Wall of Bricks V


Trigger Warning

Mention of Death

One of the most intense scenes I’ve ever written … in my opinion



Seungkwan was going in and out of the house. Hiding his real scent from everyone else was definitely his gift now, fooling Jeonghan like that? Hell fooling Scoups?? He never thought he could actually do it but apparently his wolf is gifted, he never had to hide his scent before, he never thought he could do it but would't you like that?

Even his Alpha didn't suspect a thing.

Guilty? Yes, but he'll do it again to help his friend.


Seungkwan was on his way out to the tree house when he heard Mingyu's voice calling for him, he tried to ignore him and pretend he didn't hear him but boy Mingyu's scent is strong and it's getting closer to catch up to him. He couldn't avoid him anymore so he stopped in his trails and took a second to regain his composure before turning around to meet him


"Will you keep it down?, I'm right here"

Mingyu shook his head "Sorry" he muttered "But Jeonghan sent me to look for Vernon, have you seen him?"


"No, check in his room" Seungkwan said just throwing Mingyu a futile lead hoping he wouldn't catch up on it "He's not there and you know it" Mingyu spit back "Cut the crap Seungkwan and tell me what's happening?"


Seungkwan sighed, he felt trapped but he couldn't tell Mingyu or anyone else for the matter ... not yet

Seungkwan hesitated for a second and not because Mingyu's Alpha like voice had a troll on him but because he wanted to come up with something

"He's in the tree house"


"Huh?" Mingyu frowned "MY treehouse?"

"Yes" Seungkwan sighed



"He's" ... "Going through something and I'm helping him out, he can't be in the house for some time"


"What?" Mingyu was trying to keep up "What could he possibly be going through not to stay in the house?"


"Heat" Seungkwan regretted saying it the second he did, a big fat lie but if it worked, it worked "He's going through a Rut kind of a situation"


Mingyu stared at him for a second "You better not be using my treehouse for what I think you're using it for"


"WHAT? NO" Seungkwan urged to deny what Mingyu was implying "He just wanted to stay away from everyone for a while and he's on suppressants so I'm just keeping an eye on him that's all"


"I swear Seungkwan if anything else is happening, you better let me know cause I'll come and check myself"


"Don't ... he's already not feeling well you'll only make him feel embarrassed"


Mingyu sighed, "Fine" ... "I'll let it go for now, does anyone else know about this?"


"No" Seungkwan shook his head "And I don't think it's our place to tell anyone"


"I have my hands full right now Seungkwan"

"I know" ... "With your Pure human princess"


"Wonwoo, his name is Wonwoo"


"Yeah yeah" ... "Wonwoo"


"Promise me that you'll take care of Vernon and I'll check on you two later?"


Seungkwan nodded, his mind suddenly wondering somewhere, he can't believe this actually worked "I promise"


Mingyu turned around and sprinted back to the house and Seungkwan felt like he was covering a major mafia mission. He knew that Vernon was going through a much difficult phase than just a rut, not that they had them often, but it was somehow believable. Vernon was going through a detox phase from all the drugs and pills he was taking and it was not an easy phase to go through all alone.


He closed his eyes for a second taking a deep breath before he run inside through the trees to go see his friend.



Seungkwan reached the treehouse and no matter how close he got, Vernon's scent was nowhere to be found. He hurried his way up the stairs only to find Vernon throwing up. He was vomiting his heart out in the the trash bin that Seungkwan left for him that morning before he went back home to fetch some things they might need.


Seungkwan kneeled next to Vernon, he's seen this before but he never thought he would see it again. Vernon had his reasons of course but Seungkwan thought he already moved on and apparently, he was wrong.


Once he was done, Vernon leaned into Seungkwan for support

"It's okay buddy I'm here" he placed a reassuring hand over his back and around his shoulders slowly picking him up "Here lay down for a bit, I got you some food and found some painkillers in Jeonghan's study room, he would kill me if he found out that I was there"


Vernon nodded giving in to Seungkwan completely. He laid down on the wooden floor where Mingyu's interior design wasn't better than his own bedroom.

