Ritual (Nayeon/...)


Today is the same night of the Full Moon, which she had heard so often from her grandmother.

When she was little, her grandmother often repeated:

The magic of the Full Moon on the Lunar Eclipse holiday in the Year of the Dragon is considered the strongest.

All wishes will be fulfilled.

But only tonight.

The next morning, all the magic will dissipate.

Therefore, she was unrealistically lucky that today there is not a cloud in the evening sky, a clear sky. It remains to wait for the first ray of moonlight, pray to the Dragon and be near the house of the one you dream of.

The rules of the Night - they must be observed, otherwise the magic will not happen.


- I've been stuck here for more than an hour, and there are still clouds in the sky? What the hell did they show up for? They didn't exist! - Nayeon complained to no one in particular, because in her "secluded place" there was only her, a thermos with a hot drink and a small bag with all the accessories for the ritual.

She didn't tell anyone where she was going, so her members didn't know about her little trip.

It’s better for them not to know , the eldest of them thought, taking a sip from a thermos, looking inquisitively ahead, at the house, where, in her opinion, her beloved’s windows should be. “They tease me. Although, maybe Dubu and Cheng will understand me, they believe in all these love rituals.

Nayeon sighed dramatically as she checked her watch, then glanced at the sky doomedly, sat down on a makeshift branch chair, and waited.

There was little time left until midnight. Very little.

- The ritual must pass in any case, - grandma said importantly, - if you don’t do this today, then for the whole year you will have only failures.

Nayeon always trusted her grandmother's words. Her grandmother was a very smart woman. Grandmother never lied to her granddaughter.

Parents knew very well that much of what Grandma says is a lie, but they never told this to their little bunny.

- Remember, Nabongi, if during the ritual your beloved does not look out the window or is not close to you, then the Moon will get angry ...

- Why is Luna angry, grandma? – the girl listened.

- After all, with the help of a ritual, the Moon gives you a chance for a long and true love ...

- The same love as you had with your grandfather, right?

- Yes. So make sure your lover is by your side, Nabong.

- Well, grandmother - the girl nodded importantly.

- She always peeks out at this time, so why not now? - Nervous Nayeon was indignant, looking at one point in front of her, namely at the dark windows on the second floor of their cottage. “I couldn’t have mistaken the windows, could I? - she quickly took out a plan of the house from her pocket, where rooms with a member were written in her handwriting and an arrow was drawn to the window where the girls should look out - I was not mistaken - checking the location of the window, Nayeon exhaled, again folding and hiding it.

- If I'm not mistaken, then why are you refusing to look out today, Sana? I've been hinting to you all week how important this day (night) is to me. Please look out the window in 10 minutes, Sana, Nayoung prayed as she prepared all the ingredients she had brought with her for the upcoming ritual.

- Grandma, what does Luna love most of all? – innocently asked the girl, once again listening to the ritual of desire.

- Hmm, probably the same as you, Nabong, - grandmother her head.

- Anything I like? But I like so many things from food, grandmother, how can I choose - pouting, the girl complained, listing aloud. – What did you like?

- Sorry, Nabongi, grandmother has already forgotten, because so many years have passed since that day.

- Okay, then I'll think about it.

- I brought fruits, chocolates and chips that I like, I wonder if that's enough? - Nayeon thoughtfully asked herself, biting her lower lip, carefully putting everything on a plate. - Oh, I almost forgot, more soju! Great, 5 minutes left and… Hey, what the…

The moon, which flaunted in the sky, was suddenly completely covered under the clouds, so that even the rays could not penetrate through them.

Nayeon jumped up from her seat, threw her hands up and threatened:

- Go away, stupid clouds! Otherwise, I will make you disappear forever! I have powers, yes, I'm superwoman! Don't look down on me, I'm not lying!

As if hearing her clouds began to move, dissipate.

- Ha ha, scared, yes! - Nayeon shouted victoriously, dancing bizarrely on the spot, then fell silent, looked around guiltily. - Nabongs, be quiet, or they might hear you. The ritual is about to begin.

There are only three minutes left until midnight.

- Come on, Sana, look out, look out - as Nayeon repeated the mantra, holding a candle in one hand, a lighter in the other, ready to start the ritual.

Without 1 minute, Sana suddenly pulled back the curtains, opened the window and looked out.

The moon at this moment shone brighter.

Nayeon knelt down with a lit candle, raised her eyes to the Queen of the Night, whispered:

- Please fulfill my desire, Oh, my Queen! I'm not asking you for anything, just help me confess my feelings for Sana so that I don't get rejected in return. I promise, on the next ritual, I will get you what you love the most. Mooncakes.

She stood like that until the moon disappeared behind the clouds.

-Very well, now we need to leave, and quickly… after all, a messenger from the moon can descend at any moment to give her my offering. Like Grandma said, you need to leave and not look back. Everything, everything, I'm leaving.


As soon as Nayeon left the field of vision, 7 girls came out from under the shelter, approached the offering to Luna, shared food, drink among themselves, then quietly signaled to Sana to return to their room.

- And how many times will we participate in such a game? - Chaeyoung asked softly as she nearly finished off the bag of chips.

-This is not a game, Chaeng, -Tzuyu chided her as she shared some chocolate with Dahyun. - Nayeon-unnie sincerely believes in such rituals.

- Yes, with the help of them, she will finally make steps towards Sanya-chan - cleaning the place, said Momo, Mina nodded in agreement, added:

- Sana-chan already does not find a place from the fact that her future girlfriend is so indecisive.

- If the ritual will give such an impetus, then why not? Plus, it’s so much fun to watch Nabong threaten the clouds over and over again, - Jeongyeon giggled as she took a sip of soju.

-Let’s hurry, you know that our bunny will be able to visit any of us now, - Jihyo said while texting Sana.

-Then you need Mina-unnie to go first, - Dahyun simply replied, -usually after such rituals, unnie drops by to see her.

- Oh, that’s right, you’re her ‘special person,’ - Jihyo picked up, glancing at the embarrassed girl. - Go first, Minari, distract our bunny, we can handle it quickly.

- Nayeon-unnie can go to Momo's or Dahyun's today...

- Go, Minari.


Mina stepped through the door of the cottage, ready to rush to her room, when Nayoung's voice called her.

- Mina, did you go out?

-Nayeon-chan,- Mina switched to Japanese from excitement, - no, I didn’t go out anywhere, it just seemed to me that something flashed on the street. Some strange shadow.

Lunar Messenger - Nayeon flashed through her thoughts, she quickly approached Mina, took her by the arm and led her away from the door and window.

- There's no one there, Mina. You just dreamed - she assured, going up to the second floor with her, leading her to her room, then said goodbye until morning.

- Good night to you too, unnie.

Phew - relieved from the heart - she almost caught me.

Thank God that Mina did not see the Lunar Messenger, otherwise the whole ritual would…

Tomorrow, it remains to wait until tomorrow, then I will see if the lunar messenger took everything for the Queen. If everything, then, you can safely confess to Sanya. I'm trembling with impatience. I'm afraid I won't sleep at night.


Nayeon slept like a baby that night.

Sana didn't even close her eyes.

The members took care of the rest.

The ritual was successful.

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