Breakfast (Nayeon/Sana)



Soft sunlight enters through the bedroom window, unevenly distributing the quadrangular pattern throughout the room. Sana feels his warm touch on her face and moves. She twists her neck slightly, and then arches her back to stretch the sleeping muscles. She takes a deep breath, then exhales slowly, not wanting to leave the comfortable bed.

Next to her, she can feel a light breath pressing against her neck. Opening her eyes, she glances to the right, and her gaze instantly is fille with a sleeping form. A smile slides over Sana's lips as she sees Nayeon, fast asleep, snuggling closer to her.

Sana's thoughts return to last night; how late they arrived home. They finished filming the video late last night and as soon as they crossed the thresholds of their bedroom, while Sana was changing, Nayeon was already asleep.

Shortly thereafter, Sana crept under the covers, struggling to remain inaudible so as not to wake up Nayeon, and still wondering if it worked. Whether she was awake, Nayeon rolled onto her side, burying herself in the blankets and Sana. Smiling softly, Sana then put her arm around Nayeon and closed her eyes.

She now uses the same form of stealth slowly to free herself from her girlfriend's grip. She pulls her hand out from under Nayeon, and then wearily removes her forearm from Nayeon's hand before quickly jumping out of bed. Looking at Nayeon, Sana sees her roll over onto her stomach, serene in her sleep.

Having admired the girl, Sana quietly leaves their bedroom, after which she decisively goes to the kitchen. Walking towards the refrigerator, she stops, looks over her shoulder, and silently heads for the door. She slams it shut. The click of the latch, which usually sounded to her no more than a muffled click of fingers, now turned into a sonic boom in silence. Sana held her breath as she pressed her ear to the door, expecting any sign of concern from Nayeon.

Satisfied that she is still asleep, Sana returns to the kitchen.

Today she decided to make a surprise for her beloved girlfriend.

Sana decided to make breakfast.

Sana was 100% sure that she could do it even with her eyes closed.

Pancake breakfast with a cup of hot black coffee.

Everything Nayeon loves.


- Well, what are we going to do? Sana asked herself as she looked around at all the ingredients for breakfast on the kitchen table. Pancakes can't be that hard, can they? Nayeon-unnie has done this a thousand times; it never looked terribly difficult.

She pulls up the box of formula and reads the instructions from the side:



vegetable oil.

It couldn't be easier.

Pushing the box aside, she turns on the coffee maker and grabs a large bowl from the shelf. Pours the mixture from the box into a large measuring cup, then flips it into the bowl.


White powder hit her face and she closed her eyes tightly. Turning her head, she coughs, then s for the nearest towel.

The sound strikes terror in Sana's heart, a moment later a thick, cool liquid breaks through the fabric of her socks. Lifting the towel, she dries her face as best she can, then bends over to pick up the broken egg.

Dropping it in the trash can, she takes off her socks, ready to run again.

Water. She measures it carefully, then pours it into a bowl.

Eggs. She takes the first in her right hand, then slams it against the edge of the bowl, as she recalls Nayeon doing this many times before; however, unlike Nayeon, Sana's egg doesn't beat as well. As soon as it hits the edge of the bowl, it explodes in a mass of shell and yolk fragments, which fall into the bowl and ooze out. Sana feels her ears get hot as her frustration builds up.

“I didn't think you had to have a culinary education to make breakfast,” she mutters to herself, wiping the outside of the bowl.

She picks the shell shards in the mixture and can only hope that she pulled them all out. Feeling the discontent tense her muscles, she tensely takes the next egg. It takes four tries and Sana is almost ready to break. She's half ready to give it all up right here and now, but something stops her.

Nayeon-unnie cooks for you all the time, she tells herself, bringing the last egg to the edge of the bowl. "Don't you think you owe her at least one breakfast in return?"

Her eyes involuntarily return to the closed door, Sana sighs, deciding to start breakfast again.

Discarding the shell, Sana grabs a container of vegetable oil and pours it into a measuring cup. Looking back at this skeptically, she shakes her head in disbelief.

- It's almost half a bottle.

After checking the box again, she shrugs, and then picks up a large wooden spoon from the counter and starts stirring.

The contents in the bowl look like vomit and she thinks to throw it away again.

Maybe I should buy something instead of breakfast, Sana thinks, trying in vain to add copious amounts of oil to the dry mixture. - I can easily buy that food now that won't kill her.

-Stir thoroughly for six to eight minutes - she reads aloud, twisting her hand in a circle. The powder rises into the air and from time to time oil splashes on the table. She continues and continues until she feels a burning sensation in her arm and pain in her shoulder. Looking at the clock in the microwave, she sees that seven minutes have passed.

