Reunited 🤍


Seeing him walking up the front gate, Wonwoo's face lit up and was about to run towards him but only to be caught by DK

"Wait" he simply said and it was for a good reason. Mingyu had to be careful, what if seeing Wonwoo triggered his Rut again? He was walking his way slowly.


His soft eyes not leaving Wonwoo's face from a distance and it was a bit ... strange.

Wonwoo frowned, Mingyu looked different, he was wearing a jacket with nothing underneath and he looked ... exhausted.


Wonwoo stood there with DK still restraining him. Jeonghan and Seungcheol sprinted to meet Mingyu at the gate and he looked a bit irritated.

He was talking to Seungcheol, his eyes were shining in a dimmed blue shade and didn't seem to be interested in what the Alpha Leader was telling him, he was looking beyond them towards Wonwoo.

It was obvious that he only wanted Wonwoo but was taking it slow afraid that he might hurt him or something might trigger his instincts.


Meanwhile, Jeonghan scanned him for any injuries and frowned because Mingyu was surprisingly covered in them.


"What happened Mingyu, how did you get all of these?" Jeonghan asked concerned but Mingyu had nothing in mind but Wonwoo, he kept ignoring their questions and slowly walking over to Wonwoo. He wished he could just run to him but couldn't, he had to go slowly, test the waters of his own body and mind, he was fighting the urge to come back here for days and it has been ... challenging.


"Mingyu stop" Seungcheol's authoritarian Alpha voice wasn't as strong but enough to make Mingyu stop in his trails "I know you that all you want right now if to get to him, believe me I know" ... "But I can't let you anywhere near him until I make sure that you're okay"


"I'm okay" Mingyu muttered sounding tired and simply powerless "I just ... his scent is strong and it's calling me"

His dimmed blue eyes glittered and Jeonghan sympathized but was still worried "Mingyu, remember to be gentle okay?"


He nodded "I can never ... hurt him" he sounded desperate but the two simply let him walk past them. Wonwoo who was waiting ever so impatiently, saw that as an okay sign and squirmed off DK's hold and run to meet Mingyu half ways


"Hi Baby" Mingyu greeted with a smile and soon had Wonwoo in his arms again. He was squeezing him tightly bringing him closer and closer, he missed him so much, he's scent is too strong, why is it suddenly so intense? Wonwoo always had a settle sweet scent


"I missed you" he heard Wonwoo whisper by the crook of his neck, his hands wrapped around him ever so lovingly


"Mingyu you're squeezing him too hard" Jeonghan commented when he and Seungcheol caught up to them. Wonwoo never complained but yes, Mingyu was squeezing him too hard


"Baby" Wonwoo had tears in his eyes, he was so worried and maybe he's more worried now that Mingyu showed up looking like a mess "Let me see you" he tried to break the hug and take a closer look at Mingyu but couldn't.

His hand reached to gently pet the back of Mingyu's head and gently cupping his cheeks but still Mingyu wouldn't let him go


"MINGYU" Seungcheol's Alpha voice brought him back to reality and relaxed his grip over Wonwoo. The smaller let his hands fall over Mingyu's cheek's caressing them gently "Hey" he whispered to Mingyu, eyes filled with tears and longing "You're okay?"


"I'm sorry" was the first thing Mingyu said looking down at Wonwoo in his arms "I didn't realize I was—"


"It's okay" Wonwoo shook his head "You look tired, are you okay?"

Mingyu smiled "It turned out that forgetting about you wasn't that easy after all"

Wonwoo scoffed "of course, don't say I didn't warn you"


His spirit seemed to die out a while after that, Wonwoo continuously his arms and hugging him softly seemed to calm him down. The worst has already passed and Mingyu simply had to take a big breath


"Let's go inside" Jeonghan suggested "Let me take a look at your shoulder"

Wonwoo frowned "Why? What's wrong with your shoulder?"


