Ch 26

Savage Love
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26 | It's Over




The night got colder. But two brothers are still outside, lying on their backs on the ground, watching the stars. Both are quiet and only breathing can be heard. They felt cold but they felt colder inside. After the cries they did, it was hard to speak. It was hard to open up their hearts. 


Taeyeon however couldn't resist as he look at his younger brother, feeling so sorry. If he can only take his pain away easily.


"No matter what you do, always look after your younger brother."


That was the message their mother told him that caused another tear to drop. 'Why did I even think you're a burden to my life? You will always be my brother no matter how much I deny it... I'm... a bad brother.' He heaved a sigh, looking back to the sky. He failed to do that. It hurts so bad. 


"Don't come and see me again." Yoong finally broke his silence coldly as he slowly sits up.


"I won't." Taeyeon speaks. "I won't give up until you forgive me." He continued, sitting up as well, and looked at him even though he won't dare to face him. "I know what I did was wrong and I'm so sorry. If only I can take that pain easily, I have done it already. Yoong, you will always be my younger brother." and he reminded softly. "And brother's shouldn't be fighting."


Yoong scoffs, looking back at his older brother. His bruises and cut on his face cause him to chuckle. He is satisfied to see it. "Well, I don't think I will recognize you if you return." 


Taeyeon felt numb already to his face but when he left him, his heart, felt like going to stop beating from the pain. He heaved a sigh as he lays back on the ground again, and engulfed himself in the pain as tears streamed down. "What am I going to do Omma?" he sobs. "I'm losing him."




Seohyun and Tiffany both sigh at the same time, watching Yoong coaxing his daughter from the distance. Seoyoung was so scared of him earlier but was able to hold her after so many talks. 


"Where's Taeyeon Oppa?" ask Seohyun softly.


"In the emergency room, a nurse tending his cut and bruises." said Tiffany, shaking her head. Yoong got nothing besides the wounds on his hands. But Taeyeon looked like he will be a zombie. "I wonder if they had a talk?"


"I hope so, so Yoong can forgive him." Seohyun felt like it will take some time for her husband to forgive his brother. 


"Oh, by the way." Before she can forget, Tiffany took the passcard on her audition to her pocket and showed it to her best friend.


Seohyun furrows her eyebrows. "You auditioned?"


"Yup, and I just performed in front of audiences this morning." shared Tiffany, giddily smiling.


"Omo, that's awesome. So are you going to the competition?" 


"Not yet sure because I'm waiting for a call."


Seohyun nodded her head gently. "I see. But congrats!" she hits her arm gently. "Wasn't that your dream? To perform in front of an audience?"


"Yeah, feels surreal." Tiffany sighs. "But I'm positive I'm going in." she wiggles her eyebrows.


Seohyun smiled proudly. "I'm proud of you, Fany-ah."


"How about you? When are you going to discharge?" 


"I haven't had any word from the doctor. But my arm is getting better."


Tiffany nodded her head gently. "You better leave this place soon. We still have to catch up." she reminded.


"Ha, no need for that. It's pretty boring here, nothing interesting. You, you've been doing a lot of stuff." Seohyun is more curious about her friend she missed for a week.


"Sheesh, nothing interesting too besides this. Oh, Taeyeon's company. It was hacked a couple of days ago." Tiffany couldn't help and share when it crossed her mind.


"Chincha? Did he able to catch the culprit?" Seohyun got concerned.


Tiffany sighs. "Hard to track down a hacker but they have the face and profile now. And he coincidentally studied at the same University as Yoong." she took her phone out and opened her phone gallery to show the photo of the culprit.


"I... don't know about the guy." said Seohyun simply, glancing at her husband nearby in the garden. "But I'll ask him if he knows him. You know how IT world is so small for them."


"I think I should see Tae now. He's probably looking for me." Tiffany get up and smiled at her best friend. "See you when I have free time again." she couldn't promise to always visit her when she has unexpected schedules always.


"No worries." Seohyun understands as she flashes a brief smile. 


Tiffany waves her hand a little as she walks back inside the hospital. She had a glance at her friend one last time before she got into the elevator. Her phone suddenly rings and she took it out to check, but only to cancel the call and turn off her phone. She let out a heavy sigh, knowing the number exactly.


As she walked out of the lift, she was greeted by a busy hallway as the ER are receiving a lot of patients. She almost got bumped into the way. "What's happening?" she wonders and noticed most of the patients are students.


'A school bus accident.'


She heard the rescuer when it pass on her. 'That's horrible.' she thought and felt empathetic to the students. She subconsciously stopped on her walk and watch as the nurses and doctors are attending to the students. She was reminded of her accident back when she was in High School. It was during their field trip when the driver lost control of the bus and they crashed into a big tree. She was so scared along with the other kids but thankfully she wasn't badly hurt, as she only had wounds on her knees. It leaves a scar, however. The fear she had back then is still there and it made her heart heavy.     


