

Vacation, freedom and rest, bliss.

Vacation, Momo had been waiting for this day for so long that when it came at first, she did not understand. It wasn't until the plane landed in Tokyo, and then the train took her to Kyoto, that she realized.


A week without girls, surrounded by family and dogs. Native home, native walls, native faces and favorite food prepared by the mother.

You can relax and enjoy this freedom.

A week of idleness.

In the evening, after saying “good night” to her parents, Momo lay down on her bed, leaving the phone on the bedside tables, wrapped herself in a blanket, and closed her eyes.

As soon as she closed her eyes, the phone rang, the screen flashed the name "Nayeon-unnie" and a peach with a bunny next to the name.

You need to answer, otherwise unnie will be offended and will not talk to her for a week.

Why not hear Nayeon's voice for a week? Just what you need. Silence and peace.

But Momo knew better, and besides, she did not like the fact that for a whole week Nayeon would walk around offended.

// Momo: - Baby, what happened?

Nayeon: - I'm bored, Momo. What are you doing?

Momo: - Went to bed.

Nayeon: So early? Still no 9!

Momo: - Tired after the flight, you know me, unnie.

Nayeon: Sorry to wake you up. I won't disturb you, sweet dreams, Momo.

Momo: Unnie, are you sure you didn't want to tell me anything? You have a sad voice.

Nayeon: Don't worry, it's okay. I'll call you tomorrow, good night.

Momo: - Good night, Nayeon-unnie. //

After a brief dialogue, Momo fell asleep, slept soundly and without dreams until the morning.

She waited and didn't expect a call, and yet she was surprised that Nayeon-unnie never called her back. Not in the morning, not in the afternoon, not in the evening, did not even call at night.

The first day off (Monday) of her vacation, Momo spent at home, did not go out anywhere, "hang out" with her parents, helped around the house and played with the dogs. Not once during the whole day did, she not turn on the TV or “dig” on the phone. You can, at least on vacation, relax, put your thoughts in order, breathe in fresh air.

Around 4 am the next day (Tuesday), her peaceful and even sleep was interrupted by the trill of a bell. Blindly reaching for her phone, Momo didn't make out the name, just answered. Sana's voice sounded on the other end of the line.

// Sana: - Momo-chan, I'm sorry it's so early because I know it's not even 7 now, but I have an urgent question. Just answer yes or no. Tell me, did Nayeon-unnie call you yesterday?

Momo (drowsily, almost not delving into the essence of the telephone conversation): - No. She called on Monday.

Sana: - Did she say anything?

Momo: No. She was just bored.

Sana: - Remember, please, this is very important. Did she share anything with you?

Momo: No. Our dialogue was brief.

Sana: Okay, I get it. Sleep on. I'm sorry I woke you up. //

Momo did just that, fell asleep again, and finally woke up in the morning and forgot about the unexpected phone call from Sana.

Tuesday - I spent the whole day and evening with my older sister. Haven't had this much fun with her in a long time, she showed a lot of new dance moves that Momo was learning. Exhausting, but also relaxing. When you are the main dancer in a group, you must always keep yourself in good shape.

During the afternoon, while having a snack at a local eatery, Jeongyeon texted:

" How's your vacation going?"

After Momo wrote back, Jeongyeon called.

// Jeongyeon: - I'll probably be the third one when he calls you, I won't take much time, I just wanted to know how you are.

Momo: - Why 3rd, Jeong? No one else called me except Nayeon-unnie.

Jeongyeon: Really? Strange, Sana told me she woke you up this morning.

Momo: Sanatang? Hmm, maybe I don't remember.

Jeongyeon: So, um, Nabong, did you say something?

Momo: No. Should I?

Jeongyeon: - She was going to.

Momo: - What exactly?

Jeongyeon: It's not for me to tell you.

Momo: - Something serious? You are hiding something from me, right? Her voice was a little sad, but she didn't say anything. Something happened?

