
Under the Peach Tree

A/N: Kindly excuse any mistakes. 


Choha, do you remember our bet?” Mura’s eyes flick over her tambour frame to look at the Crown Prince sitting across from her, performing calligraphy; while Mura, herself, practices embroidery, as they both occupy the East Palace pavilion on a spring afternoon.

“What bet?” Baekhyun asks while maintaining his attention on his task. 

“The bet we made a few months ago. The one I so successfully won. Do you not remember?”

“I do not,” Baekhyun replies still keeping his gaze fixed on his calligraphy, expressionless.

Mura puffs her cheeks. “You do not or are you pretending not to?”

The tiniest of smirk cracks through Baekhyun’s lips.

“Perhaps a prick of this needle ought to help jog your memory.” Mura points the embroidery needle in her possession at the other in a mock threat.

Baekhyun snorts out a small laugh. “All right, all right. What of the bet?”

“Well, I have decided to, at last, claim the long overdue reward of my winning.”

“I see. And what kind of a reward does our victor desire?”

Mura presses her lips together as she mentally prepares herself to make the request because she’s well aware it is going to be a big ask; one that will surely be difficult to fulfill. Impossible, even. She sets the needle between her fingers down. “What do you know of the flying lantern festival?”

“Only that it takes place once every spring where people gather around in town and light paper lanterns before releasing them in the air."

“Yes, and so much more. It is a joyous celebration that begins in the afternoon and ends at night with various activities to keep oneself entertained."

"I see."

"This year it is to take place this coming week.”

“All right…” Baekhyun isn’t entirely sure where this conversation is leading.

Mura hesitates briefly. “Well, I... I wish to attend it.”

Baekhyun tilts his head in thought. “Are you seeking permission to leave the palace for the purpose of attending this event?”

Mura nods sheepishly.

“I… I’m afraid I do not think it’s possible, Sejabin. And as you well know, I am not at liberty to grant permission of such nature.”

“Yes, I am well aware. Hence I was hoping if you should be kind enough to make an appeal in my name to the Queen?” Mura asks timidly.

Baekhyun’s expression tells her he’s unwilling. 

“Please, Choha!"

"I highly doubt the Queen would agree."

"I plead with you to at least try. If the Queen denies the request, I shall accept it with dignity. And regardless of the outcome, I shall consider your efforts alone to be my reward.”

Baekhyun sighs. Of course, he cannot bring himself to ignore the Crown Princess’ earnest plea. “I’ll see what I can do.”


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“Absolutely not!” The Queen says outrightly to the request of her son, who has dropped by her chamber.

Omamama,” Baekhyun pleads. 

Seja, we cannot possibly allow her to leave the palace for such frivolous purposes. Furthermore, she may likely have encounters with familiar people and it would be so improper of her to be seen going about in town and engaging in the activities of the general public. She must maintain her dignity as the Crown Princess.”

Omamama, this particular event has always been dear to the Crown Princess since her childhood. When she had attended it the previous year, she, of course, hadn’t known that it would be her last. She simply wishes for one final opportunity to experience it to her heart's content. She has assured me this would be a singular occurrence for she will never ask of it again. Only this once.”

The Queen gently shakes her head. “Seja, I understand the sentiment, but—”

“We both know the Crown Princess did not assume her status as a royal voluntarily. It was callously imposed upon her by the Palace.” Baekhyun reminds his mother, who lowers her gaze in, what can only be described as, shame. “Therefore, the least we can do in return is extend a small bit of grace in her way, do you not think?”

The Queen does not verbally express it, but she understands her son’s point. 

“I am inclined to think it is a rather small request in comparison to the sacrifices the Crown Princess had to make in order to assume that title. Surely, a few hours out of the palace wouldn't bring about any upheaval. Furthermore, I intend to personally chaperone her, so you need not be concerned about her wellbeing.”

The Queen quirks an eyebrow quizzically at her son. “You wish to accompany her?”

“Yes, otherwise I would be riddled with worry. Who knows? Perhaps a few hours spent in town may prove refreshing for my soul, as well. I must admit, I am quite curious about this flying lantern festival that the Crown Princess is so fond of.”

“Your father will never allow it.”

“He has already given me his blessings.”

