Selfishness of love


The trill of the bell breaks the void.

The wind blows the curtain, bringing the desired coolness.

The bed is not made.

Slippers are scattered under the bed.

Open closet, clothes hanging there, shoes.

Everything is in its place.

And yet you feel empty.



Those photos that used to have your images disappeared along with the one who left you.

She took them, took everything.

Her loud words lie like a sting on your soul, you feel bad.

But there are no tears.

They have been crying for a long time.

There is only one void left.

- I'm tired of you, Sharon! Your jealousy and supervision got! I don't feel anything for you!

- Michelle, please don't leave me, I love you! - she ran after the leaving girl, trying to stop, but she pulled out her hand and walked without turning around. - I will change, I promise, I will become better, just please come back!

- Your chances are exhausted, Miyu Sheron! I'm over it! Maybe you will find that girl who will like your selfishness, but it will definitely not be me!

The bell is still buzzing.



You lazily get up from the bed, go barefoot to the nightstand where the phone is. You pick up the phone. You don't have time to say the word "hello" when a voice practically screams in your ear:

- Minari, we're here, open the doors! We're taking you out of here!

Your best friend, your family, Sana.

You also hear Momo's voice in the background:

- This fake dared to leave you! We'll take you back home.

- Girls, I'm not coming back - you weakly resist, but still your body is already moving towards the front door and your hands open the lock.

On the threshold they, with suitcases, are bright, like the rays of the sun.

They do not smile, but their arms open, you dive into their loving embrace with new portions of tears.


You let them take you back.

You let them drive you to the airport, then let them put you on the plane.

You accept their help without words.

You walk senselessly, almost not listening to their conversation.

But one name makes you stumble and your heart skips one beat.

“… Nayeon-chan…”

You did not think that in the heart, where there is so much pain and despair, warmth and tenderness towards another girl will again flare up.

You look at Momo, who is standing next to you, hugging your shoulders, your voice hesitant, almost breaking when you ask:

Does Nayeon-chan know that I'm coming back?

Instead of Momo, Sana answers:

- She replied that she would be late at work today, so she would come home later, we would already be there by then.

You lower your head, covering your face with your hair, hiding your little smile from your friends.


You feel anxious when your car pulls up outside the house where you left after Michelle 3 years ago.

Three years and nothing has changed.

The same path, decorated with flower beds, gravel underfoot, cute toys scattered around the yard (with the names of each of the participants), a two-story house with a vine covering the ground floor.

The same door with a bell, the same smell, familiar walls with photographs.

Lots of photos.

Joyful faces of girls, carefree, foolish, remembering moments from life on stage and after it.

You feel how you regain unity, how the heaviness leaves your heart, filling the void with something ordinary, familiar.

You hear their voices.

Noisy company.

You timidly step behind Sana and Momo, who constantly turn around and look at you with encouraging smiles.

You are afraid to see them again.

You yearn to see them again.

You follow Sana and Momo into the living room, take a breath, raise your eyes and meet boundless tenderness, care and love.

The girls jump up one by one and run towards you.

You retreat a little from the pressure, but you accept hugs, kisses and plunge into their love.

- Minari, welcome home.

You want to say "I'm home" but you can't.

You think you forfeited that right after you just walked out of here three years ago, leaving only a note behind.

The girls don't insist, they just hug, cuddle, happily say your name out loud.

7 girls.

Except for Nayeon.

Nayeon shows up a little later, when you are already in the kitchen preparing dinner.

You help them, cut vegetables and just listen to their chatter.

You changed into comfortable clothes, washing off the road dust.

You are trying to make sense of what is happening, silently standing next to the girls.

Your room didn't change at all, Jihyo scratched her head in embarrassment and said,

We haven't been here in three years. We haven't changed a thing since the day you left.

Your heart sank in your chest, you just nodded as you entered your room, looking around, remembering.

- I'm glad you're back, Mina. We missed you so much - simply, without accusations and without questioning, said Jeongyeon, helping to carry her luggage into the room.

- No one holds a grudge against you, Minari. Those three years that they were gone, as soon as you crossed the threshold of our house. From this moment your new life begins. With us, Sana added, opening the window to air the rooms.

