Gentle Encounters I


m his eyes still closed and his breaths ragged. Mingyu was sitting by his side holding his hand tightly.


"It's okay" Mingyu coed, "It will pass" he tried to reassure Wonwoo whose face got paler and paler as time passed by.


It's been about two hours now, Wonwoo was in the infirmary. He woke up again with a coughing fit that shook him badly enough for Mingyu to rush him down to the infirmary and call Jeonghan just with his scent.


Jeonghan wasted no time to check on him and even though his spirit was yet to come back fully, he managed to ignite it just for a while to help Wonwoo


"His lungs are inflamed" Jeonghan announced, his palms against Wonwoo's chest and torso going down to his lungs


Needless to say, Jeonghan was worried too and it was rare to see him worried.

"Mingyu, my spirit is not fully back yet" he confessed "I'll do my best to stabilize him but ... we might need extra help"


Mingyu couldn't understand what Jeonghan meant "He might need an inhaler after this"


Mingyu sighed, heart racing with concern and worry, he nodded. His eyes never left the boy on the infirmary bed. Jeonghan put him under an oxygen mask to help him breathe but Wonwoo was too restless, not being able to stay in one position and removing it from time to time. He constantly kept asking for Mingyu and taking off his oxygen mask while mumbling incoherently.


"It hurts"


He simply said clutching into Mingyu's arm scratching him lightly as he pulled him closer.


"I'm here Won it's okay" Mingyu only got closer, brining Wonwoo to lean into him for comfort. His wheezing only got worse before it got better, Wonwoo was almost out of breaths and out of his mind for a while.

Jeonghan only tried to calm him down but with his spirit not fully back yet, he couldn't do much.



"How's he doing?" Seungcheol asked walking into the infirmary a while later. Jeonghan kicked him out to take care of Wonwoo, giving him more space to breathe.


Jeonghan held onto his mate's arm and dragged him outside the infirmary's door

"I'm worried Cheol" Jeonghan looked concerned "My spirit is not fully back and I can't see past his asthma attack"

Scoups placed a soft thumb over his mate's cheeks "I know, you're doing great don't overwork yourself, you're still healing too"


Jeonghan shook his head "His fever is quite high, he's been a bit delusional too"


Scoups looked away "I forgot how humans can be too fragile"


Jeonghan sighed "It might take a while but he'll be okay, I just hope he stops being so restless for a bit"


"What is he so restless about?" Scoups asked so curious





Wonwoo was panting badly, Mingyu helped him sip on a glass of water and gently brought the inhaler closer to his mouth and Wonwoo took it immediately calming his inflamed lungs and throat down.


"Please Wonwoo" Mingyu was desperate, he eyed Wonwoo up and down, his face too dull and too weak but all he wanted was


"I want to see him"


"Wonwoo ... baby I don't know how"


"I want to go back, just to see him, stand by his grave ... take something to remember him by"


He was going out of his mind, Jungkook was dead and yet, for some reason it was all what Wonwoo could think about. Mingyu wasn't sure if it was always like this or it was triggered by his sickness. He thought that Wonwoo moved on but apparently, he was wrong, he was so wrong.


How could he not see it?

How could he not sense it?


Oh wait ... Wonwoo was a human and no matter how much Mingyu wanted to feel him the way wolves do, he couldn't.


Mingyu pressed Wonwoo tighter in his embrace "Okay" he surrendered "But for now, please breathe, stop fighting and rest okay?"


Wonwoo was too weak and all he wanted was to see Jungkook and even though he knew it was impossible but he still held on to the little things, the little memories he had and he wanted to hold on to them even more.


Mingyu held Wonwoo tightly, the boy was shaking in his arms. He felt him nodding weakly when he asked him to rest for now. Wonwoo tried to stay still, he stopped pushing away the oxygen mask that Mingyu placed for him once again. He let his tired body relax a little against Mingyu's.




Mingyu was safe right? He was safe here.




Jeonghan yelled the second he entered the infirmary again.

Wonwoo jolted, he opened his eyes and stared at Mingyu.


Jeonghan sprinted inside, he saw the position the two were in. Mingyu holding Wonwoo in his arms uncomfortably and Wonwoo seemed to be sleeping until Jeonghan screamed.


