Lost to be Found



He was running, running too fast, runny too wild, running from his life, from his past and everything he had ever known.


He wished he was dead, he wished he was never born, he wished that he never had to live the way he did, he wished that he never had to go through the pain he felt, the loss and the torture.


His life was hell and he never thought he would escape it until the day he dies but here he was, running through the darkest woods, all bruised up and bloody, running for his life, a life he never chose, and running to no end. He had no plans, he just wanted to get away and maybe find a nice place where he could just lay and die in peace. He longed for a moment where it would be just him and his tormented soul, a peaceful moment where he could just set himself free.


Wonwoo was the softest, sweetest kid in town, his smile brought nothing but sunshine to everyone around him. He was always hopeful and even though everyone knew the truth about his difficult life, no one seemed to extend their hands to help and Wonwoo never blamed them. Each had a reason, some stronger than others. But it doesn't matter now because he officially run away.


He was running through the dark woods, breaths hitching and almost out of air, he was running for a long time now and, without him realizing where he was going, he almost reached the heart of the forest.


When he finally stopped, he fell to his knees, the blood dripping from his arm and ribs, his face sickly and pale while sweat piled up on his forehead, and he fell ever so effortlessly on the dirty floor, like a light swaying feather, his cheeks facing the cold harsh ground.


Bruises covered his face, and probably other parts of his body too hiding under the thin clothes he wore torn up as he was running. His eyes gazed up at the sky, it was getting darker and darker, he must have run far enough, he was catching his breaths, on his knees praying to the Gods to take his soul right there and then. He was bleeding for some time now and his vision was blurry, he swayed a little before his head finally hit the ground. Maybe now, he could catch an eternal break.


His wish was about to come true, he'll bleed out soon, his body was already in the worst shape possible, ribs were most probably broken, and he wouldn't survive if he didn't get any help soon. With these injuries, he was doomed to die anyway. If it wasn't the bleeding, then it's the bruises, if not that, then the broken bones, and if not that, well, ... the woods will take care of it.


He was breathing in the scent of the soil, his body broken and his soul dying slowly and painfully. He surrendered to the feeling, he whimpered in pain like a lost and hurt puppy reaching out to no one.
He knew that no matter how loud he screamed, no matter how much he pleaded for help, no one would find him here and that gave him comfort. He closed his eyes, hoping that his time would come sooner than later. He was tired of this life and wanted to rest forever.


It was between his dying breaths that he was brought back by a warm hand, his heart was beating but too faint, and his breaths were almost gone. He was minutes if not seconds away from leaving this world when someone or something picked him off the dirty ground. Blood and bruises covered his face and he wasn't that conscious to do anything about it either but his body reacted to the feeling.


Like an overdose or an electric shock, his eyes jolted and his hands rose in the air protecting his face in a painful reflex. His breaths hitched once again, and no, he wasn't dead ... Not yet


Someone was talking to him


Did someone find him?


Something run past his mind, he remembered where he was and, what he was running from. He was afraid that whatever he left behind has found him again and he frantically began to kick around in the air and push whoever it was that found him but, he had no strength and no power, he barely escaped the warm grip that held his wrists apart


''I'm not going to hurt you''


He heard the voice for the first time, it was soft and sincere that he was almost dumbfounded to hear it in the deepest parts of the woods and especially now that he decided to end it all. Hearing the voice, Wonwoo loosened up, he opened his eyes to meet the owner of the warm hands wrapped around his wrists.


He was a much taller, much-built boy compared to him. Their eyes met Wonwoo could swear that for a second, the boy took his breaths away.


Wonwoo didn't recognize who the guy was, he can't be the one he was running away from so, he was relieved but for the life of him, he couldn't explain what this guy was doing there or why he was trying to save him?


Their eyes met for a brief moment, Wonwoo fought again for a few more seconds ignoring the boy's questions ''What are you doing here?'' and ''Who are you?'' he was stronger than him, and he couldn't escape him no matter how hard he tried. Wonwoo was in pain, he was injured, different cuts were all over his body and torso, and bleeding through the very thin clothes he was wearing. Soon enough, he fell limp on the ground again, only this time, he was caught by the mysterious tall boy.