"Your boyfriend seemed to have dislocated it somehow"


"What?" Wonwoo was shocked looking right back at Mingyu with terrified eyes


"And managed to put in back in place so basically it's not dislocated anymore" Mingyu tried to make it sound better but failed miserably making Wonwoo even more nervous


"What?" Wonwoo screamed again like what Mingyu just said was supposed to make him feel better "How did you get it dislocated in the first place?"

Wonwoo was obviously worried and Mingyu knew he had so much explaining to do. He smiled softly, holding Wonwoo's hand into his bringing him closer

"I'm okay ... much better now actually" Wonwoo was still a bit lost and worried


"Wolfie gave me a hard time that's all"


"What do you mean? How's that? What did he do?"


"He wanted to break free and I kept pushing him down" ... "We ended up fighting and I almost made it half ways here through the forest, he's too strong and he just wanted to be with you" ... "I hurt my shoulder but at least I got him to stop so that's okay"


Wonwoo felt bad, Mingyu is not supposed to be fighting with his own inner wolf over him. He's supposed to be close to him, he's supposed to be intimate with him and make all of his pain go away but look at him now. He was barely able to stand in front of him without losing his balance, bruises all over his body and a dislocated shoulder.

Wonwoo couldn't begin to image what could happen on the next time.


"I'm fine, really" Mingyu said again bringing Wonwoo softly closer to him, he couldn't wait for them to be alone again, he oukdnt wait to have him in his arms all night and Wonwoo couldn't wait to make his Mate feel better.


They soon went inside, Mingyu holding Wonwoo's hand into his not wanting to let go.

He slowly walked inside, his muscles burned and his shoulder was weighing him down. He was clammy and dirty all over and decided to take a shower but made Wonwoo wait outside.

"Let me help you, why are you pushing me away?"

He heard Wonwoo throw a tantrum outside the door and he smiled to himself "Fuc**ing adorable" he mumbled to himself "How did I control myself all along, I'll never know" he put a hand over his own chest, feeling his own heart beating "You need to stop now" he whispered to himself "We love him we can't hurt him, we threw fists at each other about this" he was obviously talking to his inner wolf "The sooner you tame it down the better, we can't claim him like that, we can't hurt him"


Mingyu took a deep breath coming out of the shower, he was shirtless and Wonwoo could clearly see the bruises now. He gasped getting closer to Mingyu, his fingertips finding their way to scan over the slightly reddish scars all over Mingyu's torso

"What happened? Please tell me" Wonwoo was on the verge on crying again and Mingyu hated that look, he reached to take Wonwoo's hand into his own

"I'll tell you everything" Mingyu stopped to scan Wonwoo's face, the boy's hands still exploring his wounds and it felt so soft and warm against his skin "I just want to kiss you first" his spirit slowly manifested, a beautiful dimmed blue shade appeared "You have no idea how much I missed you"


Wonwoo's heart clenched seeing Mingyu so soft and needy for him. It's only understandable that the Alpha was still all too sensitive, Joshua warned him about post Rut behaviors and he was right.


Wonwoo's fingertips travelled all the way from Mingyu's bare torso to his cheeks, brushed them softly and felt as the other placed his hands over his hips bringing him closer. A few inches away from each other, Wonwoo could feel Mingyu's breaths all over him and gosh he missed that so much. 

Wonwoo's lips soft against Mingyu's only drove the Alpha crazy and craving for more.


At some point, Wonwoo wanted to break the kiss, he was panting and struggling for air

"Wait ..."  he tried to pull away for a second but Mingyu kept wanting more "Mingggyuu .. ahhum ... stop"





Wonwoo yelled

He was panting badly


He put both hands over Mingyu's shoulders and pushed him away "Baby I need to breathe"

Mingyu looked down at him, unbothered and the blue shade in his eyes seemed to have intensified.

