Goddess (2yeon)


It all started with an innocent:

Nayeon ran up to Jongyong, grabbed her arm or sleeve, or shoulder, or simply hugged her waist, raised her eyes and said with all confidence:

“Jeongi , I just saw the Goddess!”

In the main cases, Jeongyeon didn’t react to this at all, just looked at her skeptically, patted her head on the head, and replied condescendingly:

- Goddesses do not exist, Nabongs, there are only people.

Then followed tearful confessions, an offended expression on her face and as proof of her words, she turned Jung-yong in the right direction and pointed her finger at a certain girl:

- Look, there she is, Goddess! - the girl babbled in love, blushing from the fact that that “Goddess” met her gaze and simply smiled at her. “I want to meet her.”

“So what are you waiting for?” Forward - pushed into the back, but the girl only clung harder and did not let go until the “Goddess” passed by.


In high school, things got a lot more complicated.

They transferred, after they had to leave the village in the city, so that it was easier for parents to get to work. Their families were close friends with each other. Sometimes they were considered sisters, although they were not in kinship. Nayeon is a year older than her, a smart and courteous girl, she always knew the answers to the most difficult questions, she could always give practical advice, and she was always caring for Jeongyeon. Perfect girl for a date, if not for two minuses. The big minuses in her character:

- when she saw the kids, completely turned into a little girl and lisped with them, in their tongue, kissed with them, showed a lot of ego (brr, frost on the skin, even after a simple mention of this. Jeongyong could not stand cute tendernesses. Fact);

-to when she saw beautiful girls, Nayeon turned into a mess in love, called them "goddesses", watched them, but never admitted, afraid to hear "no."

For days on end Nayeon pestered his infatuation Jeongyeon all the time spoke only of the girl whined that "never to her not to speak," asked for help to meet etc. At the end of such days, Jeongyeon exploded:

“Why are you telling all this to me, and not to your“ goddess ”?” You had a million opportunities to talk with her, ask about something, because your “goddess” turned out to be the headman of our class!

“You are my only friend with whom I can share - without hearing the annoying tone from Jeongyeon, you simply answered Nayeon, hanging on her arm. “You're the same as me.”

- And what side? - raised an eyebrow, trying to shake it off her hand.

“You are just as common as I was,” Nayeon said in all seriousness, snuggling closer, laying her head on her shoulder, sighed happily.

- Well, thank you, friend, - Jeongyeon said, swallowing the grudge in her voice.

- Don't be offended, JeongiI meant that we both know that we will never be able to go up to girls like them. We are just people, mere mortals, we will just wait for our happiness. And when we find him, we will protect him.

Yes, sometimes, very rarely, but Nayeon was striking in her clever words. But it didn’t last at all, because at the moment of normality, from around the corner, or in a straight line, or simply collided by chance, a girl appeared with an unusual appearance, Nayeon froze, opened her eyes wide, quietly, in a whisper, she said “goddess”, and at that moment Jongyong I understood - there is trouble.


Now that they were high school graduates, the situation has not changed at all. Unless only a couple of girls joined their little team. And among them was ...

“Jeongyeon, Jeongyeon,” ran toward her, waving her arms, not at all watching her image. Running up to a friend who was just waiting for her near the entrance to the audience, out of breath, pointing somewhere back, she said. “I just saw the Goddess!” This is really a goddess! Exactly!

“And what is the name of your new Goddess?” - Jeongyeon asked not interested, realizing that nothing significant was happening here, she entered the audience, took a seat near the window in the third row, and began to fold out.“Have you ever met her or were you afraid to come up again?” - taking out a pencil case with handles, a notebook, glasses from a bag.

You underestimate me completely, Jeongi .” I have since grown up - stopping next to the girl, picking up glasses, starting to play with them.

“So you spoke to her?” - put off what she was doing, looked at her friend.

- Yes - she said firmly, though then added quietly looks away - I had to.

- Come on here in more detail,” Jeongyeon asked, completely switching her attention to her older friend. - What do you mean, had to?

