Important to me III


DK made the call and Suho agreed to be there with Lay in two hours time or maybe one if they run in their wolf form instead. Sure, they were grateful they were getting the help they needed but at the same time, they needed to be prepared.


Scoups was with Jeonghan the entire time while Joshua kept coming in and out trying to find ways to help the unconscious Jeonghan on the king sized bed. Scoups scent was fading away quickly and they needed to secure the borders until Suho got there at least.

As an Alpha Leader, Scoups dominant scent was almost the only thing that marked their territory. No one would dare to even step into their land when his scent was clearly around and marking the territory.

And when that layer of protection is gone, it was as if they were in the wild.

They could, of course, bring it back again but marking is only done by Alphas and in this house, there was DK, Soonyoung and Mingyu, but he was not around.


Seungcheol was slowly loosing his senses when Jeonghan's scent was almost nonexistent. His Mate was in visible pain, unconscious, shivering, sweating and mumbling incoherently from time to time and only breaking Seungcheol's heart little by little.


Lay and Suho arrived as promised and didn't waste any time. Lay quickly gave Seungcheol a hug giving the Alpha some endorsed calming aroma as he looked too broken.

Suho frowned at his childhood friend "What happened Cheol? Control yourself I can barely feel your scent around"


"I was hoping Lay would tell me, I don't know Suho he just collapsed on me, he's in pain and completely out"


Lay's spirit was already ignited the second he entered the house. He simply trailed behind Scoups as he led the way to his Mate.

Lay walked into their bedroom to find Jeonghan motionless on the bed, looking so small in their king sized bed.

"Hello there old friend" he warmly said not expecting a reply from Jeonghan but still greeted his friend "Let's see what's the matter? You promised you'll take care of yourself, you're breaking our promise"


Lay simply mumbled to himself looking down at Jeonghan's pale face, his spirit manifesting creating a large calming aroma in the room. He reached his hand and placed it gently over Jeonghan's forehead and for a second, Scoups heart dropped to his stomach. Lay should tell him what's wrong with his Mate in a few seconds and he feared the worst.


Lay scanned Jeonghan's body "There's a strange substance going through his chest and stomach"


Scoups frowned "What? What substance?"


"It's consuming him like poison, he's

fighting it but it's strong, he'll need help"


Seungcheol had no idea what Lay was saying "Something strong and watery, it's familiar but ..."


"Lay I don't know ... I ... it doesn't ring any bells" Scoups was trying to finger out what caused his Mate to collapse like that, he just wanted him to wake up already.


"Have you been near the water lately?" Lay asked and Scoups eyes widened

"Yes, all the time I've been training Mingyu and we went for a swim just yesterday"


"Water hemlocks" Lay stated, his eyes still glittering scanning Jeonghan's body over and over "They are poisonous, deadly to humans but to us, just poisonous"


Seungcheol heaved a relieved sigh, holding Jeonghan's hand tight "He'll be okay?"


"It's a nasty poison though, he'll need to rest for a while, won't be able to use his spirit ... I need some time to make the antidote"


Scoups nodded "Anything, just tell me what do you need?"


"Well first, I'm going to wake him up but I'm sure he'll want to throw up as soon as he does, so be ready"


Scoups nodded brining the trash bin closer to Jeonghan's side. Lay stabilized him for a few minutes and forcefully woke him up.

Jeonghan fluttered his eyes open and whined immediately at the uncomfortable feeling that sat on top of his stomach.


"C-cheol?" He mumbled his Mate's name heavily. Jeonghan's head was spinning rounds and rounds, his breaths seemed to be stuck in his throat and the overwhelming sensation took over him. He jolted up immediately leaning over the trash bin heaving and retching.


"Hi there" Lay greeted but soon left his spot for Seungcheol. The leader wrapped an arm around Jeonghan, tightly securing him as he almost vomited his heart out.



Jeonghan was exhausted, he was vomiting for over twenty minutes. Lay helped him keep his breaths in check and calmed his rapidly beating heart.

Throwing up wasn't his best choice but, the poison had to leave him body somehow.


He finally laid back down with Seungcheol by his side. He was a little out of it and all he wanted was to stay close to the only scent he knew was the safest, snuggled into Seungcheol and breathing heavily into his neck and chest.