The Queen is surprised. “You’ve already consulted him?”

Baekhyun nods. “I have always fulfilled my duties with diligence and complete obedience. I have never asked much for myself or made unreasonable demands, and abamama seemed to have recognized my devotion. Hence, if not for the sake of the Crown Princess, then perhaps you can extend some grace for the sake of your devoted son, omamama?”

The Queen sighs.

Baekhyun smiles at her mother. “Please, omamama. For me, please?” He then wrinkles his nose endearingly.

“Fine! Fine, I’ll allow it. But only this once.”

"Thank you!” Baekhyun crouches on his hands and knees and bows. “My heartfelt gratitude to you, omamama!” he says ecstatically. 

The Queen finally breaks into a smile. How could she not when her son appears so thrilled like never before? “Come, Seja. Come sit next to your mother for a bit.”

Baekhyun obliges.

The Queen takes his hand and looks at him tenderly. “It brings me so much joy to witness such elation in your countenance. In the past, a smile… a genuine smile on your lips was a sight rare as a blue moon in the night sky.” She places a loving hand on her son’s cheek. “However, as of late, I cannot help but note that handsome smile of yours has been gracing our vision far more often. You look happy, my darling.”

Baekhyun smiles softly. “I am happy.”

The Queen is extremely pleased by the confirmation. “And I believe we have a certain Crown Princess to thank for it, hm?”

Baekhyun lowers his gaze bashfully, blushing.

The Queen gently squeezes her son’s cheek. “Oh, my sweet, sweet boy. May you continue to light us with that dazzling smile of yours. And may you and your consort forever share this happiness.”

Baekhyun places a hand over his mother’s and leans into her touch; sharing and appreciating this tender moment with her.


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Mama, pray be still. I cannot do your hair if you fidget like so,” Janshil complains while combing through her mistress’ hair. 

“Oh, Janshil-ah, words cannot express how utterly thrilled I am for today!” Mura sports the biggest grin one can possibly hold.

Janshil smiles. This is the happiest she has seen her mistress since knowing her.

“I still cannot believe the Crown Prince managed to obtain the permission! He must be a dokkaebi1 in human form. Surely, he must be!”

Janshil chuckles at the silly claim. 

Mura can’t seem to stop smiling, eagerly looking forward to her time outside of the palace. She tries to be as still as possible while her maid works on her hair. When she’s about to prepare her hair for a bun, Mura stops her. “Janshil-ah, shall we try something different today?”


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It is late afternoon and Baekhyun patiently waits in the courtyard for the Crown Princess to step out of her quarters. Heaven has blessed the day with excellent weather; perfect for today's festivities. Baekhyun dons regular clothes with a gat2. It is rare for him to dress as such since almost never gets to visit the town. Chanyeol is also there, waiting with the Crown Prince, dressed, too, in civilian clothes but with a sword in hand as he will accompany them as their guard. 

They aren't made to wait for too long before Mura emerges out of her quarters, and immediately Baekhyun notices the irregularity. Instead of them being propped up in a bun, the Crown Princess' tresses grace her shoulders and back with only the front portion being pinned back prettily. A scandalous choice considering it is customary for married women to tie their hair in a bun.

Baekhyun is shocked, yes, but he is more pleased with the choice. He has always had a preference for the Crown Princess' unbound hair, for he believes she is the most beautiful with her hair down.

“Your hair…” Baekhyun trails, his eyes drinking up the pretty sight of his consort.

Mura runs her fingers through her thick locks. “I felt like being a little rebellious today.” She giggles playfully. 

Behind her, Madam Choi makes an expression of displeasure; clearly not happy with her mistress’ little rebellion

Choha, shall we?” 

Chanyeol’s voice causes Baekhyun to finally tear his eyes away from his ethereal consort. “Yes, I suppose we should commence our little jaunt.”

“Janshil-ah, take great care of the Crown Princess. Do not be distracted. You must pay close attention to her at all times,” Madam Choi lectures the maid who will also be accompanying the Crown Princess.

Janshil offers the lady-in-waiting a small bow. “Yes, Mamanim.3"

With that, the four set about their excursion into town for the celebrations.