Jeongyeon: No, it's nothing, don't worry. Since Nayeon-unnie didn't tell you, she will. Um, I'm sorry, but I have to go. I was going to visit the orphanage with my sister. I'll call you later somehow, bye.//

An environment without phone calls.

Thursday is also quiet.

All two days Momo talked with friends, went for walks around the city, helped her parents, met with her sister. Calm, relaxing days and evenings. Oddly enough, not once did anyone on the street come up and ask for an autograph or take a picture. Momo liked this routine. She loved Once very much, but sometimes you want to take a break even from the fans.

On Friday, around 10 am, Dahyun called via video chat, when Momo answered, she saw Chaeyoung next to her. They both smiled and waved at her through the screen. Momo was so happy to see them and hear that they talked for over an hour.

Most of the conversation focused on vacation and how DubChaeng ended up together.

At the end of their little meeting, Chaeyoung casually asked:

//- Momo-unnie, didn't Nayeon-unnie call you again by any chance?

- No, I didn't call.

- It's just that she hasn't answered the phone for the second day in a row ...

- Chaeyoung - Dahyun stopped her, but the words were spoken and Momo became worried.

- That is, how can you not contact? You didn't communicate with her at all or you can't call her now?

- There is nothing to worry about here, Momo-unnie. Do you know what Nayeon-unnie is like when she doesn't want to talk to anyone? Waiting for a nod from Momo, Dahyun calmly continued, not noticeable from Momo’s gaze, squeezing Chaeyoung’s hand for support. - So, I think she will call us herself, I bet anything, she will call in the evening and say that she is bored and wants to chat with someone. Why should you worry, Changi just blurted out without thinking, you don't pay attention, unnie.

- All right, but as soon as she calls you today, scold me for me.

- Of course, do not worry - both girls smiled, saying goodbye to her. //

As soon as the screen went blank, Chaeyoung turned to Dahyun, holding her hand, and asked:

- Why didn't we tell the truth, unnie? Why did we hide from her that we have not been able to reach Nayeon-unnie since Monday?

-We promised we wouldn’t tell, and besides, Jihyo assured us that she would find Nayeon-unnie.” She seems to know where she might be. Why upset Momo-unnie or Mina-unnie for nothing... By the way, Changi, you didn’t blurt out too much when talking to her, did you?

- You offend, unnie, I kept my mouth shut. We talked about everything, I held on with all my might.

- Well done, my Cheng-Cheng.

After talking to DubChaeng, Momo finally decided to dial Nayeon's number to make sure unnie was okay.

Long beeps, no one answered the phone.

Momo just wanted to pass out, when at the last second Nayeon replied:

- Momo?

- Baby, finally, you answered why you didn’t pick up the phone for so long?

- Was in another room, did you want something?

- No, just.

- Momo, I'm sorry, I'm a little busy right now, let me call you back, okay? – and without waiting for a positive response from Momo, Nayeon hung up.

- Okay, busy, I wonder what. But most importantly, I was able to get through to her, so there is nothing to worry about. After a couple of days, I still find out what happened.

After 15 minutes, Momo heard the phone ringing, and Mina's name flashed on the screen.

// Mina: - Momoring, hi, how are you relaxing?

Momo: - So quiet and calm, and unusual. Not enough girls' voices. Nayeon's voice is especially missing. And how are you?

Mina: - It would be great if it wasn't for calls from girls. They all as one ask if Nayeon-chan called me, and if she called, then what we talked about.

Momo: - And you too? Listen, Mina, don't you think this is all very strange? What do you think she wanted to tell us?

Mina: - I don't know, Nayeon-chan didn't call me. But this is very strange. After all, she should have called us. Let's call Sana and find out. She will definitely tell us everything if something serious has happened.

Momo: On the other hand, Sana-chan would have contacted us a long time ago if something had happened to unnie. And if she doesn’t call, maybe we’re worrying in vain? You know her.