She puts the spoon on the edge of the bowl, turns on the stove, and tries to look down. To her horror, she sees that the mixture is curdled and lumpy and gritts her teeth in horror.

Maybe after she's done, she'll look better? - tries to convince himself. “Okay, just remember how Nayeon made them for you. Do everything the way unnie did and you will succeed, Sana.

She recalls how Nayeon cooked many times, especially pancakes. Sana plunges back into one of those memories.

Only now, it turns out at that time her brain not very focused on what Nayeon was actually doing. She can remember the smells of food being cook the sounds of stirring plates, the hiss of batter, and Nayeon's laughter. However, when it comes to vision, the only thing that comes to Sana's mind is Nayeon.

Her smile when Sana greets her and the blush on her cheeks since Sana said something fondly. Her kiss on the corner of her lips, or a narrowed gaze if Sana hugged her tightly from the back. She could remember a hundred things about Nayeon, but nothing about pancakes.

With an exasperated sigh, Sana wakes up and grabs a spoonful of batter to pour into the pan. It slides off the spoon in pieces, first the excess oil will slip, and then a beige mixture, mottled with lumps, forms on it.

She becomes impatient, constantly fiddling with pancakes with a spoon. Every time she does this, the centers spill out, and she feels a growing impatience. Finally, she tosses the spoon into the sink and, looking around, notices bread at the far end of the counter.

- Who could spoil the toast? - She asks herself, then feeling defeat, admitted: - Who else, of course I am. I'm hopeless, my breakfast . My goal to make Nabonga smile proudly today has failed.

Hey Sana, don't give up, you can do it! Come on, you can still do it!

10 minutes later.

There were 4 toasts on the table in front of her in a saucer.

Sort of.

Looking at them intently, she finds in them more or less scorched slices of bread than toast. However, when the rest of the half loaf was thrown into the trash after countless setbacks, when it burned or fell, she hesitated to cook them again.

The kitchen smells burnt, and she is glad she closed the bedroom door, confident that the otherwise unpleasant scent would wake Nayeon up. Having laid out the toast nicely on the plate (the best pieces on top, burnt on the bottom), Sana turns and freezes. Her eyes go wide.

“Damn it, I forgot about the pancakes! - ran to the stove, grabbing the handle of the frying pan with a towel, taking a spatula, trying to turn over the first of the three pancakes.

He's stuck.

She tries again, this time wiggling her spatula far towards the center, and she manages to lift the pancake up and over again. The side that meets her is terribly black. Sana flips the other two with the same result and feels the frustration intensify.

She scrapes them off the pan and places them on a plate to cool before pouring more of the ugly mixture into the pan. This time she does not leave her post. Sana's eyes bored menacingly into three brown speckled circles, forcing them to come out in any other way than correct. She feels a slight sweat on her forehead from the heat of the stove, and she wipes it off in annoyance. Two agonizingly long minutes pass and Sana turns the pancakes over.

To her relief, the underside is white, and a slight smile appears on her lips as she closes her eyes with a sigh. Two more minutes pass, and she transfers them from the pan to the plate.

Six pancakes - a check mark "is".

Four toasts - a check mark "is".

Hot black coffee - there is a tick.

Sana wipes her hands with a towel, smiling rather at the work done, exhaling she says to herself:

- It's done.

Less than a second after her words, the bedroom door creaks open.

Nayeon wears an oversized T-shirt, her hair pulled back into a messy bun. She covers and yawns, then stretches out her arms.

- What should we cook for ... - the girl stops, finally opening her eyes; focusing on the disaster before her.

The smell of burnt food is almost thick enough to be seen, and with a heavy, bitter taste, it stays on her tongue.

Sana stands in the middle of the storm, the dry mixture on her nose, smeared across her forehead and cheek, and powdered with the collar of her shirt. Directly behind her, the counter glistens in a translucent yellow color, which she could assume is butter, and a splash of pancakes spreads all over the wall. Amidst the chaos, Nayeon involuntarily smiles.

“Good morning Nabongi, breakfast is ready,” Sana says proudly, pointing to the plates on the table.

- Oh, honey - Nayeon laughs affectionately, carefully stepping forward to stand in front of Sana, - what did the kitchen do to you?

Sana pouts, crossing her arms, and turns away from Nayeon. Suppressing her giggle, Nayeon places a hand on Sana's shoulder and turns her around.

-Joke, baby,- Nayeon tells her sincerely, and Sana smiles again. - Tell me what you did, honey?

- Breakfast. Pancakes, toast and coffee.

- Aren't you wonderful? - Cooes Nayeon, putting his hands on Sana's shoulders and smiling happily at her, that smile from which is breathtaking.

