Ch 04

Savage Love
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04 | Confuse






Being not a gamer but a supporter of her sister, Jessica doesn't mind just standing from the side, watching Krystal listening to Yul attentively while the Im Tech Team is playing an online game. She's reminded by her college years when she's still studying for her nursing degree.


But as time passes, her eyes shifted to Yul. Their lunch was great. Although he was smiling and talking actively, there are times where he would sigh and gets quiet, which didn't miss her eyes. 


'Last night he was all jealous of Taeyeon. I wonder if it's the same thing.' She thought while sipping on her iced coffee. "Aish, what am I thinking? It wasn't good to meddle with someone's life." she knocks her head a few times and decided to walk out of the room. "Omo." and she spotted Tiffany, walking in the hallway, coming close towards her.


"Jessica? Nurse Jung?" Tiffany spotted her and immediately wave her hand brightly as she jogs towards her. "Why are you... Oh, are you visiting, Taeyeon?"


"No-no. I'm with my sister." Jessica explained frantically as she waves her hands. "She's a gamer and she wants to learn more with the company's E-Sports Team."


"Oooh... That's cool. You're a cool sister supporter her." smiled Tiffany and playfully hits her arm. "Is she inside?" and she noticed the door next to the young nurse.


"Y-yes. But I'm not allowed to go inside. What about you? You came for Taeyeon-ssi?" Jessica now understands the weird behavior from Yul earlier. He definitely saw her with the chairman.


"Yup. Proposed a project. Anyway, I should get going. My boss might fire me if I returned late." chuckled Tiffany softly, casually leaving the brunette woman while waving at her.


Jessica sighs as soon as Tiffany has left. She took another sip of her drink and decided to pay Taeyeon a visit to his office. She reached there in no time and find him sitting on his executive chair but is facing the glass wall. "Um, Taeyeon-ssi."


Upon hearing the voice, Taeyeon turned his chair around and immediately get up to approach Jessica. "What are you doing here?" It surprised him and happy at the same time to see her.


"I'm with my online gamer sister. She's with Yul right now to teach her. I mentioned about her, didn't I?" Jessica smiled cheerfully.


"Oh yeah, Krystal right?" Taeyeon gestures her to take a seat on the sofa.


"Yes. They're taking some time. So I thought of visiting you. Haven't here, either way." Jessica said simply as she looked around his office. It wasn't as big as she sees on dramas. 


"What coffee do you like?" Ask Taeyeon as he walks to his coffee maker nearby. 


"Brown coffee will do. Tiffany was here, wasn't she?" Jessica softly asks, teasingly smiling.


"You meet in the hallway?" Taeyeon asks back as he makes her coffee.


"I do. And it seemed something happened?"


Turning his head to smile giddily and nod his head, Taeyeon then returned his attention to the mug as his smile got even wider, cheeks slowly blushing. Even though Tiffany didn't say a thing about the kiss, it brought a tingling sensation in his chest. It was unexpected but only a couple of seconds but he felt it. He's on cloud 9 remembering the lingering kiss. And he saw how she also blushed.


"Yul. He saw her too I guess because..."




Jessica sighs. "He seems not fine seeing her yet Taeyeon. Well, it's almost just two months since they broke up. I could understand."


"He actually asks me earlier too. He wanted to know what happened between me and Tiffany but I refused to share. I don't think it's necessary when they're done, right?" Taeyeon took the mug and walk to Jessica, handing it to her before he took his seat on the sofa across her.


"That's a good decision. So he will stop from getting near her. He can't move on if he keeps thinking of her or seeing her." Jessica shares her thoughts. 


"They date years, that's understandable. Tiffany I think is moving on smoothly." Taeyeon smiled brightly.


"Chincha? How can you say so?" Jessica is happy to hear it and she got interested right away.


"She always smiles, jokes around, and even... Cooked for me." Shares Taeyeon, without missing a beat.


"Oooh... That really sounds good. She looks bright indeed when I saw her. You're doing good so far, Taeyeon-ah." 


"Thanks." Shyly Taeyeon smiled. "Oh since you're here now, can I ask what to prepare for a beach getaway?" But he can't miss the chance and grabs it.


Jessica furrows her eyebrows. "Who's going to the beach?"