"I'll give you guys a minute okay?" Lay softly announced "I'll meet the others and start working on the medicine"


Seungcheol nodded "Thank you Lay, I owe you and Suho so much for this"


Lay smiled and shook his head "The least we can do ... let him rest I'll be back in a while"


Lay left and Seungcheol could finally get some alone time with Jeonghan. He held him so tight "Hannie? Angel look at me" he placed him gently on the bed and hovered on top of him cupping his face and his cheeks lightly with his thumbs.


"Baby?" the Alpha leader called again sounding desperate until Jeonghan cracked his eyes open to look at him.

"Hi love" he leaned over to place a kiss on his forehead "You scared me, you really really scared me" his voice above a broken whisper. Scoups kept breathing deeply trying to calm himself down, it was rare to see him shaken up or weak and Scoups was in both situations right now. He leaned over to let his forehead collide with Jeonghan's while lovingly holding him still


"I'mm s-sor-ry" Jeonghan apologized but Seungcheol didn't want an apology, he simply wanted his Mate to wake up and start feeling better "Don't be okay?" ... "It's not your fault, it was just an accident, there was no way we could know the pond had poisonous hemlocks"


He kissed his cheeks and brought him closer "I love you so much, you'll be okay"





Lay went downstairs to join his Mate ... Suho.

He found him standing in the middle of the living room with his spirit out in the open.

Jihoon just came back with what looked like a saline bag and the others seemed to be standing up in front of Suho ... protecting something or someone?


Lay walked closer to his Mate and suddenly all eyes were on him

"How's he? How's Jeonghan?" Joshua was the first to hurry and ask


"He'll be okay, it's just—-" Lay was interrupted by his Mate. Suho put a protective hand in front of him slightly pushing him behind or keeping him from taking another step closer to them. It was strange so Lay had to look twice, he frowned "What the ...?"

He stopped when his eyes landed on the scentless Wonwoo. If he didn't look twice, he might have just missed him.


"He's harmless I promise" Mingyu said bringing Wonwoo further behind him "Please, what happened to Jeonghan?"


Lay sighed "Hummm" he stumbled on his own words "Water hemlocks, he got poisoned, he'll be okay once he get the treatment, Seungcheol's with him"


He saw as everyone heaved a relived sigh but what he didn't understand was why Suho was so defensive.

"I know he's a human but I don't think there's anything he can do with so many of us around babe" he calmly his mate's arm "Turn it off Su, we're friends here, I'm sure Seungcheol has an explanation"


Lay was right, Suho wasn't going to cause any issues inside Seungcheol's home. He's just a guest here, it wasn't his place to judge or condemn anyone.

He turned his spirit off and Lay took a few steps closer trying to peek a little behind a very hesitant Mingyu "Hi I'm Lay, a friend of Seungcheol and Jeonghan from a long time ago"


Mingyu glanced over at Wonwoo behind him and gave him a reassuring nod. He appeared from behind the older exposing himself to the new arrivals "I'm Wonwoo"


"Nice to meet you Wonwoo" Lay extended his hand to shake Wonwoo's and the other took it slowly. Lay gasped, his eyes going wider and glittering with the same green shade Jeonghan has "OH WOW" he snapped back at Suho "SUHO" he called, all excited and almost overwhelmed

"You won't BELIEVE this"


Mingyu chuckled and the others softened as well knowing exactly what Lay found when his spirit touched Wonwoo

"This is incredible really" Lay was merely staring at the young human in front of him while his mate had a puzzled look on his face.

"This little human has a pure soul"

Suho almost choke on his own breaths "WHAT?" Taking a few steps towards Wonwoo "That's IMPOSSIBLE" he said again scanning the boy up and down


Wonwoo felt as he was on display and Mingyu had a feeling that enough was enough

"Please" Mingyu mumbled "Jeonghan is our priority, we can explain later"


Lay nodded "You're right"

"I need some help making the antidote. Jihoon? Joshua? Will you hel—"


"Just tell us what to do" Joshua cut him off almost immediately

"I'm sure Jeonghan's study room already has most of the things you need, this way" Jihoon led the way and Lay trailed behind them.


