kind and thoughtful daughter-in-law. “I shall drink this later with supper.”

Mura, ever so ignorant, nods. “As you wish, Chonha, but do make certain to drink this once a day. Believe me, you shall feel reinvigorated in no time!”

The King offers a polite smile. “Of course.”

Meanwhile, throughout this whole affair, Jongin has been at war with himself as he fights against the urge to let out a volatile guffaw.

Mura and Jongin egress the King’s quarters upon the conclusion of the impromptu gathering. Mura stares at the outdoors. It is still snowing, albeit sparingly.

“Allow me to walk you to your quarters, Mama.” Jongin offers. 

“That is very kind of you, but it won’t be necessary. I’m sure you have places to be.”

“I insist.”

“Ah.” Mura nods with a polite smile. “Very well.”

“Are you anticipating the Crown Prince’s return today?” Jongin asks as they walk in the direction of the East Palace. 

Mura can’t help but smile at the thought of the Crown Prince’s return. “Yes.”

Jongin’s heart squeezes in an uncomfortable way. “I’m sure Choha is just as eager to reunite with his beloved.”

“Beloved? Whom do you speak of?”

Jongin makes a puzzled expression. “I speak of you, Mama. You’re his beloved, are you not?”

Mura giggles childishly. Something about being called the Crown Prince’s beloved is just so funny to her, considering she doesn’t have that sort of a relationship with him.

Jongin is even more puzzled. “What is so humorous?”

Mura clears , fixing her face. “Nothing. My apologies.”

Jongin wants to probe further but decides to let it go. 

“How has fatherhood been treating you, Mama?” Mura asks. 

“It has been a gift for myself and for Gunbuin.” Jongin shares with a fond smile. “Our little Soobin has truly enriched our lives in ways we hadn’t thought previously were possible.”

Mura smiles.

“You and Choha shall, too, experience it one day.” Those words feel bitter in Jongin’s mouth.

Mura is filled with dread at the reminder of providing an heir. “How is Yuo?” She changes the subject by inquiring about the prince’s dog.

“She is happy and healthy as ever. Very fond of Soobin.”

“Is it so? I am delighted to hear that. I find myself often thinking about her.”

“I could bring her back to the palace one of these days if you wish...”

“If it isn’t an inconvenience—”

“It isn’t.” Jongin is quick to assure.

Mura beams. “In that case, I shall very much look forward to it. However, feel free to do it in your own time. There is no urgency.”

Jongin offers a small bow. “Yes.” They reach the Crown Princess’ quarters. “I hadn’t expected our encounter today but I am beyond pleased we got the opportunity to meet.” 

Mura gives a polite smile, unaware of the depth of the Royal Prince’s sincerity. “Likewise.”

“I shall take my leave then.” Jongin bows.

Mura bows back. “Please, be wary of the snow on your way.”

Jongin smiles and gives another bow, a smaller one, before going his way. 


 ╚══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╝


Mura grows concerned. The Crown Prince was projected to return before dusk, however, the sun had set some time ago and he is yet to appear. 

Mama, do not fret. Such delays are common during travels. Especially in such weather.” Madam Choi reassures her. 

This assuages her for the time being. However, as the night deepens, and even the snow ceases, there’s still no sign of the Crown Prince. This time it is not just the Crown Princess but the entire palace begins to worry.

Mama, men have been dispatched to look for the Royal Procession. I am certain we can expect His Highness’ return soon.” Madam Choi consoles her increasingly troubled mistress.

Mura doesn’t respond.  

“Shall I stay here with you tonight, Mama?” 

Mura shakes her. “You should retire for the night, Choi Sanggung. It is quite late.”

“Are you certain, Mama?”

Mura nods. “Yes, I insist.”

“Very well. I know it may be difficult at a time like this but try to get some sleep of your own.”

Mura hums. “Goodnight, Choi Sanggung.”

“Goodnight, Mama.” The lady-in-waiting bows before exiting her mistress’ bed-chamber.

Mura continues to wait for the Crown Prince’s return or any news regarding him until, eventually, she succumbs to sleep. 


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Mama?” A night-duty maid calls on the Crown Princess. “Mama.”

Mura blinks her eyes open in sleep-filled confusion before she regains some of her faculties. She sits up. “Any word regarding the Crown Prince?” She croaks, rubbing her eyes. It’s still dark outside. 

“He has returned.” The maid says. 

Mura is instantly awake. “Has he?” She sighs. “Dear me, that is such a relief.”

“However…” The maid trails off. 

Mura gives her a questioning look. “What is the matter?”

The maid then informs her of the attempted assassination of the Crown Prince and Mura is instantly up on her feet before rushing to the Crown Prince’s quarters. 

