Your Eyes


Wonwoo was sleeping peacefully for hours while Mingyu simply laid down by his side. He managed to calm himself down and tried to think of the whole situation from his Alpha's point of view. Scoups was right for being suspicious, for being protective but at the same time, was it really worth it?

Scoups made Jeonghan go through the whole situation knowing exactly how his mate felt about it, and for what? he must be regretting it too right?


Mingyu sighed, he woke up a while ago, he managed to get some shut eye while Wonwoo was in deep sleep too, no nightmares or whimpers ... simply sleeping


"At least something good came out of this" Mingyu mumbled to himself "This is the most rest you've got since you arrived" he smiled to himself, scanning Wonwoo's features, the bruises almost healed and looking more innocent than ever


"You're cute when you sleep" Mingyu muffled another smile

"I don't know how things will end up for us, but I hope you'll find what you're looking for here" he closed his eyes feeling his inner wolf whimper "I hope I find what I'm looking for"


Clearly Mingyu wanted this connection to work more than anything else but the question was exactly how?



Wonwoo stirred a little before he opened his eyes. He gasped, still not used to his surroundings but calmed down the moment his mind recollected where he was and eyes were locked with Mingyu's, the other looking a bit puzzled by Wonwoo's sudden outburst but then offered him a smile.

Wonwoo almost blushed seeing Mingyu's canine smile ... what was that tingling feeling?


And most importantly what's this comfortable feeling? He blinked trying to remember, the last thing he remembered was Jeonghan, he did something to him to help bring his fever down and helped him sleep


"Hey sleepyhead" Mingyu smiled widely looking at Wonwoo's puzzled face


"For how long I've been sleeping?" Wonwoo asked, he looked a bit of a mess with his sleepy bloated face and bed hair


"A few hours" Mingyu said scanning Wonwoo's face and remembering what Jeonghan did earlier, he was afraid that he would remember "How do you feel?"


"I feel ..." Wonwoo closed his eyes "Rested ... I didn't sleep this well in a long time" he muttered letting himself sink back into the covers. Mingyu felt his insides whimper, he felt so bad for him, he must have been living in terror every night not being able to sleep with that monster in the next room, that if he wasn't in the same room with him in the first place.


"You can go back to sleep if you want to" Mingyu reached to check on Wonwoo's fever and he, again, flinched to the sudden contact but relaxed a second later "Your fever is gone" Mingyu made another mental note not to suddenly touch him again

*Ask first before touching him you stupid * Mingyu's inner Wolf howled at him *Don't scare him away*


Wonwoo nodded, "I'm fine" Wonwoo was grateful but he probably shouldn't stay in bed for too long, so he sat up, if he was going to stay here, he should earn it somehow ... right?


"Wownoo do you remember anything before you fell asleep?"


Wonwoo tried to remember "Jeonghan and Scoups were here, I remember looking for you but you weren't here" ... "He took my hand and, I was nervous for some reason but he used his spirit and I fell asleep" ... "I can't really remember anything after that, I really slept well though" Wonwoo smiled, he looked comfortable and well rested and Mingyu heaved a sigh, at least he got some good sleep and Mingyu couldn't help but to smile back at him


"I'm glad" he replied, Wonwoo was talking to him and that's all what mattered. He just told him about his past, he was opening up and Mingyu was really Glad.


"I'm sorry about last night" Wonwoo's voice suddenly guilty and remorseful, his gaze falling to his fingers playing along with the blanket "I didn't ... mean to" ... "Bother you"


"Bother me?" Mingyu frowned, he sat up to face Wownoo "You never bothered me Wonwoo ... you did ignite something inside of me" he chuckled softly "But never bothered me"


Wonwoo listened, he looked up to meet Mingyu's eyes ... dreamy like eyes he thought.

He nodded noticing the pretty blue shade in them


"Your eyes" Wonwoo pointed out, Mingyu didn't even know that his spirit was manifesting itself

"Oh" he said "Sorry, I'm still working on controlling it"


Wonwoo nodded again






"If you're up to it, do you want to go for a walk?" Mingyu suggested a few minutes later when silence became a bit awkward.


