Wall of Bricks III


Trigger warning:

Mention of violence, blood, murder, suicide. Please don't read if you're uncomfortable with such scenes


Playlist suggestion:

Tori Kelly - Hollow


*A long Jeonghan and Scoups introduction #Seungcheol #JeongCheol




Jeonghan finally calmed down a few hours later, he felt so comfortable as Seungcheol kept talking calmly to him, telling him about where they were and how they were safe here with Suho and Lay.


Jeonghan didn't even focus or listen much but he liked the way Seungcheol's voice soothed his tormented soul

"He's a healer too"

Seungcheol kept talking and it somehow took Jeonghan's mind off the mess they were in and so, they ended up staying like that for hours.


Because of his wounds, Jeonghan couldn't move much anyways, his head leaning against Seungcheol's tight embrace, slightly snuggled into his musky scent. It was the only place he run to the most lately, the safety of his embrace was too soothing and Jeonghan completely gave into it.

Jeonghan blinked weakly, this place sounded calm and was filled with too many scents and Jeonghan didn't know what they were, Seungcheol sensed the boy's confusion, Jeonghan wasn't able to control his scent quite yet


"I know it's overwhelming"

Seungcheol's arm was around Jeonghan's shoulder drawing soothing patterns on his side "You'll pick up their scents soon don't worry, I'll teach you how"

Jeonghan nodded weakly before he closed his eyes, Jeonghan couldn't cry anymore, he had no more tears.


A while later, a soft knock was heard on their door, Jeonghan flinched and Seungcheol gently smiled at him

"You can smell him right? That's Lay's scent" pointing at the closed door where Lay was patiently waiting for Seungcheol's approval to enter.


Lay came in ever so slowly, he was too gentle and Jeonghan was too scared still holding into the fabric of Seungcheol's shirt. Lay put a tray of what seemed to be a hot bowl of  porridge on the sides of sizzling meat and another big bowl of rice on the small night stand table by Jeonghan's bed.

Lay glanced at Seungcheol carefully while walking over to both of them. Seungcheol gave him a sad smile while Jeonghan hid behind his broad shoulders



Lay's voice was too sweet, his scent very calming and fresh like daisies, Jeonghan didn't sense any threat in it

"I'm Lay" he introduced himself with a bright smile "I patched you up" he pointed at Jeonghan's bandages. Unconsciously, Jeonghan's eyes trailed to where Lay pointed and he nodded gently while a shaky whisper escaped his mouth "Thank you"


Seungcheol tried to give Lay some space to let the two talk a little but Jeonghan tightened his grip around Seungcheol's shirt "It's okay" Lay smiled again "He doesn't have to go, I just need to check on your wounds and change the bandages, you'll heal soon, you're a wolf now and that's a good thing regardless"

Lay tried to explain, his eyes glowing with a light green glitter just like Jeonghan's


"We are similar you and I"

Lay trailed as Jeonghan slowly opened up to him letting him take a look at his wounded body "I'm a healer too"


Jeonghan only listened but was never comfortable enough yet to reply "If you decide to stay for a bit longer" Lay's eyes lingered over to Seungcheol who moved to sit on the sofa chair near by "I'll teach you a few things"


Jeonghan didn't say anything, he wasn't sure if that decision was his own to make. He had no idea where he would go yet, what to do next, he had left everything behind, his burning village, his dead sister and his life crumbled into pieces.

He didn't even know where to start picking up the pieces.


Once Lay left, Seungcheol brought the tray of food closer to Jeonghan on the bed. The younger eyed the food, it looked and smelled heavenly and he didn't have a meal for a while but he had no appetite. Seungcheol frowned at his rejection


"If you don't eat I won't either"


And that's how the saga started.


If Jeonghan wouldn't eat, Seungcheol wouldn't either, if the younger couldn't sleep, Seungcheol wouldn't as well and as time passed by, it was kind of their thing. If Seungcheol didn't want to go for a hunt, neither did Jeonghan. It was a lean-on-me and lean-on-you type of a relationship.