Suho was still standing there eyeing the little unusual human. Mingyu's protectiveness was still on guard and he glanced over at Wonwoo "Go to my room I'll join you soon"

Wonwoo wasn't sure but he nodded "Seungkwan and Vernon will keep you company"


Suho saw as the trio left walking up the stairs, so now it was only the alphas. Suho, DK, Soonyoung and Mingyu.

Things were a bit awkward at first, but Suho was a friend, they were grateful for having him and Lay rushing to their help. They talked for a while and it was all about Jeonghan's condition since Suho decided to put the other subject on the side for now


"He'll be okay soon, just needs the medication and some rest, meanwhile, we need to keep the boarders safe, you never know who can come trespassing ... Coups scent is just starting to come back"


Sure, they agreed and even though they just came back from securing the boarders, DK and Soonyoung went back while Mingyu went upstairs to check on Wonwoo. He opened the door to his bedroom to find Wonwoo, Seungkwan and Vernon sitting on his bed. The three were softly talking among each other, things seemed peaceful as they were answering Wonwoo's many questions.


The sight of the trio made Mingyu chuckle, Wonwoo looked up from where he was sitting on the bed. He looked worried but also curious, Mingyu just thought he looked absolutely adorable with that odd expression on his face. Soon Seungkwan and Vernon left and Wonwoo was alone with Mingyu again.


"I didn't mean to make a scene" Wonwoo apologized the second he could


"No, it's not your fault, Suho is a friend I'm sure Seungcheol will talk to him later"


Wonwoo nodded hesitantly "Seungkwan and Vernon told me that Scoups scent was gone for a while?"


Mingyu sighed "Yeah, he was too worried about Jeonghan, he let his guards down" ... "Coups is our Alpha Leader, he's scent is the strongest and it sets the boundaries around our territory, it protect us and prevents unwanted enemies from crossing over to us"


"And if he's distracted with Jeonghan, he can't keep his guards up?"


"Jeonghan doesn't distract him Won! They are even stronger when they are together but he must have been really worried about him ... if I know anything it's that Scoups loves him way too much"


Wonwoo looked fond of the relationship the two had "Can he really be too worried to let his guards down like this?"


Mingyu took a step closer to Wonwoo "Love might do that to you" ... "Jeonghan is far too important to Scoups ... to all of us, and we will be disappointed if he didn't actually crumble with him like that"


"Important to him?" Wonwoo mumbled almost to himself tryin to put two and two together


"Just like you're important to me" Mingyu leaned closer "You know that right?" Wonwoo stared at him a bit, this wasn't the first time Mingyu has said these words to him and he couldn't believe his luck. Mingyu was a few inches away from him, he felt both of Mingyu's hands on his cheek and neck and Wonwoo was eager to have more of these movements anytime possible.


Wonwoo might have jumped the start here but he never been important to anyone before. The word itself made him tingle on the inside.

He was important to somebody

He was important to Mingyu

And Mingyu was important to him as well, incredibly very important.


The kiss was soft and passionate. Mingyu was a bit taken aback by the way Wonwoo kissed him back so deep and warm. Wownoo didn't want to let go, his hands found their way to hold Mingyu by the neck and the taller couldn't help but to wrap his arms around him and bring him even closer.




Lay was outside Scoups and Jeonghan's bedroom waiting for the Alpha's permission to come inside and check on Jeonghan.


Scoups hurried to let him in, Lay smiled and slowly walked inside

"Hi" he softly whispered trying to get a look at the couple.

Jeonghan was still resting and lying down looking so small in their king sized bed while Seungcheol sitting right by his side.


Jeonghan looked exhausted and it was expected


"Lay~" Jeonghan weakly called his friend's name sitting up a little and asking him to come closer.

Lay giggled seeing Jeonghan doing a bit better than earlier and gave him a quick hug

"I wish it was under better circumstances Hannie, but I'm glad to see you"


"I owe you one my friend" Jeonghan managed to mumble

"No you don't, you do owe Suho however an explanation of WHY~ you have a Pure Soul Human living in here?" Lay gave Scoups a curious look and the Alpha sighed knowing exactly what he should have done probably a while ago.

It was about time he explained the situation to his childhood friend


"I'll go meet Suho then" Seungcheol announced looking down at his Mate and leaning over to place a soft kiss over his forehead again "I'll be back so listen to what Lay says" Jeonghan blinked feeling tired and weak but nodded anyways


"It to be on the other side huh Hannie?" Lay giggled teasing his sick friend.