Wonwoo contemplated for a while, he felt much better and even though the curtains were closed, he imagined it to be sunny outside and he could use some fresh air.


He nodded



Jeonghan was sitting on his and Scoups king sized bed, his knees against his chest, resting his head over them in a weird fetus position that he created. Across from him was Scoups, merely looking at him as the "Don't touch me" sentence was getting out of control


"I'm sorry" Jeonghan mumbled


"It's my fault too, I'm sorry you had to go through this" Scoups looked guiltier than ever


"His memories are all over me and its just ... suffocating"


"He doesn't like being touched that much huh?"


"If you've been harassed, r*paed, and hurt the way he was, there's a big chance you won't like people touching you too"


Scoups understood, of course, he guiltily titled his head to the side. Wonwoo's past was one thing but seeing his loving mate refusing him was another. These memories were not his own, and these feelings didn't belong to him, shaking them off was going to be difficult ... and it was all his fault.


He just had to wait until Jeonghan was ready to accept his touch again.

"Angel, I'm here and I miss you, look at me please"


Jeonghan chuckled, still hiding his head between his knees

"I didn't go anywhere ... I still love you I just ... can't right now"


"All I wanted was to make sure that he was no threat"


"He's not"


"I just wanted to make sure everyone's safe, I just wanted to make sure You're safe"


"I know"


"I never thought it would be this bad"


"You wouldn't possibly know"


"I'm sorry Angel, I ..."


"I love you too, so much ... just don't make me do that again"


"I won't ... I promise never again"


Jeonghan smiled, picking his head up from where it was resting "Now come closer and kiss me because I don't want to stay like this for—" and before he could even finish his sentence, he was already in Scoups arms, lips crashing into each other, soft and gentle. Scoups bringing him closer in his embrace, with a hand supporting his back and the other brushing over his cheek.


Jeonghan smiled through their kiss, Seungcheol was there the entire time and yet, it felt like he was away forever. Having him back and so close only made him feel safer, he broke the kiss thinking that this is what Wonwoo must have felt when he finally had someone to trust, when he found Mingyu. He looked at his mate in the eyes, missing him more no matter how close he was.


"Never let me go through that again" Jeonghan mumbled seeing how passionate their kiss was, he knew exactly how

guilty and scared Scoups was, he would go crazy if Jeonghan rejected him for a longer time.


"I can't live with the thought of you rejecting my every touch" ... "I'm so sorry baby I really am"

Jeonghan shuts him up with yet another kiss and buries himself into Seungcheol's scent. They both lay on the bed in a series of continuous soft kisses and cuddles helping Jeonghan forget a little about what he saw inside Wownoo's mind.



Jihoon was standing the kitchen, he was cooking something while Soonyoung sat on the dining table simply looking at him as the younger went in about with his cooking.


The place was silent, only the sound of the sizzling food Jihoon was cooking was heard until Dino broke the silence


"What's up with you two?" The youngest asked out of nowhere.

Soonyoung and Jihoon looked up immediately at him, then at each other, they were flustered and they didn't have a ready made answer for that question


"Are you together? Are you not?" Dino asked a little too suddenly


Soonyoung raised an eyebrow, this little teeny tiny puppy was coming at them with these questions out of nowhere, his expressions sarcastic and somewhat rude


"Mind your own business" Soonyoung sounded a bit bitter


"Are you trying then?" The younger asked all curious but was met Jihoon's flying eye glares like daggers thrown from a distance. For some reason, Dino was upset, he rolled his eyes and stumbled upstairs.


"Fine don't tell me"


He half screamed on his way up "Nobody tells me anything anyways, I don't know anything ... I can't remember anything either, I sometimes wonder if I'm actually part of this Pack —"


His voice vanishing in the background as he walked away sulking some more other things the two couldn't hear.


"Hey ... don't listen to him" Soonyoung softly shifted his attention to Jihoon "You don't have to answer any of those questions, not even to me" ... "I don't want you to feel pressured into anything—"


"I know" Jihoon went back to his cooking, cutting some vegetables on the way "I'm not upset with him, things between us doesn't have to be all clear and perfect"


Soonyoung was relieved, that was their decision. They are risking it all for their connection to work and they are still testing the waters. Jihoon was still hesitant and sometimes distant and Soonyoung understood. He was willing to give Jihoon all the time and space he needed.