''Damn it Mingyu'' the boy cursed himself ''What the hell just happened?''



It was another peaceful afternoon in this part of town; the woods.


Humans usually do not come close to these parts, or this deep in the woods, they most probably wouldn't survive what lived between these thick trees. Hunters will only come close to the borders and they would leave quickly, others, either lost or think they are too brave, usually don't even see the sunrise of the next morning but no one, no one, has ever made it this deep before ... Not in a long long time anyways.


Mingyu left the mansion, where he and his brothers lived. Building a house in the middle of the woods wasn't easy but as years passed by, it was the only place that Mingyu called home. It was a huge mansion, with a breathtaking view over a lake that no Human has probably ever set foot on before.

This was a private property

The Private property of Choi SeungCheol, the Alpha leader for Mingyu's Pack

A private property buried deep in the woods for the only reason is *to never be bothered by anyone* Inside its beautiful and fancy walls, the building was the home of very special, ten, supernatural boys.


They were a Pack, they were a Pack of Werewolves.

That evening, Mingyu was roaming around the woods like he usually does when he feels like hunting or stretching his wolf form. He was running around, his free wolf spirit breathing in the cold fresh air of the forest until it caught something that tingled his sensitive nose. The smell wasn't very far away from him, he smelled blood and fear. The first thing that came into his mind was that it was probably an injured prey. He smiled to himself thinking that he has found an easy catch to brag about to his brothers.


Following the smell, he reached an isolated part of the woods, he doesn't remember if he has been here before or not, but the smell was getting stronger and stronger, and to Mingyu's surprise, it was a prey like no other.

He stood there a few feet away from what looked like a corpse on the ground. Mingyu was a bit confused as no Human reached this part of the woods before, it was too dangerous and they usually avoided it themselves. He walked toward him thinking that he must be dead but even from a distance, Mingyu could tell that the boy on the ground was still breathing.


Barely, but still breathing


He reached out for him, not thinking twice, he was curious about the mixture of scents surrounding the much younger, much smaller boy on the ground. He gently nudged his shoulder and, turned him over, moving his face away from the floor. Mingyu noticed the blood all over the boy's body, the cuts, the bruises. The boy's scent however was sweet and fresh, radiating nothing but innocence which made no sense regarding the situation he was in.


Mingyu was still figuring out what to do when the boy jolted up, his hands in the air protecting himself, and started kicking in every direction. Mingyu was taken by surprise at first but then, he realized that the boy was just scared.


He held his wrists apart ''I'm not going to hurt you'' he said softly trying to calm him down.


Hearing his voice for the first time, the boy froze for a second and opened his eyes, he seemed to be a little relaxed when he heard Mingyu's voice but then their eyes met and Mingyu swears that he felt something click inside of him, something that only happens once in a lifetime, but he wasn't so sure, the moment didn't last that long and the boy was kicking him away again.


Mingyu wasn't going to hurt him ''Who are you?'' he asked hoping to get any kind or form of reply from the smaller boy ''What are you doing here?'' he asked again until suddenly, the boy fell limp.


Mingyu wasted no time to catch him, his reflexes were spot on, he was always praised for that, but he was never going to be praised for this. He caught him in his arms ''Damn it Mingyu'' he cursed under his breaths, biting on his tongue.

''What the hell just happened?''

He asked himself but couldn't help to ignore this feeling that built up inside of him when their eyes met. He shook it aside and stared at the boy's face for a second, too peaceful and pretty, he thought but, he couldn't leave him here. He would die in less than few hours and Mingyu wasn't going to leave him to die until he figures out what that feeling was.

The boy was a human, Werewolves are not supposed to build connections with Humans ... right?

To say the least, Mingyu was too confused, maybe he was wrong, maybe it wasn't what he thought it was. Jeonghan should be able to help him clarify what it was and take care of the boy's wounds, and in worst case scenario, he could just guide him outside the forest as soon as he wakes up.

He reached under the motionless boy's knees, firmly wrapping his strong arms around his fragile body. He tried as much as possible not to hurt him any further and focused on going back home as quickly as possible where a scolding of a lifetime will be waiting for him.

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