“It was just that there was no one around at that moment, they noticed me and asked me to show the campus to a new student, take her to the hostel and take her to the classroom where they would be taking classes,” Nayeon said as if justifying herself, still not meeting Jeongyeon's eyes.

- A new student? - she nodded, but was silent, did not continue. “Nabongs ... ” she held out her hand, stopped the nervous twisting of her fingers, squeezed encouragingly.

- Her name is Miyu Mina, she was transferred from Japan - her voice was somehow small, barely audible, Jeongyeon waited patiently, - quiet and calm. We were almost silent while walking on campus, I could not utter a word, the voice disappeared somewhere.

“Well, this often happens to you when you see beautiful girls.”

- Yeah. But here everything became even worse , as if the voice had completely disappeared - the fingers of Jongyong's hands, which held one of her hands, Nayeon took a deep breath, finally meeting an attentive look.“ Jeong , I think I ruined everything.” She will think that I’m kind of strange and will not want to see me anymore - tears began to appear in her eyes, and this was not what Jung-young liked best.

“You didn't ruin anything!” She still does not know you long enough to understand how special you are - she quickly began to speak, smiling warmly, trying to make her words heard.

- You think so? - wiping away tears, Nayeon asked hopefully.

“Of course,” she confirmed with a nod of her head, lifting herself up to easily her bowed head, noticing the rush of doors in the corner of her eye. All the guys in their class jumped up and ran there because someone said that the “goddess” had come. To cheer up her friend, she gently pushed, saying: - Look, there is a goddess!

- Where? - the girl started, quickly pulling out a mirror from her pocket and adjusting her makeup, her hair, turned and froze ... Then she quickly turned away, sat down, hid behind Jeongyoen, lowering her head even lower, and almost disappearing herself.

“Hey Nabongs, what’s wrong with you ?” Nayeon’s behavior didn’t understand, the attempt to move did not lead to anything. “Hey, why are you hiding behind me?”

“This is she, Jeongyeon,” she heard a whisper, could not continue further because the Goddess stood at their table, shyly shifting from foot to foot, she asked:

- Sorry, Nayeon-unnie, can you help me find this audience? - held out a notebook with the inscription. - I think I'm lost. I walked in the direction that you showed me, but went to the toilet, and then went out and got lost. It's good that they know you, so I ...

“Um, okay, of course, good,” Nayeon chattered quickly, blushing, handing the notebook back into Mina's hands. “The audience is very close to mine, let’s go show where,” she said, still blushing, leaving the table, walking past her, leaving the audience first.

“Thank you,” it sounded quietly.

Jeongyeon watched them leave the audience together, how her best friend opens the door in front of Mina, how Mina bows her head, blushing sweetly, when their hands accidentally touch each other.

I hope this time everything will work out - Jeongyeon prayed to herself.

Miyu Mina became the first real love for her friend. They were the cutest couple until a new Goddess appeared on their horizon. By that time, a completely different love had arisen in Mina's heart, their friendship was stronger than any offenses, so they remained good friends.


- Minari! Jeongyeon! Jihyo! - screamed from the other side of the road, waving her arms, bouncing on the spot while she waited for the traffic light to show green so that she could join her friends waiting.

“Again,” the three girls sighed doomfully, seeing perfectly the excited state of their older girlfriend.

- I'm sorry that I was late, I’m not on purpose, I just ... - I delayed for intrigue, and then blurted out - I met the Goddess!

Today they decided to celebrate their release in a special way - to have fun in the water park, which opened recently. There was still time before the entrance exams, and in order not to waste it, we thought and made a plan on how to spend freedom day. Phoned yesterday to make sure everyone is going or someone can’t, it turned out - that's it, and now, they wrote in a chat that they would wait for everyone at the entrance around 10 in the morning.Jeongyeon came first, followed by JiHyo, then Mina and her girlfriend. Only Nayeon remained. And she was late. Hmm, now it’s clear why she was detained.

The girls looked at each other, as if asking who would dare to answer a question, after a short struggle, the first Jeongyeon surrendered, gathering her will into a fist, asked:

“And where did you meet her?”