Wownoo put a hand over Mingyu's chest "I know you've missed me, I missed you so much too" he seemed to be talking to Wolfie instead "But you have to stop" his voice softening a little "You'll listen to me right?" Wonwoo questioned and felt Mingyu tensing up a bit


"Won, I'm so sorry" Mingyu said suddenly feeling drained, his spirit fading and his eyes returning to their normal color


Wonwoo knew that Mingyu wasn't himself, Wolfie took the wheel for a second and Wonwoo had to help him come back.

"It's okay, Wolfie and I have an understanding now, he'll listen cause he's a good boy"


Mingyu wrapped his arms around the shorter "I'm sorry"


Wonwoo Mingyu's back gently minding his injuries "You should rest Min, please? I'll go get Jeonghan" They hugged for a bit and eventually, Wonwoo dragged Mingyu to their bed laying him down to get some rest after having spent days in the city and apparently in the woods fighting his own Rut.


"I don't know what you did to you hair but I like it"

Wonwoo smiled Mingyu's hair softly "Oh yeah" the Alpha sighed "That happened, it's too short though"


"It highlights your face, I like it ... my handsome good boy"


Mingyu chuckled "That's not fair, your hair is growing long though" Mingyu reached to play around Wonwoo's hair tucking it behind his ear

"Yeah well that happened too" Wonwoo chuckled "I'm getting Jeonghan okay?"




(This Wonwoo drives me crazy)


Mingyu sighed "He's actually outside, I just blocked him out for a bit"


Wonwoo frowned "You did what?" He got off the bed and run to the door "You don't do that to your Luna Mingyu, it's Jeonghan he's trying to help"


"I just wanted to be alone with you for a while do you blame me?"


Wonwoo sighed with the smallest "no" Mingyu has ever heard, he huffed again before he run to open to the door

"Hannie?" The older was waiting patiently in the hallway, he looked up with a smiled




"I'm sorry, I had no idea Mingyu kept you waiting outside"


"I figured he wanted to be alone with you for a bit" Jeonghan smiled and walked inside, he sat by Mingyu who didn't even move from where he was laying on the bed "Are you okay?" Jeonghan asked and Mingyu blinked weakly "I'm fine I just need to get some rest that's all"


Jeonghan nodded, he let his spirit manifest and simply checked all over Mingyu's body for injuries "How about I do this?" Jeonghan said and pressed over Mingyu's right shoulder and the other winced closing his eyes in pain "Yeah, that hurts"


Jeonghan sighed "You did a good job popping it back to its place but it will hurt for a while, it's still too sore"


Mingyu knew that already and glanced over at Wonwoo who had all shades of worry painted on his face

"I'm sorry" he mumbled to him and smiled "I'm fine I promise"

Wonwoo nodded, reaching over to hold Mingyu's hand.


"You're dehydrated, you need fluids and food" ... "If you're so hungry why did you wait this long?" Jeonghan was a bit confused

"I guess I forgot about that once I saw him" Mingyu teased pointing at Wonwoo, the shorter smiled and Jeonghan rolled his eyes  "I'll make you lunch" he looked up the the window "Or dinner that is" he flashed the two a smile before he stood up to leave "I'll let you know once it's ready"

Wonwoo was more than grateful for having Jeonghan around "Thank you Hannie"


"He needs to rest for now" Jeonghan tried to explain calmly to Wonwoo on his way out "But be careful, he might still in his post Rut and if he shows any signs please call for us, it could be dangerous"


Wonwoo nodded "I think Wolfie and I have an understanding now"


Jeonghan looked confused "How's that?"


"Earlier, it got a bit intense for a bit but I guess he listened to me when I asked him to stop"


"You commanded him to stop and he did?"


Wonwoo nodded "Pretty much, yes"


"He listens to you?" Jeonghan was all confused and saw Wonwoo nod, "You're not a wolf, he's not supposed to take orders from you"


"I know"


"But you are bonded to him so maybe that counts ... it's definitely odd but ... good" Jeonghan smiled "You are special after all"

Wonwoo shook his head "I'm not special Hannie not at all, I just want him to get better that's all"


Jeonghan smiled looking so proud "I know, he'll be just fine"



Downstairs Joshua was in the kitchen already started on making dinner, he knew that Mingyu will be famished by now, DK by his side, helping him but honestly, it was just a reason to back hug him all the time.