- We'll be waiting for you in the kitchen, Nayeon-unnie will be home soon, and she probably didn't eat anything but snacks, so the girls and I will cook dinner. Join if you want, if not… - Jihyo shrugged as she left the room, exchanging glances with the others.

- I'll join you later - you said in a whisper, not looking at them, afraid to burst into tears in front of them.


You hear her loud voice as you pass the bowl of chopped vegetables into Tzuyu's hands.

- Girls, I'm home! You have no idea what happened today! I now quickly in the shower, and then to you!

Jihyo smiles wider, Dahyun seems to be waking up and whipping the dough with new energy. In the kitchen, everything is lit up, getting even warmer, so that it is almost impossible to breathe.

Your heart is beating loudly in your chest, your cheeks turn pink, your eyes stop at the entrance to the kitchen.

You are so focused on this point that you do not notice how all the girls are excited. Chaeyoung, who a minute ago was hanging on the phone and writing something quickly, put the phone aside, took out a mirror instead of it and began to check herself. Jeongyeon brushed off the crumbs from her clothes, tinted her lips. Sana, who was twirling in her chair and making fun of her friends with jokes, stopped, her gaze was also turned towards the entrance. The imperturbable Tzuyu became nervous.

In general, the kitchen turned into a quiet chaos after hearing the voice of the older girl.

But you missed everything, because you were waiting, so waiting for her.

And yet you're not quite ready for what you see.

Nayeon enters the kitchen and everything freezes around.

As if in slow motion, you absorb her new image:

cropped shoulder-length black hair;

toned slender body;

muscles in the arms;

bouncy legs...

You realize that you are testing it by admiring it.

You swallow, blush deepens.

You look up, thinking how quiet the kitchen is because of her.

You thought Nayeon was looking at you.

Did you think...

You were wrong.

Nayeon simply entered the kitchen, went to Sana, who was closer to the entrance, hugged her from the back, kissed the top of her head, whispered with all the tenderness in her voice:

I missed you so much girls! This day felt like torture without you being by my side.

You jealously watched as Nayeon approached each girl kissing and hugging them.

You wanted to get a kiss too, but you understood that you were no longer part of this family.

You need to earn...

Your heart beat faster again in anticipation when you felt Nayeon's soft lips on the top of your head, like you felt a tight hug.

You trembled.

You blinked, once, twice, pinched to be sure.

This is not a dream, not a mirage.

Nayeon really kissed you.

You looked at Chaeyoung in bewilderment, she smiled, shrugged her shoulders, then quietly whispered in her ear:

- A lot has changed in three years. You'll get used to it, Mina-unnie.

Nayeon sat next to Jungyoung, but if you look closely, you can see that the chair is at the head of the table (you realized this later, at night, when you fell asleep). She leaned her head wearily on her friend's shoulder.

- Aren't you interested in how my day went, girls?

You always found puffed-up Nayeon very cute.

You always wanted to pinch her cheeks at such moments.

You used to be allowed to do this.

Now you could hardly restrain yourself, so as not to stretch them to her.

- We know your minute-by-minute day, unnie, - Sana giggled, looking at the tired Nayeon with love in her eyes.

- Yes, you constantly write to us where and with whom you are - Momo smiled good-naturedly, passing by her, running her hand through her hair.

- We're always wondering what happened during the day while we weren't around, unnie - is a simple answer from Tzuyu.

- You don’t know what happened to me, just before I left home, - Nayeon said mysteriously, smiling slyly at them with her eyes. Without waiting, she blurted out: - I was invited on a date!

The silence was thunderous. Everyone froze, stopped doing what they were doing and just stared at Nayeon.

You flinched as you felt an unwanted sting.

With whom? - you wanted to demand, but you had no right to such a question.

- If you saw how she trembled when she invited me. I felt sorry for her and decided to agree - Nayeon continued calmly, nevertheless, her keen eye closely followed the expressions of her friends.

- Are you going on a date? – Jihyo asked in syllables, pursing her lips.

- Who is the lucky one? – at the same time with her Jeongyeon.

- Do we know her? Chaeyoung asked, clenching her hands into fists.

- Is she your colleague? – Demandingly at the same time SaMo.

- When are you going on a date, unnie? Dahyun restrained.

You were deafened by the questions from the girls, then in the silence you heard Tzuyu's voice (goosebumps at her tone):

- Is that the girl I saw yesterday, unnie?