A few days have passed and Jeonghan was feeling much better. The burn on his back was almost healed except for the ugly mark it left across his back. Jeonghan hated it, it reminded him of everything he went through while Seungcheol couldn't take his eyes off of it, it reminded him of their encounter.

Seungcheol watched as Jeonghan covered his burn marks with a white baggy shirt that Lay happily landed him.

Jeonghan finally agreed to go outside today.


The morning was blessed with a beautiful sunshine. A bit of cold in the air but the sun broke through like nothing could stop it from shining. Seungcheol took Jeonghan's hand and slowly walked him outside, it took some time to get adjusted but soon enough, he was comfortable around everyone.


Suho, Lay, Xiumin, Kyungsoo, Kai, Chen & Chanyeol took them in with wide and open arms.

Jeonghan learned how to pick up their scents and seemed to be getting slowly comfortable.

But at night, it was another story.

Seungcheol was always by his side.

Jeonghan cried in his sleep a lot.

Every night was slightly better than the one before but nonetheless, they both usually woke up tired and sleep deprived. Seungcheol was gentle, he gave Jeonghan all the time he needed, he waited patiently for the other to pick up his scent, he watched him sleep in agony every night wishing that he could just erase it all away.


Days became weeks, and Seungcheol's heart almost dropped when he heard Jeonghan laugh for the first time. He loved to see him smile, he loved the little details, how he scrunched his nose when he smiled, how his golden hair fell to his eyes, how he couldn't control his scent quite often letting everyone know his emotions. Seungcheol fell into him slow and hard ... if only he knew that Jeonghan fell even harder.


Seungcheol's scent was the only distinctive thing Jeonghan could pick up, it was crazy how his heart started beating when he couldn't sense him around or when Seungcheol was far enough from him not to catch his scent. He didn't want to stay away from him, he hated that he had to wake him up every night with his tears falling uncontrollably down to his pillow but he loved that he was always there.

Jeonghan could just extend his hand and Seungcheol would be there, it became expected and familiar until the tears stopped falling and his head was no longer foggy.


Lay taught him a great deal, their spirits played together like childhood friends. He was both excited, curious and anxious whenever Lay showed him something new. Jeonghan was grateful and he made sure to express his gratitude more than enough to the couple that took them in. He loved seeing the two together, he caught himself staring at them more than once. Suho being so gentle and careful with Lay but stern with the others, he came to understand that they were mates and he smiled to himself ... they were perfect together.


"What is it like to have a mate?"

Jeonghan asked, a burning blush crossed his face while his bangs brushed over his eyes a little. Lay looked up at the curious boy sitting next to him with a bit of curiosity and confusion.

It was a warm afternoon, the two took a small walk outside in the garden and decided to have a seat and Jeonghan had some really interesting questions. Lay chuckled, he closed his eyes for a second letting the sun hit both of their faces in a blissful glow.


Lay told him everything


About Connections


And Mates


Jeonghan blushed at his own thoughts, this world was totally new to him, he had no idea how it worked, these scents around him were new to him, how was he supposed to pick up the different one?


"But how you do know for sure?"

Jeonghan asked, rather confused with everything he just heard


"You just do."



"How do I just know?" Jeonghan mumbled to himself remembering what Lay told him earlier. He shook his head a little and went back to lay on his bed, his wound suddenly was giving him uncomfortable stings.


Jeonghan smiled, he caught Seungcheol's scent getting closer to their bedroom, they were basically sharing the space now. Jeonghan loved having Seungcheol around. Seungcheol made everything better, he was warm and safe. Scoups was his nickname now, everyone called him that around the house for having a Fire spirit and for creating a coup d'état on a burning village,  but no one dared to mention the last part in front of Jeonghan.


Seungcheol walked in, he found Jeonghan laying on the bed just waiting for him to enter "Hey" Seungcheol took a few steps closer to him "What's wrong? Going to bed early tonight?"