"I don't even know what you're making"


"Do you care what I'm making?"


"Not really no, I just want to be near you"


Joshu smiled turned around and pecked DK's cheek "You are near me"


"I know, I just can't enough of your scent"


Joshua frowned "You've been all over my scent lately though, you had us stay in bed today until past 12pm ... is everything's okay?"


Dokyeom smiled and nodded "Everything's just fine ... your future husband is all over you, I thought you liked that"


"I do, I just want to make sure that my future husband isn't hiding anything from me"


Joshua turned around again to face Dokyeom "Well I'm not"


"Is your Rut coming around?" Joshua asked bluntly and DK stopped to think for a second "No"


"I just realized that I haven't been there for you when you're on your rut before ... how's that like for you?" Joshua asked, still cutting his vegetables and waited for an answer


DK shook his head "Nothing unusual, I try to keep it low, I never stay around that's why you've never seen me before, I usually use it as an excuse to travel somewhere and distract myself"


"So, you don't get violent and ... thirsty?"


"You mean ?" DK smirked "No, but that might change now"


Holding Joshua closer to him, his hand tightening around his waist, Dokyeom leaned over to leave a kiss over Joshua'a soft pink lips and they both smiled through it


"How about you though? How's your heat cycles like?"


Joshua looked away for a second, his face softening and a bit sad "Sudden ... painful, feverish ... long"

Dokyeom's face fell to a deep frown, he looked worried and confused

"I have a ... cabin in the mountains, about 200 miles to the north, there's a beautiful lake there and I usually just use it as an excuse to go and nest there"


He looked up to meet Dokyeom's speechless face "I don't have an inner wolf to guide me so they just happen so suddenly I don't even get to prepare myself, and for the same reason, it's painful because that part of me who's supposed to act wild and needy is not there so I'm just in pain all the time, and fever because my human body doesn't know how to deal with wolf heat cycles so it interprets it as a fever and I simply lay in bed for days, sometimes weeks ..."

"Baby" Dokyeom sounded broken hugging Joshua tighter in his embrace "I'm sorry I didn't know"


"It's okay ... I know, I never talk about it actually ... Jeonghan's the only one who knows about it, he helped me for as long as I can remember"

Joshua put his arms around DK, taking in his Mate's scent " ... but maybe this time, it will be different" he sounded hopeful, he dealt with the pain on his own for a very long time but now he had a partner to help him, so maybe things will change?


Joshua sighed deeply still holding onto DK tightly while the Alpha gently rubbed his back trying to comfort him from all the bad memories he was currently having and hoped he could erase them all so soon.


Jeonghan walked in "Oh .." he stopped "Sorry ... I ..."


Joshua and DK broke the hug and diverted  their attention to their Luna

"It's okay" Joshua breathed in DK's scent one last time before letting go, "We're just hum .. talking"

They smiled softly at each other and Joshua pointed out the food "I made a ham sandwich for Mingyu and it's a huge sandwich, it should be okay for now" he chuckled and Jeonghan got closer to the counter to confirm that "Wow it is huge Shu and looks ... delicious"


"Shua? I want one for real" DK said and the younger chuckled "Sure, I'll make more


(Sorry guys I'm hungry I was thinking about making a sandwich but I'm too lazy, it's just inspired from my hungry self  hahaha ... enjoy"



Jihoon was too sleepy, he didn't get much sleep the night before and simply because he was working all night. Soonyoung tried to drag him to bed for a long time but ended up sleeping on his own pouting a little for not having Jihoon by his side like usual.


Soonyoung was playing video games and Jihoon sleeping on his lap. Too cute if you ask me and that's what Soonyoung thought too when he finally put the game console down to take a look at his tired and sleepy Mate.