You were surprised by Nayeon's reaction.

She laughed, clapped her hands and was happy.

- My date will be in an hour - after laughing, Nayeon leaned back in her chair, added: - She's new, just hired today. Very pretty. I even thought that I would kiss her after she showed me to the house.

- Kiss on the first date?! No unnie! - Sana screamed in protest, jumping up and rounding the table, sat on her knees, clasping her neck with her hands. You can't kiss her, no way!

You were startled by Sana's scream, but even more startled when everyone started listing why Nayeon shouldn't go on a date.

What's going on here? Why are they against it? After all, Nayeon-unnie is a free adult girl, she has the right to date anyone.

Your thoughts passed in the blink of an eye, but the sting inside your heart went even deeper into it.

Hidden feelings of possessiveness began to break out again.

- Mina - you shuddered at her address to you - what do you say, should I kiss on the first date or not? - Nayeon's gaze burned, lured, promised something unearthly.

- No, you don’t need to kiss, - you said softly, without thinking about the answer.

- Okay, then I won’t, - Nayeon giggled, pushing Sana to get up from her knees, which she pouted. But my date is not cancelled! A wonderful trip to the cinema awaits me - Nayeon said while stretching, knowing full well that all eyes are now on her abs that have opened.

You looked away, but he seemed to be returning to Nayeon anyway.

She is a magnet to her, as it was in the trainee days , and so it is now.

The phone rang, Nayeon picked up the phone, shushed everyone, the speakerphone:

- Nayeon-unni - very nice voice - I finished early, if you don't mind, can we meet around 19:00?

- But the show starts at 21:00...

- I just wanted to get to know you better, we still have to work together.

- Is that the reason, Seoyeon- ssi ? Maybe you liked me?

- Unnie, are you teasing? Of course I liked you.

- Then dinner? I haven't had dinner yet.

- But you said that your girlfriends had to cook a delicious dinner and you would not be hungry.

- Hmm, I thought so, but they apparently forgot to feed me for all the questions.

- Oh, then dinner. I'll take you to a great cafe, it's right next to the cinema. They cook toppoki very tasty , you will your fingers.

- Great, why not, let's arrange a date.

- Date? Unnie…um, then maybe I'll come get you. Say the address.

- You must go far, Seoyeon- ssi. My home is not close.

- Say the address, Nayeon-unnie. Oh, it's so close to my house! How lucky! Be ready to leave in 20-25 minutes.

- I'll be ready, Seoyeon- ssi .

The call ended.

You are on fire from within.

You hate that sweet voice.

Her way of speaking annoys you.

You don't want to hear anyone other than girls calling Nayeon "unnie".

You already hate this Soyeon.

You are already against her.

And apparently you are not alone.

- You heard I’m going on a date, - Nayeon chirped excitedly as she walked around the table, stopping next to Chaeyoung. - A real date, - she said in syllables. - So I went to get ready, my boyfriend will be here soon - I fluttered out of the kitchen, leaving silence and discontent behind me.


Nayeon returned to her room, closed the doors behind her, leaned against them, put her hand on her heart, tried to even out her breathing.

Mina is here.

Mina is back.

Calm down, Nayeon, breathe. Inhale-exhale. Breathe.

Act like you used to.

Come on, you can.

Oh, I can't believe I'm seeing Mina in the house again!

Three years.

She is so beautiful.

Hasn't changed at all.

She became even more beautiful.

Control yourself, Nayeon.

Mina does not yet know how our lives have changed.

We need to keep everything a secret from her.

We'll let you know when she's ready to find out.


As agreed with the girls.


Why not tease a little?

Look at her reaction.

Convince yourself of your observations and rumors.

Come on, Nayeon, be brave.

You can!

You are the one and only Im Nayeon, the conqueror of women's hearts!

You are Ace, bunny!


- Nayeon-unnie isn't serious, is he? Why would she go anywhere when we're all here?

- She's just teasing us, Dahyun. She takes revenge on us so much for the fact that we refused her - the answer turned out to be ambiguous, the girls quickly looked at each other, then cautiously at Mina, but she went into her thoughts.

- You'll see, Nabong will now return and say that Soyeon-ssi called back and canceled the meeting - the answer turned out to be uncertain, shaky, because no one knew how it would actually happen.

