Drabble - Mediator (JiHyo)


JiHyo knew exactly what she needed to do. She just needs to make a dissatisfied expression on her face, put her hands on her hips, frown, purse her lips and slowly say:

- Nayeon-unnie, we have discussed the same problem regarding MiSaMo many times, maybe it’s time to make a decision?

Usually it was Jeongyeon who moralized their “stupid bunny”, but today she was busy with her work schedule, and so JiHyo took on this role.

She will listen to you, just show yourself as a leader .”

This message was sent from Jeongyeon.

JiHyo sighed, exhaled, set herself up as a leader in front of the mirror in the hallway and entered the living room, where NaYoung was sitting on the sofa, her knees bent, holding a bucket of ice cream and eating it with a pouty expression. In general, she now resembled not a bunny, but an offended puppy, whom she just wanted to hug and caress.

Big baby, what should I do with you? – it sounded softly in my thoughts, the “customized leader” disappeared, and JiHyo’s best friend sat down next to Nayeon.

- Won't you share? – nodding at the ice cream, which is quickly disappearing.

- Here,  she handed her everything that was left, - I won’t do it again.

- Nabong, baby, I'm here, tell me what's wrong? – taking it and putting it on the table, she sat closer and took her friend’s hand, squeezing it. - I only heard it out of the corner of my ear, but I didn’t really understand it. What happened to MiSaMo?

- They ignored me - the pout returned, Nayeon really pouted.

- That’s exactly what I heard. More specifically. Ignored on what question?- JiHyo asked curiously, sincerely trying to understand the situation.

It all started last night after all the members gathered to watch some movie and take a break from work. JiHyo was also present, but for some reason she missed the moment when MiSaMo “ignored” Nayeon.

Therefore, I sincerely tried to understand the situation. She even asked MiSaMo first.


- You know our unnie, Jihyo. It's just some kind of trifle. Drama queen.


- Ignore, unnie?! Never! How can I ignore the girl I love! You're confusing something, JiHyo!


- Nayeon-chan said that?

JiHyo hurried to console, seeing how sad Mina’s eyes were becoming:

- No, I haven’t discussed this with her yet.

- When you find out, tell us, - Mina asked JiHyo, who just nodded.

- So what’s the matter, Nayeon-unnie? Don’t be tormented, tell me – returning back to where we started, JiHyo again asked her older friend. – When did they start ignoring you?

- During the movie.

- What number?

- We watched a boring film chosen by Jeongyeon, I don’t remember what the score was - even remembering that film caused nothing but bewilderment.

- Ah, a documentary about the planet - I immediately understood what it was about, Jihyo did not add that she found this film very educational and interesting.

- It lasted 2 hours, half of which I slept, but that doesn’t matter. My head was lying on Momo's shoulder, Mina was hugging me around the waist, and Sana was reclining on Momo's and my legs, my hand was her hair.

- Um, why are you saying such details? – Seeing the withering look, JiHyo quickly corrected herself: - Yes, yes, I’m listening, continue.

- I thought that I would wake up with the same picture, - Nayeon said sadly, - but when I opened my eyes, I was lying on the sofa, covered with a blanket, and the girls were sitting, hugging each other and laughing at some joke of Dahyun. To my grumpy “why didn’t you wake me up?” they didn't answer. And my voice was not quiet, I spoke loudly.

JiHyo vaguely, but remembered something, indeed her voice was very loud, she then had to scold Nayeon for “my poor ears.” And, indeed, MiSaMo laughed at jokes, but...

- Nabongs, they answered you, - the leader disagreed. - I remember that sticky smile of Mina, who looked at you with tenderness. It seemed to me then that I was invading your personal space.

- I'm not talking about Mina. Momo and Sana, they didn’t even turn around when I shouted. They were all ears to the jokes and teases from Jeongyeon.

- Okay, but I remember how for the rest of the evening you were quite loving with each other, even so much that you wanted to close your eyes, - JiHyo said slowly, glancing at Nayeon, who pursed her lips, slouched, and averted her gaze from the leader’s inquisitive gaze.

So, something is wrong here, I know this behavior of hers and I don’t like it.

- Unnie, what are you not telling me? Come on, we’ve known each other for more than 10 years – she gently pushed us to have a frank conversation.

- Eh, JiHyo, this isn’t the first time they ignored me, - Nayeon said quietly, still averting her gaze, - I don’t want to complain, maybe I’m just being dramatic again... - she continued incoherently, biting her lower lip, in front of her own eyes. Tears began to appear.

- Hey, hey, big baby, what happened? – she was worried about a sudden breakdown from her older friend. She sat closer and hugged her, giving her confidence.

- The other day, when I was returning from training, I saw Sana coming from the other side. She was happily chatting with some beautiful girl. When I wrote to her and asked where she was, Sana replied that she was at home and watching some show.

JiHyo was silent, she understood that her older friend needed to speak out. As if the verbal platinum had broken through, Nayeon, without hiding anything, revealed what was in her heart.

- Momo, I saw her walking with some guy. She replied to my SMS that she was now going to training with her manager.

- And Mina, - JiHyo asked carefully, hugging her tightly and pressing her to her in a protective manner. JiHyo was hoping to hear, as always, “everything is fine with Mina,” but instead it was bitter:

- Mina walked with Chaeyoung, arm in arm, with tenderness in her eyes and a gummy smile. She replied to my SMS that she was now at home and playing games. I know, I know what you're going to say, JiHyo, but still, why did they lie to me?

- How long has this been going on? – the leader asked gloomily, entering the “I’ll protect the big child” mode.

- For some time. But it’s not their fault, not at all, JiHyo, maybe they’re just tired of me - Nayeon sobbed, then roared in her voice. - They are no longer interested in me, so they are waiting for the moment to announce the breakup.

- Shh, quiet, quiet, unnie, this can’t be, there’s definitely some kind of explanation here. If you want, I will find out everything and tell you. Want?

- Yes.

Everyone was afraid when they saw the leader in anger, so he had not done anything to anger her for a long time.

Momo, Mina, Sana did not know what they had done to deserve this angry look from the leader when she dragged them through the doors of the dressing room, and almost loomed over them in the corridor (after making sure that no one was there).

- You better tell the truth, girls -  she warned, taking a deep breath and briefly retelling the conversation with Nayeon. - So, - after she finished, she put my hands on her hips, - I demand an explanation. Are you cheating on unnie? Do you want to leave her for a new relationship?

- What..no , oh my God, of course not, - they protested, understanding that if JiHyo was asking about this, then Nayeon had seen them somewhere.

-Then who is that guy you were with, Momo? Who is that Sana girl? And why do you always hang out with Chaeyoung, Mina?

They didn’t know what to answer, because in some ways JiHyo was right. No, they weren't going to leave Nayeon, but they just...

They really didn't know what to answer.

- You know that you are like family to me, girls, - JiHyo began, walking away from them, hearing the manager calling them, - but if I find out that you will hurt Nayeon...

MiSaMo involuntarily shuddered when the door slammed behind the departing JiHyo:

- Nayeon saw us and we need to quickly do something about it. Otherwise we will be left without a girl.

- How can we explain everything without affecting the plan for a surprise for the 3-month anniversary? She won’t believe it if we say that Momo learned to drive a car, I studied all the culinary masterpieces, and Minari wanted to draw our portrait and make rings.

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