"Tiffany and I." Taeyeon hastily took her phone out and shared the photo of the beach. "She has three days off and she wanted to unwind. I have stuff in mind already but I don't know what else should I prepare."


"Three days off? Why don't you guys go on camping? I mean after the beach. Camping is a great idea." Suggested Jessica after taking a sip of her coffee.


Taeyeon nodded his head as he finds the idea better than what he is thinking. "So what should I..."


"Buy a camping car. That's convenient for traveling. Don't forget a tent, folded chairs, thermos, griller..."


"Wait, I'll write it down." 


Jessica giggles as she finds Taeyeon like a kid running to his desk to get a pen and a paper and returned to take a seat next to her. "You can just type it in your phone. You're a chairman of a leading teach company yet you prefer that?" 


"Writing on a paper is still the coolest for me." Taeyeon explained as he wrote down the stuff Jessica has shared earlier. "What else?" And he's ready for more, flashing a grin to the young nurse.


Jessica chuckles and resumes suggesting more stuff.






After having lunch with his mother-in-law, Yoong found himself in a convenience store just in the neighborhood, having a canned beer and spicy rice cake. He still can't move on from what he heard even though they have a good lunch. He pretended to be okay in front of them but couldn't help and leave the house for a while, so he can sort it out.


With a couple of sips for the past fifteen minutes, he drinks the can of beer in one go and finished it just before he finished his rice cake.


"Can I take the seat next to you?" A young stranger asks softly which shifted his attention.


"Yeah, sure." And Yoong replied in an instant. He can't help and notice how she looks pretty and seems like a college student with a book on her arm.


"Thanks." The stranger pulled the chair and take her seat, smiling friendly at him. She has a cup of noodles and kimbap that she started eating.


Yoong on the other hand returned his attention to his food. He is casually having bites here and there while his eyes are outside, unconsciously enjoying the vehicles passing the convenience store.


"You're married?" Ask the stranger out of a sudden.


Yoong's eyes landed on his ring on his finger and smile as he nodded. "Yeah, I am."


"You look young to be married." The lady giggles. "How old are you?" 


"34." Replied Yoong in an instant. "You seemed a college student." He also mentioned as he glanced at her book.


"Yep. Psychology student. I'm on my last year." The lady also shares without missing a beat.


Nodding Yoong shifted back to his rice cake, finishing his last three rice cakes.


"Are you from this neighborhood?" The stranger curiously asks, taking back the attention of the young man to her as he nodded. She smiled when she realized his cute dimples. "I'm new to this place. From unit building 1040, how about you?"


"Just out there." Yoong decided not to tell as it sound like she wanted to know his place. And the fact that his wife is a celebrity, her privacy is more than important.


"I see. It's Yeonwoo by the way." She introduced herself, stretching her hand towards him.


Yoong smiled briefly. "Nice to meet you, Yeonwoo. I hope you love it here." As he only told her.


"You're not going to tell me your name, Oppa?" Yeonwoo was surprised by the response.


"It's Yoong." Said Yoong simply as he get up. "Enjoy your food." He slightly bows his head and casually leaves the store doesn't want to keep the conversation going. He doesn't know her either way and there's no more reason to stay after finishing the food. 

Putting back his hood to his head, he crossed the road and started jogging back home. But just before he reached home, he spotted his mother-in-law is outside with a cab waiting for her. 'So she's leaving early.' He smiled quietly as he watches her waving goodbye to his family.


As soon as she has entered the can and it drives away, he stepped out from his hiding spot and followed his family inside the house.

"Appa!" Cheered Seoyoung when she saw whose behind them.


Yoong smiled brightly. "Seoyoung!" And pointed at her playfully.


"Where were you?" Ask Seohyun as she stopped in her tracks.


"Just had some jogging. You know after lunch." Explained Yoong sweetly smiling as he peck on his wife's cheek and walk past them to get inside their home completely.


"Aigoo." Seohyun just casually followed inside and put her daughter down. "Seoyoung-ah, 30 minutes of play only, okay? Afternoon nap later." She told her daughter who nodded and runs to her toys in the middle of the living room. Fluffy was there to play with her again.


Following her husband upstairs, Seohyun finds him in front of his desktop, already working on some code. "Omma searched for you earlier. Why didn't you returned right away?" Ask her as she approached him.


