Quiet evening (Mina\...)


A pale pink sunset in full view, my eyes can calmly look at it, because the sun is not so bright, it does not burn eyes. A light warm wind gently touches my face, gently blows over my bare neck, and whispers the kind words of silence and calmness in my ear. Distant bird tunes give my soul pleasant memories, nostalgia wraps itself in its evening veil, quietly presses me to itself.

I can’t stop looking at the exotic colors of natural evening charm. Everything here is charmingly beautiful. Today is a surprisingly good evening. Quiet and calm, the soul rejoices.

The kingdom of heaven is cleansed of curly clouds that have been blocking it all day today. In the morning, it seemed, rain would come with severe thunderstorms and thunder would dominate the sky, but closer to noon the sun appeared and rays of warmth melted the ice in the heart of nature. She smiled; she lit up with rainbow colors, sparkling in the window mirrors of a fashionable city.

Like a mischievous boy, laughing loudly, playfully jumping over the roofs of houses, sometimes touching the cloudy faces of passers-by, touching the headlights of the cars carrying towards him, a sunny bunny cleared the clouds over the city. And only now, having played enough with the guys, having played blind man's glasses with yard dogs, he sat opposite me, giving the last cozy moments of happiness.

It is so easy to breathe, freely; the lungs are filled with the smells of the river, wet sand, mowed grass.

- I like those evenings where you can hear the music of nature - a warm palm touched my shoulder, I heard the scent of jasmine, the scent of my heart with the name "Miyu Mina."

The branches of the trees swayed like a mug, rustling their leaves, and the aroma became even brighter.

Having walked around the shop on which I sat and enjoyed the evening silence, my friend sat next to me. She didn’t say anything else, didn’t ask anything, just regret and a kind of sadness flashed in her gaze, and her head leaned on my shoulder. A barely noticeable burden, to be honest this burden I was ready to bear the rest of my life. My peace was broken, my heart, which was still silent, accelerated its pace, recalling the lost rhythm of someone.

- You were not visible today - again in the evening ocean of silence, her soft voice sounded.

The head on my shoulder rose slightly, and goose bumps ran down my neck, feeling a warm breath on me. She did not wait for an answer; she simply tried to make contact. The warm breeze again reminded of itself, created a rustle near us, waking up a sleepy bird, its wings fluttered, but did not fly into the sky, no, curled up again, the bird dozed off.

Somewhere inside me, something moved, something purred and stretched like a contented cat, rumbling with pleasure after delicious food. The breath disappeared again, and again the weightless weight on the shoulder, only that warm palm touched my hand, diving inside, hugging her.

The heat of the day returned to its full potential, jasmine aromas began to thicken in the cool air, and it seemed to me that I was immersed in the depths of their aroma. The smell has become too obvious. Her presence became too obvious, and my heart fluttered, squeezing its wings the bird again attempted to fly up, but again the gentle voice sounded in silence:

-I saw him today. We spoke. Long. Therefore, I was late for the meeting. Thought you were gone.

Fingers gently held on the inside of the palm, stopping and again traveling on the soft pads of my fingers. So dancing, they got their attention, became one. A grasshopper was quietly singing next to us, a mosquito was beeping; something small flew past us, the grass under our feet weightlessly swayed.

The last sunny pale pink ray, which turned into a bluish-gray hue, winked at me for the last time and finally closed my eyes to enjoy a long-awaited vacation.

The night sister rightfully began to control the sky, convening a round dance of little stars for an invisible dance. Disappearing ray took with him the remnants of heat and now a cool evening completely captured the attention of barely covering the body.

Today, at the meeting, I was dressed in a sundress, the very one that she had presented on my birthday last year. Light, as if woven from the air, a sundress sheathed with bright threads, everything in it said, “I was bought for my beloved,” but when I took it out in the morning, my hands shook and a lump came up to my throat.

I was afraid to hold him in my hands. I was afraid to wear it, looked at him for a long time, and decided for a long time, and finally, when I put it on, I realized that today would be a good day.

-It is already late, the sun will not return until tomorrow morning - quietly, as if afraid of breaking the silence, - I said in a whisper.

-Do you think it will rain tomorrow? If it passes in the morning, it will be good, the sun's rays will again go along the path and gather here in our place, warm it, and we can meet again.

- Will our meeting take place?

- I promise not to be late.

The lunar path was silvering along the river surface, her eyes were fascinated by her, could not come off, absorbing the entire depth of charm. Every minute it became hard to breathe, the heat rose throughout the body, driving away the cold, filling it with itself. Fingers, not releasing her fingers from captivity, clenched even more tightly, clutching to themselves.

-You know, this morning I thought it would rain, but the sun instantly eradicated his plans, and the evening is now so warm and quiet. I love when you can hear only silence. Silence is very tempting, especially when someone you like for a long time is sitting next to you. You agree.

-Quiet evening is full of mysteries, and when you know the answer, you are happy.

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