You woke up only after you heard ragged breathing from Chaeyoung and Sana's desperate voice with Jihyo's pleading tone.

Your heart, like yourself, was again trapped by the name "Im Nayeon".

All memories of Michelle were erased by her voice alone, and now by the appearance in a black, tight-fitting, strapless evening dress that did not reach her knees. The dress created a clear picture of her slender body, giving the imagination to the eyes.

Feelings woke up with renewed vigor.

Your selfishness again owned your subconscious.

No one should see and touch such beauty, except for me and the girls.

Unless Seoyeon- ssi me...

I must make sure that Nayeon-chan stays at home.

- Well, how do you like it? - seductively arched, showing herself in the best angle. – Do you think Soyeon will appreciate it?

- You need to change, unnie, -Tzuyu said bluntly, - it’s cold in the evening, you’ll catch a cold.

- Oh, don’t worry Tzuyu, Soyeon’s arms will warm me up. - She ran her hands over her body, lingering on her s.

- I’ll get you my jacket, unnie. - Dahyun hurried out of the kitchen, almost stumbling as she passed Nayeon.

- No need, Dahyun, I bet we won’t make it to the restaurant, we’ll get lost in some love hotel, - Nayeon raised her eyebrows, grinning flirtatiously at the girls.

- Do you like her that much? Is she better than us, unnie?

The atmosphere in the kitchen was getting darker, but Nayeon was only amused.

She enjoyed every word, look, movement, secret reaction.

It made her feel wanted and loved.

What will they do to keep me at home?

- Well, I don't know her very well yet, but her figure - Nayeon showed her thumb, outlined her in the air - look at her. We somehow went up in the elevator, - dreamily recalls her impressions, - there were a lot of people, she stood right next to me, her s rested against me, so soft, I felt her s harden from the endless friction between us. And she smelled so good, crazy, - Nayeon finished, opening her eyes in time to see the burning desire to kill Soyeon, to destroy.

Did I overdo it? Hmm, no, just enough - she smiled to herself, feeling a shiver down her spine. They are ready for the next step. And the first one to offer would be… I think Momo. Yes, exactly, she, - Nayeon thought contentedly, sitting down on a chair, throwing her legs back, exposing her thigh.


You knew that you had no right, but you couldn't stand imagining that someone else instead of you would touch, caress Nayeon.

You cleared your throat, everyone paid attention to you, but you were focused only on her:

- Nayeon-chan, if I ask you to stay… will you stay?

Before, you could just say the word and Nayeon would immediately agree.

Previously, you could own it, if not physically, but spiritually.

Before, but not now, and it was evident from her glance, thrown at you.

I shouldn't…I'm not part of the family anymore…I…

- Hmm - Nayeon thought about the words, looking at Mina, - and what will I get in return if I stay?

- Instead? – Mina did not expect such a question, he took her by surprise.

- We'll have a movie show here - capturing San's friend's intricate idea, smiling at her gratefully. “You don’t have to pay for anything, unnie!” Everything is free! Agree, this is the best option!

- Mina, what will you offer me in return? - Ignoring Sana, waiting for an answer from her.

Myself, I'll offer myself to you, Nayeon-chan - a thought flashed through your head, you blushed at what you introduced next.

- Whatever you want, - you murmured embarrassedly, surrendering to the pressure from the older girl.

- Wow, Minari, you…- Momo started, but Jeongyeon’s hands covered , and Jihyo quickly whispered something in her ear. - Sorry, go on.

- No one pulled you by the tongue, Mina, - Nayeon said in all seriousness, slowly rising, smoothly swaying her hips, she came close (entered your personal space) to you.

You blushed but didn't look away.

You waited with bated breath for a sequel.

You felt a shiver through your body, a lingering sweetness below.

You could almost feel her breath on your lips as Nayeon leaned even closer.

You almost fainted when Nayeon's lips whispered:

- We will watch a horror film, and you will hold my hand for the whole session, Minari. And after the session, you will sleep in my room, holding me in your arms. Here are my conditions. If you agree, then I call Soyeon and cancel the meeting.

You internally lost consciousness, but outwardly you managed to squeeze out a word (more like a strangled squeak):

- I agree.


Your hand is securely in Nayeon's hand.

Your shoulders are touching.

Your knees too.