"Chincha? I have to drop by a convenience store." Said Yoong without stirring his attention to the monitor.


Seohyun smiled and gently rubs Yoong's head. She leaned down and kissed his cheek before walking to the closet. 

Tilting his head to see his wife, Yoong opened his lips to share what he heard earlier but he closes it back as he changed his mind. 'It wasn't like it's a big deal.' He thought and returned his attention to the desktop.


"These clothes are becoming small for me." mumbles Seohyun while searching for a good pair of clothes to wear. 


"Hmm?" Yoong didn't get it and he turned.


"I gained weight, didn't I? I just realized my dresses are a bit tight for me now." Sighs Seohyun with a pout. "Result of not being busy after my movie releases." she added as she walks to the mirror and places the dress on her front. 


"Just wear pants and a blouse. Where are you planning to go?"


"Seoyoung's school leave a letter on her backpack, asking one parent to come to her school for a dinner meeting tonight." informed Seohyun while trying to see in the mirror if the white dress fits her still.


Yoong gets up and approaches her. "You're going?" he got a little surprise.


"Yup. It's to have a good relationship with the parents and the school as well."


"Okay." nodded Yoong in understanding. "So it's me and Seoyoung only tonight?"


"It's just an hour or two, I'm coming home early."


"Okay." Wrapping his arm around Seohyun's waist from behind, Yoong kissed her cheek and places his chin on her shoulder, smiling at her in the mirror.


"Wae?" Seohyun raised her eyebrows, gently caressing her husband's arm and his ring. Being back hug is one of the things she likes from her doe-eyed husband, which would always make her heart flutter. They've been married for four years, she feels like they're still newlyweds. 


"Nothing. You look gorgeous whatever you wear so don't mind impressing any parent there." Yoong softly replies. "Parents there wouldn't mind." he additionally says as he kissed his cheek affectionately again.


Seohyun nodded and slowly turns to wrap her arms around his neck. "What do you want to do during my three days off?" 


"Oh yeah, and that's Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Seoyoung has school." Yoong says hugging her back. "Why don't you unwind?"


"I was thinking of that but I'm thinking of our Seoyoung. Maybe a theme park?" Seohyun slightly pulled back to peck on Yoong's lips.


"Hmm, sounds good." said Yoong, returning the peck. They giggle and hug again as they started dancing to non-existence music. They're quiet, just feeling each other's warmth, enjoying every second of being in each other's arms as always. "How about a massage spa tomorrow while Seoyoung is in school?" until something comes to his mind.


Seohyun smiled and nodded. "Yeah, sounds good. I need it  either way." 


"Okay." Yoong excitedly responded.


Just then, the door opens and Seoyoungs comes running inside. "Appa!!! Omma!!!" 


"Wae? Wae? Wae?" Seohyun broke their hug as she lower herself to meet their daughter's eye-level.


"I'm sleepy." Seoyoung said letting out a huge yawn as she throws her arms on her shoulders.


"Aigoo." Yoong smiled sweetly as his wife takes their daughter to bed. "Come here, fluffy." while he picks their puppy and carries her outside.






A bouquet of flowers and a box of macaroons he's holding, Taeyeon's smile is from ear to ear while he's waiting in front of the building Tiffany is working. He did what he promised, he is an hour earlier.


While waiting, he is listening to some songs using wireless earphones. He keeps humming and tapping his leather shoe on the ground. 


As thirty minutes pass, employees and artists are starting to leave the building. There are a few especially ladies that he is attracting but he just ignored them and waits patiently. Soon Tiffany is seen walking out, waving at him immediately when she spotted him. He waves back with the flowers in his hand, smiling brightly in the process.


"And you came really early, aren't you?" Tiffany greeted him, taking the flowers right away from him and smell them. "What a beautiful greeting." she whispers as she momentarily closes her eyes.


"I'm making up tonight's dinner so I'm not bringing you home right away." Taeyeon said, opening the door from the passenger seat. 


"Really? Where?" Tiffany smirks briefly at him, stepping inside casually.


Taeyeon hastily went to the driver's seat after closing the door. "I can't tell yet." He told her, winking and gently drives them off.


"Okay." Nodding, Tiffany giggles, and hugs the flowers close to her chest. She always appreciates it when she receives flowers from someone.