A very minimalistic style.

Vernon was sweating profusely and Seungkwan was sitting by his side the entire time, put him under a warm blanket and gently wiped the sweat off his forehead.

Vernon was in and out of sleep, he barely ate anything, sensitive to the touch and simply showing bad withdrawal symptoms.


Seungkwan knew that it will take a while for Vernon's body to get rid of the drugs and detox itself, he only wished that Jeonghan was around to help because he was sure that Vernon was in so much pain.

It shouldn't take long, maybe another day or two, Vernon was a werewolf after all, he should be able to endure this and it should pass quicker than an average person too.


Staying in the treehouse was a good idea and even though Vernon wasn't feeling all too well, he and Seungkwan had a heart to heart conversation


"I promise" Vernon promised Seungkwan "I know I shouldn't go back to this, and I won't"


Seungkwan nodded "I'll be here for you whenever you need me, I don't care if you're just bored you tell me, okay?"


Vernon nodded "Okay"


"I know that loosing your sister was difficult for you, I can't imagine how my life would be like if something happens to Dokyeom"


"She was my everything" Vernon closed his eyes for a while holding back his tears "We moved from orphanage to orphanage, form one home to another and the world couldn't understand us because we were different"


"Even you two didn't know you were half blooded werewolves" Seungkwan already knew the story, but he didn't mind hearing it again from Vernon himself.

Part of healing is talking about it and about the reasons why he did what he did


"Yeah we didn't, but we survived anyways"


Vernon suddenly stopped, sure he was at least talking but this particular topic was never easy. Vernon and his little sister, Sophia, lived on the streets most of their lives. They didn't know they were werewolves at first, it was only when Vernon was 8 and Sophia was 6 when Vernon started communicating with his inner wolf.


Sophia was sweet and always happy, she hang around Vernon's neck all the time clinging to him like a koala bear all day long. Her brother's scent was the most interesting thing to her and it made her feel safe.

They had to learn everything on their own, meeting other members from other Packs was always dangerous, no one would take them in and they didn't trust anyone in the first place, so they decided to stay together and stay alone.


Vernon never had that Alpha male scent and he needed it to protect his sister from the rogues and the harsh streets they were living in.


So Vernon opted for other options.


He opted for drugs and pills that changed his scent.


Sold to him by rogues, werewolves that didn't belong anywhere, just like him, filthy and unsure of any of the drugs origins, but still took them anyways.


He just wanted to look scary and strong, to protect his sister and as time went by, it became his addiction.

Even Sophia hated the way his scent changed, she fought with him endlessly to stop but he couldn't, he wouldn't because the second he does, he knew someone will come for them.


They were too young and unprotected, no pack to belong to or an Alpha to support them. He had to do it for his sister ... until he couldn't anymore ... until he didn't have a sister anymore.


Sophia simply was sick.


Vernon did his best, working hard to earn enough and get her the medicine she needed or he thought she needed. Her inner wolf was suffering from something he couldn't quite understand and he did the horrible mistake of trusting the rogues on the streets with their advices. They only took advantage of him, made him do things, dangerous things and irritating other Wolf Packs around the territory.


Vernon couldn't take it anymore, he found himself standing in the middle of a rogue war. Two wolf packs shredding each other apart and Vernon wasn't part of any of them, all he cared about was his sick sister. The drugs made him smell invincible but they were making him weaker and weaker and he couldn't be weak for his sister's sake.

So he held her close and left. He wondered around looking for a Healer, he just wanted someone to help her and a Healer was his best option.


When Vernon met Jeonghan it was somewhere in the city. Vernon's scent was too strong and Jeonghan couldn't help but to notice it. The market was too big but the scent was too strong, Jeonghan looked up when Seungcheol held him arm "Baby, let's get out of here, I don't know who that scent belongs to or why the hell is it too strong and out in the public like this"


Jeonghan nodded and the two were about to leave, this was a few years after Joshua, DK and Seungkwan joined them. Seungcheol guided his mate out of the busy city market but the scent was still following them.