Nayeon's body is almost on top of you, but you don't mind.

Do you like it.

The atmosphere of tension that hovered in the kitchen partly evaporated as soon as you moved into the living room.

You are surrounded by all the girls.

It's like you've returned to your favorite cocoon.

You inhale as the fragrance of the flowery shampoo fills you.

A fragrance that has always stirred your thoughts.

A movie plays on the screen, a horror movie, just like Nayeon asked.

The screams from the screen were transferred to the living room, Momo and Nayeon, who of them screaming louder is incomprehensible.

Sana just shudders, hiding her face in your hair. It tickles you when her breath of warm air touches your neck. Her arms wrap tightly around your waist. You her biceps, comforting her, assuring her that you are with her.

Like good old times.

Until the evening I left.

Then we also watched a horror movie.

Then there was the same food.

Sana also hugged me.

Nayeon too.

Then I also heard Jihyo snorting, Jungyoung laughing, Dahyun asking to be quiet because “her kids are already sleeping.”

Everything seems to repeat itself.

As if I see everything in a dream, my past.

Wait, why is it repeating, am I still dreaming?

You move, you blink, you look around.

You are concentrating.

You clear your throat and ask:

- Can we check tomorrow?

Nayeon takes her head off your shoulder, the intensity in her gaze is frightening, but you don't hide your eyes:

- Do you want to sleep, Mina?

You suddenly realize that you are really tired and almost fall asleep, you yawn.

Nayeon softens, pulls away, but still holds your hand, helping you up and dragging you to your room.

- Then it's time for bed. See you in the morning girls. Let me dream about you tonight - she winked at them, smiling coquettishly. - Today my night belongs to Mina.

- We'll miss you, unnie - is an ambiguous message, but you ignore it again, your brain is almost asleep.

You don't pay attention to the greedy looks Nayeon 7 of your friends are seeing off. How their eyes check every swing of their hips, trace the line of their body, gasp as they see the dress rise higher and higher, exposing her.

You don’t notice how the dress is completely removed, that the girl remains topless, turns to them, seductively runs over her body, stopping her long fingers near her shaved pubis, penetrates inside and caresses herself.

Satisfied with the reaction of her friends, she shows them the “no” sign, narrows her eyes, frowns and says with her lips:

- Do your best. You don't deserve this - then he puts on the dress again, takes your hand and leads you to the room.

A collective frustrated groan fills the space, but you don't hear it, because as soon as your head touches the pillow, you fall asleep.

- You do me the honor of taking off all your clothes, Miyu Mina. I'm waiting for the moment when you show your true selfishness. Aimed at me alone, - lightly kissed your temple, then slowly peeled off your clothes layer by layer, putting your Penguin pajamas on you, hiding your magnificent body in it.


You suddenly woke up in the middle of the night.

At least you thought that it was night in the yard for a long time.

Even though it's been 20 minutes since you fell asleep.

Nayeon's hand was tightly wrapped around your waist, pulling your back closer to her.

Her lips touched your skin on your shoulder.

Her one leg slammed over your thigh, making you blush from the wetness between your legs.

You carefully free yourself, hearing an angry growl from Nayeon behind you.

You giggle as you look at Nayeon's childlike pursed lips.

You so want to bend down and erase this pout.

But you have no right.

You look at your Penguin pajamas in surprise, you don't even have to ask to understand who changed you.

Your heat is getting thicker.

But the cold floor instantly sobers you up when you become barefoot, looking for slippers.

Why you woke up did not know.

You just knew you needed to be somewhere else.

Intuition drove you out of the room, from Nayeon, where you felt safe.

You left the room, silently closing the doors behind you, promising yourself that you would be back soon.

You hear muffled voices.

Right there in the living room.

Your footsteps are still silent.

From the second floor, where your room is, you see 7 girls who are focused on something on the table.

You are curious.

But you don't want to be noticed ahead of time.

You decide to eavesdrop on them, so out of character for you.

But from the very moment you returned home, you had the feeling that the truth was being hidden from you.

The truth about what happened in the three years you left.

What you hear 180 degrees changes your opinion about your return home ( later you comprehend everything, think it over and come to those strange words from Sana, who told you during the trip:

A lot has changed in our lives in three years. You don't have to be ashamed of yourself or humble yourself for your love. Your selfishness is not as terrible as you think. Trust me, there are much worse .)