Jeonghan smiled sadly and nodded "Yeah" his voice rather lowered to a whisper "It's just ... my back, it's ..." Jeonghan didn't have to finish to make Seungcheol worry


"Let me see"


Seungcheol helped Jeonghan into a sitting position, it wasn't weird or anything, Jeonghan played with the bottons on his shirt, his fingertips playing around the circular buttons and slowly, he dropped his shirt to expose his silky to Seungcheol.


Seungcheol's heart skipped a beat he wasn't expecting. Jeonghan's exposed back was a little too overwhelming but the burn marks reminded him why he should hold back at least for a little more.

His fingertips found their way to gently run through the younger's wounds. Jeonghan hissed and Seungcheol immediately retracted his hand away


"I'm sorry"


He apologized, his breaths brushing onto Jeonghan's neck sending shivers down the younger's spine.

The air was almost intimidating, Seungcheol's strong scent filled the place and, this time, so did Jeonghan's. The rosy smell intensified and for a second, Seungcheol's eyes widened, his heart rejoiced as he felt Jeonghan's connection for the first time but Jeonghan didn't say anything. Seungcheol smiled to himself thinking that, yes, after all, they had a chance.

Jeonghan swallowed hard trying to hide his blushing face away from the older but he knew that there was no way that Seungcheol wouldn't catch his scent, his nervousness and his speeding heart.



"This is how you know" 


Something played in the back of Jeonghan's head, he longed for Seungcheol's presence and gentle touch, he was his savior and protector, Seungcheol has been very patient with him and why?


Jeonghan couldn't face him now that realization hit him so hard, his scent already exposing him. 


Seungcheol's fingertips traveled from Jeonghan's back down to his waist, brushing slightly against his open shirt sending tingly shivers throughout Jeonghan's body. He squeezed Jeonghan's side slightly and almost teasingly before he turned the blushing mess that is Jeonghan to face him.

His eyes were glittering in the beautiful green shade complimenting his blond hair and fair milky skin while Seungcheol's fiery red eyes scanned every aspect of his face looking for the only thing he longed for from Jeonghan for a while now ... his approval


With hesitant shaky eyes, Jeonghan's stared back into Seungcheol's


"Cheol .. I ... I" Jeonghan stuttered, he didn't think he needed to explain himself anyways but words wouldn't just come out


"I know" Seungcheol cut him off almost immediately.

With his right hand on Jeonghan's waist, the other found it's way to cup Jeonghan's cheek "Me too"


Jeonghan blinked not sure of what was going to happen next


"You know what this mean right?"


Seungcheol asked without breaking their moment, his voice soft with so much  sincerity and affection in his eyes. Jeonghan relaxed into his touch, he shyly flashed Seungcheol a smile and nodded softly into his hand on his cheek.


It was official, they had a connection



A couple of weeks gone by, Seungcheol and Jeonghan were getting closer and closer every minute. Seungcheol loved just how simple Jeonghan was, the boy was the sweetest thing in the world and their connection was almost flawless, it simply came so naturally, too easy.


(Author's Note: This is something I heard somewhere, find yourself someone easy to love. You know that feeling where things just happen smoothly and falls perfectly into place? A random encounter maybe? When you meet a stranger or even a friend and you never stop talking? yes that feeling, I wish it for all of YOU, my dear readers, just find it)



Scoups stood there just watching Jeonghan and Lay talk about something, the younger seemed excited and he figured that Lay was probably teaching him something new, he smiled to himself with Suho by his side

"You're gonna have to tell him Cheol"

Scoups smile suddenly fell, he closed his eyes swallowing hard "Yeah I will" Suho nodded.

Suho was a few years older than Scoups, and Scoups turned to him for advice a lot lately. Jeonghan was something very new and special in his life and he saw in Suho and Lay's relationship a role model he wanted to follow.