Jeonghan sat up a little with Lay's help, he swallowed the medicine his friend made for him and coughed bitterly at the taste. Being Healer was all about caring about others, Jeonghan has always been the kindest and most caring Luna to his Pack but when it came to his own health, he couldn't do much and it broke Seungcheol's heart to a million pieces everytime something happens and he couldn't do the same to him.


"Yeah I know it tastes horrible" Lay said pushing Jeonghan lightly to lay back on his bed, "I know you probably won't need it, but it won't hurt to hook you on a saline bag right?"


Jeonghan didn't mind, yes it won't hurt

"Yeah, that's fine" he muttered and closed his eyes a little as he felt the sharp sting in his arm and his insides twisted again for a second


"You need to rest, you've been poisoned very badly you know? I'm glad it didn't reach your blood stream" ... "You know the drill right?"


Jeonghan nodded "Antidote for 3 days, 3 times a day and rest for 5"


"That's bed rest for you okay?" Lay said scanning his friend one more time checking for any side effect the antidote might cause and was glad that everything was going well.

"It will kick in soon" Lay smiled reassuring Jeonghan "Now tell me about the human boy" he was all excited to know more about how Wonwoo got there.


It took a while for Jeonghan to tell the story and he saw as Lay's face went from curious to concerned to soft and understanding

"WoW that's a lot to take in"


"Yeah, I don't know how Mingyu is planning to go through with this but ..."


"But he can" Lay simply said softly gazing down at his friend


"No he cannot ... he's a human it doesn't matter how special he is"


Lay smiled "But it does ... he can"



Suho sat across from Seungcheol in his study room.

Having heard the same story Jeonghan told Lay, the Alpha said the same thing "They can"


"What? How?" Seungcheol couldn't put a finger on what his friend was saying and simply didn't understand how that was possible


"He's a Pure Soul, they don't exist anymore, he's made of magic"


Seungcheol stopped for a bit, frowned and gasped at his own conclusions "Do you think somewhere in his blood line, Wonwoo is carrying supernatural blood in him?"


"Is he not?" Suho asked curious


"Not that we know of, I'm sure he doesn't know either"


"Then I say better find out, there might be more than what meets the eye, dig into his past, his roots, you'll find something I'm sure"... "By the way, in case Mingyu is considering turning him, Pure Souls make great White Wolves"


Scoups already knew that, but he shook his head "I don't think so but I'll keep that in mind" ... "Thank you for coming today I owe you big time" Scoups was sincere, if it wasn't for Lay today, things could have gone really bad


"Cheol I know I've told you this before and I'm telling you this again now, Jeonghan is your weakness, you completely put your guards down and left everyone vulnerable today"


Scoups sighed lowering his gaze to the floor "It hasn't happened in a long time, I can't really find an excuse for it, I just lost it when he fainted in my arms .... I thought I lost him"


Suho sighed "I know how it feels like, I can't imagine if something happened to Lay too I'll follow him to the pits of Hell if I had to" ... "You're lucky you have three strong Alphas around ... but where's Jun by the way?"


Scoups snapped "Yeah right ... enjoying his long due Honeymoon" he smiled proudly


"Oh" Suho seemed a bit surprised "Finally" he chuckled "I hope they have fun, they deserve it after that war of a relationship"


Scoups nodded "Yeah" a few unsettling memories going at the back of his head which he soon put aside


"Listen hum" he tried to change the topic "You're welcome to stay, it's getting late"


Suho stood up "Actually, we better get going"


And Seungcheol followed him "But ... you just got here and I didn't even get the chance to thank you properly"


Suho smiled "Yeah you didn't" he teased his friend amused "But we have our own little situation to take care of at home" ... "Chen and Xiumin are getting married soon"


(PS: If you're curious you can check my other book SCENT for more details)


"Oh ... congratulations" Scoups was genuinely happy for them, he knew exactly what's been happening and they deserve their happiness.


"Yeah so the house is a bit of a mess, we have to go back"


Scoups nodded "I understand, but you definitely owe me one"


They left the study room to find Lay and the others in the living room chatting softly.