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“What do you mean you do not wish to reveal your identity?” Mura asks the Crown Prince upon hearing his desire to conceal his identity from her cousins with whom they will be meeting shortly, as they make their way through the streets of the town with Chanyeol and Janshil following behind them.

“It is best if they do not learn of it,” Baekhyun answers. “Otherwise, they may not be at ease with the knowledge that the Crown Prince is in their presence. I wish for your cousins to be free of any constraints of maintaining certain bearings. This may as well be your last chance at unscrutinized merriment with them, Sejabin. I do not intend to impede upon it."

Mura grins and lets out a high-pitched coo. “How considerate of you, Choha.”

Despite the Crown Princess’ cousins having visited the palace several times by now, not a single one of them has had the opportunity of meeting with the Crown Prince. Their paths never crossed and there was never an effort made on behalf of the Crown Prince to see them during their visits, as he did not want to impose himself on their time with the Crown Princess. Thus, today will be their first encounter. 

Choha, may I humbly request you to reconsider?” Chanyeol speaks. “I am not proud to admit it, but our cousins have the propensity to be rather unseemly. I fear their conduct may unwittingly bring great disrespect upon you.”

Baekhyun waves his hand dismissively. “Do not fret, Chanyeol-ah. I am not so pompous as to easily take offense to small indiscretions. Besides, it should be rather fun to play pretend for a bit. Isn't it right, Sejabin?” He presents the Crown Princess with a crooked smile, knowing well that she will be willing to play along. 

And as expected, he receives a positive response from her in the form of a few enthusiastic nods.

Chanyeol does not share the sentiment but chooses to silently obey the Crown Prince's wishes. 

The four of them eventually reach the spot in the town square where they are expected to meet the others. 

Mura cranes her neck in order to catch sight of her cousins. “Oh, I see them!” She declares before taking into running in their direction.

Janshil quickly follows behind her mistress, leaving behind the Crown Prince and his personal guard. 

Mura goes unnoticed when she approaches her cousins, who are crowded together, mingling.

Mura, who stands directly behind Jongdae, decides to throw a playful yet strong punch to his cousin’s back to gain his attention. 

Jongdae winces upon feeling the hit. “Ya! Who dares—” his confrontation comes to a halt when he turns to find his royal cousin standing before him. 

The others become alerted of Mura’s presence, as well. 

“Nui!” Sehun acknowledges his cousin, thrilled.

“Oh, Mama!” Junmyeon greets his royal cousin happily with a bow. 

The others— consisting of Junmyeon’s wife, Minseok, Kyungsoo, and Sehun— follow suit and offer their bows to the Crown Princess. 

Except for Jongdae, who instead resorts to pulling his royal cousin’s ear.

Ow!” Mura yelps.

“Jongdae, what are you doing to Sejabin-mama?” Junmyeon scolds his younger brother. 

Sejabin-mama, my foot!” Jongdae sneers. “She thinks she can punch me and get away with it? No, this isn't the Royal Palace, Your Highness. I shall have my revenge." He then twists his cousin's ear.

Ouch! Ya, release my ear, at once! Do not make me punch you again for I shall level you right in the nose this time.” Mura threatens.

Jongdae does not comply and continues to twist her ear and mock her— all done in fun, of course. 

Then within a matter of seconds, Jongdae finds his hand that is twisting his cousin's ear being snatched, twisted behind his back, and locked in place.

"Ow, ow, ow," Jongdae utters in pain.

“How dare you disrespect the Crown Princess so egregiously!” 

Jongdae manages to peer back at the man who has his wrist in a lock and sees the face of a stranger. He's confused. He's in pain.

“I shall have you flogged for your insolence,” The man tells Jongdae menacingly.

The light and cheery atmosphere around them suddenly turns heavy and tense. All eyes are on Jongdae and the stranger.

Jongdae’s confusion only grows deeper. “Flo-flogged? Who-who are you?”

“Who, indeed?” Minseok drawls, stepping forward from within the crowd, as he eyes the handsome stranger, who is assaulting his dear younger cousin, with great interest.

“Who am I, you ask? I am the Cr—”

“He’s a royal guard!” Mura swiftly intervenes before the Crown Prince could finish his sentence.

Earlier it was decided that the Crown Prince should be introduced as a royal guard. He even took Chanyeol's sword in his own possession to be convincing. 