Mingyu's eyes were a bright blue, hazy and warm, he almost looked hypnotized. He was leaning over Wonwoo, he was ... about to Bite him.


He was lost in a trance, he wanted to turn Wonwoo. He wanted to take away his pain and suffering.


If Wonwoo was a werewolf, he wouldn't be this sick, he would feel their connection, he would be with him forever.


But ...



Jeonghan kneeled down to meet Mingyu's face "No ... Don't ... please" he whispered "No matter how bad you want to, don't"


Wonwoo was no fool, he knew exactly what was going on and yet, he didn't move an inch. He simply stared as Mingyu's eyes went back to normal. Jeonghan looked sad and Mingyu confused and surprised at himself for even thinking about turning Wonwoo.


and Wonwoo was ... frozen.


Was it so wrong?

If Mingyu turns him, he won't get sick again, he won't feel pain again, he'll heal faster and he'll be stronger and most importantly, he'll feel the bond they shared ... he can be with Mingyu as long as they lived. He'll be a wolf.


Silence took over, Seungcheol came running through the door standing next to his mate.

Mingyu's eyes were regretful but Wonwoo was understanding.

Jeonghan's eyes glittered with a bright green shade, his spirit was back following the incident.

His attention fell on Wonwoo, he reached his hand and placed over Wonwoo's flaming forehead

"Wonwoo" he called his name softly "You need to rest ... Sleep" he ordered and his spirit did the job placing Wonwoo immediately to sleep like a strong sedative.

Wonwoo was out in seconds.


Mingyu gasped "What did you do?"


"I just put him to sleep" ... "I couldn't do it earlier but now, I ..." he sighed glancing over at Mingyu

"What were you thinking?" Seungcheol questioned, he wasn't angry nor screaming but disappointed

"You can't turn him like this" He continued "Not without his approval at least ... we don't even know what will happen to him"


"I'm ... I don't know what happened ... I"


"Mingyu" Jeonghan's voice was worried and stressed "When Lay and Suho were here, they said that there might be a way"


Mingyu looked up feeling even more confused than he was before "Maybe turning him isn't a bad idea after all ... but"


He stopped and Seungcheol closed his eyes for a bit, he wanted to talk and to tell Mingyu but not like this

"We need to know more about his past Mingyu" The Alpha leader finally said "We suspect that he might not be all human after all ... Because of his pure soul, Lay said that if he's turned, he might become stronger than we think"


"There's a chance that he's a wolf?"

Mingyu was shocked but not at all surprised. This made sense, his bond with Wonwoo wasn't arbitrary, there was something about it, there was always something so different about him.

Werewolves don't just make connections with humans, maybe Wonwoo wasn't just a human after all.


"Until we find out, Mingyu we can't ..." Jeonghan's eyes were still glittering with a shiny green light. His aroma calming the entire room. Seungcheol took his mate's hand and saw as Mingyu nodded still processing what he just heard. His eyes fell on Wonwoo sleeping in his arms. At least now, he was resting.


"He will sleep for a while, I'll make sure he gets better" Jeonghan said and Mingyu nodded once again "You should let him rest Mingyu"

Jeonghan urged Mingyu to leave for a while but he knew that it was difficult right now. Mingyu took a few minutes before he detached himself from Wonwoo, gave him one last glance and his cheeks lightly before he left the room devastated and heavy hearted.



Jihoon woke up feeling all ... weird.

He felt Soonyoung's arm around his waist holding him close and he simply nuzzled himself even closer. For some reason, he just didn't want to move, not to even open his eyes.

A while later, Soonyoung was about to sit up when Jihoon pulled him right back

"No, no please stay"

He sounded tired and groggy and Soonyoung simply loved it. He flopped back  on his pillow brining Jihoon right back in his arms, placing a kiss over his head in the process.


"Clingy much this morning?"


Jihoon squirmed, eyes still closed "I feel weird"


"Huh?" Soonyoung sat up a little to take a look at Jihoon. The boy's cheeks were flushed but no fever "What's wrong? Does anything hurts? Are you sick?"


