
Under the Peach Tree


"Mama, your father and mother are here." Madam Choi announces to the Crown Princess, who has been keenly waiting for her parents' arrival in her chamber. 

Mura's face brightens. "Let them in, quickly!" She tells her lady-in-waiting with great excitement.

It has been a week since her wedding and the last she has seen of her parents. Although, a week is not much long, considering she's been parted from them for much longer, she still felt their absence dearly. 

The door to her chamber opens and Mura stands up to greet her parents. "Sejabin-mama." Her father addresses her before both her parents bow to her. 

Mura is taken aback by the gesture. It is rather strange to watch her own parents bowing before her. This is something she reckons she may never get used to. 

Nevertheless, she grins widely. "Aboji, omoni. Please, have a seat." 

Her parents return the smile and take their seats on the floor cushions. Mura follows and sits across from her parents.

"Aboji, omoni, oh, how utterly thrilled I am to see you." Mura expresses.

"Not as thrilled as your mother and I. We miss you so dearly. Our lives have been rather desolate without you." Lord Park relays. 

Mura smiles sadly. 

"Oh, let us not be so glum." Lady Kim says, trying to lighten the mood. "After all, at present, we are in our daughter's company. Let us relish in it and only exchange words of joy among us. Hm?"

"You are right, my dear." Lord Park agrees with his wife. "Buin1, don't you think our daughter looks rather elegant in her court attire?" He asks his wife.

Lady Kim beams. "Indeed. Our daughter, who only donned in cotton and insisted upon having her hair untethered at all times, now sports the finest silk and wears her hair in a sophisticated bun. It is quite the transformation."

A transformation that Mura, herself, is not all too thrilled about. 

A maid walks in carrying a tray of tea and places it between the Crown Princess and her guests. 

"I'll do it," Mura tells the maid who was just about to serve the tea. 

She takes the kettle and pours her parents the beverage and also serves them some morsels as accompaniments.

"My goodness, I am at a loss for words. Since when has our daughter learned to serve tea?" Lady Kim remarks. "And, with such grace. Surely, it is your doing, Choi Sanggung." She turns to the lady-in-waiting, who stands nearby. 

Madam Choi lightly bows in acknowledgment and offers a small, bashful smile.

"You work miracles, Choi Sanggung." Lady Kim compliments. 

"Choi Sanggung isn't the only one to be credited." Mura sulks. "I have put forth much effort into learning these things. It hasn't been easy, you know. Where are my praises?"

Lady Kim suppresses a laugh. Not all has changed with her daughter. "Of course, how inconsiderate of me. You have done immensely well and it is evident. Thank you for all of your hard work, Mama. Your father and I are extremely proud of your accomplishments." 

"Indeed." Lord Park chimes in. 

Mura beams at the praise. "I am quite remarkable, aren't I?" She then giggles.

They begin sipping on their tea. 

"How do you find the palace, Mama?" Lord Park asks her daughter. 

"It is not entirely unpleasant here, I suppose. It has its charms. I do not despise it." Mura finds the palace to be excruciatingly boring. She feels utterly miserable, at times. However, she chooses not to reveal that to her parents because she doesn't wish to add to her father's existing guilt. Although he hasn't expressed it much, Mura's certain her father still bears the guilt of her alliance with the Crown Prince.

"That is good to hear. With time, you may even grow fond of this place." Lord Park says. 

"I am certain I will." Mura offers an ungenuine smile.

"How is the Crown Prince? Do you get along with him?" Lady Kim asks.

"We haven't interacted much," Mura answers truthfully.

"I see. Does he fancy you?"

"How am I to know?" Mura says nonchalantly as she sips on her tea. 

Lady Kim is not content with her daughter's disinterest. "Mama, you must make an effort to form a close bond with the Crown Prince. It is vital that you place yourself in his good graces, along with the other members of the royal family." 

"Your mother is right. You must make yourself to be an agreeable addition to the royal family."

"Aish, I thought we were to only exchange happy and pleasant words. Why am I being lectured?" Mura complains. 

"It is for your own good, Mama." Lady Kim stresses. 

"Omoni, aboji, you must stop addressing with me with the royal style. As your daughter, I am rather uncomfortable with it." Mura changes the subject, but it is something that has been bothering her. 

"You must remember this from hereon..." Lord Park begins. "You are a royal first---the crown princess---the future queen. Your identity is no longer bound to us but rather to the royal family. And, as a member of the royal family, you are our superior, and as such, we must address you as one."

Her father's words do not make much sense to Mura. How can her ties with a family that she barely knows trump her ties with her own parents, who birthed her and raised her for twenty-four years? "But---"

"I must implore you to heed my words." Lord Park continues. "You must adore the Queen as your own mother. You must revere the King above all. And, you must love the Crown Prince like no other. Your allegiance must lie with them and them alone. Do you understand what I'm saying, Mama?"

Mura's expression turns morose. She feels she is being discarded by her own father. "Yes, aboji." 

It doesn't bring Lord Park any joy to say any of this. However, it is all in his daughter's own interest. 

"I hope you will live by these words, henceforward, Mama."