- We need to find out what we did wrong in front of Nayeon-unnie - chasing away the vision of the seductive figure of an older girl, Jihyo returned her leadership. - Shall we start as usual with Jeongyeon?

The girls nodded in agreement as they took out their cell phones, finding Nayeon's correspondence.

They put their phones on the table, clearing everything they didn't need, leaning over them, carefully rereading them since Monday. And since today was Wednesday, it means not much to read.




08:06 - Nabongie, did you have time to go to work?

08:07 - Still on my way. Traffic jams.

08:08 - Chong, they flirt with me.

08:09 - Who? Girl or guy?

08:10 - Both. He has such a terrible accent, although she is nothing like that, pretty. Can I get her phone number?

08:11 - No. For what? He is of no use to you.

08:12 - She asks me on a date. How nice.

08:13 - No. Do not agree, because today you are busy with me. And only me.

08:14 – Oh honey, are you jealous?

08:15 (jealous emoji and broken heart).

08:16 - I'm on the road again. I will write you later. Kiss.


08:20 - Nayeon.

08:21 - Respond.

08:22 - Baby.

08:23 - Please, you're scaring me.

08:24 - Nayeon.

08:25-08:30 - crying emoji, broken heart, jealous emoji, Nayeon.

08:31 - Nabong, are you at work yet?

08:32 – Just parked. I get out of the car. Anyway, I'm off. I'll write when it's lunchtime.

good morning, baby (kiss emoticon, sunbeating heart).

08:34 - 12:00 - Baby, I'm in the store. What to buy? Is this your favorite snack? Oh, I found your drink, which is out today. I got the recipe from my dad, he taught it to me. I saw Jihyo, she will be late today, but she promised that she would visit you after lunch.

Nayeon-unnie, I know that you are texting Sana. You said you have a lot of work. Write me something too.

(Nayeon sends a photo of a cute fluffy bunny)

You are so beautiful, unnie. I want to hug, kiss and pamper you. You still remember that today you have a date with me. Just you and me.

Do you remember? Do you remember? Unnie, please answer. Do not ignore me.

(Nayeon sends a flirtatious wink emoji)


12:00 - Are you free? I'm near your work, do you want to come in, have lunch together?

12:01 - I've already had lunch with Sana. Her kisses are delicious.

12:02 - Unnie! I was counting on lunch. Nabong, you are evil.

12:03 - Baby?

12:04 - Please.

12:05 - You're not evil.

12:06 - I don't have to tell you what to do.

12:07 - Forgive me.

12:08 - Nabong?

12:09 - (begging emoticon). I'm ready to take the punishment, unnie.

12:10 - Sana bought me ice cream. Her lips were so sticky. Haha, she wanted to flirt with me by showing off her skill with eating ice cream, but it fell on her chest. Successfully landed (sent a photo, an ice cream cone between the s). It was nice to , and I immediately thought, why not take home ice cream. Do I have plans for it? Buy, Jeong?

12:15 - You , unnie. Can I be the one to play with ice cream tonight?

12:16 - No (tongue sticking out emoji), it's not for our games, stupid. Although, if you are obedient… hmm… perhaps…

12:17 – I will do everything to deserve it.

Scrolling further, none of the girls noticed any disagreements. Everything is right on time. Jeongyeon never stopped writing, even when she was cooking or doing something around the house.

- I don’t understand, I didn’t do anything, so why then am I banned? Jeongyeon pouted offendedly, closing her phone, hiding it in her pocket.

- Momo, you're next.



07:24 - Momorin, are you awake?

07:25 - Momo, it's time to get up!

07:26 - Open your eyes, Momo-chan.

07:27 - Unnie, I almost overslept. Thanks for waking me up.

07:28 - Get in touch. Looking forward to the morning kiss.

07:29 - I'm on my way.


07:41 - Nayeon-unni, I'm leaving. Breakfast on the table.

07:42 - Don't forget to tell that girl that you're busy with me.

07:43 - If I see her today, I will definitely tell her.

07:44 - You better not see her today, I'm serious, Momo.

07:45 - Don't be jealous, unnie, I love only you.

07:46 - Nayeon-chan, don't forget to have breakfast and get ready for work, otherwise you'll be late.