"How's Yoong?"


She jumped in surprised upon hearing Taeyeon's voice next to her. "Yah, you surprised me."


"You were so into your thoughts." Taeyeon replied simply, tilting his head to witness the busy ER. "Oh."


"I should be the one asking you that. You seriously just allowed him to beat you." Tiffany can't help and hit his arm, sending glares at the same time Reaching for his face, she holds him in both palms. "But you still look handsome... you need to rest. Don't go to the office for a week." She's so concerned staring at his almost broken nose and those bruises. 


"It's what I deserve. I mean." Taeyeon couldn't continue as heaved a sigh.


"If it was another person Yoong beat, I think he'll be in prison. He's lucky you're not going to report this. Tsk."


"I felt his anger, love." Taeyeon took her hands from his face and holds them gently. "And his disappointments towards me. Aigoo, I'm his older brother indeed." he chuckled and gently guided her as they walked out of the hospital. "He got used to calling me whenever he needs help."


Tiffany smiled briefly as she give Taeyeon some gentle and comforting rub on his hand. "You're a good big brother as always. But love, at least you ask him to talk instead of beating you. It won't solve the problem." She advised.


Shaking his head, Taeyeon looked down at their hands and smile at her. "It will make him feel good. Now that he vented out everything, he will think of his actions and maybe, hopefully, will hear me out. But at least I apologize already." He's relieved now that he told his younger brother.


"That's good." Tiffany nodded. "But you really need a break. Your employees will definitely be horror by your face right now." She joke earning a laugh from her boyfriend. "Aigoo."




While soft jazz is playing in the background, Taeyeon made his way out of the bathroom wearing his bathrobe. It was difficult to shower not wincing in pain whenever the water touches his face but he was able to finish and felt more than refreshed. His lips pulled into a sweet smile when he finds Tiffany lying on the bed, already sleeping.


Pulling the cover, he climb to the bed and joined her. Tiffany's beautiful feature is out of this world that it made his heart soft. She's like an angel in disguise. He felt protective over her.


"Thank you for tonight." whispered him as he gently brush the little strands on her face behind her ear. He's glad she decided to stay or his night would be so gloomy thinking of his younger brother. 


Leaning in, he kissed her forehead affectionately and smile sweetly. Tiffany's eyes fluttered open and she smile when their eyes met.


"You smell better now." said Tiffany softly as she can smell his alluring perfume. Her eyes close again. "Have you taken your meds?" She reminded. The doctor gave him a prescription for painkillers and for his nose to heal fast.


"Not yet." Taeyeon replied, getting off the bed and heading to his desk where he place the box of meds.


Opening her eyes back, Tiffany slowly sits up and watches as her boyfriend took his meds. "I already told your secretary earlier, and she kind of... disagreed with me."


"Yes? Why?" Taeyeon returned to the bed.


"She said you got a lot of appointments next week." Shared Tiffany, snuggling close to Taeyeon when he laid back. She wraps one arm on his waist as her head is on his shoulder. "I argued a little telling her about what happened. That's when she agreed." She continued, proud that she was able to make Taeyeon get his leave that was for a week.


"Thanks Love. But She's probably so surprise." Taeyeon close his eyes as he felt drowsy already after taking the pills. Her head is throbbing again but not that bad anymore. He keeps his hand to Tiffany's wais as well, momentarily rubbing her comfortably. 


"She definitely is because her voice raise." Tiffany giggles. She sighs and got quiet. "Oh, by the way, Yoong earlier... I thought I heard it wrong but he told me to check on you and that I should take care of you as well. It was quick but I think he's concerned for you as well. Tsk, after beating you. But that actually means he cares for you even though he's mad." She looked to see Taeyeon's reaction but only to see his eyes close. "Are you awake?" 


Taeyeon didn't answer as he has gone to dreamland already. 


"Aigoo." Tiffany pulled herself a little to see her boyfriend's serene sleeping face. She smiled as she caresses his face affectionately. "Poor my love. You did well tonight. I love you." She softly says, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "Sleep well." She added, cuddling back to his arm. She close her eyes and just a few minutes later she followed him to his dreamland.




It's a quiet morning for Im-Seo family. Seohyun who is still on her hospital bed is being fed by her husband quietly while Seoyoung is eating on the couch, enjoying her fruits and porridge. They've been quiet for 30 minutes since they started eating. 


However, Seoyoung who finished her meal broke the silence.


"Omma, I'm done." She gets up and puts the plate on the coffee table and drinks her milk.


Seohyun and Yoong both smiled at their daughter who seems to be good doing on her own now. 


"Where are you going?" ask Yoong when Seoyoung suddenly rushed to the door that concerns him.


"To the nursery." Seoyoung just simply said and bowed before she leaves.


"Aigoo, she knows the hospital too well now."