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Baekhyun is in his office, which is situated inside his residence, practicing calligraphy when his personal eunuch walks in.

"Choha, I have summoned the shaman, per your command," Samnom informs.

"Bring her in." Baekhyun orders. 

Samnom leaves momentarily only to return with a woman in her middle age.

"Seja-choha." The woman keeps her gaze to the floor and performs a deep bow to show her respects to the Crown Prince.

"Leave us." Baekhyun tells Samnom, which the eunuch does. Baekhyun surveys the seemingly nervous woman with a critical eye. "You are the head shaman at the temple?"

The shaman's gaze remains fixed downward. "Yes, Choha."

"I have called upon you here because I seek your counsel."

"I am at your service, Choha."

"I trust that whatever it is we discuss will remain strictly confidential."

"Of course, Choha."

"Good. Otherwise, a poison bowl shall await you."

The shaman becomes horrified by the prospect. "I-I shall never dare to betray your trust, Choha."

"Very well." Baekhyun thinks for a moment. "Tell me, is it possible to ingrain someone with feelings, that may not reflect their true sentiment, through witchcraft?"

The shaman is confused. Why is the Crown Prince speaking of witchcraft? "What sort of feelings do you speak of, Choha?"

Baekhyun shifts slightly in his seat. "Suppose, for instance, when one sees another and feels a strange pull towards them, as though one has been tethered to them and cannot break free. But, strangely, one does not wish to break free. Or, when one cannot stop gawking at another because one is in awe of their beauty. Or, when one cannot cease another's image from constantly appearing in one's mind."

The shaman narrows her eyes. "What you speak of sounds an awful lot like attraction, Choha."

Baekhyun becomes slightly flustered. "Attraction...yes, I suppose, you may call it that."

"So, you wish to learn if someone has charmed you through witchcraft?"

"Oho, I do not remember mentioning this individual to be myself."

The shaman bows. "Forgive my presumptions, Choha."

"So, tell me, is it possible?"

"If I may ask, what compels this individual to believe that this attraction he feels is not a reflection of his true sentiment?"

"He has his reasons. Now, stop with your vexing queries and answer me---is it possible or not?"

The shaman takes a moment before answering. "It is entirely possible to charm someone into forming an attraction towards another."

Baekhyun's jaw tightens. "And, have you ever witnessed such a thing?"

"Even though, I have neither witnessed nor performed such spells, myself, I am familiar with the ways one may achieve such an objective."

"And, what are these ways?"

"An elixir, infused with an incantation, comes to mind. Has the subject ever accepted a drink from the suspected person?"

"Not directly, no. Although, it is unlikely that is how the subject was charmed."

"Then perhaps, this suspected person carried a talisman, hidden from plain sight."

"A talisman?"

"Yes. It could be a simple piece of paper with an incantation inscribed on it---an effective way to cast a spell on someone"

Yes, that could be it, Baekhyun thinks.

"Although, in order for the efficacy of the talisman to remain, the bearer of the talisman must have it on them at all times."

"Are you suggesting that the individual may still be in possession of the talisman?"

"If the subject still continues to experience the undesired attraction then, yes, the perpetrator still ought to be in possession of it."

Baekhyun closes his palms into fists, as he seethes at the possibility that he has, indeed, been bewitched---in the literal sense. There is only one way to confirm his suspicion.


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Mura narrows her eyes with concentration, as she pulls the needle through the fabric, subsequently pulling the thread. "Aish!" She abruptly shoves the embroidery hoop away. "Take it away. This is mind-numbing."

Janshil quickly moves to remove the hoop.

"Mama, you have done all but a single stitch. Do not be so quick to yield." Madam Choi says.

"That one stitch was enough for me to know that embroidery is not my cup of tea," Mura argues. 

Madam Choi feels frustrated. Since the Crown Princess has been experiencing unrelenting boredom, she had assumed a new hobby may help with that. Hence why, she had suggested for her mistress to take up on embroidery. However, it seems embroidery requires a level of focus that may be too high for the intrinsically restless crown princess. 

"Bring me my sword. I shall go to the training ground and practice my swordsmanship. Who knows? I may even challenge one of the guards to a duel." Mura beams at the prospect. It has been quite a while since she has picked up the bladed weapon. 

"I'm afraid, you cannot do that, Mama." Madam Choi, always the bearer of bad news, informs.

Mura frowns. "Why not?"

"It is not very genteel of a crown princess to be playing with such a dangerous weapon."

Mura makes a displeased expression. "Oho, Choi Sanggung, you cannot possibly expect me to never hold a sword again."

"Perhaps, If you speak with the Queen, she may allow you to practice with a wooden sword."

"I am not a child!" Mura cries petulantly. "I will not wield a mere wooden sword. My cousins would be so aghast."

Madam Choi makes an exhausted expression. Not a beat goes by where the Crown Princess neglects to mention her, oh so, beloved cousins. "You must learn to worry about the elders in the palace rather than your cousins, Mama."

Mura is about to argue further when a eunuch's voice comes from the other side of Mura's chamber door, announcing the Crown Prince's presence.

