
Under the Peach Tree



"Mama, please, you must cease your tears. You've been crying for so long. You must get ready for the day. You are due to pay your morning respects to the Queen and the Queen Dowager." Madam Choi tries to cajole an inconsolable Mura, who's been intermittently crying for who knows how long? Madam Choi found her in this state when she arrived earlier. 

All the attendants are oblivious to Mura's attempt at temporary escape the night before. Except for Janshil, who was pressed by her mistress into having a ladder ready by the wall for her, earlier during the day. 

"I despise this place with an arrant passion. I hate it. I wish to leave." Mura squalls. 

"Mama, you mustn't say such things." Madam Choi cries. "I beg of you, you must get up."

"I will not!" Mura shouts. "Leave me!"

Madam Choi turns to Janshil with a concerned expression. "What happened?" She mouths.

The maid gulps nervously. Truthfully, Janshil, herself, does not know why her mistress is in so much distress. She wonders if something had happened during her mistress' little adventure outside of the palace. The maid is silently panicking. Madam Choi will have her heart on a platter if she comes to learn that she had assisted the Crown Princess to sneak out. Janshil simply responds with a shrug.


Meanwhile, Baekhyun stops by Queen Dowager's chamber to pay his morning respects. 

"Seja, why do you appear so fatigued? Are you unwell?" Queen Dowager questions.

"I had slept rather poorly, otherwise, I am in fine health. Do not fret, halmamama." Baekhyun assures her. 

The door to the chamber opens and a court lady walks in. "I apologize for the interruption, Daebi-mama. Word has come from the Crown Princess' quarters that she is currently indisposed and is unable to fulfill her morning obligations."

The Queen Dowager shakes her head and tuts. "It seems, this one falls ill quite easily. What a weakling we have chosen for a crown princess."

Baekhyun, on the other hand, becomes concerned. He wonders if the events of the previous night have something to do with the Crown Princess' state.


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"Mama, you must eat." Madam Choi tries to convince Mura.

The Crown Princess has stopped crying for the moment, however, she remains in bed and refuses to even have a nibble of her breakfast. "I do not have an appetite."

"Please, mama. You will fall ill, otherwise."

"Well, in that instance, I may welcome this illness, and I hope to perish from it if it means I could leave this wretched place, at last."

"Mama!" Madam Choi cries. 

"All rise for Her Royal Highness, the Queen." A eunuch announces from the other side of Mura's chamber door.

Madam Choi becomes alarmed. She looks to Mura, who climbs out of bed to greet her mother-in-law. Surely, the Crown Prince had let it known to the Queen about her attempted transgression the night prior. So, the Queen has likely come to rebuke her. Maybe even punish her. 

The Queen enters the chamber and everyone in the room bows to her. 

"Sejabin, no need to exert yourself. Please, return to your bed." The Queen says with concern.

"It is fine, Mama." Mura tells her mother-in-law.

"It is your Queen's command." 

Not wishing to argue further, Mura obliges and makes herself comfortable in bed, but doesn't completely lie down. 

"I had learned, earlier, about your ill health and became deeply concerned. Hence, I have decided to come to see you, myself. I have also called upon the royal physician to examine you."

"I am sincerely grateful for your concern, but you shouldn't have troubled yourself, Mama. It is nothing serious."

"Nonsense! It is no trouble, at all. You are family. No different than my own daughter. Ensuring your well-being is my responsibility. Bring in the physician." The Queen orders her lady-in-waiting. 

The royal physician checks Mura's pulse. "Has she eaten, yet?" He asks. 

"No, not yet." Madam Choi answers. 

"Well, her pulse is a little weak, but that is likely because she hasn't replenished herself, yet. Otherwise, she appears to be in good health." The physician informs. "I suggest you eat your morning meal promptly, Sejabin-mama. I shall also have the dispensary send in an energizing tonic for you. Please, make sure to drink it." The physician leaves after the examination. 

"That's a relief." The Queen says.

"Forgive me, Mama, for causing you to worry unnecessarily." Mura expresses.

The Queen studies the other's face. "Sejabin, have you, perhaps, been crying?"

Mura hesitates. "Uh... no."

The Queen isn't convinced. "Sejabin, you may find me intimidating because I'm the queen, but, I am also your mother-in-law. As I've mentioned earlier, you are no different to me than my daughter; and thus, you may confide in me if you are troubled by something."

"Truly, it is nothing, Mama." Mura says timidly.

The Queen is slightly disappointed that her daughter-in-law refuses to open up to her, but she chooses to not probe her further.


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After attending the morning assembly, the small crowd of officials disperses out of the main throne hall, with Lord Park being one of the figures amongst them. 


Lord Park turns in the direction from where the voice came. He sees the Crown Prince approaching him. "Choha." He bows in acknowledgment.

"May I have a word with you?" Baekhyun asks.

"Of course." Lord Park walks with the Crown Prince. 

"There is a matter I wish to speak with you about."


"I hope you will provide me with full transparency."

"Of course."