No rush!

Not shortcuts.

They can take it slow and figure it out step by step ... together.


"What's wrong with Dino?"


Came Mingyu'a voice behind them. Soonyoung didn't even have to look behind him to figure out the younger was there

"Sulking about ... GEEZ—" He Jolted up as he looked behind himself to see Mingyu and Wonwoo standing right next to him


"You scared me Human" Soonyoung almost growled and Wonwoo flinched immediately holding into the hems of his own hoodie, Mingyu's hoodie, and taking a couple of steps back.

"You know what Mingyu? You can make it a lot easier for all us if he didn't smell like you the entire time"


Mingyu's eyes ignited with that blue shade again "He has a name so don't call him Human" Mingyu was this close to growl at Soonyoung and get angry until Jihoon got closer to the two


"I'm sorry Wonwoo" he apologized "Soonyoung can be an idiot sometimes but he's harmless"


Wonwoo sighed and nodded, basically still hiding behind Mingyu.


"I'm making breakfast for lunch" Jihoon pointed out with a chuckle "Would you like some?" Wownoo seemed intrigued, he was hungry but hesitant ... he nodded


"I can help?" He mumbled from behind Mingyu

"You can cook?" Jihoon asked a bit astonished and happy at the same time


"Yes" Wonwoo simply replied


"Great, cause everyone here is good at burning water"


Jihoon was trying to cheer Wonwoo up a little. Taking his first step was a bit difficult, not until Mingyu glanced at him and nodded, giving him reassurance and encouragement to join Jihoon in the kitchen.


"You can join him but only if you want to"


Mingyu was making sure Wonwoo was comfortable enough, he was making sure to let Wownoo know that he had a choice if he wanted to go or not. Wonwoo nodded avoiding Soonyoung as he walked past him to join Jihoon in the kitchen.


"Snap at him like that again and you and I will have a problem" Mingyu hissed at Soonyoung


"He scared the hell out of me Mingyu, he's basically scentless walking in like that with your scent all over him"


"And he will continue to have my scent all over him so GET USED TO IT"


"Fine whatever, you don't have to let your spirit out on me like that"


Mingyu sighed, he tried to calm down and control his spirit "Turn it off Mingyu" Soonyoung demanded. Having a spirit manifested after an argument was nothing but a sign of hostility and problems. Soonyoung hated the aura that came with Mingyu's spirit right after their fight.


"I'm trying" ... "I'm not really used to having a spirit you know?"


But Mingyu couldn't turn it off and it stayed ignited for a long time before he could somehow convince it to turn off.


Jihoon and Wonwoo were in the kitchen, they were making toasts and eggs, bacon and cheese and it smelled delicious.

Wonwoo was still careful with every step and every breath he took but Jihoon was too gentle with him, giving him enough space to help and even ended up laughing about something silly Jihoon did while flipping the toast.


They went back to the dining room where DK and Joshua joined a while later. Jihoon placed the plates on the table and glanced over at Mingyu, his eyes ignited with a pretty blue shade.

Wonwoo trailed behind Jihoon and simply sat next to Mingyu, DK scanned him up and down while Joshua didn't even bother to look at him and he felt intimidated.

He glanced over at Mingyu "Your eyes" he mumbled softly and Mingyu sighed with a smile "I know, I'm still getting it under control, it will die off soon"


Wonwoo simply nodded.




"Wonwoo please eat something"


Mingyu asked when his eyes landed on Wonwoo's plate being almost untouched. Wonwoo's eyes wondered somewhere and he zoned out again like he always does.


Wonwoo looked up suddenly awakened from his daydream, he locked eyes with Mingyu and smiled softly "Thank you"


Mingyu frowned "You don't need my permission to eat Wonwoo"


Wonwoo sighed, broke his gaze with Mingyu and nodded. All those nights he spent hungry and tired, all he ever cared about was his little brother not going to bed on an empty stomach. He never had the opportunity to fill his plate with the things he liked, he didn't actually get things he liked, he was happy to get what he could and never complained. So whenever he was offered food, he wasn't sure how to act or what to say, he felt guilty to have so much.