"Ready?" Suho took his Mate by the hand and he nodded gently


"It was great seeing you guys again, and it's really nice to meet you Wonwoo I hope I'll see you again soon" he then turned to face Scoups "Medicine 3 times a day for 3 days and let him be on bed rest, he won't be able to use his spirit for a while though"


"Thank you Lay" Scoups had a grateful smile painted on his face when he leaned to give the boy a quick hug "You guys really need to get another Healer around here" he whispered into Scoups shoulder

"Maybe Wonwoo will do the trick?"

Scoups shook his head "I'm not sure Lay let's see"


They said goodbye to the couple and things suddenly got super quiet.

Seungcheol wasted no time to go and find his Mate again. He run through the staircase leaving everyone behind and pushed the door open to find Jeonghan merely lying down on the bed with an IV hooked to his arm.

He stopped in his trails before picking up his pace "Angel what is this?" He asked immediately taking Jeonghan in his arms


"Nothing love, it's just a little booster" Jeonghan smiled weakly


"But ... this" he stared at the needle stuck into his Mate's forearm worriedly, he never thought that Jeonghan would need one


"I'm okay Cheol" Jeonghan mumbled, "Just stay with me for sometime ... I'm tired" he said, blinking slowly and breathing deeply, obviously feeling exhausted and Seungcheol does just that


"I'm sorry baby" Seungcheol leaned a little to leave sweet little kisses down Jeonghan's neck and snuggled him in his arms "You need to rest, shall I get you something to eat?" He asked and Jeonghan rejected it immediately


"No, I think I might throw up again if I do" ... "Let me just breathe in your scent, I'll be okay in a while"


Seungcheol felt helpless, there wasn't much he could do besides lying by Jeonghan's side at least for now.

Silence took over as Seungcheol watched his Mate slowly drifting to sleep.

A while later, he felt him shivering a little, he jolted andheld him closer "What's wrong love?" He whispered to Jeonghan but got no reply "Angle please don't scare me"


"It's the medication kicking in" he sounded  exhausted and breathless "I'll be okay just stay with me"


"I'm not going anywhere you know that"



Things were exceptionally quiet, Wonwoo was sitting close to Mingyu on the living room couch. Joshua and DK across from them, Dino leaning against Seungkwan and Vernon right by their side, Jihoon and Soonyoung holding hands and leaning into each other.


"I didn't get the chance to thank you" Wonwoo suddenly said and their attention fell on him "Earlier with Suho, you guys protected me"


Mingyu smiled ruffling his hair softly "Of course we will"


"Don't mention it" DK muttered softly but what Wonwoo was looking for the most was Joshua's reaction. The older didn't seem bothered, he only eyed Wonwoo with a somewhat sharp look but didn't say anything.


"So what happens now?" Wonwoo asked curious

"Jeonghan needs to rest so Seungcheol will be with him all the time, we can just help around" Jihoon suggested and they all agreed


"It's best if we give them their alone time, they will come once Jeonghan feels better" Mingyu explained but Wonwoo found it a bit weird "Can't we go and check on him?"


"No~~" they all said almost in union


"Why not?"


"We can't disturb them" Vernon looked up at Mingyu "I thought he already knows what's a Lead Alpha and Luna is, Mingyu you should teach him these things"


Mingyu scoffed at Vernon "Back off" he mumbled to him and gave yet another soft look to Wonwoo "We can't disturb them because they are like ... our parents in some way"


"I don't get it really, we really should check if he's okay" Wonwoo said letting his head fall into Mingyu's shoulder "I just hope he's okay"


The sudden gesture made Mingyu smile, Wonwoo was comfortable enough to do that. He felt the tingling sensation in his chest again and wanted nothing but to take him tightly in his arms.


Joshua didn't stay for long, he stood up and left taking Dino with him. Soon, Jihoon and Soonyoung followed, and Mingyu thought it was time for them to leave as well




"No" Wonwoo replied "But we do have a lot of shopping bags to unload from the truck"


Oh yeah right


"Yeah, let's do that"

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Chapter 44: Ahh I wonder what these spirits do.
Chapter 43: 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Chapter 42: Won Is taking to it so easy. I think he'll be able to help do much.
Chapter 41: My gawd. I swear I cry every chapter. But these are happy
Chapter 40: 💔💔💔💔
Chapter 38: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 36: Oh? Vernon??
Chapter 35: They had it so hard
Chapter 34: Why do they have to be adorable! Omg this poor couple