Just a dance (SaNayeon)


It's just a dance, right?

Doesn't obligate me to anything.

Just dance with you tonight in front of them.

Then why does my heart with gentle trembling follow your steps towards me?

I don't understand, because we're just going to slow dance.

Then why do I suddenly notice everything in you that I did not notice before.

You stand in front of me, look at me with your eyes (the warmest color of chocolate), tilt your head slightly to the side, exposing your neck to my gaze (the softest color of tofu).

I extend my hand.

Your palm fits in my wide palm, the touch is light, like a feather.

I feel how part of your fingers squeeze my palm (my heart responds to your touch, I blush internally).

Your second hand rests on my shoulder (my heartbeat speeds up; how strange, I feel like my heart has moved there).

You take a step closer, into my personal space (your light perfume is pleasant, I feel myself sinking into it).

The emptiness in your eyes disappears when the melody starts to play, you smile at me with that smile where the corners of your eyes squint, and the gums open slightly, showing the snow-whiteness of the tooth.

My breath hitches, my subconscious silently praises your beauty.

Out loud I dare not say, I have no right to say such words, otherwise they will be misunderstood by her fiancé, whose gaze is like a hawk following his bride, almost wife.

I was allowed the last dance, just the dance of two best friends who have known each other for 20 years.

- I'm not crystal, you can hug me, Nayeon-unnie - you whisper with a sweet smile, with a touch of coquetry.

You take my other hand, wind it behind your back, put it just above the shoulder blades.

- During the dance, the hand may slip, I don’t mind, unnie, - you wink, trying to avoid awkwardness between us.

- You just learned to wink, Sana - I let out a chuckle, internally coming to tenderness (I just wanted to pinch your cheeks, especially when you pout).

- I know, but I'm doing better, right? – taking a small step closer to me, now your face is 10cm away from me.

- Perhaps, - I say, leaning away, looking at her fiancé. - Sana, he's watching.

- Let, I'm not his wife yet - you whispered, shaking your curls of dark hair, knocking down the perfect wedding hairstyle.

I did not answer anything, pulled her body to me, took a shallow breath, moved us from our place, hearing a familiar tune.

- I'm sorry if I step on my feet, Sana. I've been practicing, but... apparently dancing isn't my calling - shrugged, looking down, where the low heels of patent leather boots were ugly compared to cute sandals.

- You won’t step, unnie, - you said, also glancing down, meeting my uncertain look, winking again.

- How do you know that...

- I know, Nayeon…unnie, - you just said.

Our dance continued.

Your gaze was directed to the side, your face turned in profile.

If I leaned forward a little, my lips might touch her cheek.

If I let my hand move a little lower down my back, I can put it on the small of my back.

If I allow myself lightness, then by slightly pressing on her waist, I can bring her even closer to me.

If I…

Strange thoughts visited me, why I can’t understand, because I hadn’t thought about this before.

A slow dance to a romantic tune, such a familiar tune.

How do I know this song?

Do I need to rummage through my memory to remember?

Why remember, because now we are dancing a simple dance.

The last dance, - a thought flashed through my head.

But for sure, the last one - I smile bitterly to myself - after all, tomorrow she will leave with her new husband, and we will never see each other again.

We danced for 20 years, afraid to make a wrong move, or rather, I was afraid and did not let you get close to my heart.

I let you know that our friendship is priceless.

Now I'm dancing with you at your wedding, which could have been our wedding.



Don't spoil anything.

Sana is happy.

With him.

Do not say anything.

Let everything stay as it is...

- 20 seconds - I suddenly heard your sad voice.

What are you talking about, Sana? she asked for clarification, holding her breath when our eyes met.

You looked straight into my eyes, as if deciding in your mind whether to tell me or not. In your eyes, I saw the sadness that I wanted to disperse by saying some stupid thing so that they would shine with happiness again.

But this is no longer my privilege.

Not mine anymore...

- The song will end in 20 seconds.

I had to strain my ears to hear your words.

For some reason, at that moment, my heart began to beat louder, as if it already knew.

- 10 seconds left, Nayeon-chan, you have 10 seconds left to answer one question for me.

Her gaze was beckoning.

I involuntarily pressed her closer, now our bodies were only a couple of centimeters apart.

I heard her ragged breathing.

I could hear her heart beating fast in her chest.

What a beautiful melody.

I want to listen to it all the time.

- What's the question, Sana?

Everything froze, I did not hear anything but her voice, all my personal space was occupied by her.

- Do you like to dance with me?

The subtext of the question was understandable to me, because you constantly asked this for 20 years. You have always been the first to take steps towards our common future.

You are brave Sana, and I ...

So the dance is finally over. After it, we will be able to go to the altar and connect two loving hearts - I heard a loud male voice.

My heart counted the seconds as my hearing returned to me, hearing the last chords of a familiar melody fade away under a flurry of applause.

You take a step back, your blank stare returns, a mask of happiness on your face.

Your hands fall down, sliding over my arms, lingering a little on my fingertips.

You make a U-turn, you...

No! Stop! don't go! - my whole being screams, but the voice is silent.

Words, stupid words...

She is leaving...

You already took two steps away from me, then stood up, stooped a little, your shoulders slumped and I heard:

- Dancing with you always fascinates, I'm like a butterfly that flies near the fire, but your fire does not burn, on the contrary, it is so warm, cozy.

Suddenly you turn sharply towards me, reach out, grab my wrists and start running, through the crowd, past your parents, pushing forward until we are free.

Only then I distinctly your cheerful laugh, having laughed, you look at me, still holding my hands in yours:

- It took a long time to get an answer from you, stupid unnie. I never thought you could be so romantic, Nayeon-chan.

- I'm not a romantic, Sana - I said a little out of breath, but without letting go of her hands, on the contrary, pulling her still smiling friend to me. - I just love seeing you smile, and you didn’t smile back then, - I muttered.

While I was talking, it suddenly dawned on me:

- Wait, so those words about the butterfly and the fire ...

The rest of my question was sealed with her lips touching mine gently, allowing our hearts to learn a new dance.


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