"Wownoo please, you just woke up from a fever, you need to eat"


"I'm fine" Wonwoo muttred with a reassuring smile finally holding the fork in his hand taking his first bite from the scrambled eggs. He barely could go beyond a few bites anyways and he was sipping on some juice when all of their attention were directed to the stairs.


Wonwoo was confused, he couldn't sense things like they did but he could see Mingyu tensing a little. He was getting anxious but then followed them in anticipating the couple that came down the stairs.

It was Jeonghan and Scoups but what Wonwoo couldn't understand was what was so special? The couple were around all the time, why the sudden extra attention?


"You probably can't sense that" Jihoon who was sitting next to Wonwoo whispered "Coups scent is strong around Jeonghan, he's telling us to give them and especially Jeonghan some space, something is up, Jeonghan's scent is a bit faint"

Wonwoo stared at the couple slowly coming down the stairs, he wasn't so sure what was going on and he wasn't going to ask.

The last thing he wants is to piss off their Alpha leader and his Mate. He should be extra careful.


He simply nodded again.


Jeonghan and Scoups sat across from him and Mingyu and for some reason, Mingyu looked away, he didn't want to face the Alpha, Jeonghan had this sad look in his eyes that Mingyu didn't want to face either.

"How are you feeling Wonwoo?" Jeonghan asked, he looked tired himself

"I'm better thanks to you" ... "Thank you for this morning"


Jeonghan smiled, a sad and regretful smile "Sure, anytime Wonwoo" he replied calmly.

Scoups put a plate of toasts and cheese in front of Jeonghan but he didn't seem to have an appetite.

"Thanks my love but I don't think I can eat" ... "I'd rather go for a walk instead" Jeonghan told his mate who nodded and took his hand. Nobody dared to ask the two any questions, the atmosphere was a bit tense and Wonwoo wasn't sure what to say so he stayed quiet as well.


"Mingyu this is not the time nor the place to have your spirit out in the open"


Mingyu simply looked away, he ignored Scoups comment and Wonwoo noticed just how annoyed Mingyu looked for some reason but didn't dare to say a thing until Scoups glared




Wonwoo flinched so bad, he blinked and jumped a little in his chair and Mingyu's defensive mode kicked in. His inner wolf caught the sound of Wonwoo's fast beating heart, something that Mingyu had never experienced before.

It was just for a second but he surely heard it.

Mingyu snapped back at Scoups "I'm trying, but I can't turn it off" he tried to remain calm, if he raises his voice too, Wonwoo would have a heart attack.

Scoups scanned the younger, he realized that the boy didn't have a chance to discover his new powers since that night at the Lake when he submerged Wonwoo in the water.


"Your training starts tomorrow" Scoups announced and Mingyu simply nodded glancing over at Wonwoo who was still frozen in his chair, hands on his lap unmoving.

*DO SOMETHING IDIOT* Mingyu's inner wolf growled at him and Mingyu sighed.


From under the table, he offered his hand to Wonwoo.

Wonwoo noticed it but didn't make a move "Don't be afarid" Mingyu whispered to him "He's our Alpha, he's authority is our everything, but you're safe with us no one will hurt you okay? ... You're safe with me"


Wownoo hesitated, he felt like escaping somewhere far away, his chest suddenly was closing in on him. He remembered the loud noises, the shattered glass, the screaming, the name calling and the way he was thrown against the wall and the floor whenever his master fancied. At those times, he had no escape but today, a hand was offered to him, someone was trying to take him away from all of it and that someone was Mingyu.

Wonwoo exhaled, extending his hand over to hold Mingyu's


And there it was, another overwhelming feeling. Just by holding his hand, he felt Mingyu's warmth, he felt ... safe.


Mingyu excused himself from the dining table taking Wonwoo with him by the hand but before they could leave Jeonghan asked


"Did you find Vernon?"