Soonyoung smiled at him, reaching over to play with his hair tucking it softly behind his ears. He thought for a bit, Mingyu just came back from a rough Rut journey and Wonwoo is blaming himself and it made him think of the time Jihoon had his heat cycle. He was clueless back then and kept blaming himself too



« I got everything ready for you ... look, warm blankets, food, TV I got all the movies I could, you can ... Jihoon? »


Soonyoung got a beautiful cozy city apartment for Jihoon and made sure that everything was perfect and cozy, a perfect place to nest and rest ... and if Jihoon was in the mood, maybe he can make him feel better in other ways, but it wasn't necessary.

He called for Jihoon but the shorter didn't seem to be paying attention « Huh? Yeah thank you Soon I appreciate it » he was laying on the sofa curled up in a blanket and staring out the window.


Soonyoung walked closer to him « I know you're feeling all ... unwell right now » he sat by his side gently his cheeks «Everything's going to be just fine »


Jihoon nodded « I know » he pulled the Alpha in a hug « Will you stay close? Your scent kinda makes feel better, it's new to me and a bit weird but it's comforting and I can't help it »


« Sure » Soonyoung snuggled in with Jihoon on the sofa. He covered both of them tightly and held Jihoon in his arms, his head again his chest, rubbing soothing patterns on his back.


«Shall I get you anything? Jihoon i don't know what to do really so just tell what I can do to make you feel better »

Soonyoung asked when Jihoon was writhing in his embrace, squirming with shallow breaths

« N-nothing just, just h-hold me »


« I am holding you baby, I'm worried about you »


« It will pass, it always does, I'm just super uncomfortable »

Jihoon was really sensitive all over and the only thing that was making him feel better was Soonyoung's scent but to the Alpha thought that it wasn't enough. Jihoon wasn't eating, barely slept and simply squirmed and held into Soonyoung tighter and tighter.

Soonyoung couldn't bear seeing him like that and took him home as soon as two days later.


End of flashback


Soonyoung looked down at the boy in his lap and felt sorry for that time when he couldn't help him much but promised himself that he'll learn, he'll do better next time. He leaned closer to peck his cheek and felt him move, Jihoon opened his eyes looking sleepy


"Hey sleepyhead" Soonyoung whispered with a fond smile on his face. Jihoon thought it was weird but smiled back "Hey, done playing?"


"Humm it was getting boring"


"Or you've been loosing?"


Soonyoung scoffed "It's a stupid game anyways" Jihoon laughed sleepily and tucked over Soonyoung's jacket bringing him closer for a kiss "How about you play with something else? I guarantee you'll most definitely win"


Soonyoung was shocked "Shameless aren't we?" He replied but wasn't offended ... in fact he loved it so much.



"JUN?" Minghao called, he was frantically looking around "JUN?"

After Mingyu arrived, everyone went back to doing whatever. Minghao went back to his atudio, he was determined to finish that painting, actually he had to finish about 20 of them before spring time for a gallery.


He was distracted for a while on his work until suddenly, he realized something. Jun's scent wasn't anywhere around and he panicked. He stoped and went back to the mansion, still no scent of his Mate "Jun?" He called across the hallway leading to their bedroom.


Minghao aggressively opened the door to their room. It was neatly cleaned, Jun must have cleaned it when he was in the studio but where is he?

Minghao was starting to panic really bad, slightly shaking "JUN?" He called again bumping into Dino in the hallway. The younger looked a bit confused when Minghao asked him "Have you seen Jun?"


"Uhm? Last time I checked he was out in the terrace with Scoups, why is ever—"


Dino couldn't finish his sentence because Minghao dashed right past him down the stairs tripping on his own steps and falling miserably.


Alarmed, Dino called his name loudly gaining the attention of Joshua, DK and Jeonghan in the kitchen. Minghao winced loudly but his only concern was finding Jun.

Dino run down the stairs "ARE YOU OKAY? WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?"