07:47 - Your jacket is hanging in Sana's closet, she took it and forgot to return it to you.

07:48 - You left your glasses on my nightstand.

07:49 - Please don't forget the lunch box. It is packed and is on the table in the hall.

07:50 - Bon voyage, my bunny. See you later. (kiss emoticon, bunny)

07:51 - Momo, I want to see your abs.

07:52 - (Momo sent a photo) This is embarrassing, Nayeon-chan.

07:53 - But it motivates me.

07:54 - Dahyun just kissed me. Three times.

07:55 - I'm jealous. I want to kiss you too.

07:56 - Chaeyoung kissed me too. With tongue. Our baby has grown.

07:57 - But I'm a better kisser than her, right?

07:58 – Hmm, you need to compare. I saw Tzuyu changing clothes.

07:59 - Unnie, you're late! Watch a free show tonight!

08:00-08:03 - They won't let me go. Ah, Momo, their caresses are getting bolder.

Besides, I can’t tonight, I have a candlelight dinner with Jeongyeon.

I left the house, but left a worried trio behind me. They promised to have fun. Can I stay?

08:04 - Dinner is scheduled for 18:00, unnie, the rest of the evening and night are free. There will be time to have some fun with the trio and watch my new dance. I cook especially for my bunny.

(Momo sent in a photo and a short video) This is part of what's to come.

08:05 - I'm in the car. I switch off. Don't seduce anyone while I'm not by your side, Momorin.


(you missed 35 messages and three calls from Nayeon)

15:00 - Bunny, I'm free.

15:01 – Nabong?

15:02 - Baby, are you mad?

15:03 - Sorry, busy day.

15:04 - The dance is ready and waiting for your approval.

15:05 - I've been faithful to you, bunny. See you tonight.


16:20 - Unnie, I'm outside your office.

16:21 - Should I wait for you?

16:22 - Don't wait. I'm not there, I'm at a meeting with my boss. And I'm not angry. See you tonight.


- Your dance even impressed me, baby - Jeongyeon ran her tongue over her lips, remembering him, or rather, what happened after him. - Nayeon-unnie was so hot…I…

- Jeong, then, now we need to understand where we were at fault. Sana, show me.

- But you didn't watch Tuesday...

- Momo, Tuesday after, we need to see everyone.



08:35 - Nayonie, I woke up. Where are you?

08:36 - Good morning, beauty. At work.

08:37 - Unnie, I want ice cream. (photo of pouting Sana).

08:38 – Me too, but I want to it off you even more.

08:39 - These were my words (kiss emoticon, fiery heart).

08:40 - My boss calls me.

08:41 – Is he handsome?

08:42 - She.

08:43 - She? This is a threat. Nayeon-chan don't fall for her flirting!

08:44 – Is she better than me?

08:45 - Nayeon-unni? You are with her? Alone? Are the blinds closed? Is she sitting or standing? Is she very close to you? Please, unnie, don't fall for her tricks! She is evil!


09:00 - I bought ice cream and I'm going to your house, Nayeon-chan.

09:20 - Nayeon-chan, I'm near your work.

09:30 - Nayeon-chan, I'm in the elevator.

09:37 - I'm walking on your floor.

09:40 - Nayeon-chan (jealous smiley), who gave you such beautiful roses? Is this your boss? Does she ask you out on a date? Did you agree? Nayeon-chan, baby, I'm waiting for you in the office.

09:41 – You didn’t say that you have a pretty colleague (offended emoticon).

09:42 - Pretty? Did she take a liking to you? Are you already flirting with her?

09:43 - No (scared emoticon), my life is dear to me. I'm just waiting for you in your office. And by the way, the ice cream is melting.


Further to the very end, there were mostly different photos without correspondence, so we decided to leave it for later. Jihyo silently put down her phone, but when she opened it at the right bottom, she warned:

- That day, I had little contact with unni. I was very busy with my work, therefore, here are only photos. From her side. She was, um, very distracting.

Indeed, starting from 11 am and ending at 12 noon, only photographs of origin were sent. Any parts of Im Nayeon's body. Under the photo is a comment about what Nayeon expects from Jihyo.

- Our correspondence also consisted mainly of photos, - Dahyun said blushing, - as did Chaeng and Tzuyu. Only from our side. We seduced, or rather ...