Mingyu would rather ignore him right now, he knew that the only reason he sent him to find Vernon was to get him out of the way so he could penetrate through Wonwoo's mind but he already snapped at the couple and it was useless opening the subject once again.


"He's with Seungkwan playing around in my Tree house" he scoffed "If they break it they fix it"

Mingyu said before walking away, Wonwoo had nothing to say, it wasn't his place to comment on anything he just trailed behind Mingyu as they walked outside, no destination in mind just ... aimlessly walking.



They sat by the lake, Mingyu still holding his hand too gently almost like he was made of glass and afraid he'll break it. Wonwoo felt the safest when he was with Mingyu, when they were alone. He's still getting used to everything and everyone else around him and he knew that it would be difficult and his life would never be the same again ... not that he had anything to lose anyway.


They sat on a bench facing the water while Mingyu's eyes still flashed that beautiful shade of blue "I can hear it you know?"


Wonwoo was a bit confused "Humm?"


"Your heart beating so fast" ... "When you're scared or anxious, it's linked to me and I can hear it"


Wownoo frowned he wasn't so sure how to respond to that "Because of the connection?"


Mingyu nodded


"I'm sorry" Wonwoo apologized immediately, he wasn't sure if he should apologize, it was his fault and Mingyu was hearing things, he was worried that it might a problem, he didn't want to bother him with anything


"Don't be sorry Wownoo, I just want you to feel safe" Mingyu confessed "When you're scared, when you're hurt? I can feel it too and it hurts me even more that you're feeling that way"


Wonwoo's eyes diverted to the floor, he couldn't really understand. All his life was nothing but series of terror, he was brought to his knees and was asked to feel fear and submit and Mingyu was asking him the opposite?


Their hands still intertwined and Mingyu held it tightly "You'll get used to it here, it's actually fun" he smiled trying to change the topic and Wonwoo nodded, he agreed. This place was nice and healing in so many ways.


"I'll start my training tomorrow" Mingyu broke the news




"I need to start understanding my Spirit, I can't even control it that well yet ... see?" He pointed over to his eyes glowing in blue "I should learn to discover it and use it properly"


"Will it take long?"


"Probably" Mingyu scoffed "Sometimes it takes years before finding out what one's spirit can actually do, or how strong it actually is"


"Does it hurt?" Wonwoo was worried


"I honestly hope not" Mingyu chuckled trying to hide the discomfort, his spirit was ignited for so long today and it's been draining him a little


"Spirits are like candles, once they're on, they give you light but they melt in the process and die out" ... "It's draining to keep it on for a long time and without even using it ... I just need to learn how to control it"


"Is it draining you right now?" Wownoo was a bit worried, he scanned Mingyu's face looking for any signs of discomfort but found none


"A little ... but I'll be fine don't worry about me"


Wonwoo smiled a little hearing that, he really worried about him. This connection must be working both ways because Wonwoo was definitely feeling something.


"What's blue for?" ... "I understand Jeonghan is like a doctor, but what's blue for?"


"Blue is water" ... "I loved the water since I was a little kid and it somehow speaks to me"


"Speaks to you?" Wownoo glanced over to where Mingyu was staring


"When my spirit is on I can hear it whispering, the first time I heard it whispering was the night I took you for a that swim" he chuckled remembering the night he submerged Wownoo in the lake's water to save him and Wownoo couldn't help but to blush and nod (check Chapter 4: LIVE)


"It's just too noisy, it's like the sounds of a million people talking at the same time, I try to hear what it's saying but I can't, it's just too much"


"Is it trying to tell you something?"


"Maybe I don't know, I think that would be part of the training soon"


Wonwoo smiled "You'll do great I'm sure"


"And I want you to take the time to get to know everyone and feel more comfortable okay?"


Wonwoo nodded "Okay"

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Chapter 44: Ahh I wonder what these spirits do.
Chapter 43: 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Chapter 42: Won Is taking to it so easy. I think he'll be able to help do much.
Chapter 41: My gawd. I swear I cry every chapter. But these are happy
Chapter 40: 💔💔💔💔
Chapter 38: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 36: Oh? Vernon??
Chapter 35: They had it so hard
Chapter 34: Why do they have to be adorable! Omg this poor couple