- Of course, I'm wonderful, because I made breakfast for my beloved - smiles wider, the sweet laughter of Nayeon fills her ears, like the most beautiful symphony. Nayeon's hand moves to Sana's face, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear before running his thumb across Sana's cheek.

Sana feels like all her senses clouded, Nayeon as a blanket surrounds her, the girl is happy.

- Sit down, I will serve you - she offers Nayeon, she smiles, sit down and waits impatiently.

Sana sends a silent prayer to every god she can recall from high school, picks up the plates and pushes them forward. To her horror, the stack of pancakes still looks lumpy, not to mention unstable as it sways from left to right.

Placing them on the table, she sees with disgust the slightest tremor of her hands. Sana is uncomfortable with the food she has prepared and wonders if Nayeon will leave her if she becomes seriously poisoned.

Before Sana can ask, Nayeon puts three pancakes and two slices of toast on her plate, her face shining like day, smiling like the sun. However, Sana is not convinced.

Will she like it?

She remembers the recipe.

I did everything according to the recipe - she assures herself - everything will be fine.

Sitting at the table, Nayeon can't help but feel elated. Looking at her plate, she sees one very black pancake paired with two very white ones. Cutting the first pale pancake in the middle, she sees the beige liquid pouring out and has to hold back a laugh before Sana notices.

She didn't laugh at her - it never crossed her mind.

She was just ... happy.

In every sense of the word.

And the sight of every little mistake only intensified the feeling; knowing how hard Sana tried, knowing that cooking really wasn't her calling.

However, when she chewed the first bite of the horribly undercooked pancake in front of her, some of the excitement was suppressed. Nayeon hears her taste buds being avenged, her stomach screaming not to do it, but she does. Not for a second, without breaking her positive attitude, she swallows it, feeling the slimy consistency sliding down next to the sharp edges of the eggshell.

Repeatedly she brings food with a fork, and each time her stomach protests. Looking up from time to time, Nayeon sees Sana glancing at her furtively, her own food barely touching - her nerves forbid it - and a neural fold on her still splattered forehead.

- May I ask how you made them? Nayeon asks curiously, filling with the overwhelming taste of vegetable oil.

-Exactly what was written in the box,- Sana tells her, the burnt pancake she’s working on crunches loudly as she cuts it open. - Two eggs, a cup of water and five tablespoons of vegetable oil.

- You mean teaspoons, baby? - corrects her Nayeon.

Sana's pupils dilate slightly when she realizes the mistake. Nayeon bites her tongue, wishing she had corrected. Sana sighs, shaking her head in shock and pinching the bridge of her nose.

“Give it to me,” Sana finally says, standing up and reaching across the table to take a plate. Nayeon grabs her hand and gently pushes her away.

-Not! - Nayeon answers, and there is laughter in her voice. - It's okay, Sana. It's not so bad - he makes cuts again and puts piece by piece in his mouth again until he clears the whole plate.

Unbeknownst to Sana Nayeon observes the girl's reaction; the moment when Sana's anxiety completely obscures the girl's eyes does not escape.

- Nayeon.. - quietly flies off Sana's lips as she grimaces at Nayeon's toast and coffee.

- It's okay, seriously, baby - a laugh is reflected in her eyes, she teases: - I'm thinking of letting you cook more often - she quickly winks at Sana before leaning back in her chair, eating toast.

It tastes like a lukewarm piece of stale bread, but her body is tired of complaining. She can almost hear her stomach utter one last weak "you idiot suffering from love" before giving up the fight.

After taking a sip of over-fried toast and terribly bitter with a lot of sugar inside the coffee, Nayeon pushes off his chair and heads for the kitchen, Sana following her. She puts her plate in the sink, and all the while, the first small wave of nausea overwhelms her.

- Are you feeling okay? Sana asks instantly, never taking her eyes off Nayeon after she insisted on finishing dinner.

She will die because of me, Sana thinks again. Nayeon smiles at her.

-The most delicious breakfast ever, honey,- she replies sincerely.

Even with a mild upset stomach, it seems like nothing more than a moment's luck on a fine morning. “Thanks,” Nayeon adds, bending down to kiss her quickly.

When the girl pulls away, Sana sees the slightest white spot on Nayeon's nose. Confused, Sana curiously lifts her fingers to her nose, rubs and stares at the same stains on her fingers with the remnants of pancake dough.

-Unnie, why didn’t you tell me that I have…? - Sana demands accusingly, holding out her hand for Nayeon to see. Nayeon's eyes light up cheerfully, and her sweet smile turns into a teasing grin as she glances over at Sana.

- What for? You are beautiful to me, in any way, baby.

- I will never cook again - she sighs, helping the girl to wash the dishes.

- Why not?

- Not funny, Nabongi - pouted.

- Next time everything will turn out better, because I will help you - quickly kissed the corner of her lips.

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