When they were a bit far away, Seungcheol ignited his bright red eyes exposing his Alpha scent in the air trying to fight the unknown scent away until he found out that it was just ... a kid?


"There's no way in hell your scent is this strong for a kid your age" Seungcheol hissed at Vernon. The younger was standing in front of him daring him to take another step. Vernon thought they were looking for trouble and wanted to make sure that they were no threat to him or his sister.




Scoups was on the edge of bursting, Vernon was merely standing in the shadows lurking at the two with no words to say and it drove Scoups crazy being ignored like that.

"It's okay, calm down he's just a kid"


Jeonghan said briefly igniting his own spirit to calm his mate down and Vernon emerged from where he was hiding


"No ... WAIT" he screamed for the two and this time, Seungcheol was really about to announce him dead  "You're a healer"

Vernon stated and Scoups immediately pushed Jeonghan behind him "Who are you kid? Why is your scent this strong?"


"Please don't ... it's not my scent it's just ,.. I need your help"

"I'll do anything" ... "I'm begging you please" ..

"I'll do anything" ... "Anything you want just help my sister please"



"Is this is some lame joke?" Scoups hissed "Do you even know who I am?"


The boy shook his head "I don't care who you are" Vernon took a step closer completely ignoring Scoups presence, he knew that he was trespassing an Alpha, an actual True blooded Alpha but he didn't care, his eyes landed on Jeonghan who was pushed further behind his mate.


Neither Scoups or Jeonghan could pinpoint the boy's scent. It was unnaturally too strong for a boy his age and even if he was an Alpha it shouldn't be this strong. Little did they know, it was fake. Vernon was taking pills and random chemicals to create it, to keep people and other wolves away. They were young and unmated and he feared for his sick sister.


"Please" his voice was desperate "I'll do anything you want me to" he was scared to death and still took another step towards Jeonghan "My name is Hansol, and Sophia, my little sister, she's sick, we are alone we don't have a Pack" ...

"All I'm asking is to tell me what's wrong with her and I'll take it from there"


Jeonghan put a hand on Seungcheol's back "Something is not right"


"Yeah no ... And you are not going anywhere"


"You'll be there and if anything happens you can go ahead and burn everything, I know you've been wanting to stretch out your spirit for a while now"


"Jeonghan his scent is abnormal I can't even tell if he's lying or not"


"I guess we'll find out?"


Jeonghan stepped out from where he was pushed behind Seungcheol, almost going against his will.

Scoups didn't agree to this but maybe it was a chance to get to know if there was another Pack near his territory. He sighed as he held  Jeonghan's arm pulling him closer to him


"If we're doing this, you're standing next to me"


Jeonghan smiled and nodded, he looked over ti the boy standing in front of him, his expressions relaxed and relieved "Thank you" he whispered with a smile before he guided them to his sister.

Vernon was putting everything on the line, he didn't know who the two were and only trusted Jeonghan's green eyes, he saw Seungcheol's red spirit and he knew that he can never double cross him, he'll be dead in a second.



Sophia was indeed very sick, Jeonghan walked into the small cabin where Vernon lived. Small and cold but well maintained, clean and simple. He was trying to be brave, ignoring Scoups presence for a second and focusing on Jeonghan's.

He wasn't lying, he would do anything ... absolutely anything if Jeonghan could help him and his sister.


Sophia was scared clutching into Vernon's worn out vest. She didn't like the fact that her brother brought two complete strangers to their small home. They just escaped a rogue war and she was already tired she didn't want any more trouble.

"It's okay" Vernon coxed whispering to her "He's a healer he'll just take a look at you"


Scoups stood behind his mate with nothing but piercing red eyes scanning the entire place, on high alert for any unfamiliar scents that might threatens them or any sudden moves from the two kids in front of him. But nothing was threatening except for the unnatural scent of the younger


"I'm Jeonghan" he finally introduced himself "He's my mate Seungcheol, call him Scoups he likes that"


And no matter how soft Jeonghan was, Scoups remained firm and alerted

"He's just being protective of me so don't be scared" he addressed the two smaller ones.