"N-no" Jihoon replied "But ... I'm tingly all over and" he ran his hand over Soonyoung's torso clutching at his shirt tightly "Don't want you to go"


Soonyoung smirked mischievously but was confused at the same time "Jihoon?" He heard the other hum lazily "Are you going on heat any time soon?"


Jihoon opened his eyes and blinked slowly, he pushed himself away from Soonyoung with a puzzled expression all over his face. Soonyoung giggled at how cute Jihoon looked right now "I ... I don't know"


"Hey" Soonyoung sat up to face the boy, he cupped his cheeks "It's okay, you don't have to think much about it .. we don't have to do anything, I just want you to be okay"


Jihoon sighed, the last time that happened, he couldn't control himself and basically threw himself on Soonyoung starting their connection. It took them months to figure things out and Jihoon was finally comfortable with the whole thing. Their bond was getting stronger and everything seemed to be going well and then this happens and it felt like going through the process all over again.


Jihoon thought it was too soon but he can't really control it.


"It's okay" Soonyoung reassured "Do you want to get out of the house? We can rent a place in the city ... we can nest there for a while until you feel better?"


Jihoon sat there for a second feeling blank, but Soonyoun's continuous encouragements made him feel safe, he knew that Soonyoung wouldnt do anything if he wasn't ready. Soonyoung will understand, nothing bad is going to happen.




Jihoon nodded and Soonyoung trailed excitedly about how they'll spend the time together in the city. They can get an apartment with a nice view, cook or order yummy food and simply enjoy themselves.

Soonyoung was excited but he soon realized the way Jihoon held his head in his palm and got startled by the sudden move


"Baby what's wrong?" Soonyoung frowned deeply trying to get a better look at his mate


"N-nothing, my head hurts and I'm sensitive all over, I just want to lay down"


"Yeah sure, here let me help you"


Soonyoung put Jihoon down to rest, he ruffled his hair and wondered how his heat cycle is actually like? He only witnessed it once and even then, it was only for that night but it's different now. He caressed the boy's cheeks and watched him get snuggled into his blankets even more.


"Why don't you go back to sleep? I'll go to Scoups study room and make some calls, book us a place? and once you feel better we can get going?"


Jihoon was feeling fuzzy all over, this wasn't going to be as easy. He agreed, getting away sounded like a good idea and he was really feeling tired all over. Soonyoung just watched as Jihoon went back to sleep then he quietly slid off the bed to go make that call, he was determined to give Jihoon all the rest he needed and make him feel more comfortable than ever.



"Jun?" Minghao called, his scent radiating with panic as he run down the stairs. In the living room, Joshua, DK and Dino were having breakfast and Minghao's anxious scent filled the place.


"Jun? WHERE IS HE?" He was frantically looking around. The trio who was calmly having breakfast jolted up.


Joshua walked over to Minghao "Hao what's wrong?" He softly asked trying to get more information on why the younger was so agitated


"I'm looking for Jun, I woke up and he wasn't t there ... where did he go? Did he leave, why—"


"MINGHAO" Joshua called his name, lifted his hands up and cupped the agitated boy's cheeks "Calm down, he's around, Minghao, you can smell his scent right? See? He's probably just outside"


Minghao just breathed in, trying to calm himself down "His scent" he mumbled to himself "Yeah I can just follow his scent ... I'm sorry Shua"


Joshua eyed him up and down scanning him for anything unusual "Don't worry about it buddy, are you okay?"


"Yeah" the younger in the bright yellow shirt nodded "I'm fine, I was just looking for Jun, I'll be better once i find him"

Minghao was about to leave when Jun bursted running through the main door and Minghao closed his eyes heaving a deep sigh.


"I'm sorry" Jun apologized the second he saw him and immediately brought him closer for a tight hug


"You can't leave me like that" Minghao muffled in Jun's embrace, he closed his eyes about to cry


"I know, I'm so sorry love" he broke the hug to take a look at Minghao's face "I just ... Mingyu needed to talk, I was just outside in the terrace"


Dokyeom, Joshua and Dino simply watched from a few feet away. When Minghao calmed down, he took a look around to find them staring worriedly at them


"Do you need to go back to Mingyu?" Minghao asked and Jun nodded

"Yes, actually ... Dokyeom? Will you join us too?"