"She's still upset of you, Yoong." Seohyun can't help and mention. The normally so noisy daughter of them is quiet when she woke up next to her father. Her daughter's mood is something she can't take seeing. "Did you apologize?" She knows he did but she wanted to ask still.


Yoong smiled sheepishly. "I did but she knows I'm upset with her Samchon that she doesn't want to accept my apology. Your daughter is smart, she wants me to apologize to her Samchon first before her." He chuckled lightly and sighs. 


"I'm quite upset of you too. But I understand, you couldn't control your emotions." said Seohyun softly, taking her husband's hand gently. "But please, hear him out. Talk to him."


"Let's not talk about him." Yoong pulled his hand off as he took the spoon again and was about to feed Seohyun when she held her wrist. He looked at her in the eyes, which immediately caused his heart to ache upon seeing her pleading eyes. "Tsk, just give me some time okay?" He got annoyed that his voice raise a little. "It still just hard to forgive what he did to me." He heaved a sigh, placing the spoon down to hold his wife's hand without unlocking their gazes. "But you know me, I don't hold grudges." His voice softened.


Seohyun smiled serenely as she nodded, rubbing her husband's hand with her thumb. "I trust you."


"Thank you." Yoong smiled briefly before he got up and took the tray to the bathroom.


Sighing, Seohyun leaned her back to her bed and close her eyes. If he's hurting, and so is her.




"Yah! I told you to stay!"


Krystal jumped in surprise upon hearing her sister's voice. She didn't wait for her as she continued to leave the house.


Jessica runs after her sister all the way out of the house but she stopped when she saw her sister is fast from pedalling her bike. "Aish!" She hissed in frustration. She told her sister last night to stay at home and do the chores at home since it's weekened. But Krystal is as stubborn as her grandma.


Walking back inside, she heard a ring from upstairs. She calmy just went upstairs and took her phone from her desk. "Babe, tell me if my sister will be in your company. She just freaking broke her promise."


[Did she promise you to stay at home and she didn't?]


"Yes." Jessica grumble as she took her seat on the edge of her bed. "That rascal won't change."


[Just let her for now. She will rebel more if you forbid her. I'll tell her later if she ever comes.]


"Aigoo, she's giving me headaches." Jessica complained, massaging her nape.


[Don't get too stressed. You'll get wrinkles early.] Yul joke as he chuckle.


Sighing, Jessica laid back on her bed. "I barely sleep... yet here she is. I feel like I'm her mother rather." She laughs softy.


[Just be patient. You know your parents can't look after your sister always.]


"Yeah. Thanks for reminding me." Sighs Jessica, closing her eyes as she continued to massage her forehead.


[Don't you have an early work today?]


"Nope, it's my day off."


[Omo, you didn't tell me!] Yul exclaimed earning laughter from his girlfriend.


"I told you last night but you were on the phone!" She laughs softly.


[I should visit you later then.]


"No need if you are busy." Jessica doesn't want to be the reason Yul will get some scolding especially from Taeyeon. "Focus on your work there." 


[Taeyeon is actually going to leave for a week.] Yul informed.


"Omo, why?"


[The secretary told me he's on sick leave. So yeah, I can procrastinate anytime.]


Jessica rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Procrastinating leads to regrets. Didn't you tell me there's a hacker in your company, monitor it while he's away." 


[Um, are you, my boss, now?]


Chuckling, Jessica sits up and smiles giddily. "Should I?" She imagined being the boss and Yul will be her employee, it's cute and adorable.  


[No way, you bant a lot if I do mistakes.] Yul joke as he laughs.


"Sheesh, I'm a good boss." Jessica laid back to her bed and sighs. 

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Chapter 42: Another end of a great story.

Thank you author.

Looking forward for your next stories.
CrissYoung #2
Chapter 42: Will there be a part 2?? Is it Chanyeol??
multistory #3
Chapter 42: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 sad conclusion..

Great suggestion to time skip 4 yrs to see what happens to the kids.. Miyoung + Yuljung falling for each other??
Katara_28 #4
Chapter 41: I really looking forward to see taeny interaction with the twins but time skip for 4 years so there goes my dreams 🙂. Still thanks author u continue writing this story till this chapter.
multistory #5
Chapter 41: Epic.. thanx for dragging this out with one more chapter..

The kids are adorable!!
multistory #6
Chapter 40: Hilarious...
1120 streak #7
Chapter 41: RIP to Yul's scalp and hair then 😂😂😂... In that four years did Yoong and Seohyun gave Seoyoung a sibling/siblings? Aww the twins are so cute... And lol Miyoung hates Yuljung just because he kissed her on their previous bday
multistory #8
Chapter 39: Pleasantly surprised I'm behind on my reading...

Awesome chapter.. sadly you're wrapping this up.
Katara_28 #9
Chapter 41: Awww so cute, but sad it will finish soon.
LlamaAmerica #10
Chapter 40: THE GIRLS ARE BACK!!!!! 🥹🫶🏻❤️