"I'm a Healer" Jeonghan said igniting his spirit, his eyes glistening in the dark room "I'll just hold you hands okay?"


Sophia nodded still hanging into her brother. Jeonghan took her hands into his own and noticed how worn out they were, she must have been working with her hands a lot. He simply used his X-ray eyes to see beyond her weak wrists and a minute later, he retreated his hand. His face remained still the entire time and Vernon was nervous ... it can't be good right?


Jeonghan sighed and smiled at her "You're such a brave girl, Sophia was it?" She nodded "You did great don't worry I'm done"


Jeonghan looked up at Vernon "Now your turn"

Vernon frowned "No, tell me why she's sick"

"I will" Jeonghan was calm and his spirit still sending calming aromas around the place "But not until I check on you too"


"What? Why? I didn't ask for that"


"True, but you said you'll do anything remember?"


He did promise, he stared at Jeonghan for a second and nodded. Looking down at his sister who was pressed against his chest still tightening her grip around his jacket.

Jeonghan held Vernon's hand and his facial expressions changed immediately "Ugh" he swallowed hard


"Han?" Scoups called his mate still standing behind him and ready to attack

"It's okay Cheol it's just that his scent is suffocating" he looked up at Vernon who just held his sister closer "It's filled with chemicals, it's fake" ... "What drugs have you been taking?"


Jeonghan asked and Vernon didn't want to answer

"It doesn't matter, tell me what I can do for my sister"


"I promised I will" Jeonghan looked down at the little girl, she looked so much like her brother "Outside, not here, let her rest"


Vernon wasn't so sure


"You said you'll do anything"


Damn that promise, how far could Vernon go? He nodded reassuring his sister that he'll be back soon and gently placed her back on her bed. He followed the two outside

Scoups already knows, Jeonghan's diagnosis wasn't good "How bad?" He whispered to his mate

"She's not going to make it Cheol"



"So no Pack?" Seungcheol asked again scanning the surroundings and indeed there was no sign of any markings or an Alpha anywhere except for Vernon's fake smell.

The younger shook his head "No"

"And you're taking care of your sister alone?"


Vernon nodded


"Whatever drugs you're putting in your body it's hurting you, you're addicted to it" Jeonghan stated the horrible fact but Vernon didn't want to hear about it


"I don't care about myself, please tell me about my sister"


Jeonghan took a deep sad breath "It's a distempered disease, there's nothing much you can do"


Jeonghan could see the shock and terror on Vernon's face "But luckily you don't have it"


"Luckily ... I dont?" ...  Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Vernon was clearly upset, sad and angry at himself and the world. His tears threatened to fall and his heart shuttered for his sister.


Jeonghan stared at him with sad eyes wanting to console him but not knowing what to say exactly


"How long does she have?" Vernon asked swallowing his broken heart


"Not more than a few moths" Jeonghan muttered "All you can do is make sure she's safe and comfortable"


Vernon refused to believe that, he somehow expected the worse because she wasn't getting any better no matter what he did but he didn't expect it to be this bad.


He looked away wiping his tears. He was grateful for Jeonghan, even though the older knew nothing about him and his sister, he was kind enough to help and Vernon could never forget that


"You said you'll do anything" Scoups spoke up making his mate a bit confused, was he going to ask him to return their favor?

Vernon's heart started beating, yes he did promise to do whatever they asked if Jeonghan checked on his sister and he did.