- We showed unnie what she lost when she left in the morning. - Chaeyoung finished behind her, hiding her red face behind Tzuyu's back.

- Nayeon-unnie, she promised to come to our room after dinner with Jeongyeon-unnie to continue her morning exercises, - Tzuyu added, not hiding the photo on her phone.

- Okay, does it make sense to read Tuesday, or is there the same correspondence as on Monday?

- The same, only more flirting with explicit overtones.

- Then I can only assume one thing, she refused us today because of the return of Mina, - Jeongyeon gave out a hypothesis.

- Yes, I think so too, - the others nodded.

- So, our games are going to stop for a while? Mina doesn't know. Nayeon unnie doesn't want to risk losing her again, - Jihyo reasoned out loud as she considered the situation. - We'll have to lay low for a while.

- We just must prepare Ming-unnie for the truth, - Tzuyu said after thinking.

Besides, I don't think it will take long. Did you see the way she looked at her? Momo chuckled.

- Her feelings are still with her, - Sana chuckled.

- Soon Mina will also be trapped and show her selfishness towards Nayeon's attention.


You heard everything.

Not quite understanding, but guessing.

Your friends are crazy.

They control Nayeon's every move.

Nayeon-chan is in danger.

We must warn her.

Although… wait… doesn’t Nayeon like this?

You heard everything. Every word. Their correspondence took place minute by minute.

Does Nayeon-chan like that kind of control?

Is she against such selfishness on the part of girls?

You were gone for three years.

In three years, everything can change.

You never wrote to them.

You didn't call first.

You distanced yourself from them.

You gave up for a love that didn't really exist.

And I do not need to prove here that love was!


Don't lie to yourself.


You yourself knew that nothing would work out with Michelle.

You were just grasping at her like a straw.

You used her to get away.

Get away from the love that you experienced ...

... you are still experiencing ...

It was worth seeing, hearing, hugging.

You were just cowardly running away from Nayeon.

You just decided to run away, hide.

Maybe stop cowardly hiding, find the courage in yourself and confess.

You are in love with Nayeon.


Show your selfishness towards yourself.

Come on…

I… love…

- Mina, there you are - heard the voice of Nayeon, hugging your waist from the back, - go back to bed.

- Nayeon-chan...

- Hm? – clinging tighter, putting his chin on his shoulder. What interesting things are you looking at?

- Minari, Nabong, we thought you were already sleeping - the girls below realized themselves, looking at them from the bottom up.

- I was awakened by the cold in bed, - Nayeon replied.

- Oh, if you want we can help warm your bed - taking quick steps towards the stairs.

- No, - you quickly responded, taking a step back, - Nayeon-chan is mine today. Mine, - you added louder, placing your hands on top of hers, pulling her closer to you.

- Hmm, someone showed their selfishness? I like it, Mina - Nayeon boldly kissed her forearm. - Show me more, honey.

You trembled with a new (old) feeling.

It's like you spread your wings, like you came alive.

You turned your head to meet Nayeon's lips halfway, kissing them with a sigh.

The girls downstairs cheered, applauding you, envying you loudly.

You were incredibly happy.

Nayeon smiled into her lips, then her eyes darkened, almost black.

She jerked away from you, wiping her lips with the back of her hand, wiping your kiss away.

- Who gave you permission to kiss me? You didn't deserve my kiss, Mina. Sana, baby, come here - beckoned to her with her finger, Sana ran up to Nayeon with a squeal of happiness, hugged her neck and passionately kissed Nayeon on the lips without asking permission.

- This week, Sana has earned all my love for herself, and I will gladly show how much I love her. Good night girls.

- How lucky you are, Sana! I envy you so! Be sure to tell us tomorrow, in all the details!

Your heights collapsed in an instant.

You looked with envy at the happy Sana.

You didn't understand why she and not you.

After all, you just showed courage for the first time in so many years of silence.

You showed your selfishness.

So why Sana?

- Let's go to bed, Mina-unnie. I think you will sleep with me tonight. I have an extra bed. - Chaeyoung said as she lightly pushed her towards her room.

- Tomorrow we will explain the rules in this house to you, - Jihyo said, saying goodbye to everyone, dragging Jeongyeon behind her.

- Welcome home, Minari. - Momo smacked her cheek as she ran after Dahyun and Tzuyu.

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