Dino kneeled down next to Minghao who seemed too anxious "I just ... I just need to find Jun that's all, I'll be fine I ... AHH" he tried to stand up but couldn't


"What happened?" Jeonghan run through the living room and to the boy on the floor

"I think he hurt his leg"


Jeonghan's sprit was already on, he held Minghao by the shoulders "Hao you need to calm down it's okay ... he'll be here, he's just around I'm sure"


"But I can't find him ... he's scent is not around, he's not leaving again is he?"


Jeonghan hugged him "No he's not baby it's okay, breathe, there you go ... see? You're okay"

Jeonghan turned over to Dino and ordered "Find Jun" and Dino does just that


He rubbed Minghao's back calming him down with his aroma "You hurt your ankle but you're going to be just fine okay? Let's calm down first"


"B-but why ... I can't ... why can't I locate his scent?"


"He's with Seungcheol in the forest, I'm sorry I should have told you but you should be able to still feel him around though ... but it's okay, it's okay we will figure it out buddy"


Jeonghan motioned DK to get closer, he gently picked Minghao up and took him upstairs to his bedroom and gently put him down. He was still agitated but Jeonghan kept him calm until Jun came running through the door. Joshua and DK took a step outside almost immediately while Jeonghan watched them from a distance.


While waiting for Jun, Joshua passed him one of Jun's hoodies. Minghao put it on only to be comforted by Jun's scent for a while until he arrived


"I couldn't ... your scent was gone" Minghao clutched into Jun so incredibly tightly


"I'm sorry, I'm right here love, I'm not going anywhere, never going anywhere"

Jun held him closer and Minghao ended up calming down to his scent and by then, he was exhausted and slowly fell asleep.

Jun placed him gently on the bed and covered him tightly as he dozed off in his arms. Jeonghan was still in the room watching over both of them


"He's never had an anxiety attack this intense before" the Alpha confessed to Jeonghan sounding more worried than ever.

The Luna sighed "You need to take this more seriously, separation anxiety is hard but it's worse when you're a werewolf"


"I'm not sure what to do really" ... "I just wish he could realize that's I'm always here, and that I'll never leave him ... never again"


"I know" Jeonghan put a comforting hand over Jun's shoulder "I'm here and I will help you both okay?"


Jun nodded eyes never leaving Minghao on the bed


"Now take it easy on his ankle, it will heal in a couple of days" ... "And Jun?"


The other looked up worried "He's heat cycle is maybe a few days away and if this is how it's starting, then it's going to be a difficult one"


Jun blinked trying to let everything sink in, but he eventually nodded.


Jeonghan finally left the couple alone only to find Seungcheol waiting for him outside the room

"Joshua told me what happened, how are they going?"


"Better for now, his anxiety attacks are getting more severe, he's also going into Heat very soon ... Jun looked clueless"


Seungcheol sighed "How we make this separation anxiety go away?"


"Usually, it goes away on its own, once he realizes that Jun is not going anywhere and once he's well comfortable and safe" ... "But he's not"



"VERNON?" Seungkwan called, yelled basically "WHAT THE FU**?"


Seungkwan took very hesitant steps toward his friend. The other looked a bit surprised and confused as well


"I don't know Kwan ... it just happened"


"What do you mean it just happened? Things like this don't just happen"


"I swear ... I ... I was just playing around and suddenly it just ... I'm simply so aware of it"


They were in the forest, they were hunting and letting their inner wolves play a little when Seungkwan caught an oddly strong scent. It was Vernon's scent but intensified and stronger than usual.


"I'm not an Alpha Kwan" ... "I never was, I'm not"


"Your scent says otherwise"


They were both incredibly confused but the most interesting part was that ... they insistently shared a connection.

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Chapter 44: Ahh I wonder what these spirits do.
Chapter 43: 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Chapter 42: Won Is taking to it so easy. I think he'll be able to help do much.
Chapter 41: My gawd. I swear I cry every chapter. But these are happy
Chapter 40: 💔💔💔💔
Chapter 38: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 36: Oh? Vernon??
Chapter 35: They had it so hard
Chapter 34: Why do they have to be adorable! Omg this poor couple