Minghao let go of his Mate after another long hug and watched him leave with DK to the terrace. He sighed and focused on explaining himself to Joshua and Dino who were looking at him worriedly.


"I'm sorry you had to see that" Minghao said taking a seat with them on the dining table.


"It's okay" Joshua coxed with a soft hand over the boy's back "Are you okay?"


He nodded but ... was he?


"Being with Jun was like a dream come true, you know first hand how much we've suffered"


"I know" Joshua agreed while Dino titled his head to the side "I heard" he sympathized with the story.


"So ... now that we're together I can't help but fear that one day I'll wake up and he won't be there"


"Oh, buddy but he's here with you, he won't go anywhere"


"I know ... Jeonghan said that it's a kind of a separation anxiety that I developed over the time we were apart"  ... "I just can't handle the feeling or the thought that he would ... leave me" ... "I keep looking for him even when I know exactly where he is, just like now, his scent is present everywhere but I ... just can't trust it until I see him"


Joshua brushed his hand up and down Minghao's back telling him that everything's okay now "Everyone's here for you okay? Jun is not going anywhere, we will handcuff him if we had to" which made Dino and Minghao chuckle.


Minghao looked up from the window "I wonder what they're talking about though ... Soonyoung is there too"


"Probably about Wonwoo" Dino announced "He's been sick last night and Jeonghan only got his spirit fully back this morning when Mingyu almost TURNED Wonwoo"


Minghao eyes widened "He WHAT?"


Joshua sighed "He's okay now, but Mingyu is perplexed, it's hard having a connection with someone when they can't feel how you feel ... I know that first hand"

Joshua was sad, he felt the couple's pain because he experienced it himself for years ... it wasn't easy and it never gets any easier.


"Oh, well is he going to? I mean turn him?" Minghao asked, he was worried about Wonwoo. He developed a friendship with the human boy and he knew that he might not be ready for something like that


"We don't know" Dino continued "At least for now now he won't"



"I'm sure he'll be fine Mingyu" DK reassured sitting right next to Mingyu in the terrace and patting his shoulder softly


"I almost ... turned him Dokyeom" he couldn't believe what he was saying "If it wasn't for Jeonghan, I wouldn't know what I could have done"


"But Mingyu? Did you talk to Wonwoo about it? I mean ... what if he's okay with it?" Soonyoung suggested only to receive glares from DK and Jun

Mingyu didn't respond "No I didn't talk to him and maybe? I don't know"


Things got a bit silent after that until Mingyu broke it once again

"What Jeonghan said keeps lingering in my head, what if it really was best to turn him? He might have magic in him and everything would turn up to be okay"


"It will be okay either ways I'm sure" Jun reassured with a smile, his eyes diverting to check on Minghao inside only to find him sitting with Dino and Joshua at the dining table


Soonyoung sighed but soon stood up "I'm sorry but I have to go now, Jihoon is not feeling well this morning I should check on him"


Mingyu nodded "Is everything okay?"


"Yeah just a little ..." he chuckled to himself "Sensitive, we might to go to the city for a few days"


"Oh" Mingyu blinked and nodded knowing exactly what that meant


"Me too buddy, Hao almost had a heart attack, I need to go"


"I hope he's okay now?" Mingyu asked forgetting about his own sufferings and asking if everyone else is okay


"Worry about yourself kid, I got mine under control" Jun said joking of course only to gain a scoff from Mingyu and a side smile.

The two left and it was just Mingyu and Dokyeom now


Dokyeom still sitting by his side "So are you going to do it?"


Mingyu looked up confused, he didn't know exactly what the other meant "Taking him to his brother's grave I mean"


Mingyu sighed looking away, right that's what Wonwoo was so restless about all night. Yes, No ? He didn't know yet


"I don't know yet"


"It won't be easy"


"I know"


"But it will probably bring him peace"




"Think about it okay? What if he sees something he doesn't want to see"


Mingyu nodded, that's a whole other story. Once Wonwoo wakes up, once he's healthy again, he'll talk to him, he'll reason with him ... he was sure they can come up with something



Soon, Mingyu went back to the infirmary, he couldn't stay away for too long. He stood outside the door and simply waited, he knew Jeonghan was inside with Wonwoo and didn't want to bother them in case Jeonghan was checking on him again.