Baekhyun furrows his eyebrows. "Was the Crown Princess coerced into our alliance?"

Lord Park is taken aback by the question. Why is the Crown Prince suddenly questioning him about this matter? "What compels you to make such an assumption, Choha?"

"Please, answer my question, Chwasang. Was she or was she not made to accept this alliance against her will?"

"Of course not." Lord Park is quick to lie.

Baekhyun quirks an eyebrow. "Then it is safe to conclude that the Crown Princess had lied to me?"

Lord Park cringes internally. He had told his daughter many times to not reveal to anyone about the real circumstances under which she was chosen to be the Crown Prince's consort. "If I may, Choha, what has she told you?"

"Only that it was not her own decision."

Lord Park is unsure of what to say. 

"It's true, isn't it?"

Lord Park contemplates his response. "There may have been some initial hesitance from her, I will admit it. However, rest assured, she was not pressured in any way."

"If there had been some reluctance on her part, why was she made to partake in the selection process, to begin with?"

"The King, himself, had asked for her participation. And, in the end, she was chosen by the queen's court---a decision, although unexpected at first, was happily accepted by my daughter, for nothing could be a greater honor for her than to serve the royal family as its loyal subject." Lord Park embellishes the truth.

But, Baekhyun isn't fully satisfied with the response. "Forgive me, but I find it difficult to take your word for it."

Lord Park doesn't challenge the statement. "Has something happened, Choha? Shall I speak with the Crown Princess?"

"No need. I do not wish to inflate the issue."

Lord Park mulls over the right words to say. "I do not know what words were exchanged between you and the Crown Princess, but, if she had disrespected you in any manner, I wish to take this opportunity to apologize to you on her behalf. Any of her shortcomings can only be attributed to my own failure as her father. The environment in which I had brought her up was far from traditional and drastically different than the one in the palace. I am aware, I'm in no place to ask you of this, but if I may, I beg of you to, please, allow the Crown Princess some time to adjust and to not harbor any resentment towards her. I can assure you, my daughter possesses the purest of heart and a deep admiration for the royal family... she shall come around to everything, eventually."  

Baekhyun wants to admit it is rather he, not the Crown Princess, who had been disrespectful. Although, she did attempt at breaking the palace rules, Baekhyun acknowledges he is mostly at fault here in making false claims against the Crown Princess, along with spewing some harsh remarks at her the previous night. But he doesn't wish to go there with the second state councilor. So, he nods in acceptance of the other's request. "Chwasang, may I ask you something else?"


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It is evening time, and Mura is in bed, as she has been the whole day. Only leaving her post to relieve herself. She had barely eaten anything all day, and she wears the same nightwear from the previous night, as she refuses to change out of it. She feels no motivation---utterly exhausted. By now, Mura has even exhausted all of her tears from crying so much. In spite of the lack of tears, the anguish that she has been feeling still remains. She feels as though she is drowning in a pool of despair, and there is absolutely nothing that could pull her out of it.

Mura hears the scraping sound of the sliding door opening.

"Mama, look, the Crown Prince has sent in some sweets for you." Madam Choi informs cheerfully, hoping this would elevate the Crown Princess' mood.

Janshil enters the room holding a tray and sets it next to her mistress' bed. 

Mura, who has completely wrapped herself in a cocoon made of her duvet, does not bother with any movement. "I don't want them." Comes her muffled voice. 

"They were prepared by your mother." Madam Choi says. 

That particular detail gets Mura's attention. She pulls down the duvet slightly---just enough to be able to take a peek at the tray of sweets. There are various types of sweet rice cakes, tea cookies, and a bowl of sweet rice punch. All her favorite---especially, when made by her mother.

Mura stares at the tray, while begins to water. Then she remembers that they were sent in by the Crown Prince and that is enough to make them a little unappetizing. "I still do not want them. Take them away!" She says before wrapping the duvet over her head, again.

Meanwhile, Baekhyun waits outside in the courtyard, when his eunuch steps out of the Crown Princess' residence. Samnom regretfully shakes his head, implying the Crown Princess has not accepted his gesture. Baekhyun huffs out a sigh before he marches inside his consort's quarters. 

"Announce my presence." He orders one of the attendants, once he is outside of her bed-chamber. 

"His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince."

Madam Choi panics at the announcement. "Please, allow us a moment." She shouts. "Mama, get up." She says with urgency. 

"No." Mura refuses. 

Madam Choi forcibly removes her mistress' duvet from her, and the other shoots her lady-in-waiting a fiery glare. Madam Choi becomes horrified. Not by the glare, but by the appearance of her mistress. The Crown Princess' face is bloated from all the crying. Her hair, which is untied, appears unkempt with messy knots, while portions of it are matted that stick to her forehead. 

"Good heavens, we cannot possibly present you in front of Choha in such a state. I fear he may never find the stomach to be near you. Or, even look your way, for that matter." Madam Choi says bluntly.

"Good." Mura snatches the Duvet from her lady's-in-waiting grasps and blankets herself again with it.

