Man on a Mission



‼️Mention of violence and death




Find him ?


You bet he Found him.


Mingyu asked Wonwoo already the night before "Are you sure? Do you even know where is he?"


Wonwoo nodded "I am sure ... and yes, I know where he is"




Wonwoo's back pressed against Mingyu's chest, his strong arms wrapped around Wonwoo's waist and tummy bringing him closer, if that was possible in the first place


"Talk to me baby" Mingyu whispered tightening his grip around his Mate, Wonwoo closed his eyes, everything was still so new even though it felt so familiar.


"He hit me ... over and over again"


Mingyu's blood was boiling, he wanted to throw things, break things ... kill things


"-For old times sake-  he said"


Wonwoo blinked slowly, remembering what happened during those few hours he was taken away from Mingyu. Talking about it was definitely hard but he was a wolf now, his inner wolf soothed him, so did Wolfie and so did Mingyu, tight and safe in his Mate's arms.


"He tied me up, and tried to ... you know"


use him, like he used to


"But said something about leaving the best until the end, I guess I died before he reached his "


Wonwoo chuckled, was it even funny?


Mingyu swallowed hard "I shouldn't have left you"


"My love" he tilted his head to the side and chinned up to meet Mingyu "No one could ever take better care of me more than you ... I was sick and weak ... just a  human ... and I can't live with myself if you keep blaming yourself"


Mingyu's chin rested over Wonwoo's head, the moment intensifying as they laid almost flat against each other, bodies pressed against one another, Mingyu's muscles were a bit tensed while Wonwoo was relaxed laying in between Mingyu's legs, his head against his chest.


"He said that he was going for a long vacation after he was done with me" ... "He owns a house near the coastline, he even bragged about it" ... "He thinks I'm dead, he'll be there and I can't wait to see that look on his face ... and then ... I can't wait to send that look to oblivion"


And that's where they were heading.

In wolf form ... to the coastline

To find him ... to end him


Wonwoo was following Mingyu carefully, it was his first time going on such a long run in his wolf form and he was actually doing a great job. Mingyu stopped from time to time to check on him but Wonwoo just wanted to keep going.


He was doing more than just fine, it felt like Wonwoo knew extactly what he was doing and Mingyu was very impressed.


It took them a few hours before they reached the coastline. The ocean was vast and beautiful, the breeze so gentle but cool against their fur and Wonwoo stopped in front of the beach house.


This was it

This was the place


Wonwoo has been here a couple of times before ... when his master fancied having him here years ago, he wasn't allowed past the walls of the bedrooms though, he wished he could play around the water and feel the sand between his toes but was never given the chance to.


But now he was given an opportunity


The best opportunity of all times


He pushed the gate open with his bare human hands, Mingyu was right behind him and Wonwoo was confident. The aura around him was unbelievable, making Mingyu doubt if the boy in front of him was even an Omega and not an Alpha.


He walked in straight ... he knew exactly where he was heading.


His eyes shining

His spirit hanging


Mingyu silently watching


Wonwoo knew that the man was here somewhere, he caught his obnoxious smell around the place a while ago and it made him gag a couple of times.


He was walking closer and closer

The main gate


The main entrance

The main door


Wonwoo pushed them all open and kept going


Mingyu right behind him having his back like nothing will stop his Mate from whatever he was about to do.


Wonwoo walked steadily and confidently towards ... a living room? A hall room of some kind


The house not well maintained, doors rusty and windows cracked.

Cold and humid.


Wonwoo knew the man will probably be in his study room upstairs.

So he walked up the stairs.

A soft tuck on his arm stopped him, he glanced behind his shoulder, Mingyu had this worried look on his face


"You promised" Wonwoo whispered


"I did, I will not stop you, I'm just worried about you"


Wonwoo's eyes so damn beautiful, softened looking down at his Mate while he was one step higher on the stairs ... his inner wolf jumped, his feelings for this man will be the end of him


He leaned over, slipped his palm to hold Mingyu's cheek and tugged him closer for a kiss "You don't have to worry about me, not anymore"


Holding his hand again, Wonwoo walked up the stairs first and dragging Mingyu behind him ... he could already hear him


"Who's there?"