Mura then looks at the said prince. “Naegeumwi,4” She addresses him as the royal guard and gives him a look of mutual understanding. "You may release my cousin's arm."

Baekhyun blinks. Damn it, he almost gave away his true identity. But he couldn't restrain himself upon seeing the man disrespect the Crown Princess. He clears his throat before releasing Jongdae's arm. The latter grimaces as he massages his now free wrist.

“I urge you to be at ease. A good scolding from me should suffice. Surely, resorting to such an extreme act as flogging in this instance is wholly unnecessary.” Mura calmly suggests. “Won’t you agree?” She flashes the Crown Prince a nervous smile, hoping he would reconsider any intentions of punishing his cousin.

Jongdae waits for a response from the 'guard' as he shakes in fear at the prospect of being made to endure physical punishment. He didn't think his royal cousin would be attended by a royal guard. He curses at his own lack of foresight.

Baekhyun grits his teeth and glares at Jongdae. “Yes,” he says not entirely willing to overlook the situation, but deciding otherwise for the sake of his consort. 

Jongdae releases a sigh of relief while fixing his slightly misplaced gat. He glares back at the 'guard' and mutters a few curses.

The others also begin to relax again. 

“Do not fret, Mama,” Chanyeol speaks to the Crown Princess, having made his way behind Jongdae. “I shall discipline him, myself.” He then takes his troublesome cousin's neck in a tight grip.

Ahh, hyung…” Jongdae whines in pain. 

“Behave,” Chanyeol whispers threateningly.

"Chanyeol-ah, what a happy surprise!" Junmyeon says. "I was not expecting your presence. Sejabin-mama, hadn't mentioned you would be joining us. I was under the impression she was coming by herself."

"It was a last-minute decision, you see," Mura speaks. "I had managed to convince the Crown Prince to grant Chanyeol oraboni an early dismissal." 

Of course, it wouldn't have made sense to tell the others that Chanyeol was on duty as Crown Prince's guard, considering the said Crown Prince, himself, is pretending to be a royal guard. Hence, it was a necessary lie.

"How gracious of His Highness. Please, extend our sincerest gratitude to him upon your return, Mama," Junmyeon tells his royal cousin. "Because of him, the whole bunch has managed to reunite in this manner after such a long time."

Mura's eyes flit to the Crown Prince for a quick moment before she smiles. "I'm sure if the Crown Prince were here, he would be immensely pleased with your gratitude."

Baekhyun discreetly smiles to himself.

"I believe I speak for everyone when I say I greatly look forward to the opportunity of meeting His Highness someday." Junmyeon shares. 

Mura suppresses a giggle. 

"I don't think meeting His Highness would be much pleasant. I've heard he has a rather prickly disposition." Jongdae remarks. 

Baekhyun glowers at the remark.

"Jongdae!" Chanyeol admonishes.

"Those are the words of the Crown Princess, not mine!"

Baekhyun shoots his consort a look of betrayal, which she evades by looking the other way. Baekhyun shakes his head in disappointment. How could she?

“Well, how about we begin our merriment!” Mura prompts, not willing to stretch this particular topic any further. 

“Excellent idea, Mama,” Minseok agrees as he slides next to the strange 'royal guard'; presenting him with a saccharine smile. 

Baekhyun returns the smile to be civil but eyes the over-amiable man warily.

Nui,” Sehun seizes the opportunity and takes his place next to his beloved royal cousin. He glances behind to look at Janshil. He smiles at her and is about to ask her how she is doing, but his words die down in his throat when the maid swiftly looks in a different direction, decidedly shutting down any prospects of between them. Sehun is disheartened. 

Soon the party of ten begins their jaunt with a walk about town. The place is livelier than usual. The festivities have people from all walks of life congregating in celebration. In the town square, a large performance troupe entertains the public with gymnastic feats and music. There are games available to participate in for adults and children alike in exchange for a couple of coins. Vendors of a wide array of savory and sweet fares can be seen lined up along the streets. The Crown Princess and her party make their stop at one such vendor.

