Ch 16

Savage Love
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16 | Upset






"I told you to just come, alone." Stephanie is not amused to see another person besides Yoong. But she let them in nonetheless. 


"Isn't it obvious? We came here to know the truth." Yuri responded bluntly. 


"What truth?" 


"The blurred image you sent." Yoong did not like her tone. He sends her glares and only chuckles.


"It's not me." Stephanie denied. "You are probably mistaken."


"What?" Yul took the doe-eyed's phone and showed the message. "That is obviously you, trying to get my friend."


"And it's only you who is disturbing me." Yoong got annoyed and raise his voice.


"I was just kidding, of course, I sent that. Then-"


"Don't play around, just show us the clear image." Yul interrupted, seriously. As someone who works in the IT world, he could immediately tell it's edited or not. So he wants to see it right away.


Stephanie laughs sarcastically. "You sound like you know your friend well, Yul."


"All I know is that you're trying to break my friend's family. And I trust him. So mind us sharing the photo? You want him to remember that night, right?" Yul didn't back down and reminds her, sharing brief stares with the doe-eyed.


Stephanie sighs. "You guys wait there." and she walks to her room to get her phone. She frustratingly hits the door behind her before she took her phone from the nightstand.


Yul looked around to make sure there's no hidden camera. And gladly he didn't see one.


"Thanks, Hyung." Yoong said, grateful and did not regret bringing him with him.


"Thank me later. We're not yet sure with the photo."


"I'm pretty sure it's fake."


"Hoping that, Yoong." Yul smiled briefly. "Because I don't want us to lose. And I don't want you to disappoint me." he patted his lap earning a nod from him.


"I'm confident that I won't waste your trust." Yoong said in determination. Although part of him has worries.


Stephanie returned with her phone and shared the photos casually with the two guys. "What can you say?" She smugly asks, crossing her arms and legs in front of them.


Yul and Yoong are both surprised and speechless. The photos are clear, Yoong is lying under the comforter, sleeping while Stephanie is smiling at the camera. And they seemed both underneath.


"I don't... really remember... this happened." Yoong is confused. How can a picture exist when he had no memories?  


"Your memories are right." Yul is convinced. "You drug him." As he claimed confidently to the young model.


"Yah, be careful with your words, Mr. Kwon. I can sue you by-"


"Obviously you take advantage." 


"Wait." Yoong suddenly remembers something on that night the more he looks at the photos. "I... I remember getting headaches after I drank the cola from the fridge after taking a shower. It was a couple of minutes when I felt that. Yeah, I did. Then I decided to just sleep on it and went to bed. There's a cola on the nightstand next to me, it's definitely what happened." then he sends her furious stares. "You really drug me... how dare you tell me something happened to us?" He can't control it and he shouted angrily.


Stephanie swallowed a heavy lump under . "Something... re-really happened. It's not only because of the photos."


"Then prove that to me!" Yoong sternly replied getting held by Yul on his forearm right away. "These photos are useless!" he remarks.


"Why are you doing this?" Yul questioned, couldn't process any reason for the young model to do it. The fact that she has a career to take care of.


Stephanie rolled her eyes. "I just like you, Yoong. That's all."


"So you're admitting-"


"But something really happened to us!" She insists firmly. "Take a look at the other photos there, you can see my daughter, she's your daughter." 


"You are crazy. No way really happened to us." Yoong claimed and take a look at the photos. There are a kid's photos indeed but he isn't convinced. "Run this, Hyung."


"What are you guys doing?" Stephanie got curious.


"Let's see if you're telling the truth." Yul said as he receives the photos from Stephanie's. Then he runs a background check through their app that lets them see information about a certain person. It is connected to the government's system but it takes a few minutes before a birth certification appeared on the screen. 


Yoong takes a closer look to make sure he is reading it right. The kid is Kim and her parents are biological. He stares back at Stephanie together with Yul, smirking at her.


"What?" Stephanie is confused.


"Just stop this nonsense. You're caught." Yul said, sharing the information with the pathetic model. "If you keep doing this, we're taking action. You might regret it."


"I can't agree more, Hyung." Seriously Yoong says, relieved that the truth is he never did anything with her. He can go back home tomorrow peacefully.


"Aish, leave now." Stephanie had nothing to say anymore. She gets up and walks to the door, opening it for them. "Leave before I call the security." she threatened.


Yul and Yoong complied not missing to smile smugly at her. As soon as they were out, Stephanie walks back to the sofa and scream frustratingly.


"I still have more plans, Im Yoong. You better watch out." She said fiercely. 






Tiffany laid her back on the bed with a sigh yet a smile broke on her face, reminded by the kiss she shared again with Taeyeon. They have kissed two times already giving butterflies to her stomach. Rolling over the bed from left to right, she squeals, and giggles and can feel her heartbeats are different. It's like it tells her something she really knows. And it's making her really happy.