"What is the delay?" Comes Baekhyun's imperious voice. 

"Janshil, quickly, lower the curtain." Madam Choi instructs before shuffling her way to the chamber door. 

The maid, with quick urgency, proceeds to unroll the translucent curtain, which hangs from above, a few inches away from the bed. While, the two attendants are busy panicking, Mura remains in bed, unbothered. As soon as the curtain falls all the way down, Madam Choi swiftly opens the door. 

"Apologies for the wait, Choha." She bows ninety degrees. 

Baekhyun enters the room, slightly vexed. The curtain covers the bed area, but the Crown Prince can vaguely discern the lying body of his consort. "Is she sleeping?" He asks Madam Choi. 

"No, no, she isn't. Since she has been feeling a little weak, the physician has asked her to remain in bed. Please, forgive Her Highness for not being able to present herself properly." Madam Choi explains. 

Baekhyun nods. "Sejabin."


"Sejabin?" Baekhyun repeats. 

More silence. 

Baekhyun turns to Madam Choi. "Are you certain she isn't asleep?"

"Please, kindly, excuse me, Choha." Madam Choi shuffles to her mistress. "Mama, Choha is here."

"I know."

Baekhyun hears the muffled voice. "Sejabin, how do you feel?"

"Why do you care?" Mura asks sulkily, still under her cover.

Baekhyun ignores her hostile tone. "Should I call for the royal physician?"


"I had sent in some sweets for you earlier."

"I am aware."

"Have you had them, yet?" 

"I do not wish to."

"I was told you adored the sweets made by your mother, so I had requested for her to send some to the palace for your enjoyment."

Mura doesn't say anything.

"Are you, perhaps, cross with me, Sejabin?"


Baekhyun did not expect his consort to admit it to it so unabashedly. However, he supposes he deserves it. 

Baekhyun looks at his surrounding. "Leave us." He tells all the attendants that are present in the room. Once, it is only the two of them, he speaks again. "In that case, I..." Baekhyun hesitates. He is about to humble himself in front of his consort---his inferior in rank. So much for establishing his authority. "...I apologize."

Mura's ears perk up at the statement. She lowers her duvet and sits up. "I'm listening."

Baekhyun was not intending to add anything further, but it seems his consort is expecting a detailed apology. "I apologize for my misconduct. I have unfairly accused you of witchcraft. I also apologize for my cruel remarks from last night. Even though, what you were attempting to do was grossly inappropriate and I warn you to never repeat it, I shouldn't have said certain things that I have said. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive my wrongdoings."


"I wish to make amends." Baekhyun pauses to choose his next words. "I believe we have begun our association on the wrong foot. Thus, consider the sweets as a gesture of peace offering. I hope we can be on more affable terms from hereon."

Mura mulls over the apology. "All right."

Baekhyun looks his consort's way expectantly. "Can I, perhaps, consider myself forgiven then?"

"I suppose." 

Baekhyun's lips stretch ever so slightly. "Well, I shall not take any more of your rest time. Please, take care of yourself, Sejabin. I wish you a lovely evening." He turns to leave.

"Thank you." Mura utters. 

Baekhyun stops in his track. 

"Thank you for apologizing. It is greatly appreciated.  And, thank you for the sweets. And, most importantly, for not informing the Queen about the previous night." Mura conveys sincerely.

"You are most welcome. I hope you will honor my grace by not repeating last night's attempts."

Mura huffs sadly. "You have my word."

"Very well." With that, Baekhyun walks out of the room.

As soon as the Crown Prince leaves, Mura swings her legs over to sit on the edge of her bed. She pulls the tray of sweets, which is right beside her bed, closer and pops a morsel of sweets into . She hums in satisfaction. Her mother never fails. With her spirit lifted, she begins to ravage the sweets as though it was her last supper ever. 


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Mura belches, loud and rumbling. "My stomach." She whines in pain, as she has her arms folded over her middle. 

"I have notified the dispensary to send in medicine for indigestion." Madam Choi informs.

Mura lets out a petulant cry. Janshil starts to gently rub Mura's abdomen, in order to relieve some of the pain. 

"Aigoo, Mama, I warned you to not eat the sweets all at once, and to eat them slowly." Madam Choi chides.

"I do not care for your lectures at this moment, Choi Sanggung. Go, make yourself useful and tell the dispensary to hurry." Mura continues to groan in pain.


Over in the Crown Prince's library, Baekhyun is preoccupied with a book.

Samnom approaches his master. "Choha, I have received word that the Crown Princess had greatly enjoyed the sweets. So much so, she had finished the entire tray."

"Hmm." Baekhyun hums with his gaze fixated on the novel splayed below him. Moments later, the corner of his lips quirks up. Once, he realizes that he has been smiling to himself, Baekhyun fixes his expression and continues with his reading. 


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1. Chwasang: A term used to address the second state councilor.



A/N: Well, Baekhyun finally apologized for everything. Mura is such a kind-hearted person and is quick to forgive people. Bribing with food definitely helped Baekhyun's case, hehe.



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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.