While others are preoccupied with indulging their cravings, Baekhyun separates from them, making sure to not stray too far, and observes his surroundings with a soft smile. He thinks back to the few instances he’s walked the streets of the town and brushed shoulders with its people when he had been younger. However, in adulthood, he’s only ventured into town a handful of times for official duties where he either passed through by horse or was carried on a palanquin, drawing a clear separation between him and the ordinary people. It fills his heart with contentment that he is able to walk amongst the regular folks for such a happy gathering. Hence, he takes it all in— the joys and labor of those who one day will be his subjects. His people. 

Choha, is something troubling you?” Chanyeol, who remains close behind his master, inquires.

“When the time comes, I wonder what sort of a king I’ll be.” Baekhyun muses. “Will I prove myself a good sovereign? One who isn’t motivated by personal greed but by goodwill. Will I be a wise and benevolent monarch who is impartial and dedicates a great deal to enhance the lives of his people who suffer the most, or a feeble-minded puppet king who is easily manipulated into serving the interests of those who already enjoy great privilege? Will my subjects think of me as a just ruler or a ruthless one? Will Choson witness prosperity under my reign, or will I drive it to ruins? How will the pages of history books describe my legacy? Will I be able to shoulder the responsibilities of a king without going mad? I grapple with such questions on a daily basis.” Baekhyun sighs.

“I cannot even begin to fathom the torment such intrusive thoughts must cause Your Highness,” Chanyeol says.

“It is nothing compared to the plights of the majority of this nation. At the end of the day, I get to live in a lavish palace with my every need being tended to at all times, while there are those who fail to even meet their basic necessities. If I must live with such tormenting thoughts in exchange for even a small bit of happiness for my people then it is a small price to pay.”

“I have not known you long, Your Highness, and I’m sure my humble opinions do not amount to much, but as someone who has the fortune of spending a great deal of time in your presence and having witnessed many aspects of your character, I have no doubt in my mind that you will make for a brilliant king.” 

Baekhyun opens his mouth to speak—

“And I’m not saying it to simply please you.” Chanyeol cuts in, sensing that the Crown Prince was about to accuse him of being a sycophant again. “I truly believe it in my heart, Choha. And if you will allow me, I pledge to do everything in my power, as your loyal servant, in assisting you to achieve your goals as King.”

Baekhyun smiles at his guard and claps his shoulder, touched by his words. “Thank you, Chanyeol. Truly, I am grateful for your dedication.” 

When the two turn around, they find the Crown Princess standing directly behind them.

“Oh!” Baekhyun utters in mild surprise, not expecting the other to be standing there. “We were just about to rejoin you.”

“I bought some sweets.” Mura then hands the two sweets wrapped in parchment.

Chanyeol offers a small bow. “Thank you, Mama.”

Baekhyun smiles. “How thoughtful of you. Thank you.”

The three then return to their group. While Mura is busy engaging in a lively conversation with her cousins, Baekhyun stands behind her at a distance, sullen. He is unable to join them in order to keep his charade as a royal guard on duty. And as such, he cannot be seen mixing with the Crown Princess or mingling with people.

Baekhyun wishes his consort’s cousins weren’t involved in today’s affair. He would have much preferred if it were only the two of them enjoying their time together outside the palace. But the Crown Princess had requested the addition of her cousins and as always, Baekhyun did not have the heart to deny her request.

Who knows when, if ever, another opportunity like today will arise in the future? He finds himself regretting his decision of concealing his identity.  

On the other hand, this is the happiest the Crown Princess has ever appeared, and that had been the goal, after all. Today’s affair is more about her joy than it is about Baekhyun's. Still, the thought does very little to console Baekhyun. He’s just selfish, he supposes. And would it hurt for the Crown Princess to offer Baekhyun a quick glance every now and then? He feels ignored and he is vexed by it.

Chanyeol remains there by him, but being a conversationalist isn't quite the personal guard's strongest suit. Thus, to keep himself entertained, Baekhyun allows his imagination to run wild as he longingly stares at the Crown Princess' long, inky hair; craving to touch it… smell it. 

Meanwhile, Chanyeol stands quietly and keeps a scrutinizing eye on their surroundings. He is an actual guard on duty, after all. That is when he notices a young maiden, who had just walked past him, drop her norigae5 to the ground. The said young woman remains oblivious to it as she keeps walking with another young woman beside her; a maid it seems.