Suddenly, she heard her phone ringing on top of the nightstand, she casually took it and enthusiastically answered her best friend.


"Seohyun-ah, what's up?"


[You guys got home safely, right?]


"Yes, after helping employees in Im Tech." She said and giggles. "And guess what-"


[It's good to hear. Um, can I share something?]


Tiffany pause for a couple of seconds. "Something's wrong?"


[Quiet. I don't know what's up but Yoong is not answering calls and the detective I hired to keep looking after them told me Yul and Yoong entered Stephanie's room. I told him not to hang out with her in the meantime to avoid scandals since the release of the photos of them online. Now he's doing this and with Yul. I don't want to think negatively but I'm worried.] Seohyun ended her little blabber with a heavy sigh.


"I understand your sentiments, I would feel the same too. But lets no worry too much, it's stressing you out instead. Let's wait for him to be the one explaining it rather than being like this okay? You might just waste some time. Also, it's past midnight Seo Joohyun, you should be in bed now."


[I know but it's really worrying me. How am I going to sleep? Aish, I'm worried and upset at the same time.]


"Since when did you last called him?"


[An hour ago.]


"What?" Tiffany gasp. "And you just called me now?"


[Because I can't sleep. You too though.]


"He's probably sleeping by now. Tsk. Go to bed, Seo Joohyun. Worry that tomorrow. He's going home, isn't he?"


[Yes, with Yul. Aren't you concerned too? I mean, Yul is with him.]


"I don't need to be concerned when I know they got each other's back. I believe nothing bad will happen. It should be Stephanie who should be concerned because two guys are inside her room." Tiffany chuckled as she finds it funny. "But I understand you coz it's your husband, in that kind of situation with a recent issue with the gal. Let's get some rest now, shall we? Nothing will happen if you keep worrying. It will only add wrinkles, don't you know that?" she playfully ended, wanting her best friend to relax and she's satisfied to listen to her giggles.


[What were you supposed to share earlier too though?]


Tiffany's smile broke even wider. "Two times, we already kissed twice." she shares, feeling her cheeks hot.


[Omo, Taeyeon Oppa?]


"Yes. And... right now, I'm feeling so happy. You know that feeling when your heart wants to explode? I feel like that. Actually been noticing everything. I just really love the way he takes care of me now, impressed me unconsciously, and kissing me like we're a couple. And I love it. It's totally different now than the previous weeks." says Tiffany, cupping her own cheek with her left palm and giggles. "Tae is making me really open up more on him too now." she can feel herself flutter by thinking and imagining of him only.


[Oh God, I'm so happy for you. You deserve him, Fany-ah. But you guys aren't a couple yet?]


"He told me not to rush it. So yeah, when that time comes, we'll definitely be a couple."


[Awww... I don't know what to say but you deserve to be happy, always.]


"Thanks, Hyun. I really love what's going on between us and I hope and pray it's going to continue as days pass."


[All good things will eventually come indeed if you experienced failure. I am excited for what's to come... well, I need to work on my family first. To make sure, good things will come to us as well.] Seohyun got quiet right after. 


"Yeah, I hope for you and your family, the same thing." Tiffany sighs. "Fighting!" And cheer on her best friend up.


[You too. I guess we need to rest now. Good night.]


"Mornight." Corrected Tiffany and ended the call herself. She let out another sigh, quite concerned for her best friend's current problem.






With the rain that has stopped, Taeyeon is excited to go to work after days off with Seoyoung. However, just as he finished preparing their breakfast, it started raining again.


"When will this stop?" Says Tiffany as she stood next to the young chairman, watching the rain from the glass wall in his apartment. "This is making me lazy." she added, pouting cutely as she tilts her head to her left.


Taeyeon faces her with the same pout. "Me too. But it's not that hard anymore compared to yesterday. Why are you still in pajamas?" But he exclaimed when he realized it.


Tiffany hits his chest playfully. "Don't exaggerate it, work stars in 2 hours." and walks away.


"But at least you don't need to shower after breakfast." Taeyeon believes it as he follows her to the dining table. 


"It's raining, a lot will even be late." However, Tiffany has a better response, taking a seat and quickly picking the spoon to have sipped on the soup, creating warmth in her stomach that feels like heaven. "Thanks, Tae. I should just really let you prepare breakfast for us." She giggles reminded of how bad a cook she is.


"It's just simple. Don't mention it." Softly Taeyeon replied, doing the same thing. A satisfied and proud smile formed on his lips. He especially had a sweet smile as he looks at Tiffany who had the same smiles as his. Waking up with Tiffany before his eyes are always the best feeling. He knew he will have a good day later.