"Don't let your guards down" Suho advised after noticing how Seungcheol was acting around Jeonghan "I know he means a lot to you, but ..." Suho put a firm hand on Scoups shoulder "He's your weakness"



A reminder

Chapter 5 - Daylights -

"if Scoups had a weakness... it's Jeonghan"


Scoups seemed to lose all concentration and focus when Jeonghan was involved. If an enemy was around, they could easily capture his weakness "I'll learn" Scoups reassured his friend who smiled at him ever so proudly.


Seungcheol's feelings took over him, his protectiveness over Jeonghan caused him so many problems throughout the years.

Like that one time, a rotten Vampire lord basically kidnapped Jeonghan to get leverage over Scoups, it was a terrible war over territory.

The vampire hated having to deal with the wolves living near by and broke the peace cohabitation treaty they signed a long time ago.

Jeonghan was almost unbothered, funny how he just sat there in the dark basement they put him in, feeling just ... annoyed.

He knew for sure that Scoups will burn this place to the ground in minutes so he sat there patiently waiting.


Scoups would go crazy mad if anything or anyone gets too close to even begin to think about hurting Jeonghan.

Jeonghan loved it so much and maybe too much, it's endearing really, a little annoying at times but loved it anyways. Scoups was so strong and yet so weak when they were together, it's like the world didn't exist when Jeonghan was by his side.


Suho left a while later, he held Lay by the hand and walked to their house saying something about wanting to go for a hunt soon and asked Lay to join him giving  Seungcheol and Jeonghan some space


"Jeonghan I ... have something to tell you" Scoups sounded a bit hesitant and voice rather serious, Jeonghan looked up at him with worried eyes, he didn't like this tone


"I ... I have to leave for a little while"


Scoups broke the news that made Jeonghan's face fall to a worried, anxious and scared look


"WHAT? Where ... why?"


Jeonghan aimed a fire-gun of questions at Scoups


"It's just for a few weeks or so and I'll be back" he tried to lay it down easily "There's something I need to take care of and once it's fixed I'll come back to get you--"


"NO" Jeonghan screamed right in Scoups face "NO I'm coming with you"


Scoups shook his head "No you need to rest here for a little longer, it's safe here and you're still heal-"


"I SAID NO" Jeonghan's eyes started watering "You can't leave me here" he shook his head desperately


"I'm not leaving-"


"They all left me" Jeonghan broke down, his voice cracking with every single word "You can't leave me too"

"Please take me with you" he pleaded "I don't care where just don't leave me"


Seungcheol's heart was weak, he remembered Suho's words *don't let your guards down* but his guards were nothing but paper thin in front of Jeonghan's tears


"You're an Angel do you know that?"


Jeonghan shook his head "I'm far from that" the younger quietly replied


"It will be a somewhat long journey"


Jeonghan grabbed the sides of Seungcheol's jacket and took a step further to him, his head facing up to meet Seungcheol's height and gazed into his now flaming red eyes


"I don't care" he whispered


"We might have to build everything by ourselves"


"I don't care"


"We might have to meet humans on the way, there might be snow too"


"Will you be there?


"Of course my Angel"


"Then     I     Don't     Care"


Both of them didn't realized how dangerously close their faces were. Only a few inches apart, Jeonghan's eyes glittering in a beautiful green shade and Scoups couldn't stop staring into them.

Nothing felt this right to him before, nothing felt so perfect, nothing was ever light and smooth and sweet and bitter at the same time.

Their lips found a way to meet in the middle witnessing the most awaited kiss of the century. Jeonghan melting completely when Seungcheol finally slipped his hand behind his neck and brought him closer to him, to his burning breaths, to his warm lips and the safety of his embrace.

It was perfect, everything around them seemed to have stoped just to unlock something inside of them, like an instinct, it was an immediate bond.



Two days later, Seungcheol and Jeonghan were ready to leave. They basically didn't have anything to carry anyways so packing wasn't that hard.

Jeonghan stood in front of Lay trying so bad to hold back his tears. The older wrapped his arms around his shoulders "It was nice having another Healer around" Lay tapped Jeonghan's shoulders tightly "I'll miss you my friend"


"I'll miss you too"


Suho gazed upon Seungcheol "You can always come back you know that"


"I know" Suho didn't even have to ask, Seungcheol knew that he was always welcomed here

"Take care of each other" Suho said lowering his gaze to Jeonghan and ruffling his hair gently to which Jeonghan smiled and nodded.