- On the bus, we stood very close to each other, and it smelled so nice from her. She smiled at me, and said a quiet "thank you" when I pulled me closer to me and set it in front of me. Ah, she’s even more beautiful near! -Nayeon enthusiastically told, while everyone was going to the water park. “We didn't really talk, but she got off at the same stop as me.” Can…

... will you meet at the water park?” - JiHyo finished for her, holding the eldest friend by the elbow so that she would not run into passers-by.

“Who knows, maybe this will happen,” Nayeon said enthusiastically, throwing her hand over her friend’s shoulder. “Until then, let's have fun.” Our free day, without exams!

They had fun. Have a great time. Good moments were captured in the photograph and video that Nayeon shot while relaxing in a deck chair, exposing her face and body to the sunlight that made its way through tinted windows in the water park.

That Goddess did not appear and Jongyong was happy, because all day Nayeon was completely with her. This has not happened for a long time, and she missed her best friend, really missed simple conversations, sincere watching romantic films, eating delicious ice cream. After all, as soon as a new Goddess appeared on the horizon, Nayeon turned into a hypnotized girl, who only knows what to say about that Goddess. She then does not notice anything around, forgets everything, forgets about her, what Jeongyeon is.

It was on that day that Jongyong first began to notice those strange feelings towards her best friend Nayong. And as it is peculiar to the girl, she did not say anything and did not show them in any way. No one except herself knew.

So Jeongyeon thought.

Until the next day, after the water park, a message came from JiHyo, and a little later from Mina:

When will you confess to Nayeon-unnie?”

I will never confess to her, because Nabongs looks only at the Goddesses. And I’m not the Goddess, I’m just Jeongyeon. ”


The first year, the second year and half of the third year surprisingly passed quietly and calmly. Nayeon never spoke of the Goddesses, as if she had forgotten that there are such. She devoted more time to study, was serious about the music club that they founded with the girls , had fun with them and only with them. And she began to spend more time with Jungyeong. Those feelings that cherished in the heart grew stronger, and at the same time, Jeongyeon realized that she needed to take a decisive step. She was given a chance, and she must take advantage of it. In addition, it seemed to her that Nayon felt the same way about her. Many signs of attention, hints, spoken words, kisses on the cheek, etc.

Jeongyeon decided to confess.

She chose the right day. More precisely evening.

Romance and they themselves walked across the bridge, waiting for a grandiose firework show.

Nayeon held her hand, as if a child admiring every light, admired and rejoiced, sometimes carrying some nonsense.

Jeongyeon gently squeezed her fingers, looked down at her delicate features , prepared herself for recognition. For some reason, she was sure that she would be lucky today. Everything will be on her side.

- Nabongs, you know, I have long wanted to say ...

- You know, Jeongi , I’ve wanted to say for a long time, but I didn’t dare, I was afraid that you would again ... Uh, Jeong, did you want to say something?

- No, no, go on - for some reason the warm evening became cool, her hands were icy, her heart was beating uneasily in her chest.

- I was afraid that you would think again that I was a stupid unnie who thoughtlessly admires the Goddesses ...

- Goddesses? You again? - Is everything again back to square one? Jeongyeon thought doomedly, still holding her hand in her hands and gently squeezing it.

- No. Not again, and not again, you know, this time Jeongyeon is serious - she paused, turning to face her, looking straight in the eye, said: - I met the real Goddess, and I loved her with all my heart, and I want to confess to her today and ask to become my girlfriend.

Jeongyeon felt the whole world collapse. She staggered pale. Gathering all her will into a fist, putting on a happy mask, not taking her eyes off Naeyon's eyes, she asked:

- I know her? Is she one of our friends?

- Yes.

-Will you tell me who she is your Goddess?

- Yes.

- ...

- ...

-Nabongs, well, who is she? Who is your goddess? - after several minutes of looking, she could not stand the tension.

- I look right at her ...-  she stood up on her socks, still holding her eyes, gently kissed her on the lips.

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