He turns to the Crown Prince. “Excuse me for a moment, Choha.” Chanyeol hastily leaves his master’s side to pick up the fallen norigae and runs after its owner. “Excuse me,” he calls for the woman once he catches up. 

The woman turns around and surveys the impressively tall stranger before her. “Yes?” Tall and undeniably handsome, she realizes the longer she stares. 

Chanyeol himself is taken aback by the beauty before him. Worried he’s been shamelessly gawking at her, he lowers his gaze. “I believe this belongs to you.” Chanyeol presents her with the tasseled accessory. 

The woman gasps. “My precious norigae!” She instantly takes it from the stranger’s hand. “I cannot thank you enough!”

“My pleasure. Well then…” Chanyeol offers a small bow as a farewell.

“Yoo Eunbo?”

Both Chanyeol and the woman look at the person who just spoke.

The woman narrows her eyes at the person, trying to identify her. She then gasps. “Sejabin-mama?”

“Yes! You are Yoo Eunbo, are you not?” Mura asks her again.

“Indeed, I am, Mama.” Eunbo offers her bow.

“Oh, what a wonderfully happy accident! It is delightful to see you again!”

“Likewise, Mama.” Eunbo expresses with excitement. 

The two had last seen each other on the final day of the selection process where Mura was selected to be the Crown Princess Consort.

Baekhyun, who had followed his consort, casts a questioning glance at Chanyeol, who simply shrugs, equally oblivious.

“How do you know my cousin?” Mura asks Eunbo.

“Your cousin?”

“We are not acquainted, Mama.” Chanyeol supplies helpfully. 

Eunbo then goes on to explain to the Crown Princess the circumstances of their encounter a bit earlier.

So Mura takes the opportunity to introduce her to the two men near her; making sure to introduce the Crown Prince as a royal guard. 

“Oh dear, look at me just rambling about. I apologize, I must be keeping you from your company.” Mura says. 

“No need for apologies, Mama. There is no one expecting me. It is only me and my maid. Although, I sense that I might be keeping you from your company.” Eunbo points behind the Crown Princess with her gaze. 

Mura turns her head to find her cousins staring in their direction. “Ah, yes, so it seems.”

“Then I shall not keep you from them any longer. It was a---”

“Join us, why don’t you!” Mura cuts in.

Uh,” Eunbo thinks. “That is very kind of you, Mama, but I couldn’t possibly impose…”

“It isn’t imposing if you are being invited.” Mura points out. 

“Will your companions approve?”

“They’re all my cousins and you should find that they’re all pleasantly amiable. They won’t mind one bit. Isn’t it true, oraboni?” Mura turns to Chanyeol.

The said man's eyes flick at the young lady before dropping below. “Yes, we shall all be delighted to welcome you.” 

An ever-so-slight touch of a blush crawls across Eunbo's cheeks.

“And I have a maid accompanying me as well, I’m sure she should be glad to gain some company of her own in your maid. Besides, I’m the Crown Princess, my approval is all that matters.” Mura winks. 

Eunbo giggles. “Very well then.”

Mura beams. “Come, let’s begin the introductions!” She takes Eunbo’s hand and guides her to the rest of the group with the Crown Prince and Chanyeol in tow.


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1. Dokkaebi:  also known as "Korean goblins", are nature deities or spirits possessing extraordinary powers and abilities that are used to interact with humans, at times playing tricks on them and at times helping them.

2. Gat: traditional mesh hat worn by the men of the upper class during the Choson dynasty.

3. Mamanim: madam.

4. Naegeumwi: royal guard.

5. Norigae: a traditional pendant with tassels worn as an accessory with women's hanbok.



A/N: Yay, Mura getting some time out of the palace. Look at our Choha making it happen! Isn't Baekhyun the sweetest? Though the poor guy getting left out because of his own stupid decision lol. But the cousins not knowing his identity should make for a fun ride, don't you think?

And do you guys remember Eunbo? She was one of the top three girls that was selected during crown princess consort selection process earlier in the story. Did you guys sense something between her and Chanyeol? ;)

Also, this chapter was getting way too long so I had to cut it. The next chapter will pick up from where we left off.

I hope you guys liked this update! 



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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.