It was hard to watch them leave but it was about time. Scoups took Jeonghan's hand and they began their own journey.


Scoups family owned an old cabin house somewhere deep in the woods a few hundred miles away from Suho's city.

The place was too old and rusty by the time the two reached there, it looked like an abandoned hunted house.


But Jeonghan cared less, Seungcheol was by his side all the time and that's all what mattered.

They built their home from nothing. They watched their small cabin grow to the modern mansion it is today, they put their blood, sweat and tears in every little detail and were grateful for what they had and where they reached.

Together, they worked so hard, in a fast changing world, at some point, they had to be around humans, Jeonghan hated it but learned to live with it and stay away from them as much as possible. Soon, their family grew bigger as their Pack came together.


Their family wasn't perfect but it was all they ever wanted. Their stories ... well that's another brick wall to breakdown later but their stories were what they brought them all together. Unusual as they were, they were each other's safely net.



In case you were wondering, it was a full Blue moon night. Jeonghan and Scoups were sitting outside their rusty cabin in the woods, nothing was sat up yet except for the small room they managed to make habitable as a bedroom at least for now.


Jeonghan was gazing upon Seungcheol's fire eyes, admiring the dreamy-like shade in them, feeling so at ease and proud at the same time, their bond was something extremely special and they both knew that, every wolf in a hundred mile radius knew that, hell the trees in this forest knew that.


"Are you okay?" Scoups casually asked, it became a habit knowing how soft and fragile Jeonghan was, the other nodded stretching his arm to play along Scoups hair fixing it a little then down to his cheeks and his jaw and finally landing on his neck. In a swift move, Jeonghan pulled Scoups close all he wanted was to kiss him all night.

Scoups took a few steps back, the sudden attack made him loose his balance and a smile escaped him throughout their kiss.


"The blue moon is having its way with you" Scoups pulled back, his back was against the big tree near the lake while Jeonghan was sitting on his lap, interrupting their passionate kissing scene

"No~" Jeonghan laughed "You are"


"I love how your spirit is healing me like this" Scoups confessed, now that Jeonghan gained a little bit more control over his spirit, he came to know from Lay that their spirit would create a some kind or aroma around everyone making them feel relaxed and peaceful


"I'm glad" Jeonghan muttered before his eyes wondered somewhere "Cheol?"




Scoups looked up a bit worried at Jeonghan's sudden change of tone. Their eyes locked again shortly after that, Jeonghan seemed calm, confident but ... shy.


He leaned toward the Alpha slowly hypnotized by their own eye contact. Jeonghan's face a few inches away from Scoups, the other smiled, their kissing scene wasn't over yet but Jeonghan had something else in mind.


Jeonghan leaned a little to the side, Seungcheol was hyper aware of the warm breath hitting his jaw, their breaths brushing against each other, Jeonghan's scent ever so sweet and appealing hypnotizing Seungcheol even more, and almost without thinking ... Jeonghan bared his neck.


A wolf baring his neck like that only meant; take me ... claim me ... I'm yours

You're my Alpha and I'm you're second lead.

You'll dominate me and I'll be your omega.

I approve ... I submit


In simple words, it was an open invitation to be Marked as Seungcheol's mate forever.


Scoups knew right then and there, Jeonghan was going to be only his as long as they both lived. He leaned in willingly accepting the invitation, he placed wet & hot kisses all over Jeonghan's collarbone both enjoying the sweet agony of the sensation that it left behind and a few minutes later, things stared getting hotter and hotter.

At last, Scoups picked Jeonghan up violently taking him in his arms and claiming his hot lips ever so passionately.

The world has stopped for a second, Scoups broke the kiss, both panting and in love, the Alpha picked Jeonghan up walking him inside their new home


"Tonight, you're mine"

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