“Forgive me, Mama, but you may not enter,” a eunuch tells her when she reaches the prince’s chamber door. “Strict orders from the Crown Prince, himself.”

Mura ignores the eunuch’s words and forcibly enters the chamber despite the pleas of the Crown Prince’s attendants. When she enters she finds the prince standing in the middle of the room with his back facing her. 

“Begone,” the Crown Prince orders in a deep tone. 

Choha?” Mura murmurs. 

“I wish to be alone.”

“But Choha—”

“I said begone!” Baekhyun bellows, turning to face the Crown Princess. 

Mura gets startled. Not by the other’s voice but by the other's state. Her eyes widen. “Blood…”

The Crown Prince’s military garb is tainted with blood. And, it’s not just his clothing but there’s blood smeared along his jaw down to his neck.

“It is not mine.” Baekhyun helpfully informs.

Mura is relieved. 

“Now, leave.”

But how could she? How could Mura possibly leave the Crown Prince in this state?

She looks over her shoulder and beckons a maid.

A young maid reluctantly enters the chamber and bows. “Yes, Mama?

“Bring me a wash basin, some warm water, and some wash cloth.”

“As you wish, Mama.” The maid bows and leaves to fulfill the responsibility given to her.

“What is the meaning of this? I commanded you to leave, did I not?” Baekhyun’s voice is tough.

Mura ignores the Crown Prince’s words and gingerly advances towards him.

“How dare you disregard my orders?” Baekhyun eyes display anger, but they also display signs of exhaustion. They appear swollen— an indication they have been shedding tears. 

Mura stays calm and walks around the Crown Prince in order to undo the belt tied around his waist. 

“What do you think you are doing?”

“Your outer robe has been sullied. Allow me to remove it,” Mura answers.

“No need.” 

Despite the prince’s refusal, Mura discards the belt before walking around the other to stand face to face with him. She then reaches for the ties to his outer robe but her hand is quickly swatted away by the prince. 

Mura continues to be patient. She reaches for the ties again and again Baekhyun swats her hand away. 

Baekhyun is being stubborn but Mura is equally as strong-willed. She extends her hand again and gets the same result. On her next attempt Baekhyun again tries to slap her hand away, but this time Mura clasps his hand between both of her own. Baekhyun’s hand trembles within her hold.

Choha, I beg of you, do not push me away. Please allow me to be here for you.” She pleads.

Mura feels the Crown Prince’s hand relax within her grasp. She looks up to meet his eyes and is taken aback by the tears cascading down his cheeks. Mura swallows in an attempt at holding in her own tears. She must be strong in order for her to serve the Crown Prince properly.

She keeps her composure and proceeds to shed the Prince’s outer robes, stripping him down to his inner garments which are free of any signs of bloodshed. That is when the maid from earlier reappears with the items Mura had ordered her to fetch. 

Mura gently nudges the Crown Prince to sit down on a floor cushion as she herself takes a seat before the other. She wets a piece of cloth in the washbasin filled with warm water and proceeds to wipe away the blood tainting the Crown Prince’s skin. 

“Chaewoon-ah… Chae…” Baekhyun struggles to get his words out. “We’ve lost Chaewoon-ah,” Baekhyun informs between sobs. “He perished whilst protecting me.”

The news compels Mura to spill a few tears of her own. Though she and the Crown Prince’s, now deceased, personal guard hadn’t known each other beyond pleasantries, she had always regarded the man as honorable. And, she knew how fond the Crown Prince had been of him.

“My deepest condolences, Choha.” Mura continues to wipe the other’s skin.

“You had once asked me if I had someone I could call a friend. Back then I had answered with a no. However, as Chaewoon-ah took his final few breaths in my arms, I had suddenly come to realize that he had been the closest thing to a confidant I had for the past five years since he became my personal guard.” Baekhyun hiccups. “And, now, I have lost him forever.”

Mura cries as well as she wipes the Crown Prince’s blood-stained hands. 

Baekhyun takes this opportunity to grasp at both of Mura’s hands while his own hands tremble. “So many of my people have perished before my eyes today.” He breaks down, resting his forehead over his and the Crown Princess’ clasped hands. 

Mura thinks there’s not a word in this world that may help soothe the Crown Prince’s despondent heart. So, she simply stays mum, allowing the other to weep for as long as he desires. 


 ╚══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╝


Baekhyun jolts awake from his sleep. It had been yet another dream involving bloodshed and the death of his people. He’s been experiencing such horrid nightmares since the occurrence of the raid three days ago. 

