Drabble - Resentment (Nayeon/...)


- Nayeon-unnie, look what I bought today, do you like it? - Momo asked walking into their common living room and showing only the purchased dress that she told Nayeon about. – Does this color suit me, unnie?

- I don’t know, ask Sana, -  Nayeon answered gloomily, without turning to her and looking at the TV screen, where some program was on.

- I already asked, she really liked it, - Momo said in a carefree tone, appearing to Nayeon in front of the screen. – Suits me, unnie?

- Why do you need my opinion if you already asked Sana? - ignoring her desire to receive a compliment from the one for whom this dress was bought. Momo only bought it because Jeongyeon said:

- 100% Nabongie will like it. You are amazingly good at it!

JiHyo said the same thing, so Momo, confident in her decision, bought it.

And now, unnie doesn’t even look at her, doesn’t compliment her. Why? Doesn't she like me?


- Nayeon-unnie, when I passed by this store, I bought this trinket. She is so cute and honestly reminded me of you – a little later that day, Mina sat down next to Nayeon, showing a cute keychain in the shape of a cartoon bunny in her palm. - Do you like it? – she asked her softly, but she just chuckled and said somewhere to the side:

- I don't need it, Mina. And it is not at all beautiful, it is ugly.

- How can it be ugly when it is so cute? – holding out the keychain and placing it on Nayeon’s palm. - Here you go, Nayeon-unnie.

- I told you I don’t need this, - Nayeon said sharply, roughly pushing the keychain back into Mina’s hand. - Give it to Chaeyoung, it’s cute, - she said gloomily, stood up and walked away from Mina to the other corner of the room.

What does Chaeyoung have to do with this if this keychain is for you? Did I do something wrong?


- Unnie, unnie, I want to go there. The ice cream there is very tasty,” Sana said excitedly, pulling Nayeon towards a cafe that had recently opened, which Nayeon wanted to visit.

- How do you know she’s already been there?

- Yes, with Momo, then with Dahyun.

- Oh, of course, I thought... - the mood turned sour in an instant, the frown returned, as did discontent. – I don’t want to go there anymore.

- But, Nayeon-unnie, you promised to go with me.

- Wait for Momo or Dahyun, they will be free soon, then you can go. I have things to do.

- But you don’t have anything to do, I told you so myself.

- And now they have appeared.


And this happened throughout the week, Nayeon always refused, ignored or simply avoided the Japanese trio, hurting their hearts. They really didn't understand what they did wrong. Finding out on your own was not successful; Nayeon only frowned and pouted more.

Therefore, JiHyo decided to look into the situation.

She managed to back Nayeon into a corner, literally.

- What happened, unnie?

- Nothing. What could have happened?

- Come on, these answers won’t work with me. Tell me, why do you feel this way about MiSaMo?

- How do I feel? – shrugged her shoulders.

- Nayeon-unnie, it’s just me, tell me. - Looking suspiciously at Nayeon, JiHyo suddenly realized: - Because they often hang out with each other or with other members, and not with you? Are you jealous, unnie?

- I… - she bit her lip, hugged herself, turned away, - I’m not jealous.

- No, you’re jealous, - JiHyo pointed her finger, - that’s why you’re behaving like that. And instead of having an honest conversation, you ignore or avoid them. Unnie...

- They are better off with everyone than with me.

- That's not true, Nayeon-unnie.

- No, that’s right, JiHyo, - she said quietly, meeting a loving look from her friend, sighed, and then poured out everything that was in her heart: - In the last interview, Mina said that she hangs out more with Chaeyoung. They are always together, and when I think I can ask Mina out, it turns out that she is busy. And Chaeyoung is always busy; on very rare occasions, the rest of the members take her with them.

-What about Momo and Sana?

- They are inseparable, - Nayeon said simply, smiling sadly, - especially since we returned from the concert tour.

- You don't like it, do you?

- Yes, very much, it always seems to me that I cease to exist for them. Even when she did manage to get out with Mina, she constantly talked about Chaeyoung, as if...

-...without paying attention to your feelings?

- Momo, she used to always ask my opinion before buying this or that, but now she asks Sana, the others, and then me.

- And Sana?

- Sana, I always knew that she was a loving girl, I really like that about her, but lately she rarely flirted with me. Our relationship became strained, and she began to pay attention to me only when no one was around.

- Unnie, it may seem that you are talking nonsense, but that’s how I understand you. But you better say it to their face, and don't drag it out.

- I don’t know how to start a conversation, - Nayeon whispered, to which JiHyo:

- Girls, you can leave, my role here is over.


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