He sighed deeply, his mind is a mess, he was tired and his inner wolf was uncomfortably twisting and turning inside of him. Whining and growling, sad and angry and frustrated all at the same time, he was simply all concerned and worried.

He stood there for a while until Jeonghan opened the door "Aren't you coming in?" He asked and Mingyu nodded.

He nodded, of course he will come in, he just needed a second.


Mingyu took a few steps inside "He's sleeping, he needs plenty of rest Mingyu ... be gentle okay?"


Mingyu nodded


Jeonghan walked closer and placed his hand over Mingyu's shoulder

"I know you're confused, it is confusing, he's your mate and you have no idea how to go from here but you will ... eventually"


Mingyu nodded "I can't see him like this anymore Hannie I don't know what to do"


"Give him time, he'll get better"


"And what if he doesn't? I can't see him get sick and get hurt like this forever"


"Don't do anything stupid okay? At least give me and Seungcheol some time to figure things out ... okay?"


Mingyu nodded, his full attention on Wonwoo lying on the infirmary bed covered up to his chest with a soft blanket and an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose.


"He'll be okay Mingyu" Jeonghan reassured pressing Mingyu's shoulder even more. He reached to hold Wonwoo'a hand tightly


"Thank you Jeonghan for everything" Mingyu was so thankful for his Luna and really didn't know what else to say, Jeonghan smiled lovingly

"You just got your spirit back, you should rest too"


"I'll be fine" Jeonghan reassured, "Seungcheol is waiting for me though ... I sent him away a while ago and he got upset, he wanted to stay with me since I just got my spirit back, I guess I need to reconcile with my Alpha"

Mingyu smiled, nodding softly "You probably should go do that then"


Jeonghan smiled sadly at the way Mingyu snuggled by Wonwoo's side laying down next to him on the small infirmary bed. He closed the door behind him as he let them have their moment.

Mingyu held Wonwoo tightly in his arms, made sure he was breathing well and was comfortable, his frail body felt warm against his. Wonwoo was still having a fever, it wasn't as intense anymore but it's still there. He covered both of them tightly and tried to get some rest with Wonwoo in his arms.


Jeonghan ignored whatever was happening downstairs and walked straight to his and Scoups master bedroom. His Mate was sitting there staring at the window when Jeonghan walked in


"Cheolie?" He sweetly called but Seungcheol seemed a little distant. Jeonghan walked over to him and hugged him, burring his head in his broad chest and simply sat on his lap.


"I'm sorry, I was worried about Wonwoo"


"I was worried about both of you"

Scoups said sounding a bit cold and still staring out the window.


"I know love and I'm sorry for pushing you away" ... "I'm fine look"

Jeonghan placed his palm over Seungcheol's cheek and forced him to look at him


Seungcheol stared right at him "Never push me away like that again"


"I never meant to sound so harsh, I'm so sorry" Jeonghan wrapped his arms around Seungcheol and hugged him tightly. This time, Seungcheol returned the hug and placed a kiss on top of his head.


"Mingyu is with Wonwoo for now so, what do you think we get some rest? I'm beaten"


Seungcheol nodded "Yes my Angel"



Downstairs, DK and Joshua were talking in the garden holding hands, something about going away for a bit.


Suddenly Joshua stopped "I ... I don't think we should go"


"What?" DK looked a bit surprised


"No, I don't mean it like that" he tried to explain so quickly "It's just so many things have been happening and I think we should slow down"


DK had this look on his face "But I just got you"


Joshua smiled softly and closed the distance between him and his Mate "I still want to be married to you" stealing a quick peck "But I think we should take it slow until everything's okay again"


DK sighed, he understood of course where Joshua was coming from


"I need to get you a ring though"


Joshua shook his head "I think we can figure something out until we get actual ones don't you think?"


DK smiled although feeling a bit disappointed but Joshua was right, there was so many things happening around the house recently and maybe they should take it slow for now.





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