Wonwoo smirked as he walked closer and closer


"I got him Mingyu ... I got him"


Mingyu wasn't hesitant, he will support Wonwoo no matter what. It's the after burn that he was worried about, Wonwoo might have a change of heart later ... won't he?


Wonwoo stood in front of that cracked door, it wasn't fully opened and he could hear his previous master slide his chair away from his desk and he just waited for him ... to open the door and find him standing with that smile on his face.


Gotcha ...


A gasp escaped the tall slender man


Mingyu took a step closer when Wonwoo didn't, his gaze trapping the man in front of him like a prisoner. He wanted to take a good and final look at the man responsible for everything that went wrong with Wonwoo's life.


And he felt sick to his stomach


This ugly bold man trapped Wonwoo for years, captured him like he was nothing more than a slave, used him, hurt him and killed the only person Wonwoo considered family.


This man right here


Mingyu fought the urge to just rip him apart because he promised Wonwoo ... he can't break that promise now.


The man tripped on his own feet retreating backwards, his eyes as wide as the ocean, shocked and ... terrified


Wonwoo smirked again seeing the way the man trembled in front of him


His eyes made the man perplexed




"I killed you" he said, the words leaving his lips ever so frantic


"Well" Wonwoo shrugged "I've risen"


Mingyu kept a hawk eye on him, Wonwoo looked different, he looked dangerous ... intimidating


Wonwoo took a few very slow steps toward the shocked man who kept retreating backwards tossing a few things around in the process.


Wonwoo kept walking until the man had no where to go, his back pressed against the wall while Wonwoo was incredibly calm, his spirit manifesting and consuming him.

He scanned the man who tortured him his entire life, who killed his brother, who hurt both of them physically, mentally and emotionally and everything else in between.


"Witchcraft" the man spitted


Wonwoo shrugged again "Not really"


"You're an abomination, you must die"


"Now that's true but ... in reverse"


In a fast move Wonwoo pinned the man harshly against the wall. His head bounced off of it when Wonwoo grabbed his throat tight and pushed him harder.


"Your eyes" the man gasped for air but he didn't seem to care, "Your eyes" he repeated but Wonwoo remained calm and silent

"You have your mother's eyes"


Now that,


That changed Wonwoo's plans.


A weird look was painted all over his face. Shocked, curious and ... what?


Mingyu took a step closer when Wonwoo suddenly stiffened


The man scoffed in Wonwoo's face


"She didn't even fight" ... "An abomination just like you"


Wonwoo tightened his grip around the man's throat again and he made this disgusting noise


"TALK" Wonwoo's voice was scary to say the least mixed with a muffled wolf growl


"Wonwoo take it easy" Mingyu whispered behind him



The man repeated


Wonwoo's mother was Magic? How?

Who was she?


"I SAID TALK" Wonwoo pressed him harder against the wall "You're dying here today anyways"


With ragged breaths, the man had this mad smile on his face ... delusional, a psychopath


"Abomination" the word echoed again and again


And Wonwoo realized that he wasn't going to tell him anything

He wasn't intending to give Wonwoo what he wanted, there was no use waiting for an answer


"Was Jungkook the same?" Wonwoo asked and felt Mingyu's presence and scent get intense, his muscles were tingling already, Wonwoo wanted to squeeze him alive like the bug he is.


"Both of you are ... abominations"


Jungkook had magic blood too?


Wonwoo snapped and his eyes


His spirited




Think of the original light, almost white, green shade they originally are, and go darker and darker to an almost black green shade






Mingyu gasped

Spirits don't change

Wonwoo's spirit just transformed again?


What is happening?


Seeing that, the man started squirming ... afraid, scared less ... like he should be


"She traded her life for yours, I never took you for a monster like her ... but here we are"



.... "HER NAME?" Wonwoo squeezed him even harder, air barley reaching his lungs


"I didn't care to ask"



One swift move and

Wonwoo broke his neck


The man fell limb on the floor with a thud



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Chapter 44: Ahh I wonder what these spirits do.
Chapter 43: 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
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