He looks to the window and finds a hint of light emitting through the rice paper panels, signaling dawn. Good. Baekhyun doesn’t think he could have gone back to sleep if it had been still dark outside. 

He calls upon a maid in order to get his day started. 


 ╚══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╝


Chonha, we have reasons to believe the raiders were the men of General Kwak.” The Chief of the Royal Investigation Bureau reports to the King in his office. 

“That swine!” The King hisses. “I had known he was brazen… brazen and insolent enough to seek statehood for Pyongan. However, the audacity to implement an assassination ploy on the crown prince of this nation! It seems he has grown quite arrogant from his recent success at ousting our men from Pyongan’s borders.”

“It was likely done as a quest for vengeance for the demise of his own son, who perished during one of the battles on the southern borders of the province.”

“What of the surviving raiders who had fled the conflict? Have you managed to obtain any leads regarding their whereabouts?” Baekhyun, who is also present there, inquires the Chief.

The Chief lowers his gaze regretfully. “I’m… I’m afraid not, Choha. We have been searching high and low for those assailants, however, our efforts thus far have been fruitless.” The man then goes on his hands and knees and bows. “Chonha, Choha, please, punish this subject for his incompetency.”

Baekhyun sighs. What is even the point of punishment? The King agrees. Instead, the two royals order the Chief to continue their search for the escaping raiders.


 ╚══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╝


“I am truly concerned for Choha, Mama,” Samnom tells the Crown Princess after requesting an audience with her in her chamber. “When I greet him in the mornings, he appears fatigued, as though he hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep. He has become unusually quiet, even for his character. His mind seems to be preoccupied elsewhere. Also, he hasn’t been eating his meals properly. At this rate, I worry His Highness may fall severely ill.” 

Mura nods. “I share your concerns, Bu Negwan. But a great deal has been weighing on the Crown Prince’s mind, that much is obvious. He narrowly escaped death and watched his subjects perish before his own eyes. He must be greatly troubled as a result. The Crown Prince has been refusing to spare me any time, however, I cannot simply sit idle and watch him suffer like this.” Mura ponders over a few things. “Do me a favor, Bu Negwan, will you?”


 ╚══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╝


When Baekhyun returns to his chamber in the evening, he is taken aback by the presence of his consort, who sits in the middle of the room with a large spread of food in front of her. 

Mura stands up and bows to the prince. “Choha, you have arrived, at last. The food is nearly cold.” 

“What is all this?” Baekhyun asks. 

“I thought it should be rather lovely if we were to share a meal together. I had personally sent a request to the royal kitchen to prepare your most favored dishes.”

“I appreciate the gesture, however, I’m afraid I have no appetite. Forgive me but I must respectfully ask you to leave my chamber and eat the meal in your own chamber.”

“But the kitchen had gone through such troubles preparing everything on short notice. We cannot possibly allow their efforts to be wasted. And the sheer amount of food is far too much for one person such as myself.”

Sejabin, I truly, do not feel like eating.” The weariness in Baekhyun’s voice is evident.

“But it isn’t good for the health to miss a meal.”

“Enough, Sejabin!” Baekhyun snaps. “Choi Sanggung!”

The lady-in-waiting hurries inside the chamber. “Did you call for me, Choha?”

“ the Crown Princess to her quarters, at once!”

Mura presses her lips in annoyance. “Very well. However, you are not the only one who is capable of being stubborn. If you refuse to eat then I, too, shall not feed on even a single grain of rice.” With that, she stalks out of the Crown Prince’s chamber.


 ╚══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╝



“Janshil-ah, I am famished,” Mura complains lethargically. A couple of hours have passed since she had declared to not eat until the Crown Prince does.

“You have brought this on to yourself, Mama.” The maid says bluntly without sympathy.

Mura frowns for a moment. “Ya, Janshil-ah, fetch me some morsels to eat, will you?”

The maid shakes her head. “Quitting already?”

Mura tsks. “Just do as I say. And, be discreet.”

“All right, as you wish.” As Janshil is about to exit her mistress’ chamber, the Crown Princess’ eunuch announces the Crown Prince’s presence. 

Mura quickly gets on her feet. The doors to her chamber slide open, and Baekhyun makes his entrance followed by a cue of maids carrying trays of food.

Mura’s mouth waters at the sight and smell of the food. “What’s this for?”

“I was informed you’ve been continually refusing to eat. I have come to personally make sure that you take your meal.”

“I thought I had made it clear unless Your Highness eats, I will not.”

“I will eat,” Baekhyun says. 

Mura’s expression brightens. “Truly?”

“Yes, I will dine with you.”

Mura grins. “Then let us not delay any further. Please…” She gestures for the Crown Prince to take a seat. And once he is seated, Mura sits down herself. 