"I have given the project to Director Kwon by the way and he is reviewing it. Maybe he'll have an answer tomorrow." Taeyeon said as he glances at the young manager. 


Tiffany nodded gently her head. "Okay. Looking forward, working with your company, Tae."


"I'm excited as well." 


"You saw Nurse Jung earlier too, right?"


Taeyeon instantly confirmed with a nod. "She visited me."


"It's been a while since the last time I've seen her." mumbles Tiffany. She isn't as friendly as the Im brothers but Jessica definitely is an interesting person to befriend.


"We meet a week ago. And I'm keeping in touch with her, to be honest." Taeyeon just casually shares, glancing at Tiffany with a brief smile.


"Chincha?" Tiffany didn't expect it as she looked at him in disbelief. The bright face of Taeyeon just proves he had really been keeping in touch with the nurse.


"You know just catching up and shares stuff that had been happening in our lives. I never thought she would not only be my nurse but rather a friend now. Oh, my brother, she's more talking with him over the phone."


Tiffany scoffs. "Looks like you guys are closer with her now than I have imagined." she turned her eyes on the road and pouted briefly.


"She's such a friendly person, not surprising." 


"Does Seohyun knows? She's a fan of hers." 


"Of course." Taeyeon chuckled and he saw that rolling of her eyes. "Why don't you call her too? You have her number."


"Yeah sure." Tiffany fake a smile. 'What will I call for?' As she quietly finds the idea awkward.


"Do you want me to turn on the radio?" suggests Taeyeon, feeling like she doesn't like the idea so he changes the topic.


"Yup, better." replied Tiffany as she smiled a little.


Taeyeon turned it on and a pop song immediately plays. Tiffany rolled the window down and began to enjoy the music and the wind. "Just a couple of minutes we are there." he told her softly but she doesn't seem to hear it. He just smiled and focus on the road.




"You rented the entire restaurant didn't you?" Tiffany stepped out of the car just to see a floating restaurant without customers and she's welcomed by violin and piano playing in the background. Petals are on the bridge that would lead to the restaurant. "Ugh, could have-"


"No, this place usually doesn't have a lot of customers. That's why they welcome their guests like this." explained Taeyeon. It's the restaurant Yoong suggested when he asks for a new place for a dinner date.




"Yup. So shall we?" Taeyeon offered her arm to her beautiful date who is just wearing a peach blouse and black slacks while he is in his business suit.


Tiffany shyly smiled as she holds his arm reluctantly. But she can't help and pinch his cheek. "Just a simple restaurant will do." she said while walking with him on the bridge.


"Nah, you deserve to be treated like a princess." says Taeyeon, flashing a charming smile.


"I'm not even a princess." Tiffany replied in a mutter, quietly scolding herself as she is reminded by actually kissing him just to see if Yul would react. She's guilty of doing that to him.


"You are, Tiffany. I think should be a queen."

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Chapter 42: Another end of a great story.

Thank you author.

Looking forward for your next stories.
CrissYoung #2
Chapter 42: Will there be a part 2?? Is it Chanyeol??
multistory #3
Chapter 42: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 sad conclusion..

Great suggestion to time skip 4 yrs to see what happens to the kids.. Miyoung + Yuljung falling for each other??
Katara_28 #4
Chapter 41: I really looking forward to see taeny interaction with the twins but time skip for 4 years so there goes my dreams 🙂. Still thanks author u continue writing this story till this chapter.
multistory #5
Chapter 41: Epic.. thanx for dragging this out with one more chapter..

The kids are adorable!!
multistory #6
Chapter 40: Hilarious...
1120 streak #7
Chapter 41: RIP to Yul's scalp and hair then 😂😂😂... In that four years did Yoong and Seohyun gave Seoyoung a sibling/siblings? Aww the twins are so cute... And lol Miyoung hates Yuljung just because he kissed her on their previous bday
multistory #8
Chapter 39: Pleasantly surprised I'm behind on my reading...

Awesome chapter.. sadly you're wrapping this up.
Katara_28 #9
Chapter 41: Awww so cute, but sad it will finish soon.
LlamaAmerica #10
Chapter 40: THE GIRLS ARE BACK!!!!! 🥹🫶🏻❤️