Baekhyun barges in with his entourage, sporting a steely expression. Mura quickly stands up and bows to her husband. 

"Choha, what---"

"Search the entire residence. No stones shall remain unturned. Do you all comprehend?" Baekhyun commands his entourage, which consists of a few palace guards and his personal attendants.

"Yes, Choha."  they all say in unison before moving to rummage through the Crown Princess' space.

Mura, doe-eyed, watches with sheer bemusement. "What is happening, Choi Sanggung?"

Madam Choi, who is equally perplexed, answers, "I do not know, Mama." She then gingerly walks up to the Crown Prince. "Choha, if I may ask, what is the reason behind this sudden probe?"

Baekhyun doesn't answer. Instead, his eyes are locked on his consort with a fiery gaze. Although, the more he looks, the harder he finds it to glare. The sheer anxiety projected by the other's eyes is enough to break his resolve.

No, I shall not fall victim to such trickery. 

Baekhyun stalks towards his consort. "Tell me, what have you done to me?"

If, earlier, Mura had been perplexed, now, she is downright flabbergasted. What does the Crown Prince mean? "I do not understand, Choha."

"What have you done?" Baekhyun repeats.

Mura bows nervously. "I-I do not know what you are implying. To my knowledge, I-I haven't done anything wrong. If I have then, please, know that it had been done unknowingly and I sincerely apologize for it. Whatever it may be."

"Tell me, Sejabin, do you like to fiddle with witchcraft?"

Mura promptly raises her head, shock evident in her expression "Wi-witchcraft?"

Baekhyun's face is determined. "I have reasons to believe you have cast a spell upon me. Or, had someone else do it at your behest."

Mura silently stares at her husband for a moment before she begins to guffaw. Her laughter fills the tense air. 

Baekhyun, for a moment, finds his resolve break as he becomes entranced by the most melodious laughter that has ever graced his ears. 

He then breaks out of the stupor and groans internally. I mustn't waver. 

"You dare make a mockery of the situation!" Baekhyun bellows.

Mura instantly quietens and studies her husband's expression. She gulps. "You truly are serious?"

"Are you a dimwit? What about this makes you think I come in jest?"

Mura becomes dejected. She bows. "My apologies." It comes as barely a whisper.

"Do you deny it then?"


Baekhyun is becoming increasingly impatient. "Do you deny my claims?"

"Oh, yes, yes, I do. Until today, I had been under the impression that witchcraft was only a thing of lore. A myth, to be precise. So, I implore you to believe me when I say I hadn't cast any spells upon you. Nor, would I have any incentive to do so."

 Baekhyun studies the other's face.

"If I may ask, Choha, whatever drove you to believe such a preposterous notion?"

"It is because---"

Mura peers up expectantly. 

Baekhyun blinks rapidly. "Because---" He can't bring himself to say it.

"Because?" Mura is eager to know so she may clear her name.

"Choha." A palace guard approaches the Crown Prince. "We have searched through everything, we couldn't locate any talisman."

Baekhyun does not like hearing that. "Search her." He orders his female attendants, before turning his heel to exit the room. The guards and the other male presence follow the Crown Prince out.

The Crown Prince's lady-in-waiting moves in on Mura with the intention to undress her, but Madam Choi stands between them protectively. "Have you no shame? She is the Crown Princess" Her expression is hard. 

"My deepest apologies, Mama. But, as you can see, I am only following the Crown Prince's orders." The prince's lady-in-waiting expresses. 

"It is all right, Choi Sanggung. Let her." Mura tells her lady-in-waiting, as she reluctantly agrees to be searched. It is not as though she has something to hide, it is rather being treated as a wrongdoer when no such fault lies on her.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, Baekhyun waits patiently. Although, his earlier conviction is starting to wane. Perhaps, he had come to this conclusion in haste. 

"Choha, why make such bold accusations against the Crown Princess? Witchcraft? What is this talisman that you seek?" Samnom questions his master. 

Baekhyun doesn't answer. Moments later, his lady-in-waiting steps out and bows. She shakes her head.  

Baekhyun grunts. "Should have known better than to have listened to the words of a shaman." He mutters to himself before walking out of the Crown Princess' quarters.

Inside, Janshil redresses the Crown Princess. "Are you all right, Mama?"

Mura, who is slightly shaken up by it all, nods. "Yes." She lies.

"Has the Crown Prince gone mad?" Madam Choi questions rhetorically.

"Needlessly accusing our Mama of such preposterous act as witchcraft. Unbelievable." Janshil adds. "You don't think he'll make a return?"

"I hope not. I think he has caused enough distress for one day." Madam Choi remarks. She then tuts. "They made such a big mess. Quickly, sort everything." She tells the maids, who busy themselves tidying everything. 

Mura just keeps silent, while left with a lingering fear, humiliation, and unanswered questions. God, she detests this place. 



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Buin: Wife. Can be used as a term of endearment to address one's wife. 




A/N: Baekhyun can't deal with the fact that he has a crush, so he blames it on witchcraft. Smh. What an idiot. Poor Mura :(

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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.