In the midst of them eating, Mura notices the Crown Prince is playing with his food rather than eating it while he appears somber. She pities him.



“Did you know, food tastes so much more savory when one is fed by another?”

Baekhyun gives a half smile. “Is that so?”

“Yes, see it for yourself, why don’t you?” Mura scoops up some rice onto her spoon before placing a piece of meat on it and some kimchi. “Aah.” She instructs the Crown Prince to open his mouth. 

Baekhyun is taken aback. “It is quite all right, Sejabin.” He refuses.

But Mura is having none of that. “I insist. Believe me, your food should taste much finer, especially when I’m feeding you with such sincerity.” She gives a smile— one that reaches the corners of her eyes, creating small, thin folds in the most endearing way.

A smile that never fails to bring the Crown Prince of this nation down on his knees. So, it is no wonder that one flash of that smile and Baekhyun finds himself surrendering to his consort’s demand. He leans in and accepts the spoonful of food into his mouth. 

Mura appears proud. “See? That wasn't so bad, now was it?” She then prepares another spoonful of food and offers it to the prince. 

Baekhyun obediently accepts it and for the remainder of dinner, he allows his consort to feed him his entire meal. 

Baekhyun feels immensely pampered, even for a prince. He is touched by the Crown Princess’ care. Not to mention, that her claims have been correct— the food does indeed taste much better when being fed by another. Or, perhaps, in Baekhyun’s instance, it’s because the Crown Princess is doing the feeding is what’s making the meal so delicious. 

Meanwhile, Mura is extremely pleased by the Crown Prince’s surge in appetite as she happily feeds him. 

By the end of the meal, Baekhyun is uncomfortably filled. Not only is it the most he has eaten in days, but perhaps even years. 

After dinner, the two find themselves chit-chatting. It’s mostly Mura talking away while Baekhyun tries his best to listen attentively and not fall asleep— all his energy is getting utilized into digesting the large amount of food he had devoured earlier. Eventually, Baekhyun finds himself resting his head over his arms on top of the desk before him. 

Mura pauses the chattering for a moment. “Choha, are you tired?”

Baekhyun shakes his head. “You may continue, I’m still listening.”

Choha, may I ask something of you?”

Baekhyun hums. 

“In the future, in instances where you find your mind and soul to be troubled for whatever reasons, can you please rely on me?”

Baekhyun raises his head to look at his consort. 

“I wish for you to know that you may do so freely.”

“Why? Do you worry for me, Sejabin?

“Of course, I worry for you are my friend--- a dear one at that--- and I do not like to bear witness to a friend’s anguish. I wish for you to know whatever it is that may ail your mind at any given time, you are not required to brave it alone. Hence I must implore you to learn to rely on me more. I am always at your disposal.”

The Crown Princess’ words tug at Baekhyun’s heartstrings. “Well, aren’t I so fortunate for I have been blessed with such a devoted friend?”

Mura smiles softly. “You may speak freely of your current woes, as well, for I know you have them. I promise to dedicate all my attention to you.”

Baekhyun nods. “You are correct. Indeed, I have many woes troubling me currently; however, I do not wish to speak of them, at present.”

Mura presses her lips together. “Then is there anything I may do for you at present.”

Baekhyun hums in contemplation. He initially wants to say no as he can't come up with anything, but then he is reminded of something. “How about entertaining me with a serenade?”

Mura does not expect that request. “You wish for me to sing to you?”

Baekhyun nods. “I should be most obliged.”

“I’m afraid I do not have the most pleasing voice.”

“I have heard your singing and I beg to differ.”

“Ah, is that so?” Mura bites her lower lip as she contemplates. 


The way Crown Prince pleads, Mura doesn’t have the heart to refuse. “Very well.” She proceeds to sing for the Crown Prince in a soft tone. 

Baekhyun rests his head over his hands on top of the desk again, allowing his consort’s beautiful voice to gently and soothe his senses in the most pleasing fashion. It isn’t long until the singing lulls him to sleep. 

His sleep then gets momentarily disrupted, as he feels the Crown Princess gently laying him down on the floor mattress. In his drowsy state, Baekhyun thinks he should go and retire in his own chamber, but in the end, sleep reigns supreme as he fails to escape its unyielding grip. And, for the first time in days, Baekhyun sleeps without any dreadful recurring nightmares haunting his peace. 


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A/N: Chaewoon's dead :( Poor Baekhyunee is grieving and also experiencing PTSD. Good thing he has Mura. This was a personal fave chapter of mine. We see a mature Mura being there for Baekhyun even when he tries to push her away. A lot of feels...


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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.