Mina: - And that's true, but I'm in favor of calling Sana. Let's do a general video chat and watch Sana's reaction together. She can never lie to us.

Momo: - Okay, I agree. Come on, right now.

Mina: - Wait a minute, I'm dialing - a couple of beeps, a click and a cheerful voice. Sana: Girls, do you already miss me? “Hello, Sana-chan.” She smiled sweetly, really happy to see the girl.

Momo: - Sana, I'm surprised we've been on vacation for almost a week and you still haven't contacted us. Maybe we're calling you for nothing?

Sana (surprised looking at Momo, pouted offendedly): - I called you, Momoring, did you forget?

Momo: - When?

Sana: - On Tuesday.

Momo: Really? I don't remember our conversation.

Sana: - You answered me half asleep, but spoke clearly and clearly.

Momo: What was the conversation about?

Sana: - Yes, everything has already improved (shrugged it off).

Mina: - By any chance, not about Nayeon-unnie? (carefully watching the reaction, but Sana just blinked a couple of times and smiled).

Sana: - As always quick-witted, Minari. I was worrying for nothing, Nayeon-unnie just didn't say or maybe I just didn't hear that she was going on holiday with her sister. And they were going to go somewhere, out of town. Well, there the network does not catch. Now everything is fine. We often call back.

Mina: - But Nayeon-unnie never called me and I'm a little envious. Of course, I understand that I asked not to call, but still I could break the promise. She usually did just that. And it's weird. I'll need an explanation when we get back.

Momo: - We both ask our girlfriend, Minari.

Mina (blushing shyly): - It's so unusual, we've been dating for more than half a year, but it's still so unusual to call unnie your girlfriend.

Sana: - Oh, just do not need me here! Think of me! Of course, I'm very happy for you and all, but let's leave your personal life and move on to the more entertaining part. So, you want to know how I spend my holidays? //

For the next two hours, the girls discussed their vacation.

Saturday and Sunday nothing special. Except that on Sunday late in the evening Momo was going to the train to get to the capital and fly to Seoul.

In the same place in Seoul, early Monday morning, Momo met Mina, it turned out that the girl was flying on the same plane. In crowded places, they behaved like ordinary best friends, but it was worth losing sight of them even for a moment, the girls kissed (on the lips) for the first time after a long absence. Momo managed to whisper in Mina's reddened ear, let's have a Nayeon-unnie welcome party today. Where there will be only the three of us in the room. I missed you both.

The look that Mina gave her said a lot and made her whole being tremble.

-But first, I'll ask Nayeon-chan why she never called me! And if I like the answer, then there's a party.


Jihyo thought that this vacation would be something different from the daily work of being a leader. She thought that at least this time, they would forget about her and let her rest. Two days, only two days were hers, but after one call from an older friend named Im Nayeon, all plans were interrupted.

Im Nayeon, who was her faithful friend who can always be relied upon, who was her "leader" in many ways.

Jihyo will never refuse a request, even if it sounds crazy.

Unnie's crazy request - don't call her.

- Why?

- I just want loneliness - an evasive answer.

Loneliness? For Nayeon-unnie, this is a severe test. She doesn't like to be alone. Everyone knew about it.

- Why don't you go to Momo or Mina? This way you can be more alone. You know, unnie, that as soon as we get back from vacation, we will have a busy schedule. This way the week will be all yours, and besides, it will be a worthwhile trip for the last six months, the leader suggested, winking teasingly at her.

We all need to put our minds in order. When I get to a logical explanation, then I will contact them. Don’t worry, Jihyo, just rest.” She waved her hand as she was about to pass out when she suddenly added, “I’ll only tell you, the place where I will rest. Please don't tell anyone, okay?

Strange, very strange. The leader was on again, Jihyo wanted to know but didn't. This is everyone's personal decision. If Nayeon wants to take a vacation away from her girls, that's her decision, so that's what she needs now.