Vernon nodded


"Then I do have something to ask" Scoups said and Jeonghan was puzzled "What? Cheol let him be, he's just a kid"


"In exchange for us helping your sister, you will come with us, join our Pack and you WILL get off whatever poison you're taking to cover up you scent"


Scoups announced and Jeonghan smiled proud of the man standing next to him. He looked back at Vernon who was stunned to even speak "Yeah Hansol, we would love you two to join us"


"Nn-o I ccan't" Vernon mumbled


"You can give her a better home and you get to take care of her in the best way possible" Jeonghan explained, Vernon was hesitant but he had to think about Sophia

"With proper care, she might get a little more than a few months" Jeonghan was right, maybe he should give her a warm place to call home? But he didn't know these people and yet put all his trust in them and especially in Jeonghan and yes ... he did promise he'll do anything they wanted if they helped her


And so he agreed.



That night, Vernon and Sophia joined the Pack. They met Dokyeom, Joshua and Seungkwan


"You go to the market and bring two homeless kids" Dokyeom sarcastically scoffed at Scoups late that night

"Well, they are not homeless anymore and you have Jeonghan to thank for that"


"It's odd having a girl around though" Dokeyom confessed "But she's so adorable, I can't believe she'll be gone soon"


"Hey" Scoups jolted up from his seat "Let's not think about that right now, it only makes Jeongha upset and Hansol to cry more" ... "Let's focus on helping them recover, Joshua included" Scoups locked eyes with DK whose expressions seemed to fade away, he nodded calmly before joining Seungkwan in the living room.



Vernon kept his promise, he joined the Pack and took care of his sister. He chose the bedroom with two beds so he could share it with her. He helped her through the pain and when she barely could speak. The many sleepless nights and her painful whines.

Jeonghan was there to ease her pain whenever she needed him


"Mama Han?" She called him and followed his around for two years. Jeonghan fell so deeply in love with the little girl as if she was his own daughter, he cried rivers whenever she was in pain and he couldn't do much to help.


Vernon's detox period wasn't so easy either, all those chemicals leaving his body took a huge troll on him and he ended up sleeping next to his sister more often than none easing her pain and hiding his own.






"You smell so sweet, I like your scent" she said that one night holding into his hoodie ever so tightly


"Is it?"


"Yeah, you smell like bubblegum and candies"


Vernon chuckled, "Thanks"


"I know you did it for me, but you don't have to hide it anymore, you don't have to pretend anymore"


"I promise I won't hide it anymore"


"I don't care if you're not an Alpha, you're my brother and you did more for me than any Alpha would do"


Vernon only brought her closer "I did it because I wanted to protect you"


"I know" she muffled, she was sleepy, sleepier than ever "I love you Hansol"


"I love you too Sophie" ... "Does it hurt anywhere?"


"No, nothing hurts, I'm happy you're here, your scent is nice"


Vernon smiled "Do you like it that much?"


"Yes I do" ... "I really do"



When the two didn't report for breakfast the next morning, Jeonghan came to their bedroom to wake them up

He opened the door to find Vernon in the same position he left him he night before, holding Sophia in his arms tightly, tears dripping off his chin


"She's gone" he whispered the second he saw Jeonghan "She's gone"



The funeral was simple yet heartbreaking, Jeonghan couldn't get out of bed for days and Scoups was running between him and Vernon.

She was buried near her favorite place in the forest just by the river.

Since they joined the Pack, it was her favorite place to play. Vernon took her almost everyday and even though her wolf was too weak to come out, it didn't stop her from hanging into Vernon's playful inner wolf. They would step in puddles, take naps and enjoy the sunlight whenever they could.

Vernon was so strong, probably stronger than Jeonghan. Yes, he cried for days and couldn't sleep for weeks, nightmares hunted him for months. He would wake up drenched in cold sweat and tears would uncontrollably fall off his face and they wouldn't stop.

He would visit her grave whenever he found the strength to visit and he planted her favorite flowers all over the place and now covered the entire grave.



Vernon found comfort in his new Pack.


They all had an extra eye on him, he was quiet mostly but they made sure that at least someone was there with him and more often than none, that person was Seungkwan. They got really close and Scoups was relieved that the two found comfort in each other.

They watched him get better but how can you actually heal from something like that?


You can bandaid the damage but you really can't fix a heart.

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