"Here, have some more egg." Tiffany casually put it on his bowl and flashes her infamous eye-smiles. 


"You looked like you had a good sleep." said Taeyeon, taking a bite of his own food.


"How wouldn't I have? Last night was the best."


"Had a hard time falling asleep, to be honest."


Tiffany raises her eyebrows. "Wae?" 'Is it because of the kiss as well?' she quietly wishes.


"I was thinking of my brother who wasn't able to come home." Taeyeon shares sighing audibly. "He sent me a message last night that he going to Stephanie to clear things."


"Omo, he did?" Tiffany was a bit disappointed but he definitely understands it. 


"Yeah, because this model is telling him something happened between them and even shared an image. I haven't heard anything about it since last night." 


"So that's the reason. I bet, Yoong wanted to talk to Seohyun in person about it rather than on the phone." Tiffany was glad the older brother knows.


"Did he unconsciously worried his wife?" Taeyeon got concerned that instant. He wanted to tell Seohyun last night too but Yoong told him not to.


"He didn't answer her calls, of course, she will be worried. Anyway, let's eat more, this day is going to be tough because of the weather but I know we'll get through this, Mr. Chairman." A bright smile appeared once again on Tiffany's face, cheering the young man up in front of her. 


"You too." Taeyeon briefly smiles cheerfully back, putting kimchi on her bowl of rice. She giggles which causes him to flutter and blush a little on his cheeks.


The two got quiet for a couple of minutes until they heard a doorbell. 


"I got it." Tiffany doesn't know what to expect but she instinctively got up and jogs towards the door, checking the intercom first to see the delivery boy. "Did you order something?" she wonders.


"Nope." Came Taeyeon's instant loud response from the table.


Opening the door, Tiffany just realizes that there's a bouquet of flowers and chocolates. "Who sent it?"


"Mr. Im Taeyeon." The Delivery boy replied handing them to her. 


Tiffany is frozen for a couple of seconds before she looks down at the flowers and chocolates on top of it, bringing a giddy smile on her face and blush. She noticed a card and casually checks on it.


You've been the best partner for the past three days. And I am the happiest person.

I just want you to know that I treasure each second I spent with you.

- Taeyeon ♥


"Im Taeyeon, you romantic boy." She commented and holds the flowers close to her face to smell them. Her heart is happily beating, making her smile. 


Turning her body around, she returned to where she left off and sends suspicious glares towards the quiet young chairman who can't look at her. "Aish." she flicks her forehead earning a chuckle.


"You love it?"


"I absolutely love these." Tiffany repays the flick with a caress on his face while smiling sweetly at him.


Taeyeon took her hand and kiss it gently. "Thanks for coming to my life, Fany." he sincerely and softly says without unlocking the soft gazes that bring a bright atmosphere between them.


"Should be the one telling you that." Tiffany believes so. "Do you know that I had a hard time sleeping too?"




"I keep thinking of our kisses." She shared, looking down at their hands in the middle of the table rather as she can feel her cheeks heating up after she said it. "And the past days we've spent. It was all memorable for me." 


The response got Taeyeon's heart skips a beat and cheeks blushed. "Me too." He confesses can't resist and kiss her hands again earning giggles and before he forgot, his phone alarmed on the side. He immediately checks just to be reminded he has to go to the office earlier for an important meeting. "I'll finish this meal first. I'll see you later in the company." He automatically let go

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Chapter 42: Another end of a great story.

Thank you author.

Looking forward for your next stories.
CrissYoung #2
Chapter 42: Will there be a part 2?? Is it Chanyeol??
multistory #3
Chapter 42: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 sad conclusion..

Great suggestion to time skip 4 yrs to see what happens to the kids.. Miyoung + Yuljung falling for each other??
Katara_28 #4
Chapter 41: I really looking forward to see taeny interaction with the twins but time skip for 4 years so there goes my dreams 🙂. Still thanks author u continue writing this story till this chapter.
multistory #5
Chapter 41: Epic.. thanx for dragging this out with one more chapter..

The kids are adorable!!
multistory #6
Chapter 40: Hilarious...
1120 streak #7
Chapter 41: RIP to Yul's scalp and hair then 😂😂😂... In that four years did Yoong and Seohyun gave Seoyoung a sibling/siblings? Aww the twins are so cute... And lol Miyoung hates Yuljung just because he kissed her on their previous bday
multistory #8
Chapter 39: Pleasantly surprised I'm behind on my reading...

Awesome chapter.. sadly you're wrapping this up.
Katara_28 #9
Chapter 41: Awww so cute, but sad it will finish soon.
LlamaAmerica #10
Chapter 40: THE GIRLS ARE BACK!!!!! 🥹🫶🏻❤️