That's what she thought when the first wake-up call from Jeongyeon didn't sound.

It sounded the next day, in the morning, and from that moment the heart was out of place. Did I do the right thing and not insist?

This is the question she asked all the time after Jeongyeon said:

- Nabong left a rather strange note. Now I will read to you: “Do not search, do not call, do not worry. I need to think. I need to be alone. Please don't say anything to Momo and Mina ." What do you think this could mean? Have we overlooked that something is happening to our unnie?

After Jeongyeon, the girls started calling other than MiMo, and each of them read the same text, only with small additions.

At Sana's - I need clean air.

Tzuyu - Cookie, is now my only interlocutor.

Dahyun - Maybe during my vacation I will finally read the book you recommended.

Chaeyoung - It's time to change something in my wardrobe.

If you think about it and put it all together, then it turns out - Nayeon is eating something, and she will try to cope on her own. And she does not want to involve others in her problems. Especially her "friends". So it has something to do with them.

And so, on Saturday, Jihyo took the train and went to the small village where Nayeon is supposed to rest in order to talk to her. Discuss and try to help, even if she doesn't need help.

Nayeon's thoughts

These thoughts appeared suddenly, they began to eat me from the inside, stir up my doubts.

These thoughts, I struggled with them for six months.

But apparently not now.

My biggest concern is, are Mina and Momo really happy with me? Maybe I pushed my feelings too hard and they just gave up? Maybe they don't have the same feelings for me as I do? I'm afraid to find out from them, I'm afraid that after the "truth", my heart will be broken. So I decided to leave, and asked the girls not to call me.

The week is almost over.

Will have to return soon.

Momo and Mina will be back soon and I will see them.

How can I ask where the courage comes from?


Jihyo got out at the station and looked around. She took out a map of the area, determined by eye the place where she was now and the place where it was marked with a cross, Nayeon was there. The phone showed:

date - Sunday (I had to postpone Saturday, my mother suddenly called, asked to linger), time - 09:45. Time to the last train, about 6.5 hours.

During this time, you need to solve the problem of Nayeon and return to Seoul.

The leader's mission has begun.


The plane finally landed at the Seoul airport, MiMo knew perfectly well that not only journalists, but also fans were waiting for them, so they put on make-up and put themselves in order in advance.

-We'll see soon, Nayeon-unnie, - Mina said excitedly, holding Momo's arm as she walked out into the lobby and squinted at the camera flashes.

- I missed her so much. As soon as we are alone, I will kiss ...

But first, let's ask...

- Yes, yes, of course, Minari.


There was about half an hour left before the hostel when Nayeon received a text message on MiMo's phone:

Am I bothering you with my feelings? Do you really love me as a girlfriend and not as a friend? I can't wait any longer, I need to know if I pressed you with my feelings?

- What kind of nonsense? MiMo looked at each other. - What strange thoughts visited the head of our girl?

- Where do such questions come from? - dialing the leader's number, and when she picked up the phone, Jihyo did not let her ask, she simply said: I tried, many times yesterday, but apparently, I didn’t completely convince Nayeon-unnie. You need to be honest about your feelings. And so that Unnie understands and does not worry.

-So that’s why all the girls asked if Nayeon-chan called us, - Mina guessed. She still doubts our feelings.

- But I thought that these six months proved to her that our love for her is real! Minari, what should we do?

-There is only one thing left, - Mina said thoughtfully, turning completely to Momo and bending down, whispered. - Today we will finally dispel any doubtful thoughts of Nayeon-chan. Tonight, our party starts right away, no questions asked, no talking. We won't let Nayeon-chan say a word.

- Oh, how I like it when you take command, Mina - Momo, unnoticed by the driver, kisses the girl near the ear, running his tongue over the skin. - I think that after our party, the conversations will disappear by themselves. Our bunny will understand everything clearly and clearly

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